Good Day Sophia and Everyone!
Thank You for Your great efforts, because of Your United meditations, which was very strong along with other grouping with Lightworkers meditations on that same date We United were able to prevent any and all casualties during Super Bowl! There was an explosion in "hell's kitchen" also called Poseidon restaurant while Super Bowl was taking place. Click here. As we know this was a bomb which was detonated sooner than it was supposed to. Due to efforts of Light Followers and many Lightworkers casualties were avoided! People would go there after Super Bowl, and there would be casualties. We knew this was one of locations where it could happen, we were watching for this location, but main focus was on Super Bowl. Good Friend Dahboo7 found all the signs about this and connected them one cycle (day) before Click here. and here. and here. Now because they did this, that means we will now have two problems, one is Olympics and the other is a "counterfeit attack" on East side of U.S. This just showed they are capable of doing this one desperate attempt. We along with Followers of Light and Ancient Machines will look for it, so it won't take place, we will do our best to prevent it, but there is no 100% guarantee we will be able to. You can help us too by meditating for World Peace, Unity, Stability, Harmony and Unconditional Love among All Living and Non-Living things! The possibilities are, that nuclear or chemical or new type weaponry will be used. Right now there will be massive military "drills" on U.S. East side Click here. The possibility is very big that South Carolina would be the target. Remember this video? Lindsey Graham just mentioned Charleston and drills are taking place in South Carolina. They wouldn't target New York with mass destruction weaponry, unless there is "nothing to lose" for them. Click here. Also there are already some 60 fired officers within military (we are not sure with total number), most of them are connected with nuclear arsenal. Click here. They are being fired on ridiculous reasons. So it is something to keep in mind and consider. Like we know they are removing Good People from service, leaving only those that are easy to be controlled or that can go along with their evil agenda. Everything is Interconnected and if You can "crack the Code", You can see what is "planned" (or is possible) before it will take place. Like Good Friend was able to see this, Boston and Sandy Hook were happened by "themselves" because those People that done it were just "up to do it". The codings for events are encoded within the living Bioenergetic Field of this Planet and Universe Itself, and they can be "solved". It is the Code of the Universe that is getting all this, One itself "signs" for Everyone to see and prevent these things from happening, yet they by most part only possible, future is "in mist". Click here. This event at Super Bowl was the illuminati order's doing, so we all were at it preventing this atrocity. The shootings and bombings which are not connected with illuminati, we simply can't get a full hold on all of these and prevent them all together, we would get "nuts" if we would to watch over everything, but we still doing our best... We only know possible locations which are all on East side of U.S., two same quadrants within Charlotte-Norfolk and Pittsburgh-New York, You can include South Carolina's Charleston, or any other pre-coast location in South Carolina. Remember of all precautions, if You are living in these locations, when there is bright light or big explosion, be away from the windows as far as possible, somewhere behind concrete walls or in a basement, away from roofs and from higher floors (same applies to tornadoes accidents) and Most Important - don't have fear! Have Harmony and Unconditional Love in You Heart! My apologies for such unpleasant information, but we are having these mad people in government which right now are very afraid of losing everything they accumulated so far. With Much Peace and Unconditional Love to Everyone!
Also Thank You for Your coordinated efforts for making free energy technology, the price is a bit high You are requesting Good Friend Ray, maybe it is possible for You to reduce the price?
Manufacturing can wait. Necessity right now is spreading of this information. If Someone can make it, it would be very great, it will "one more point to Your basket", the knowledge of self powered machine will bring You benefit in every circumstance. Much Kudos to You Good Friend Ray, if Good Friends would agree on sharing their resources, then this may be an increase in pace of World Change. But remember Everyone, You don't have to share, I personally don't like when there is a talk about money in any way as these are the tools of control, I always doing by best to make things free at no cost. I made one quite effective magnetic rotor, I modify it from time to time getting more efficiency from it, but right now I cannot interact directly so this tech I will share later.. I will show some more effective and cheap versions in videos, share it and make it:) Click here. And here. (I guess it's the one Good Friend HopeGirl made) If You question magnetic rotation technology, how it is working, look at these two videos, copper + magnets (positive and negative assortment) are making a lot of energy which can be transformed into electricity Click here. And here. It is meant to be used with water or wind movement Click here. A cheap version Click here. And here. This is one variant of curing against cancer and possible fuel - salt water Click here. As always, possibilities are countless! With Much Love, Tranquility and Abundance! About the analogy (Click here) I think everything is said there, I don't know what to add, I too shared the same information with You about the demiurge and controllers of Humanity.
Everything is understandable in what Good Friend said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes, I know, there was reaction to "jew issue" on my message. Like we are as always expecting, whenever there is a talk about "jew" it is always negative. There will be found at least one individual that will say "we hate jews", calling it antisemitic and so on. Are You wondered why it is so, Sophia? I will explain what we know... I did not said without a reason that jews were selected as a "chosen nation" of this World, because it was so. Demiurge made this selection, which reptiles proposed. Their every encounter with "God" was the encounter with ET's, and in beginning Yahweh was considered not an "all loving God", but a bloodthirsty and merciless towards jewish enemies warrior being, and this god was adopted from other religions (jews are declining this). Especially this god "hated" canaanite nation (like they were hating). Only when Jerusalem was destroyed, they deposed this god and turned it into "all-loving god". You can search for this information. Jewish nation is having a lot in common with reptilians, language, deceptive nature and they can betray for their own profit. And like we studied it, it is seen in majority of jewish people around the World. There are good People among this nation, but when You need to trust something very sensitive, jews are the last nation You will want to do it. And again in their nation is playing the same demiurgic rule, that true knowledge is given only to few above, majority of this nation don't know all the details. U.S., UK and EU board are governments with most People connected with jews that have at least someone "jewish" in the bloodline. Occult societies and illuminati order are not accepting complete "gentiles" in their ranks. Masons do, but these "gentiles" will never be given all the knowledge. Yes and this issue in judaism, about "jews" and "gentiles" (that all the rest of the World), this creates a very big separation among Everyone in the World, and this makes "jews" to think of themselves as "a very special People of the World". We personally don't like this rule. They were hated exactly because of these many negativity about them throughout all the times and are still hated by most as they again want to rule this World. So they came up with some ideas how to get around this, they used christianity's wide prevalence in roman times to improve their image, as romans were hating them and they actually exiled them not one time from their cities as they were seeing their "arrogant and deceptive nature". So christianity was one of the main reasons why roman empire was destroyed. Many reasons played it's part in their downfall, this was one of them as we know it. And spread of Christianity did not stop after it's downfall, it only increased thus bringing dark ages to gentiles and golden ages to jews, as jews were considered higher than normal People, because of the bible. In time trust in them was lost, due to religion's promises not coming true. So jews by that time having tremendous wealth and knowledge decided to again "improve their image" and decided to cause a holocaust (means sacrifice) in ww2. This was a hoax war, the most hoaxed war we have ever seen, we don't want to remember it, because it was truly disgusting. The only "real player" in this war was japanese empire, which was tricked into attacking Pearl Harbor, yet it could have been prevented, only U.S. government wanted to be attacked to be involved in this war. And Japan's greed for land and wealth played it's part. After all the sacrifice of their own "jewish sheeple", how they were calling it, they were given a right to "recreate Israel". But at this time there were other People already living there, so to get their land back, they needed to "clean it out". U.S., and UK provided their most advanced weaponry of that time at almost no cost at all. And then, as You remember from main stream media Israel was attacked by all muslim countries around it, only it wasn't true, Israel was attacking all the time, and muslims were defending themselves. Muslims had old weaponry, which they couldn't use against the newest, being used by jews-zionists (zionism is the reclamation of Israel and destruction of all "gentiles" on this land). Click here. After this holocaust (sacrifice), jews were and are respected again, their image was improved and there are still christians, which thinks of jewish nation as "the most holiest of all", so whenever we speak about even word jew, it is always met with negativity. This is how all Humanity was mind programmed about all this issue, so that jews would be protected by All "brainwashed" People energetically and physically, and while protected they can carry on with their plans of world domination. They have "praise, glory and inspiration", so they just carry on. Remember few enlightened from them are behind the main illuminati teaching of world domination. If You are a jew, this is not meant that You are like them, no, they just use all this scheme to control even You. The israeli is the most lying government in the World, along with U.S. and UK, always listen carefully to what they are saying. You can at least consider all of this, if You don't want to believe in it. True, a plan Mocking Bird would be a great way to be used on U.S. and UK governments, this will have to be done by majority, much like Anonymous movement, remember from where it appeared? From movie V for Vendetta, so this can be repeated from Hunger Games as well;)
"i was wondering if you know about the plan to 'enlighten' the demiurge (and its 'friends')?" No, this one I hadn't heard, do You have one? It would be great Good Friend:) We GEs are only exposing the hidden reality within their Systems and hierarchy (I like how it was called "liararchy" from "why I'm no longer a lightworker" article) so it is influencing them All. "If the false god is so powerful, what then is a practical way to free oneself once and for-all?" Good Friend Axel, I answered on Your question in previous messages, You can search for them, they were written not so long ago in few messages. If You are saying about "getting demiurge off the existence" then this will have to be done physically. I think I should mention "the biggest secret of Creation" here. It is something which demiurge and Beings of Purity really don't want You to know. Channelers are never mentioning this like I heard (at least those that I heard). Ok this is secret is very simple and illuminati order and all that were in power for all history were using this secret and abusing it. Very obvious, yet most time ignored, it is "When You are in physical existence You can do anything, change anything how You like, be a manifestation of original Creator, influence Creation directly, with physicality, mind, Consciousness and Soul as well. And when You are Soul, You cannot do this, You cannot do anything You wish, You are being controlled, guided, You can enjoy being Soul doing unimaginable things, yet You can't influence Creation, Souls are not capable of doing this." This is how it was programmed, coded as we know it. One very interesting thing One gave to All the Beings is that last wish of every physical incarnation can be fulfilled. This is the wish before it is leaving the physical body. "GE, are you able to paint a picture of what will happen from the moment of justice onwards, and then at the end of the experiment ? What I have read is that those people who are ready will ascend. Others will enter "karmic loops" which will allow them to have a customised experience which will prepare them over lifetimes for ascension. I guess some others will go to hell. But if the demiurge & co are not running the experiment, will all this activity be managed by One's forces ? Or will all souls simply be returned to their planets of origin ? You mentioned that demiurge will not really be punished for what it did - what could it possibly do afterwards, after such a big experiment ? Wouldn't it be "bored to death" ? Will all of us one day become a demiurge to have the experience of running our own show ? Will we rule over galaxies etc which show the same cruelty to planetary beings and animals, that we see here ?" It is a lot of questions, I will try to give short answers Good Friend. Ascension since beginning was considering a "rapture" as we know and resurrection of all the People of the Earth that were living on this Planet. Though for Light Followers it is not possible, they don't have the necessary technology to resurrect all, Forces of One and Ancient Machines can do it. It will be overpopulation in that case. Forces of One can duplicate Souls and create 1 to 1 Souls. Rapture; in reality Light Followers planned to take only what they needed "the fruits" and discard all the rest by disintegrating their bodies, taking their souls and transforming them, thus ascending. The few that would be chosen would be tansformed into partial beings of light thus they are to "ascend". Another form of Ascension is the one through which demiurge and it's civilization came through. It is when their Souls were fused with physical existence, thus they can feed themselves with pure light energy and influence physical reality, which they are doing very greatly. For Humanity, time or tools will be required to ascend. A lot of time or good tools at hand, to fuse soul with physicality, thus becoming gamma organisms, the most highest. If You can transform Yourself now, You are most welcomed to do so! Yes if Light Followers will cease this experiment before given date, demiurge will still have control over Humanity's Souls, and it as a father, has right to it. If not, than it will be made mortal and physical and in this situation Humanity will return back to original Heaven and original cycle of life all it's devices from this System would be removed, Humanity will become Sovereign Civilization with it's own Destiny. You can become like demiurge someday only if You will want to. It is Your Free Will and Free Choice that guides You. Demiurge chose to become complete controller of Existence, You can choose any path in Your Existence, so it is what You choose will become so. ... Happy New Chinese Year! It was yesterday, a great asian celebration!
Now that no One is left behind, and We All are completely living in a New Cycle/Year We can start this transformation! Illuminati order has many evil schemes prepared for the World and these are "the end times", so it will be extremely tense and tight right now. This month can be the Moment of Justice, Light Followers can show themselves on Olympics or Super Bowl or both, this depends on two factors, one is their Free Will and other is the false flag attacks. They and we will look so everything would proceed without incidents. Your meditations will aid the World as well. Wish for Happiness, Love and Abundance! With Peace and Love! This is the second of what will be at least one more update in the next few days. Please check back.
~Sophia Good Day Sophia and Everyone! While Olympics are a major problem, there is also a danger on Super Bowl event as well. Illuminati order want to make lives of Humanity harder, they will do anything they can while they still exist and are in a final moments. We have a pressure on these two events, and U.S. government still wants to get to attack Syria. They are trying to find a way around the chemical weapons disarmament. China was calmed down a little and Africa's position is a little secured, Ukraine is still a bit hard to calm down. So Olympics, Super Bowl, Syria and Ukraine are the most problematic locations in the World right now. When meditating, You can direct Your Love, Light and Spiritual Harmony with Spiritual Friendship toward all that lives to these troubled locations. We sense that we are in a final moments, we have some time left from few earth's cycles (days) to months, until all will be done. If of course something will not drastically take the turn to other direction.. We would have problems in that situation, but if it will happen full exposure of "wizard behind the curtain" will be complete. We have our positions secured, so anywhere they will go will be met with "a merciless trap toward them". At this beginning of the second month of 2014, it is time to re-state the guidelines, which were outlined at the start of this blog/comment section. We have many new readers:
"At the request of several readers, and the suggestion of our Off World Contact, this comment section is now open. It is a place to comment on what has been shared. There are two rules : that all comments are made both 1. anonymously (use another name) and 2. respectfully. Other than that, consider this an open line. Violations of the rules will be removed. When making comments, please reference which date you are referring to so others can look back to the conversation and understand the whole picture." Ray Edwards has shared this, some good news and great ideas! -- "It appears that it will take about two to three hours to make the Hendershot power unit. It also appears that the steps are fairly simple. I believe I will organize a co-op of young out of work ambitious people to make these and share with each other the proceeds. It could spread very quickly across the planet. I think a good price would be $1,000.00 each. If I organize a production line and introduce automation gradually and lower the price as we progress, we can expand even more rapidly. Since Hendershot is long dead and his patent has expired, we can do it." -- "I would like to see "Operation Mockingbird". Is there any way of shaming our government for destroying freedom of the Press?" Here is a link to information on the Hendershot unit: Click here. The idea for "Operation Mockingbird" is a good one, any ideas? I would offer a page on this site or at least advertising to promote it if there is interest and a plan evolves. I love Ray's idea for a co-op that is mutually beneficial to everyone involved. I have seen Hope Girls video. The sooner we can develop and produce working models of free energy that are affordable, the sooner we are completely free. All efforts will get us there. Much love, Sophia |
The blog format is being used here as a place for comments on this Off World Conversation. The posts are from GE, Guardian/Executive, The Guardian of The Universe, unless marked Sophia.
This is a place to comment on what has been shared by GE. I ask that all comments be made 1. anonymously (use another name) and 2. respectfully. Other than that, consider this an open line. Violations of the rules will be removed. When making comments, please reference which date you are referring to so others can look back to the conversation and understand the whole picture. Archives
December 2019