The root cause of unhappiness is lack of love; lack of self-love. The way to take care of that is to take care of you. No one else can. Until you do, any other relationship will be icing on the cake. What is making up the cake called you? Are you allowing second-hand ingredients that have spoiled? What sorts of things contribute to you? You are in this dream and you cannot escape that. This is your focus. From here you move to the next dimension. What that looks like will be what that looks like. You are taking yourself there. Do you fully understand that the shift will not change who you are internally? The you that you are experiencing now is who will be there in the next dimension. A shift, a dimensional shift of an entire planet, will change the frequency within which your body exists – it will not change what is in your heart. You are here to progress through life – to come to a truth that can set you free and propel you forward. Agape. Loving who you are doesn’t mean always declaring or demanding what you want and settling for nothing less. There is no less or more; when you are fulfilled you stop expecting another to fill you up. You will never ask another to be or do something they don’t want to because the other is you. Relationships are a dance and at different times each of the partners takes the lead. Take turns giving in and you will find yourself enjoying the dance much more. You might even become a spectacular dancer.
To doubt is a false idea. Your divinity is not in question. Do you doubt the Creator? The Creator loves. The Creator is love, and experiences what love is through you and me and all of life. Your existence is a perfectly manifested idea, born from a desire to experience love. Each emotion is divine; every moment a singularly perfect expression of life. They require nothing. They are and that is enough. You require nothing – you are, and that is enough. To imagine yourself needing something in order to be worthy is a falsehood. You stand without requirement; the Creator accepts you where you stand. It is time to accept yourself. Remember always that the life you breathe into the pictures you are looking at is experienced in exactly the way you expect to – it is that sense of familiarity that defines your most often utilized colors. Repetition may be familiar, but it is not always comfortable. You can choose outside the “familiar”. It may feel a bit awkward yet if the emotion serves a life you are looking to lead, it is worth having. The strength of your moments cannot be underestimated. Each defines your days. A string of positive feelings create happiness. Every time. Happiness is your choice, as is sadness or worry. The world is not ending, it is beginning. Your life begins anew with each breath and every thought. Decide the life you’d like and breathe it in. Your exhalation will support your vision. You have come now to see beyond the illusion and manipulation that has been so much a part of this dimension. There is no such thing as false hope. That is a lie, perpetuated by those who would control you and have you believe otherwise. It is time now to believe yourself. This is a dynamic and fluctuating dance we are in. The times now are moving quickly and changing on a dime. Upheaval is inevitable. In order to see the new we have to stop looking at the old, and we are having trouble changing our viewpoint. That is true in every part of our lives. Hanging on to “what is” only creates more of it. If you would like to continue anything that is occurring for you, then dwell on it. Speak and think of it as often as possible and it will continue to be. There are habits of emotion that we become addicted to, even when it is clear they do not serve us. What is important here is realizing the long range effects of what we are saying and doing and thinking and feeling. Spending a few hours in fear, creates. Spending a few hours in love, creates. The choice is always ours. Everything we see is subjectively understood and felt. Everything. A rainy day means a much different thing to a farmer than a wedding planner. Passion at either end of the spectrum is a powerful force – it is the driving element in the events of your life. Attempt to sustain your power and positive focus. What do you see? What do you want? What do you expect? This is what will manifest. If your answers waver, then so will you’re your life. Life is created, it does not just happen. YOU put it there for yourself to experience. You are creating it all. There is always hope. In a world continuously created, all possibilities exist. The chance remains for any one event to occur. What will decide for you the “truth” of your life is only what you believe is happening. There is no truth separate from you. The “truth” you see is self-determined. It is that way for each of us. Believe only what serves you. We’ve been battered by a vision of less than; less than perfect, less than abundant, less than sovereign, less than joyful. This has taken its toll and we are tired. It does not have to any longer. You, right now, can love your life. You are a decision away from bliss. Love the possibility in each moment and see it all as opportunity. Whether you see yourself as scientific or artistic, we are all intrinsically creative. This day in front of you is going to look exactly as you see it - as YOU see it. There is no one else looking out of your eyes or feeling what is in your heart. It’s only you. It’s all you. The life you breathe into the space you occupy is experienced just the way you expect to. Expect bliss. We are in a field of rapidly fluctuating energy. We feel every shift. What becomes important for you now, is focus. Importance is relative. You have an intention for your life and as you walk, run and dance through your days the outcome of each effort will be determined by your vision. How do you see the next moment? A steady focus will bring clarity; what you see you will get. It is not the other way around. You are never seeing a fact. You are seeing what is being created; what has been seen and physically manifested with intent and attention. You are seeing the result of what you’ve thought about. In your life you will be led to see and interact with what has been created with your own imagination. Your imagination is your most powerful tool in the dream you are living. You’ll get what you think about. Focus on this ever changing field you are swimming in and you’ll experience it to a greater degree than your neighbor perhaps, who today is painting his kitchen. He is focused on four walls, precision of application and depth of color in one room, while you are feeling the energy in every room you occupy. Your attention to something makes it real for you and amplifies it. Your day and his feel very different today, yet no more valid or possible. You could switch places with your neighbor and be an equally effective painter. In fact, you most likely have. What is merging gradually for all of us now as we shift from polarity to unity consciousness are lines of possibility. They are getting fuzzy and the divisions we experience are understood to be more temporary choices than hard facts. We are not so different or separate as we have imagined ourselves to be. In fact, we are one. Your preferred focus today determines your day, as does mine. How do you see your day? Your life? Isolate that vision and it becomes clear how both are created. They are created by you. Life does not happen randomly. It is brought into focus with your hands firmly on the wheel, steering. It is not that sometimes you let go and someone else takes over. It is that sometimes your eyes get diverted, you become distracted or something shiny catches your attention. These days are amassed with distracting emotions, sensations, visions and events. They are all part of this landscape you are driving through. You’ll take whatever route you decide and it’s all okay. There is no best or only way to get there. There is your way and there is my way. We are all going to get there. Once clear on your destination, you can trust your internal GPS. As a fellow member of the ONE that we are, I know we’ll arrive together. I trust that regardless of what this moment or the next looks like or feels like - we’ll all show up. Intend love always. The brilliance that you are is astounding. You are the one WE are waiting for. When you think about this life you are participating in, you habitually compartmentalize it. You remember your “past”, deal with your “present” and plan for your “future”. This is part of the separation illusion that has been so prevalent in our collective consciousness. If you separate yourself now from whom you once were and from who you will be tomorrow, you can assign blame and regret. Both are necessary if we are to feel bad about ourselves. Right now, point at yesterday. Can you see it? Do you hear it? Where is that person who ticked you off? How about last week? Last month? Last year? They do not exist. All that you have is right now. You can bring yesterday into today with thought only. You cannot conjure up yesterday. It no longer exists for you. You may have heard “your point of power is in the present”. The spectrum of possibility for you – for your happiness, goals, health and vitality is right now. And right now. And right now. And right now. All that was done has been done; period. There is no need to analyze it or dissect every nuance or word. What that does is dredge it up, internally, into this moment now. Does it help you in this moment? Does it serve you to remember? Can you feel it when you remember? Yes, we all can. If it feels bad, your body reacts in a specific way – with heat or discomfort. Is that a helpful sensation right now? I suggest it is not. Let it go. You cannot do anything about your past. It is done. You can, however, do something about your present. Today you can create what you want with intention. Think, say and do what serves you NOW. It doesn’t matter what you did yesterday. It matters what you do right now. What do you want? Dreams of our future are helpful as they supply us with goals to reach for. As you define who you are, the picture of you will gradually be painted. It is not a stamped out, pre-formed shape that you are. No, you are a masterpiece – painted lovingly, gradually, seamlessly and intentionally by a master craftsman. The artist is you. Think about art. When you look at an exquisite piece, do you say “Well yeah, its okay now, but you should have seen what it looked like at first – you could barely tell what it was, the colors were horrendous and there was this giant blotch right in the center of it. That blotch was all you could see whenever you looked at it.” No, you marvel at the fine detail and perfect placement of each element. You appreciate real beauty. You are happy for the opportunity to enjoy it now, today. You are a masterpiece. Not a finished work hanging in a museum; a living, evolving, morphing being of indescribable beauty. You are not static and will never be finished. You are always in the process of becoming. And what is it that you are becoming? You are becoming MORE. More of what you are – divinity in human form. You do not need to examine your last brush strokes, you need to concentrate on the brush you are holding in your hands right now, choose a color and continue painting your masterpiece – today. By now you have come to know that creation is something you do. Thoughts, words, feelings and actions; all have creative power in our lives. It sounds so easy – just think about what you want and it will eventually manifest; the law of attraction. It is the thinking that is key, and what are you thinking? You are thinking constantly; this is why we sleep, to escape the incessant noise in our heads. To direct that noise is what we are looking to do. To master creation is to be aware of yourself, the one who is choosing the thoughts he or she thinks;to choose on purpose which thoughts support your desires and which thoughts “shoot yourself in the foot” and cause you to stumble. The secret and the thing to understand about thoughts, feelings and habits of emotion is that they are addictive. They are every bit as addictive as heroin, and depending on your goals, as destructive. I have recently seen one of my favorite addictions, sadness, for what it truly is – a habitual compulsion that I love. Now, my current mindset and goal is joy. Sadness sort of trips that up. Yesterday I watched myself inject numerous hits of sadness, too many to count. It was glorious! My tool was the radio, which is awash with songs of loss and longing. I loved it! Over and over I changed the channel, heard a new song and within seconds was deep into a recollection of lost love. I played out the love part and then re-lived the longing over and over again. I never ran out of songs, people, situations or memories of pain. I knew this did not serve my current perspective. I thought “No!” and changed stations, finding a more cheerful tune. Inevitably the next song evoked some painful memory and I was once again feeling that seductive hurt. Now these people I was remembering are either dead or from so far back in my past that they may as well be. I finally saw how crazy this was. My life today is actually saturated with love; this made no sense to me. I turned off the radio. I see now how deep my own addiction is. It trips me up constantly on my road to happiness. It sounds nuts, yet, there it is. What halts our progress is buried so deep we have trouble finding it. Yet the familiar feeling is instantly recognized. If you do not love your life right now, then chances are there is an addiction that is at cause. It is our human condition to feel bad about ourselves. We expect it and will actually think poorly of each other for appearing arrogant, full of ourselves or “holier than thou”. What’s with that anyway? Your feelings of low self worth are merely choices you have made from the options available to you at the time. There is no need to analyze them, just make new choices. These habits are addictive. Relentless awareness coupled with conscious choice is imperative. You are now looking for sustained happiness. These addictions no longer serve you. First you must recognize yours. They could be sad, angry, low self worth or just feeling bad about you. Once seen, which is huge, just watch how it is everywhere. Identify the tenacity of this emotion, and understand how much of a part it plays in your life; in your moment to moment decisions. Resolve to change and you will. Your life has no choice other than to do what it is you expect it to. You have begun now to go beneath the cosmetic changes and create long lasting joy. You are brave, brilliant and bound for glory. See it and fearlessly work for it. This is why you came. You are the one you are waiting for. I love you absolutely. This is not because you have done what I asked or said what I wanted or stood where I expected you to (on my side). This is because you are absolutely love. There are many ways you are acting – angry, happy, sick, healthy, young, old, fast, slow, lonely, and popular – there is just one thing that you are – you are love. Beneath the bravado and the tears, the beauty and the drama, what I see is light. it is blinding, brilliant and beautiful. Thank you for taking this trip with me and lighting the path so that I may find my way. In Lak’ech. The course of your evolution is determined by your tenacity, intention and choice – not by dimension. What is a dimension anyway? It’s a number - with a “D” next to it. It is a name for the field in which you reside. It is where you are focused and are currently “hanging out”. You, and the earth on which you sit, are in 3D. You know this. It is a label our scientists have given to what surrounds us; what can be seen with the naked eye. These same scientists know there is more – that life exists beyond what is available to our eyes right now. They calibrate with instruments and determine that there is more, much more. There are other places to be. These places exist as possibilities, alternate “realities”. It has been foretold that we as a race are headed to one of these other places. Together with our beloved earth, we are about to change the set on which we play. All sorts of wonders await us in this new dimension. Since actual reports are few, we are left to imagine the incredible. And then, we wait. Here’s the thing, we don’t have to. We are the ones who’ve created all of this life in 3D – it will be us who creates the next life in 4D, 5D and beyond. It is us. It has always been us and it is us right now. To wait for someone to show up in a spaceship or within a cloud is perhaps a massive misunderstanding of what is going on here. We have to, and in fact are right now, doing this ourselves. There may be others, and many of us have heard from them, but none of them plans to swoop in and magically heal us, stop the wars and the manipulation and save the planet. It is up to us. The transformation of this world is sort of like the transformation of us individually – it takes action and intent. Persistence and planning are both necessary...together. Not to reject and replace what is here, but to incorporate a new vision into what we have right now, lovingly and with resolve. The magic is us. It has been this way always. We are hooked on this wonderful notion that either God or the Galactics are going to change everything while we sit back and observe. Nothing could be further from the truth. You, me and all of us are going to do this. It is time to step things up a bit - to accept responsibility for this “ascension to amazing”. See it now. Hold the vision always. Choose something you feel capable of and start there. It could be anything – your shoes, your room, your car, your love life. Visualize it as you would imagine it’ll be in the next dimension. Are your shoes shiny? Is your room clean and really cool? How about your car? Are you loved absolutely? See these things and believe in their possibility. Do not hope that they are true – believe that they are true – and then set about making them so. When an alternate thought enters your mind, lovingly let it go. Remind yourself that you don’t do that any longer – your shoes are always shiny now and you are surrounded in love. Then, and here is maybe the most important part, gently hug yourself and walk away – in your shiny shoes, get in your clean car and drive to your beautiful room where your love is waiting. This is you in the next dimension, this is you NOW. YOU are the only thing you can be absolutely certain you’ll be taking with you on this shift. Take the best, most powerful you there is. Utilize the tools you have right now and create the life, the world, you imagine. Do whatever you can; shine your shoes, paint your room, visualize your smiling face, love yourself. I suspect the wonders that await us are beyond my imagination currently. I believe we are the force propelling this shift and until we accept and use our power to do so, progress is halted. It isn’t up to anyone else. It is up to you. Start small, start big, but start. Not because you hate your life but because you love it and you see the possibilities. You are on the edge of amazing. It is time to step off. You are the one you are waiting for. As you move through your days, there is an undercurrent of tension. Depending on where you are and who you are, you will label this as illness, anxiety, anger, nervousness or excitement. Its source remains undefined. It is the energy of unity, individually experienced. Together, you are experiencing a change, a shift in how your world is seen and felt. You are realizing your truth; we are one. You are individually impacting the whole. Each of us is. There is the ripple in the pond effect in every moment. As the energy changes and things move more quickly, the net result of each action taken by you is felt further and faster than ever. This has always been, yet what is different now is our awareness of it as it occurs. You can see your emotions trickle out beyond where you stand. One anxious person in a home and the entire family visibly reacts. In the most effective and satisfying moments, you are clear on your emotions and from where they spring. Our most immediate responsibility in these shifting times is self awareness. Understand that we are one; who you are effects the whole of us. You may focus on a specific person or event yet they are merely signposts – what you experience is a reflection of your internal struggle. This may not be news you want to hear, yet it is truth. The world you see is subjective. It is seen from your eyes, felt with your heart and hands, heard through your ears. The life you live is defined by you and this definition is the only one that matters. You are a physical manifestation of love, an expression of divinity; form created from one thought – love. You are uniquely suited to every situation you find yourself in – if only because you got yourself there. Nothing is without purpose and the only one who can discover the purpose of your moments is you. There is no one who knows you like you do. Without judgment – come to see the breadth of experience your life is. Do not fear any emotion. All is included; joy, excitement, sadness, pain. You have chosen this. Insight is available always, yet it requires fearless scrutiny. No one is judging you more harshly than you. Give that up. Don’t let fear prevent you from seeing what is true. We have spent enough time now with blame and accusations. Resolve to spend the effort of emotion productively. It is okay to stumble a bit; that is how you learn to get up and stay up. Despising your actions, hating yourself or any form of self abuse does not serve you. Decide to be free of blame and self defeating thought. Gently, lovingly see who you have been and decide otherwise if he/she is not who you now are. You can choose how you feel, and by doing so, create your world consciously. It is your most powerful means to do so and in fact the only tool you have complete control of. It is time to understand deeply all that you are capable of. In Lak’ech. |
April 2024