We’ve realized the final moments of our journey. Whether or not you are aware of it, our Quest is one the entire world is on. We are moving out of slavery systems and slavery thought processes. We are stepping into truth. This is the next dimension and the Shift we’ve waited for. For your power has prevailed and led you ever forward. You have succeeded without holding any weapons. In fact, you’ve often been at the receiving end of their fire. Yet, you are here now, BEing. The power in your DOing has created this Shift. Have you felt it? It happens mostly subtly; sometimes out loud. Love has fortified your heart; in the darkest moments it has held you. You have never forgotten your truth. You are beholden to none and you hold none. Free will is the only rule. Responsibility is key. Each of us takes it on full for every action – call it blame or call it credit; it belongs to you alone. Agape is the game now. Self love. Not at the expense of another, for there can be no expense in love. Love is free. No, yet in concert with the “other”. For all this time, when you imagined you were hurting your lover or your parents or your brother – the one you were hurting was you. All this time you’ve blamed your wife or your father or your friend for not loving you enough – it was you not loving you enough. Do you get it? Can you see it? In December of 2012, the world did change and the possibility for full awareness and truth opened up. It was a game we all played – blame, judgment, hatred, doubt – so that when the moment came we’d notice the contrast and Shift. That moment has arrived and we can see now the truth. None of us are victims – we are players. It is time for the good part. Accept yourself. Accept each other. Thank the “other” for their participation; convincing and well played. Hug yourself and know that you are okay. You can focus now on truth. In absolute honesty this life is but a brief moment of your eternal Quest. You can choose now to write the part for its remainder. Who do you wish to BE? You are pure gold – 100% solid love. The energy of Source runs through you. How will you spend it? You do not need value added to be worthy or to move forward. You have already proven who you BE. Feel the truth of your worth. It may bring you to your knees in wonder and gratitude; yet not shame or remorse or sorrow. All is done, forgiven and over. Today is a new Quest. You’ve reached Agape. You see what it means to love yourself. With your head up and your shackles removed – look for the light. You will notice it now – its reach expands with each expression of truth. Loving yourself means loving the world – we are One. Let that sink in and revel in this feast of Agape! We are the One we’ve been waiting for. I love you so very much. ~Sophia Our next Quest will be in April. See you then!
It is our third day and we are in it now. As we navigate the journey we notice obstacles. There are many ways to get there, all leading home. How will we know when we arrive? I once heard Barry Neil Kaufman (The Option Institute, author of “Son Rise”) describe what it was like to be in a love relationship that was both intimate and equal. He said (and I paraphrase) “Being with Samahria is like being alone. I never worry about what I am saying or not saying, doing or not doing. I just Am.” I’ve thought about that ever since, it seemed such an odd response. He didn’t say “She completes me” or “She’s the best thing that ever happened to me”. He didn’t put her in any place above or below himself. In fact, he seemed to be saying it didn’t matter if she was in the room or not. Yet if you saw them together, you would recognize a deep and mutual love. This is absolute freedom. All have equal value here. This place has no owners. There are collaborators here. Partners. Co-creators. Teams of equals. Humans BEing. There are no Humans Owning. There are no Humans Owing. Debt is non-existent. In relationship to each other, we negotiate and agree or not; all the while respecting the worth of each other. We do not withhold for personal gain, to hold the advantage, the upper hand, or more. More of WHAT? All are ONE. Wrap your head around ONE. What are you holding on to that separates? What false notions of slavery and ownership are you stuck on? What is blocking your personal path? What boulder are you looking at? Consider them now; we are on a Quest for Agape. Absolute Freedom. Unconditional Love. We all arrive unencumbered. To Love unconditionally is to simply BE. Wherever you are. The burden of ownership is invented. It has inhibited, contained and controlled you. It implies the false notion that you control the life force of another. This is never true. All are One. The force of Life that runs through everything springs from One Source. This Force courses through all that you see. People, animals, plants, earth, water, minerals, sky – are alive and intelligent and absolute. We may play together, sharing time, space and responsibilities. Yet at no time in our game do we stop being free. Even the best actors at some point take off their costuming, let down their hair and relax. Deep in our Quest now, we see ownership for what it really is; a burden. Ownership promises control and safety and power. Ownership is a lie. You can use each other, play with each other and always, always love each other. What you will never do is own each other. If someone believes they are indebted to another person/corporation or owned by another person/corporation, they are enslaved by their own belief - they are not enslaved by the “other”. There is no “other”. There is only One. You are not powerful because of what or who you “have”. You are powerful. You are not worth more or less because of a bank account or a marriage license or a title. You are worthy. Let go of illusory things that seem to be holding you together. Know that you are enough. You stand without requirement. So does everyone and everything else. You are perfect. Period. End of story. Breathe. Feel the fullness of your BEing. Love without explanation or the burden of control. Love with wild abandon. Love all of the players in this game. It is a grand, surprising and enthralling party. Let go and love every BEing in attendance. We are all here on purpose – as One. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow. ~Sophia This video is powerful. It reflects on the power of loving yourself just as you are. We are on our journey, discovering what it is to love. It is not what you’ve been told. Words like sacrifice, selfless and obey have managed to crawl into the same sentence with love, honor and cherish. They are interlopers, planted there to infuse the field with doubt, debt, fear and worth. Love is a field of wildflowers. It self generates and spreads with random abandon, knowing no boundaries, borders or requirements. Love simply is. Love is what you are. You came here to be part of a grand experiment. In it, you’ve been surrounded, since birth, with falsehoods and half truths. They have told you there are things you must do, rules you must follow, ways you must look, amounts you must have, words you must say, groups you must be a part of and attitudes you must adopt in order to be worthy of anything desirable. Love, prosperity, expansion and joy were properties of the rich and elite; or so you were told. You were taught the concept of work, which in itself is neither good nor bad. Yet what you also learned was that work was necessary in order to “deserve” anything positive. All the while, you watched a small faction of the population who seemed to follow none of these teachings – yet spent lifetimes enjoying both wealth and play. It was not a fair world – on purpose. This experiment has come to a screeching halt, the results are in. The official report is yet to be released; yet preliminary findings tell an interesting story. Despite every effort and manipulation both on and off world to completely enslave the human, we have declared ourselves free. In each generation there have been the outliers, the misfits and the rebels – none of whom would succumb. Like the wildflowers, this field of humanity has continued to populate itself with relentless beauty and unstoppable passion. Humans BEing have consistently, through every age, declared their sovereignty. A surprise to the controllers, yet not to us, is that despite all efforts – we love. For love is the force of creation. At the instant of our arrival, conception, there is passion unleashed and unable to be inhibited. Does it surprise you that the most exhilarating, satisfying and thrilling moments of your life were those in which you felt free? Passion is how you began – it is who you are. Passion is the one thing that has been harvested and controlled. Religions, wars, laws and enslavement all work at controlling and manipulating your emotions systematically. That way they can be used as sustenance in a predictable fashion. Yet you, a wondrous Human BEing, have loved anyway with reckless abandon. You’ve loved when you wanted to, who you wanted to and how you wanted to. Now that the experiment is over you can love yourself the same way. Realize that conditions of worth are lies – you are unconditionally worthy of love. Without restriction – adore who you are. Care for each part as you would a newborn. Gently caress, lovingly engage and joyfully embrace each facet that makes you – you! You are perfection. There is nothing to give up in order to get agape. Agape is your birthright. Love is truth. You have come to shine your light on all those dark places we’ve been focused – to point the way to freedom. It is your brilliance that broke through every attempt at ownership. Remember who you are. You are the One we’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia Welcome to the Quest! In truth, although we talk about it for just one week each month, it is ongoing. Life is the Ultimate Quest. There is so much to look at that I am not sure where to focus. Personally and globally we are being asked to declare what we know and who we are. There is only Truth. It rests in two words. I am. Embracing truth is another thing altogether. Whether you are aware of it consciously or not, you are, with each decision, choosing. We’ve heard about this next dimension. With our own set of beliefs and expectations, we each began this transformational year. It has been just two months since our ascension experience. We are firmly and absolutely in the next dimension. What it feels like is up to you. Contrast is everywhere. As One, we experience individual lives. On these monthly journeys we’ve explored love. Love is Truth. Love is Freedom. Love is us. What does that even mean? This is the year we are going to find that out. “Walk your Talk.” How do you “walk” Love? Most mornings you’ll find me at a local school where my son studies jazz. There is a blind young man there each day; walking the neighborhood with an aide and a cane. I’ve watched him for six months now. At first the aide was right next to him with hands on and verbal instructions. Today, she’s several paces behind not saying much. He is leading the way with a huge smile on his face. One day he’ll walk on his own. Freedom. In order to walk the Truth, we will need to give up our personal aide. What is your slavery/ownership crutch? Until you are willing to drop it, you are not free. This is a process. A year ago, we didn’t remember the truth of our BEing. We have a lifetime entrenched in laws and debt and ownership and rules and shoulds and shouldn’ts. We are, right this very moment, defining what Love looks like as it walks around in this new dimension. What do you have to let go of? To feel the fullness of Agape you must stand unencumbered. It is a scary thing, to realize you walk alone here. Yet, this is a physical incarnation. The journey you are on now began with your first breath and will end with your last. No other being does that for you. It is you, all you, nothing but you. Who are you? You are a spark of eternity, birthed from Source. You are equal in every way to kings and criminals, popes and prophets, beggars and beauty queens. Anything written or spoken that claims ownership or control over you is illusion. All are One. There is no hierarchy of worth. As we begin this month, consider the “ties that bind”. Whether they be rings, contracts, numbers, debt or laws does not matter – they signify ownership at some level. You are an eternal bit of Love, unable to be bound. You have pretended, in a game of slavery, to be less. You are so much more than you know. Realize that as you consider letting go of things, rings, rules and obligations – you are not changed. You will always honor the truth of your BEing. You cannot help but BE. No, you will not change, yet you will BEcome the fullness of who you are; a fascinating, individual, indescribable and gorgeous bit of Love. Like the caterpillar, you have built around yourself a cocoon, holding you in one place so that all of your focus could rest on what you came to do – transform. It is time to fly. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia If you listen, and direct the lyrics to whatever bond is still holding you down; whether it be a relationship, a contract, an attitude, a belief, a habit or a debt - this song is about empowerment. This months Quest is about release and our subsequent flight!
It’s Valentines Day. A day for love. How much do you have? For life is asking of you – everything. This is not a time for withholding. Offer up your best. Do you know why you are here at this specific time in Earth’s history? It is your light. Your capacity to love. You ability to forgive. That’s what got you here. There needed reasons for the increase to be necessary – “others”. Corrupt, confused, violent, abusive and fraudulent institutions along with beings to run them are seemingly everywhere. We don’t have to look far for someone or something to hate. Resist the urge. Love the one you blame. What you’ll discover is that by freeing them of “fault”, you in fact free yourself. The chains of judgment are locked firmly around your own heart. Watch what happens when they are unlocked. You see, freedom doesn’t really start when an “other” grants it to you. Freedom begins when you set yourself free. You do that with unrestrained and unconditional love. It’s all okay. You can love him. You can love her. You can love them. You can love this. You can love that. You can love you. Honor the sacred. Refuse to divide. There are none more or less deserving. All are One. You. Me. The cabal. The judge. The politician. The minister. The banker. The rock star. The protester. The gunman. The policeman. The unfaithful partner. The gold. The silver. The money. The president. The pope. All of us equal. All of us One. What is sacred is everywhere. What is sacred is us. We are the One’s we’ve been waiting for. I love you. ~Sophia The love we are searching for is not actually lost. It is, like many other things have been, hidden. We’ll have to understand what it is we are looking for, so that we may recognize it. This love of self is indestructible. It cannot be dampened or diminished with falsehoods once it is realized. The holder of this love is reading these words. It does not come from another. It comes from you. You arrived with agape. You spent hours observing and moving every toe and finger, marveling at their beauty. Your days were absorbed with discovering new ways to enjoy everything about yourself. Your self worth was fully in tact. It took a planned and constant effort and a lifetime of manipulation to convince you that you were less than magnificent. Agape is truth. It is not something that you do. It is that which you are. You cannot see agape. It is what you know. Sometimes you look at a rock and it has a million dollar price tag. Sometimes you look at a rock and it appears to be worthless. Yet both are diamonds, with the same core. We cannot see agape, it must be known. Agape is not thinking “I look good today”. It is knowing – “I AM good.” There is no one better. Self esteem is holding yourself in the highest esteem; looking up to yourself as a being of value, someone to emulate, someone to honor and respect. You have everything that is required. You have the components of miraculous. You are here because of your divine wonder, your sacred parts and the one of a kind gift that is you. If you don’t remember yet what this means – ask. Deep within you’ll find the answers. It is not that they don’t exist. It is that you were never told. It is time for you to know – you have come to show the way. Trust that you will remember. You have all that you will ever need. You are here because there is none other who can supply what you have. You have arrived with a heart full of agape. Yet, like discovering a twenty in the pocket of an old pair of jeans, it was useless until it was once again found. Our Quest has discovered your agape. It is up to you to decide how to use it. Remember your joy and wonder at even your most basic components – your fingers and toes. It is that fascination we return to with agape. You are unique, magnificent beings in marvelous bodies that think and speak and move and sing and dance. Allow yourself to be amazed – for Source is eternally entertained, fascinated and thrilled by your every moment. Open the gift of agape. Remember to love without inhibition. Return to unrestrained enthusiasm about life. You are here! We are meant to live in bliss and with agape remembered, we will. It is an honor to share this moment with you. Thank you for taking this journey with me. We did it. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for! With love, ~Sophia This is a Quest for truth. Truth simply is. You are love. This you have heard many times. This Quest seeks understanding. We are looking to realize truth within. Agape is unconditional self love. We are headed for love without requirement. Using the word unconditional to further define love is sort of like using the word feline to further define cat. Love is unconditional. If your feelings change because conditions do, then what you thought was love – wasn’t. We love each other. Sometimes the connection of love is physical, sometimes it’s emotional, sometimes it is mental and other times spiritual. It’s not all or nothing; it may very well manifest as only one expression in this 3D life. You may be wildly aroused by each other physically and have not much to talk about. That does not invalidate the love connection. You may share a deeply transformative spiritual moment with someone with whom you have nothing else in common. One or more than one expression of love connection can be present in any relationship, and none of them invalidate each other. In a general sense, we all love each other. Love is what we are and what we do. In a specific sense, we choose our partners in business, romance and friendship according to where and how strongly that love connection is expressed. There is no quantifier for love; it is not more here and less there. It is merely expressed differently, and felt in varying degrees, places and ways. I love you. I do not love you less because I can’t see you. Heartache arises when we were hoping for absolute connection on all fronts and thought we’d found it. Relationships, with or without deep connections, are agreements. They begin, continue, and at some point, end. Both parties have to want to play. Our Quest is about the most intimate relationship you’ll ever have. This connection is guaranteed to be physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. When you awaken to the love of self, there are no disappointments. No unmet expectations. No surprises. No secrets. No change of heart. Within you is the best friend you long for, the lover you dream of, the wise teacher you seek and the most fun playmate ever. Once you discover agape, you’ll find deep satisfaction in all relationships. No longer will you be looking for them to be anything specific or to fill any unmet need – they can simply BE whatever it is they are. You will BE also – without judgment or requirement. Freedom feels like this. Our Quest is for nothing less. Understand that the physical manifestation of our freedom being expressed in the world right now, the OPPT (One People’s Public Trust), is doing so because of us. Our world will always be the physical expression of who we are within. No longer are we slaves to judgment and obedience and requirement and debt of any kind. We are realizing agape. There is no one who can take this journey for you and we are taking it as ONE. Some of us are focused on how love is expressed in institutions, others of us on how it is felt within. Yet it is all One and the Global Manifestation of One is Freedom. Freedom is synonymous with love, regardless of expression. Our most jubilant moments have happened in utter abandon. This is where our Quest is headed. Once we arrive, our entire world will out play our joy and self love becomes One Universal Expression of Agape! It promises to be exquisite and incredible and beyond what we’ve ever experienced. This is why we are here. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia Song fills the air: “Let me love you, until you learn to love yourself…” Suitable background for our Quest; life can’t help but present for us the perfect amplifier of our deepest beliefs. More than halfway now on our journey for acceptance, we face the obstacle that waits for us all – doubt. It exists in seven billion forms, each the same at their core – fear. What is our deepest fear? That we are not good enough. In some imagined way, we come up short. Our aim is fearlessness. What would you do today if you were fearless? What would you wear? How would you prioritize? What would your answers be? How far would your imagination take you? Where would you go? For that is the life that awaits you. As we proceed, and “get” that we are good enough, thoughts emerge. Thoughts of greatness, success, love, beauty, joy. These ideas feel good. That is the point. Nothing is more important than that you feel good. Your feelings tell you what it is you are in the midst of creating. They are your happiness signal; your success indicator. Allow and encourage everything that brings a smile. Say yes. Guilt will fade away as you feel better, better, and better still. There is this part in the movie “Hook” (video clip below, start at about 6 minutes) with Robin Williams as Peter Panning, talking to his son Jake. Jake is playing around and Robin says “Stop acting like a child!” With his eyes twinkling, Jake smiles, laughs and replies “I AM a child!” Act like a child before society taught you fear of reprisal. Just DO love. Let this be your mantra. As a being of limitless potential – allow yourself to BE. DO what it is you came to DO – Love. For there has been none before you and there will be none after that can love as you do. You’ve arrived now because your unique expression of divinity is necessary in our world. We need what you have – there is no one else who can supply it. Trust that small voice within. It is fearless. Know that you are loved. You are. Without condition or exception, love yourself. This is how you are loved by Source; ridiculously, with wild abandon and without limit. Feel that love run through you and know that YOU are the one we’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow! ~Sophia It is our fourth day and we are right in the midst of the Quest. What can we do to guarantee success? We can love. Agape is unknown territory. Solitary bliss without a mind altering substance is not “normal”. Agape, once discovered, offers accelerated joy, constant peace and a state of equilibrium. You cannot “rattle” a Master. All is happiness. There is untapped potential within. You are a force. Access your power with love. Check out your smile, that unique stride you have, your laugh. Appreciate your sense of humor. Give yourself a hug. As we do these things, and gradually accept our individual wonder – we find Oneness. We will be filled with wonder at the brilliance in each other. We will be “wonder – full”. We are each others reflection. This world is illusion – a fun house at a carnival – a house of mirrors. Look around and you’ll see evidence of what beliefs you are holding on to. What do you see? As we re-birth this new age, walls, structures and institutions are crumbling; belief systems turn out to be intentionally fraudulent. All conversation and contract is some form of manipulation. This has been our environment, our field of awareness, the backdrop of our reality. It’s neither good nor bad, it just was, it just is and it’s in the process of changing. As it does, you discover its all part of the same Quest we are on. You see, there are very few absolute truths and we are on this journey to find one of them. Once found, it cannot be lost; you carry it with you always. Agape is your very core. You are an outsourcing of God, or whatever you call Prime Creator. As drops of water are the Ocean, you are Divine. Every attribute you hold has its origin in One. Every attribute you hold is sacred. We must move into loving every part of ourselves, as One, before we can move beyond. Beyond we discover love for every other, as One. It is from there we come to truth – there is no other – all is One. We are transforming and our very language becomes a challenge. Names are separators and become unnecessary when we recognize alternate expressions of truth by their very essence. We are on a path to truth; Oneness. Agape sounds different than we expected; we’ve never lived here. Stay open, your heart is jubilant and itching to rejoice. You are a thought and can go anywhere! Choose places of your deepest longing, without regard to should or can’t. You are magnificent and full of wonder. Allow yourself to fly beyond restrictions of self doubt. We are watching, learning and seeing ourselves in your flight. Thank you for being here and for sharing your journey! You are the One we’ve been waiting for. I love you! See you tomorrow, ~Sophia Welcome to the 3rd day on our Quest! You are love in human form, here at the helm, to usher in this package of prosperity. What is going on now with the introduction of TOPPT to humanity is the beginning of the realization that in fact there are no longer chains in place to hold and enslave you. You are free. Yet like the elephant who replaces the chain when her keeper doesn’t, you feel strange and uncomfortable and so conduct yourself in a way that assures the chain stays put. Until we let go of the need for the chain, we will continue to do just that. We do not need the chain. The chain exists in many disguises – religion, government, rules, fear, distrust, laws, debt, and ownership. The very idea the God requires a piece of paper or a number – a registration if you will, is preposterous. You do not have specific rights because of where your feet are placed on the planet, how many coins you have, what label you go by or what sexual organs you have. What this is about – is truth. You have all rights simply because you are. In our human form and in our tender beginnings as a free and sovereign race – words, rights and documents are necessary. This is true largely because they have been the tools of our enslavement in the past. These TOPPT documents have begun a process of realization, acceptance and announcement – we are free. There is deep resonance inherent in the idea that power does not need to be declared or granted, it merely is. By being so, it is then evident; recognized by all. Yet we are a young race and have yet to experience freedom in physical form. We don’t know what it looks like. We are on a learning curve. When there is a place to go and it is a place we have never been, it is a bit “nervousing” as my son used to say. We are unsure of the territory, the language, the culture. We may not have the answers right away; yet they exist. We are building a framework in which they can be expressed and translated, understood and enjoyed. It is not by accident that our first Quest in this year of Transformation and Rebirth coincides with the announcement of TOPPT. We have stepped now deeply into the truth of who we are. As we do, legal means arise for us to declare and be the sovereign beings that we are. We have held on to the idea that a new world exists and have been looking for evidence of it. Perhaps we’ve expected its introduction to come from an off world source, a God or a government. In fact – it has. As sovereign beings we are all of the above. In order to know yourself capable of being your own keeper and holder of truth – you must be clear on who you are. You are love – divinity on two legs. We’ve been leading ourselves down this road for some time – one that holds no blame or judgment or other. This road to Agape is not just about feeling better. It is about BEing. We are ONE. Being all that you are demands first – awareness. Know yourself as love. Be the Creator God that you are. Stand in the fullness of truth and just BE. Be your wildest imaginings of yourself. Be free. As a being unencumbered with guilt, judgment or self-hatred – you will gift freedom to all you gaze upon. We are ONE. The joy we feel when we are held in the clear gaze of a very young child deeply satisfies. Pure love does that. There is nothing else that holds value across time, space and dimensions; regardless of the market or amount. Love cannot be quantified. Agape is pure love and we are born as exquisitely wrapped packages of it – packages of prosperity. Layers of shame and subservience cover yet do not diminish our worth. Nothing can. It is up to us to remember, to remove the layers and BE – unafraid, unencumbered and free. We are brilliant beings of light here to demonstrate that truth. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia |
April 2024