Quietude is defined as “the state of being quiet; rest; calmness”. That feels about where I find myself. “Freedom isn’t free” is a misnomer, or else it depends on your definition. Freedom means “exemption or liberation from the control of some other person or some arbitrary power; liberty; independence”. In a military sense, the phrase has been used as justification for war. On a more personal level, freedom becomes synonymous with uninhibited love, expansion and peace. In a surprising and unexpected way, it is where I am today. This is a glimpse of our future, of what I imagine it feels like in the “next dimension”. Historically on earth empires rise and fall. The beings we label “dark” (1%) insatiable lust for wealth and power consumes their host (99%) and can no longer be sustained. This inevitable collapse is what we are witnessing right now. The populace has been spent, literally. Those that would own us must feed someplace else or alter their way of life. The situation that brings me this peace is that I no longer worry about money. There is none. I’ve reached the bottom. It is no longer a matter of juggling; it is a matter of keeping food in the house until things change. Things are really clear now. I work when there is work to be done and relax when there isn’t. Somehow, my internal fretting has stopped. Nothing is as important as I once imagined it to be, except life. Sustaining, enjoying and loving what I have are all that I am focused on. So, it is quiet in my head. I spent some time in nature yesterday and breathed a great deal of oxygen. It was glorious. I saw clearly just how nuts this life has become. How paying bills and having the “stuff” we “need” fills my head. What matters is life itself. That is here for the taking. It is free. This economic crisis has turned into a gift. Freedom. I imagine this is what it feels like in the “next dimension”. I am feeling creative and energetic. I am aware of the life that surrounds me. On the water, ducks look calm. Michael Caine, the British actor is quoted as saying “Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.” Good advice if you are navigating this third dimension. Yet today, I am not. I am just floating – there is not much paddling. Perhaps this is what ducks do in the fifth dimension. The other day four ducks flew into our yard. We are miles from any body of water so this was a surprise. There was a female and four males. She seemed desperate for a place to nest; we must have been a last resort. She waddled towards our back yard, attempting to push past the locked fence. She paced back and forth, driven. Nothing else mattered. Her goal was paramount. We’ll like it in the “next dimension”. There is time for contemplation, room for joy and moments of passionate inspiration. It is alive with possibility and promise. Not in scheduled, rare moments, but every moment. This is a goal worth striving for, and it is paramount. I know what it is now and believe me when I tell you that nothing else compares. It has not cost me a dime; in fact you could say I was driven here. I am learning what it is like to be free. It is very calm. In my case, it may be the “calm before the storm”, as in about a month either this economic turmoil will be global or all of the creditors I have not paid will be calling. Yet, well, it is worth it and there is nothing else for me to do but float. It will be great when we are all here permanently. Our imaginations will exponentially explode and we will create without bounds! So wherever you are right now, trust the amazing part. It does not disappoint. Trust the brilliant light that you are and see it shining through the control it’s been hidden beneath for so long. Unleashed, you will astound us all. This is where we are headed, a life whose only purpose is to celebrate itself. This is home. It is one we will make ourselves. We are the ones we are waiting for.
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There is a chemical drive that keeps us repeating behavior patterns over and over. It is every much an addiction, as powerful as heroin. We are each stuck in our own personality “hamster wheels”, not necessarily because we are enjoying the way they spin, but because we can’t seem to step off gracefully and stay off. Something else eventually happens to catch us, and we find ourselves spinning once more, not by conscious choice, but by habit. These habits of personality are brought on by physical need; they are dictated by our addictions. Your body craves the chemical fix that a specific reaction gives you. For me, it is “sad”. It could be “low self esteem”, “lonely”, “weak”, “angry” or “powerless”. The chemical cocktail works, regardless of specifics. This is how you have habitually reacted to life. The hypothalamus is the organ that uses these chemicals to go on. This is how you have become “wired”. This is not you – not who you are. It is the current version of your personality, your ego-self. Your ego is the voice of your addictions. In my case, the chemical drive is so compelling as to render all options other than “sad”, inaccessible. It is not that other options don’t exist, they do, but I literally don’t see them when I am in the midst of a “sad” fix. “Sad” works every time, I know that it will give me the fix I so desperately want. I recognize it as a validation of who I am, it feels familiar and as the “sad” drug emotionally courses through my entire body, I sort of relax. What I have come to understand is that the validation of me does not have to come from that feeling of familiarity I get when overcome with “sad”. It is just that I have so many cells looking for “sad” and so few looking for or expecting “happy”. With that realization I experience empowerment. I can decide to choose again. This life as human was chosen in order to experience a very physical existence that thrives on very addictive chemicals in order to sustain the body. Your body is looking for a fix. You, who want to be here, co-operate and create the scenarios that support the necessary addiction in order to keep you here in a very real sense. Without a need in this physical world you would cease to be. This would be a complete absence of attachment to the body. Yet you are here now, with a purpose. There is a reason why you are here, and you want to stay, feel you need to stay and intend to stay. You are here to evolve and evolution is very much linked to this concept of linear time. In order to evolve, you must come from somewhere and head somewhere else. The oak tree has all its necessary component parts as a seed – yet it has not yet realized itself as a magnificent oak. As a seed, it is tiny and unassuming. With time and the proper conditions it grows into a huge oak, realizing its full potential. This happens here, on the physical plane, on this earth. You understand time because it is a core principle of this earth, in this third “dimension”. We are told that time is the “fourth dimension” and no longer exists beyond that. So, if the “evolution” of you takes “time” and experience, and you move your focus into a “dimension” that does not recognize “time” (5th and beyond), by definition you will know yourself as an evolved being. You do not now know yourself as an evolved being because you have not moved beyond the concept of “time”. It is not that you are not an evolved being, in the same way the oak seed is not the same “stuff” as the oak tree. It is that, here, in this “dimension” which depends on linear time, you have not yet gotten there. You are an evolved being. Once you understand that, as such, you exist in a body that requires certain chemicals to function, and that you are creating those chemical combinations with your addictions, you will have more command over which chemicals serve you here. There is no good or bad, there is only choice. Waking up is a process of consciously choosing your addictions rather than being unaware and feeling powerless. It takes tenacity and determination and love to awaken. These are all traits of an evolved being such as you. Love and unimaginable power exist at your deepest core. This is the truth of you. You are the one you are waiting for. By now you have come to know that creation is something you do. Thoughts, words, feelings and actions; all have creative power in our lives. It sounds so easy – just think about what you want and it will eventually manifest; the law of attraction. It is the thinking that is key, and what are you thinking? You are thinking constantly; this is why we sleep, to escape the incessant noise in our heads. To direct that noise is what we are looking to do. To master creation is to be aware of yourself, the one who is choosing the thoughts he or she thinks;to choose on purpose which thoughts support your desires and which thoughts “shoot yourself in the foot” and cause you to stumble. The secret and the thing to understand about thoughts, feelings and habits of emotion is that they are addictive. They are every bit as addictive as heroin, and depending on your goals, as destructive. I have recently seen one of my favorite addictions, sadness, for what it truly is – a habitual compulsion that I love. Now, my current mindset and goal is joy. Sadness sort of trips that up. Yesterday I watched myself inject numerous hits of sadness, too many to count. It was glorious! My tool was the radio, which is awash with songs of loss and longing. I loved it! Over and over I changed the channel, heard a new song and within seconds was deep into a recollection of lost love. I played out the love part and then re-lived the longing over and over again. I never ran out of songs, people, situations or memories of pain. I knew this did not serve my current perspective. I thought “No!” and changed stations, finding a more cheerful tune. Inevitably the next song evoked some painful memory and I was once again feeling that seductive hurt. Now these people I was remembering are either dead or from so far back in my past that they may as well be. I finally saw how crazy this was. My life today is actually saturated with love; this made no sense to me. I turned off the radio. I see now how deep my own addiction is. It trips me up constantly on my road to happiness. It sounds nuts, yet, there it is. What halts our progress is buried so deep we have trouble finding it. Yet the familiar feeling is instantly recognized. If you do not love your life right now, then chances are there is an addiction that is at cause. It is our human condition to feel bad about ourselves. We expect it and will actually think poorly of each other for appearing arrogant, full of ourselves or “holier than thou”. What’s with that anyway? Your feelings of low self worth are merely choices you have made from the options available to you at the time. There is no need to analyze them, just make new choices. These habits are addictive. Relentless awareness coupled with conscious choice is imperative. You are now looking for sustained happiness. These addictions no longer serve you. First you must recognize yours. They could be sad, angry, low self worth or just feeling bad about you. Once seen, which is huge, just watch how it is everywhere. Identify the tenacity of this emotion, and understand how much of a part it plays in your life; in your moment to moment decisions. Resolve to change and you will. Your life has no choice other than to do what it is you expect it to. You have begun now to go beneath the cosmetic changes and create long lasting joy. You are brave, brilliant and bound for glory. See it and fearlessly work for it. This is why you came. You are the one you are waiting for. |
April 2024