We are swimming in a sea of shoulds. The list of what we must do in order to ascend is almost as long as our 3D list. These 3D lists were created by those who would keep you so busy being you, that you’d lose the very essence of your being. It would appear that we’ve traded one list for another. While it is true that there are things that inhibit spiritual growth and others that propel it; none of them exist outside of you. What this means is that any activity can become a sacred activity. It is the state and intent of our heart that determines our experience. In much the same way that you can manipulate the body to orgasm, you can orchestrate the body to spiritual heights utilizing certain practices. There is a difference however in the depth of orgasm as well as the radiance of spiritual light that you reach. That difference would be determined by the heart. This is your most powerful organ. In fact, the heart becomes critical not only to the fact of life (if it beats you have life and if it doesn’t, you don’t), but also to the quality of the very life that you have. Where the heart is involved there is a deeper level of intensity, a richness of sensation and completeness. Satisfaction and sustained effects are only possible in any lasting way, through the heart. You have all you need for bliss. Just love. Once you find and accept the divinity that you are, your every waking moment will emulate Agape. To achieve bliss is not possible in isolation. We are One. The One that you are, is evidenced everywhere. You cannot be alone. There is no sea of shoulds, there are oceans of possibilities. What you will never know is the path of another soul. It is not possible to know the motivation of another; it is only possible to discern your own truth. For truth is something that you feel. It has a frequency all its own. You recognize its vibration. It is felt deeply and resonates throughout your being. Self love brings us to a point of knowing. It becomes the salve to heal all wounds. Once you understand that all pain is self-inflicted, you can heal. We are here to transform a population. My evolution is yours as well; we are One. Our method is self-transformation. We are on the path of Unity; the road of the pure of heart. This is the place we each are headed. What I call love and another terms divinity are in fact one and the same. Both are the recognition of an inner God. This is the ultimate destination no matter the course chosen. It is the discovery that love, when felt for every nuance of you, is the truth dwelling in every flicker of light and life you encounter. It begins and ends there, at your core, your heart, your divine self. “You are no longer interested in being (INSERT YOUR NAME HERE); you are interested in being the physical expression of divinity.” * This is the ultimate truth, your purpose; it is completely attainable – now. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. *R.M.M.
This process of ascending has been gradual. With each day there is a combination of clarity, anticipation and questions. For quite some time I subscribed to what I’d call “magical thinking” around Ascension. This comes close to the fairy Godmother in Cinderella. The trouble with that is everyone knows it’s not real and at midnight its nothing but a pumpkin and some mice. You never expect it to last. This is not a Disney fairy tale. As humans, we expect to have some sort of obvious, natural progression from one moment to the next. Our memory, and thus our learning style, is associative. We need something to hang each new fact onto. What is true about learning is that it only happens when the thing learned connects to and thus applies to something already known. This is why artists struggle with facts and figures and scientists with art. Much of what is taught to our children today is not used anywhere else in their life, and thus quickly forgotten. We’ve been fortunate. For some time now we’ve been hearing messages from a host of channels, visionaries, and reporters about these “end times”. We are prepared and can see the “writing on the wall”. We’ve heard many stories. Once they may have seemed a bit “out there”; no longer. Today words like Reptilian, Galactic Federation, Illuminati and Cabal are everywhere. There are few of us who have not heard about or seen a UFO. State agencies are telling citizens to stock extra food and essentials. Every one of the players in this End Time Scenario is performing perfectly. What wasn’t obvious 9 months ago is that these changes are not isolated. As One, we and the earth are ramping up the vibe. This frequency change results in the crumbling of very dense structures, institutions and beliefs. As light workers, we’ve worried that we may have to tell people all these shocking revelations. We don’t. We are shifting as One. These higher frequencies can’t hold rigid and divisive belief systems. This is an organic process. It is natural, progressive and rapid. Minds and belief systems simultaneously expand. Every system is gradually altered as this occurs. It is seamless. As humans, we’d have it no other way. Our deepest intent is not to shock and frighten. That would be counter productive. It is rather to love and gently nudge each other. We are here as a collective. With One Voice, we are shifting to a new range. Beneath every message, whistle-blower, protester and reporter is a being of light, here to facilitate this New Age. It serves us to remember that we are One, and every bit of us is right on time. Expect each other to show up and do what we came to do with brilliance. We are not here waiting for someone else to fix things for us. We are the change we seek. Our relationships and interactions are creating this dream. Expect the changes. Look for the love. Stand for the light. You are one who came now to demonstrate truth. You are love and so is everyone else. It is a diversion to spend energy criticizing and questioning yourself or anyone else. It is time now to trust. You have the answers and are here to provide them at the moment they are needed. We all are. This is a perfectly choreographed moment. It will proceed naturally as we move through our days, expecting only love. We know what the next dimension looks like. It looks like us – brave and beautiful, strong and determined, patient and gentle – quietly perfect. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. You reside in a field of love. Your very base programming begins there. It is the spark of each other that joins you. Isolated, you may appreciate nature and love life, yet it is in human contact that you embody the fierce power of agape. For when you love another, it is not their attributes that are calling to your soul, but a reminder of your own. When you look at each other and are deeply moved, it is because at a fundamental level you understand that there you behold the sacred. It is you that has stirred your own soul. What this moment is about is a shedding of our skin of self-loathing. What is not perfection is not true. The veil that we speak of is not draped between ourselves and others - but hanging, invisibly, as a barrier to the truth. It is you on the other side of that veil - gloriously abundant and here now on purpose. Your vessel will push waves of light cascading over all of creation, creating tsunamis of love. For love is a force. Love is here because you are here. It arrives unbidden whenever you do. It takes a being of unimaginable power to embody divinity. It takes you. We are the one you've been waiting for. _ Hello! We arrive today at our beginning, the place where love was planted. It rests within you. It’s always been there. We just had to turn the light on so we could find it. Our light is on now. We may need to install fresh batteries now and again to keep it going. That’s okay; we know where to get them and which ones work the best. They are found in the places that feed our soul. We are components of the One – each an integral part, necessary and unique. In 1898, Konstantin Stanislavsky said “There are no small parts, just small actors”. Sometimes we imagine our light unimportant or too tiny to make a difference. Once I found myself sort of stuck in the corner of a tightly packed storage facility. Half of our stuff was packed there as work was being done on the house. It had taken longer than anticipated, and because the children wanted their beloved decorations for an upcoming holiday, I was searching through stacked to the ceiling boxes, piled all around me. Then the power went out, and all went black. For a moment, I panicked. I was alone and not sure anyone even knew I was there. But I opened my cell phone and became illuminated! It was small, dim and didn’t stay lit for more than ten seconds at a time, but it helped me find my way. Now it took awhile, and crawling around with my phone in my mouth left a few bruises, but I made it – thanks to that tiny light. We are all like that. We just don’t know how far our words reach, or the effect one generous thought can have. The really cool thing is, we don’t have to. As we focus on loving ourselves, our light expands as does our reach. The light that you are is vital. Know that you are a microcosm of the whole. What is happening in your heart is being played out in our world. Love yourself. With the energy of your love and the power of your light you change everything. You came to discover just what you could do in such a dark place. You came to light the way. You are so much more than you know. The brilliance of you is bringing us all to a place of unparalleled beauty. You were made for this. We are in sort of crazy times. All around it looks like the power went out. Your light is so important now. Be that one in a billion light source that changes everything. You know how. Just love. Against all odds and in the face of every negative thought, word or situation – refuse to be afraid. You know who you are. You are a piece of the divine here to spark a passionate healing flame of Agape. This is not for the feint of heart. The strongest among us took this on. We are the ones who said yes. You are powerful, capable and oh so ready for this. It is an honor to witness. As you push your way out of the dark and emerge, brilliant and beautiful, our world is forever changed. We are the One we were waiting for. This completes our Quest! Thank you! ~This Quest has had a deeper significance for me. A very close love of mine is about to undergo surgery. He is a veteran, and came home 7 years ago with more in his body than he left with. If you’d just send your light to my hero, specifically tomorrow, it would help. Namaste’. With so much love and gratitude, Sophia We’ll meet again on September 21st, 2012. Today begins the second half of this Quest. The path to Agape will take us to Oneness. Self love is love of the One that you are. The One that you are is a piece of divinity. We are connected. We spring from Source, and we have never let go. So we are moving in a circle, finding our way home, returning to the beginning, which is One. The path to Oneness is Agape. Do you see how this works? Absolute love for you yields Universal Unconditional Love. There are in fact no separators between you and us. Once you accept yourself completely, we all start to look a whole lot better! It is not that you tolerate or overlook our faults. It’s not that you would have made every choice in the same way that we did. It’s not that you even want to spend a great deal of time with us. It’s that you understand at a very deep level that we are alternate versions of you. Loving you means, by definition, that you love the rest of us. It’s that easy and that challenging. Our world is a hologram. The best science today doesn’t know precisely how it works, yet quantum physics tells us what’s in our minds is projected out to become what’s in our world. What you think about yourself is what you will see in everyone else. Fill your head with love and what will happen to your life will astound you. Imagine a world filled with people who loved themselves. This is what we are here for; to create and participate in that world. We’ve been practicing for such a long time – trying out a little agape here and some unconditional love there. Never sure when the show was set to begin, we fell back often to self hatred. There have been so many reasons! Our bodies, our jobs, our grades, our past and our relationships each offer plenty of opportunity for failure, disappointment and blame. Well its show time. We’ve had our dress rehearsal. We know our lines and we know how this story ends. This curtain will close on a myriad of wonderful depictions of unity. We’ve been singing songs of love and writing movies of success forever – now it’s time to sing them in our everyday and watch them play out on our streets. We’ve been telling ourselves our own story – we just never knew it was real. It is real. Most of what we’ve been force fed is the lie. You have no enemies. God has no favorites. There are no mistakes. Judgment is an archaic idea that creates fear and diminishes your power. It is not possible to hold judgment while loving absolutely. Your power resides in your love. This strength is yours right now. Call it forth. This light is what you are. Feel it rise up and watch the faces of your loved ones light up when you shine it upon them. This is what you’ve come for; to love. Once you love yourself, the entire world is your Beloved. We are One. One spark, here now to get this whole place lit up! Our light has been hidden beneath shame and sadness, fear and debt, servitude and low self esteem. No one has been able to convince you of your greatness – until now. We know now that to claim our perfection is not arrogance, but truth. We are components of the One; self-love is the key to Ascension – Ascension for all of us. We are the One we are waiting for. It is an honor to share this time with you. See you tomorrow, Sophia As a solution to several requests, what follows is the note from the Love Quest, which is a Face Book event. These will continue until 8.27.2012. I sort of planned to explore today what oneness isn’t. I think that it is easy to talk virtually about love and light and unity and then blame your boss or carry anger for what your ex-lover “did”. In perfect synchronicity, my everyday life has been swimming in duality. Actually, if it wasn’t for the Quest and all of you, I’d be drowning. This has turned out to be more than I bargained for! In no uncertain terms, I am dealing with duality. These Quests began in the Spring of 2011 and were never intended to continue past the first one. It was suggested as a way to explore in “real time” with each other what it means to love yourself. I was a different woman then and walked around with a large wad of blame in my pocket. After the first Quest, we all wanted more and here we are today, with monthly journeys and no end in sight. The fact that Face Book shut down the first account hardly seems to matter. Love prevails! But what is not love? It seems to be cropping up everywhere I look this week. The whole notion of “what you believe is what you create” makes little sense if you are thinking about illness and poverty and physical harm. Yet, the law of attraction exists. So what’s the deal? Today I find myself dealing with issues of health and money and watching highly evolved people whom I love deeply doing the same. It all comes down to self loathing. It has to stop. We’ve all watched “The Secret” and “What the Bleep” and read Neale Donald Walsch and Abraham Hicks and heard Mike Dooley and many others. We actually do know how this works. We’ve been inundated with teachers because the programming runs so deep. We’ve learned well, it is the un-learning that will set us free. There are two thoughts that separate and isolate us. One is that we are somehow “different”. Two is that “No one would understand”. Both are false. A few years back I attended a seminar and the scariest part was this: you stood up and told the group, 100+ people, the worst secret you could muster up about yourself. I was terrified. As I listened and then took my turn I realized that appearances reveal nothing and second of all my worst was pretty much status quo. We’ve all been there. We’ve all done “worse” and we all deserve love in spite of it. Duality is screaming to get our attention! Who are you? Are you someone who hates? Are you someone who loves? Do you buy all this love and light jazz or are you convinced it is the physical you that is real? We are being asked to choose. Believing in the love that you are is the ultimate statement of truth, of faith. Whatever is showing up for you right now – debt, fear, illness, anger, hatred or loss of any kind is merely a test. It cannot be ignored, and it is multiple choice. It is not pass/fail; there are many ways to complete it successfully. Within you is the right answer, the one that suits your heart. You know what to do. You came for this. Remember. Your spiritual evolution will continue in the most perfect fashion, following whichever blueprint you construct right now. It is my deepest belief that tells me you are love. We are not different from each other at all, and you would understand. It is faith that will see us through. Faith in love or light or God or Source or whatever term you use. Faith in something beyond what these eyes are seeing. You are not your body. You are not your stuff. You are divinity; an intricate piece of the fabric of life, woven into oneness. You have done more than read these words today; you have possibly saved a soul. As I turn on and shine my own light, I illuminate those within my world and there is no telling how far this light now reaches. For darkness is only eradicated with light; with you. Take care of your issues that show up today, completely and with a strong heart. Yet do not embody them. For they do not define you, love does. We are so much more than we know. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much gratitude, I will see you tomorrow, Sophia Today begins our Love Quest. For the next 7 days we will explore agape and this blog will essentially move there – to a face book event. You can join via this link and receive each daily note to your inbox: http://www.sophialove.org/the-love-quest.html Here is our first day’s note, just to get the idea… Hello! Welcome to our Quest for Agape. I am so grateful to be here again. This time we will explore deeply the truth of our connection – oneness. For as One, we are beginning to appreciate just what that actually means. Agape takes on a whole other “dimension” when you understand that the One you unconditionally love – is us. I was recently asked, “What is a Love Quest?” Those of us who have been here since they began (a year and a half ago) will remember that we started by loving ourselves in our bathroom mirrors. These Quests are the ultimate journey to truth, the path to Ascension. Ascension is a rising up to a faster vibration. The hallmark of this place we are moving to is love. We are not truly going anywhere. We are becoming that which we are. We are love. When you understand deeply this truth, you find something that may surprise you. It is okay to love yourself. In fact, it is necessary. For what is held in your head about this being that is you, will radiate out to become your entire world. This life that is yours is a projection of whatever it is you believe. What you believe, you perceive. Believe in yourself. You chose and were chosen to be here today. You are the Master, it is not necessary to seek truth in another, you only need remember. You are love. A God particle shot from Source, here to love in the darkest place in the universe. Earth has been your home not as punishment or because we are lesser beings, but because we are brilliant lights. Only one such as you could handle this dimension. Only light such as yours is brilliant enough to sustain itself while immersed in ideologies of war, greed, subservience, slavery, illness and pain. Not only have you maintained – you have become a beacon of light and altered the course of humanity. Our favorite movies are those in which the odds are clearly stacked against the lead character and he or she triumphs anyway. This is because we’ve been watching our future, writing our own story, and remembering why we are here. Every thought, word, and deed, whether self or other directed is a line in the script. We know this truth today. It is time to write each line with one focus – love. This is why you are here. Intend only love. Your power is unmatched. We are surrounded with off world beings not to help us so much as to watch us! We are transforming ourselves and the planet on which our feet are parked, with not more than our faith to go on. Our inner promptings have led us here, to a place of choice. In the sharp contrasts we encounter each day, we see clearly the options; to see ourselves as separate and judge or to see ourselves as One and love. What you do, think, and feel in each moment becomes your life. Love yourself. Give yourself a gift today. Begin this Quest with immersion in adoration. Take a walk, a few extra moments and honor the One that is you. He is beautiful beyond description. She is powerful beyond measure. You are the Master of the Universe. Uni-Verse. One Verse. One Song. Us. There is no other here to sing this song. It is you. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow, Sophia Their beaks buried in the damp lake grass, the gaggle of geese eat, oblivious. All but one. He stands removed, head up, ever vigilant, taking in everything. Three quiet honks and the group stops grazing and moves on, crossing the sidewalk. They move as One. Only when all are safely across does this lone goose stretch his neck down to nibble the grass. As he does, another head pops up to take his place; the Guardians. Nature offers her own definition of this term that seems to be cropping up lately. Who are all the players in these End Times? There are whistle blowers, walk – ins, Galactics, Celestials, starseeds, the Resistance and the Guardians. Lots of labels, 7 billion people, one voice. Names separate us and yet we seem to need them in this level of density; they help my brain to organize information. If I have a sore toe, it matters what type of doctor I consult – a podiatrist or a psychiatrist. Although both may help me, only one of them will know what to do with my toe. We are light workers, here to usher in the next era – the one that comes after these “end times”. Why are we interested? What propels us to share or meditate or march or speak? Somewhere deep within you’ve heard the call, and like the quiet honks here this morning, it has spurred movement. It is time and you know it. We are being asked to do what we planned, nothing more or less. Each of us has a part and it’s all necessary for this group to move on. I like the word “Guardian” because it implies protection for the benefit of the whole; wisdom. This planet is destined for ascension and we are here now to see that she does just that. I think it’s a mistake to view all these players as “others”. These roles are not outside of us, they are us – Moms, sisters, Dads, uncles, starseeds, whistle blowers, guardians. We’re all here, right on time. The real wonder and amazing part of this show is us. We are the magic, we hold the key. There is no accident that we’ve found each other here, online. It’s the closest humanity can get to non verbal, non local communication. Have you had that experience where you read something and it goes right through you? That is instant recognition. Pay attention to the writer. This is someone you know. As One we move across the sidewalk – some of us quietly honking, some of us distracted, some of us leading and the rest following. From a distance we are a single moving entity. Unity. From a distance, you cannot distinguish the honkers from the followers. The label doesn’t matter, what matters is the One. I’m beginning to appreciate our Oneness. It’s fascinating to listen to and contemplate each of our labels, yet that’s not truth, not really. Truth is unity. We are One. You are absolutely perfect and in just the right place. As you negotiate traffic and lunch, you’re moving us forward. I bet if we let go of all doubt about the importance of our singular lives, we’d catapult ourselves ahead. That lame goose I mentioned two days ago has now discovered his wings. Today he flies ahead and waits patiently for the rest of the gang to catch up. They are all now clipping along. I had to really look to locate this straggler. He got over himself and figured out what he was there for. He came to fly. So did you. Your wings are already in place. It is time to remember how they work. You will, and we are all here to help make sure that you do. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. That old fisherman just headed down to the lake again, pole and bucket in hand. It’s so quiet here. I can hear the hollow sound from his bucket when he first sets it down on the ground. I like that. There’s a comfort in the ordinary. I grew up far from this tiny lake, surrounded by water. Fish and clams and minnows and fisherman were my everyday. This familiar scene runs very deep and soothes me somehow. Little else does right now. I feel as if I am at a masquerade ball. We are dressing up in costume for business as usual, while beneath these masks it is anything but. We are unrecognizable. Nothing is at it seems. A hawk circling high overhead, just swooped down low, a few feet in front of my eyes – as if on command. An omen. We are entering powerful times. Every cell of my body feels it. I couldn’t sleep last night. My “Mom” mask may be buying school supplies, but my light worker self can barely contain her excitement. It’s pretty wild to be contemplating the price of notebooks while simultaneously saving the world. We are super heroes in disguise – We look like regular people, yet beneath these calm exteriors lie powerful forces. Don’t you feel like that? It’s like every fantasy rolled into one. There’s good guys fighting corruption, space ships, natural disasters, help from the heavens and everlasting love. It’s all here and yet, while it goes on, we pay our bills, mow our lawns and talk about the weather. We have families to raise, money to earn and a planet to save. Not just anyone could do this you know. It takes one powerful being to pull off such a stunt. Our masks are so well constructed the vast majority of the population will never even know they exist. We are that good. We were chosen because of our ability, determination and power. We are the light – one force of absolute love here to lift a world out of darkness and propel her into a brilliant new dimension. Our voice gets stronger all the time. You could hear the start of this new song with the OWS (Occupy Wall Street) movement. It continues. Just listen to what many of us, speaking as One, can do (see video below). We are exquisite. Our efforts to topple corrupt regimes and institutions will set us free. All of us are discovering we have a voice, and our song just keeps getting louder, our harmony perfect. We are not debt slaves. We are love, and love cannot be stopped. You did that. You are here because you knew there would come a day when you’d be needed. We may never take our masks off and that’s okay. We’re good with that. We know who we are. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. For it is love, self love, that brings you to an “ascended” state. It is agape that is key, the pivotal action; necessary in these times of upheaval. Remain steadfast in your love. There are no greater or lesser beings than you – you are One. A mass of love, all rolled into One – humanity. We have not known this truth. We’ve been admonished via our religious texts to love as an action, as something we must do. Yet their missing ingredient is a definition of where this action called “love” is sourced. It comes from you. You are the wellspring of agape. The supply of love in this world does not come from outside you – it springs from your soul. You are love; not a body with a soul, but a soul with a body. The soul/heart/generator of life is love. This is truth. This is you. We are drifting in a sea of dates, predictions, wishes and fears – conditions. The truth is without condition and exists without requirement. Stand in your power and love. This is who and what you actually are. What you can do right now is utilize your power of visualization to get you through this swirl of conflicting reports and information. When overwhelmed or confused or anxious, recognize that now your love is needed. It is needed more than ever. For love is truth. See yourself lock arms with every other being, our feet firmly planted on a groundswell of agape; the force of our light emanating out, altering our world. This vibration of love attracts every light being and repels all that are not. We are a force that broadcasts “The dark shall not pass”. The dark does not penetrate the light; it is the other way around. It is our light that calls forth every good thing, every positive action. Whatever is not in harmony with agape will not pass our unified field of Love. Force is not needed, you are. The power resides in your heart. See this in every anxious or uncertain moment. No special time or date is required, this is our new world. It is a world without corruption or destruction. It is a world bathed in light. We will activate this ascension. Our love will initiate every positive change. Our fear only repeats negative patterns. Love halts the cycle and initiates these end times. The curtain is rising and we hold the script in our heart. We’ve walked on stage. It is time. Lock arms with me and love. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. |
April 2024