This is a journey into your very core. The answers are not found in sound bites, songs or twelve step programs. The resonation of truth will be felt privately and in unexpected moments. This will arrive unannounced. The trouble with writing here a description of it is twofold. One is that it springs from my own bias and two is that every attempt at writing it down is colored by my own effort to say so eloquently. Our answer is not found in a perfect moment or a single Quest or a work of literature. Our answer can only be felt.
What does it feel like? It feels like an absence of expectations. Not an absence as if there is only emptiness left, but as if we’ve made no demands on the behavior of another. The ability to live that way will grow from a life lived without demands on you. Not a life without hopes, goals, aspirations, plans or dreams, no. A full life of all those things! But as well - a life without feelings of bitter disappointment when situations and people show up otherwise. What someone does or does not do has nothing to do with how much they love you. What someone does or doesn’t is an announcement of how they are feeling about themselves at the moment. You are the whole point. You can’t be the answers to anyone’s prayers, the only love of someone’s life or anyone’s savior. You can be the answer to your own prayers, the love of your own life and your personal savior. What this means is that once you let go of self-judgment and criteria for perfection – you are free to love without restriction. This freedom comes with recognition of all of your parts. We spoke yesterday about uncovering the uncomfortable ones. Discomfort is part of life here in 3D; part of the contrast. It is a repeated unhappiness, one that feels all too familiar, that has stopped your liberation. That’s the discomfort referred to here. Why is it so hard to see what causes this “really not fun” emotion? It is hiding so well that it shows up without announcement or discussion. It’s like the color of your eyes, a part that looks that way every time you are reflected. Every time, no matter who is holding the mirror, your eyes look the same. This reaction/feeling is not a permanent reflection. No, it is something you built years ago, as a child or young adult. It can be changed. If you want a better shot at self-love, it’ll have to be. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just not useful. When you built it, you were using all the information and ability you had at the time. You know more now. So let’s say you recognize the cycle; the feeling is all too familiar and it feels “bad”. If you’ve listened to Esther Hicks, she talks about our Internal Emotional Guidance System as being our feelings. A bad feeling doesn’t mean something is wrong out there – it means something is wrong with how you FEEL inside about what’s out there. It’s all you, all the time. Once recognition happens, congratulate yourself! You’ve found the culprit and drawn him/her out in the open. Now, just love. There is no rejection in Agape. Oneness includes every aspect, word, emotion and fractal we are. This will not be easy. Old habits are hard to break and we humans have addictive personalities. It will be easier when you envision what’s waiting for you at the other side of this addiction: choice, fearless love and an open heart. Once you become the love of your life, the rest of us will join you. You’ll see. It’ll be amazing. We are the One’s we’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow. ~Sophia Sign up for the mailing list here.
It is 2015 and we are at complete choice now. No longer are we weighed down by habits of density and separation; we are entering a new paradigm. We can do so unencumbered by pain, loss, frustration and isolation. This is accomplished with awareness, recognition and determination. Our Quest begins today with recognition.
As with any search, you’ll have to dig through some stuff you would rather avoid. It may be old, unattractive, and uncomfortable, yet familiar. It most certainly does not bring joy. These are things you’ve accepted as part of life, of your life. They have morphed into parts of your self-definition. They are not “good” parts as in “I’m a good piano player” or “I love animals”. No, these parts are more uncomfortable; yet just as familiar. “No one ever understands me.” “(Men) or (Women) always leave me and are not trustworthy.” “All relationships end in disappointment.” There are many versions. None of them are life enhancing. Each of them is a road block to Agape. It’s not necessary to dig out why they exist. They do. It is time to look at them honestly and without rigidity. We are entering a new era and things are about to change. They don’t have to be a part of your make-up any longer. You can choose again. You can let them go. The energy is ripe for renewal. Letting them go starts with finding them and seeing them without judgment. Not good or bad, but parts of you no longer interesting. They’ve served their purpose. At this point, you “get” what it feels like to be disappointed, angry, anxious, fearful or self-absorbed. Been there. Done that. Next. What’s next is acceptance. A multi-dimensional eternal being has been and is every possibility. Life is continuous, current and happening now. Oneness includes not only every type of life form but each personality. Before we can unconditionally accept people from other countries, belief systems or planets, we must absorb every facet of who we are. Rejection, denial, hatred and disappointment of any part of you or anyone else are conditional actions. We are One. Loving without judgment means that all of you is okay, worthy of honor and deserving of love. When you discover, uncover and actually face the parts of you causing pain – do not hate them. Love them gently and hold them in your light. Say “I’m sorry for hating you so; you should have gotten a better deal.” Then say “I understand who you are, yet I am doing this now. Come with me.” Then watch as the parts you thought were just un-changeable parts of you, morph into something else. This is you, consciously chosen. This is you, loved in fullness. You are here to do this. You have come now and are reading these words to “get” love without condition. Your ability to do this is not in question, nor is your desire. It will not feel easy or simple, but you did not come for that. You came for Agape. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia Today was the first day of our first Love Quest for 2015. Join here. What will it be like for the 100th Monkey? Listen here. Join our Mailing List! The thing about this trip is that no one can tell you exactly where it leads. Google doesn't know. Siri doesn't know. The moment of arrival can't be predicted or plotted. Traveling this way is disconcerting at first. In a non-linear world everything is sort of vague and non specific. Surprises are everywhere. Times, deadlines and even destinations have little relevance. What matters is the doing. The Pando reminds me of what we'll find there. The Pando is an ancient clonal colony of quaking Aspen, found in Utah, USA. Estimates of its age start at 80,000 years but reach back to 8 million years old. What is clear is that these trees are connected, but that connection (a single root system) is invisible and sort of a distraction as they are all parts of a single living organism, one of this world's oldest. We are ONE. We exist as separate looking versions of ourselves, with separate sounding opinions, names, birthplaces and histories. Once we reach awareness, it'll sort of be like reaching Utah. We'll look around and notice that everyone looks exactly the same. If we decide to dig deep, we'll see that not only do we look alike above the ground, but we are ONE organism beneath as well. If we decide to ascend to the skies and look down, we'll again see ONE colony of identical trees. There will be no escaping our ONEness. With awareness comes simplicity. No longer are the reasons for your feelings complicated. It will not matter who got there first, who tripped who on the way, or who has the most souvenirs. Once you reach awareness, reasons fall away and whats left is the feeling. There is not a single path to Agape because, like the Pando, roots/connections exist in every direction. As part of the ONE, you will throw out your own shoots along the way. This journey cannot be mapped. The whole point is Agape. Like an invisible root system, this is the binding that forms who we are. It's not like we are separate things, held by an idea. We are one thing. The discovery of that singularity happens and WHAM – you are there. No one can tell you when that will happen. These journeys point to what you'll see along the way; they cannot put into words its magnificence. So, let everything go and you'll be there. It's that simple and the most difficult trip you'll ever take. You are here now to do this. Your success and your arrival is guaranteed. Expect only love and what you'll find is that you were never alone. I've been growing right beside you the whole time, as has every “other” you have known. We all love you. We all ARE you. We are the ones we've been waiting for. This ends our Love Quest for December. We will begin again in January, look for an invite/announcement next week. Also in January keep your eyes out for the “Hundredth Monkey Project”! Have a blessed holiday and know that in every moment you are love. I love you. Namaste', ~Sophia So, this Agape trip is something new. It is not so much a love story as it is a family reunion. What we are attempting is complete integration – Eternal You with ego you. Many parts of the journey have gotten a bad rap. There is the “ego”. There are the “bad relationships”. There are a host of conspiracy theories, all plotting to make your life miserable. As you move further into the Awareness Field, you notice something – none of these people, plots or parts of you seem to be hanging back. We are all coming along. It's Ohana in action - "Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind.... or forgotten." This is not the oneness that we've dreamed of, it's the oneness we've created. Everyone included – regardless of past or current attitudes or actions. Well, shoot. What now? Now its time to dig deep into that pocket of acceptance and pull out understanding. There can be no judgment in Unity. No parts of us are wrong or need to make amends. All that was done, is. All that is, was done. We are parts of a single unit, moving in a circle. We have been each other and we've been here before. We may not have liked it much then either. Yet we are here, together again, reaching for absolute truth. Absolute truth is what your heart knows. Each and every one of you have felt it. Perhaps while making love, holding your child, hugging another or laughing til you cried. It's the indescribable glue that binds us to each other. This super glue is invisible. It cannot be measured. It must be lived and breathed and felt and exhaled. We are learning of the real power of our heart only in this last decade. It has a unifying function and seems to be the organizer of the human being. There is a book I'm reading now that talks about this - “The Heart's Code” by Paul Pearsall. It validates the intelligence and memory that is held in our heart. Words aren't adequate when Oneness and Agape are the subjects. Agape is a knowing. It is an understanding of everyone else simply because you are everyone else. It cannot be discovered but must be allowed. Agape is Unity experienced viscerally. It is Walking Oneness. You cannot find Agape because its never been lost. Not really. What you can do is reveal it. You do that by opening your heart to you. Then to me and to every enemy, friend and “other” you encounter. You do that by opening your heart, period. It will come to a choice and it'll be some version of this: “You can be right or you can be love. Choose now.” Invoke the love choice. You are worth every snippet of love available and then some. You are priceless and perfect and oh so much more than “right”. You the the One. The One you've been waiting for. Welcome home. See you tomorrow. ~Sophia This is not an ordinary journey. It asks you to frequent places you'd prefer to avoid. The awareness of who you are in every circumstance is not comfortable at first. There is only one thing to pack. It is called acceptance. There are at least ten to leave behind: -denial -blame -righteousness -fault -finger pointing -justification -anger -vindication -judgment -reasons – any You see, on this trip you'll confront yourself in every disguise. You'll look like lovers, cheaters, liars, bosses, strangers, bullies, friends, parents, siblings, children, people you've trusted and those you’ve hated. Don't be fooled. It is you every time. In each meeting you'll think the circumstances differ and the questions asked of you are many. In truth, there is only one question and it concerns just one being. “Do you love me?” As you move from place to place and person to person, understand that in every utterance and with every interaction – this same question is before you. As you begin to see the language for what it is, and hear the “soul talk” that is universally understood, you'll comprehend an even greater truth - “you do” (love you). For to love you, is to love me, and I have felt your love. We are One. There is no shame or blame or fault in love. To love is really the only point. The rest? Drama, window dressing and imaginary monsters and masters under your bed. These are the playthings of your ego self. They are interesting and fun for awhile. They are absorbing; fully formed bridges that move us from place to place. They are not destinations. “Do you love me?” is the question. “I do” is the answer. Now, with an awareness of love – proceed. Which direction would love turn? What would love say? What would love hold onto? What would love do to whomever was loved? Each of these questions is answered within. This journey is entirely self-directed. Your heart knows the way. Once you accept each version you encounter, the road smooths out, the weather clears and the food tastes better. There is no bitterness left in your mouth and no emotional debt weighing down your footsteps. You are unencumbered. Acceptance of who you are asks you to first acknowledge your many disguises. No more pretending. The charade is over. Every inch of you is out there and its all okay. Perfection does not follow any blueprint “thought up” with your mind. Perfection is drawn in your heart, and your heart has not been trained. It doesn't stay within the lines or even understand the need for any of them. It simply loves. As you move further along, you'll feel the intelligence of its method. To your rational mind – this Agape trip is nonsense. There are reasons and deadlines, lies and faults – each of them holding you up. You'll have to let them go in order to proceed. To accept without blame or “but”, every “other” version you've met on the path – this is agape. See me with all of my “faults” and know that I am you. I will stand in your way until you recognize yourself. Then, once accepted, I'll join you. Together we'll reach the Awareness Field and notice the absence of mirrors. There we'll finally see each other. There, we will know Agape. We'll look into each others eyes and accept ourselves without hesitation. We are the Ones we've been waiting for. I love you. See you tomorrow. ~Sophia We need to look in the mirror. Why are you afraid to love yourself? This, in truth, is your only fear. It's always and only about you. What's going on is this. You are afraid that if you forgive yourself everything – THAT YOU'LL STAY THIS WAY FOREVER. Without judgment or “correction” you'll never improve. Without stern disapproval, what will be the driving force to succeed? In your mind, acceptance of yourself without condition dooms you to the conditions you so desperately want to change. There are two secrets to keep in mind.
So decide which things you want to keep, which things you want to alter, love them all and move on. Each moment offers a new opportunity. You are not the same person who began reading this post. Your beliefs determine your expectations and they, in turn, create the life you experience. Expect fulfillment and peace and watch your life show up that way. It must. You are the Master of your Universe and the Creator of your every moment. Accept who you are, without reservation. With love oozing out of your pores, magic occurs. The only super power is Agape. We are the One's we've been waiting for. ~Sophia Please enjoy this video, just produced today! Sometimes it seems as if there is no love around you. Serious faces, worried looks and anxious glances fill the heads of the people who walk through your life. Mostly, eyes avoid contact. In uncertain times, we tend to fall back, at least internally, to a specific state of comfort. If concern and focus on the problem (whatever it is) is where you spend the most time, that's where your natural zone is and where you'll head when under stress. What happens on our journey through “time” is that we arrive knowing every aspect, dimension and version of ourselves. There is no “veil” and we spend time everywhere, as every possibility of us is “real”. We are awake and aware. As infants react to these “alternative realities”, we, the humans in this “reality”, do nothing to reinforce what they are seeing. Not until they react to something we can also perceive. Then we smile, clap, hug and encourage them. This is how the separation begins. Those places are deemed our “imagination”, and relegated to fantasy. Slowly, we train each other to focus where we are looking. “The forgetting” is the beginning of the process of going to sleep. Deep sleep happens at puberty – when we become cognizant of all that is “real” and put away our super hero's and fairy tales. We get serious. We grow up. This is neither good nor bad, yet it does explain how we, adults now, have only a small amount of fairy dust or super power to pull out and have fun with. We thought that in order to be a responsible powerful adult - we had to put those things away. I guess it depends on where you want your success and what success means for you. If you are reading this, you are awake and perhaps are re-defining success. It may be time to pull out the capes and wings and fly around a bit; just because. Loving yourself is something you came here doing. You focused on what made you happy. You looked around – a lot. You noticed, heard and smelled every new thing. You wondered about someone who talked in another language, looked different or had a funny way of getting around; and you, unafraid, asked “why”. You laughed often. You cried freely. You stopped both on a moments notice. You did not come here stuck on replay – doomed to react the same way over and over to similar events. Somewhere and somehow that behavior is learned by our ego self. We are easily addicted as humans and with each passing year our “need for a fix” just grows. We require more and more for the same hit, in order to feel some sense of equilibrium. Loving yourself means adjusting those addictions. Turn the dial back until they are closer to the addictions you had as a child. The only things on your mind then were happiness, curiosity, comfort, fun and exploration. You did everything you did to get one or all of the above. The purpose was love. The focus was you. As you love yourself, you'll notice a softness emerge. It is difficult to explain, yet easily felt. As a child your shields were down and you let everything in. If something hurt – you cried and were over it. You knew all things were temporary; every moment was NOW, and you didn't want to miss any of it. You were present. Finding a space in your heart for unconditional love means, just maybe, moving some other things out of the way. Suggestions for what to box up would include:
If all that freed up empty space makes you queasy, fill it up with fairy dust, angel wings, super powers, magic wands, light sabers and hero capes. Play. You are an exuberant, 1,000,000 watt light beam of energy. You are powered with love and move because the very force of creation deems it so. As you remember play, you'll remember me. I was right there with you when you arrived oh so many years ago. I've been hidden behind should, can't and have to. Once you see me you'll remember our secret. We are the same. Allowing love into your own heart opens up space for our connection to be visible. We are One. Unity happens without force or a movement or a pushing against. It occurs seamlessly with an opening up. Allow me to see your super powers. I'll show you my wings. Love yourself and I will feel your hug. That's when we'll remember. We are the One's we've been waiting for. See you tomorrow. ~Sophia An article of mine was published today on, check it out here! Join the Love Quest here. You Tube Link here. At the midpoint of our Quest, allow me to diverge. The motivation to do so is born of love, yet it needs to be introduced first, as typically our journey stays on a direct course – one that leads to discovering Agape. For just today, we'll discuss how to USE what you've discovered; how to demonstrate Agape. Here's why. In the US, the “ebola crisis” has been ramped up and, in my opinion, is out of control. I've seen it everywhere today, even amongst the very young children I work with. This is Fear Porn, plain and simple. It's been orchestrated by the “powers that be”. What I am also seeing on a smaller scale, is our very personal battles recently, also with Fear. All are connected. They revolve around health, home, finances or all 3. They seem insurmountable. It is never true that you'll not make it through. We are collectively imagining our reality and FEAR has trickled through us all – globally and individually. We are watching the death throes of a corrupt system and they are violent and extreme. It feels, for many of us, that we are experiencing those same violent extreme conditions in our lives and days. How we create now, in the midst of this drama, determines where we land, how we fall and who we are standing next to when we do. Here is a method to guarantee a smooth arrival. 1 – Carefully evaluate what is bringing up Fear. Oh, you might call it worry, anxiety, preoccupation, nervousness or anger – but beneath each of those words whispers fear. 2 – Remember who you are. You are a piece of infinity, a light particle of pure creation. You are so much bigger than this temporary situation of “no cash”, “no home”, “illness”, “loss”, “emotional crisis”, “pain”, etc... 3 – Compare 1 and 2; put both on a scale and look at which has more value; which holds truth. (I'll give you a hint: Pick #2) 4 – Picture yourself on the weightier (#2) side of the scale now. What are you wearing, doing, saying – who are you being? Hold him/her in your minds eye. Go wild, live it up, picture your most awesome and captivating self! 5 – Get off the scale (gently). Walk over to “fearful you” (#1), take him/her by the hand and help him/her off the scale. Wrap your arms together – become One. You cannot eradicate fear by denying, minimizing or ignoring it. Fear is a part of this reality, of you, albeit the “smaller you” part. It must be loved and absorbed to be diminished. In this way you are made whole. We become stronger as we accept and welcome every single part of ourselves. Each aspect has lessons to both teach and learn. Allow for both and feel how much love you are capable of. Love all of yourself. The power in that will be a shield for the Fear Porn and this is the emblem of a Wayshower. You are here to demonstrate the strength and truth of Agape. Today, right now, your light and love are needed. Not to blast in anyone's face, but to light the way; to help make the going a bit easier for the rest of us. The world is in need of a massive dose of Agape. Demonstrate now who you know yourself to be. You are love. We are the Ones we've been waiting for. See you tomorrow. ~Sophia Join our Quest here. You tube link here. This switch to Agape will not just happen. Well, it is happening within us, yet what is meant by that first statement is this: It will take conscious effort to convince you of it. This earth life is mesmerizing. Our days are filled with stimulation on all fronts; each vying for our attention. Within these “business as usual” moments you'll feel moments of love. You'll have to look for them. While the news media screams at you to “Be afraid, be very afraid”, Agape whispers - “just love”. Listen. As a species, we learn by association. These “Agape Moments” are new. They stand alone; solitary testaments to truth. You are here now to remember. Take note of every instance that was not as you expected. These may be slight variations in behavior or they may be HUGE. Either way, notice them. Note when love emerges. If you can, jot it down. Add a note on your phone or a voice memo to yourself - “I saw love just now”. It is in the accumulation of this, our new story, that we alter history. The media is not on every corner – you are. You came now to usher in this shift of awareness. The way to change occurs in small increments; bit by bit we unite with love. What sorts of things are love? Let's start with ten or so, you'll add more as you get the idea.
These things are not new. They happen all the time. Yet we've put them in a category and mostly dismissed them as “once in awhile events”, “every so often a nice person” or luck. Here's where change happens. As we notice and remember, we begin to expect. As we expect love, we create it. That's how it really works, how our lives are created. Agape is self love. Operating from there it's an easy jump to kindness and compassion. We are One. The world around you becomes a whole lot nicer when you are fulfilled. What has been holding up our progress is the stories we've been using to learn. We've listened to society, institutions and the media long enough; as if we believe these stories are our own reality. They are not, unless you believe, expect and create them to be. Tell new stories. Give yourself the gift of freedom and pursue a passion you've neglected. Then, watch how your mood is uplifted and we all look different to you. With eyes of Agape, see the moments of love surrounding your day. It is a circle. As we love each other, we love ourselves. We are One. These love moments you are immersed in are ever so much more real than the evening news. Love yourself enough to focus on your own life – really see what's going on. There are gifts everywhere if only we keep our arms open wide enough to receive them. Let us love you. Love us back. We are the Ones we've been waiting for. See you tomorrow. ~Sophia Join our Quest here. You tube link. Let's talk about who you are, for you are so much more than you know. This person, the one looking at you from the bathroom mirror this morning is akin to a god. This is not said lightly or in jest. This is truth. The Source of life that propels you forward each day is the energy of creation itself. The definition of “soul” is your local connection to that energy. This energy doesn't diminish as it localizes, it becomes a specific point of focus. As such, it can experience its surroundings at a local level. You are the face of that local level. We are speaking about a specific you – but there are many. As a god, you enjoy a multitude of “lives and locales” yourself. These are the places of your dreams and “past” lives, your favorite things and obsessions. Do you see now the definition of infinity? There is no end to you. Yet “you” are focused here now; earth, 2014. You are looking for love, some contentment, perhaps a purpose. And this is no small matter. All that you feel in this now is felt in every other, there is no separation – it's all you. Nothing is insignificant. I've just had a demonstration of this physically. I've had a head injury and was given a narcotic for it. The reaction was immediate. The drug triggered every weakened point in my body and with one dose I was incapacitated with inflammation and illness everywhere. A gradual withdrawal, homeopathic remedies and a healer all have just about restored things to “normal”. I've felt first hand how each part of this body is connected to the other – we are always treating the whole. Considering Agape then, and the unity of ourselves – it is not possible that hate or dislike of any part does not impact the other parts. We are One – physically, figuratively and completely. In order to experience love in every moment you'll have to feel it for all parts of you. The beauty of how it works is that you don't need to worry about how to do this anywhere but right here or anytime but right now; the connection takes care of everything else. First, realize your Mastery. For without it, you wouldn't be here. Only Masters incarnate on earth. You have nothing to do to earn that title; it's yours. It is time to own it. It is shared by everyone you know. Second, now that you know one of your titles, “Master”, look up to yourself. You've come through so very much to get here. Your particular gift and expertise was necessary now – during this time of awakening. Honor the gifts you bring to the table. You chose to offer them and were chosen because of them. If you aren't clear on what those gifts are, the third thing to do is get clarity. Those gifts you came to share are the things you just can't stop doing, thinking about or researching. While immersed in them, you think of nothing else. You know “happy” then. They may not be what's putting food on your table right now, yet that doesn't matter. The joy and fulfillment they bring has no price tag. The fourth step. With clarity and acceptance of your gifts – don't stop doing them. Increase the time and effort you put there in any amount you can. Come out of the closet with who you are. We are waiting to see you. Now the fifth step is not a thing to do but a thing to feel. Feel the love that wells up inside while you do your thing. Honor the “rightness” you experience, the comfort with your craft, the ability and knowing that seems to spring from nowhere. Not imagined, these gifts you are discovering are from parts of you not here; but you just the same. They show up when you give permission, welcome them with love, imbue them with excitement and acknowledge them by using them. This is why you came! You are Masters, and with acceptance of this truth you allow Agape to seep in. What's not to love? You are a brilliant bit of eternal wisdom; all wrapped up in this quirky, beautiful character called you. Once you “get” what's magical, special and absolutely fantastic about you – you'll see love everywhere! That is Agape. Absolute acceptance of yourself. Allow it. Fearlessly find your favorite obsession and play there as much as you can. Agape is sure to emerge. You'll see. You are the One you've been waiting for. See you tomorrow. ~Sophia Join our Quest! Click here. --- I am loving Switchfoot this week... 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January 2025