This time is one of tumult (uproar, confusion, noisy commotion). In order to perform a change of such magnitude, things have to break off. This will feel like a jolt in many instances. This will be necessary because so many here now have to be shown in no uncertain terms that they have a choice. They cannot ignore it any longer. You are deep within this time of the Shift. It is happening whether you see it or not. Choices made now direct your days towards whatever future you are choosing. What is it that you are hoping to achieve? Are you looking for miraculous? Miracles are possible now and they will take place not within ancient texts but before your eyes. You came to participate. Know that what you are doing is just precisely what you’ve planned all along. Trust. Our families, our bodies, our jobs, our locations, our friends and our lovers – were all chosen for this moment now. In order to get the most from each challenge and situation, all players are in place with their parts memorized. You’ve come from a long and glorious life to participate. You’ve brought with you the tools you need to succeed. What is happening now is that you are remembering what was planned so long ago. What’s happening now is that your deepest truth is being recognized. This change we are in is not something taken care of by gods or galactics – it is happening now because we are making it happen. In a very real sense we are the gods and the galactics. From the occupy movement to the whistleblowers to those deep within the corruption, we are finding our voice and speaking out. We are making the change. We are shifting. It is us. As you look around you will find your place, you part will seamlessly fit into your life. You will notice it feels as if you were born to do it. You were. Listen to the quiet part of you that feels true. He is familiar. She is loving. It is you. The greater part of you has been here always. Today we have more direct access to this wisdom. All we need do is take the time to listen. Whether it is via a walk or a deep meditation – go within. It is vital now that you walk through these times with your head held up and your feelings sure. It is you that you must get to know. This time is ripe for self-awareness. The universe has granted us a brief moment to discover our truth – One Moment in Time. Use it. This is a necessary activity. This will give you confidence and comfort in the days ahead. It is not time to depend on another. It is time to depend on you. Find your truth. We are absolute and flawless pieces of divinity. Hold that thought always in your heart and your way will be clear. The only answer is love. We are the ones we are waiting for.
There is so much drama and ego in posts and reports and updates and replies. It is becoming a challenge to discover clear motivation. What comes through loud and clear is the intent behind every action. It is not what you are doing, but why. Understand what is really going on here. We have hoped, prayed, wished and meditated for a very long time for a better life; for happiness, prosperity, health, love. These things are forthcoming. In many places they are here. Rather than scale back our vision to focus on our deepest wish – we are observing the scenery and judging its merit. We can no longer afford the luxury of an opinion. We are here to make a decision. Our planet has been controlled. This year, for a brief moment, we are being shown the whole story. Who showed us or how they did so is not relevant. What we are seeing is vital – we are being introduced to the truth. Real freedom assumes we understand the importance of each thought word and deed; the only one responsible is us. A focus on love is what will get us to the other side of this – whole, unified and speaking as ONE. Agape is the answer. Unconditional self love is the key to oneness, to peace and to clarity of vision. We are individual expressions of Divinity, only we are still seeing our differences as faults. There is no fault. There is only ONE. Our task now is to love all our parts, all of our problems, challenges, failures, successes and illnesses. As we morph into a body that vibrates quicker, we are sort of “shaking off” the heavy stuff that can’t keep up. Therefore, we notice it. This manifests as illness or argument, relationship or financial struggle. Let it go – just love it as it leaves. It’s all you. You, in your brilliance, have created a perfect scenario for the dance through this year. We, as a collective, share a host of characters; Cobra, Drake, David, Kerry, Ben, Bill are just a few in our line of sight. They each chose to illuminate the dance floor with information and excitement. What a gift they are! As we accept ourselves as perfect, we will see them and all others as the perfection they too offer. Unconditional love means it’s all okay. Trust. This will happen. You are more powerful than any delay and bigger than any mistake. Our divisive viewpoint is holding up the works. There are not better or worse parts of us. All is perfect. Start with you. Love every blemish, decision and action. Each is a step on the way to amazing. It is vital that you love. It is okay that you disagree. Just understand that everyone is right. This is an intense moment in our transition, a time of amplification. Things will “stick out like sore thumbs” so we can see clearly and decide. We are casting a “vote” with every thought, word, post and action. Will you choose love? Will you choose fear? You have come to share your wisdom; to dance into the next dimension. Let us learn from your steps how it’s done. This is the real “Dancing with the Stars”. It is us; we are the stars, every single one of us – no exceptions. We are the ones we are waiting for. Let’s dance. The meditation for the Venus Transit was powerful! It is hours later, early the next morning here and still I am feeling it. Waves and waves of love wash over me…this is glorious. The power of love will be realized now. This year we have a unique opportunity. It is a chance to actualize our full potential. We are love. We are about to discover how much truth has been hidden from us, how much has in fact, has been taken from us. This will be months of revelations and we will begin to doubt many of the things we have believed in. We cannot doubt in the truth of who we are. We are love; divine beings, here now to transform a planet and her people with the force of agape. We chose to be here now, to participate in this glorious transformation. We were chosen because we are up to the task. It is now that things will begin to roll, and in no uncertain terms, we are asked to love. Not just a few of us, the favorite ones or cute ones, but everyone. This is the bottom line. This is where we will declare with our votes and our actions and our words and our hearts – unity or polarity, love or judgment, oneness or polarization. The cabal is us. The government is us. The banks are us. We are one. The following video was produced with intent. It was made this way to show just how powerful the thing we are here to do actually is. It may not be to your liking. The image of the bullet is not typically used when speaking of love. It has been chosen because of its power. Love is the most powerful thing we can do, now and every day. It will indeed change the world. We are the ones we are waiting for. It is all about agape. What happens when you are unconditionally self loving is that the world looks very different. The world transforms. It becomes a garden; at every turn, a new delight, a plaything, seen through eyes of love.
Ascension Road Takes us there. We are your mirrors. When you love yourself, you will look everywhere and see only love reflected. That’s it, the answer, the keys to the kingdom. I’ve been pretending when I am in a crowd or judgment rears its ugly head that I am looking at me; and me, and me and me… It changes things. I feel more accepting and become more understanding. Separation vanishes. Unity is something we already know. Our process now is to unlearn these habits of division and judgment and come from only love. It is the answer to everything. As we move through these next months, there will be a lot going on. We will need a grounding point, a place to wake up to each day. That place is your heart. As you awaken, greet yourself with love – no judgments, this day has not yet begun. Immerse yourself with adoration. Find the place, you know its there, where YOU exist - the real you, the one who knows the truth- the one speaking beneath your daily masks. Then bask in love for this is your truth. The divinity from which you spring is found in your very core. This is the love that makes miracles. Now plant your feet on the floor. Smile. You are one step closer to the next dimension. You are on solid ground. Agape is the starting point, the ending point and the whole point. Oneness is truth. Your miracle has begun and it was started by you alone. You are the one you are waiting for! How many humans does it take to change the world? Apparently 144,000. There is an event, (World Liberation Day), playing out on our stage May 5/6th. Global change will occur as a result. Here is more information: and a video as well: . This is a moment to see if it’s true, take a step towards self-determination and grab the wheel. It takes awareness of the time and about 5 minutes of your day, if that. No special location, chanting, outfits or incense is necessary. This is perfect. The reason this is ideal is because it allows for unique expressions of one truth – the truth of Unity. On a fundamental level we are One. We have never taken that idea out of our sacred texts and meditation circles. We’ve never declared our Oneness. At one moment, all over the planet, we will next weekend. We will speak as One. This is our chance to tangibly experience our truth. Some of us have known of our oneness for awhile, others of us just want to be free, yet all of understand a change is necessary. There are forces mobilized to carry out the initial event, the arrests and removal of those who understand only domination. They are waiting for a signal to do so; they are waiting for us to give it to them. It is time to push the red button. Once it is pressed, our responsibility for action does not end. The expression “freedom isn’t free” applies here. Our effort to press that button, although unprecedented, will pale in comparison to what comes next. It will be time to walk our talk. Unity is only possible without judgment. The members of what we have called the “elite” and the “criminal cabal” are no less divine than you are. They are no more divine either and that has been the issue; they have imagined themselves to be more worthy, they have played God. It is now upon us to refuse to do the very same thing in reverse. We are not “holier than thou”. We are One. We have not known we had a button to push. We couldn’t see it beyond our daily lives of jobs and laws and rules and fears. We see it now; we are ready to push it; then what? Then we maintain a visualization, and it springs from love. As One we see the treasure in all of life, and without seeking vengeance, we move to correct and educate for unity and expansion for all. We are moving from an age of Global Domination to the Age of Enlightenment. That implies decisions made that are the highest and best for all concerned; wisdom. We can do this. We have come this far against all odds and without really knowing how. We know now. We are One. What is done to any one of us affects the whole. See this transformation to conscious unity as a seamless effort. Guided by the voice of oneness we can’t help but create a beautiful new world. This is why we have come. This is our world. We are the ones we are waiting for. Let’s push the red button 5.5.2012. (Re-posted from October 2011) We are finding a voice. We are challenging institutions and on the brink of taking control of not only our money, but our lives. I don’t know that this has ever happened world-wide, and it feels like an important step towards unity consciousness, towards empowerment. My hope is for a continuation of this movement towards unity, while retaining and utilizing individual power. Personally, I realize that for unity to exist as a force, I must stop seeing separators. When I look at anything, I have noticed how my immediate reaction is to categorize it, label it even. Thoughts such as “there’s an overweight teenage boy, why is he wearing plaid?”, “here comes a crabby, skinny old lady”… do not serve my intent for oneness. In order for a shift in consciousness, I must stop separating out the wealthy 1% as evil, the old as helpless and the young as incapable. I must stop separating, period. Here’s the thing, there is a fine line between noticing the differences and holding an opinion about them and labeling them. Life simply exists here as a platform in which to experience ourselves. True non-judgment is a very rare thing to discover in another human. It signifies an evolved soul. Not judging does not mean living without preferences. I do not enjoy popcorn. I do not think there is something wrong with my children because they love popcorn. Perhaps, if I was unsure of my decision about popcorn, I would ridicule popcorn lovers and make them wrong for their choice. Perhaps I would attempt to get them to come over to my side, the side where all the intelligent, popcorn haters sit. This would bolster my self esteem, my belief in the “rightness” of my popcorn beliefs. There are no “right” popcorn decisions, just as there are no “right” ways to live your life. All is choice. When you understand, absolutely that each choice you make is only a choice for a singular moment and nothing more, you become much less attached to the choices of others. Each life is a singular moment, filled with decisions/choices. Freedom is non-attachment. Freedom is love. Each lifetime chosen provides a different approach, another way to experience creation. This is why there is no cause for fear. Fear only exists because you believe you can lose something – your life, your reputation, your money, your love – you cannot lose what isn’t real. What is real is you. It is love. Love truly felt is something never lost. It is something no one can take from you. It exists as truth. You are the one you’ve been waiting for all along. A field of yellow catches my eye and I turn to enjoy the view. This little patch of dirt, squished between cement sidewalk and highway, is awash with color on this rainy spring morning. I am surprised. I drive by here every day and have never noticed. A closer look offers an answer, these are weeds. Relentless and persistent, dandelions thrive anywhere. Regardless of product used, money spent or effort given, the battle seems won by the weed. A dear friend of mine loves them and looks forward to their emergence. It does seem to be merely a preference instead of a fact that dandelions are an eyesore. You’d be hard pressed to tell the difference from a distance between a field of daffodils and a field of dandelions. One you plant, the other you pull. We have in our midst many “weeds” that are about to be pulled. They must be. Like the plant, once they gain strength in an area they choke out all other life. All resources support them. Nothing else can thrive. It is the way weeds work, in human and plant form. They know nothing else but to infiltrate and dominate. “Weeds” are not less than the rest of us. They are not supportive however and it is time to get rid of them. We can no longer thrive with them in our midst. The movie bearing that name illustrates what has been happening. This is what we are doing as a race. We are removing those that would take over and destroy the rest. It is necessary in order to continue. Hating the dandelion or getting angry at it is not productive. A clean removal of the entire plant must be accomplished. We have discovered the root and we are digging it out. We want a field of different flowers now. We want to plant them ourselves rather than being overrun. We are wildflowers, every one. We are looking now for fertile ground. Whether we find it or not depends on how we get rid of the weeds. The normal stuff isn’t working. It is time for a new plan. Twice I’ve removed persistent, giant, deeply rooted weeds. The first time I hated that weed. It had destroyed parts of my fence and numerous, expensive ornamentals that I had carefully planted. I dumped a quart of gasoline on it – in the process killing not just the weed, but everything else. It’s been years and still nothing grows there. The weed is gone, but at the expense of all life. The second weed was more of a small, ugly, relentless bush. We wrapped a chain around it and a truck pulled it out. It took effort, a group of us, planning and precision. It was taken out, roots and all, and has never returned. Flowers grow beautifully in its place. We are seeing the depths of the roots of our human “weeds”. They need to be removed, not destroyed. Respect for all of life demands that each action benefit the whole. Once these weeds are gone, we are going to need fertile ground. We are gardeners, not weed killers. Once a dandelion is removed at the root, you only need to drop it on the nearby soil, exposing the root. It can no longer grow and will naturally decompose, nourishing the ground beneath. We are being called now to proceed with wisdom to activate the love that we are. It is this love that supports all of life. We are seven billion and more powerful than the weeds. They have no choice but to yield to our decision. All of life flourishes when love dictates each movement. You have come to show the way. These “weeds” in our midst understand only dominance; divide and conquer. They require removal if really aggressive and re-education. Proceed with love. Hatred is a fruitless enterprise. Growth is paramount. Collaboration for mutual benefit is what we are here to do. You have come now to energize us all with your love and your light – to nourish this beautiful home called earth. Love in every moment. This is how we get to Paradise. We are the ones we are waiting for. It is raining here. All morning we could feel the skies rumble with this approaching storm. The house shook and our cat moaned. It was dark and we could not see the clouds move in. But we knew. When it broke at daybreak, we all relaxed. The cat curled up and finally slept, calm again. We all settled comfortably in to another day of familiar. Most days now feel anything but routine. There are spaceships in our skies, brutality from our police force, criminals in our banks, corruption in our government and discomforts in our bodies. We cannot necessarily see the approaching changes, but we know something is coming. We look forward to the day when we once again, can settle in to the familiar. Yet it is not so much the familiar that we are yearning for, but the wonderful. It is from that state we have come and it is to there that we are trying to return. You know the way, and once you arrive it will feel like home. Not, perhaps, the home of your very human childhood, but the home waiting for you in the state of wonderful. You will get there with love. When searching fearlessly within, you discover your truth. You are more than a man or woman, brother or sister, father or mother, sister or brother, doctor, teacher, librarian, student, lawyer, electrician or business owner. You are beyond beautiful and greater than any championship. These human roles are costumes; what’s real is beneath the mask. You are so much more than you pretend to be. You are love, and by agape you will enter the state of wonderful. It is not boastful or arrogant or sinful or selfish to adore yourself – it is necessary. You have come from a seemingly distant land and willingly immersed yourself in a place that has no facility to recognize your gift. Like a bull in a china shop, it’s been mostly a disaster. Put that same bull in the ring, and all who see him appreciate his beauty, strength and magnificence. We are sensing now our time to enter the ring. With anticipation we are waiting for our turn to run – brilliant and free. We can feel it, although it is still not visible to our physical eyes. Feel the fullness of your own truth. You hold all the answers, you know the right moves; you spring from source energy. Ego is not what we’ve been told; ego is not when you are feeling and proclaiming your greatness - ego doubts your own divinity. You are lesser than none. You belong in the state of wonderful and when you’ve momentarily been there; your joy is validation of that truth. This anticipation and sense of “something coming” feels intense. It is so radically different than anything we have known while here on earth. We are quivering with readiness, smiling on the inside and oh so much more than eager. We can’t wait. We don’t have to. With agape we’ll find our way home. As we trust, relax, forgive and tenderly guide our fragile ego, we discover the path was always right here. It is our heart. There is a sense of anticipation, apprehension and alert “waiting” residing in our energy field. As we collectively become conscious of the process of waking up, we see more evidence of it. As we notice different signs, we speak of it, which makes it real and brings into play the creative energy of whomever we speak to. This is the way creation happens – it does not matter which comes first, “the chicken or the egg”. In the end, the result is the same and something is manifested. It’s all one and as we see what is occurring for us now it becomes very clear. The awareness of a change or movement or “shift” in the air leads to thought, then conversation and subsequent action; each in their turn creating further awareness, beginning the cycle again. It is a circle; it is one continuous flow of manifestation. There is no place to point at where it “started”. All is one. When we are tired, which body part initiated the exhaustion? We don’t tend to say, “I am so tired because my feet did so much walking today”, as if our feet were the culprits. Our entire body experiences fatigue. We are one. We are shifting, changing and feeling it. I may define it as sleepiness, while you call it agitation and someone else may experience an illness – we organically move as a whole towards evolution. We have always done so. As one. There is no us and them, with one of us more responsible than another of us. Equally responsible, we have all walked in each other shoes to bring us to this point in our journey. It is easy now to blame. We may have gotten to a place of love and accepted responsibility for our close relationships, yet, there is plenty of hate left for the government, banks, Illuminati, etc. Hate springs from fear, and there is nothing to be afraid of. This is a planned event. It is being explained politically and esoterically and scientifically and galactically – yet it’s all one story, happening in one unit of life – ours. It is not necessary to like what your government or the cabal is doing; revolution is part of evolution. Yet it is crucial that we love them. We are here now to make this shift – not just observe it. We are here to love ourselves. As we are one, we are here to love each other. As we accept and love ourselves, our agape will ripple out to reach every one of our “enemies”. Unconditional love yields wealth beyond measure. Love yourself. Start now. What we are feeling “in the air” is our heart. It is expanding and finally realizing the capacity it holds for love. This is nothing to worry about, this is our story and it has a great ending. Just love and keep watching, you’ll see. As you move through your days, there is an undercurrent of tension. Depending on where you are and who you are, you will label this as illness, anxiety, anger, nervousness or excitement. Its source remains undefined. It is the energy of unity, individually experienced. Together, you are experiencing a change, a shift in how your world is seen and felt. You are realizing your truth; we are one. You are individually impacting the whole. Each of us is. There is the ripple in the pond effect in every moment. As the energy changes and things move more quickly, the net result of each action taken by you is felt further and faster than ever. This has always been, yet what is different now is our awareness of it as it occurs. You can see your emotions trickle out beyond where you stand. One anxious person in a home and the entire family visibly reacts. In the most effective and satisfying moments, you are clear on your emotions and from where they spring. Our most immediate responsibility in these shifting times is self awareness. Understand that we are one; who you are effects the whole of us. You may focus on a specific person or event yet they are merely signposts – what you experience is a reflection of your internal struggle. This may not be news you want to hear, yet it is truth. The world you see is subjective. It is seen from your eyes, felt with your heart and hands, heard through your ears. The life you live is defined by you and this definition is the only one that matters. You are a physical manifestation of love, an expression of divinity; form created from one thought – love. You are uniquely suited to every situation you find yourself in – if only because you got yourself there. Nothing is without purpose and the only one who can discover the purpose of your moments is you. There is no one who knows you like you do. Without judgment – come to see the breadth of experience your life is. Do not fear any emotion. All is included; joy, excitement, sadness, pain. You have chosen this. Insight is available always, yet it requires fearless scrutiny. No one is judging you more harshly than you. Give that up. Don’t let fear prevent you from seeing what is true. We have spent enough time now with blame and accusations. Resolve to spend the effort of emotion productively. It is okay to stumble a bit; that is how you learn to get up and stay up. Despising your actions, hating yourself or any form of self abuse does not serve you. Decide to be free of blame and self defeating thought. Gently, lovingly see who you have been and decide otherwise if he/she is not who you now are. You can choose how you feel, and by doing so, create your world consciously. It is your most powerful means to do so and in fact the only tool you have complete control of. It is time to understand deeply all that you are capable of. In Lak’ech. |
April 2024