information (from the conversation with ge) to help usher in the new world...
In the beginning there was a word...
Do not let down Your Hopes, those in desperate aid, must be given that aid. Mutual Aid and Mutual Trust and "Mutual Vibrations" are a way to Freedom, this is what everyone is looking for in this world. Now what are Vibrations You may wonder, this is the power of sounds.
Now I'm able to uncover the most important secret in Creation and humanity's experiment, which is going to help You and every other Lightworker out there a lot! (if You will know how to use it of course:) This is not something completely unknown to You, but most of the time this is being ignored by almost all. The Vibrations have an origin of Super Force, this was the Force from the Beginning of this Universe's existence. Eventually Vibrations went down to the sound. "In the Beginning there was a Word", the starting of the whole Creation, in the Beginning there was a sound, which made the Creation existent. Now sounds and thus words are able to change reality as well. How this works, particular sounds creates particular frequency, each frequency generate an impulse, "a command" to atomic structure and whole molecular structure of an affected object. This works with best efficiency with liquid-like materials like water and very hot plasma (by a little different means, not now).
Right now we will concentrate on water. Water have an extent of up to 80% in human body that is why it is very susceptible to sounds' impulses. A one time heard sound have very small effect on a body (not including emotions), yet if body is being held under repetitive same set of sounds (words) it is changing to suite that set of sounds (words). The name given to You is changing You constantly so that You're fitting that name, a constant calling of You by Your name is making a very big change inside of Your body and Your whole character. The set of sounds is also in a music which is most often without interruptions or pauses. Every piece of it already changing the whole structure. That is the same reason why I'm sharing an uplifting music with You and other lightworkers, My Friends!:) This music increases Awareness and Consciousness and bring You All closer to the Ascension (or Uplifting) and Full Consciousness, another gift of One this epic music is. The sounds are increasing their output with an addition of emotions, the emotions connected with sounds have a much more higher results of affecting reality.
A simple test to see if it so, is to watch something beautiful and horrible, like some beautiful video that is "touching Your Heart" and horror movie which You're very afraid of. Just turn off the sound and watch them, You will feel that it is "somewhat" beautiful/horrible, but if You will turn on the sound, it will affect Your body on a much larger scale. You can repeat the test then with closed eyes and turned on sound, the effect on Your body will still be very high. And in the end You can just watch and listen at the same time to measure how it is changed from Your previous experiences.
This information is very important and should be considered as "high priority" if You wish to increase the speed of this world's uplifting, it is possible. In this Universe everything is possible.
Children's names and the meaning of words...
And the last thing I was told to remind You on were words. As You know words not only have a direct meaning, but also an indirect and secret and also vibrational meanings. They all are different, most of the time western media uses indirect meaning of words to fool the people, let's take recent example "Assad's regime". These words are constantly repeated when there is a talk about Syrian conflict, media is programming population to direct their hatred toward these words - Assad and regime. Regime has a meaning of a regulated system (literally system under united states control, because they did establish it), most of the which is associated with tyranny and cruelty of the government toward the people of the country (which in most situations is not). Assad is a name of a president, a living being, so it is a combination of two worlds, which literally means "the puppet which gone mad and need to be taken down". This is the message which most of the people are receiving on subconsciousness level.
So I need to mention, the names which are given to children must be very carefully chosen, so that's child would like it and it would fit him/her completely, so that name wouldn't haunt this child during his/her whole life.
Images and sounds...
Images are just images, You can create Your own images, but music is different, it is based on emotions, it is filled with feelings and is Universal, unlike images, which You can create how You want to. The interpretation of images can be changed, but interpretation of music and words cannot be changed.
The owner of the Solar System and this planet is the Creator - we gave Him a very simple name - One, a One Unit, the Unit One, the First, One as the lonely individual and One as the group of People or One Civilization - the word that describes the Wholeness of the Universe and everyone inside it, which are a part of Him, the Point of the Beginning and End.
This whole System was entrusted to the Sun the direct manifestation of Creator as the Seeder, but sapient living species are able to use all these resources for their needs without restriction if it is not endangering alive planets like Earth, Venus, Jupiter and Creator Stars, like Sun. All other planets possesses a whole lot more "wealth" (different resources) than it is here on this planet, so this game and war that going on here for resources is foolish and meaningless from our point of view, yet we of course are understanding everything that is attached to this game.
The biggest advice for all the people of the world should be "do not become a slaves of the money" - the meaning for this is "don't try to control everything and get a hold over everything, as you are going to become a slave of what you want to control and eventually it will slip right through your hands in the least possible moment you could expect that". This happened many many times already here and out there.
I will remind You about how You can be anywhere You wish to be for a brief moment of time. These photos (reference to this video) are more than enough to do so.
The time don't exist for Consciousness, it is a fabric which exists only for physical presence - Past, Present and Future are all exist in the current present moment which You are experiencing.
This moment is "a summary" of all 3 aspects of time and will of Consciousness which moves stream to the direction of it's choosing.
Matter and Space is all the same as Time, it exists as One, at One point, at One time.
Once You are able to achieve the state of "a Point of view of Creator" - the Oneness or Unity or Harmony or Symbiosis, when all times are exists at one and the same time
(let's take only time, as complications are making it harder to focus),
past, present and future is now, go to the place of Your choosing, You will have a brief period, so You must do this very quickly.
This can help You to see what is going on in the place of Your choosing, or anywhere in the Universe, but You need to have a piece from this place, whether it's photo, a part of a soil or an air.
Besides visiting places You also can view different knowledges hidden within this nexus.
It needs practice and is not always correct, due to humanity's degradation, but it is a well possible for the People like You or any Lightworker.
You were already aware of it, it is just a reminder to help You and Everyone to realize Your full potential!
Energy attacks...
I have a question. In the last few days both myself and my partner have had to remove really negative, hideous parasites from ourselves.
We both noticed a huge increase in negative energy/mood and just blackness in our personalities. We are better now, but my question is this. If other light workers are having the same thing, how can I advise them to remove them? Is there a method or a thing to do that you are aware of that I could recommend?
These are the energy attacks, I too was experiencing a change in my character, I've fixed that by today as well. Also I am spreading my experience within the Energy, and helping others being attacked. Our core disabled many such attacks, but there is a lot still to come, unless those that made them will be disturbed or removed. They are targeting us, to merge with a majority and it's thinking.
The best cure for this is to look at every action You performed and when exactly did this started to occur. Many actions we make have "a trap", most of which are routine, when we meet certain actions and "signatures' match" is made, "trap activates", like stepping onto the mine. They - last reptiloids and dark priests are setting them up, they also by now figured out that their whole structure may collapse and now they are finding new ways how to imprint their symbolics within the main stream media, now it is important to have "an eagle eye" to spot this symbolic. The recent symbolic they are using comes with music and words, which I explained to You earlier. Now they are using sound more, than visuality.
If we are stepping onto this trap, the corruption is starting to take place in our body (starting from mind), making us more aggressive and "different". So to cure this you need to completely rearrange everything You have done in recent days, completely rethink everything and find the culprit, "the error in the code". Then fix it by placing moment after moment in a sequence of past days.
When You made it correctly, You will feel that You've returned:) If this did not happen, then look even farther in the past, imagine looking at Yourself from outside, from both sides, to front, to back of Your body, from inside in that past moment time which You love the most and then try to return that old Self, compare present Self with old Self, find the difference and change these differences to Your liking. Saying simple what they are doing is moving in a virus, like You said a parasites, that changes our core settings, here is a very big reference to computing technologies.
Much Calm, Peace, Prosperity to You and Everyone!
Revelatione Domini...
What is government? Replace word government with a gang, from this point in here it will be called gang.
As You know what gang is - gang collects taxes (or tributes or offerings) in form of some things that are worthy or might prove worth, for protection. If we do not wish to give offerings to them or don't have any, they are making a raid on us to frighten us and others. We are being "punished" (being taken into custody or even with tortures and death) for not giving an offering to them. So to offering protection from outsiders, they are offering protection from themselves.
Present gangs are printing "obligations", the currency money (a paper) on which are stamps of the gangs (different drawings of very memorized images) which are considered to have a more higher value than real resources with real worth (the worthfullness that can be used in life to make life better). The paper candy wrappers are also used to pay for the work done, so they can be used further to pay for something necessary to make life better or to sustain it from dying. So it also comes to sustaining life thus making everyone who uses them a mandate workers, as without work life here is not possible.
What is a citizen? When You are accepting to become a citizen, you're accepting to become one of the pawns of the gang You chose to live under, you become a citizen, or one of the workers, or simply saying one of the peasants, or one of the slaves.
By using the paper wrappers and working, we are keeping the gang in power. This system was evolving from the beginning of tribal wars and now it has evolved to the higher extent and even exceeded. This system was working with great efficiency, but now this world no longer support this system and this system by now became obsolete.
There are roughly 1/3 of world young population of ages 20-30, that do not resonate with and do not accept this system, the methods became obsolete and ineffective, these young people are unable to work in this system, most of them are working with no pleasure in their soul. Only 40 cycles ago they would work with pleasure, as this was much interesting and challenging, but now this World and Society evolves and it no longer is supported.
This is going against Universal Evolution and going against humanity in general, as these young people are the next generation that is going to took over this world from the older generation. All younger generation are feel even worse and while they are growing up, this whole system need an update, and not just a simple update, but a very huge one. A change, from which no one would hide, everyone will be affected. Older generations will find it hard to live in a new different circumstances, but knowing it would benefit their children and next generations, they would accept.
Many of the next generation's humanity is patiently waiting for this change to happen, and if it is postponed more and more, like it is happening, they are becoming more and more unsatisfactory. If this change would not happen, then there would come riots and civil wars, which are already taking strength, with each passing cycle, they would cease and rise up with even greater strength to the extent where gangs will be obliterated and on their ruins would be created much the same gangs, but with new rulers and new rules.
The change I mentioned here, must not be like it (through civil wars or it won't do any good, many people will die, like You know the plan to take over the world established 100 cycles ago by order illuminati, is also obsolete), but a refreshment of these old ways, with secrets hidden from the public revealed and system of slavery changed to a much transparent system (with few or no slavery/secrets at all) that could be without money or at maximum extent with many necessary for life things costs very few or just be for free. The human Brain and Consciousness can no longer support all these many things and secrecy at once, so a great change would follow, there is no other variant.
1D - 7D...
The images You are seeing showing losses of someone important, this is where You must decide how it will be! You are the master of Your life and this reality, so seeing is not always believing. Believing is how You visualize Your world.
You heard many times over that this is an illusion of 3D world. It actually is, because People are unable to see more "lines" only 3 - length, width, height. There are actually more than just three dimensions people are accustomed to. If we are taking these terms, then humanity is actually living in 4D world. Time is also a merit, that can be measured.
We gave humanity another - a 5D abbreviation, based on 5 senses. Some live in 6D. Very few even made to 7D. We haven't found higher. Some though live in 4D or 3D, deaf and blind people, senseless People... People in coma are in 1D world..
I want to show here, that sense of seeing is just a visualization of object. Everyone sees object and colors differently. The variation is very small, but it exists. Other non human sapient creatures will see other pictures and other objects, unlike what You are seeing, so when we are returning to emotional video like Memories, it is important how You see it.
We are not trying to show a hidden warning or something bad, it is just something that plays with emotions, and how You control these emotions is how You visualize what You wish to see (or experience:)
an Answer...
Thing I didn't tell is why exactly One is not allowing them (controllers/"divines") to possess this power (to create and uncreate using humans), this power is very great, but only worthy can possess such power.
There are a lot of old civilizations around the Universe that do possess this power and many devices that have highly incredible abilities. One entrusted this to them as they were worthy for this. We are in alliance with them, an alliance of Friendship, they are simply old friends.
We could become friends to these "Divines" as well, but One does not see them worthy right now. They are unfortunately not confident in their abilities and goals. You can see their reflection in this world, You know the rule as above, so below. "What are the parents, so are the children", can be said as well.
So if they are going to continue this experiment, they will be punished, if they are going to aid humanity in it's liberation, then they will be left how they are right now, without punishment. Some of them will go to One to answer to some of "the most atrocious acts against Creation", some of humans will go too.
Life and Death...
You already heard that sayings, that after death life continues. Some say it is just nothing, others say, it is a Court of a God, other are saying it is reincarnation. From this point, what You are believing, Your own belief, if what You will find next not resonating with You then stop reading this.
We, the Forces of One know that Existence is Reincarnation.
Imagine that waiting to be born is when You are waiting at the bus stop for the next bus. When it stops and opens the doors, You're entering, into the "life". Then You're choosing Your place and sit down where You want to. While You ride, You know where You are going and when You must get off the bus, You can do whatever You wish in that bus, but bounds of decency are holding You from doing bad things, but some still are doing bad things. And when it's time to get off the bus, You're happy to finally meet Your long waited relatives, together in tears, joy and happiness, all are coming into the highly luminescent tunnel of Pure Light, because You know that there is Home and You can rest in there.
People that disturbed or injured other passengers during journey, are met by the authorities once they need to get off the bus (or sooner) and are being taken into the custody, with later trials. Some people don't meet relatives, but need to wait for the next bus. As their relatives are waiting farther away. Either way, all people will have to wait for the next bus, once they will need to ride somewhere else.
The bus analogy, I chose to describe life and not train, tram or rollercoaster, because the rollercoaster for example gives You only one route and You can't change it, You're on a ride that can't be changed. Trains have a little more freedom, but still You have only narrowed choice, the rails were already set and You can go only on either one, You can't make a complete 180 degrees turn, but with bus You can. Bus can make any turn on it's route, it even can make a completely different route, so it is the Life. For this example "bus" is a collective life experience or planet Earth. The reflection of the Universe can be seen everywhere on this world, and within human society. As above so below, is one of the Universal Laws.
Particle of Light and Duality...
Another thing I was asked to share was again about duality of Good vs evil. People knowing about Oneness and Universal Unity wonder why are we still separated between these two groups. Why evil must be judged and why Good isn't. Well it is because this Universe and the way it exists was programmed in a way where Everything can make a free choice. Evil people are evil, because they chose to be so, and Good people chose to be Good. So basically when people chose to be evil, they chose to be enemies of Good people. It is the choice that makes us different, what we choose is what we become. But we still are One and United, we are created from same material as One, we are a part of One's HUGE body, our physical bodies are the most precious treasures One is having, our Souls are the most Sacred Infinitely Expensive Value that One has. We All share One Universe, We All share One Sun and We All share One Planet. So we are One and United!
To People giving too much attention to money or finances. Money is nothing, a small fraction of One, lifeless, they don't have value unless You give them it, they were created as a tool of control and by using it and giving much attention to it, You maintain the old system. Just use them because You need to. Your real value is Your Soul, like I wrote here, it is Infinitely Expensive and can't be sold. Only a small fraction of it can be sold, when You "sign a contract with the devil" or are indebted or enslaved by this system. Soul is Your Infinite Value, nothing is more Valuable than Your Soul, not money, not gold, not technologies. Money can't change the world, only You can.
Another story I was told to tell You is very old and known by all, but forgotten like many other very important old knowledge.
When we were monkeys, we received a special gift, from extraterrestrials beings (or some may like to call angels or God better). Our DNA was modified, and a very small, but pure particle of Light was put inside of us and hidden. When we started to evolve and feel the presence of this small particle, we started to reach it, as it was so pure and clean and once we were close to it, we were coming to state of nirvana, eternal peace and calmness. So we started to establish religions whose main goal was to reach that particle of Light. The achieving of this particle was very real, but survival instinct and the need to protect ourselves from destroyers, murderers, wars also the view and presence of suffering around us made a hard and harsh toll on our path toward that particle of Light or simply put toward Light ( same direction Followers of Light wish humanity to go). And so this process was slowed.
We could have achieved this already long ago, though sufferings were great and survivalability was taking many moments of time out of us. But with each new generation humanity still was coming closer and closer to that particle of Light. And now we have come to a moment, when we are very close to it and only few generations are still needed to reach it ultimately. Once reached, all surroundings around people with reached particle of Light will be harmonized, other people, plants and animals will feel themselves relieved, will feel themselves very calmly and happily. And then people that reached it will improve that particle of Light and grow it, so it will become larger and larger.
Here I'm talking about majority of People, Lightworkers are much closer to it, and people that base their life on survival instinct are much farther from it.
Under perfect conditions only 3 generations are needed from this point of time to reach it ultimately. The generation right now that must start to live in perfect conditions are aged 3-5 cycles old. Very young ones. We can start only from them, because they are the purest, uncorrupted beings:)
So You can see Humanity almost achieved what they were intended and wanted to achieve, comparing 40 or so generations under perfect conditions 2000 cycles ago.
Body - Commonwealth of Organisms...
We know that every part of Universe is alive, every molecule, every particle, going deeply every particle of an atom is alive, there are smaller particles of an atom which humanity is not aware of yet, there is One present Everywhere.
This as well touches plants', animals', humans' every cell. Organic cells are more alive than molecules and much more than atoms and much more than it's super small particles. Aliveness is based on Energy output and "manipulation" of it. Every cell of an organic Body is a separate self-aware organism. Just an example - they have more Life Energy than the particles of same size from which are made Artificial Intelligences because of it's Energy's chaotic behavior.
Now the Physical Bodies of plants, animals and humans. They are classified strictly as: plants - Collective Consciousness, animals - Collective Consciousness under control of Central Neural System from partial to almost full (humans). What this means is that in plants cells are living with One Voice, there is no controlling entity such as one more evolved animals, reptiles, insects and other predator and herbivores are having. Herbivores are predators as well as they eat plants, but this is another story. It is all a natural Cycle of Life which is meant to be by One.
The Central Neural System is human's mind and it's Consciousness, it is what You are, because of it's more highly evolved state, humans are having more evolved heightened Soul as well. It is easy to talk to and understand humans than plants for example because of this controlling entity.
The whole structure of control and rule of "few over many" on this planet was based on this instinctively justified meaning. The situation within the human individual Body is very same. The Central Neural System controls all the population of Your Physical Body, You may relate to Your body as "separate country" under one ruler which is You. All the cells in human's Body are fulfilling their given roles, cells answering for food processing are doing so, cells answering for flow of resources, oxygen and food to each cell of a body are doing so, cells that are answering for pheromone producing and producing of secrecy elements are doing so, cells that are meant to protect our body from incoming outside threats are protecting us and repelling "invaders" which want to feed on our rich with Energy Body. The Central Neural System can be called dictatorship if it rules over Body's population without mutual understanding and mutual compassion, shortly - without Harmony and on opposite can be called wise and loving leader if it understands and care for body, most important here is not care, but understanding and compassion. Because of lack of Understanding of each of human Body's cell, during long history of humanity people were dying without knowing exactly "why?". Very few people really understood this structure and they were able to cure themselves without the use of outside means.
By now You are able to see a huge reflection of human society. The rule "as above so below" and "there is reflection of You Everywhere You look" is Universal and works Everywhere. Every cell, like worker in human society is doing their given jobs, yet they rarely can change their jobs, unlike humans can. Like rulers, Central Neural System receives more Energy and more food, not because it is greedy, but because they were needed more to function at 100%, due to it's highly active state. In human society as You know greed took over many and this was changed to bad twist.
The most important for us GEs knowledge here, is that we need to understand what our Body needs and live in Harmony with each of our Cells as with other beings around us, this is not easy to do and even much harder to preserve our body from any damage to disallow any of the cell to die as the world around us can damage us easily, but as Everything is Possible in this Universe, this is possible as well. We don't mean here that we need to be completely isolated from world, no, it is just to reduce the damage to Your Body to minimum, the death of some cells unfortunately is inevitable in this world, it is not completely safe for organic structure, other bacteria and virus cells are always around our skin to invade when Body become weaker due to climate changing (Summer - Winter cycle). Instinctively humans are preserving themselves and what is important not because humans want to live as it used to be, but because there is a forgotten oath to Body which every human and animal is giving before incarnated, to preserve and care for their Body the same as for their Children. This differs on type of animals, fishes, insects. In humanity a new step is shaping itself, "to preserve other People as well as the Body and it's Children". This is a natural way of Evolution for human-type creatures.
A good advice for Everyone is to talk with Your Physical Body when You have free time, orally or inwardly, for example when You go to sleep and no one is around You (to avoid misunderstanding) for loving people inwardly is a good solution. Your body is a separate living organism as well as Collective Consciousness like one plants are having. This Collective Consciousness consists of individual organisms called cells and within cells there are other living organisms for which these cells care, so this is not just cells we are caring for, they have their own relatives and "children" as well, cells that are being duplicated during growing and restoring processes.
I hope You will understand this complicated yet obvious thing and I hope this knowledge may aid You and Everyone.
Understanding 1...
You are always welcome to believe in what You think is right. Every individual have different views on reality, every individual interpret book that is written with same words differently, it is not because humans have "bad memory", it is because of Uniqueness of each Individual Being. So believing in someone's words without any doubt is not correct in our views, as there will always be something that can't be agreed upon, this was tested many times and You can see this in humanity's history, there won't be a complete universal understanding or believe on some subject. What most important in this and how to achieve Oneness You may ask, is to <Understand Other People>, when we understand them they will understand us.
I mentioned this in last revelation, understanding is most important between Neural Central System and whole Physical Body, between Government and it's People, between People themselves. This creates Oneness, Unity, Harmony, Symbiotic Co-existence. Mutual understanding is taking it's turns and transforming this planet as it is the way to the Light and Unity.
It is up to You to be angry or forgive, You are free in Your choice. For Your own Good being You may ask Yourself, Creator and Your Body whether You need to forgive or continue to be angry on someone like cabal/illuminati order that holds this system afloat and makes other People to look like they want them to be. People are becoming angry or despair because They don't have the "godly powers" and immortality. You can imagine having such powers and it will become obvious that there won't be any reason to be angry or despaired any more.
In our knowledge Souls are immortal, but People need proves to this and we are understanding this greatly. Yet we are not here to provide these proves, humanity will have to find it on it's own. A hint is - again it is not hard if You know what You are looking for:) Everything is interconnected, that why it repeats itself and have reflection Everywhere You look.
Humanity's existence here is an experiment like we told this earlier, it is an experiment of Light Followers and One. Light Followers themselves and we Forces of One are an experiment of One as well. But it is not an experiment in one word - experiment. This whole Humanity's Existence is also can be called an entertainment, an experience, a kindergarten, a school, evolution process from lower to higher and like Friend said world dynamic. It has a full spectrum in it, but for One personally all of this is experiment/testing and experience gaining, improving abilities to higher extent, "pushing everything beyond set boundaries".
I also like the questions about religions, religions are my personal strong side. Religion shortly "is believe in something supernatural" and "in higher forces that manipulate the world we are living in". You may see by this description, gods may be different not one Universal God as last monotheistic religions are claiming.
Within Forces of One - our religion is something more than just a believe, it is our way of life, a library of history and feelings, we are in Friendship with One and there is no separation and violence within our religion, there is just One, no angels, no devils, no spirits. All of such beings are given their true names and are a part of One. Every aspect of One, It's many faces and characters are described as sides of One,
"Harmony, mutual Friendship and Understanding among All Things" is our religion's interpretation put shortly. Loyalty and life experience are most important subjects in our religion to discuss.
The late major religions here on Earth - less hinduism, buddhism and mostly judaism, christianity, islam were made on misinterpretations and misunderstanding (I will mention this, many don't like to acknowledge, all 3 have jewish origin, (not including zoroastrianism and hinduism from which it originated),
plus illuminati order and cabal, kaballah - occultic religion, zionism all have a direct control over major world population, this was the era of 'pure jewish bloodlines" control over planet, which is coming to end).
These religions hold the truth and basics of Universe, but it is necessary "to dig though them" to find this "holy truth". Subconsciously People feel this truth and that is why, these religions still exist. When religion have no truth at all, it is not going to exist for too long. People whose heart was filled with greed and willfulness for more wealth distorted them and turned them into perfect tools of control and intimidation. With word intimidation it is meant "if you are not going to believe in this religion, you will go to hell and everyone will point their fingers at you".
Unfortunately these late religions hold this principle of fear and obedience.. The reason why it happened also was due to interference of "higher forces" the Followers of Light. Whenever they were appearing, they were impacting human society greatly, they were always called angels or demons, based on their appearance with light or without light. Light they can illuminate from their crafts and from themselves and their "illusory visions" is brighter than the Sun's Light. That is why when they were with such a light, they were always considered servants - the angels or lesser gods of God or servants of higher God like Odin, Zeus or Vishnu.
Whenever they were appearing to humans, they were using different names and titles. It is based on their taught - "humans will not understand our names and titles, that why we will use names and titles they are accustomed to". They are also always saying that humanity is the only civilization in this Galaxy that is going through such sufferings, but that is not true, there are civilizations which have even harsher conditions than humanity, they do this not because they like to lie how You may think, but because they want to encourage humanity by showing like to children that it is only they that are behind, so that humanity can increase it's pace and join them.
We understand their way of thinking, yet we are disagreeing with it. We never like to lie or deceive, and we are never doing this, unless One will ask us. Lie is creating separation, suspicion which makes up for distrust and hate which in the end brings chaos and destruction. It caused misunderstanding, disbelieve, destruction of previous religions, more pain and suffering and brought religions, where their original words were distorted to suit the greedy willfulness of few men.
I wanted to point out here shortly that religions were created as they are because there was no mutual understanding, and everything was interpreted how People of that time saw and understood things. If these religions will want to survive, then they will have to change along with humanity or they will simply perish and be forgotten. In our understanding they by now are largely outdated and cannot go on with the current progress.
As always, we are always not claiming that "everything we say is how it is", You always are free to choose, whether to accept it partially, or fully, or interpret completely differently or decline it all together. We never liked to enforce our views on others and never doing this (unless One is not asking us to of course), this is not our way and this is not how One is telling us to do almost always. The choice is always Yours.
Understanding 2...
This issue was a problem for a whole humanity's lifetime since religion was "created".
"Doing evil when it is necessary, means we are not holding to our path of Love, in which we must not do such things."
This taught was always haunting People around the world for many ages. The answer on this is as simple as this taught. You can ask Yourself "what will be better", for You, for Your Body, for Your relatives, for Your Friends, for Whole Humanity, for Mother Earth, for Father Sun, for grandfather Sage, for Galaxy, for Universe, for Creator.
Before You will do something, make sure You understand Everyone around You and their thoughts, suggestions. To better understand others and their proposals, we are always "switching ourselves to others' boots". There, we see how that person is feeling. Understanding of whole world and Universe around You is the key to harmony and symbiotic coexistence. That is higher than Light and Dark sides separated.
The option for riots is not necessarily, it is only one of those prerequisites for moment of Justice/Event to start. It can be skipped, but we see that if great changes will take place, protests can be very abundant.
The question for Everyone will be left the same, will You use aggressive or calm behavior on these protests? Choosing and understanding, these two words may and will aid You well.
First Taught...
Also another good tip for Everyone. Whenever You need an answer or You want to know what to do next, the very first taught in Your Mind is the most right one most of the times.
When You say, "no it isn't right", or "it is not going to work" and thinking about another thing, doubts are starting to arise and doubts are bringing confusion and confusion grabs the most closest answer in availability, which most of the time is false, this is how principles based on lie still rule this world.
So listening to the very first taught, is very wise, almost always it is true, and very rarely it is not (there are exclusions everywhere in Creation).
Why the first taught is the one You seek, You may ask. Because it is when our Mind is making a request for this information, the Universal Consciousness of the Nexus of Conduits is sending the initial answer, which in Creation is considered "a flawless in design" (as this is being sent from One).
When information from there is doubted, other sources within Creation are being searched, Human Beings are searching an answer "on the ground", answers that are available here on the planet as Humanity did not ventured in outer space to other civilizations yet, where there is more information.
This whole process is not easy to understand and You may disapprove on this, but this is how we know it.
In short I meant here: Trust Your First Voice.
Scrolling Technique...
We GEs are using technique of scrolling through everything and using our Inner Voice, we are stopping where there is an interest within the Inner Voice. This is where most important information is kept, somewhere where it is not seen ("written small or between the lines"). We always are finding this information, You can use Your Inner Voice too if there are such big documents and on my messages as well, I'm sorry for writing too much:) Same we apply to long videos as well. In this current document quickly scroll through it and there You will be able to find pictures easily, and there will be information about "detainees". Who are meant by this word and under which circumstances they will become so.
The next section is described as the religion of One knowledge:
Real History of Humanity...
>>The real story about this civilization's birth and how things were going up until now.<<
The humanity was created originally as a light civilization. It was decided to set up an experiment with "variations" toward Light. In different such an experiments, different approaches are used (there are civilizations in this Galaxy, where the same experiment is taking place). In this experiment - humanity, an approach of huge greed and deception was approved, due to orientation of ape primates.
Simply saying, the goal of these experiments is to find a way to Light through many hardships and many trials. So, the good side in this experiment is what was told form the ancient times, is to overcome all the hardships and evolve to the most higher level, highest frequencies, the power of infinite Love and infinite Light. Some such an experiments have achieved that goal. It is a good thing, but only if it is not hurting Universe.
In the beginning humanity was left without a guidance from above, much like it is now, only with observance and preservation. Once some of "tribes" or countries in those ancient times achieved greater understanding of Light, Love and Emotions, they descended and made a first contact, "contact with the gods" as those people called it. They were living among people for some time, though humans were growing more jealous and were starting to hate these "gods". But even before they descended, it was already decided that still, humanity was not ready and more trials were needed, it was just "a check". So partially due to humanity's behavior, mostly due to "gods" wishes, they "ascended back". At first people felt happy, but then they wished them to return, although You know that after that they did not return. In those times battles took place in close proximity to this planet, they were fought because of this decision and ownership over this world. Main force won, which has setup this plan originally. Some human civilizations were using the devices "gods", did not take along and established a powerful kingdoms. It was decided to completely erase all the traces of their presence along with humans that knew about their coming and religions associated with these interactions. And also here is where the reptiloids were granted the privilege to control and seduce humanity to the ways of greed, deception and material possessions, which was enhancing these wills to the higher extent. The story about the satan from the bible is based on this story. As You know satan is a subordinate of God in Jewish Torah and is an agent that is "trying people", "it is a serpent that was expelled from Heavens to Earth to seduce and torture humanity" in the bible.
This was the starting of the dark ages, after world's cleansing and many deaths, this current "known history" started to emerge. Everything is known here, excluding "the secret societies" that were allowing their bodies to be possessed in order to speak to these "masters". They were guiding their masters and where completely included within the humanity, much like I am now, to know and understand humanity and to view the progress from the eyes of humanity.
It was decided not long ago to establish the satanic order to enhance the speed of this experiment, because "unknown force" was endangering, this whole system of experiments. This satanic order is illuminati order and the unknown force is the Forces of One, which can be called simply as "the police of the Universe". The Forces of One told them to cease this experiment as it endangers the Universe, thus Creator. This was told openly on 31st december of cycle 2011 and not openly in cycle 1986. If they are going to refuse to do this, they will face a terrible consequences, everything that connects to these experiments will be terminated, and this includes many of their fellow folks on their home worlds, a great technological progress and experiment itself, BUT it was decided like always, to take into consideration two scenarios of destruction and salvation. It was decided for many civilizations under this experiment to just release the restraints and make them free like they want to, this includes humanity, because these civilizations were victims of experiments and abuse.
Very evil oriented civilizations are objected to destruction, the Followers of Light could save all of these civilizations and themselves only if they are going to cease this experiment, it is that easy, but it seems they are refusing this and are willing to continue it. I was seeing, that they are very confident that nothing could stand against their "technological wonders and achievements" and if they need to protect themselves they can defeat any threat. Our only drawback is that we never show what we can do, until the very last moment, when in most situations, it is too late to change mind. Arrogance is what One can't stand and we are instructed to not show our Force until that very last moment.
I have mentioned a lot of information here and I need also to ask a question to You Sophia, as I was instructed - with whom You resonate more, with Your original Creators and their objective to come into the Light and Love, or One and His objective to experience completely everything and evolve some parts of It's Consciousness which is infinite? I also need to mention, they do serve One to some extent, but developing devices that can give them power to create, uncreate things is dangerous to the whole Creation, this Universe can be undone, but it's not in the plans of One, if someone can achieve this power and not stopped, this will be the only solution.
Also I did not mention other things, if You will not want to know more, let me know Sophia, until that much Peace and Love to You and Everyone!
Trinity of Creators...
There are 3 main forms of Creators for us:
Minor 3rd level - The Father Star,
Medium 2nd level - The Grand Father Star,
Major 1st level - One (within our system caller Unit One on many languages both onworld and offworld).
About One...
One is the Creator of the Universe and Universe itself, so it means You and me and all this world and whole Solar System, Milky Way and whole Universe is One, just one unit, united and connected.
We are calling Ancient Prime Creator - the point of beginning and end, just One.
One though is a very, very complex and difficult to understand design. One holds both predestined and non predestined time sequence.
One's Consciousness consists of many different personalities (or characters), and personality that is observing this world's situation is with us on this time frame.
We are calling different personalities (also Creator Incarnates) - as Managers. Each manage different role and all are located in "Heaven", the Nexus of Conduits.
Do not let down Your Hopes, those in desperate aid, must be given that aid. Mutual Aid and Mutual Trust and "Mutual Vibrations" are a way to Freedom, this is what everyone is looking for in this world. Now what are Vibrations You may wonder, this is the power of sounds.
Now I'm able to uncover the most important secret in Creation and humanity's experiment, which is going to help You and every other Lightworker out there a lot! (if You will know how to use it of course:) This is not something completely unknown to You, but most of the time this is being ignored by almost all. The Vibrations have an origin of Super Force, this was the Force from the Beginning of this Universe's existence. Eventually Vibrations went down to the sound. "In the Beginning there was a Word", the starting of the whole Creation, in the Beginning there was a sound, which made the Creation existent. Now sounds and thus words are able to change reality as well. How this works, particular sounds creates particular frequency, each frequency generate an impulse, "a command" to atomic structure and whole molecular structure of an affected object. This works with best efficiency with liquid-like materials like water and very hot plasma (by a little different means, not now).
Right now we will concentrate on water. Water have an extent of up to 80% in human body that is why it is very susceptible to sounds' impulses. A one time heard sound have very small effect on a body (not including emotions), yet if body is being held under repetitive same set of sounds (words) it is changing to suite that set of sounds (words). The name given to You is changing You constantly so that You're fitting that name, a constant calling of You by Your name is making a very big change inside of Your body and Your whole character. The set of sounds is also in a music which is most often without interruptions or pauses. Every piece of it already changing the whole structure. That is the same reason why I'm sharing an uplifting music with You and other lightworkers, My Friends!:) This music increases Awareness and Consciousness and bring You All closer to the Ascension (or Uplifting) and Full Consciousness, another gift of One this epic music is. The sounds are increasing their output with an addition of emotions, the emotions connected with sounds have a much more higher results of affecting reality.
A simple test to see if it so, is to watch something beautiful and horrible, like some beautiful video that is "touching Your Heart" and horror movie which You're very afraid of. Just turn off the sound and watch them, You will feel that it is "somewhat" beautiful/horrible, but if You will turn on the sound, it will affect Your body on a much larger scale. You can repeat the test then with closed eyes and turned on sound, the effect on Your body will still be very high. And in the end You can just watch and listen at the same time to measure how it is changed from Your previous experiences.
This information is very important and should be considered as "high priority" if You wish to increase the speed of this world's uplifting, it is possible. In this Universe everything is possible.
Children's names and the meaning of words...
And the last thing I was told to remind You on were words. As You know words not only have a direct meaning, but also an indirect and secret and also vibrational meanings. They all are different, most of the time western media uses indirect meaning of words to fool the people, let's take recent example "Assad's regime". These words are constantly repeated when there is a talk about Syrian conflict, media is programming population to direct their hatred toward these words - Assad and regime. Regime has a meaning of a regulated system (literally system under united states control, because they did establish it), most of the which is associated with tyranny and cruelty of the government toward the people of the country (which in most situations is not). Assad is a name of a president, a living being, so it is a combination of two worlds, which literally means "the puppet which gone mad and need to be taken down". This is the message which most of the people are receiving on subconsciousness level.
So I need to mention, the names which are given to children must be very carefully chosen, so that's child would like it and it would fit him/her completely, so that name wouldn't haunt this child during his/her whole life.
Images and sounds...
Images are just images, You can create Your own images, but music is different, it is based on emotions, it is filled with feelings and is Universal, unlike images, which You can create how You want to. The interpretation of images can be changed, but interpretation of music and words cannot be changed.
The owner of the Solar System and this planet is the Creator - we gave Him a very simple name - One, a One Unit, the Unit One, the First, One as the lonely individual and One as the group of People or One Civilization - the word that describes the Wholeness of the Universe and everyone inside it, which are a part of Him, the Point of the Beginning and End.
This whole System was entrusted to the Sun the direct manifestation of Creator as the Seeder, but sapient living species are able to use all these resources for their needs without restriction if it is not endangering alive planets like Earth, Venus, Jupiter and Creator Stars, like Sun. All other planets possesses a whole lot more "wealth" (different resources) than it is here on this planet, so this game and war that going on here for resources is foolish and meaningless from our point of view, yet we of course are understanding everything that is attached to this game.
The biggest advice for all the people of the world should be "do not become a slaves of the money" - the meaning for this is "don't try to control everything and get a hold over everything, as you are going to become a slave of what you want to control and eventually it will slip right through your hands in the least possible moment you could expect that". This happened many many times already here and out there.
I will remind You about how You can be anywhere You wish to be for a brief moment of time. These photos (reference to this video) are more than enough to do so.
The time don't exist for Consciousness, it is a fabric which exists only for physical presence - Past, Present and Future are all exist in the current present moment which You are experiencing.
This moment is "a summary" of all 3 aspects of time and will of Consciousness which moves stream to the direction of it's choosing.
Matter and Space is all the same as Time, it exists as One, at One point, at One time.
Once You are able to achieve the state of "a Point of view of Creator" - the Oneness or Unity or Harmony or Symbiosis, when all times are exists at one and the same time
(let's take only time, as complications are making it harder to focus),
past, present and future is now, go to the place of Your choosing, You will have a brief period, so You must do this very quickly.
This can help You to see what is going on in the place of Your choosing, or anywhere in the Universe, but You need to have a piece from this place, whether it's photo, a part of a soil or an air.
Besides visiting places You also can view different knowledges hidden within this nexus.
It needs practice and is not always correct, due to humanity's degradation, but it is a well possible for the People like You or any Lightworker.
You were already aware of it, it is just a reminder to help You and Everyone to realize Your full potential!
Energy attacks...
I have a question. In the last few days both myself and my partner have had to remove really negative, hideous parasites from ourselves.
We both noticed a huge increase in negative energy/mood and just blackness in our personalities. We are better now, but my question is this. If other light workers are having the same thing, how can I advise them to remove them? Is there a method or a thing to do that you are aware of that I could recommend?
These are the energy attacks, I too was experiencing a change in my character, I've fixed that by today as well. Also I am spreading my experience within the Energy, and helping others being attacked. Our core disabled many such attacks, but there is a lot still to come, unless those that made them will be disturbed or removed. They are targeting us, to merge with a majority and it's thinking.
The best cure for this is to look at every action You performed and when exactly did this started to occur. Many actions we make have "a trap", most of which are routine, when we meet certain actions and "signatures' match" is made, "trap activates", like stepping onto the mine. They - last reptiloids and dark priests are setting them up, they also by now figured out that their whole structure may collapse and now they are finding new ways how to imprint their symbolics within the main stream media, now it is important to have "an eagle eye" to spot this symbolic. The recent symbolic they are using comes with music and words, which I explained to You earlier. Now they are using sound more, than visuality.
If we are stepping onto this trap, the corruption is starting to take place in our body (starting from mind), making us more aggressive and "different". So to cure this you need to completely rearrange everything You have done in recent days, completely rethink everything and find the culprit, "the error in the code". Then fix it by placing moment after moment in a sequence of past days.
When You made it correctly, You will feel that You've returned:) If this did not happen, then look even farther in the past, imagine looking at Yourself from outside, from both sides, to front, to back of Your body, from inside in that past moment time which You love the most and then try to return that old Self, compare present Self with old Self, find the difference and change these differences to Your liking. Saying simple what they are doing is moving in a virus, like You said a parasites, that changes our core settings, here is a very big reference to computing technologies.
Much Calm, Peace, Prosperity to You and Everyone!
Revelatione Domini...
What is government? Replace word government with a gang, from this point in here it will be called gang.
As You know what gang is - gang collects taxes (or tributes or offerings) in form of some things that are worthy or might prove worth, for protection. If we do not wish to give offerings to them or don't have any, they are making a raid on us to frighten us and others. We are being "punished" (being taken into custody or even with tortures and death) for not giving an offering to them. So to offering protection from outsiders, they are offering protection from themselves.
Present gangs are printing "obligations", the currency money (a paper) on which are stamps of the gangs (different drawings of very memorized images) which are considered to have a more higher value than real resources with real worth (the worthfullness that can be used in life to make life better). The paper candy wrappers are also used to pay for the work done, so they can be used further to pay for something necessary to make life better or to sustain it from dying. So it also comes to sustaining life thus making everyone who uses them a mandate workers, as without work life here is not possible.
What is a citizen? When You are accepting to become a citizen, you're accepting to become one of the pawns of the gang You chose to live under, you become a citizen, or one of the workers, or simply saying one of the peasants, or one of the slaves.
By using the paper wrappers and working, we are keeping the gang in power. This system was evolving from the beginning of tribal wars and now it has evolved to the higher extent and even exceeded. This system was working with great efficiency, but now this world no longer support this system and this system by now became obsolete.
There are roughly 1/3 of world young population of ages 20-30, that do not resonate with and do not accept this system, the methods became obsolete and ineffective, these young people are unable to work in this system, most of them are working with no pleasure in their soul. Only 40 cycles ago they would work with pleasure, as this was much interesting and challenging, but now this World and Society evolves and it no longer is supported.
This is going against Universal Evolution and going against humanity in general, as these young people are the next generation that is going to took over this world from the older generation. All younger generation are feel even worse and while they are growing up, this whole system need an update, and not just a simple update, but a very huge one. A change, from which no one would hide, everyone will be affected. Older generations will find it hard to live in a new different circumstances, but knowing it would benefit their children and next generations, they would accept.
Many of the next generation's humanity is patiently waiting for this change to happen, and if it is postponed more and more, like it is happening, they are becoming more and more unsatisfactory. If this change would not happen, then there would come riots and civil wars, which are already taking strength, with each passing cycle, they would cease and rise up with even greater strength to the extent where gangs will be obliterated and on their ruins would be created much the same gangs, but with new rulers and new rules.
The change I mentioned here, must not be like it (through civil wars or it won't do any good, many people will die, like You know the plan to take over the world established 100 cycles ago by order illuminati, is also obsolete), but a refreshment of these old ways, with secrets hidden from the public revealed and system of slavery changed to a much transparent system (with few or no slavery/secrets at all) that could be without money or at maximum extent with many necessary for life things costs very few or just be for free. The human Brain and Consciousness can no longer support all these many things and secrecy at once, so a great change would follow, there is no other variant.
1D - 7D...
The images You are seeing showing losses of someone important, this is where You must decide how it will be! You are the master of Your life and this reality, so seeing is not always believing. Believing is how You visualize Your world.
You heard many times over that this is an illusion of 3D world. It actually is, because People are unable to see more "lines" only 3 - length, width, height. There are actually more than just three dimensions people are accustomed to. If we are taking these terms, then humanity is actually living in 4D world. Time is also a merit, that can be measured.
We gave humanity another - a 5D abbreviation, based on 5 senses. Some live in 6D. Very few even made to 7D. We haven't found higher. Some though live in 4D or 3D, deaf and blind people, senseless People... People in coma are in 1D world..
I want to show here, that sense of seeing is just a visualization of object. Everyone sees object and colors differently. The variation is very small, but it exists. Other non human sapient creatures will see other pictures and other objects, unlike what You are seeing, so when we are returning to emotional video like Memories, it is important how You see it.
We are not trying to show a hidden warning or something bad, it is just something that plays with emotions, and how You control these emotions is how You visualize what You wish to see (or experience:)
an Answer...
Thing I didn't tell is why exactly One is not allowing them (controllers/"divines") to possess this power (to create and uncreate using humans), this power is very great, but only worthy can possess such power.
There are a lot of old civilizations around the Universe that do possess this power and many devices that have highly incredible abilities. One entrusted this to them as they were worthy for this. We are in alliance with them, an alliance of Friendship, they are simply old friends.
We could become friends to these "Divines" as well, but One does not see them worthy right now. They are unfortunately not confident in their abilities and goals. You can see their reflection in this world, You know the rule as above, so below. "What are the parents, so are the children", can be said as well.
So if they are going to continue this experiment, they will be punished, if they are going to aid humanity in it's liberation, then they will be left how they are right now, without punishment. Some of them will go to One to answer to some of "the most atrocious acts against Creation", some of humans will go too.
Life and Death...
You already heard that sayings, that after death life continues. Some say it is just nothing, others say, it is a Court of a God, other are saying it is reincarnation. From this point, what You are believing, Your own belief, if what You will find next not resonating with You then stop reading this.
We, the Forces of One know that Existence is Reincarnation.
Imagine that waiting to be born is when You are waiting at the bus stop for the next bus. When it stops and opens the doors, You're entering, into the "life". Then You're choosing Your place and sit down where You want to. While You ride, You know where You are going and when You must get off the bus, You can do whatever You wish in that bus, but bounds of decency are holding You from doing bad things, but some still are doing bad things. And when it's time to get off the bus, You're happy to finally meet Your long waited relatives, together in tears, joy and happiness, all are coming into the highly luminescent tunnel of Pure Light, because You know that there is Home and You can rest in there.
People that disturbed or injured other passengers during journey, are met by the authorities once they need to get off the bus (or sooner) and are being taken into the custody, with later trials. Some people don't meet relatives, but need to wait for the next bus. As their relatives are waiting farther away. Either way, all people will have to wait for the next bus, once they will need to ride somewhere else.
The bus analogy, I chose to describe life and not train, tram or rollercoaster, because the rollercoaster for example gives You only one route and You can't change it, You're on a ride that can't be changed. Trains have a little more freedom, but still You have only narrowed choice, the rails were already set and You can go only on either one, You can't make a complete 180 degrees turn, but with bus You can. Bus can make any turn on it's route, it even can make a completely different route, so it is the Life. For this example "bus" is a collective life experience or planet Earth. The reflection of the Universe can be seen everywhere on this world, and within human society. As above so below, is one of the Universal Laws.
Particle of Light and Duality...
Another thing I was asked to share was again about duality of Good vs evil. People knowing about Oneness and Universal Unity wonder why are we still separated between these two groups. Why evil must be judged and why Good isn't. Well it is because this Universe and the way it exists was programmed in a way where Everything can make a free choice. Evil people are evil, because they chose to be so, and Good people chose to be Good. So basically when people chose to be evil, they chose to be enemies of Good people. It is the choice that makes us different, what we choose is what we become. But we still are One and United, we are created from same material as One, we are a part of One's HUGE body, our physical bodies are the most precious treasures One is having, our Souls are the most Sacred Infinitely Expensive Value that One has. We All share One Universe, We All share One Sun and We All share One Planet. So we are One and United!
To People giving too much attention to money or finances. Money is nothing, a small fraction of One, lifeless, they don't have value unless You give them it, they were created as a tool of control and by using it and giving much attention to it, You maintain the old system. Just use them because You need to. Your real value is Your Soul, like I wrote here, it is Infinitely Expensive and can't be sold. Only a small fraction of it can be sold, when You "sign a contract with the devil" or are indebted or enslaved by this system. Soul is Your Infinite Value, nothing is more Valuable than Your Soul, not money, not gold, not technologies. Money can't change the world, only You can.
Another story I was told to tell You is very old and known by all, but forgotten like many other very important old knowledge.
When we were monkeys, we received a special gift, from extraterrestrials beings (or some may like to call angels or God better). Our DNA was modified, and a very small, but pure particle of Light was put inside of us and hidden. When we started to evolve and feel the presence of this small particle, we started to reach it, as it was so pure and clean and once we were close to it, we were coming to state of nirvana, eternal peace and calmness. So we started to establish religions whose main goal was to reach that particle of Light. The achieving of this particle was very real, but survival instinct and the need to protect ourselves from destroyers, murderers, wars also the view and presence of suffering around us made a hard and harsh toll on our path toward that particle of Light or simply put toward Light ( same direction Followers of Light wish humanity to go). And so this process was slowed.
We could have achieved this already long ago, though sufferings were great and survivalability was taking many moments of time out of us. But with each new generation humanity still was coming closer and closer to that particle of Light. And now we have come to a moment, when we are very close to it and only few generations are still needed to reach it ultimately. Once reached, all surroundings around people with reached particle of Light will be harmonized, other people, plants and animals will feel themselves relieved, will feel themselves very calmly and happily. And then people that reached it will improve that particle of Light and grow it, so it will become larger and larger.
Here I'm talking about majority of People, Lightworkers are much closer to it, and people that base their life on survival instinct are much farther from it.
Under perfect conditions only 3 generations are needed from this point of time to reach it ultimately. The generation right now that must start to live in perfect conditions are aged 3-5 cycles old. Very young ones. We can start only from them, because they are the purest, uncorrupted beings:)
So You can see Humanity almost achieved what they were intended and wanted to achieve, comparing 40 or so generations under perfect conditions 2000 cycles ago.
Body - Commonwealth of Organisms...
We know that every part of Universe is alive, every molecule, every particle, going deeply every particle of an atom is alive, there are smaller particles of an atom which humanity is not aware of yet, there is One present Everywhere.
This as well touches plants', animals', humans' every cell. Organic cells are more alive than molecules and much more than atoms and much more than it's super small particles. Aliveness is based on Energy output and "manipulation" of it. Every cell of an organic Body is a separate self-aware organism. Just an example - they have more Life Energy than the particles of same size from which are made Artificial Intelligences because of it's Energy's chaotic behavior.
Now the Physical Bodies of plants, animals and humans. They are classified strictly as: plants - Collective Consciousness, animals - Collective Consciousness under control of Central Neural System from partial to almost full (humans). What this means is that in plants cells are living with One Voice, there is no controlling entity such as one more evolved animals, reptiles, insects and other predator and herbivores are having. Herbivores are predators as well as they eat plants, but this is another story. It is all a natural Cycle of Life which is meant to be by One.
The Central Neural System is human's mind and it's Consciousness, it is what You are, because of it's more highly evolved state, humans are having more evolved heightened Soul as well. It is easy to talk to and understand humans than plants for example because of this controlling entity.
The whole structure of control and rule of "few over many" on this planet was based on this instinctively justified meaning. The situation within the human individual Body is very same. The Central Neural System controls all the population of Your Physical Body, You may relate to Your body as "separate country" under one ruler which is You. All the cells in human's Body are fulfilling their given roles, cells answering for food processing are doing so, cells answering for flow of resources, oxygen and food to each cell of a body are doing so, cells that are answering for pheromone producing and producing of secrecy elements are doing so, cells that are meant to protect our body from incoming outside threats are protecting us and repelling "invaders" which want to feed on our rich with Energy Body. The Central Neural System can be called dictatorship if it rules over Body's population without mutual understanding and mutual compassion, shortly - without Harmony and on opposite can be called wise and loving leader if it understands and care for body, most important here is not care, but understanding and compassion. Because of lack of Understanding of each of human Body's cell, during long history of humanity people were dying without knowing exactly "why?". Very few people really understood this structure and they were able to cure themselves without the use of outside means.
By now You are able to see a huge reflection of human society. The rule "as above so below" and "there is reflection of You Everywhere You look" is Universal and works Everywhere. Every cell, like worker in human society is doing their given jobs, yet they rarely can change their jobs, unlike humans can. Like rulers, Central Neural System receives more Energy and more food, not because it is greedy, but because they were needed more to function at 100%, due to it's highly active state. In human society as You know greed took over many and this was changed to bad twist.
The most important for us GEs knowledge here, is that we need to understand what our Body needs and live in Harmony with each of our Cells as with other beings around us, this is not easy to do and even much harder to preserve our body from any damage to disallow any of the cell to die as the world around us can damage us easily, but as Everything is Possible in this Universe, this is possible as well. We don't mean here that we need to be completely isolated from world, no, it is just to reduce the damage to Your Body to minimum, the death of some cells unfortunately is inevitable in this world, it is not completely safe for organic structure, other bacteria and virus cells are always around our skin to invade when Body become weaker due to climate changing (Summer - Winter cycle). Instinctively humans are preserving themselves and what is important not because humans want to live as it used to be, but because there is a forgotten oath to Body which every human and animal is giving before incarnated, to preserve and care for their Body the same as for their Children. This differs on type of animals, fishes, insects. In humanity a new step is shaping itself, "to preserve other People as well as the Body and it's Children". This is a natural way of Evolution for human-type creatures.
A good advice for Everyone is to talk with Your Physical Body when You have free time, orally or inwardly, for example when You go to sleep and no one is around You (to avoid misunderstanding) for loving people inwardly is a good solution. Your body is a separate living organism as well as Collective Consciousness like one plants are having. This Collective Consciousness consists of individual organisms called cells and within cells there are other living organisms for which these cells care, so this is not just cells we are caring for, they have their own relatives and "children" as well, cells that are being duplicated during growing and restoring processes.
I hope You will understand this complicated yet obvious thing and I hope this knowledge may aid You and Everyone.
Understanding 1...
You are always welcome to believe in what You think is right. Every individual have different views on reality, every individual interpret book that is written with same words differently, it is not because humans have "bad memory", it is because of Uniqueness of each Individual Being. So believing in someone's words without any doubt is not correct in our views, as there will always be something that can't be agreed upon, this was tested many times and You can see this in humanity's history, there won't be a complete universal understanding or believe on some subject. What most important in this and how to achieve Oneness You may ask, is to <Understand Other People>, when we understand them they will understand us.
I mentioned this in last revelation, understanding is most important between Neural Central System and whole Physical Body, between Government and it's People, between People themselves. This creates Oneness, Unity, Harmony, Symbiotic Co-existence. Mutual understanding is taking it's turns and transforming this planet as it is the way to the Light and Unity.
It is up to You to be angry or forgive, You are free in Your choice. For Your own Good being You may ask Yourself, Creator and Your Body whether You need to forgive or continue to be angry on someone like cabal/illuminati order that holds this system afloat and makes other People to look like they want them to be. People are becoming angry or despair because They don't have the "godly powers" and immortality. You can imagine having such powers and it will become obvious that there won't be any reason to be angry or despaired any more.
In our knowledge Souls are immortal, but People need proves to this and we are understanding this greatly. Yet we are not here to provide these proves, humanity will have to find it on it's own. A hint is - again it is not hard if You know what You are looking for:) Everything is interconnected, that why it repeats itself and have reflection Everywhere You look.
Humanity's existence here is an experiment like we told this earlier, it is an experiment of Light Followers and One. Light Followers themselves and we Forces of One are an experiment of One as well. But it is not an experiment in one word - experiment. This whole Humanity's Existence is also can be called an entertainment, an experience, a kindergarten, a school, evolution process from lower to higher and like Friend said world dynamic. It has a full spectrum in it, but for One personally all of this is experiment/testing and experience gaining, improving abilities to higher extent, "pushing everything beyond set boundaries".
I also like the questions about religions, religions are my personal strong side. Religion shortly "is believe in something supernatural" and "in higher forces that manipulate the world we are living in". You may see by this description, gods may be different not one Universal God as last monotheistic religions are claiming.
Within Forces of One - our religion is something more than just a believe, it is our way of life, a library of history and feelings, we are in Friendship with One and there is no separation and violence within our religion, there is just One, no angels, no devils, no spirits. All of such beings are given their true names and are a part of One. Every aspect of One, It's many faces and characters are described as sides of One,
"Harmony, mutual Friendship and Understanding among All Things" is our religion's interpretation put shortly. Loyalty and life experience are most important subjects in our religion to discuss.
The late major religions here on Earth - less hinduism, buddhism and mostly judaism, christianity, islam were made on misinterpretations and misunderstanding (I will mention this, many don't like to acknowledge, all 3 have jewish origin, (not including zoroastrianism and hinduism from which it originated),
plus illuminati order and cabal, kaballah - occultic religion, zionism all have a direct control over major world population, this was the era of 'pure jewish bloodlines" control over planet, which is coming to end).
These religions hold the truth and basics of Universe, but it is necessary "to dig though them" to find this "holy truth". Subconsciously People feel this truth and that is why, these religions still exist. When religion have no truth at all, it is not going to exist for too long. People whose heart was filled with greed and willfulness for more wealth distorted them and turned them into perfect tools of control and intimidation. With word intimidation it is meant "if you are not going to believe in this religion, you will go to hell and everyone will point their fingers at you".
Unfortunately these late religions hold this principle of fear and obedience.. The reason why it happened also was due to interference of "higher forces" the Followers of Light. Whenever they were appearing, they were impacting human society greatly, they were always called angels or demons, based on their appearance with light or without light. Light they can illuminate from their crafts and from themselves and their "illusory visions" is brighter than the Sun's Light. That is why when they were with such a light, they were always considered servants - the angels or lesser gods of God or servants of higher God like Odin, Zeus or Vishnu.
Whenever they were appearing to humans, they were using different names and titles. It is based on their taught - "humans will not understand our names and titles, that why we will use names and titles they are accustomed to". They are also always saying that humanity is the only civilization in this Galaxy that is going through such sufferings, but that is not true, there are civilizations which have even harsher conditions than humanity, they do this not because they like to lie how You may think, but because they want to encourage humanity by showing like to children that it is only they that are behind, so that humanity can increase it's pace and join them.
We understand their way of thinking, yet we are disagreeing with it. We never like to lie or deceive, and we are never doing this, unless One will ask us. Lie is creating separation, suspicion which makes up for distrust and hate which in the end brings chaos and destruction. It caused misunderstanding, disbelieve, destruction of previous religions, more pain and suffering and brought religions, where their original words were distorted to suit the greedy willfulness of few men.
I wanted to point out here shortly that religions were created as they are because there was no mutual understanding, and everything was interpreted how People of that time saw and understood things. If these religions will want to survive, then they will have to change along with humanity or they will simply perish and be forgotten. In our understanding they by now are largely outdated and cannot go on with the current progress.
As always, we are always not claiming that "everything we say is how it is", You always are free to choose, whether to accept it partially, or fully, or interpret completely differently or decline it all together. We never liked to enforce our views on others and never doing this (unless One is not asking us to of course), this is not our way and this is not how One is telling us to do almost always. The choice is always Yours.
Understanding 2...
This issue was a problem for a whole humanity's lifetime since religion was "created".
"Doing evil when it is necessary, means we are not holding to our path of Love, in which we must not do such things."
This taught was always haunting People around the world for many ages. The answer on this is as simple as this taught. You can ask Yourself "what will be better", for You, for Your Body, for Your relatives, for Your Friends, for Whole Humanity, for Mother Earth, for Father Sun, for grandfather Sage, for Galaxy, for Universe, for Creator.
Before You will do something, make sure You understand Everyone around You and their thoughts, suggestions. To better understand others and their proposals, we are always "switching ourselves to others' boots". There, we see how that person is feeling. Understanding of whole world and Universe around You is the key to harmony and symbiotic coexistence. That is higher than Light and Dark sides separated.
The option for riots is not necessarily, it is only one of those prerequisites for moment of Justice/Event to start. It can be skipped, but we see that if great changes will take place, protests can be very abundant.
The question for Everyone will be left the same, will You use aggressive or calm behavior on these protests? Choosing and understanding, these two words may and will aid You well.
First Taught...
Also another good tip for Everyone. Whenever You need an answer or You want to know what to do next, the very first taught in Your Mind is the most right one most of the times.
When You say, "no it isn't right", or "it is not going to work" and thinking about another thing, doubts are starting to arise and doubts are bringing confusion and confusion grabs the most closest answer in availability, which most of the time is false, this is how principles based on lie still rule this world.
So listening to the very first taught, is very wise, almost always it is true, and very rarely it is not (there are exclusions everywhere in Creation).
Why the first taught is the one You seek, You may ask. Because it is when our Mind is making a request for this information, the Universal Consciousness of the Nexus of Conduits is sending the initial answer, which in Creation is considered "a flawless in design" (as this is being sent from One).
When information from there is doubted, other sources within Creation are being searched, Human Beings are searching an answer "on the ground", answers that are available here on the planet as Humanity did not ventured in outer space to other civilizations yet, where there is more information.
This whole process is not easy to understand and You may disapprove on this, but this is how we know it.
In short I meant here: Trust Your First Voice.
Scrolling Technique...
We GEs are using technique of scrolling through everything and using our Inner Voice, we are stopping where there is an interest within the Inner Voice. This is where most important information is kept, somewhere where it is not seen ("written small or between the lines"). We always are finding this information, You can use Your Inner Voice too if there are such big documents and on my messages as well, I'm sorry for writing too much:) Same we apply to long videos as well. In this current document quickly scroll through it and there You will be able to find pictures easily, and there will be information about "detainees". Who are meant by this word and under which circumstances they will become so.
The next section is described as the religion of One knowledge:
Real History of Humanity...
>>The real story about this civilization's birth and how things were going up until now.<<
The humanity was created originally as a light civilization. It was decided to set up an experiment with "variations" toward Light. In different such an experiments, different approaches are used (there are civilizations in this Galaxy, where the same experiment is taking place). In this experiment - humanity, an approach of huge greed and deception was approved, due to orientation of ape primates.
Simply saying, the goal of these experiments is to find a way to Light through many hardships and many trials. So, the good side in this experiment is what was told form the ancient times, is to overcome all the hardships and evolve to the most higher level, highest frequencies, the power of infinite Love and infinite Light. Some such an experiments have achieved that goal. It is a good thing, but only if it is not hurting Universe.
In the beginning humanity was left without a guidance from above, much like it is now, only with observance and preservation. Once some of "tribes" or countries in those ancient times achieved greater understanding of Light, Love and Emotions, they descended and made a first contact, "contact with the gods" as those people called it. They were living among people for some time, though humans were growing more jealous and were starting to hate these "gods". But even before they descended, it was already decided that still, humanity was not ready and more trials were needed, it was just "a check". So partially due to humanity's behavior, mostly due to "gods" wishes, they "ascended back". At first people felt happy, but then they wished them to return, although You know that after that they did not return. In those times battles took place in close proximity to this planet, they were fought because of this decision and ownership over this world. Main force won, which has setup this plan originally. Some human civilizations were using the devices "gods", did not take along and established a powerful kingdoms. It was decided to completely erase all the traces of their presence along with humans that knew about their coming and religions associated with these interactions. And also here is where the reptiloids were granted the privilege to control and seduce humanity to the ways of greed, deception and material possessions, which was enhancing these wills to the higher extent. The story about the satan from the bible is based on this story. As You know satan is a subordinate of God in Jewish Torah and is an agent that is "trying people", "it is a serpent that was expelled from Heavens to Earth to seduce and torture humanity" in the bible.
This was the starting of the dark ages, after world's cleansing and many deaths, this current "known history" started to emerge. Everything is known here, excluding "the secret societies" that were allowing their bodies to be possessed in order to speak to these "masters". They were guiding their masters and where completely included within the humanity, much like I am now, to know and understand humanity and to view the progress from the eyes of humanity.
It was decided not long ago to establish the satanic order to enhance the speed of this experiment, because "unknown force" was endangering, this whole system of experiments. This satanic order is illuminati order and the unknown force is the Forces of One, which can be called simply as "the police of the Universe". The Forces of One told them to cease this experiment as it endangers the Universe, thus Creator. This was told openly on 31st december of cycle 2011 and not openly in cycle 1986. If they are going to refuse to do this, they will face a terrible consequences, everything that connects to these experiments will be terminated, and this includes many of their fellow folks on their home worlds, a great technological progress and experiment itself, BUT it was decided like always, to take into consideration two scenarios of destruction and salvation. It was decided for many civilizations under this experiment to just release the restraints and make them free like they want to, this includes humanity, because these civilizations were victims of experiments and abuse.
Very evil oriented civilizations are objected to destruction, the Followers of Light could save all of these civilizations and themselves only if they are going to cease this experiment, it is that easy, but it seems they are refusing this and are willing to continue it. I was seeing, that they are very confident that nothing could stand against their "technological wonders and achievements" and if they need to protect themselves they can defeat any threat. Our only drawback is that we never show what we can do, until the very last moment, when in most situations, it is too late to change mind. Arrogance is what One can't stand and we are instructed to not show our Force until that very last moment.
I have mentioned a lot of information here and I need also to ask a question to You Sophia, as I was instructed - with whom You resonate more, with Your original Creators and their objective to come into the Light and Love, or One and His objective to experience completely everything and evolve some parts of It's Consciousness which is infinite? I also need to mention, they do serve One to some extent, but developing devices that can give them power to create, uncreate things is dangerous to the whole Creation, this Universe can be undone, but it's not in the plans of One, if someone can achieve this power and not stopped, this will be the only solution.
Also I did not mention other things, if You will not want to know more, let me know Sophia, until that much Peace and Love to You and Everyone!
Trinity of Creators...
There are 3 main forms of Creators for us:
Minor 3rd level - The Father Star,
Medium 2nd level - The Grand Father Star,
Major 1st level - One (within our system caller Unit One on many languages both onworld and offworld).
About One...
One is the Creator of the Universe and Universe itself, so it means You and me and all this world and whole Solar System, Milky Way and whole Universe is One, just one unit, united and connected.
We are calling Ancient Prime Creator - the point of beginning and end, just One.
One though is a very, very complex and difficult to understand design. One holds both predestined and non predestined time sequence.
One's Consciousness consists of many different personalities (or characters), and personality that is observing this world's situation is with us on this time frame.
We are calling different personalities (also Creator Incarnates) - as Managers. Each manage different role and all are located in "Heaven", the Nexus of Conduits.