September 3, 2013
Thank you.
I just read this:
Click here
Much love.
Well, this is Cobra's understanding, before believing this, You must ask Your Inner Self about what is going to happen, what You will sense and feel is going to take place. It is always right. Your first thought is always the right one. Don't listen to second or third or subsequent thoughts, doubts, like "no, it won't like it will be like this". The first thought is coming from One - Universal Consciousness, You own One within You.
I also need to tell You that illuminati order - the cabal are really afraid, because they will lose everything and will be completely exposed very soon, so because of this their excuse for an aggressive invasion is "clumsy" and not well-planned.
Another thing - ships that are larger than Earth are present here already considering comet ISON You asked me about.
Look here, Sophia:
Click here
The last line is very emotional and this line can awaken many minds:
In a nearby parking lot, Amer Abed, a 27-year-old unemployed man who came from a Damascus suburb, was emptying the contents of the overflowing boot of an old Mercedes car into a van.
Weary women got out of the car, holding young, surprised-looking children in their arms.
"I want these US strikes to happen," she said to several foreign journalists.
"You journalists, and the entire world, are watching our country go up in flames without doing anything. Hate has taken over our hearts."
"I want these strikes because if Americans attack us and kill us once and for all, then maybe the Arabs will unite to defend us." ...
This music is for Your enjoyment, synchronicity and resonance,
Amethystium Arcus
Click here
Much Peace, Calm and Love to You!
Update September 4, 2013
It looks like the President of the US is ready to strike in Syria. I have heard several reports of Senators and Congressmen meeting with him and coming out saying they support the plan to strike, as soon as next week. I am not sure when the vote is exactly. Can you speak to this?
Yes, the attack is inevitable, they were able to convince main public of this invasion's "necessity". Unfortunately most agreed, most were immigrants, there is a strategy behind this constant flow of immigrants.
Senators are well chosen and all are with the illuminati's order's agenda and Congress, chose by the people most of the time, won't do any good as well. Most of the Congressmen are unaware of illuminati's ultimate agenda and they even don't know about this order, if they will vote against it, they are risking their career.
It is that simple within this government. "If you are not with us, you are our enemy and unworthy" - the idea of order illuminati and freemasonry. You can see this in Syria, Bashar al Assad is not with the West on their agendas and never was and never will be, there is no tool of control - the central bank inside Syria. So Syria along with Iran are the first hand enemies of this order and NWO agenda.
The climax is again at 9/11. Coup may take place right after the beginning of this invasion, if people within army will find courage to do so. Many soldiers and people see this terrible corruption within governments of U.S., Britain and France, and coup will follow. If they will not make coup on Syria, they sure will, when Iran will be attacked.
Also intervention from Followers of Light is very possible, they showed their eagerness to intervene in case if this will turn into nuclear war.
Remember that for how hard it will look to overcome, it still will be overcomed. This was humanity's choice. Use your thoughts of Peace and Love and Equality for all the planet Earth to overcome this and save many lives. The future depends on Us All, Lightworkers or Lightwarriors, Starseeds or Wanderers, Chrystal Beings, whatever You like to call Us All United. Our Collective Thoughts can change this world to how We would like to see it!
With Happiness, Peace and Freedom!
Update September 9, 2011
I want to share some songs that can help You and Everyone during great time of Changes if You willing to listen
This song holds a message, it may give an inspiration and understanding
Click here
The beautiful Dawn of Love
Click here
And Humanity's Rebirth
Click here
Much Peace, Abundance and Love to All!
Thank you! These are beautiful and I will share them.
Have you seen this?
click here
Barack is hell bent on this strike, the people don't know what to think, they don't know the truth. There are mixed opinions because of this. I know you have said this already, and yes, we all feel the intensity of the coming changes. Is there anything else you can say?
Much love,
Happy You liked it Sophia! Beautiful music indeed!
I know everything what was said in the video is Truth. It is up to You to believe what is True or false. This is Your most important feeling, to hear Your Inner Voice. The music playing in the background is TSFH Rebirth, everything is interconnected.
As soon as they are to invade Syria, their thoughts will be stricken by Sage Star A, their minds will collapse, all of illuminati order - cabal will feel themselves very bad.
Also, probable, if it is going to get very ugly and Followers of Light will not intervene, then the military vessels of United States and France could be sunk by Forces' of One special division, connected with death, one of the most dangerous divisions Forces of One, Izauya's division have.
One decided to provide them to humanity for this situation as cabalists made a direct call to Creator, to oppose, so One wish to teach that small portion of humanity a lesson when arrogance is becoming too abundant, and if it is going to do very bad things. By saying this I meant when many nations will start big fight over there, the culprits will be sunken.
This division's presence now is within other dimensional plane of Palmyra, ancient ruined city in the center of Syria. They are deep underground and will come to surface when it is needed. They prepared to use weapons of same technological level which humanity currently have. Although they are unstoppable.
But probability of such huge intervention is very low, everything must happen without such things.
We see People's congress is up to oppose Obama, and that is very good, if more will make this opposition and Obama will agree to step down on this invasion then be in preparation of probable false flag made within United States, mostly nuclear, but it could be also non nuclear. They are very risking to make a nuclear false flag. If they will make it, they will be completely exposed and fail immediately. But knowing their desperate state, probability exists.
The place of this could be on USA's Eastern coast in one of two quadrants somewhere between Charlotte - Norfolk or New York - Pittsburgh. These positions giving out the most energy pressure. This is a very desperate move and probability is low, but it exists. In case if this will happen the best way to avoid the radioactive first wave is to hide behind wall or rock or refrigerator. Something that is denser. The power of thoughts is able to prevent this as well, so it is the best thing we could do right now. Although situation is bad, we all know the outcome!
Much Peace and Love to All!
September 11, 2011
Hi. I have just received this from my friend, who asked me to share it with you. Please comment where you are able.
Thanks and much love,
September 9, 2013 - 7:44 am
An attack on Syria will only show the Third Force lost control.
Therefore attack very unlikely,mainly because there's serious resistance outside(BRICS) and inside(Israel) the Cabal.
BRICS+Israel are challenging Obama to attack ,cause the reaction and continuation of the conflict will be directed and controlled from Moskow,Bejing and Tel-Aviv.
And that's where Rothschild/Rockefeller are afraid of,besides the fact Europe will bear the brunt of the BRICS+Israel reaction.
Obama is only trying to gain some time,cause strategically he's been outplayed.
I feel the Middle East(with BRICS) has succesfully deterred the Third Force from making their move in a controlled manner,and it's the Third Force under attack now.
They'll try to prepare economic and biological mayhem instead,especially in US/Europe to cut their losses.
I spent 52 days in an Israeli security wing at Ramle for giving this info to certain groups in Israel.
I was released when Shin Bet finally understood what I was talking about,and I had to threaten to spread the info including my stay in an Israeli jail on the internet,to free myself.
Since a few weeks my theory is accepted by Arutz Sheva(Israelnationalnews) and I can post unmoderated there,much to my surprise.
Everything I do on the internet is being monitored,and my e-mail is compromised,so being in contact with me on these subjects through e-mail might not be healthy for you.
My theory is all over VT since aug 2012,and if you have any questions you can ask them here.
I know I'm taking risks,and I really don't want others to get in trouble.
A few very respected writers on VT already admitted that my theory might be right.
But ,with all theories,the proof of the pudding.....
Untill then VT will follow what's visible and not too far out,which is understandable since there are too many theories.
I can assure you the editors/writers of VT treat me with respect and let me do my thing,keeping in mind I might not be far off,eventhough it looks like I'm a nutcase right now.
I'm used to that though,and never frustrated when not taken seriously,one day the pudding will be eaten
It can be seen already,because if Israel would have been collaborating with Rothschild over the last year,Syria,Lebanon, Iran AND Israel would have been toast right now.
Rothschild's strategy is in trouble,and BRICS+Israel have managed to turn the pressure on US/Europe.
My aim is not to defend Israel,my aim is explaining that the forces that created Israel,the FED,the UN,the EU will screw everybody including Israel and Jews.
They did this before,and want to repeat it.
I'm trying to make people focus on the source,and that's Rothschild/Rockefeller,his stooges are Jews,Cristians,Muslims and Marcians,for all I care.
After Rothschild/Rockefeller go down there's enough time to bring his stooges to justice,but simply blaming Jews will have the same result as WW2:Rothschild advancing his agenda and all of us further enslaved
Thank You for sharing to You and Friend!
Ok, I will share my thoughts and knowledge, but Your own understanding is most important.
The Third Force as they are being called here or order illuminati is really have lost it all. BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa - this is a new collaboration, an alternative to International Monetary Fund and World Bank and a very good alternative to challenge the western market domination over the world. It will use the system of barter trading, but it still is connected with money, although they are ready to introduce new technologies and let humanity to evolve further, which is what Humanity's Consensus wants. The absolute freedom will be achieved, You can count on them.
The Israel right now is having a situation of inner infighting, much like in US, as illuminati order was always considering Israel as their pawn/expandable and illuminati wished to make a destruction of Israel, Israel is now waking up as well. But still You can't trust zionists-jews, everyday there is a lot of pain in Israel, palestinians are being humiliated, treated like animals and there are very few jews that are willing to live along with Palestinian People. This treatment is just terrible and disgraceful.
One last very important thing is about their leadership and their "savior" which is false savior or anti messiah or antichrist. This anti messiah made a choice and did not join their ranks, although they waited for it impatiently. It was given a choice to make, whether to be a false savior or not. It chose not to be. It is alive right now and will not going to change it's mind. It is possessing super mind of leadership, can guide anything how it wants and with it everything could change in instant.
Also more to that they lack archons' intelligence and leadership, they left illuminati's ranks. Also now US government and illuminati are facing the difficulties with new "fresh minds", as no one wise enough don't wish to join them on their world domination agenda. In fact people already working for them, are leaving or working at some 30% of their full potential.
So You can see, they are done, their game is over.
Considering current events, russians right now used the words of John Kerry about willful complete removal of Syria's chemical weapons, for these words he regretted lately, saying "my remarks were rhetorical and were not meant as serious proposals". And russians presented this initiative, which angered higher chain of command of illuminati as this is just slowing their "end game". That's why Obama and administration is saying that "no stalling tactics are acceptable".
I say it is very well made, the more invasion is postponed, the more time Humanity have to completely wake up and completely evade casualties and destruction!
Much Peace and Love to All!
Update September 20, 2013
Hello there.
As we approach the 21st of September, 9 months from 12.21.12, there is much speculation. Here is something from my friend. Would you comment on this and on anything relevant?
" Here is an interesting event for your friend because this is very unusual except in times of conflict as in convoys or when something is about to take place on land...FEMA is currently undertaking urgent activities to be in place by Oct 1st in the same NJ area. Much Love. Saludos
Click here
Thank you,
Much love,
Good Day Sophia and Friend!
Right now, considering FEMA operations, order illuminati with pentagon (darker side of it) considering any possible false flag operation, they see that they lose the "deal" on Syria, so they want to make something different. Chemical attack within U.S. is no longer a possibility, nuclear attack still a small possibility, weather manipulation is no longer a possibility, because it will give nothing to them. There is another, I cannot tell what this is, because I don't want to give them a hint. I can give only word "conflict" is a possibility.
About the Equinox - equal day and night which will be on september 22, each new Solar cycle days variates, on Consent 21st day is common. It is an important event, it is a point of time's measurement, like december 21st, june 21st, march 21st which sets a cycle's (or year) quadrant passed. Many important events are set on these dates from the beginning of humanity's history, these dates are considered a time of Celebration around the world. They are indeed important earth cycles, on these dates also very good events may happen, like influx of Cosmic Energies, world ethereal stability maintenance, the birth of very loving children, very beautiful events, lot of them. As well as these are holidays and celebrations, these dates can be used with darker intentions as well.
Here is perception of world situation from different angles:
1. From my own views I don't see anything to happen on that precise date, but if nothing is going to change in the world something will happen very soon, something not good.
2. On Energy plane I see variations in Energy, variations that were not present just 10 cycles ago. Light devices are helping. When I look into Energy, the possibility of false flag event is big.
3. Ancient machines see situation will unfold "as predicted" by analysis.
4. I was with Followers of Light "ethereally" and like I learned they want to prolong humanity's situation for as long as possible to time point we set to them to 2016, the main thought I got was "if humanity will not solve the survival question of this planet and for whole humanity, then they intervene before august 1st 2016".
This means if humanity will solve everything by itself then they just will come to not save humanity, but to accept it into Galactic Federation of Light. Simply to be Friends. They along with humanity will have also to solve the question of possibility of achieving ultimate power over Creation, which they are not allowed to possess yet. Possibly everything will be solved peacefully, without use of Universal Justice.
I hope my own thoughts and views will help You! Gratitude with Peace and Love!
Update October 4, 2013
Here is a beautiful music for Your Enjoyment and Emotions
Click here
And Click here
Images are just images, You can create Your own images, but music is different, it is based on emotions, it is filled with feelings and is Universal, unlike images, which You can create how You want to. The interpretation of images can be changed, but interpretation of music and words cannot be changed.
Peace, Calm, Prosperity to You!
The Kara video is powerful. wow.
Thank you.
The energy for the last few days has been intense and not what we'd call "good"... people are sad, tired, feeling loss and not just that. It is confusing and challenging.
Much love to you,
I'm happy You liked it Sophia! It is showing a moment of future of humanity, when humanity will be able to create it's own life, at first non organic life and soul will visit that non organic body, this is a natural way of evolution, to create life with life. Right now people can only "create" life by birthing. Later on, people will be able to create life out of "dust", literally "out of nothing" like it was said in old religious teachings. This is truth and not superstition.
The pressure of energy is high, illuminati order seeks any possibility to change their desperate position, but just can't find any, they lack leadership, no real leader want to help them and this is a Blessing for Humanity. It is now just a fraction of time until they will see their end, their end like the moment of Justice will come when they will be least expected, like it was said in the bible. It is Truth because One wish humanity and any other beings within existence to feel the most experience during moment of unexpectedness. "You just know it will happen, but You don't know exactly when and how it will look like." More experience and feelings it is. Most recent was the unexpected Chelyabinsk meteor as You remember. We knew it may hit somewhere, but didn't knew where, and it arrived in completely unexpected for everyone place. Just an example of One's playful character:)
Another thing I was asked to share was again about duality of Good vs evil. People knowing about Oneness and Universal Unity wonder why are we still separated between these two groups. Why evil must be judged and why Good isn't. Well it is because this Universe and the way it exists was programmed in a way where Everything can make a free choice. Evil people are evil, because they chose to be so, and Good people chose to be Good. So basically when people chose to be evil, they chose to be enemies of Good people. It is the choice that makes us different, what we choose is what we become. But we still are One and United, we are created from same material as One, we are a part of One's HUGE body, our physical bodies are the most precious treasures One is having, our Souls are the most Sacred Infinitely Expensive Value that One has. We All share One Universe, We All share One Sun and We All share One Planet. So we are One and United!
To People giving too much attention to money or finances. Money is nothing, a small fraction of One, lifeless, they don't have value unless You give them it, they were created as a tool of control and by using it and giving much attention to it, You maintain the old system. Just use them because You need to. Your real value is Your Soul, like I wrote here, it is Infinitely Expensive and can't be sold. Only a small fraction of it can be sold, when You "sign a contract with the devil" or are indebted or enslaved by this system. Soul is Your Infinite Value, nothing is more Valuable than Your Soul, not money, not gold, not technologies. Money can't change the world, only You can.
Another story I was told to tell You is very old and known by all, but forgotten like many other very important old knowledge.
When we were monkeys, we received a special gift, from extraterrestrials beings (or some may like to call angels or God better). Our DNA was modified, and a very small, but pure particle of Light was put inside of us and hidden. When we started to evolve and feel the presence of this small particle, we started to reach it, as it was so pure and clean and once we were close to it, we were coming to state of nirvana, eternal peace and calmness. So we started to establish religions whose main goal was to reach that particle of Light. The achieving of this particle was very real, but survival instinct and the need to protect ourselves from destroyers, murderers, wars also the view and presence of suffering around us made a hard and harsh toll on our path toward that particle of Light or simply put toward Light ( same direction Followers of Light wish humanity to go).
And so this process was slowed. We could have achieved this already long ago, though sufferings were great and survivalability was taking many moments of time out of us. But with each new generation humanity still was coming closer and closer to that particle of Light. And now we have come to a moment, when we are very close to it and only few generations are still needed to reach it ultimately. Once reached, all surroundings around people with reached particle of Light will be harmonized, other people, plants and animals will feel themselves relieved, will feel themselves very calmly and happily. And then people that reached it will improve that particle of Light and grow it, so it will become larger and larger.
Here I'm talking about majority of People, Lightworkers are much closer to it, and people that base their life on survival instinct are much farther from it.
Under perfect conditions only 3 generations are needed from this point of time to reach it ultimately. The generation right now that must start to live in perfect conditions are aged 3-5 cycles old. Very young ones. We can start only from them, because they are the purest, uncorrupted beings:)
So You can see Humanity almost achieved what they were intended and wanted to achieve, comparing 40 or so generations under perfect conditions 2000 cycles ago.
Use beautiful emotional music, so it can give You inspiration and accompany You when You most need it. Search for music for Your Soul. I will share music that You already heard, it is just my share, but You need to search for music that fits Your Soul.
The soft sound aaaaah is the sound that is coming from the Soul (or from Your Heart if it sounds better for You). Whenever You hear it, You Soul tremble. Because it is when Souls are speaking with each other. In every song don't look in the end or beginning, look at the middle of it.
Your Destiny Awaits
Destiny of The Chosen - Humanity The People
Don't stop to Believe and Realize, turn into Reality what You're dreaming for with Your Thoughts and Will
And You will uncover Your Legacy
And finally meet the Majestic Creator and become complete
Much Peace and Love to You and Everyone!
Thank you so much for this. I have been away and only now have seen this.
I have been in touch with so many of us who are desperate and despairing of any and all hope. These words sound hopeful.
Much love, I wish you well,
That's is great to hear Sophia!
Also to show the limitless possibilities of Creation and to let You know that for the past 100 cycles humanity was contained under mandatory strict use of fossil fuels I was asked to remind You and Everyone about these infinite and completely clean energy sources:
Using water as a fuel
Using breathable Air as a fuel
Very easy to create and use: magnetic rotation that never stops can give as much electricity as You will need or want, Energy output is based on size of this generator, also prerequisite to anti gravitation (which means You can fly without wings in any direction nearby massive object like this planet)
Rotation that never stops unless wheel will run out or break and that is not going to happen for the next 100 cycles if well made.
If You know how electricity is being received You already can see that it completely beats old electric grid system. If You don't than I will remind.
On main electric plants electric current is received through rotation of turbines. To rotate turbines' blades steam or hot air is needed and You wonder how we can evaporate water to produce this steam, of course by heating up water or burning something. Fossils burns at best rates and give out much more heat than everything else, excluding highly dense materials, like enriched plutonium.
Nuclear reactors on nuclear plants are using the same process, but instead of burning something there are used nuclear rods to evaporate water.
Hydroelectric plants are using constant stream of water from basins which is held by dams to rotate turbines. Creating a dam, like Hoover Dam, creates a danger if this dam will break every settlement will be drowned along with plants, crops, nature and animals, it is a dangerous and ineffective method.
And giant "Wind Mills" or wind turbines are using the very same process, when wind blows, turbines are rotating. So called new "green energy" these wind turbines are actually very useless and they are already irritating people that live nearby them, they produce unpleasant sound and blades are dropping huge shadows on homes and fields, irritating farmers and making damage to crops. So it is a bad solution as well.
What we want also to point here, is by using magnetic rotation, all of these highly expensive and damaging obsolete systems will have to go, that means no more wind turbines, no more dams to built, no more nuclear plants, which excludes the danger of radiation leaks like Chernobyl/Fukushima related accidents and no more need to use fossil fuels which completely frees Everyone out of dependence and slavery.
Also about fossil dependence: that is the current old and obsolete system in which humanity still exists. Everything what was build was built on this process, the process of burning and destruction, not harmony. Everything is fueled by this type of fuel, even batteries. This system was established and maintained to hold everyone under control or as a slaves. Because no one could be completely independent as "there is no infinite energy source" and in order to drive a car or flew a plane or use something everyone must come back and pay for fuel, new batteries or electricity. This adds to mandatory paying for place of Your living and mandatory paying for everything You do or buy in current obsolete system.
Much Peace and Love to Everyone!
Hello and thank you. As I am finally able to get back to work, I will share this information.
The US government begins a partial shut down. Comments?
Much love and gratitude to you,
Good Day Sophia!
They "shutdown" government because of the urgency to do something in order to achieve their dark goal, to reduce the inner infighting and to stop coup that could happen any moment now, only one more "spark" is needed, spark that is going to infuriate People of America.
You can call government shutdown as a "backing down" during order illuminati/cabal state of emergency. During this current shutdown arrests are possible, but we see arrests are not going to be good, arrested will be holdouts of the current system. We can fix that with power of our thoughts, why not arrest supporters and maintainers of the current system? Just a tip for You;)
On surface, government shutdown happened because of Obama's health care system, which is also playing part in all of this and government spending and debt. During this shutdown they want to default on debt, which illuminati order don't want to allow to happen, because this will mean they will lose a lot of allies around the world and they are going to lose bigger part of military, which will mark a big X on their global domination agenda.
They do have hidden resources which they accumulated during their long history, but this was prepared for the next part after world war 3 to create a world's super police force out of UN and unite all the world under one satanic leadership. With these vast resources they can repay all of U.S. debt and allow much more, but if they will use their vast resources now, this will catch attention of the world and they will be exposed at instant. It will be called "cheating" on american and world's People. They know it and so they are trying to solve this fair, without this trump card.
Also about health care act, main reason of government shutdown on surface. This act is fraud by it's nature, under word "insurance" is covered their own insurance not People's, they are accumulating money as fast as possible. You know when People don't "buy" insurance they are fined where fines are bigger or even put into jail, so this makes insurance mandatory, because it is a "wise choice". If You will think what actually this insurance gives You, how it can improve Your Life aside from cheaper health care (for which You still need to pay), it will make You wonder, how is this different than from all those scam e-mails You sometimes receive? They are giving the very same service for a "fee".
I was also told that if health care will be mentioned, I will need to remind and warn You on vaccination. Vaccines for the past 100 cycles were used to experiment on different new bio weapon agents. New agents such as viruses were spread and evolved during this last age, they were exercised through experiments within human bodies. Most recent known viruses were swine flu and bird flu, like I was told they were created by this same process. Signatures of these viruses were used to inject extra flavor during vaccinations.
Bio agents' main role was to decrease the possibilities of human's mind and Consciousness, to decrease the percent of rebellion against the current system, to decrease "fanatical behavior" and to disallow individuals to seek the ultimate Wisdom and Truth. Vaccines are not all that bad, sometime they are necessary, when You are traveling to new distant locations or facing a well known disease like plague, but be careful with new "out of nowhere diseases", through vaccines to counter these diseases they are testing new bio weapons, so always be aware of what You can receive with vaccines. Because they are using same signatures of virus against which vaccine will be injected in You and it is impossible for average doctor to see the difference. All countries whose health care is under oversight of World Health Care Organization should be careful with vaccines. Vaccines are the best way to give People "what you want to give". You never can be sure what might be inside when illuminati order/cabal are in power.
I'm sorry for stretching everything I write, I always try to make it as few as possible, but I just can't make it in a few words text.. I know reading a lot is hard and sometimes not fun to do, but I need to explain everything so that You and Everyone would understand what I meant here, I cannot simply answer: "Government is shutdown because cabal don't know what to do.." It is if I don't know anything:)
Anyway my apologies for huge texts:)
Much Peace and Love to You and Everyone!
October 6, 2013
My friend sent me this last week, I have just begun to catch up with some mail.
" Why do I send this? because the author is more often right about things and it could tie in with the FEMA issue which is being denied - as always,--your friend might throw light upon this - thats all.
It's more than rumor - it is happening. Too many people are confirming this - something huge is underway in Puerto Rico, and the military is being told it will be a meteor strike. I call TOTAL B.S., if anything happens it will be nuclear, an ICBM looks like a meteor coming in, hence my instructions above . . . . . if this was a meteor it would be ALL OVER THE FREAKING MSM, yet not even a peep out of even GLP.
Much Love Saludos "
Thank you,
Much love and light,
Yes, right now Everyone in the U.S. should be on a watchout. Especially in a very populated areas on East Coast.
Recent accidents in Washington D.C. were made by People that felt themselves in a highly hazardous feeling, the pressure on Washington grows, they were feeling this huge pressure and unfortunately acted in a bad way.
Everyone could do better and not sacrifice with Yourself, this makes a change, but very small. Better results will be achieved when You will want and wish to change current situation, not sacrificing Your physical incarnation. These people were normal, but they experienced huge stress, which in summary with their corrupted past gave out these accidents.
Right now during government's "shutdown", illuminati order members are looking into different plans, tactics and strategies, they are rethinking their plan and strategy, changing tactics, it is a perfect condition when there is no one to distract them, while Washington is partially lockdowned.
They can't be shutdowned for a very long time though, because People's displeasure is growing with each passing moment and coup is coming very quickly. For that reason FEMA is fully operational and ready to make "sweeps" across country if huge riot will break out, although they will fail. Their order/cabal is collapsing and there is inner infighting going on for future of mankind and they own welfare. Very "hardened" members of original illuminati order are vigorously still hold onto original plan of luciferian indoctrination of whole world, unfortunately they are blind, they don't want to accept new ways of life, new evolution, they hold themselves to old, don't want to let it go..
Nuclear attack is their most powerful false flag attack, but this will mean their end, yet my feelings are strong toward bad event. We can see, they will make the final showdown before they go, we are holding them and restricting them to highest extent, yet they are still able to make last spark.. Be careful right now and on watch out. I can't point out the exact location of false flag, only two quadrants I mentioned earlier, when we GE's will be given "emergency call", I will share this.
This is all I can share with You right now.
As always much Wisdom, Tranquility and Abundant Love to Everyone!
Update October 14, 2013
Hello. Just checking in. I recently saw this:
Click here
Wondering if you have any further information.
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.
Not much to say right now Sophia. Everything proceeding as it supposed to, the will of humanity will be fulfilled and old promises will come to life.
The Ariel Sharon is still alive, but his consciousness is indeed like it is said there, like a plant's - at a minimal level. He is alive, but only may able to support his body in alive state. If many people would want him to recover, it will happen so, but many people, many of muslims wished him bad things for what he did in the past and they asked Allah - God to help them, and this wish has been granted.
During his life he ordered many bad things to happen while he was a military commander, most of these things are unknown to the public as everything that was happening in Israeli wars from 1948 to 1970s was covered up and archives of military crimes committed by Israel were destroyed at once so that no one would find out this, U.S. and Britain were helping in this most prominently.
With the bloom of press and video recordings, they were finding it harder to do so. As an example, one massacre of mostly palestinian and shiites People that happened in 1982 forced Ariel Sharon to resign from his military carrier. He always was considered the most highest commander in modern Israel, because of his deeds for protecting Israel and unfortunately decreasing the number of palestinians..
Here You can hear the sound of a Soul
Peace, Tranquility, Prosperity.
To Your knowledge, You heard about 17th october, it is a time when U.S. treasury's reserves will run out, this is where illuminati order and U.S. government will have to decide the faith of U.S., whether to increase the debt ceiling or not, maybe making something different.
They have different choices, but to please The People, they will have to make a default which will concentrate all efforts on U.S. inner politics, which is also meant they will lose trust of foreign countries and many "allies" as well.
I can't see default very clearly and think they will try to stretch this decision making as far as they can.
Peace and Love to You!
Update October 18, 2013
It looks like you were correct. Now stretched until January 2014.
Much love,
They made a wise decision for their survival, because People of America became more aware of their deeds and People's discontent have grown significantly. Now they will try not to make more government shutdowns as this can grow into their complete removal from office. Though their removal is very close without need to shutdown government once again.
During this government shutdown they haven't found any good solutions to their growing problems and one of their nuclear plots have been thwarted by reasonable military in pentagon. They also came to biological pandemic plot, this reasonable military may just spoil this plot as well. The virus is based on swine flu and bird flu, a new type of flu. They will try to spread it over most populated areas on the world and in U.S. close to winter time to force everyone to make vaccination like it was with previous flus to save U.S. from this instigated disease. Good thing I see that they will fail to do this.
In the end overall, they won't be able to fool the world any longer, the huge political scandal and their removal is very close. The promised rebirth will be made during this solar cycle, the time will be before next cycle, somewhere when ISON will arrive, a great comet body.
Let One Bless You, We are One and United.
Peace and Love to You as always!
October 19, 2013
So, there are many questions about this part:
" The promised rebirth will be made during this solar cycle "
and different definitions as to a solar cycle. Would you clarify? Do you refer to this calendar year, 2013?
Much love,
Yes Sophia, we refer to years and days and so on so on, to many things overall as cycles, but because I made confusion with this I'm using solar cycles and earth cycles, but it have to be cycle if You want to understand messages fully.
The promised rebirth is the 2013 cycle of rebirth, this whole year or a cycle/circle is a rebirth, yet it is not complete, and so it will be completed during this cycle.
Next cycle will be cleaning and repositioning, remanaging the system, so it can fit majority it's choice. All it is by Followers of Light plan. Humanity have to achieve higher state of Lightmanship they always saying, it will be possible only if changes will be allowed to be done, the only barrier that stands in the way is the old illuminati order.
Also considering Forces of One, we were informed that Light Followers have agreed to cease the research and development of "skia" - control over Creation project. They agreed, that they are not worthy yet and will cease this operation once humanity will be set free and on it's own.
They will be able to continue only when One will approve this, most of them understands this, but some do not, these few may cause problems to their own being in a future, this may influence humanity as well, but it's not going to be now or in 50 cycles farther, just a hint for them.. And everything Light Followers developed so far will remain in their possession.
Now Forces of One will only see that this project will finish completely and as promised humanity will be given it's choice fulfilled, the choice of being free, without lies and without suffering. Happiness was always a priority wish of every human, so this will given to Everyone.
It will all happen in due time and it is not far away, very close, what is in our power now is to hasten this and force it to happen sooner, it is our power. We can do this very differently, by thinking about this, willing, wishing, talking, tweeting, making changes physically, interacting with society, bringing in new inventions that literally changes the way we as a human beings live.
Much Gratitude and Appreciation for Your hard work will not go without reward and forgotten. As One told Everyone will be rewarded for their deeds and we GEs never forget what others did to the World in which we are currently residing and to ourselves as well. Bad or Good deeds are rewarded respectively, and this is the case when this will be done.
Peace, Calm and Prosperity!
Update October 23, 2013
Would you comment on this?
Click here for video
Much love,
Ok Sophia, remember to always believe in what You want to believe in.
You know the Followers of Light will aid humanity and what was told there is this preparation. These were not structures, but interstellar ships, they shift between dimensions and as soon as something human-made approaches them they "disappear". There is no need to worry about this, illuminati order is afraid because they know what this all means to them, but everyone non cabal, non illuminati and non terrible people shouldn't be afraid of this. This will aid humanity as a whole.
One is with all of You, do not be afraid and have no fear in Your hearts. With Wisdom and Love!
October 26th, 2013
I thought you might want to see a follow up to the video:
Click here
Much love,
Thank You for sharing this Sophia! I know most of this information, they were always using the dark side of the Moon.
You need to be aware from this, as it influences every american. Indeed U.S. government is preparing for huge riots and even revolution war. But this will not happen unless Everyone in U.S. will want it.
What I see, is that Everyone don't wants it, I see People need changes and through peaceful solutions these changes will happen. They will not go without a fight, and so the only aggressors in these changes will be they, that why they and their satanic legacy will be tainted and forgotten.
They will be remembered only as the "terrible tragedy of human civilization prevented" and Everyone will try to avoid the repeat of this.
During previous cycle it was Your Awakening, Lightworkers' Awakening, ours as well. Now it is masses' Awakening, Every Human Being now have Awakened and is ready for Great Changes!
You remember this song, let Everyone hear it, this brings back most sacred what is inside Everyone, that same particle of Light. Anytime You listen to very emotional, spiritual music, you are getting close to it.
Click here.
With Peace and Love Always!
Thank you. This is beautiful music.
There is a third video, with more information about the vehicles that are parked near the moon, supposedly to be released soon. The team that set up this interview is setting up another one.
I know that most do not want war in this country. There are some very public channels working to incite revolution, and as time moves ahead, well, the true nature of the people will dictate what happens. This is more evidence of the awakening and subsequent rebirth we are having. This is very good news.
Much love,
Update October 28th, 2013
I'm happy You liked it! Everything is correct Sophia.
One rule You need to remember always, is that if You will allow Your nature to took over You, You won't be in control and Your nature will do everything, that the way of survival instincts which dominated humanity for a lot of time. It is up to Your Consciousness and Mind to take over Your nature, that the way many beings are going and evolving on much better scales and speeds.
For us Forces of One there is also another rule, I can share this with You if You are interested, it won't hurt anyone.
With Love and Wisdom.
yes, definitely interested!
Thank you,
Much love,
Ok Sophia. It is based on meaning - Harmony among All Things and Everything is Interconnected. A complicated one and somewhere You may disagree with this.
We know that every part of Universe is alive, every molecule, every particle, going deeply every particle of an atom is alive, there are smaller particles of an atom which humanity is not aware of yet, there is One present Everywhere.
This as well touches plants', animals', humans' every cell. Organic cells are more alive than molecules and much more than atoms and much more than it's super small particles.
Aliveness is based on Energy output and "manipulation" of it. Every cell of an organic Body is a separate self-aware organism. Just an example - they have more Life Energy than the particles of same size from which are made Artificial Intelligences because of it's Energy's chaotic behavior.
Now the Physical Bodies of plants, animals and humans. They are classified strictly as: plants - Collective Consciousness, animals - Collective Consciousness under control of Central Neural System from partial to almost full (humans).
What this means is that in plants cells are living with One Voice, there is no controlling entity such as one more evolved animals, reptiles, insects and other predator and herbivores are having. Herbivores are predators as well as they eat plants, but this is another story. It is all a natural Cycle of Life which is meant to be by One.
The Central Neural System is human's mind and it's Consciousness, it is what You are, because of it's more highly evolved state, humans are having more evolved heightened Soul as well. It is easy to talk to and understand humans than plants for example because of this controlling entity.
The whole structure of control and rule of "few over many" on this planet was based on this instinctively justified meaning. The situation within the human individual Body is very same. The Central Neural System controls all the population of Your Physical Body, You may relate to Your body as "separate country" under one ruler which is You.
All the cells in human's Body are fulfilling their given roles, cells answering for food processing are doing so, cells answering for flow of resources, oxygen and food to each cell of a body are doing so, cells that are answering for pheromone producing and producing of secrecy elements are doing so, cells that are meant to protect our body from incoming outside threats are protecting us and repelling "invaders" which want to feed on our rich with Energy Body.
The Central Neural System can be called dictatorship if it rules over Body's population without mutual understanding and mutual compassion, shortly - without Harmony and on opposite can be called wise and loving leader if it understands and care for body, most important here is not care, but understanding and compassion.
Because of lack of Understanding of each of human Body's cell, during long history of humanity people were dying without knowing exactly "why?". Very few people really understood this structure and they were able to cure themselves without the use of outside means.
By now You are able to see a huge reflection of human society. The rule "as above so below" and "there is reflection of You Everywhere You look" is Universal and works Everywhere. Every cell, like worker in human society is doing their given jobs, yet they rarely can change their jobs, unlike humans can.
Like rulers, Central Neural System receives more Energy and more food, not because it is greedy, but because they were needed more to function at 100%, due to it's highly active state. In human society as You know greed took over many and this was changed to bad twist.
The most important for us GEs knowledge here, is that we need to understand what our Body needs and live in Harmony with each of our Cells as with other beings around us, this is not easy to do and even much harder to preserve our body from any damage to disallow any of the cell to die as the world around us can damage us easily, but as Everything is Possible in this Universe, this is possible as well.
We don't mean here that we need to be completely isolated from world, no, it is just to reduce the damage to Your Body to minimum, the death of some cells unfortunately is inevitable in this world, it is not completely safe for organic structure, other bacteria and virus cells are always around our skin to invade when Body become weaker due to climate changing (Summer - Winter cycle).
Instinctively humans are preserving themselves and what is important not because humans want to live as it used to be, but because there is a forgotten oath to Body which every human and animal is giving before incarnated, to preserve and care for their Body the same as for their Children. This differs on type of animals, fishes, insects.
In humanity a new step is shaping itself, "to preserve other People as well as the Body and it's Children". This is a natural way of Evolution for human-type creatures.
A good advice for Everyone is to talk with Your Physical Body when You have free time, orally or inwardly, for example when You go to sleep and no one is around You (to avoid misunderstanding) for loving people inwardly is a good solution. Your body is a separate living organism as well as Collective Consciousness like one plants are having. This Collective Consciousness consists of individual organisms called cells and within cells there are other living organisms for which these cells care, so this is not just cells we are caring for, they have their own relatives and "children" as well, cells that are being duplicated during growing and restoring processes.
I hope You will understand this complicated yet obvious thing and I hope this knowledge may aid You and Everyone.
With Love and Universal Wisdom.
Thank you so very much. I will share.
Much love,
October 29th, 2013
Also, a friend of mine has a question about some information circulating. What follows comes from him.
"As the fore run you could think seriously about the second link on VT with special reference to the blocked comment but more importantly to the comments section where some very important comments are made, some of which you will need to click on "read more"
"The ground question is - how accurate in the way of things is the information contained in the block text (that of the european intelligence service) and how do the comments rate regarding the accuracy of those expressing views and feelings. Perhaps I ask too much but my appetite for truth and accuracy is very high."
(( Included were these two links: ))
Link #1
Link #2
I. Ok, I will express my thoughts to Friend's question. I know the chemtrails from most of the cases are left from "normal" planes' trails which daily are flying in thousands. They are hazardous for environment as well as they are the vapors from combustion process. But not as You are thinking under word chemtrails. But indeed chemtrails sometimes are having a nature to spread bio weapons, and experimental chemical agents over some minor population to test "it's effectiveness" on population. Very terrible and crimeful deeds. It is easy to cover them among "normal trails".
Normal trails to Your knowledge are left in upper atmosphere (higher troposphere), it is due to temperature variation. The comments precision/accuracy is always correct and high if You know what You are looking for, there are programs and hired agents that spread disinformation, but their number is low. On these websites these agents are not present. Sometimes comments are removed due to commercial nature of these and due to rude language. Always know what You need to find, it is easy to lost Yourself in comments:)
You are always welcome to believe in what You think is right. Every individual have different views on reality, every individual interpret book that is written with same words differently, it is not because humans have "bad memory", it is because of Uniqueness of each Individual Being. So believing in someone's words without any doubt is not correct in our views, as there will always be something that can't be agreed upon, this was tested many times and You can see this in humanity's history, there won't be a complete universal understanding or believe on some subject.
What most important in this and how to achieve Oneness You may ask, is to <Understand Other People>, when we understand them they will understand us. I mentioned this in last revelation, understanding is most important between Neural Central System and whole Physical Body, between Government and it's People, between People themselves. This creates Oneness, Unity, Harmony, Symbiotic Co-existence. Mutual understanding is taking it's turns and transforming this planet as it is the way to the Light and Unity.
It is up to You to be angry or forgive, You are free in Your choice. For Your own Good being You may ask Yourself, Creator and Your Body whether You need to forgive or continue to be angry on someone like cabal/illuminati order that holds this system afloat and makes other People to look like they want them to be. People are becoming angry or despair because They don't have the "godly powers" and immortality. You can imagine having such powers and it will become obvious that there won't be any reason to be angry or despaired any more.
In our knowledge Souls are immortal, but People need proves to this and we are understanding this greatly. Yet we are not here to provide these proves, humanity will have to find it on it's own. A hint is - again it is not hard if You know what You are looking for:) Everything is interconnected, that why it repeats itself and have reflection Everywhere You look.
Humanity's existence here is an experiment like we told this earlier, it is an experiment of Light Followers and One. Light Followers themselves and we Forces of One are an experiment of One as well. But it is not an experiment in one word - experiment. This whole Humanity's Existence is also can be called an entertainment, an experience, a kindergarten, a school, evolution process from lower to higher and like Friend said world dynamic. It has a full spectrum in it, but for One personally all of this is experiment/testing and experience gaining, improving abilities to higher extent, "pushing everything beyond set boundaries".
I also like the questions about religions, religions are my personal strong side. Religion shortly "is believe in something supernatural" and "in higher forces that manipulate the world we are living in". You may see by this description, gods may be different not one Universal God as last monotheistic religions are claiming.
Within Forces of One - our religion is something more than just a believe, it is our way of life, a library of history and feelings, we are in Friendship with One and there is no separation and violence within our religion, there is just One, no angels, no devils, no spirits. All of such beings are given their true names and are a part of One. Every aspect of One, It's many faces and characters are described as sides of One, "Harmony, mutual Friendship and Understanding among All Things" is our religion's interpretation put shortly. Loyalty and life experience are most important subjects in our religion to discuss.
The late major religions here on Earth - less hinduism, buddhism and mostly judaism, christianity, islam were made on misinterpretations and misunderstanding (I will mention this, many don't like to acknowledge, all 3 have jewish origin, (not including zoroastrianism and hinduism from which it originated), plus illuminati order and cabal, kaballah - occultic religion, zionism all have a direct control over major world population, this was the era of 'pure jewish bloodlines" control over planet, which is coming to end).
These religions hold the truth and basics of Universe, but it is necessary "to dig though them" to find this "holy truth". Subconsciously People feel this truth and that is why, these religions still exist. When religion have no truth at all, it is not going to exist for too long.
People whose heart was filled with greed and willfulness for more wealth distorted them and turned them into perfect tools of control and intimidation. With word intimidation it is meant "if you are not going to believe in this religion, you will go to hell and everyone will point their fingers at you". Unfortunately these late religions hold this principle of fear and obedience..
The reason why it happened also was due to interference of "higher forces" the Followers of Light. Whenever they were appearing, they were impacting human society greatly, they were always called angels or demons, based on their appearance with light or without light. Light they can illuminate from their crafts and from themselves and their "illusory visions" is brighter than the Sun's Light.
That is why when they were with such a light, they were always considered servants - the angels or lesser gods of God or servants of higher God like Odin, Zeus or Vishnu. Whenever they were appearing to humans, they were using different names and titles. It is based on their taught - "humans will not understand our names and titles, that why we will use names and titles they are accustomed to".
They are also always saying that humanity is the only civilization in this Galaxy that is going through such sufferings, but that is not true, there are civilizations which have even harsher conditions than humanity, they do this not because they like to lie how You may think, but because they want to encourage humanity by showing like to children that it is only they that are behind, so that humanity can increase it's pace and join them.
We understand their way of thinking, yet we are disagreeing with it. We never like to lie or deceive, and we are never doing this, unless One will ask us. Lie is creating separation, suspicion which makes up for distrust and hate which in the end brings chaos and destruction. It caused misunderstanding, disbelieve, destruction of previous religions, more pain and suffering and brought religions, where their original words were distorted to suit the greedy willfulness of few men.
I wanted to point out here shortly that religions were created as they are because there was no mutual understanding, and everything was interpreted how People of that time saw and understood things. If these religions will want to survive, then they will have to change along with humanity or they will simply perish and be forgotten. In our understanding they by now are largely outdated and cannot go on with the current progress.
As always, we are always not claiming that "everything we say is how it is", You always are free to choose, whether to accept it partially, or fully, or interpret completely differently or decline it all together. We never liked to enforce our views on others and never doing this (unless One is not asking us to of course), this is not our way and this is not how One is telling us to do almost always. The choice is always Yours.
With Peace and Love to Everyone as always.
Thank you.
I just read this:
Click here
Much love.
Well, this is Cobra's understanding, before believing this, You must ask Your Inner Self about what is going to happen, what You will sense and feel is going to take place. It is always right. Your first thought is always the right one. Don't listen to second or third or subsequent thoughts, doubts, like "no, it won't like it will be like this". The first thought is coming from One - Universal Consciousness, You own One within You.
I also need to tell You that illuminati order - the cabal are really afraid, because they will lose everything and will be completely exposed very soon, so because of this their excuse for an aggressive invasion is "clumsy" and not well-planned.
Another thing - ships that are larger than Earth are present here already considering comet ISON You asked me about.
Look here, Sophia:
Click here
The last line is very emotional and this line can awaken many minds:
In a nearby parking lot, Amer Abed, a 27-year-old unemployed man who came from a Damascus suburb, was emptying the contents of the overflowing boot of an old Mercedes car into a van.
Weary women got out of the car, holding young, surprised-looking children in their arms.
"I want these US strikes to happen," she said to several foreign journalists.
"You journalists, and the entire world, are watching our country go up in flames without doing anything. Hate has taken over our hearts."
"I want these strikes because if Americans attack us and kill us once and for all, then maybe the Arabs will unite to defend us." ...
This music is for Your enjoyment, synchronicity and resonance,
Amethystium Arcus
Click here
Much Peace, Calm and Love to You!
Update September 4, 2013
It looks like the President of the US is ready to strike in Syria. I have heard several reports of Senators and Congressmen meeting with him and coming out saying they support the plan to strike, as soon as next week. I am not sure when the vote is exactly. Can you speak to this?
Yes, the attack is inevitable, they were able to convince main public of this invasion's "necessity". Unfortunately most agreed, most were immigrants, there is a strategy behind this constant flow of immigrants.
Senators are well chosen and all are with the illuminati's order's agenda and Congress, chose by the people most of the time, won't do any good as well. Most of the Congressmen are unaware of illuminati's ultimate agenda and they even don't know about this order, if they will vote against it, they are risking their career.
It is that simple within this government. "If you are not with us, you are our enemy and unworthy" - the idea of order illuminati and freemasonry. You can see this in Syria, Bashar al Assad is not with the West on their agendas and never was and never will be, there is no tool of control - the central bank inside Syria. So Syria along with Iran are the first hand enemies of this order and NWO agenda.
The climax is again at 9/11. Coup may take place right after the beginning of this invasion, if people within army will find courage to do so. Many soldiers and people see this terrible corruption within governments of U.S., Britain and France, and coup will follow. If they will not make coup on Syria, they sure will, when Iran will be attacked.
Also intervention from Followers of Light is very possible, they showed their eagerness to intervene in case if this will turn into nuclear war.
Remember that for how hard it will look to overcome, it still will be overcomed. This was humanity's choice. Use your thoughts of Peace and Love and Equality for all the planet Earth to overcome this and save many lives. The future depends on Us All, Lightworkers or Lightwarriors, Starseeds or Wanderers, Chrystal Beings, whatever You like to call Us All United. Our Collective Thoughts can change this world to how We would like to see it!
With Happiness, Peace and Freedom!
Update September 9, 2011
I want to share some songs that can help You and Everyone during great time of Changes if You willing to listen
This song holds a message, it may give an inspiration and understanding
Click here
The beautiful Dawn of Love
Click here
And Humanity's Rebirth
Click here
Much Peace, Abundance and Love to All!
Thank you! These are beautiful and I will share them.
Have you seen this?
click here
Barack is hell bent on this strike, the people don't know what to think, they don't know the truth. There are mixed opinions because of this. I know you have said this already, and yes, we all feel the intensity of the coming changes. Is there anything else you can say?
Much love,
Happy You liked it Sophia! Beautiful music indeed!
I know everything what was said in the video is Truth. It is up to You to believe what is True or false. This is Your most important feeling, to hear Your Inner Voice. The music playing in the background is TSFH Rebirth, everything is interconnected.
As soon as they are to invade Syria, their thoughts will be stricken by Sage Star A, their minds will collapse, all of illuminati order - cabal will feel themselves very bad.
Also, probable, if it is going to get very ugly and Followers of Light will not intervene, then the military vessels of United States and France could be sunk by Forces' of One special division, connected with death, one of the most dangerous divisions Forces of One, Izauya's division have.
One decided to provide them to humanity for this situation as cabalists made a direct call to Creator, to oppose, so One wish to teach that small portion of humanity a lesson when arrogance is becoming too abundant, and if it is going to do very bad things. By saying this I meant when many nations will start big fight over there, the culprits will be sunken.
This division's presence now is within other dimensional plane of Palmyra, ancient ruined city in the center of Syria. They are deep underground and will come to surface when it is needed. They prepared to use weapons of same technological level which humanity currently have. Although they are unstoppable.
But probability of such huge intervention is very low, everything must happen without such things.
We see People's congress is up to oppose Obama, and that is very good, if more will make this opposition and Obama will agree to step down on this invasion then be in preparation of probable false flag made within United States, mostly nuclear, but it could be also non nuclear. They are very risking to make a nuclear false flag. If they will make it, they will be completely exposed and fail immediately. But knowing their desperate state, probability exists.
The place of this could be on USA's Eastern coast in one of two quadrants somewhere between Charlotte - Norfolk or New York - Pittsburgh. These positions giving out the most energy pressure. This is a very desperate move and probability is low, but it exists. In case if this will happen the best way to avoid the radioactive first wave is to hide behind wall or rock or refrigerator. Something that is denser. The power of thoughts is able to prevent this as well, so it is the best thing we could do right now. Although situation is bad, we all know the outcome!
Much Peace and Love to All!
September 11, 2011
Hi. I have just received this from my friend, who asked me to share it with you. Please comment where you are able.
Thanks and much love,
September 9, 2013 - 7:44 am
An attack on Syria will only show the Third Force lost control.
Therefore attack very unlikely,mainly because there's serious resistance outside(BRICS) and inside(Israel) the Cabal.
BRICS+Israel are challenging Obama to attack ,cause the reaction and continuation of the conflict will be directed and controlled from Moskow,Bejing and Tel-Aviv.
And that's where Rothschild/Rockefeller are afraid of,besides the fact Europe will bear the brunt of the BRICS+Israel reaction.
Obama is only trying to gain some time,cause strategically he's been outplayed.
I feel the Middle East(with BRICS) has succesfully deterred the Third Force from making their move in a controlled manner,and it's the Third Force under attack now.
They'll try to prepare economic and biological mayhem instead,especially in US/Europe to cut their losses.
I spent 52 days in an Israeli security wing at Ramle for giving this info to certain groups in Israel.
I was released when Shin Bet finally understood what I was talking about,and I had to threaten to spread the info including my stay in an Israeli jail on the internet,to free myself.
Since a few weeks my theory is accepted by Arutz Sheva(Israelnationalnews) and I can post unmoderated there,much to my surprise.
Everything I do on the internet is being monitored,and my e-mail is compromised,so being in contact with me on these subjects through e-mail might not be healthy for you.
My theory is all over VT since aug 2012,and if you have any questions you can ask them here.
I know I'm taking risks,and I really don't want others to get in trouble.
A few very respected writers on VT already admitted that my theory might be right.
But ,with all theories,the proof of the pudding.....
Untill then VT will follow what's visible and not too far out,which is understandable since there are too many theories.
I can assure you the editors/writers of VT treat me with respect and let me do my thing,keeping in mind I might not be far off,eventhough it looks like I'm a nutcase right now.
I'm used to that though,and never frustrated when not taken seriously,one day the pudding will be eaten
It can be seen already,because if Israel would have been collaborating with Rothschild over the last year,Syria,Lebanon, Iran AND Israel would have been toast right now.
Rothschild's strategy is in trouble,and BRICS+Israel have managed to turn the pressure on US/Europe.
My aim is not to defend Israel,my aim is explaining that the forces that created Israel,the FED,the UN,the EU will screw everybody including Israel and Jews.
They did this before,and want to repeat it.
I'm trying to make people focus on the source,and that's Rothschild/Rockefeller,his stooges are Jews,Cristians,Muslims and Marcians,for all I care.
After Rothschild/Rockefeller go down there's enough time to bring his stooges to justice,but simply blaming Jews will have the same result as WW2:Rothschild advancing his agenda and all of us further enslaved
Thank You for sharing to You and Friend!
Ok, I will share my thoughts and knowledge, but Your own understanding is most important.
The Third Force as they are being called here or order illuminati is really have lost it all. BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa - this is a new collaboration, an alternative to International Monetary Fund and World Bank and a very good alternative to challenge the western market domination over the world. It will use the system of barter trading, but it still is connected with money, although they are ready to introduce new technologies and let humanity to evolve further, which is what Humanity's Consensus wants. The absolute freedom will be achieved, You can count on them.
The Israel right now is having a situation of inner infighting, much like in US, as illuminati order was always considering Israel as their pawn/expandable and illuminati wished to make a destruction of Israel, Israel is now waking up as well. But still You can't trust zionists-jews, everyday there is a lot of pain in Israel, palestinians are being humiliated, treated like animals and there are very few jews that are willing to live along with Palestinian People. This treatment is just terrible and disgraceful.
One last very important thing is about their leadership and their "savior" which is false savior or anti messiah or antichrist. This anti messiah made a choice and did not join their ranks, although they waited for it impatiently. It was given a choice to make, whether to be a false savior or not. It chose not to be. It is alive right now and will not going to change it's mind. It is possessing super mind of leadership, can guide anything how it wants and with it everything could change in instant.
Also more to that they lack archons' intelligence and leadership, they left illuminati's ranks. Also now US government and illuminati are facing the difficulties with new "fresh minds", as no one wise enough don't wish to join them on their world domination agenda. In fact people already working for them, are leaving or working at some 30% of their full potential.
So You can see, they are done, their game is over.
Considering current events, russians right now used the words of John Kerry about willful complete removal of Syria's chemical weapons, for these words he regretted lately, saying "my remarks were rhetorical and were not meant as serious proposals". And russians presented this initiative, which angered higher chain of command of illuminati as this is just slowing their "end game". That's why Obama and administration is saying that "no stalling tactics are acceptable".
I say it is very well made, the more invasion is postponed, the more time Humanity have to completely wake up and completely evade casualties and destruction!
Much Peace and Love to All!
Update September 20, 2013
Hello there.
As we approach the 21st of September, 9 months from 12.21.12, there is much speculation. Here is something from my friend. Would you comment on this and on anything relevant?
" Here is an interesting event for your friend because this is very unusual except in times of conflict as in convoys or when something is about to take place on land...FEMA is currently undertaking urgent activities to be in place by Oct 1st in the same NJ area. Much Love. Saludos
Click here
Thank you,
Much love,
Good Day Sophia and Friend!
Right now, considering FEMA operations, order illuminati with pentagon (darker side of it) considering any possible false flag operation, they see that they lose the "deal" on Syria, so they want to make something different. Chemical attack within U.S. is no longer a possibility, nuclear attack still a small possibility, weather manipulation is no longer a possibility, because it will give nothing to them. There is another, I cannot tell what this is, because I don't want to give them a hint. I can give only word "conflict" is a possibility.
About the Equinox - equal day and night which will be on september 22, each new Solar cycle days variates, on Consent 21st day is common. It is an important event, it is a point of time's measurement, like december 21st, june 21st, march 21st which sets a cycle's (or year) quadrant passed. Many important events are set on these dates from the beginning of humanity's history, these dates are considered a time of Celebration around the world. They are indeed important earth cycles, on these dates also very good events may happen, like influx of Cosmic Energies, world ethereal stability maintenance, the birth of very loving children, very beautiful events, lot of them. As well as these are holidays and celebrations, these dates can be used with darker intentions as well.
Here is perception of world situation from different angles:
1. From my own views I don't see anything to happen on that precise date, but if nothing is going to change in the world something will happen very soon, something not good.
2. On Energy plane I see variations in Energy, variations that were not present just 10 cycles ago. Light devices are helping. When I look into Energy, the possibility of false flag event is big.
3. Ancient machines see situation will unfold "as predicted" by analysis.
4. I was with Followers of Light "ethereally" and like I learned they want to prolong humanity's situation for as long as possible to time point we set to them to 2016, the main thought I got was "if humanity will not solve the survival question of this planet and for whole humanity, then they intervene before august 1st 2016".
This means if humanity will solve everything by itself then they just will come to not save humanity, but to accept it into Galactic Federation of Light. Simply to be Friends. They along with humanity will have also to solve the question of possibility of achieving ultimate power over Creation, which they are not allowed to possess yet. Possibly everything will be solved peacefully, without use of Universal Justice.
I hope my own thoughts and views will help You! Gratitude with Peace and Love!
Update October 4, 2013
Here is a beautiful music for Your Enjoyment and Emotions
Click here
And Click here
Images are just images, You can create Your own images, but music is different, it is based on emotions, it is filled with feelings and is Universal, unlike images, which You can create how You want to. The interpretation of images can be changed, but interpretation of music and words cannot be changed.
Peace, Calm, Prosperity to You!
The Kara video is powerful. wow.
Thank you.
The energy for the last few days has been intense and not what we'd call "good"... people are sad, tired, feeling loss and not just that. It is confusing and challenging.
Much love to you,
I'm happy You liked it Sophia! It is showing a moment of future of humanity, when humanity will be able to create it's own life, at first non organic life and soul will visit that non organic body, this is a natural way of evolution, to create life with life. Right now people can only "create" life by birthing. Later on, people will be able to create life out of "dust", literally "out of nothing" like it was said in old religious teachings. This is truth and not superstition.
The pressure of energy is high, illuminati order seeks any possibility to change their desperate position, but just can't find any, they lack leadership, no real leader want to help them and this is a Blessing for Humanity. It is now just a fraction of time until they will see their end, their end like the moment of Justice will come when they will be least expected, like it was said in the bible. It is Truth because One wish humanity and any other beings within existence to feel the most experience during moment of unexpectedness. "You just know it will happen, but You don't know exactly when and how it will look like." More experience and feelings it is. Most recent was the unexpected Chelyabinsk meteor as You remember. We knew it may hit somewhere, but didn't knew where, and it arrived in completely unexpected for everyone place. Just an example of One's playful character:)
Another thing I was asked to share was again about duality of Good vs evil. People knowing about Oneness and Universal Unity wonder why are we still separated between these two groups. Why evil must be judged and why Good isn't. Well it is because this Universe and the way it exists was programmed in a way where Everything can make a free choice. Evil people are evil, because they chose to be so, and Good people chose to be Good. So basically when people chose to be evil, they chose to be enemies of Good people. It is the choice that makes us different, what we choose is what we become. But we still are One and United, we are created from same material as One, we are a part of One's HUGE body, our physical bodies are the most precious treasures One is having, our Souls are the most Sacred Infinitely Expensive Value that One has. We All share One Universe, We All share One Sun and We All share One Planet. So we are One and United!
To People giving too much attention to money or finances. Money is nothing, a small fraction of One, lifeless, they don't have value unless You give them it, they were created as a tool of control and by using it and giving much attention to it, You maintain the old system. Just use them because You need to. Your real value is Your Soul, like I wrote here, it is Infinitely Expensive and can't be sold. Only a small fraction of it can be sold, when You "sign a contract with the devil" or are indebted or enslaved by this system. Soul is Your Infinite Value, nothing is more Valuable than Your Soul, not money, not gold, not technologies. Money can't change the world, only You can.
Another story I was told to tell You is very old and known by all, but forgotten like many other very important old knowledge.
When we were monkeys, we received a special gift, from extraterrestrials beings (or some may like to call angels or God better). Our DNA was modified, and a very small, but pure particle of Light was put inside of us and hidden. When we started to evolve and feel the presence of this small particle, we started to reach it, as it was so pure and clean and once we were close to it, we were coming to state of nirvana, eternal peace and calmness. So we started to establish religions whose main goal was to reach that particle of Light. The achieving of this particle was very real, but survival instinct and the need to protect ourselves from destroyers, murderers, wars also the view and presence of suffering around us made a hard and harsh toll on our path toward that particle of Light or simply put toward Light ( same direction Followers of Light wish humanity to go).
And so this process was slowed. We could have achieved this already long ago, though sufferings were great and survivalability was taking many moments of time out of us. But with each new generation humanity still was coming closer and closer to that particle of Light. And now we have come to a moment, when we are very close to it and only few generations are still needed to reach it ultimately. Once reached, all surroundings around people with reached particle of Light will be harmonized, other people, plants and animals will feel themselves relieved, will feel themselves very calmly and happily. And then people that reached it will improve that particle of Light and grow it, so it will become larger and larger.
Here I'm talking about majority of People, Lightworkers are much closer to it, and people that base their life on survival instinct are much farther from it.
Under perfect conditions only 3 generations are needed from this point of time to reach it ultimately. The generation right now that must start to live in perfect conditions are aged 3-5 cycles old. Very young ones. We can start only from them, because they are the purest, uncorrupted beings:)
So You can see Humanity almost achieved what they were intended and wanted to achieve, comparing 40 or so generations under perfect conditions 2000 cycles ago.
Use beautiful emotional music, so it can give You inspiration and accompany You when You most need it. Search for music for Your Soul. I will share music that You already heard, it is just my share, but You need to search for music that fits Your Soul.
The soft sound aaaaah is the sound that is coming from the Soul (or from Your Heart if it sounds better for You). Whenever You hear it, You Soul tremble. Because it is when Souls are speaking with each other. In every song don't look in the end or beginning, look at the middle of it.
Your Destiny Awaits
Destiny of The Chosen - Humanity The People
Don't stop to Believe and Realize, turn into Reality what You're dreaming for with Your Thoughts and Will
And You will uncover Your Legacy
And finally meet the Majestic Creator and become complete
Much Peace and Love to You and Everyone!
Thank you so much for this. I have been away and only now have seen this.
I have been in touch with so many of us who are desperate and despairing of any and all hope. These words sound hopeful.
Much love, I wish you well,
That's is great to hear Sophia!
Also to show the limitless possibilities of Creation and to let You know that for the past 100 cycles humanity was contained under mandatory strict use of fossil fuels I was asked to remind You and Everyone about these infinite and completely clean energy sources:
Using water as a fuel
Using breathable Air as a fuel
Very easy to create and use: magnetic rotation that never stops can give as much electricity as You will need or want, Energy output is based on size of this generator, also prerequisite to anti gravitation (which means You can fly without wings in any direction nearby massive object like this planet)
Rotation that never stops unless wheel will run out or break and that is not going to happen for the next 100 cycles if well made.
If You know how electricity is being received You already can see that it completely beats old electric grid system. If You don't than I will remind.
On main electric plants electric current is received through rotation of turbines. To rotate turbines' blades steam or hot air is needed and You wonder how we can evaporate water to produce this steam, of course by heating up water or burning something. Fossils burns at best rates and give out much more heat than everything else, excluding highly dense materials, like enriched plutonium.
Nuclear reactors on nuclear plants are using the same process, but instead of burning something there are used nuclear rods to evaporate water.
Hydroelectric plants are using constant stream of water from basins which is held by dams to rotate turbines. Creating a dam, like Hoover Dam, creates a danger if this dam will break every settlement will be drowned along with plants, crops, nature and animals, it is a dangerous and ineffective method.
And giant "Wind Mills" or wind turbines are using the very same process, when wind blows, turbines are rotating. So called new "green energy" these wind turbines are actually very useless and they are already irritating people that live nearby them, they produce unpleasant sound and blades are dropping huge shadows on homes and fields, irritating farmers and making damage to crops. So it is a bad solution as well.
What we want also to point here, is by using magnetic rotation, all of these highly expensive and damaging obsolete systems will have to go, that means no more wind turbines, no more dams to built, no more nuclear plants, which excludes the danger of radiation leaks like Chernobyl/Fukushima related accidents and no more need to use fossil fuels which completely frees Everyone out of dependence and slavery.
Also about fossil dependence: that is the current old and obsolete system in which humanity still exists. Everything what was build was built on this process, the process of burning and destruction, not harmony. Everything is fueled by this type of fuel, even batteries. This system was established and maintained to hold everyone under control or as a slaves. Because no one could be completely independent as "there is no infinite energy source" and in order to drive a car or flew a plane or use something everyone must come back and pay for fuel, new batteries or electricity. This adds to mandatory paying for place of Your living and mandatory paying for everything You do or buy in current obsolete system.
Much Peace and Love to Everyone!
Hello and thank you. As I am finally able to get back to work, I will share this information.
The US government begins a partial shut down. Comments?
Much love and gratitude to you,
Good Day Sophia!
They "shutdown" government because of the urgency to do something in order to achieve their dark goal, to reduce the inner infighting and to stop coup that could happen any moment now, only one more "spark" is needed, spark that is going to infuriate People of America.
You can call government shutdown as a "backing down" during order illuminati/cabal state of emergency. During this current shutdown arrests are possible, but we see arrests are not going to be good, arrested will be holdouts of the current system. We can fix that with power of our thoughts, why not arrest supporters and maintainers of the current system? Just a tip for You;)
On surface, government shutdown happened because of Obama's health care system, which is also playing part in all of this and government spending and debt. During this shutdown they want to default on debt, which illuminati order don't want to allow to happen, because this will mean they will lose a lot of allies around the world and they are going to lose bigger part of military, which will mark a big X on their global domination agenda.
They do have hidden resources which they accumulated during their long history, but this was prepared for the next part after world war 3 to create a world's super police force out of UN and unite all the world under one satanic leadership. With these vast resources they can repay all of U.S. debt and allow much more, but if they will use their vast resources now, this will catch attention of the world and they will be exposed at instant. It will be called "cheating" on american and world's People. They know it and so they are trying to solve this fair, without this trump card.
Also about health care act, main reason of government shutdown on surface. This act is fraud by it's nature, under word "insurance" is covered their own insurance not People's, they are accumulating money as fast as possible. You know when People don't "buy" insurance they are fined where fines are bigger or even put into jail, so this makes insurance mandatory, because it is a "wise choice". If You will think what actually this insurance gives You, how it can improve Your Life aside from cheaper health care (for which You still need to pay), it will make You wonder, how is this different than from all those scam e-mails You sometimes receive? They are giving the very same service for a "fee".
I was also told that if health care will be mentioned, I will need to remind and warn You on vaccination. Vaccines for the past 100 cycles were used to experiment on different new bio weapon agents. New agents such as viruses were spread and evolved during this last age, they were exercised through experiments within human bodies. Most recent known viruses were swine flu and bird flu, like I was told they were created by this same process. Signatures of these viruses were used to inject extra flavor during vaccinations.
Bio agents' main role was to decrease the possibilities of human's mind and Consciousness, to decrease the percent of rebellion against the current system, to decrease "fanatical behavior" and to disallow individuals to seek the ultimate Wisdom and Truth. Vaccines are not all that bad, sometime they are necessary, when You are traveling to new distant locations or facing a well known disease like plague, but be careful with new "out of nowhere diseases", through vaccines to counter these diseases they are testing new bio weapons, so always be aware of what You can receive with vaccines. Because they are using same signatures of virus against which vaccine will be injected in You and it is impossible for average doctor to see the difference. All countries whose health care is under oversight of World Health Care Organization should be careful with vaccines. Vaccines are the best way to give People "what you want to give". You never can be sure what might be inside when illuminati order/cabal are in power.
I'm sorry for stretching everything I write, I always try to make it as few as possible, but I just can't make it in a few words text.. I know reading a lot is hard and sometimes not fun to do, but I need to explain everything so that You and Everyone would understand what I meant here, I cannot simply answer: "Government is shutdown because cabal don't know what to do.." It is if I don't know anything:)
Anyway my apologies for huge texts:)
Much Peace and Love to You and Everyone!
October 6, 2013
My friend sent me this last week, I have just begun to catch up with some mail.
" Why do I send this? because the author is more often right about things and it could tie in with the FEMA issue which is being denied - as always,--your friend might throw light upon this - thats all.
It's more than rumor - it is happening. Too many people are confirming this - something huge is underway in Puerto Rico, and the military is being told it will be a meteor strike. I call TOTAL B.S., if anything happens it will be nuclear, an ICBM looks like a meteor coming in, hence my instructions above . . . . . if this was a meteor it would be ALL OVER THE FREAKING MSM, yet not even a peep out of even GLP.
Much Love Saludos "
Thank you,
Much love and light,
Yes, right now Everyone in the U.S. should be on a watchout. Especially in a very populated areas on East Coast.
Recent accidents in Washington D.C. were made by People that felt themselves in a highly hazardous feeling, the pressure on Washington grows, they were feeling this huge pressure and unfortunately acted in a bad way.
Everyone could do better and not sacrifice with Yourself, this makes a change, but very small. Better results will be achieved when You will want and wish to change current situation, not sacrificing Your physical incarnation. These people were normal, but they experienced huge stress, which in summary with their corrupted past gave out these accidents.
Right now during government's "shutdown", illuminati order members are looking into different plans, tactics and strategies, they are rethinking their plan and strategy, changing tactics, it is a perfect condition when there is no one to distract them, while Washington is partially lockdowned.
They can't be shutdowned for a very long time though, because People's displeasure is growing with each passing moment and coup is coming very quickly. For that reason FEMA is fully operational and ready to make "sweeps" across country if huge riot will break out, although they will fail. Their order/cabal is collapsing and there is inner infighting going on for future of mankind and they own welfare. Very "hardened" members of original illuminati order are vigorously still hold onto original plan of luciferian indoctrination of whole world, unfortunately they are blind, they don't want to accept new ways of life, new evolution, they hold themselves to old, don't want to let it go..
Nuclear attack is their most powerful false flag attack, but this will mean their end, yet my feelings are strong toward bad event. We can see, they will make the final showdown before they go, we are holding them and restricting them to highest extent, yet they are still able to make last spark.. Be careful right now and on watch out. I can't point out the exact location of false flag, only two quadrants I mentioned earlier, when we GE's will be given "emergency call", I will share this.
This is all I can share with You right now.
As always much Wisdom, Tranquility and Abundant Love to Everyone!
Update October 14, 2013
Hello. Just checking in. I recently saw this:
Click here
Wondering if you have any further information.
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.
Not much to say right now Sophia. Everything proceeding as it supposed to, the will of humanity will be fulfilled and old promises will come to life.
The Ariel Sharon is still alive, but his consciousness is indeed like it is said there, like a plant's - at a minimal level. He is alive, but only may able to support his body in alive state. If many people would want him to recover, it will happen so, but many people, many of muslims wished him bad things for what he did in the past and they asked Allah - God to help them, and this wish has been granted.
During his life he ordered many bad things to happen while he was a military commander, most of these things are unknown to the public as everything that was happening in Israeli wars from 1948 to 1970s was covered up and archives of military crimes committed by Israel were destroyed at once so that no one would find out this, U.S. and Britain were helping in this most prominently.
With the bloom of press and video recordings, they were finding it harder to do so. As an example, one massacre of mostly palestinian and shiites People that happened in 1982 forced Ariel Sharon to resign from his military carrier. He always was considered the most highest commander in modern Israel, because of his deeds for protecting Israel and unfortunately decreasing the number of palestinians..
Here You can hear the sound of a Soul
Peace, Tranquility, Prosperity.
To Your knowledge, You heard about 17th october, it is a time when U.S. treasury's reserves will run out, this is where illuminati order and U.S. government will have to decide the faith of U.S., whether to increase the debt ceiling or not, maybe making something different.
They have different choices, but to please The People, they will have to make a default which will concentrate all efforts on U.S. inner politics, which is also meant they will lose trust of foreign countries and many "allies" as well.
I can't see default very clearly and think they will try to stretch this decision making as far as they can.
Peace and Love to You!
Update October 18, 2013
It looks like you were correct. Now stretched until January 2014.
Much love,
They made a wise decision for their survival, because People of America became more aware of their deeds and People's discontent have grown significantly. Now they will try not to make more government shutdowns as this can grow into their complete removal from office. Though their removal is very close without need to shutdown government once again.
During this government shutdown they haven't found any good solutions to their growing problems and one of their nuclear plots have been thwarted by reasonable military in pentagon. They also came to biological pandemic plot, this reasonable military may just spoil this plot as well. The virus is based on swine flu and bird flu, a new type of flu. They will try to spread it over most populated areas on the world and in U.S. close to winter time to force everyone to make vaccination like it was with previous flus to save U.S. from this instigated disease. Good thing I see that they will fail to do this.
In the end overall, they won't be able to fool the world any longer, the huge political scandal and their removal is very close. The promised rebirth will be made during this solar cycle, the time will be before next cycle, somewhere when ISON will arrive, a great comet body.
Let One Bless You, We are One and United.
Peace and Love to You as always!
October 19, 2013
So, there are many questions about this part:
" The promised rebirth will be made during this solar cycle "
and different definitions as to a solar cycle. Would you clarify? Do you refer to this calendar year, 2013?
Much love,
Yes Sophia, we refer to years and days and so on so on, to many things overall as cycles, but because I made confusion with this I'm using solar cycles and earth cycles, but it have to be cycle if You want to understand messages fully.
The promised rebirth is the 2013 cycle of rebirth, this whole year or a cycle/circle is a rebirth, yet it is not complete, and so it will be completed during this cycle.
Next cycle will be cleaning and repositioning, remanaging the system, so it can fit majority it's choice. All it is by Followers of Light plan. Humanity have to achieve higher state of Lightmanship they always saying, it will be possible only if changes will be allowed to be done, the only barrier that stands in the way is the old illuminati order.
Also considering Forces of One, we were informed that Light Followers have agreed to cease the research and development of "skia" - control over Creation project. They agreed, that they are not worthy yet and will cease this operation once humanity will be set free and on it's own.
They will be able to continue only when One will approve this, most of them understands this, but some do not, these few may cause problems to their own being in a future, this may influence humanity as well, but it's not going to be now or in 50 cycles farther, just a hint for them.. And everything Light Followers developed so far will remain in their possession.
Now Forces of One will only see that this project will finish completely and as promised humanity will be given it's choice fulfilled, the choice of being free, without lies and without suffering. Happiness was always a priority wish of every human, so this will given to Everyone.
It will all happen in due time and it is not far away, very close, what is in our power now is to hasten this and force it to happen sooner, it is our power. We can do this very differently, by thinking about this, willing, wishing, talking, tweeting, making changes physically, interacting with society, bringing in new inventions that literally changes the way we as a human beings live.
Much Gratitude and Appreciation for Your hard work will not go without reward and forgotten. As One told Everyone will be rewarded for their deeds and we GEs never forget what others did to the World in which we are currently residing and to ourselves as well. Bad or Good deeds are rewarded respectively, and this is the case when this will be done.
Peace, Calm and Prosperity!
Update October 23, 2013
Would you comment on this?
Click here for video
Much love,
Ok Sophia, remember to always believe in what You want to believe in.
You know the Followers of Light will aid humanity and what was told there is this preparation. These were not structures, but interstellar ships, they shift between dimensions and as soon as something human-made approaches them they "disappear". There is no need to worry about this, illuminati order is afraid because they know what this all means to them, but everyone non cabal, non illuminati and non terrible people shouldn't be afraid of this. This will aid humanity as a whole.
One is with all of You, do not be afraid and have no fear in Your hearts. With Wisdom and Love!
October 26th, 2013
I thought you might want to see a follow up to the video:
Click here
Much love,
Thank You for sharing this Sophia! I know most of this information, they were always using the dark side of the Moon.
You need to be aware from this, as it influences every american. Indeed U.S. government is preparing for huge riots and even revolution war. But this will not happen unless Everyone in U.S. will want it.
What I see, is that Everyone don't wants it, I see People need changes and through peaceful solutions these changes will happen. They will not go without a fight, and so the only aggressors in these changes will be they, that why they and their satanic legacy will be tainted and forgotten.
They will be remembered only as the "terrible tragedy of human civilization prevented" and Everyone will try to avoid the repeat of this.
During previous cycle it was Your Awakening, Lightworkers' Awakening, ours as well. Now it is masses' Awakening, Every Human Being now have Awakened and is ready for Great Changes!
You remember this song, let Everyone hear it, this brings back most sacred what is inside Everyone, that same particle of Light. Anytime You listen to very emotional, spiritual music, you are getting close to it.
Click here.
With Peace and Love Always!
Thank you. This is beautiful music.
There is a third video, with more information about the vehicles that are parked near the moon, supposedly to be released soon. The team that set up this interview is setting up another one.
I know that most do not want war in this country. There are some very public channels working to incite revolution, and as time moves ahead, well, the true nature of the people will dictate what happens. This is more evidence of the awakening and subsequent rebirth we are having. This is very good news.
Much love,
Update October 28th, 2013
I'm happy You liked it! Everything is correct Sophia.
One rule You need to remember always, is that if You will allow Your nature to took over You, You won't be in control and Your nature will do everything, that the way of survival instincts which dominated humanity for a lot of time. It is up to Your Consciousness and Mind to take over Your nature, that the way many beings are going and evolving on much better scales and speeds.
For us Forces of One there is also another rule, I can share this with You if You are interested, it won't hurt anyone.
With Love and Wisdom.
yes, definitely interested!
Thank you,
Much love,
Ok Sophia. It is based on meaning - Harmony among All Things and Everything is Interconnected. A complicated one and somewhere You may disagree with this.
We know that every part of Universe is alive, every molecule, every particle, going deeply every particle of an atom is alive, there are smaller particles of an atom which humanity is not aware of yet, there is One present Everywhere.
This as well touches plants', animals', humans' every cell. Organic cells are more alive than molecules and much more than atoms and much more than it's super small particles.
Aliveness is based on Energy output and "manipulation" of it. Every cell of an organic Body is a separate self-aware organism. Just an example - they have more Life Energy than the particles of same size from which are made Artificial Intelligences because of it's Energy's chaotic behavior.
Now the Physical Bodies of plants, animals and humans. They are classified strictly as: plants - Collective Consciousness, animals - Collective Consciousness under control of Central Neural System from partial to almost full (humans).
What this means is that in plants cells are living with One Voice, there is no controlling entity such as one more evolved animals, reptiles, insects and other predator and herbivores are having. Herbivores are predators as well as they eat plants, but this is another story. It is all a natural Cycle of Life which is meant to be by One.
The Central Neural System is human's mind and it's Consciousness, it is what You are, because of it's more highly evolved state, humans are having more evolved heightened Soul as well. It is easy to talk to and understand humans than plants for example because of this controlling entity.
The whole structure of control and rule of "few over many" on this planet was based on this instinctively justified meaning. The situation within the human individual Body is very same. The Central Neural System controls all the population of Your Physical Body, You may relate to Your body as "separate country" under one ruler which is You.
All the cells in human's Body are fulfilling their given roles, cells answering for food processing are doing so, cells answering for flow of resources, oxygen and food to each cell of a body are doing so, cells that are answering for pheromone producing and producing of secrecy elements are doing so, cells that are meant to protect our body from incoming outside threats are protecting us and repelling "invaders" which want to feed on our rich with Energy Body.
The Central Neural System can be called dictatorship if it rules over Body's population without mutual understanding and mutual compassion, shortly - without Harmony and on opposite can be called wise and loving leader if it understands and care for body, most important here is not care, but understanding and compassion.
Because of lack of Understanding of each of human Body's cell, during long history of humanity people were dying without knowing exactly "why?". Very few people really understood this structure and they were able to cure themselves without the use of outside means.
By now You are able to see a huge reflection of human society. The rule "as above so below" and "there is reflection of You Everywhere You look" is Universal and works Everywhere. Every cell, like worker in human society is doing their given jobs, yet they rarely can change their jobs, unlike humans can.
Like rulers, Central Neural System receives more Energy and more food, not because it is greedy, but because they were needed more to function at 100%, due to it's highly active state. In human society as You know greed took over many and this was changed to bad twist.
The most important for us GEs knowledge here, is that we need to understand what our Body needs and live in Harmony with each of our Cells as with other beings around us, this is not easy to do and even much harder to preserve our body from any damage to disallow any of the cell to die as the world around us can damage us easily, but as Everything is Possible in this Universe, this is possible as well.
We don't mean here that we need to be completely isolated from world, no, it is just to reduce the damage to Your Body to minimum, the death of some cells unfortunately is inevitable in this world, it is not completely safe for organic structure, other bacteria and virus cells are always around our skin to invade when Body become weaker due to climate changing (Summer - Winter cycle).
Instinctively humans are preserving themselves and what is important not because humans want to live as it used to be, but because there is a forgotten oath to Body which every human and animal is giving before incarnated, to preserve and care for their Body the same as for their Children. This differs on type of animals, fishes, insects.
In humanity a new step is shaping itself, "to preserve other People as well as the Body and it's Children". This is a natural way of Evolution for human-type creatures.
A good advice for Everyone is to talk with Your Physical Body when You have free time, orally or inwardly, for example when You go to sleep and no one is around You (to avoid misunderstanding) for loving people inwardly is a good solution. Your body is a separate living organism as well as Collective Consciousness like one plants are having. This Collective Consciousness consists of individual organisms called cells and within cells there are other living organisms for which these cells care, so this is not just cells we are caring for, they have their own relatives and "children" as well, cells that are being duplicated during growing and restoring processes.
I hope You will understand this complicated yet obvious thing and I hope this knowledge may aid You and Everyone.
With Love and Universal Wisdom.
Thank you so very much. I will share.
Much love,
October 29th, 2013
Also, a friend of mine has a question about some information circulating. What follows comes from him.
"As the fore run you could think seriously about the second link on VT with special reference to the blocked comment but more importantly to the comments section where some very important comments are made, some of which you will need to click on "read more"
"The ground question is - how accurate in the way of things is the information contained in the block text (that of the european intelligence service) and how do the comments rate regarding the accuracy of those expressing views and feelings. Perhaps I ask too much but my appetite for truth and accuracy is very high."
(( Included were these two links: ))
Link #1
Link #2
I. Ok, I will express my thoughts to Friend's question. I know the chemtrails from most of the cases are left from "normal" planes' trails which daily are flying in thousands. They are hazardous for environment as well as they are the vapors from combustion process. But not as You are thinking under word chemtrails. But indeed chemtrails sometimes are having a nature to spread bio weapons, and experimental chemical agents over some minor population to test "it's effectiveness" on population. Very terrible and crimeful deeds. It is easy to cover them among "normal trails".
Normal trails to Your knowledge are left in upper atmosphere (higher troposphere), it is due to temperature variation. The comments precision/accuracy is always correct and high if You know what You are looking for, there are programs and hired agents that spread disinformation, but their number is low. On these websites these agents are not present. Sometimes comments are removed due to commercial nature of these and due to rude language. Always know what You need to find, it is easy to lost Yourself in comments:)
You are always welcome to believe in what You think is right. Every individual have different views on reality, every individual interpret book that is written with same words differently, it is not because humans have "bad memory", it is because of Uniqueness of each Individual Being. So believing in someone's words without any doubt is not correct in our views, as there will always be something that can't be agreed upon, this was tested many times and You can see this in humanity's history, there won't be a complete universal understanding or believe on some subject.
What most important in this and how to achieve Oneness You may ask, is to <Understand Other People>, when we understand them they will understand us. I mentioned this in last revelation, understanding is most important between Neural Central System and whole Physical Body, between Government and it's People, between People themselves. This creates Oneness, Unity, Harmony, Symbiotic Co-existence. Mutual understanding is taking it's turns and transforming this planet as it is the way to the Light and Unity.
It is up to You to be angry or forgive, You are free in Your choice. For Your own Good being You may ask Yourself, Creator and Your Body whether You need to forgive or continue to be angry on someone like cabal/illuminati order that holds this system afloat and makes other People to look like they want them to be. People are becoming angry or despair because They don't have the "godly powers" and immortality. You can imagine having such powers and it will become obvious that there won't be any reason to be angry or despaired any more.
In our knowledge Souls are immortal, but People need proves to this and we are understanding this greatly. Yet we are not here to provide these proves, humanity will have to find it on it's own. A hint is - again it is not hard if You know what You are looking for:) Everything is interconnected, that why it repeats itself and have reflection Everywhere You look.
Humanity's existence here is an experiment like we told this earlier, it is an experiment of Light Followers and One. Light Followers themselves and we Forces of One are an experiment of One as well. But it is not an experiment in one word - experiment. This whole Humanity's Existence is also can be called an entertainment, an experience, a kindergarten, a school, evolution process from lower to higher and like Friend said world dynamic. It has a full spectrum in it, but for One personally all of this is experiment/testing and experience gaining, improving abilities to higher extent, "pushing everything beyond set boundaries".
I also like the questions about religions, religions are my personal strong side. Religion shortly "is believe in something supernatural" and "in higher forces that manipulate the world we are living in". You may see by this description, gods may be different not one Universal God as last monotheistic religions are claiming.
Within Forces of One - our religion is something more than just a believe, it is our way of life, a library of history and feelings, we are in Friendship with One and there is no separation and violence within our religion, there is just One, no angels, no devils, no spirits. All of such beings are given their true names and are a part of One. Every aspect of One, It's many faces and characters are described as sides of One, "Harmony, mutual Friendship and Understanding among All Things" is our religion's interpretation put shortly. Loyalty and life experience are most important subjects in our religion to discuss.
The late major religions here on Earth - less hinduism, buddhism and mostly judaism, christianity, islam were made on misinterpretations and misunderstanding (I will mention this, many don't like to acknowledge, all 3 have jewish origin, (not including zoroastrianism and hinduism from which it originated), plus illuminati order and cabal, kaballah - occultic religion, zionism all have a direct control over major world population, this was the era of 'pure jewish bloodlines" control over planet, which is coming to end).
These religions hold the truth and basics of Universe, but it is necessary "to dig though them" to find this "holy truth". Subconsciously People feel this truth and that is why, these religions still exist. When religion have no truth at all, it is not going to exist for too long.
People whose heart was filled with greed and willfulness for more wealth distorted them and turned them into perfect tools of control and intimidation. With word intimidation it is meant "if you are not going to believe in this religion, you will go to hell and everyone will point their fingers at you". Unfortunately these late religions hold this principle of fear and obedience..
The reason why it happened also was due to interference of "higher forces" the Followers of Light. Whenever they were appearing, they were impacting human society greatly, they were always called angels or demons, based on their appearance with light or without light. Light they can illuminate from their crafts and from themselves and their "illusory visions" is brighter than the Sun's Light.
That is why when they were with such a light, they were always considered servants - the angels or lesser gods of God or servants of higher God like Odin, Zeus or Vishnu. Whenever they were appearing to humans, they were using different names and titles. It is based on their taught - "humans will not understand our names and titles, that why we will use names and titles they are accustomed to".
They are also always saying that humanity is the only civilization in this Galaxy that is going through such sufferings, but that is not true, there are civilizations which have even harsher conditions than humanity, they do this not because they like to lie how You may think, but because they want to encourage humanity by showing like to children that it is only they that are behind, so that humanity can increase it's pace and join them.
We understand their way of thinking, yet we are disagreeing with it. We never like to lie or deceive, and we are never doing this, unless One will ask us. Lie is creating separation, suspicion which makes up for distrust and hate which in the end brings chaos and destruction. It caused misunderstanding, disbelieve, destruction of previous religions, more pain and suffering and brought religions, where their original words were distorted to suit the greedy willfulness of few men.
I wanted to point out here shortly that religions were created as they are because there was no mutual understanding, and everything was interpreted how People of that time saw and understood things. If these religions will want to survive, then they will have to change along with humanity or they will simply perish and be forgotten. In our understanding they by now are largely outdated and cannot go on with the current progress.
As always, we are always not claiming that "everything we say is how it is", You always are free to choose, whether to accept it partially, or fully, or interpret completely differently or decline it all together. We never liked to enforce our views on others and never doing this (unless One is not asking us to of course), this is not our way and this is not how One is telling us to do almost always. The choice is always Yours.
With Peace and Love to Everyone as always.