(Update 8.8.2012)
I wonder if you'd just clarify something for me? You say the shooting stars are 'Leonidas meteor shower'. I have researched this a little and this seems to take place at certain times of the year. I see these shooting stars all years round, anytime I go outside on a clear night. Are you sure they are Leonidas Meteor shower? Is it possible that they could be something else? It just seems strange that I see them so often, when some people do not even see one in their entire lifetime...
Also, I regularly see what I would describe as 'stars' moving around, I see these every single time I am outside on a clear night, as well as the shooting stars. If you take a look at the following video that was filmed in my back garden, you can see exactly what I mean.
Do you have any idea what all these things are? And why I personally see so many of them?
"Thank You! I misunderstood what you meant, this is an experimental flying craft of USA - UK air forces. It is based on an "electromagnetic cushion". These were developed during world war 2 by puppet Germany and taken by "allied forces". They are using this as a "reconnaissance UFO" and are keeping this very secretly. This is not what You expected, but You was feeling this is a human made, I hope that this will help You."
Mark, it won't hurt anyone if I will tell You and all others a little part of the Truth. One agreed that I can share it.
As You remember there is no reference from any of civilizations of the League in this world, there is an ancient reference of One in Zoroastrianism. This is the first belief in One God in known world's history, He was named there as Ahura Mazda by Zarathustra who was a Guardian - Executioner of One.
This religion gave birth to Judaism and later Christianity and later Islam and so thus Yahweh and God and Allah is Ahura Mazda or aka One - One God. But remember one of the indisputable quotes: "Nothing happens without a reason."
"One great mother gave birth to three little sisters, these sisters were not so ideal as their mother, but they fitted better in young race's understandings."
"The truth was hidden inside three teachings, those that weren't able to find it, became obsessed with them.
Wow! Thank you very very much. I am going to do some research on these names you have mentioned, very interesting! Thanks!
These next comments are my own
Would you elaborate then on Angra Mainyu and the concept of evil ? I see that Ahura Mazda embodied the feminine as well as the masculine, yet the "three little sisters" retain a masculine deity. These hidden truths, can you point us to the specific subject matter within the three teachings that incorporates them? It would be most helpful for those of us unfamiliar with all three. Also, here is a quote from one source, would you comment? (next post)...
· "Zoroaster claimed that Ahura Mazda was not an omnipotent God, but used the aid of humans in the cosmic struggle against Angra Mainyu. Nonetheless, Ahura Mazda is Angra Mainyu's superior, not his equal."
This hidden truth must be found by others and I must not help anyone to do it. Yet if we will look at three teachings with our third eye, we will see that all of them are teaching not to be obsessed with materialism, because of it we are doing "sins".
The quote is what I told, the One is nonexistent also existent at the same time. He can not do everything like an "almighty god" and the reason for this is He's own Will, because He don't want to do this. But what everyone is doing is up to them.
All You have to know right now is that evil or "other one of darkness" as we call it is the opposing force of One of Light, which is representing in this Universe. But One which we are serving is something beyond anyone's understandings.
When I try to understand Him or It, I must be ready for total chaos in my head. Yet He is real, and He is everything..
I'm using He not She, because for humanity's males are a domination gender, which is wiser and stronger. I'm sorry, but this is true.
The following questions are from my friend Mark
Are you saying that there is a 'source' of evil? I had come to the understanding that there is no 'source of evil', there is only a 'lack of good'. Would you please explain.
I picture it like this; Imagine a tap, the tap is me and the water flowing out of the tap is 'source' or 'well being', when you begin to switch the tap off, that is the same as offering resistance to source or well being (negative thoughts creating resistance, and cutting us off from source.) (continued)
Therefore, from this understanding, there is no 'source of evil', there is only a 'lack of good' or 'resistance to source'. Would you say this is correct? Or is there an actual source of evil created by the creator?
Your thoughts are correct! This flow might be blocked as well, so thus guidance is lost with it.
Yes, in this Universe there is a source of evil, yet it is "not in here". I must not tell details, what I told is already here. I'm giving a very simplified version Father Entities: there is One Good and there is one evil. Light and dark, both were created by super being which is not like we are, it something that goes beyond imagination and fantasy, where everything is losing it's sense.
Also I feel that not many are understanding what Illuminati Order is. We are calling them with this name, as they like when they are being called "the order of enlightened ones", or "the order of light", "the order of wisdom", "the order of force of light and knowledge".
If so then You may see the movie "Thrive". This is a very great explanation with a lot of research and knowledge in it. In this movie it is easy to understand what I'm writing about.
Peace, Calm, Prosperity.
Cool! Thanks! I have seen Thrive about 3 times now and think its a brilliant movie, I knew a lot of it already but its in a nice easy to understand way in that movie.
There has been another 'blog' on the internet recently that has said a similar thing to you in regards to the October dates you mentioned a while ago, very interesting!
-- Note, this is a reference to Portal 2012 (http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/) and the recent "Window of Opportunity 2" post --
(Updated 8.13.2012)
You're welcome! Yes, a very easy to understand movie, very recommended for all those who seeks the Truth or can not find the missing links.
This is a year (cycle) of Revelation, many things are becoming more and more revealed, evilness had it's touch on this world, now Good side is waking up, so the choice can be made, from both perspective sides of view.
I just read something. There is this "Mitchell Coombes" who predicted the Japan Tsunami (March 2011) and is announcing he will soon be predicting 4 or 5 of them within the next 104 hours (of whenever the prediction is made). He is predicting them for the West coast USA, the East coast USA and the East coast of Australia. I have family and friends in all of these areas. Would you comment?
I was waiting for this moment. It is time to introduce You to Bashar, some may already heard about him, yet did not trust his words, what he is telling is almost everything what I'm saying. He is from another race that is rooted to humanity. Listen to his conversation of we (humans) are the ones who writes our own faith. There is a countless number of dimensions, parallel and non parallel. Whatever we choose will decide the fate only for each individual of us.
· Yet I'm here to encourage and inform everyone who is here with me on this same dimension of a possibility of this choosing, as humanity still don't understand how this works due to low evolution level.
As again I will repeat that we will look only on a collective choice of humanity, EVERYONE is able to make their own life how he or she want it to be.
When I wasn't aware of this as a normal human I felt that "something has changed, it mustn't have been that way", now I know that I have changed my own destiny and now as a human I'm continue to change it.
As for tsunamis. This may happen as well, yet there are many of those who we are protecting, we may be able to prevent it, but we cannot guarantee this. If You wish, You may warn Your family about this possibility so that's they would be well prepared for this event. Peace, Calm, Prosperity.
(Mark's response)
I have watched some Bashar videos in the past I must admit I like him. He actually gives some pro active tips and 'how's and why's' rather than all the regurgitated 'news reports' we seem to get from many other channellers.
Update - 8.15.2012
-- From Sophia
What do you see as the direction now of our collective choice? There are many arrests of criminal bankers, the Olympics were held without incident, more and more people are "waking up".
Bashar has a strong voice. He is calling now for us to ask the officials for Disclosure. There is a petition he has created, just last week (August 10th). He asks everyone to send it to their representatives in Government.
Do you see this as a necessary step also?
Everyone may wonder, why every "channeler" are not agreed on one and the same opinions, thoughts and future. This was made with a special intent so that's we could be in shadows, "normal" people (the ones "enlightened" are culminating) are thinking that we are "insane people" and this is what we are counting for. Those who wish to believe us, may believe.
I cannot tell what direction humanity is heading. This will be a secret even when the choice will be made.
Also I cannot tell what may be necessary steps, I can only recommend as a human to everyone that You must follow Your heart! If you have heart full of Light, what You think is right, is right! And I know all who are here are with the Light in heart, so You're right, Peace:)
Thank you.
I have recently seen a video titled: UFOs near the sun - 08/08/2012. Can you tell me where these ships are from?
We already told You that we are there right at the Sun. What You saw was a Stereo A satellite filming and there weren't any real objects from our ranks. These were stars, the image is distorted as this satellite's instrument is having minor damage. You can see one of our ships on a video called "black sphere near sun 01" here on youtube website. We have been seen twice by SOHO and SDO satellites. Other filmings are being kept in secret by USA government.
Actually Stereo B as this stands for behind, my apology.
Here is the video:
(Update - 8.16.2012)
For all those who is interested in Illuminati Order's agenda and religion, You can look for a video called "The Secret Covenant - Luciferian Illuminati Oath".
This video was made by them, by their priests, they do not care if it is here, because most of the humanity will not believe in this and this is what they are counting for. This shows how much they have degraded from evolution and come to a path of self destruction. This video is very disturbing, those with weak nerves should not watch it.
Comment 1 hour ago
--From Sophia
Here is the video:
(Please note, it is very disturbing, yet is posted here merely as part of this conversation. This need not be the cause of fear, but of gratitude. We are discovering the truth at the same time as we are realizing our own power. Both good things.)
It is difficult to listen to and read and had to be paused many times to that it could be read (the voice is garbled).
This is an example of the truth of our history that will be told to us this year of 2012. It is about 15 minutes long, and was found on a banking web site in 2007, then re-posted. It is not clear exactly from where it originated.
A quote from the video follows...
"They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans.
This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came.
This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist. It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself."
(Update - 9.13.2012)
Do you have any information about the energy right now? We are feeling it big time. Have we moved into the time of choosing?
Thank you.
Yes Sophia! It is starting, the time of final decision is approaching. Everyone will now see in dreams and during their wakefulness stances the past of their own lives and past of their ancestors lives. "The unexplained visions" will now visit many people's minds. It is all approaching to a final conclusion.
May One Bless You and Everyone on this final journey to physical realm of reality!
One more thing Sophia. You do remember the 7 elements of Creation? There is also an 8th element which goes only to organic structural beings and partly to energetic. The element You already know about a very special one and element that can change the reality, the space and time. This element is Love, physical and spiritual, divine, mostly we know of this as spiritual.
Much Love and Respect Sophia!
(Update - 9.19.2012)
I am wondering if you would address something that is concerning me. This time of choosing is upon us. There are many, many voices out there and they repeat the same story again and again. It goes like this: Things will change "soon", there will be abundance programs and healing chambers "soon", the government will change "soon"... along with other predictions of changes after the first of the year now...
I understand that when you are able you speak the voice of One. I also understand that One speaks the voice of us. We are speaking now and I am wondering "What are we saying?" Do you have to wait until after October 16, and then can you even speak to it?
There is talk now of only one timeline. That sounds as if something has been decided.
You have mentioned that you know, pretty much, what the decision will be. Also that we have free will.
Please be as specific as you are able to be. Many of us are sick and without money at these times. We could use some encouragement.
I appreciate the information and wish you peace.
Yes worthless money and illness that all these drugs are bringing from "world health (poison) organization".
Now I will give You a feedback on the current circumstances around the world's situation, only what I can give, everything that connects to the past is locked. The preparation for war is being made very aggressively by USA government, because they know, that if they will not start this war in these two stellar cycles, they never will again. The trust of the world in their worthless money is fading, so they want to prove that everyone who goes against them is going to be destroyed. Their ultimate strategy is to take over the world and Iran is the key element for this to happen, but Iran or Persia is the balance between Good and evil and also one of the fortresses of One God, Islam and Zoroastrianism are being hold there and this is their main foothold in this world, the Citadel of Faith. There are many reasons why Iran is so important for this world, it is also a nexus of Energies, a border, a balance between powers a gate for souls a legacy of the past. Many young souls and many Good people with high Energy are there and willing to live. Satanists want to sacrifice them to their delusion "god", actually an extradimensional being that think he is a god and break the balance which will shake this world and bring great war and many despair to everyone. So One has stopped their advance and gave them a problem with Syria country.
Their strategy is not working as they planned as russians and chinese are preventing their use of force. In the meantime, russians the only nation that can defeat the worshipers of evil are being enlightened in dark secrets about the Order of Illuminati which currently holds USA as their base of operations and future "center of the world". People in this country are being deluded with their lies, perversion and egoistic views on life. "Enlighteneds" tried to destroy russian empire many times, during two world wars, during napoleonic wars and finally with soviet union dissolution which was created by them as well. But they all failed as You can see. Russians are the most rebellious of all nations around this world right now and they were from a very start of their formation as a nation, from the times of their christianisation and mongol invasion on their land right to this time. They are the last and most powerful defenders of One and when it is necessary they will fulfill the role of judges to those who angers the One.
Russian president and his most trusted people now are almost fully aware of the ways, agendas, strategies and tactics of puppeteers and they know that Russia is their last goal to conquer. So they will resist satanists and our agents are assuring that they need to solve this crisis peacefully as bringing world war 3 will cost this world a lot. Russian president now is trying to establish as much union with other countries as possible, because friendship and love is the cure for this world not hatred and distrust. The yellow race where goes chinese people are another branch of humanity that specializes in exorcising evil from the world, they are clean and are very oriented toward Good and Light side. Greed and ambitions is present in their minds, but their will is still very strong and they are able to put an end to evil where it stands, russians were weakened by same lies, perversion, distrust and egoistic views on life by the satanists, so they will need the help of yellow race to defeat the evil, yet again, like You saw chinese and japanese people aren't friendly toward each other and this goes to every other nation of south east asia, as You know China is a communist state, and it still bears the "mark of the beast" a five pointed red star. So they are "marked by satan" and can be removed by him. So these forces will need an aid of sitting nation, India. Indians are a very powerful Energetically charged nation and only with their aid will Good prevail over evil in both cases of war or diplomacy. Yet India is deluded as well, they favor both sides, one for money other for likelihood.
When a revolution in Russia started to take place, no one taught that this revolution was a corruption from within, marked by a five pointed inverted red star, the cycles Russia was under influence of evil, brought almost utter destruction to defenders of world, but religion had saved Russia from total dissolving and brought age of prosperity and revelation to people of the world. "Devil created Soviet Union and devil destroyed it", while it was existed all religions were persecuted, but first president of Russia turned to God for wisdom and saved his own country and his people and people of the world from the new world order.
Now Sophia, what I want to tell You is that Your greatest allies are lying to the East. And everyone's allies are there, everyone who did not gave an oath to "bringer of light", extradimensional "god". This is an encouragement to You and many followers of Light, support the actions of all those who is going against USA government's views like Gaddafi was.
Much Love Sophia.
(Update - 9.30.2012)
Now it is time for You to know some of the Truth.
The video I will provide to You is reality of this world's destiny. This is battle of Good versus evil, this battle is eternal, there are those who seek unlimited power, there are those who seek eternal peace and there are those who seek balance.
We are the seekers of balance, our duty to balance the Strength of Creation. Good and evil must be balanced between everything that lives and exist. We possess the biggest power, but we must be in eternal service to One. This is our little restriction to our unlimited power given by One to us as a token for our absolute obedience.
Universe must not be destroyed or be soften to the "position of chaos". Creation must be constantly dynamic and evolution must proceed, this all goes to even more higher form of Power of Creation, this is what Creator wants and for which purpose everything exists as it is.
The moment of last decision is almost met. The time sequence narrows to it's end, so we have to reveal to You and others close to You and people who want it, the Truth. We are not the ones who isolated humanity's world and made "quarantine", the responsible for all the pain and suffering are archons - "the masters", they are constantly present near the Sun, on this planet, on Moon and almost everywhere in this system (Solar System).
Their goals goes against the Creation, their ultimate goal is absolute power to create and uncreate. They tried to hide their sin from us - the Guardians, Watchers, but we knew what they were up to even before this Universe was created, it is One's - Creator order to us, to let them do what they want to and stop them when they will "almost achieve" this power, in form of device, parts, tools or energetic force of it that lets them to threaten the Creation.
The archons created the Illuminati Order, to control and restrict humanity. There are others experimental civilizations like humanity and there is as well the same situation like it is here. With this experiment of creating and controlling civilizations they want to achieve their goal, with humanity's help they want to create the tools of total control over Creation and Uncreation. There are "light forces" that fights against the vast empire of these deluded seekers for power. Forces of Light, collaboration of many different civilizations visited this planet before and they were the ones who wanted to teach humanity and make them an evolved civilization like they were. Later archons came, their technological level was superior to that of Forces of Light, they thwarted everything on this world and even rewrite the time sequence. Through devastating war that started not on this planet, they defeated, killed and exiled many from Light Forces. "The masters or archons" like they prefer everyone to call them are a collaboration of civilizations as well as Forces of Light. As this all unveiled we watched, always watched. We are present everywhere in this system, including near the Sun, right in front archons' vessels. They are feeling our presence, but they are unable to detect us in any way, like Forces of Light are unable to detect archonian vessels. And now the video Sophia, in this video You will learn about "demons", "beings that goes through walls and inhabits humans". These "demons" are archons, they are using a very special technology that makes them transparent and they are able to travel between dimensions, they are able to inhabit living bodies and with this power they control United States of America, United Kingdom, Israel and with it, West Bloc of the world.
The full history of this world will be known in due time. I will wait Your question Sophia
"Truth About illuminati Documentary-Luciferian Conspiracy"
(this video is posted below)
Much Love, Good Feelings and Peace to You and all on this world!
(Update 10-1-2012)
To every Friendly soul, time sequence given to humanity is coming to an end. This is example of humanity's current feelings, the mirror of spirit of human's soul - elements:
--- video is posted below ---
Much Love and Respect to everyone.
(Update - October 2, 2012)
I am seeing many things about the Illuminati and an "October event" they are planning. Can you tell me what is planned?
They still are able to use earthquake undersea, they are postponing this further and further, as a humans they don't want to do it, obviously they are changing.
Remember the last message? Their main goal from the beginning was to free mankind from kings, emperors, rule and establish a world under a rebellious god known as Lucifer to them. They want to bring humanity a peace through uses of war and killings, they want to establish a perfect religion which will unite everyone and make consensus, yet they don't know that those who control them have other plans for mankind. Controllers are the masters at lie, so all those who are now in Illuminati Order will be betrayed and eradicated by those who they serve. Thus even those who are in Illuminati are awakening and understanding more and more who they really serve.
Okay, who do they really serve and what are the intentions of which they are unaware?
This answer You already know. "The archons - masters". Their purpose is to gain absolute power over Creation, through the use of natural evolution, this is the cause with humanity right now. Soon they want "to rip the harvest" as it is almost ready and there is a danger that all this harvest might be corrupted from within.
But we are here, our presence is strong right now and thus they can not decide what to do next, meanwhile humanity is making a choice - the outcome of everything what happened on this world. This will decide the future of this civilization.
About archons, we will deal with them whenever they will start an "initiation process" - the process of taking harvest and beginning of Universal synchronization. This is far too advanced for human minds, even for mine, I only know that it is a very complicated process which will take thousands of cycles, these Earth's years, but they are able to make millions of years to seconds. So whenever they will start, we will start execution process on their culture.
(Update - October 3, 2012)
So, humanities choice has not been made?
The deadline for last decision of humanity is 16th october, but before the specific date of 21st december the choice can be changed, but after this date, change will not be possible. Humans are known for their ability to do everything at the very last moments, so happens in this case.
(Update - October 12, 2012)
“Now the disclosure is peaking, humanity's temporal Consensus has been created. These are last ten home cycles; get ready to make Your final decision. We all are watching and listening for it, Energy vibration are high, Your consciousness is active at Unity level. You are ready to make Your final decision. Make this choice as right as possible based on all that predated You and all that will be predated by You! Peace from the Forces of One to Sophia and all who follows our answer, an answer which is not known to many, but only few, the chosen."
(Day of Decision Video Posted below, which refers to the same date: 10.21.12 - This is an Important Week!)
(Update - October 14, 2012)
"We are now watching, listening and feeling everyone's feelings and wishes. We are ready for Your last word humanity. Listen to this Sophia, it will help You on Your choosing. (Video posted below)
Much Love, Peace and Prosperity within You."
(Update - October 15. 2012)
I don't understand this "choice" for we have already chosen. We have chosen freedom from the Dark Ones. I have chosen the Light for ALL that wish to be free; even creating a pyramid of Light as a portal for the higher frequencies of pure instreaming Light from Source. I've been working on this every day, bringing in the higher vibrations, and I'd be truly heartbroken if my choosing Freedom and Light could be somehow over-ridden or made meaningless..
Comment posted Oct.14.2012 (Not Sophia)
Yes, I'm understanding this, but people like You are in minority and materialists are in majority, most don't want anything to be changed, but "dreaming" about some better world.
The internet was given to humanity by controllers and they don't know this, but it was One's wish to give it to You. During this year of Revelation, many are seeing everyone's strengths and weaknesses and a temporal Consensus has been created.
But it is only temporal, necessary for a choice that will decide the fate of this world. We like and favor people like You who want a beautiful world of harmony, but humanity as a whole must make it's choice, removing the communication barriers and seeing consciousness inside consciousness of each individuality. Due to the gap between poor and rich, not everyone is able to be a part of this temporal Consensus, but One, we and humanity are making it's best to make the choice as right as possible.
Reply posted Oct.14.2012
(Update October 16.2012)
Thank You for your reply! I do realize that I have no control over the decision of the masses. I believe that we have invested enough time and energy to create a reality with the highest choice, if the majority does not. So I will keep bringing in the higher vibrations to assist and heal Gaia and all her children.
My question; What else could we be doing that would assist humanity in making a wise choice for this Great Shift? Sometimes I feel I should be doing more, but I don' know what.
Comment posted Oct. 15.2012
You already are doing a lot! Human body is not capable of doing more, but if You feel You are able to do more, then You are welcome to do so, everyone is free in their actions! Much Love and Peace!
Reply posted Oct. 16.2012
(Update October 17, 2012)
~ From Sophia: It is the 16th. Can you tell me what you have heard?
We captured the taught*, now waiting for the starfall. The orionids meteor shower will signify the beginning of our choice and end of Your choice. Much Love, Peace and Calmness to You!
Reply posted October 17.2012
~ Here is a link to information/times for the Meteor shower this weekend :
(Update/comment/video posted October 18, 2012)
"It's time":
(Update 10.20.2012)
Video must've been really good cause it's already gone! (Note This video was removed/changed to "private" on 10.19.12, which is the same day it was sent out with my blog to many thousands of readers!)
So the 16th is past and I was hoping we could get an update. Can you talk about it? We humans are a curious lot; we wanna know all the details. Don't understand orionids clue, I'll watch them tho.
Cobra has "Day of Decision" on 21 Oct. 2012. watch?&v=evxSk8NHh-Y Would that be effective?
Yesterday I saw a msg from a GFL channel saying a new timeline is being created which "requires the immediate resignation" of the Dark Ones.
Is this true?
Comment posted 10.19.2012
Yes, this was an inspirational very beautiful video form the lightworkers. I'm sorry for it, someone just asking for troubles for removing it. Many videos like this have been removed. Those who was available to see it, You may share Your view with others, I really liked this video as a human, this was an extraordinary experience, really hard to describe it with words, words can give an image, but they will not give the full experience. This is the second part of it: (video posted below)
Reply posted 10.19.12
This (video shown above) is the song which was in first part of it. I cannot update on a progress of a choice, this information is limited. There are controllers who receive this message as well, they can listen to anything, the message is being distorted, but they still may know and decipher, I'm sorry. When the choice will be made you will not know what it is going to be from me or anyone from our circle, it will be known only "once it will take place". Much Peace and Love to You!
Reply posted 10.19.2012
(Update October 23.2012)
May Peace and Love and Prosperity be upon humanity.
Peace, Calm and Prosperity!
( Comments sent with video shown below )
(Comment posted October 28.2012, with videos shared below)
Considering this video, Sophia...
it's time for You to look at this video (shown below)!
I know You know it, as synchronization was high in last cycles, The Power of One...
Although the choice has been made, it is not constant as is Universe, until two Creators will meet, people are the engineers of this world.
May Peace and Prosperity flourish upon this world!
(Update - October 29. 2012)
- From Sophia:
Thank you, a very beautiful video and I have shared it already.
You are saying then, "it is not a constant until 12.21.12"?? Yes?
We are able to modify or change what has been chosen?
Much gratitude and love to you.
Yes, modification is possible, the two Creators will make the decision to turn into reality.
-From Sophia:
You said in the comment that a decision was made??? Can you say more at this time???
This hurricane Sandy
was created by the HAARP/Illuminati was it not???
Much love.
It was not made by Illuminati, it is the power of the planet and the Sun. Maybe you will not understand this, but hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes are happening also because of the Energy pressure. Wills and wants, bad corrupted energy is triggering many cataclysms.
Many natural disasters can be avoided with Energy. Though humanity currently can do very little in order to avoid these, due to materialistic direction, it is still possible.
(Update posted November.8.2012 - Messages begin on November 3 and final message posted November 7.2012)
(From November 3.)
The power of hope always helps if it is strong enough!
(in reference to Hurricane Sandy and the casualties not being what were predicted)
Many are targeting USA, because this is the center of world's control, with this country secret order controls the west world. As more people awakening the more is Energy pressure on planet and Sun, the Sun is also feeling this pressure. As You may know right now, this happened on halloween, halloween have a secret meaning, it is "a celebration of possession". The possessed by the archons are celebrating this, they were celebrating this ten thousand cycles ago and they are celebrating it to this day, using everyone in America to honor their "imposter gods" and world's corruption with them, yet now Earth and the Sun canceled this celebration in the conduit of corruption, New Babylon, New York, the whole corporate system received damage and was halted. I'm sorry from the name's of the Earth and the Sun, but very few people died, though received material damage, they are still ok. Illuminatis weren't expected this, so they are thinking that maybe Russia or China did that.
Indeed the secret order want to make some damage to this country this will make people despair and hasten the coming of ww3, but they didn't want to make it right now and right there. "The weather control weapon" they possess is only on experimental stage and is not 100% efficient. They did make an underwater earthquake near the coast of Japan and they did make some other storms, some during Vietnam wars, when they were testing the capabilities of it. They were using not this weapon on an underwater earthquake this time, it were a special detonation devices, which triggered a chain reaction earthquakes under sea, which created tsunami waves. The weather control weapon can only create a distortions in ionosphere and create rains or dissolve (not completely) clouds, with it they have a medium probability of creating storm, hurricanes, tornadoes, but they still cannot completely control this process, they still need cold and heat winds, they still are using the power of the Sun and the power of the Earth. Yet they evolve they devices as civilization evolves. They started to develop this weapon after ww2 and from completely no control over weather they now can create some impacts on it. The experiments with this device have also a great impact on climate change, with it they are heating up ionosphere. By their board it was decided that they will use not this weapon if necessary as it is not 100% efficient, but these devices underwater or psychic weaponry, which are some experimental humans and devices they created from archon's designs. By agreement with them they cannot use their devices, they must create their own with a difference in design and inner structure.
In the culmination of their plane "the revival of their god lucifer" they want to trigger a complete disastrous earthquake on San Andreas fault, this will split the Earth there and their "god" will come out of there, the center of this earthquake will be bohemian grove. The bohemian club gathers there to test their "god" and to honor him with their architectural deeds upon this world. They believe it is there from where he will rise up. They don't take into consideration that if they will make this plates' shift, they will lock the vapor exits of yellowstone underground super volcano, if this volcano erupts it will be a complete disaster to all world, the end of many lives. Still if this will happen, they are like zealots, will think that their "god" decided to take another route and come out of there..
Though this storm wasn't made by them, it was made with the Energy of wills of human society, by the collision of Energies of Earth and the Sun, the low temperature and high temperature winds collided and formed a powerful fusion storm. It is not the most powerful, but it was a dangerous storm, the Moon also fueled this storm, when Earth is receiving the Sun's power through Moon the Energies that are having corruption are colliding and thus the natural disasters are most likely to occur, the storms or earthquakes, this was a special storm that canceled their evil celebration.
And again choice will decide everything. It is made by humanity, but humanity still have time. We haven't choose yet and we will make our choice on ending date of our turn. Humanity was making this choice from the very beginning of isolation and everywhere in this civilization's deeds in everything people are doing, creating there are hidden messages, which we see and decipher.
If you can Sophia, decipher this message, (video posted below) it is quite easy, in songs You need to hear the meaning. It is hard to give just in words the exact choice, but if You will understand it without words, You are simply great, enlightened, ascended human Sophia!;)
Much Love and Peace Sophia
(From November 4.)
Choice have been made and now it is only last planetary cycles remaining. I cannot say what it is, as this may just spoil this, because archons may change their strategy if they will know. And they may get the Energy difference from this message, it is being distorted, but the last decision is very important, it must be seen and felt by people not told.
Thank You for taking a part in this all, I felt Your voice and many were making a wish 20 cycles ago, not all but many, because of You people, everything may be just like You wished for!
(From November 7.)
Sophia, another storm is heading in the same direction as you already heard, again made by the power of will of people, planet and the Sun. It will not be that powerful, but it will cause damage again.
I'm sorry for each and all that have already and will suffer again because f the Forces of Nature and will of Humanity's Consensus. The corporate infrastructure is damaged and will be damaged further, the president's election result is what we were expecting by humanity's choice, would it be Romney as president and ww3 would be inevitable, but still as You can see the nation is split into half, this is showing the unsureness of people, this is the reality that is on the crossroad, it is still possible that the war might just start, but it is all in Your hands.
Today we all the GE's will make the last preparations for our conclusion, which is not like humanity's decision as archons are being accounted into it, but are accounting Your outcome as well.
As we are holding them under oversight, You are free to choose what You wish for, You still have time.
Much Love and Peace and Path Without Obstacles on Your Journey to Perfect World!
(Update November 8.2012)
(From Sophia) Thank you for your note. I am wondering about the 11.11.12 date, and if this, along with other future dates, like 12.12.12, are important for us to again focus our energy in a universal way, as in global meditation. It feels to me now that the message is being sent from within each of us every day, all day long.
Your contact and messgs. have been such a help to so many in this time, thank you so very much. I am feeling optimistic for all of us.
The dates You are choosing has nothing to do with the Forces of Nature, but it is the power of this temporal Consensus which You have formed. During these meditations that You're performing on the dates which You're choosing the Forces of Nature hears Your collective more powerful voice and with each new meditation You're evolving on this level of activity and evolving Your inner power, like a child grows You're growing from within. The Sun is hearing You better and better, the planet will synchronizes with Your will, after all You're starting to agree with one another. There are still drawbacks in the society to form a powerful will, a lot of people still living under "the old ways of life", which are materially oriented, but Your meditations are starting to create a pressure on them, most of them are struggling within because of this pressure, as they are starting to doubt "their old ways of life". This same struggle is happening within the Order of the Enlightened, they are doubting the goals and methods of their forefathers, it is all in Your hands, humanity holds the keys to the future, it is like You are saying Sophia, You're the ones You're waiting for.
Much Love and Pure Energy of One to You!
(Update -- November 21, 2012)
The humanity prospers! Sophia, it is time for You to know the Truth summarized, share this message, it is time for humanity's awakening!
I will tell You the truth that they guided me to this videos only a moment ago, and I must share it with You. The Truth was already here, for everyone to see. You already know most of it, this will summarize Your guessings and findings.
The message is from the Followers of the Light, but like I said to You before we are not one and the same, we are the Balance, the Wall and Will of One, which they are being referred to as Prime Creator, the Point of Beginning and End.
About the adversaries of Followers of the Light, the Followers of Self Esteem and Self Development, the Archons.
(Update November 24.2012)
We have made our choice Sophia. Now It is only this last month of the world as we know it. Will not tell You what exactly will happen, because it can change the reality, everything will just be known by approach.
Peace, Calm and Prosperity which brings Love and Happiness!
(Update December 1, 2012)
This note was received this morning, along with the videos shown below it)
The humanity prospers! Sophia and everyone else, much Love to You!
This is the information to let You know about celestial situation on this planet's skies for the time of Shift.
Peace, Calm and Prosperity!
Sophia, I also got a great news for You! The video called "Lightworkers Help Mother Earth (Gaïa)" has been restored! You can now share it with everyone and watch it Yourself!:)
Harmony and Love and Abundance to You!
(From Sophia)
Thanks so much. So there will be a meteor shower around the 13th. We've been told that the 9 days prior to the 21st are the days of most activity for the earth and sun. Is there anything else you can tell us for this time?
(The answer)
No, nothing is seen on the Sun or the Earth, everything must be optimal. X flares are possible, earthquakes also, but they are not going to be major. Right now the main focus is on the humanity, it's Energy level is very high! Almost all are anticipating for this event, the date that was heard as the end of the world. Many are waiting for "something special" to happen, others are trying to think that nothing will happen, although everyone feel it, the DNA is evolving and humanity proceeds to the next step of evolution, the next step of life, the next step of time sequence.
The Universe welcomes You young race - Humanity!
(From Sophia)
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!
(Update December 4, 2012)
From Sophia --
American Kabuki posted the quote above "The Universe welcomes You young race - Humanity!"
with the video "Take That - Kidz" on his blog : www.americankabuki.blogspot.com.
(So I (Sophia) sent a note to my "off world" contact....)
Hey, my friend "American Kabuki" just posted your comment "The Universe welcomes you young race - Humanity!" along with this video.
I think its perfect!
Much love.
(and here is conversation, and video sharings, that followed...)
Yes Sophia it is suiting! Thank You!
Much Love to You!
(from Sophia...)
Here is a movie you may be interested in.
I have not seen it.
Hello Sophia! Thank You for presenting this video to me! I think You already can guess the content of this movie. The answer in short is quite easy to understand, Sun indeed changes the body and Consciousness. Currently human body is adopted at living in these temperatures and under current amount of radiation, xrays, uvlight, infrared light, visible light, radio waves, microwaves. If Sun would change it's acting, so thus the body change and radical changes around the planet's weather would follow.
And as You are eager to know more, I will show You new information about the complexity of Consciousness. As You can see, everything makes it's sense, piece by piece, like a lifelong puzzle. All this information is coming from One, it is known by You as The Source. There are 2 main Sources of knowledge and one "Oversource", "The Prime Sources".
Source Order is what is known to lightworkers, this is the main Source of receiving Universal Knowledge from and through light, it is the Source of knowledge which restructuring the molecules in matter to be in order. Like You saw this on a water, if Good words are said, the molecules changes to beautiful symmetrical structures.
Source Chaos is the source which is on the other side of this world residing in the second "dark world" the world of antimatter which is completely parallel to this world of matter and have a great influence on this world as well, is the Source which desynchronizes synchronicity, collapses order of molecules and create chaos in it. "From this second world's point of view" this world is dark and the Source in this world is considered as chaos to all inhabitants of world of antimatter. Because the effects of two worlds on each other have destructive capabilities on each ones structure. The energies from two worlds are "incompatible" and they are trying to annihilate each other instantaneously. The emptiness, considered as darkness of space is this influence of the second world. The terms "dark matter" and "dark energy" are not called this way without a reason.
From this everlasting battle of two worlds comes the duality of reality and Consciousness.
"The Oversource", if You will be able to understand what it is, You will understand that this dimensional world is only one out of infinity.
I hope You will find this information useful, but remember if You disagree on it or parts of it, do not accept it, Your own understanding of existence is important as well!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbh5l0b2-0o (This video is linked below)
You probably heard Sophia, the Illuminati Order is trying to make a one of the lasts pushes and start a world war. They are using the same strategy of lies like it was 9 cycles ago. The archons are making this push, through their servants within this order. The time sequence yet is not ready for a changes to take place, so if they will initiate this attack before solstice, it will take place. Not world wide war, but it will escalate into this until 05-19-13. As a human being and knowing what everyone wants, I can say that this war can be stopped, the mass meditation on 12-12-12 at 12th hour is what can change their ways for the rest of their days. Tell Followers of Light that You need help and they will help You! They will be humanity's best allies in the years to come:)
Until that I wish You and Everyone more Love and more Happiness!
(Update 12.9.2012 and 12.10.2012)
Just wondering if there is anything you want to be said as we get closer to 12.12.12. Many more are reading our conversation now.
Much love,
Yes, I know Sophia, people wish to know the truth and not truth mixed with lies. My objective now is to give You and everyone from the Family of Light my support as Your choice was not to become a part of the Forces of One, but to be free, free from all these lies and deception.
You wish to know more the Followers of Light and know less the Followers of Self-Esteem and Self-Development (Illuminati) which to this day still controls humanity even to the point of being a closer allies with them and we only appreciate that!
The date 12.12.12 can become a significant date, all that is needed are Your wishes and wills, Consciousness! If Your Consensus will become very strong during this worldwide meditation and concentration, then weak planet wide earthquake will be felt by all, and this will signify the full understanding and synchronicity of planet with You, which will be a crucial point in Your symbiotic rearrangement. The planet feels You and loves You, all that she need to understand more is Your will and want to live with it Harmonically, once You give it to Her, She will let You know that She hears You all! I cannot guarantee this earthquake, very few loves earthquakes, so it will be another "less choice" to make for everyone, but if this earthquake will happen, it will be so weak that nothing will be damaged, this will be a "good earthquake", the one that equals to "a good pain". So decide, make Your contribution in it and everyone who will read it as well!:)
As about Illuminati-Archons hierarchy, Archons are on our and Followers of Light part, we are dealing with them right now. Illuminati are humans, that is why they are "on humanity's shoulders" (partly my (mine) as well), that why it is up to humanity to deal with them. But like we told before, many of them are finding "light" inside of them, so they are changing and willing to end the NWO ambition, they are still the original beings that were changed and enslaved many ages ago, a part of a whole Humanity!
Also the DNA change is on it's way, as You wanted!
May Light of Your Heart shine through the darkness of void that persists in Your way to Freedom! And the Freedom shall be granted to all that follows the Light! The Light of Everlasting Cosmos - The One, Oneness, Unite!
(and from December 10th, 2012)
Thank you!
So, there are two questions that arise from this -
1. Has the choice been salvation then? There was a discussion about our inability to stop the inevitable destruction without the help of the Forces of One. Please clarify.
In addition as "a side effect to information", knowing of events to come in this situation, it can damage the reality of each one who is going to read this, due to most finding an other reality which better suits them and their understanding, that is why the revelation of it must have been done only now and not sooner.
The Forces of One are after archons as You already know Sophia, we were using their disguise in the past conversations to fool them in their own image.
The choice was important for us to understand You(r) will in evolution and important for humanity to understand the world around. In Your collective choice there was a great plea for help, aid, because everyone is understanding that even if the whole infrastructure will change there is much to be done in this world to fully restore it. That why we are helping You know(*now) and may be accounted as the Forces of Light.
Only GE's (Guardians/Executioners) are going to help humanity, the Scientific achievements of the Forces of One must be kept only within the Forces of One.
If the archons are going to launch their plan (their plan to start WWIII), only then they (the Guardians/Executioners) will intervene. The main laws and rules of both the Forces of One (Guardians/Executioners) and Followers of Light (the Resistance) are not to intervene within the natural process of evolution of sapient or non sapient species, but as an exclusion to this law as humanity was an experiment and a host for a parasitic race (the Archons), the Forces of Light (the Resistance) will aid You, the Forces of One will only concentrate on masters (Archons) as they are challenging the Creation.
They are never working together, but GE's (Guardians/Executioners) are able to work with both sides of Good and Evil, but in the end they are completely loyal only to One.
2. If we (the collective “we”) have not chosen to join the Forces of One, is it still possible for individuals to choose to join? How would that be accomplished?
Much love,
2. And as promised to some, by the plan of His (Its) Divine Will and Purpose, a new civilization will be established on the outskirts of this Universe from the parts of this civilization and will become a part of the League of One which is of the Forces of One, thus given the whole privilege of service to One and full spectrum of possibilities of evolution. But first they need to be restored and be without regrets, so that nothing could bother them once they leave this world forever. So it will be some more time on this planet.
Everyone else who chose to be here and proceed on this evolution will remain here and just continue to live with changes on this world and new friends which are not going to be humans. This world will be a much better place to live, so everyone whom this promise was given, will have to think again before leaving.
But Sophia and Everyone Else who will read this, remember there is still time until the final point, from which nothing can be done, so use this time wisely and wish for a great fruitfulness changes on this world which will benefit All and among them You!
Peace and Love!
(Update December 11, 2012)
Note from Sophia: It was brought to my attention that a slight global tremor happened today; I asked about it. What follows is the response:
This is not the earthquake I meant, it needs to be "everywhere" for everyone to feel, not destructive, but rather "loving", there is no assurance it will happen, because people by most part don't like earthquakes in any ways. But Mother of Humanity this beautiful and loving planet Earth wants to give this hug to everyone, some people are making Her angry or sick, but She still loves all of us, even half - visitors like me, and I love Her too, She is just beautiful, adorable! :)
She is indeed happy to see that humanity is changing, and we are feeling this as well, everyone is changing and more are coming to join in restoring this Planet and freedom of evolution! The temporal Consensus is forming into powerful Oneness and the biofield of this planet is increasing vibrations, as the powers of Your emotions are increasing in frequency levels! The approach of One (the alignment) is highly anticipated by many.
Remember the next day will be a significant world meditation! Peace, Love, Abundance to You and Everyone!
I appreciate your continued information in these last 10 days of change... we are all feeling it.
There are meditations scheduled at several different times on 12.12.12, so it will be heard all day long!
Much love to you.
I too will contribute in this meditation, this is the meditation for a future of this reality and every human being life, and also connectedness to a planet and through a planet to the Sun - the Creator, so it is very important for this world and well being for everyone who currently resides here!
Peace and Love!
(Update 12.14.12)
The Ascension that is meant here is the Ascension of Consciousness, the memory of the Universe will be known to humanity, but of course not everything will be known. Everything that is needed for every individual to better understand this world and existence, of "why this is, how it is" and connectedness to the Universe overall.
This will be an understanding that will bring great changes to human society!
Also by Your will there can be another Ascension "to skies".
This can be brought by Followers of Light (*The Galactic Federation), they want assist humanity in every way possible to help it!
As You felt Sophia there wasn't any earthquake, because like we taught, people don't like earthquakes:)
Peace and Love!
Thank you!
Yes, my friends and I were hoping for some small sign, as the earthquake would have been. There are people who question everything...it would have been an "answer", validating the truth of the words being said here.
Now we will just wait to see what will happen in this next week, before the alignment and during the alignment on 12.21.12. We will know then.
With gratitude and much love to you,
Yes Sophia I understand Your thoughts, everyone need a proof for all, like it is in a science.
We the GE's and the Forces of One don't like to lie and lie is our most hated subject, but sometimes it is necessary for us to use lies in order to complete what One told us to complete, so goes with our chaotic behavior and destruction which we sometimes are using as well.
This Universe must exist in the way it exists and one of the main attributes of it is "unpredicteveness". One want it to be this way, so we don't like to promise heaven and life without hardships or some other events that can happen, we are saying only what is possible and what can be done for it to become a reality.
We Guardian-Executioners are not farseers or prophets, our main objective is to observe, analyze, send information back to One "from our point of view" and make a conclusion.
Also we are not having access to the technologies and libraries of the Forces of One, this could of course ease everything for humanity, but it is One's Will for everyone to evolve on their own.
If One's Forces would give an aid to humanity they would brake the main law of their obedience and this will brake humanity as a "new prospect of Existence" which is very important to One.
We only can barely communicate with each other, they are working on their own, we are working on our own, we also don't like when someone is distracting us on our duty:)
In the beginning I told You Sophia what they wanted to say to You, there were other people as well whom they gave some words. We both are having our missions and we need to perform them.
Like You already know, we need to be the same as the ones we are living among, to better understand all the situation that is within the civilization and the world. Everything what we were writing to each other is making it's own contribution to this world and our wishes which we wants the most are also in these words.
Peace, Love and Thank You Sophia!
(Update December 17th, 2012)
This came today, with the videos below...
Sophia and all who follows the words of Ancients, starting from tomorrow 18th and ending on 24th will be the days of Creators. Three days before the date of alignment and 3 days after the alignment are like the points of old end and new beginning on a much larger scale.
This will be the beginning of Aquarius Era, the washer of impurities.
Like fishes humanity was living, waiting to be caught and be eaten, in complete fear and obedience to instincts. Now humanity will control it's own existence and will wash away all that fear that haunted this civilization for a very long time.
No thing exist within Creation without a purpose.
Searching for the meaning, leads to paths of right and wrong. There is no right path, everything You choose is legal.
Choosing is making the needs to exist. Needs creating rules and laws for sharing with fair. Laws and rules that binds You, are necessity to prosperity and order. Prosperity is what makes You dance and smile. What makes You smile are Your fruits, what makes You dance is Your legacy.
In the hallowed halls of Consciousness everything is clear, One is Every Thing and Every Thing is One.
Let One give You all the Blessing and let humanity bring fruits of Joy and Prosperity for themselves and to Universe!
(Update December 20, 2012)
From Sophia -
I am aware that the shooting in CT was a planned event. It is beyond sad.
There are so many things to change in this world that we will begin after the 21st, when the Cabal is unable to control us any longer. Once balance is restored, things will change, they have to.
Now I am focusing on Source and going within for these next few days. I will be "off line". I wish you a powerful solstice my friend!
Much love.
Yes, there is much to be done in this world, much to be restored in order to bring harmony and happiness to all here.
This wasn't planned by cabal, but indeed it was planned, I cannot say by who, but You may guess.
I know You're tired and everyone else who followed the restoration of this world, soon it all will be over.
The reassemble and charge of Chrystal of Power will be tomorrow.
May this year of Revelation serve well to humanity and let humanity be free on the wings of happiness!
You earned that! That are the words of the Forces of One!
(Update December 27, 2012)
Thank you my friend, Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to you!
Thank You Sophia, beautiful and most wondrous New Year to You too! I wanted to ask You one question. During these days of Creators humanity received the uplifting information, which is now activating DNA most significantly, now third part of it has been activated, the part responsible for emotions in it's full extent. Do You feel any difference in Your Self-Aware Consciousness?
Yes... there are many emotions, doubts and feelings right now. It feels intense. There is a sense of Humanity, I don't know how else to describe it, only that the days since the 21st have been days of noticing the contrast of this life. Each thought is watched and considered. There have been no conclusions other than it is up to us/ to me. It is sort of heavy with expectation and awareness.
In time this is going to evolve, every lightworker is better prepared for this than majority of people.
So from this moment of time everyone must make a contribution to this real Consensus which is now being created and is at a very early stages of development.
It is going to be a hard time, but we all must unite with biosphere of the planet and make our thoughts to appear in it, from this moment we are able to change not only the reality but everyone's else way of life as well.
I'm saying this as a part of this early Consensus as a human (of course if Every One who reads it are eager to, it is all but Your choice).
This planet is almost liberated, the evil forces don't have much power left, they are tired as well, they want a change as well, but it is fear that's holds them down, they are afraid of great changes, they are afraid of all-out disclosure and "aliens" which can do many things they don't, because they are all humans like we are as well, they need support and encouragement.
Through biosphere we can give it to them, because Love is going to solve these problems for humanity, not another aggression.
Now only "normal" humans and their Consciousness is in the way of their own freedom which prevents our lightworkers' freedom.
I will share this with my readers as it could help them.
Thank you so much.
Peace and much love.
(Update December 28, 2012)
The following conversation was initiated by me. I passed along this video from American Kabuki, with a question - "What are those things?"
Here's the video and the resulting exchange:
?? Do you know what this is?
Thank You Sophia for the video, what You are able to see there as big channel like lines are manifestations of energetic trails which connects many star systems upon activation and the lesser seen lines are just image artifacts.
The energetic trails are of Followers of Light origins not ours or controllers.
Are they image artifacts or are they actual cables of light?
Where or from whom do they originate? The "talk" is that they are cables of some sort... are they plugged in? To the sun?? are they illusory images or real, as real as they possibly can be in this holographic universe??
Many are attempting to figure out what is going on in or on the sun and in the universe itself... these are adding to the mystery.
Who exactly are the "Followers of Light"?
I cannot explain many of the things yet, as they must be explained later by Followers of Light to You. Followers of Light is the name we are designating the pursuers of light in all it's forms and incarnations, sacred geometrical, metric dimensional, Energy, emotional, Consciousness. You know them as the "Light Beings" from other worlds or "helpers of humanity" or "Federation of Light", the ones that are against the dark forces or evil forces, archons and cabal/illuminati order.
I must again remind You as a part of my duty, that I do not wish You to believe in this, You must figure everything out, You are able to and Everyone from Your circle as well:)
How You shape reality is making the biggest contribution in awareness of this reality by Your Consciousness.
These lines are Energy trails that are being captured with few instruments on board human spacecrafts, they are "connecting" this Solar System and to be precise this planet to other habitable star systems under control of Followers of Light, Forces of Light if You like.
This is a necessary step of this planet's liberation, it changes everyone's attitude toward Existence and Creation all around them. On 4th minute You are able to see image artifacts, those are not these channels, it's an "image sticking". The shots above are newer and the shots below are older.
I will hope this is going to help everyone! Peace, Love, Prosperity to One and Every and Every and One!
Thank you, I will share.
I wonder if you'd just clarify something for me? You say the shooting stars are 'Leonidas meteor shower'. I have researched this a little and this seems to take place at certain times of the year. I see these shooting stars all years round, anytime I go outside on a clear night. Are you sure they are Leonidas Meteor shower? Is it possible that they could be something else? It just seems strange that I see them so often, when some people do not even see one in their entire lifetime...
Also, I regularly see what I would describe as 'stars' moving around, I see these every single time I am outside on a clear night, as well as the shooting stars. If you take a look at the following video that was filmed in my back garden, you can see exactly what I mean.
Do you have any idea what all these things are? And why I personally see so many of them?
"Thank You! I misunderstood what you meant, this is an experimental flying craft of USA - UK air forces. It is based on an "electromagnetic cushion". These were developed during world war 2 by puppet Germany and taken by "allied forces". They are using this as a "reconnaissance UFO" and are keeping this very secretly. This is not what You expected, but You was feeling this is a human made, I hope that this will help You."
Mark, it won't hurt anyone if I will tell You and all others a little part of the Truth. One agreed that I can share it.
As You remember there is no reference from any of civilizations of the League in this world, there is an ancient reference of One in Zoroastrianism. This is the first belief in One God in known world's history, He was named there as Ahura Mazda by Zarathustra who was a Guardian - Executioner of One.
This religion gave birth to Judaism and later Christianity and later Islam and so thus Yahweh and God and Allah is Ahura Mazda or aka One - One God. But remember one of the indisputable quotes: "Nothing happens without a reason."
"One great mother gave birth to three little sisters, these sisters were not so ideal as their mother, but they fitted better in young race's understandings."
"The truth was hidden inside three teachings, those that weren't able to find it, became obsessed with them.
Wow! Thank you very very much. I am going to do some research on these names you have mentioned, very interesting! Thanks!
These next comments are my own
Would you elaborate then on Angra Mainyu and the concept of evil ? I see that Ahura Mazda embodied the feminine as well as the masculine, yet the "three little sisters" retain a masculine deity. These hidden truths, can you point us to the specific subject matter within the three teachings that incorporates them? It would be most helpful for those of us unfamiliar with all three. Also, here is a quote from one source, would you comment? (next post)...
· "Zoroaster claimed that Ahura Mazda was not an omnipotent God, but used the aid of humans in the cosmic struggle against Angra Mainyu. Nonetheless, Ahura Mazda is Angra Mainyu's superior, not his equal."
This hidden truth must be found by others and I must not help anyone to do it. Yet if we will look at three teachings with our third eye, we will see that all of them are teaching not to be obsessed with materialism, because of it we are doing "sins".
The quote is what I told, the One is nonexistent also existent at the same time. He can not do everything like an "almighty god" and the reason for this is He's own Will, because He don't want to do this. But what everyone is doing is up to them.
All You have to know right now is that evil or "other one of darkness" as we call it is the opposing force of One of Light, which is representing in this Universe. But One which we are serving is something beyond anyone's understandings.
When I try to understand Him or It, I must be ready for total chaos in my head. Yet He is real, and He is everything..
I'm using He not She, because for humanity's males are a domination gender, which is wiser and stronger. I'm sorry, but this is true.
The following questions are from my friend Mark
Are you saying that there is a 'source' of evil? I had come to the understanding that there is no 'source of evil', there is only a 'lack of good'. Would you please explain.
I picture it like this; Imagine a tap, the tap is me and the water flowing out of the tap is 'source' or 'well being', when you begin to switch the tap off, that is the same as offering resistance to source or well being (negative thoughts creating resistance, and cutting us off from source.) (continued)
Therefore, from this understanding, there is no 'source of evil', there is only a 'lack of good' or 'resistance to source'. Would you say this is correct? Or is there an actual source of evil created by the creator?
Your thoughts are correct! This flow might be blocked as well, so thus guidance is lost with it.
Yes, in this Universe there is a source of evil, yet it is "not in here". I must not tell details, what I told is already here. I'm giving a very simplified version Father Entities: there is One Good and there is one evil. Light and dark, both were created by super being which is not like we are, it something that goes beyond imagination and fantasy, where everything is losing it's sense.
Also I feel that not many are understanding what Illuminati Order is. We are calling them with this name, as they like when they are being called "the order of enlightened ones", or "the order of light", "the order of wisdom", "the order of force of light and knowledge".
If so then You may see the movie "Thrive". This is a very great explanation with a lot of research and knowledge in it. In this movie it is easy to understand what I'm writing about.
Peace, Calm, Prosperity.
Cool! Thanks! I have seen Thrive about 3 times now and think its a brilliant movie, I knew a lot of it already but its in a nice easy to understand way in that movie.
There has been another 'blog' on the internet recently that has said a similar thing to you in regards to the October dates you mentioned a while ago, very interesting!
-- Note, this is a reference to Portal 2012 (http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/) and the recent "Window of Opportunity 2" post --
(Updated 8.13.2012)
You're welcome! Yes, a very easy to understand movie, very recommended for all those who seeks the Truth or can not find the missing links.
This is a year (cycle) of Revelation, many things are becoming more and more revealed, evilness had it's touch on this world, now Good side is waking up, so the choice can be made, from both perspective sides of view.
I just read something. There is this "Mitchell Coombes" who predicted the Japan Tsunami (March 2011) and is announcing he will soon be predicting 4 or 5 of them within the next 104 hours (of whenever the prediction is made). He is predicting them for the West coast USA, the East coast USA and the East coast of Australia. I have family and friends in all of these areas. Would you comment?
I was waiting for this moment. It is time to introduce You to Bashar, some may already heard about him, yet did not trust his words, what he is telling is almost everything what I'm saying. He is from another race that is rooted to humanity. Listen to his conversation of we (humans) are the ones who writes our own faith. There is a countless number of dimensions, parallel and non parallel. Whatever we choose will decide the fate only for each individual of us.
· Yet I'm here to encourage and inform everyone who is here with me on this same dimension of a possibility of this choosing, as humanity still don't understand how this works due to low evolution level.
As again I will repeat that we will look only on a collective choice of humanity, EVERYONE is able to make their own life how he or she want it to be.
When I wasn't aware of this as a normal human I felt that "something has changed, it mustn't have been that way", now I know that I have changed my own destiny and now as a human I'm continue to change it.
As for tsunamis. This may happen as well, yet there are many of those who we are protecting, we may be able to prevent it, but we cannot guarantee this. If You wish, You may warn Your family about this possibility so that's they would be well prepared for this event. Peace, Calm, Prosperity.
(Mark's response)
I have watched some Bashar videos in the past I must admit I like him. He actually gives some pro active tips and 'how's and why's' rather than all the regurgitated 'news reports' we seem to get from many other channellers.
Update - 8.15.2012
-- From Sophia
What do you see as the direction now of our collective choice? There are many arrests of criminal bankers, the Olympics were held without incident, more and more people are "waking up".
Bashar has a strong voice. He is calling now for us to ask the officials for Disclosure. There is a petition he has created, just last week (August 10th). He asks everyone to send it to their representatives in Government.
Do you see this as a necessary step also?
Everyone may wonder, why every "channeler" are not agreed on one and the same opinions, thoughts and future. This was made with a special intent so that's we could be in shadows, "normal" people (the ones "enlightened" are culminating) are thinking that we are "insane people" and this is what we are counting for. Those who wish to believe us, may believe.
I cannot tell what direction humanity is heading. This will be a secret even when the choice will be made.
Also I cannot tell what may be necessary steps, I can only recommend as a human to everyone that You must follow Your heart! If you have heart full of Light, what You think is right, is right! And I know all who are here are with the Light in heart, so You're right, Peace:)
Thank you.
I have recently seen a video titled: UFOs near the sun - 08/08/2012. Can you tell me where these ships are from?
We already told You that we are there right at the Sun. What You saw was a Stereo A satellite filming and there weren't any real objects from our ranks. These were stars, the image is distorted as this satellite's instrument is having minor damage. You can see one of our ships on a video called "black sphere near sun 01" here on youtube website. We have been seen twice by SOHO and SDO satellites. Other filmings are being kept in secret by USA government.
Actually Stereo B as this stands for behind, my apology.
Here is the video:
(Update - 8.16.2012)
For all those who is interested in Illuminati Order's agenda and religion, You can look for a video called "The Secret Covenant - Luciferian Illuminati Oath".
This video was made by them, by their priests, they do not care if it is here, because most of the humanity will not believe in this and this is what they are counting for. This shows how much they have degraded from evolution and come to a path of self destruction. This video is very disturbing, those with weak nerves should not watch it.
Comment 1 hour ago
--From Sophia
Here is the video:
(Please note, it is very disturbing, yet is posted here merely as part of this conversation. This need not be the cause of fear, but of gratitude. We are discovering the truth at the same time as we are realizing our own power. Both good things.)
It is difficult to listen to and read and had to be paused many times to that it could be read (the voice is garbled).
This is an example of the truth of our history that will be told to us this year of 2012. It is about 15 minutes long, and was found on a banking web site in 2007, then re-posted. It is not clear exactly from where it originated.
A quote from the video follows...
"They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans.
This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came.
This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist. It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself."
(Update - 9.13.2012)
Do you have any information about the energy right now? We are feeling it big time. Have we moved into the time of choosing?
Thank you.
Yes Sophia! It is starting, the time of final decision is approaching. Everyone will now see in dreams and during their wakefulness stances the past of their own lives and past of their ancestors lives. "The unexplained visions" will now visit many people's minds. It is all approaching to a final conclusion.
May One Bless You and Everyone on this final journey to physical realm of reality!
One more thing Sophia. You do remember the 7 elements of Creation? There is also an 8th element which goes only to organic structural beings and partly to energetic. The element You already know about a very special one and element that can change the reality, the space and time. This element is Love, physical and spiritual, divine, mostly we know of this as spiritual.
Much Love and Respect Sophia!
(Update - 9.19.2012)
I am wondering if you would address something that is concerning me. This time of choosing is upon us. There are many, many voices out there and they repeat the same story again and again. It goes like this: Things will change "soon", there will be abundance programs and healing chambers "soon", the government will change "soon"... along with other predictions of changes after the first of the year now...
I understand that when you are able you speak the voice of One. I also understand that One speaks the voice of us. We are speaking now and I am wondering "What are we saying?" Do you have to wait until after October 16, and then can you even speak to it?
There is talk now of only one timeline. That sounds as if something has been decided.
You have mentioned that you know, pretty much, what the decision will be. Also that we have free will.
Please be as specific as you are able to be. Many of us are sick and without money at these times. We could use some encouragement.
I appreciate the information and wish you peace.
Yes worthless money and illness that all these drugs are bringing from "world health (poison) organization".
Now I will give You a feedback on the current circumstances around the world's situation, only what I can give, everything that connects to the past is locked. The preparation for war is being made very aggressively by USA government, because they know, that if they will not start this war in these two stellar cycles, they never will again. The trust of the world in their worthless money is fading, so they want to prove that everyone who goes against them is going to be destroyed. Their ultimate strategy is to take over the world and Iran is the key element for this to happen, but Iran or Persia is the balance between Good and evil and also one of the fortresses of One God, Islam and Zoroastrianism are being hold there and this is their main foothold in this world, the Citadel of Faith. There are many reasons why Iran is so important for this world, it is also a nexus of Energies, a border, a balance between powers a gate for souls a legacy of the past. Many young souls and many Good people with high Energy are there and willing to live. Satanists want to sacrifice them to their delusion "god", actually an extradimensional being that think he is a god and break the balance which will shake this world and bring great war and many despair to everyone. So One has stopped their advance and gave them a problem with Syria country.
Their strategy is not working as they planned as russians and chinese are preventing their use of force. In the meantime, russians the only nation that can defeat the worshipers of evil are being enlightened in dark secrets about the Order of Illuminati which currently holds USA as their base of operations and future "center of the world". People in this country are being deluded with their lies, perversion and egoistic views on life. "Enlighteneds" tried to destroy russian empire many times, during two world wars, during napoleonic wars and finally with soviet union dissolution which was created by them as well. But they all failed as You can see. Russians are the most rebellious of all nations around this world right now and they were from a very start of their formation as a nation, from the times of their christianisation and mongol invasion on their land right to this time. They are the last and most powerful defenders of One and when it is necessary they will fulfill the role of judges to those who angers the One.
Russian president and his most trusted people now are almost fully aware of the ways, agendas, strategies and tactics of puppeteers and they know that Russia is their last goal to conquer. So they will resist satanists and our agents are assuring that they need to solve this crisis peacefully as bringing world war 3 will cost this world a lot. Russian president now is trying to establish as much union with other countries as possible, because friendship and love is the cure for this world not hatred and distrust. The yellow race where goes chinese people are another branch of humanity that specializes in exorcising evil from the world, they are clean and are very oriented toward Good and Light side. Greed and ambitions is present in their minds, but their will is still very strong and they are able to put an end to evil where it stands, russians were weakened by same lies, perversion, distrust and egoistic views on life by the satanists, so they will need the help of yellow race to defeat the evil, yet again, like You saw chinese and japanese people aren't friendly toward each other and this goes to every other nation of south east asia, as You know China is a communist state, and it still bears the "mark of the beast" a five pointed red star. So they are "marked by satan" and can be removed by him. So these forces will need an aid of sitting nation, India. Indians are a very powerful Energetically charged nation and only with their aid will Good prevail over evil in both cases of war or diplomacy. Yet India is deluded as well, they favor both sides, one for money other for likelihood.
When a revolution in Russia started to take place, no one taught that this revolution was a corruption from within, marked by a five pointed inverted red star, the cycles Russia was under influence of evil, brought almost utter destruction to defenders of world, but religion had saved Russia from total dissolving and brought age of prosperity and revelation to people of the world. "Devil created Soviet Union and devil destroyed it", while it was existed all religions were persecuted, but first president of Russia turned to God for wisdom and saved his own country and his people and people of the world from the new world order.
Now Sophia, what I want to tell You is that Your greatest allies are lying to the East. And everyone's allies are there, everyone who did not gave an oath to "bringer of light", extradimensional "god". This is an encouragement to You and many followers of Light, support the actions of all those who is going against USA government's views like Gaddafi was.
Much Love Sophia.
(Update - 9.30.2012)
Now it is time for You to know some of the Truth.
The video I will provide to You is reality of this world's destiny. This is battle of Good versus evil, this battle is eternal, there are those who seek unlimited power, there are those who seek eternal peace and there are those who seek balance.
We are the seekers of balance, our duty to balance the Strength of Creation. Good and evil must be balanced between everything that lives and exist. We possess the biggest power, but we must be in eternal service to One. This is our little restriction to our unlimited power given by One to us as a token for our absolute obedience.
Universe must not be destroyed or be soften to the "position of chaos". Creation must be constantly dynamic and evolution must proceed, this all goes to even more higher form of Power of Creation, this is what Creator wants and for which purpose everything exists as it is.
The moment of last decision is almost met. The time sequence narrows to it's end, so we have to reveal to You and others close to You and people who want it, the Truth. We are not the ones who isolated humanity's world and made "quarantine", the responsible for all the pain and suffering are archons - "the masters", they are constantly present near the Sun, on this planet, on Moon and almost everywhere in this system (Solar System).
Their goals goes against the Creation, their ultimate goal is absolute power to create and uncreate. They tried to hide their sin from us - the Guardians, Watchers, but we knew what they were up to even before this Universe was created, it is One's - Creator order to us, to let them do what they want to and stop them when they will "almost achieve" this power, in form of device, parts, tools or energetic force of it that lets them to threaten the Creation.
The archons created the Illuminati Order, to control and restrict humanity. There are others experimental civilizations like humanity and there is as well the same situation like it is here. With this experiment of creating and controlling civilizations they want to achieve their goal, with humanity's help they want to create the tools of total control over Creation and Uncreation. There are "light forces" that fights against the vast empire of these deluded seekers for power. Forces of Light, collaboration of many different civilizations visited this planet before and they were the ones who wanted to teach humanity and make them an evolved civilization like they were. Later archons came, their technological level was superior to that of Forces of Light, they thwarted everything on this world and even rewrite the time sequence. Through devastating war that started not on this planet, they defeated, killed and exiled many from Light Forces. "The masters or archons" like they prefer everyone to call them are a collaboration of civilizations as well as Forces of Light. As this all unveiled we watched, always watched. We are present everywhere in this system, including near the Sun, right in front archons' vessels. They are feeling our presence, but they are unable to detect us in any way, like Forces of Light are unable to detect archonian vessels. And now the video Sophia, in this video You will learn about "demons", "beings that goes through walls and inhabits humans". These "demons" are archons, they are using a very special technology that makes them transparent and they are able to travel between dimensions, they are able to inhabit living bodies and with this power they control United States of America, United Kingdom, Israel and with it, West Bloc of the world.
The full history of this world will be known in due time. I will wait Your question Sophia
"Truth About illuminati Documentary-Luciferian Conspiracy"
(this video is posted below)
Much Love, Good Feelings and Peace to You and all on this world!
(Update 10-1-2012)
To every Friendly soul, time sequence given to humanity is coming to an end. This is example of humanity's current feelings, the mirror of spirit of human's soul - elements:
--- video is posted below ---
Much Love and Respect to everyone.
(Update - October 2, 2012)
I am seeing many things about the Illuminati and an "October event" they are planning. Can you tell me what is planned?
They still are able to use earthquake undersea, they are postponing this further and further, as a humans they don't want to do it, obviously they are changing.
Remember the last message? Their main goal from the beginning was to free mankind from kings, emperors, rule and establish a world under a rebellious god known as Lucifer to them. They want to bring humanity a peace through uses of war and killings, they want to establish a perfect religion which will unite everyone and make consensus, yet they don't know that those who control them have other plans for mankind. Controllers are the masters at lie, so all those who are now in Illuminati Order will be betrayed and eradicated by those who they serve. Thus even those who are in Illuminati are awakening and understanding more and more who they really serve.
Okay, who do they really serve and what are the intentions of which they are unaware?
This answer You already know. "The archons - masters". Their purpose is to gain absolute power over Creation, through the use of natural evolution, this is the cause with humanity right now. Soon they want "to rip the harvest" as it is almost ready and there is a danger that all this harvest might be corrupted from within.
But we are here, our presence is strong right now and thus they can not decide what to do next, meanwhile humanity is making a choice - the outcome of everything what happened on this world. This will decide the future of this civilization.
About archons, we will deal with them whenever they will start an "initiation process" - the process of taking harvest and beginning of Universal synchronization. This is far too advanced for human minds, even for mine, I only know that it is a very complicated process which will take thousands of cycles, these Earth's years, but they are able to make millions of years to seconds. So whenever they will start, we will start execution process on their culture.
(Update - October 3, 2012)
So, humanities choice has not been made?
The deadline for last decision of humanity is 16th october, but before the specific date of 21st december the choice can be changed, but after this date, change will not be possible. Humans are known for their ability to do everything at the very last moments, so happens in this case.
(Update - October 12, 2012)
“Now the disclosure is peaking, humanity's temporal Consensus has been created. These are last ten home cycles; get ready to make Your final decision. We all are watching and listening for it, Energy vibration are high, Your consciousness is active at Unity level. You are ready to make Your final decision. Make this choice as right as possible based on all that predated You and all that will be predated by You! Peace from the Forces of One to Sophia and all who follows our answer, an answer which is not known to many, but only few, the chosen."
(Day of Decision Video Posted below, which refers to the same date: 10.21.12 - This is an Important Week!)
(Update - October 14, 2012)
"We are now watching, listening and feeling everyone's feelings and wishes. We are ready for Your last word humanity. Listen to this Sophia, it will help You on Your choosing. (Video posted below)
Much Love, Peace and Prosperity within You."
(Update - October 15. 2012)
I don't understand this "choice" for we have already chosen. We have chosen freedom from the Dark Ones. I have chosen the Light for ALL that wish to be free; even creating a pyramid of Light as a portal for the higher frequencies of pure instreaming Light from Source. I've been working on this every day, bringing in the higher vibrations, and I'd be truly heartbroken if my choosing Freedom and Light could be somehow over-ridden or made meaningless..
Comment posted Oct.14.2012 (Not Sophia)
Yes, I'm understanding this, but people like You are in minority and materialists are in majority, most don't want anything to be changed, but "dreaming" about some better world.
The internet was given to humanity by controllers and they don't know this, but it was One's wish to give it to You. During this year of Revelation, many are seeing everyone's strengths and weaknesses and a temporal Consensus has been created.
But it is only temporal, necessary for a choice that will decide the fate of this world. We like and favor people like You who want a beautiful world of harmony, but humanity as a whole must make it's choice, removing the communication barriers and seeing consciousness inside consciousness of each individuality. Due to the gap between poor and rich, not everyone is able to be a part of this temporal Consensus, but One, we and humanity are making it's best to make the choice as right as possible.
Reply posted Oct.14.2012
(Update October 16.2012)
Thank You for your reply! I do realize that I have no control over the decision of the masses. I believe that we have invested enough time and energy to create a reality with the highest choice, if the majority does not. So I will keep bringing in the higher vibrations to assist and heal Gaia and all her children.
My question; What else could we be doing that would assist humanity in making a wise choice for this Great Shift? Sometimes I feel I should be doing more, but I don' know what.
Comment posted Oct. 15.2012
You already are doing a lot! Human body is not capable of doing more, but if You feel You are able to do more, then You are welcome to do so, everyone is free in their actions! Much Love and Peace!
Reply posted Oct. 16.2012
(Update October 17, 2012)
~ From Sophia: It is the 16th. Can you tell me what you have heard?
We captured the taught*, now waiting for the starfall. The orionids meteor shower will signify the beginning of our choice and end of Your choice. Much Love, Peace and Calmness to You!
Reply posted October 17.2012
~ Here is a link to information/times for the Meteor shower this weekend :
(Update/comment/video posted October 18, 2012)
"It's time":
(Update 10.20.2012)
Video must've been really good cause it's already gone! (Note This video was removed/changed to "private" on 10.19.12, which is the same day it was sent out with my blog to many thousands of readers!)
So the 16th is past and I was hoping we could get an update. Can you talk about it? We humans are a curious lot; we wanna know all the details. Don't understand orionids clue, I'll watch them tho.
Cobra has "Day of Decision" on 21 Oct. 2012. watch?&v=evxSk8NHh-Y Would that be effective?
Yesterday I saw a msg from a GFL channel saying a new timeline is being created which "requires the immediate resignation" of the Dark Ones.
Is this true?
Comment posted 10.19.2012
Yes, this was an inspirational very beautiful video form the lightworkers. I'm sorry for it, someone just asking for troubles for removing it. Many videos like this have been removed. Those who was available to see it, You may share Your view with others, I really liked this video as a human, this was an extraordinary experience, really hard to describe it with words, words can give an image, but they will not give the full experience. This is the second part of it: (video posted below)
Reply posted 10.19.12
This (video shown above) is the song which was in first part of it. I cannot update on a progress of a choice, this information is limited. There are controllers who receive this message as well, they can listen to anything, the message is being distorted, but they still may know and decipher, I'm sorry. When the choice will be made you will not know what it is going to be from me or anyone from our circle, it will be known only "once it will take place". Much Peace and Love to You!
Reply posted 10.19.2012
(Update October 23.2012)
May Peace and Love and Prosperity be upon humanity.
Peace, Calm and Prosperity!
( Comments sent with video shown below )
(Comment posted October 28.2012, with videos shared below)
Considering this video, Sophia...
it's time for You to look at this video (shown below)!
I know You know it, as synchronization was high in last cycles, The Power of One...
Although the choice has been made, it is not constant as is Universe, until two Creators will meet, people are the engineers of this world.
May Peace and Prosperity flourish upon this world!
(Update - October 29. 2012)
- From Sophia:
Thank you, a very beautiful video and I have shared it already.
You are saying then, "it is not a constant until 12.21.12"?? Yes?
We are able to modify or change what has been chosen?
Much gratitude and love to you.
Yes, modification is possible, the two Creators will make the decision to turn into reality.
-From Sophia:
You said in the comment that a decision was made??? Can you say more at this time???
This hurricane Sandy
was created by the HAARP/Illuminati was it not???
Much love.
It was not made by Illuminati, it is the power of the planet and the Sun. Maybe you will not understand this, but hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes are happening also because of the Energy pressure. Wills and wants, bad corrupted energy is triggering many cataclysms.
Many natural disasters can be avoided with Energy. Though humanity currently can do very little in order to avoid these, due to materialistic direction, it is still possible.
(Update posted November.8.2012 - Messages begin on November 3 and final message posted November 7.2012)
(From November 3.)
The power of hope always helps if it is strong enough!
(in reference to Hurricane Sandy and the casualties not being what were predicted)
Many are targeting USA, because this is the center of world's control, with this country secret order controls the west world. As more people awakening the more is Energy pressure on planet and Sun, the Sun is also feeling this pressure. As You may know right now, this happened on halloween, halloween have a secret meaning, it is "a celebration of possession". The possessed by the archons are celebrating this, they were celebrating this ten thousand cycles ago and they are celebrating it to this day, using everyone in America to honor their "imposter gods" and world's corruption with them, yet now Earth and the Sun canceled this celebration in the conduit of corruption, New Babylon, New York, the whole corporate system received damage and was halted. I'm sorry from the name's of the Earth and the Sun, but very few people died, though received material damage, they are still ok. Illuminatis weren't expected this, so they are thinking that maybe Russia or China did that.
Indeed the secret order want to make some damage to this country this will make people despair and hasten the coming of ww3, but they didn't want to make it right now and right there. "The weather control weapon" they possess is only on experimental stage and is not 100% efficient. They did make an underwater earthquake near the coast of Japan and they did make some other storms, some during Vietnam wars, when they were testing the capabilities of it. They were using not this weapon on an underwater earthquake this time, it were a special detonation devices, which triggered a chain reaction earthquakes under sea, which created tsunami waves. The weather control weapon can only create a distortions in ionosphere and create rains or dissolve (not completely) clouds, with it they have a medium probability of creating storm, hurricanes, tornadoes, but they still cannot completely control this process, they still need cold and heat winds, they still are using the power of the Sun and the power of the Earth. Yet they evolve they devices as civilization evolves. They started to develop this weapon after ww2 and from completely no control over weather they now can create some impacts on it. The experiments with this device have also a great impact on climate change, with it they are heating up ionosphere. By their board it was decided that they will use not this weapon if necessary as it is not 100% efficient, but these devices underwater or psychic weaponry, which are some experimental humans and devices they created from archon's designs. By agreement with them they cannot use their devices, they must create their own with a difference in design and inner structure.
In the culmination of their plane "the revival of their god lucifer" they want to trigger a complete disastrous earthquake on San Andreas fault, this will split the Earth there and their "god" will come out of there, the center of this earthquake will be bohemian grove. The bohemian club gathers there to test their "god" and to honor him with their architectural deeds upon this world. They believe it is there from where he will rise up. They don't take into consideration that if they will make this plates' shift, they will lock the vapor exits of yellowstone underground super volcano, if this volcano erupts it will be a complete disaster to all world, the end of many lives. Still if this will happen, they are like zealots, will think that their "god" decided to take another route and come out of there..
Though this storm wasn't made by them, it was made with the Energy of wills of human society, by the collision of Energies of Earth and the Sun, the low temperature and high temperature winds collided and formed a powerful fusion storm. It is not the most powerful, but it was a dangerous storm, the Moon also fueled this storm, when Earth is receiving the Sun's power through Moon the Energies that are having corruption are colliding and thus the natural disasters are most likely to occur, the storms or earthquakes, this was a special storm that canceled their evil celebration.
And again choice will decide everything. It is made by humanity, but humanity still have time. We haven't choose yet and we will make our choice on ending date of our turn. Humanity was making this choice from the very beginning of isolation and everywhere in this civilization's deeds in everything people are doing, creating there are hidden messages, which we see and decipher.
If you can Sophia, decipher this message, (video posted below) it is quite easy, in songs You need to hear the meaning. It is hard to give just in words the exact choice, but if You will understand it without words, You are simply great, enlightened, ascended human Sophia!;)
Much Love and Peace Sophia
(From November 4.)
Choice have been made and now it is only last planetary cycles remaining. I cannot say what it is, as this may just spoil this, because archons may change their strategy if they will know. And they may get the Energy difference from this message, it is being distorted, but the last decision is very important, it must be seen and felt by people not told.
Thank You for taking a part in this all, I felt Your voice and many were making a wish 20 cycles ago, not all but many, because of You people, everything may be just like You wished for!
(From November 7.)
Sophia, another storm is heading in the same direction as you already heard, again made by the power of will of people, planet and the Sun. It will not be that powerful, but it will cause damage again.
I'm sorry for each and all that have already and will suffer again because f the Forces of Nature and will of Humanity's Consensus. The corporate infrastructure is damaged and will be damaged further, the president's election result is what we were expecting by humanity's choice, would it be Romney as president and ww3 would be inevitable, but still as You can see the nation is split into half, this is showing the unsureness of people, this is the reality that is on the crossroad, it is still possible that the war might just start, but it is all in Your hands.
Today we all the GE's will make the last preparations for our conclusion, which is not like humanity's decision as archons are being accounted into it, but are accounting Your outcome as well.
As we are holding them under oversight, You are free to choose what You wish for, You still have time.
Much Love and Peace and Path Without Obstacles on Your Journey to Perfect World!
(Update November 8.2012)
(From Sophia) Thank you for your note. I am wondering about the 11.11.12 date, and if this, along with other future dates, like 12.12.12, are important for us to again focus our energy in a universal way, as in global meditation. It feels to me now that the message is being sent from within each of us every day, all day long.
Your contact and messgs. have been such a help to so many in this time, thank you so very much. I am feeling optimistic for all of us.
The dates You are choosing has nothing to do with the Forces of Nature, but it is the power of this temporal Consensus which You have formed. During these meditations that You're performing on the dates which You're choosing the Forces of Nature hears Your collective more powerful voice and with each new meditation You're evolving on this level of activity and evolving Your inner power, like a child grows You're growing from within. The Sun is hearing You better and better, the planet will synchronizes with Your will, after all You're starting to agree with one another. There are still drawbacks in the society to form a powerful will, a lot of people still living under "the old ways of life", which are materially oriented, but Your meditations are starting to create a pressure on them, most of them are struggling within because of this pressure, as they are starting to doubt "their old ways of life". This same struggle is happening within the Order of the Enlightened, they are doubting the goals and methods of their forefathers, it is all in Your hands, humanity holds the keys to the future, it is like You are saying Sophia, You're the ones You're waiting for.
Much Love and Pure Energy of One to You!
(Update -- November 21, 2012)
The humanity prospers! Sophia, it is time for You to know the Truth summarized, share this message, it is time for humanity's awakening!
I will tell You the truth that they guided me to this videos only a moment ago, and I must share it with You. The Truth was already here, for everyone to see. You already know most of it, this will summarize Your guessings and findings.
The message is from the Followers of the Light, but like I said to You before we are not one and the same, we are the Balance, the Wall and Will of One, which they are being referred to as Prime Creator, the Point of Beginning and End.
About the adversaries of Followers of the Light, the Followers of Self Esteem and Self Development, the Archons.
(Update November 24.2012)
We have made our choice Sophia. Now It is only this last month of the world as we know it. Will not tell You what exactly will happen, because it can change the reality, everything will just be known by approach.
Peace, Calm and Prosperity which brings Love and Happiness!
(Update December 1, 2012)
This note was received this morning, along with the videos shown below it)
The humanity prospers! Sophia and everyone else, much Love to You!
This is the information to let You know about celestial situation on this planet's skies for the time of Shift.
Peace, Calm and Prosperity!
Sophia, I also got a great news for You! The video called "Lightworkers Help Mother Earth (Gaïa)" has been restored! You can now share it with everyone and watch it Yourself!:)
Harmony and Love and Abundance to You!
(From Sophia)
Thanks so much. So there will be a meteor shower around the 13th. We've been told that the 9 days prior to the 21st are the days of most activity for the earth and sun. Is there anything else you can tell us for this time?
(The answer)
No, nothing is seen on the Sun or the Earth, everything must be optimal. X flares are possible, earthquakes also, but they are not going to be major. Right now the main focus is on the humanity, it's Energy level is very high! Almost all are anticipating for this event, the date that was heard as the end of the world. Many are waiting for "something special" to happen, others are trying to think that nothing will happen, although everyone feel it, the DNA is evolving and humanity proceeds to the next step of evolution, the next step of life, the next step of time sequence.
The Universe welcomes You young race - Humanity!
(From Sophia)
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!
(Update December 4, 2012)
From Sophia --
American Kabuki posted the quote above "The Universe welcomes You young race - Humanity!"
with the video "Take That - Kidz" on his blog : www.americankabuki.blogspot.com.
(So I (Sophia) sent a note to my "off world" contact....)
Hey, my friend "American Kabuki" just posted your comment "The Universe welcomes you young race - Humanity!" along with this video.
I think its perfect!
Much love.
(and here is conversation, and video sharings, that followed...)
Yes Sophia it is suiting! Thank You!
Much Love to You!
(from Sophia...)
Here is a movie you may be interested in.
I have not seen it.
Hello Sophia! Thank You for presenting this video to me! I think You already can guess the content of this movie. The answer in short is quite easy to understand, Sun indeed changes the body and Consciousness. Currently human body is adopted at living in these temperatures and under current amount of radiation, xrays, uvlight, infrared light, visible light, radio waves, microwaves. If Sun would change it's acting, so thus the body change and radical changes around the planet's weather would follow.
And as You are eager to know more, I will show You new information about the complexity of Consciousness. As You can see, everything makes it's sense, piece by piece, like a lifelong puzzle. All this information is coming from One, it is known by You as The Source. There are 2 main Sources of knowledge and one "Oversource", "The Prime Sources".
Source Order is what is known to lightworkers, this is the main Source of receiving Universal Knowledge from and through light, it is the Source of knowledge which restructuring the molecules in matter to be in order. Like You saw this on a water, if Good words are said, the molecules changes to beautiful symmetrical structures.
Source Chaos is the source which is on the other side of this world residing in the second "dark world" the world of antimatter which is completely parallel to this world of matter and have a great influence on this world as well, is the Source which desynchronizes synchronicity, collapses order of molecules and create chaos in it. "From this second world's point of view" this world is dark and the Source in this world is considered as chaos to all inhabitants of world of antimatter. Because the effects of two worlds on each other have destructive capabilities on each ones structure. The energies from two worlds are "incompatible" and they are trying to annihilate each other instantaneously. The emptiness, considered as darkness of space is this influence of the second world. The terms "dark matter" and "dark energy" are not called this way without a reason.
From this everlasting battle of two worlds comes the duality of reality and Consciousness.
"The Oversource", if You will be able to understand what it is, You will understand that this dimensional world is only one out of infinity.
I hope You will find this information useful, but remember if You disagree on it or parts of it, do not accept it, Your own understanding of existence is important as well!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbh5l0b2-0o (This video is linked below)
You probably heard Sophia, the Illuminati Order is trying to make a one of the lasts pushes and start a world war. They are using the same strategy of lies like it was 9 cycles ago. The archons are making this push, through their servants within this order. The time sequence yet is not ready for a changes to take place, so if they will initiate this attack before solstice, it will take place. Not world wide war, but it will escalate into this until 05-19-13. As a human being and knowing what everyone wants, I can say that this war can be stopped, the mass meditation on 12-12-12 at 12th hour is what can change their ways for the rest of their days. Tell Followers of Light that You need help and they will help You! They will be humanity's best allies in the years to come:)
Until that I wish You and Everyone more Love and more Happiness!
(Update 12.9.2012 and 12.10.2012)
Just wondering if there is anything you want to be said as we get closer to 12.12.12. Many more are reading our conversation now.
Much love,
Yes, I know Sophia, people wish to know the truth and not truth mixed with lies. My objective now is to give You and everyone from the Family of Light my support as Your choice was not to become a part of the Forces of One, but to be free, free from all these lies and deception.
You wish to know more the Followers of Light and know less the Followers of Self-Esteem and Self-Development (Illuminati) which to this day still controls humanity even to the point of being a closer allies with them and we only appreciate that!
The date 12.12.12 can become a significant date, all that is needed are Your wishes and wills, Consciousness! If Your Consensus will become very strong during this worldwide meditation and concentration, then weak planet wide earthquake will be felt by all, and this will signify the full understanding and synchronicity of planet with You, which will be a crucial point in Your symbiotic rearrangement. The planet feels You and loves You, all that she need to understand more is Your will and want to live with it Harmonically, once You give it to Her, She will let You know that She hears You all! I cannot guarantee this earthquake, very few loves earthquakes, so it will be another "less choice" to make for everyone, but if this earthquake will happen, it will be so weak that nothing will be damaged, this will be a "good earthquake", the one that equals to "a good pain". So decide, make Your contribution in it and everyone who will read it as well!:)
As about Illuminati-Archons hierarchy, Archons are on our and Followers of Light part, we are dealing with them right now. Illuminati are humans, that is why they are "on humanity's shoulders" (partly my (mine) as well), that why it is up to humanity to deal with them. But like we told before, many of them are finding "light" inside of them, so they are changing and willing to end the NWO ambition, they are still the original beings that were changed and enslaved many ages ago, a part of a whole Humanity!
Also the DNA change is on it's way, as You wanted!
May Light of Your Heart shine through the darkness of void that persists in Your way to Freedom! And the Freedom shall be granted to all that follows the Light! The Light of Everlasting Cosmos - The One, Oneness, Unite!
(and from December 10th, 2012)
Thank you!
So, there are two questions that arise from this -
1. Has the choice been salvation then? There was a discussion about our inability to stop the inevitable destruction without the help of the Forces of One. Please clarify.
- The choice was obvious at the end, but before that this world was at the crossroad and pleiadians warned everyone about it in the past.
In addition as "a side effect to information", knowing of events to come in this situation, it can damage the reality of each one who is going to read this, due to most finding an other reality which better suits them and their understanding, that is why the revelation of it must have been done only now and not sooner.
The Forces of One are after archons as You already know Sophia, we were using their disguise in the past conversations to fool them in their own image.
The choice was important for us to understand You(r) will in evolution and important for humanity to understand the world around. In Your collective choice there was a great plea for help, aid, because everyone is understanding that even if the whole infrastructure will change there is much to be done in this world to fully restore it. That why we are helping You know(*now) and may be accounted as the Forces of Light.
Only GE's (Guardians/Executioners) are going to help humanity, the Scientific achievements of the Forces of One must be kept only within the Forces of One.
If the archons are going to launch their plan (their plan to start WWIII), only then they (the Guardians/Executioners) will intervene. The main laws and rules of both the Forces of One (Guardians/Executioners) and Followers of Light (the Resistance) are not to intervene within the natural process of evolution of sapient or non sapient species, but as an exclusion to this law as humanity was an experiment and a host for a parasitic race (the Archons), the Forces of Light (the Resistance) will aid You, the Forces of One will only concentrate on masters (Archons) as they are challenging the Creation.
They are never working together, but GE's (Guardians/Executioners) are able to work with both sides of Good and Evil, but in the end they are completely loyal only to One.
2. If we (the collective “we”) have not chosen to join the Forces of One, is it still possible for individuals to choose to join? How would that be accomplished?
Much love,
2. And as promised to some, by the plan of His (Its) Divine Will and Purpose, a new civilization will be established on the outskirts of this Universe from the parts of this civilization and will become a part of the League of One which is of the Forces of One, thus given the whole privilege of service to One and full spectrum of possibilities of evolution. But first they need to be restored and be without regrets, so that nothing could bother them once they leave this world forever. So it will be some more time on this planet.
Everyone else who chose to be here and proceed on this evolution will remain here and just continue to live with changes on this world and new friends which are not going to be humans. This world will be a much better place to live, so everyone whom this promise was given, will have to think again before leaving.
But Sophia and Everyone Else who will read this, remember there is still time until the final point, from which nothing can be done, so use this time wisely and wish for a great fruitfulness changes on this world which will benefit All and among them You!
Peace and Love!
(Update December 11, 2012)
Note from Sophia: It was brought to my attention that a slight global tremor happened today; I asked about it. What follows is the response:
This is not the earthquake I meant, it needs to be "everywhere" for everyone to feel, not destructive, but rather "loving", there is no assurance it will happen, because people by most part don't like earthquakes in any ways. But Mother of Humanity this beautiful and loving planet Earth wants to give this hug to everyone, some people are making Her angry or sick, but She still loves all of us, even half - visitors like me, and I love Her too, She is just beautiful, adorable! :)
She is indeed happy to see that humanity is changing, and we are feeling this as well, everyone is changing and more are coming to join in restoring this Planet and freedom of evolution! The temporal Consensus is forming into powerful Oneness and the biofield of this planet is increasing vibrations, as the powers of Your emotions are increasing in frequency levels! The approach of One (the alignment) is highly anticipated by many.
Remember the next day will be a significant world meditation! Peace, Love, Abundance to You and Everyone!
I appreciate your continued information in these last 10 days of change... we are all feeling it.
There are meditations scheduled at several different times on 12.12.12, so it will be heard all day long!
Much love to you.
I too will contribute in this meditation, this is the meditation for a future of this reality and every human being life, and also connectedness to a planet and through a planet to the Sun - the Creator, so it is very important for this world and well being for everyone who currently resides here!
Peace and Love!
(Update 12.14.12)
The Ascension that is meant here is the Ascension of Consciousness, the memory of the Universe will be known to humanity, but of course not everything will be known. Everything that is needed for every individual to better understand this world and existence, of "why this is, how it is" and connectedness to the Universe overall.
This will be an understanding that will bring great changes to human society!
Also by Your will there can be another Ascension "to skies".
This can be brought by Followers of Light (*The Galactic Federation), they want assist humanity in every way possible to help it!
As You felt Sophia there wasn't any earthquake, because like we taught, people don't like earthquakes:)
Peace and Love!
Thank you!
Yes, my friends and I were hoping for some small sign, as the earthquake would have been. There are people who question everything...it would have been an "answer", validating the truth of the words being said here.
Now we will just wait to see what will happen in this next week, before the alignment and during the alignment on 12.21.12. We will know then.
With gratitude and much love to you,
Yes Sophia I understand Your thoughts, everyone need a proof for all, like it is in a science.
We the GE's and the Forces of One don't like to lie and lie is our most hated subject, but sometimes it is necessary for us to use lies in order to complete what One told us to complete, so goes with our chaotic behavior and destruction which we sometimes are using as well.
This Universe must exist in the way it exists and one of the main attributes of it is "unpredicteveness". One want it to be this way, so we don't like to promise heaven and life without hardships or some other events that can happen, we are saying only what is possible and what can be done for it to become a reality.
We Guardian-Executioners are not farseers or prophets, our main objective is to observe, analyze, send information back to One "from our point of view" and make a conclusion.
Also we are not having access to the technologies and libraries of the Forces of One, this could of course ease everything for humanity, but it is One's Will for everyone to evolve on their own.
If One's Forces would give an aid to humanity they would brake the main law of their obedience and this will brake humanity as a "new prospect of Existence" which is very important to One.
We only can barely communicate with each other, they are working on their own, we are working on our own, we also don't like when someone is distracting us on our duty:)
In the beginning I told You Sophia what they wanted to say to You, there were other people as well whom they gave some words. We both are having our missions and we need to perform them.
Like You already know, we need to be the same as the ones we are living among, to better understand all the situation that is within the civilization and the world. Everything what we were writing to each other is making it's own contribution to this world and our wishes which we wants the most are also in these words.
Peace, Love and Thank You Sophia!
(Update December 17th, 2012)
This came today, with the videos below...
Sophia and all who follows the words of Ancients, starting from tomorrow 18th and ending on 24th will be the days of Creators. Three days before the date of alignment and 3 days after the alignment are like the points of old end and new beginning on a much larger scale.
This will be the beginning of Aquarius Era, the washer of impurities.
Like fishes humanity was living, waiting to be caught and be eaten, in complete fear and obedience to instincts. Now humanity will control it's own existence and will wash away all that fear that haunted this civilization for a very long time.
No thing exist within Creation without a purpose.
Searching for the meaning, leads to paths of right and wrong. There is no right path, everything You choose is legal.
Choosing is making the needs to exist. Needs creating rules and laws for sharing with fair. Laws and rules that binds You, are necessity to prosperity and order. Prosperity is what makes You dance and smile. What makes You smile are Your fruits, what makes You dance is Your legacy.
In the hallowed halls of Consciousness everything is clear, One is Every Thing and Every Thing is One.
Let One give You all the Blessing and let humanity bring fruits of Joy and Prosperity for themselves and to Universe!
(Update December 20, 2012)
From Sophia -
I am aware that the shooting in CT was a planned event. It is beyond sad.
There are so many things to change in this world that we will begin after the 21st, when the Cabal is unable to control us any longer. Once balance is restored, things will change, they have to.
Now I am focusing on Source and going within for these next few days. I will be "off line". I wish you a powerful solstice my friend!
Much love.
Yes, there is much to be done in this world, much to be restored in order to bring harmony and happiness to all here.
This wasn't planned by cabal, but indeed it was planned, I cannot say by who, but You may guess.
I know You're tired and everyone else who followed the restoration of this world, soon it all will be over.
The reassemble and charge of Chrystal of Power will be tomorrow.
May this year of Revelation serve well to humanity and let humanity be free on the wings of happiness!
You earned that! That are the words of the Forces of One!
(Update December 27, 2012)
Thank you my friend, Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to you!
Thank You Sophia, beautiful and most wondrous New Year to You too! I wanted to ask You one question. During these days of Creators humanity received the uplifting information, which is now activating DNA most significantly, now third part of it has been activated, the part responsible for emotions in it's full extent. Do You feel any difference in Your Self-Aware Consciousness?
Yes... there are many emotions, doubts and feelings right now. It feels intense. There is a sense of Humanity, I don't know how else to describe it, only that the days since the 21st have been days of noticing the contrast of this life. Each thought is watched and considered. There have been no conclusions other than it is up to us/ to me. It is sort of heavy with expectation and awareness.
In time this is going to evolve, every lightworker is better prepared for this than majority of people.
So from this moment of time everyone must make a contribution to this real Consensus which is now being created and is at a very early stages of development.
It is going to be a hard time, but we all must unite with biosphere of the planet and make our thoughts to appear in it, from this moment we are able to change not only the reality but everyone's else way of life as well.
I'm saying this as a part of this early Consensus as a human (of course if Every One who reads it are eager to, it is all but Your choice).
This planet is almost liberated, the evil forces don't have much power left, they are tired as well, they want a change as well, but it is fear that's holds them down, they are afraid of great changes, they are afraid of all-out disclosure and "aliens" which can do many things they don't, because they are all humans like we are as well, they need support and encouragement.
Through biosphere we can give it to them, because Love is going to solve these problems for humanity, not another aggression.
Now only "normal" humans and their Consciousness is in the way of their own freedom which prevents our lightworkers' freedom.
I will share this with my readers as it could help them.
Thank you so much.
Peace and much love.
(Update December 28, 2012)
The following conversation was initiated by me. I passed along this video from American Kabuki, with a question - "What are those things?"
Here's the video and the resulting exchange:
?? Do you know what this is?
Thank You Sophia for the video, what You are able to see there as big channel like lines are manifestations of energetic trails which connects many star systems upon activation and the lesser seen lines are just image artifacts.
The energetic trails are of Followers of Light origins not ours or controllers.
Are they image artifacts or are they actual cables of light?
Where or from whom do they originate? The "talk" is that they are cables of some sort... are they plugged in? To the sun?? are they illusory images or real, as real as they possibly can be in this holographic universe??
Many are attempting to figure out what is going on in or on the sun and in the universe itself... these are adding to the mystery.
Who exactly are the "Followers of Light"?
I cannot explain many of the things yet, as they must be explained later by Followers of Light to You. Followers of Light is the name we are designating the pursuers of light in all it's forms and incarnations, sacred geometrical, metric dimensional, Energy, emotional, Consciousness. You know them as the "Light Beings" from other worlds or "helpers of humanity" or "Federation of Light", the ones that are against the dark forces or evil forces, archons and cabal/illuminati order.
I must again remind You as a part of my duty, that I do not wish You to believe in this, You must figure everything out, You are able to and Everyone from Your circle as well:)
How You shape reality is making the biggest contribution in awareness of this reality by Your Consciousness.
These lines are Energy trails that are being captured with few instruments on board human spacecrafts, they are "connecting" this Solar System and to be precise this planet to other habitable star systems under control of Followers of Light, Forces of Light if You like.
This is a necessary step of this planet's liberation, it changes everyone's attitude toward Existence and Creation all around them. On 4th minute You are able to see image artifacts, those are not these channels, it's an "image sticking". The shots above are newer and the shots below are older.
I will hope this is going to help everyone! Peace, Love, Prosperity to One and Every and Every and One!
Thank you, I will share.