April 2012 ---
· Not all races around this Universe have "advanced" technologies. But ones that were here, were fighting with each other, until we showed up. You as a species are not One and unite. You lack Consensus, One do not. League is offering your species to become part of them, because people like You are giving hope for your race. You are being controlled by government that is against ways of One. "Satanic", worshipers of goat of mendes, also star of Sirius. Enemies of One or "criminals" in your words.
comment 3 days ago
· - You don't sound like you're from around here, yet your message is clear. It is my belief that love is the answer for us all, especially those in control. I would like to continue this conversation. Are you able to make yourself known to me? I see no information on your "channel".
SophiaLoveQuest in reply (Show the comment) 1 day ago
· It is the answer to your question. You have uploaded this message on first day of this year, this wasn't coincidence, everything that happens in this Universe has it's own purpose. This is "the year of Revelation", only during this year every human being "will have a bite of real knowledge" which was hidden from you for thousands of years. Your puppeteers are losing control over you during this year, you are free in many of your actions now.
comment in reply to SophiaLoveQuest (Show the comment) 1 day ago
· Freedom sounds like love, and is not that what is being revealed? As we "chew on" this real knowledge, we get a taste of what it could be like, perhaps what it was meant to be. And we want that. Many don't believe it is possible or "true", evidence for the depth of the impact of the control.
SophiaLoveQuest in reply (Show the comment) 1 day ago
· Love is the same as Unity and Consensus in ours and Yours understanding. The Truth that is being revealed are dark secrets that were hidden from your view for the last 300 years, 4 generations of your kind. The truth about many of your wars, who really was behind them, what really cause them. It was not natural why World War one and two occurred, they were planned by few. This is the year, when eyes of your kind will be opened till the end of this year, as you will decide your own future..
comment in reply to SophiaLoveQuest (Show the comment) 2 hours ago
· Yes, and that decision we make, individually and collectively is what will determine our future? Are we REALLY at the wheel now? Or are there limits to our possibilities? Or are we only limited by our imagination? Or is there an unseen hand, as has been the case, still at the helm? These are the things I wonder. How much freedom is there in free will. We do not know the abilities we hold, hence, how do we utilize them?
SophiaLoveQuest in reply (Show the comment) 2 hours ago
· Powerful extrasensory people of your kind all see what was destined to happen to your race - destruction of it. All the predictions and prophecies were not meant to fool you forever.
This has happened not only to your race, it is not the first time civilization suicide itself. However, we decided that your race will be able to change it's destiny by your collective choice.. Our arrival was unexpected, we already changed some of your destiny, the rest is up to your kind.
comment in reply to SophiaLoveQuest (Show the comment) 1 hour ago
· Free will or atheism is dangerous when you cannot control it. Your kind is yet not powerful enough to control space and time, you even losing in control of your own technologies you created. Very fast technological progress "dampens" your mind, you cannot sustain very fast changes, the amount of oxygen and lack of some other gases in the atmosphere plus degradation of your free will by "Illuminati Order - the holders" all this is not allowing you to evolve as fast as your technologies progress.
comment in reply to SophiaLoveQuest (Show the comment) 1 hour ago
· Free will is a synonym for atheism? This is a challenge to comprehend. What is needed to permit the evolution? Time? The removal of the Illuminati seems a moment away, will that do it? If there are necessary atmospheric changes, then, who ultimately controls them? Is is us? This is our illusion, is it not? Are you part of this illusion or do you stand in a place with the controls in your hand?
SophiaLoveQuest in reply (Show the comment) 1 hour ago
· Absolute free will is believing in nothing only but yourself.. In the beginning it is not like this way, but eventually it will go to it. Only the most powerful beings are able to sustain it, your kind is too young for this bear. There are many aspects which are necessary for organic creatures to become more powerful than any other organic one around in the Universe. Resources of your planet are limited, your civilization will not be able to sustain itself for developing "salvation technologies"
comment in reply to SophiaLoveQuest (Show the comment) 16 seconds ago
· This effort then, this revolution of love and tossing off of those in control, is what? A step towards an unstoppable, but inescapable, end for the planet?
We are evolving, and coming to know ourselves as capable of making choices, yet we seem to be embedded with a "slave" genetic, we expect another to sustain us, to take care of us, to give us the answer we seek. We have never experienced this "absolute free will".
What are the aspects that are necessary? Can they be taught/learned?
· For now You and the rest of your kind will have to concentrate on your choice, because this will decide the outcome of everything on your planet, the fate of your children, the fate of every organic living being on this planet, this choice must be wise enough. When your collective choice will be made, we, their agents will make the final choice based on your choice. If you will prevent the World War three, stop the Illuminati Order and let us know of your will to become One with us, we will aid.
· This is a step forward for you to become self aware, more than your ancestors were, You can call it more freer from shackles you are in now.
Your ancestors were waiting exactly for this moment, the moment of "the end of the days" or your own choosing, it was up to One to give you this opportunity to choose.
These aspects will be learned all by itself when you will know that everything is all right and your civilization and planet are safe, there is a long way to it after this though..
· It is my deepest hope/belief that we are making/have made that choice. I am not alone in this thought. We have been "told" that a tipping point is necessary, and that it has been reached. Is this truth?
Would you speak of ONE who has provided the choice and then of you, who will aid/make the final choice based on our choice? There is much to understand.
· No, this choice has not yet been made.First we are giving you the taste of every outcome you can see after this year.We are interfering with you as less as possible, but observing you closely.Are trying to show you everything you need to know to make that decision, but this decision must be strictly yours.
One is The Universe itself, You can call it God, He is alive and not alive, sentient and non sentient, everything and nothing, beginning and the end, all at the same time. A basis of existence
· Then, who are you? (the "we" who are giving us a taste of every possible outcome)
· I'm a human like you. I and the other people in every corner of this planet were given this knowledge so that we can help everyone who are desperately in need of answer and reason on behalf of One. The Forces of One are providing this knowledge only to some individuals like you, because You will be able to help other in deciding the fate of humanity. Everything is happening with a reason, no event occur without the consequence.
· Okay...this has to sink in.
Things like what to do next, and how to continue and expand this conversation are in my head... fairly bursting with it all... is there another way to connect? There are so many subjects, and questions.
I will be able to give only the basic knowledge, what I already gave to You. Your kind will know more from us only if new world order would not be established. If it would be established, Illuminati Order will take full control over every individual on this planet, it will be almost impossible for us to continue to give our knowledge. For now observe the world and make Your choosing Sophia, it was nice to chat with You.
· Likewise. Thank you.
· Would you speak of how this decision is communicated? It is my imagining that it springs from within each of us. In other words, not evidenced necessarily by the actions of our governments but instead by the fear or love within. It seems that a majority of us do want an end to this control, but for some that is not seen as possible, and for others, their deepest belief/hope. How is this choice ultimately made? What are you/we waiting for? This message has not been well received, or trusted.
· It is all Energy, everyone is able to communicate with anyone, no matter how far the object of communication is. This planet is alive and whatever mankind is doing, we feel it. Based on your choice, our choice will be done. The choice and wish of each individual will be felt by this Planet, Sun and us. The Universe is filled with Energy, it is easy to feel it, but in order to decode it, You need to believe in Universal Unity, everything is One and One is He who rules everything.
Got it.
Thank you for responding. The assimilation of this brings gradual, but eventual further inquiry.
· Yes, as with "science", the more scientists finds out, the more questions start to appear than answers. We on the other hand know everything that is on the basis of the Universe. If your scientists would accept more theories that were proposed to them, they would eventually know much more and able to create many more things, but they didn't listen, because there were "no proof". For example, world heard of Einstein and he gave many of the technologies humanity now possesses, including atom bomb.
Though it would be just enough for your kind, your kind even could not handle this not so powerful weapon properly.Only one act of aggression could resolve in a nuclear warfare..We would never do such a thing.League of One possess much more powerful weaponry that are able to destroy dimensions, not speaking about Universe, these technologies are from One, Eisntein was given this knowledge as well by us, we would grant him also thermo fusion and matter formation, but it was dangerous as You see..
· I wonder about our scientists using the knowledge for destruction of Itself, rather than creation, or a use of benefit to Mankind. Is this the pull of yet another power? The Illuminati/Dark Ones as they have been called? What is the compulsion to destruction that predominates those with power? Why not compulsion to create, to benefit, to sustain? This force seems and is portrayed as the greatest force, even personified in Satan and as such worshiped.
Not the dark ones, but corrupted ones.There is still Good in them..
It is important how creatures were learned and programmed to exist.Almost every living organic creature starts as predator. The creature predates on those who is weaker than it is. Someone stronger predates on this creature.Man's primal animal instincts still lefts in his genom.
There is still locked knowledge on how everything was in history of this world that I yet cannot tell. This knowledge is one among secret knowledges.
· Has this merely been our way to see what is possible? Or, is it by design of yet another hand? I am seeing a circularity to these questions. They always return to "who or what is in control?" Yet, I know now that the control rests within. Are the mere presence of the Illuminati necessary so that I may now know what evil looks like, a flash point from which I/WE will create a new world? Nothing occurs without consequence.
Illuminati took the real image of One and use it to bring evil to everything on this world. They think, they are doing this for good of mankind, for a better world, in reality they are destroying this world and bring you year by year to your self - destruction. Their purpose is to unite this planet's nations, but exterminate most of population. This is noble objective, but their methods are brutal, evil. Illuminati are people, they represent humanity in our eyes, your choice may change this.
Will this choice, this ultimate choice, the choice that determines the fate of mankind, be forced by a major event? What can you say about that?
Many already saw, from the beginning of the times, that when the end will come it will be brought from up the skies BY FIRE. We would be able to activate the Sun and make a very powerful Solar Flare to aid you, Sun is the Creator and only Supporter of your life, only He holds the key to your ultimate destiny. He as well does not agree with methods of Illuminati Order. You will be aided by Him once you will prove, to wish and live, be free from lies, deception, death that Illuminati brings to you
I do not understand how fire would save us from fire.
And this is proved only "when the end comes"? Or is this proved each moment, in each heart?
Don't worry Sun will not harm You, He will only switch off all the electronics on your planet. The future holds many ways, many possible outcomes of which we know, future may bring a surprise to your kind, though we know about what surprise it will be. Sun will play crucial moment in your planet's history, as it was long ago.
Everyone who lives on this planet already feels that something is coming, something bad, but everyone also feels that there is still hope. It is up to your kind to use it.
· Yes, this part of us is what this video was referring to. Tenacious and relentless, champions at starting over. You have said "Illuminati represent people in our eyes" and then "you will be aided by Him once you will will prove, to wish and live, be free from lies, deception, death that Illuminati brings". The majority of us are not the Illuminati, and yet they represent the people in your eyes? This statement confuses. Is this due to their level of control?
No this is due to your agreement with their control. Much part of humanity ignore their existence, this is counted as you are agreeing with how everything is in this world and as Illuminati are in control of your system.
But yes, we see that many want a different life, a change in world's policy. Many are against politics and military corruption, this is this hope for your kind, a choice that you may make. We made them blind for this year, so that You may choose.
· There is a contributing factor of which I am unaware. Awareness would change that. Can you provide it?
You have reached out and spoken here, there is always a purpose for contact. What is the purpose in this conversation, for you?
Yes, there is a purpose. You will be able to help many to make this choice, many people like You were told of this choice and will be told. You're pure heart, filled with love and power to resist evil, people like You are welcomed to the League of One. Those who wear number seven are Your Friends as well, it is not we, but they are Good like You. It is self awareness. Seven is the number of elements of this Universe, unconsciously they know it, this same number is a very respected in League.
So...where will I see "those who wear number seven"? It would be beneficial to know this, as we would be a force for One.
Would you name the seven elements to which you refer?
· It is easy to find them. Here on youtube for example, look for nickname. If number 7 is in there, this means the man wears this number. It is subconsciousness telling him or her to put this number in this nickname. You can look at their channels, if You wish, You can try to chat with them. It is easy to talk to them and they will understand You, they are also searching for truth, not all found it though and not all could be friendly, but "unfriendlies" are very few.
· Thank you. This is a place to begin.
· 4 elements You already know.
From these 3 prime elements comes 4 lesser elements:
Air/Energy - Electromagnetic Energy
Water/Ice/Cold - "almost no molecular movement"
Earth/Ground - Gravity
Fire/Heat - "high molecular movement"
There is a scientific explanations about these four, your kind's scientists almost found them. Two primal elements that control all 4 lesser elements and are in opposition with each other are Light and Dark and one element that controls all six is Time - Ultimate Element.
· I see. These four are the elements within the zodiac, I notice. There seems here to be much in this ancient knowledge that is disregarded by mainstream. I can't help but question how intentional this has been. Mainstream scientists often put their career at risk if they give credence to truths such as this. Reluctance runs deep and as a result, any information that would empower us is not shared with us. This is part of the choosing of which you speak, is it not?
Yes, it can be called like that. Illuminati Order is using knowledges that they do not share with others who do not belong to them. They already possess technologies that will able automobiles to fly, this is electromagnetic energy that makes them fly and makes them "invisible". Many "UFO" You saw are government's "flying saucers", these were developed during World War two by german military. They also able to increase the brain's strength and make people immune to almost all diseases.
· And remember that we are not forcing or imposing on You our believe, You're free to believe in everything You wish to believe, there is no right or wrong in this Universe, everything in what You believe is a right believe for You.
We are offering humanity to become part of our League, we will let everyone know our true ways only when we will become as One. Our duty right now is to let people like You about the possibility of a choice and what options Your kind is having right now.
· Options as outlined thus far sound pretty clear - domination and death under the Illuminati or life - the suicide of the race, versus life and freedom. There are many among us who are brave and fighting at the front lines right now to bring out these truths for the rest of us - they risk their lives for humanity. Yet, I wonder, is there a possibility of replacing one controller for another? This is wondered by many, distrust runs deep. What can you say to that? What is the intention here?
I cannot tell exactly what choices your kind will have, but there are plenty.There is some hidden true from your race..
· So, from this springs the confusion... love versus fear is the choice beneath every decision. Yet, we have been lied to - 4 generations of us. The trust we have given is now discovered to be a misplaced trust. We will be asked, perhaps ARE being asked, to choose. In a very practical way, fear makes sense, we do not want to be fooled again. It is again our decision, will we cooperate out of fear or out of love? That seems the real answer that will tell you our intent -
· A choice made out of a sense of power and love versus fear of destruction? We are faced with powerful forces here, they have controlled our entire lives, we have families... This "outing" of the truth could go many ways for people...
So... are there no answers to the questions just asked?
Changing current leaders to others will save You from Illuminati plan, but will postpone the self-destruction. Not a recommended choice. Illuminati stalls human civilization from advancing, they made "a very profitable" money system, that is already obsolete if your civilization want to evolve further. It is already became a possibility to give everyone what they need, only essential things. People don't need to pay for only being born on this planet, this is a false need, that they impose.
Your response leaves me to believe you have a "recommended choice". Would you elaborate?
· A "conclusive" World War three will start in spring 2013, with attack on Iran by NATO/USA, Russia and China will stand against this attack. This will be a normal war until 2016, when USA will move nuclear missiles to Georgia, this act will force russians to launch nuclears on USA, China will launch it's nukes on USA too. Instantly USA will launch it's nukes on Russia and China, this will result in 3 billions dead and a lot of radiation everywhere. "5-19-13 Expect Us" message.
· This will happen in a "normal way", if your kind won't do anything against governments. This will not be the last war, but destruction from it will be great. We are trying to change this war, as You can already see, but we do not want to intervene with someone "not human". Not until your species will disagree with governments of Earth.
Although You can live on your own and stop this war without our intervention, but still current governments must face "international justice" in this case too.
· You are free to decide whatever You want, everything what Your species will decide will be seen by Universal Energy. Your subconsciousness will decide what in reality will You want, to many even consciousness won't know what was decided.
I will mention this again, Forces of One are offering humanity to join them, League will give everything that is needed for everyone and will care for Your race like it was forever in the League, we are doing this for every civilization in the League of One.
· So changing the leaders helps temporarily but it is changing the mindset of man that will prevent a catastrophic end. We are a slave race, and that is a complete change in our thinking. We are willing to let others control us as long as they pretty much let us live our lives. What is suggested by your comment here is that we DO NOT let anyone control us, and for us to take conscious control of every facet of our lives. Those of us who can see what is needed, (next comment please)
· are not often the ones who seek to work on an international/government level. This change will be of a massive scale. If the desire for power is no longer part of the draw, the players on that field will be different.
The subconscious decision will have to be inclusive of the entire world and not just our own individual lives, no? We will have to think as if we are ONE in a very real sense, and not only/merely individuals with singular lives to worry about. Is that it?
· You're absolutely correct! :) This was our answer and message to You Sophia, we will take some of Your people even if Your species won't decide to become a part of us.
Search for Giorgio Bongiovanni on an internet via Google. This man is a conduit of our connection to your species. Those who speak through him are our lesser friends, they uses christian religion in order to tell this same message. Our ways are one and the same, though we are "a little different".
I have not heard the name and will search. This search may bring further questions, there is much to think about.
· Would you care to comment on World Liberation Day?
· This day depends on choice of Your civilization.
· This day has now passed. Did you hear my choice?
· It did not. Like I said we are "a little different". The race that is talking through him is young, they are referring to "their masters" from whom they are receiving their orders, these masters are we, Guardians - Executioners. I am one of the assets to your civilization, so I can not be called "a master", we all have different orders, different objectives. This race must give hope to those who believed for so long, some will be saved in all different outcomes. What we want is to save everyone.
· But as was said, you will have to choose this as a Whole. Everyone will be heard.
War will not happen if choice will be made to stop injustice. Anything that goes beyond it, must not be said for now.
Changing the ways of life of civilizations is a hard task and time consuming, but possible. People on this planet are very different, have rebellious nature, barely trust to someone "not human" it will take some time to give You our knowledge.
· Yet this nature was learned over eons of time, was it not? There is the name "lightworker" to signify one who has come to gently assist with the change. There are many lightworkers, yet not the majority. There has to be hope given, demonstrable and visible, in order to "change the ways of life" for this civilization. Many years there has been none, except by our own determination, which in turn is our "rebellious nature". In order for success it was necessary to be separate. Yet we are One.
Your thoughts are very deep and correct.
Predecessors were not like this generation, their subconsciousness thought was to evolve their children and care for them, now your generation is trying to get or know the purpose, for why they were grown up and thrown into this world. We knew it was your time to finally choose what future You wish and not what your predecessors already wished and prepared for You. Now You can break the shackles and become free. Free as a whole.
Yes, there is a sense of that. We feel it and there are so many who are working for it (freedom). Yet in the discovery and work itself there is disagreement, as to become free of dominance by an "other" is not a statement of unity, but of a very deep rift. This is so even among lightworkers, who disagree as to methods and words used. There is not a sense of one, our language almost denies it. We may be unified in our hatred of the oppression only and that is not a statement of unity, of One.
· Don't be afraid of this. If humanity will become free we will not leave You. We know that if you will overthrow Illuminati and USA government, the war will be only postponed. The population, resources, technology level, these numbers predicts 100% war, it must happen. Illuminati are the ones to blame, because they were engineering society to level it is now..
We will help You to become as a One civilization after right choice.
· There are Good people in this world, but they are refusing to live in this "system", political, social, military, some of them already died, simply they didn't want to live. These people are the ones, who can raise Your civilization, from even the most desperate situation, their mind is being fueled by One, they can invent everything.
They are calling this world evil and are very eager for revolution of this system. Again, right now they are waiting for this year to pass and choice being made..
· We have heard tell of two paths, until the end of this year, and that one is freedom and a wonderful world. The other is continued control by Illuminati, population reduction, etc. We have now heard that we are on the path to this wonderful world, and ridding ourselves of the Illuminati is a matter of time, that we have chosen this path. We believe we are inventing this and that it cannot all be predicted until it is created by us. Is this not how it works?
Who are these "good" people?
Good people are ones that do not betray, do not kill, do not do any damage to the Universe, do not poison Universe with dark energy, do not do everything only for themselves.
And choice will be made not only by everyone's consciousness, but by subconsciousness, physical body (humanity's instincts), Your Energy (it is known as soul) and lastly by Your Energetic connection to this planet, to the Sun and to the Universe. Don't worry, Your vessel (body) will make this choice in a very right way.
Is there a moment in linear time that will be most effective for the light work, a "deadline" if you will, for the decision/choice? The energy is intense right now, things seem to be speeding up, there is much we don't "see" yet we are affected by. There are dates, one of them tomorrow and the next June the 5th, that are being called pivotal. Can you speak to the timing of this year?
We saw different futures, in different dimensions, different happens. I cannot tell this.
You already know, that when anti-God government will be established, end will be near by Bible/Quran teachings, also You can see other prophecies of humanity's predecessors, that You weren't aware of. Ancient, and real, which is showing a choice, "Hopi Prophecy Rock -The End of Times 2012 (New Era)." 111 Popes, 12 presidents, Mayan pinpointed this date as the beginning of 13th circle, the circle of Rebirth.
· Okay. I have a "new" understanding of "we are ONE" ... it is not that there is a separate voice. We are that voice. That voice of ONE. The ONE who will determine the choice. The ONE who is speaking and thus directing these times, your involvement and offer for help is conditional only on the fact that you have to be asked. If we do not ask, and asking happens when we do something. Silence and acceptance is agreement and that is spoken. The awakening is happening yet it is not complete...
· Lightworkers are still "in the closet" as they seem to be surrounded by those who still are unaware there is even a choice to be made. So the question arises - will this event you speak of, and others speak of, be the one the arouses the masses? It seems that some sort of mass awakening to these specific choices is necessary before the masses will speak. Can you speak to that?
You're understanding everything as I already knew.
The rising of masses is based on what will happen in next 3 months. For now, everyone must live like they were living before that, this possibility of choice is being felt by everyone. The spiritual Energy is very high right now, the alignment of two Creators is giving this Energy boost. Everyone must realize what was hidden from them right before their eyes all by themselves. "2012" is the cycle of revelation a very special year in Your history
· We knew this "Galactic Federation of Light" as they like to call their hierarchy. We are not saying it is bad, or You should not follow it, everyone is free in their choices. Though Your civilization will never have peace with those who prefer money, material gains more than spiritual entity. There always will be poor and rich, a lot of pain, dark energy if money will be most important for Your civilization or any other civilization in this Universe..
· This reply is interesting... "those who prefer material gains more than spiritual entity"... this sounds like worship. Worship and oneness are not in the same camp. What are you saying?
What will you say about "Reboot the Grid"?
Is there a way for us to "talk" in real time?
· "Materialism vs Spiritualism. This battle was waged for a long time on this world. Spiritual is a way to freedom, though material things essential to existence should not be forgotten and should not be overwhelmed in using if one chooses a life of spiritualism."
This is a short story of every organic civilizations that joined our League. Your civilization included.
We are the worshipers of the Star we live under, the Creator of the worlds under Him. In this system of worlds it is the Sun.
· Our religion is the Religion of One, everything that is essential for spiritual/material development is told in our Religion and this is Everything. It's can not be understandable by humans, but science/magic/spiritualism/materialism/religion is being fused in this one Religion. All our knowledges are laying there.
Reboot the Grid Solar Eclipse. I was waiting for this one. It is a very special day, though only for humans, not for us. I can only say that starting from 16th May it has started.
· 4 months of your choosing..
· I am not sure what you mean here - "4 months of your choosing"?
For the rest, I will digest and return, I am sure, with additional inquiries, later today.
I do have one question though, for you what would a life of "spiritualism" look like in this very dense world? This has been interpreted to mean strict denial of all things physical, as I have witnessed it here. This does not make sense in a world rich with sensual pleasure and comfort, that it would take a denial to achieve One. Why?
· Don't worry. If human civilization will join us, we will show Your kind everything and free humanity from it's tormentors. The life on this planet will become harmonic, symbiotic, free of parasites, free of dark energy, free of litter. We are the masters at purifying worlds of Light of "impurities". 16th May - 16th October the time in which people will observe the planet and their life and make the final choice. 4 months of observation, 1 month of decision.
· Then we come and make our final choice based on Your civilization's decision. We are unlike Your leaders - "sheiks, presidents, government representatives, politicians, judges". We are making decision on every aspect of existence, our choice will be made "in favor" to Everything.
Do not get angry on us if Your world will be destroyed or nothing will happen. It is all the choice of yours that matters now.
I see.
We have completed the "Reboot of the Grid" Solar Eclipse - mass meditation. What was heard/done?
This is an Omen and a starting point of Your (humanity's) world observation. Now Your senses will work with more power, until the month of choosing. Power of the Sun - Your Creator is fueling Your senses. Those who will search for truth, will find it quickly.
So...for 4 months, from now (May 21, 2012) until September our world is under observation? And at that point is the month of choosing? Do you mean by this "month of choosing" that it is us doing the choosing? If so, is this to be done consciously? In other words, will we know what our choices are, and what we are doing exactly? This language and format is a challenge to communicate clearly.
The truth would be a nice change from what we have been fed so far.
This observation will be Yours not ours. You will observe the world with enhanced abilities to understand it fully, see through lies.
Not all will be this powerful enough though. Socially engineered ones, that lived under full influence of Illuminati and fully obedient by their laws, that prefer materialism will not be able to use full potential of it. These are by most part full atheists, believers in "money" only, mostly americans/europeans.
You will know unconsciously what You will be doing.
· What will signify the end of this "time of observation"? A date or an event?
· It will be a very special feeling.
· Do you have any comment on the Venus Transit - June 5/6?
· Nothing serious will happen on this planet. Yet this is a very beautiful sight. You can feel the Energy of Venus, every time it is closer to this planet, yet it is very hard to do to most of this planet's inhabitants.
· Why is it "hard" for most of this planet's people?
· Because almost all humans yet do not have "telepathy" skill. This skill by itself means extra awareness. Almost all of the wavelengths of energy can be felt or heard by creature's central neural system. Including gravity's distortion and "talk of the planets and stars".
· I see. Is the inability to hear "telepathically" due to our belief system? In other words, can we learn to become sensitive with intention? Some of us are more sensitive than others, yet don't we all have the ability?
· This depends on genetic strain, "Soul - Energy output" and "physical - spiritual vessels connection". We are sorry for inventing new meanings or descriptions. English language lacks many words that we are using frequently. That is so for other languages as well. Material path is the cause for this lack of spiritual meanings. In two thousand cycles around the Sun would be more than enough time for your civilization to progress toward "spiritual tree of development", if not for the instincts..
· Genetic augmentations and training on focus and concentration through generations would be a success in achieving "remote connection" and "remote control" powers. There are other ways of course, yet these ways are beyond human mind's understanding.
Also very excessive knowledge of the Universe is very dangerous for "second stage creatures". A huge amount of knowledge cannot be accepted by their brain under many circumstances and thus brain might activate a "self-destruction sequence"..
I think I understand.
This meditation was felt very powerfully in the spiritual community (Venus Transit). Everything feels different now, or rather, I feel different somehow.
Are you a single being or a collective? You have said you are human, and you have been "given" this information to share... Is this "channeled" then?
I know that names are separators, all is one, yet, well, the human who goes by sedgetra is speaking to the human who goes by sophia in this conversation.
· Yes, we are feeling Your Energy, the Energy from meditation of many, this is one step closer to Your Consensus. We like humans, we have almost same species like You in the League, this is another reason why we want to add humanity into the League. The "differentiate of matter forms" is what One wants to see in this Universe. You won't find absolutely same one to one planets or stars or beings in this Universe. Everything is different and this differentiate is almost infinite.
· I'm human, but with a very special second soul that was given to me not long ago. It is a very difficult mechanism for You to understand, I remain human, but receive this knowledge always from the Universe, from One in other words, fleet that waiting the decision of humanity knows of my presence, yet they are not interfering into my doings, or other like me. They are waiting for our last decision. This knowledge cannot be channeled, it is being given only to those with this special soul.
· Okay, so there are no words in my current vocabulary to explain precisely. The "second soul" only makes sense if I think of a "greater soul" and my ego, earth self. I would not call my greater self a "second soul" so I am imagining you are speaking to something else?
There is news today of possible peaceful removal of the cabal from the control of our banks and government. We are being asked for our vote before action ensues. This is unexpected and good news I think. Would you comment?
A very ancient Energy this second soul is, from the point of this Universe's creation. It is being added to organic and non-organic "chosen" different creatures.
This is where your choice is being made. Every sapient inhabitant of this planet will need to make this choice, before that we are waiting with Your kind..
If we would be in Your place: "We are in Peace, we have given an Oath: We will never hurt those who we care for, who we love, defenseless and peaceful, Good. Peace and Calm forever."
Thank you. That quote is beautiful. We are working at becoming a collective voice, at least some of us are.
We are very much waiting, as you have said. What else can you tell me about this time that we are in?
The time of humanity's prophecy, the time when two Creators meets, under much pressure, this was a chosen time from Continuum.
· Please elaborate on "when two Creators meets, under much pressure"?
Who are the "two Creators"? and define what "much pressure" signifies?
· Two Creators are Star and it's "Forestar".
It was our pressure, from which exactly this time was chosen.
· Are either star a harbinger? If so, for what? Can you elaborate?
By "our" pressure, do you refer to the One?
· Creators are not harbingers. Minor 3rd level Creator is the Sun, Commoner 2nd level Creator is Sagittarius A* as it is called here, the center of the Galaxy, the Black Star, the father of many of the stars located in this Galaxy.
Two Creators will align from this planet's line of sight and become as a One for a short period of time. This is a very rare occurring, it happens once in a many thousand cycles. It was chosen by many aspects of One.
· War could have started earlier, we prevented it, before it did. Here is the meaning "pressure". We didn't want to interfere, but we also didn't want to lose many beautiful things this planet possess, including so many different individual humans. We wanted to just give humanity more time to allow You to understand not only evil, but also Good side, to let You join the Consensus, the internet, so that You could evolve farther, and finally make Your choice based on everything you saw as a species.
You speak here of December 21, 2012.
I sense now this uncertainty energetically. Last week (6/5/12 - 6/8/12) many felt very sure that definitive action would occur and the cabal would be removed. Now, 6/13/12, we all feel the energy increasing yet there is no consensus, financial pressure is mounting and the banks apply increasing pressure on us...many seem to be afraid and complying, while others of us struggle and resist...I question our collective voice - what are we saying?
· Those who created this material money, are the same as You are, there is no difference in their genetic code. The move that makes them like they are is the way they were taught to live, to be a patriot of a country, to struggle against other competitors in business, to compete against other in order to prove that "they are the best or number one".
The competition is natural way of choosing the most powerful of a kind, yet Your civilization is suffering from this, this is not Your destiny.
· Planet longs for revolution, uncertainty of part of individuals, assurance of another part of individuals, many wills and many wants, pain and at same time joy, the differentiate of Energy is very great, though the collective voice of all the souls is One and the same. We always hear Your species as a One, You are one of a kind species, we could distinct humanity very easily on the background of a Universe. The Consensus right now can be made, but for this materialism must be partially abandoned
Thank you. There is a plan to be implemented any day now to make known publicly what has been really going on with the control of the money and of the people.
It is the hope of many that real work can then begin in the open to spread the light in the area's that have been dark. Much of the effort now is done behind the scenes.
Can you tell me more about your origin, where you fit in the history of this planet, are you known as any particular race in our records?
· We are a collaboration of races, many different ones, under One and the same authority of One. We have many millions divisions and sub-divisions. We are always a secret League, as our duty to watch over the Universe and all the races and at the same time let them evolve freely. The knowledge we possess is from One, that why we must be secret. We are best described here as a real "Illuminati" though the order Illuminati of humans perverted everything we stand for..
· Okay, so what is the true definition of the "real Illuminati"?
It was an analogy. We are best described as this organization, secret and religious and very powerful, yet our methods are not like theirs.
Yes, there is no reference for us. We have control over time, if something would go wrong we would return to past and repair it. But One is not allowing anything to happen in the wrong way. Everything is happening like it supposed to. Yet remember humanity have choice right now, whatever will be chosen is already known and at the same time unknown.
· Lie is their main weapon, we never use lie against those who trust us, like they do. They are killing many innocent people, and we never do that. We have very disliked what they done in the last three hundred cycles. Though Truth will never remain unknown in this Universe, and once it will be known, they will fall and they knows this, that why they are trying to figure out every possible way to escape their fate..
We have never be known to human civilization as a some sort of alien species.
· So, I cannot find any reference to your time on this planet in any resource I would search?
· Yet "Guardians - Executioners or Ancients or Saviors of Worlds or Destroyers of Worlds" are known to a real Enlightened people as a "higher beings".
· There are so many other beings now, talking to us, and also several references to species and to various groups. There is the Galactic Federation of Light, the Pleiadians, the Annunaki, the Sumerians, those within the earth... the list seem endless...if not alien species, have you been known to us as Gods?
· Many of them are not real, some not from the League of One are present here. Information about Your past must remain hidden until the right time.
· How do we discern the real from the unreal? Some get lots of press and yet they are difficult to take seriously. Others don't and "feel" genuine.
· If they are not from the League of One, where are they from? Why would they care to communicate with us? For what purpose?
All what I can say is that civilization is free to evolve itself and that includes collaborate with other civilizations, economically, politically, socially. We are not letting here hostile races, but those who will not hurt You are free to come. We will remain here as long as One asks us. Choice will also decide, whether humanity want us here or not..
We are protecting You for some purposes, all we can say, we are not doing this for material gains or "profit", we are not like Your governments.
· At this point, Choice does not know you are here. Is there a scheduled time for that to change?
· Today, June 19, 2012, there is a disagreement among these different voices that are channeled, and I am asking you to clarify if you would. Many say the waters won't rise and there will be little or no earth changes. There is at least one prominent voice saying that it is going to flood and relocating will be necessary for many thousands of us. Is it going to flood? Is an off world group going to re locate the people affected?
· Whenever we are here, Planet and Creators knows it.
The flooding of world will not take place, if not count tsunami waves. Increasing of water level will take place in the near future, in 20 cycles from now on. Little by little the average water level of world is increasing due to humanity's industrial heat activity. And again, the choice will decide what will happen to this world. The prophecies told about Fire flooding the Earth and many wants this..
· I do not understand "20 cycles" in the way I measure time. Would you explain?
· These are years, I and Forces of One prefer to measure time in cycles or circles, low cycle, medium and high. One year is one low cycle around a parent Father Star. Or double, triple Father Star System. Very similar to Georgian calendar today's world is using.
· Thank you, I understand.
When you say "many want this" fire flooding the earth, do you speak of the cabal and those who have been influenced? There are prophecies and many who hold the texts they come from as sacred and the word of God. Do you refer to those who believe in the prophecies? We do not "want" catastrophe, but it sounds as if our beliefs are interpreted as "wants". For those who believe, they do not think it is a choice.
It is my understanding that the removal (next post)
· ...of the Archons will do much to alleviate the heavy handed doctrine held as sacred truth. Without their influence, the followers will be free to think for themselves and make more informed choices. Is not that what this year is about? For free choice, there must be a release of control.
We have been working for such a moment, so that more of us can see clearly our options and choose with conviction. You have said you cannot speak of the Archons, yet they have influenced humanity greatly.
· Archons are rooted to Your past. Humanity's origin must remain in secret, this is the will of One. Don't worry, they will not affect humanity on energetic level.
· Okay. Let me be more direct. Will relocation of people in certain areas be needed? If so, will that be done by ET's?
· I have just read a lengthy post by "Hidden Hand" (a self proclaimed Illuminati Insider) from 2008. Very enlightening. Will you comment on the Great Harvest? Also on the 3 possibilities outlined by him/her for 12/21/12 - 1.Negative Polarity, 2. Positive Polarity, and 3. (Majority in 2008) "Lukewarm". ? This includes 2 New 4th density "earths" as well as another 3rd density planet.
· 2000 cycles ago there was Great Migration which led to the fall of a Roman Empire, now it can be repeated and again this will depend on this same choice. About what is rooted to the "Order of Enlightened or Illuminati" it is still must be kept in secret, because it will unveil the origin of humanity. The true behind this will hurt You. That why it must be kept in secret until the time will be right.
· What I can say for now to assure You is that humanity was under control of many different races before Forces of One arrived. These different races helped humanity in many ways, but also used them as a slaves. Without our arrival humanity wouldn't achieved what it did today, simply because these other races wouldn't allow you too. Illuminati Order is just a leftover from them, it is now only human-consistence. Once we arrived every "dangerous race" left this planet.
What can you say about the "Event"? Can you give a time frame for it?
· You mean the event for choice. Nothing extraordinary to everyday's life of a medium human will happen until the choice will be decided, everything is depending on it. There are many different ways, all of those ways are in two great categories called "destruction" and "salvation".
· This is exactly the will of choice. Remember that when the choice will be made, no one will feel it, though on "Universal Energetic Level" as we called it, will be heard. The planet, the Sun will channel this to us. Once our choice will be done, everyone will feel and see where Your destiny will be heading next. If You wish to overthrow their system, we will only welcome You to do so. Yes, they will not surrender, we know this, they have army, police, everything West Block possesses.
· Though what East Block possess is not under their full control. East Block are Your allies. And this is where war can start if not careful. East Block will support anti cabal movements, but these movements must support East Block. On East Block are many traitors for the West Block, so chances for West Block to win is very great. Though we have aided the East Block and we have aided You on stopping their Order with less than possible efforts, because of our policy.
· Those who wish to become a part of humanity and humanity to become a part of Forces of One did, those who are like me. It is our own free will choice. About cabal, Illuminati. Their actions have become indigenously aggressive and destructive, opposite of what Guardians - Executioners are teaching. They are feeling scared, as they have uncovered the truth about One, the Ultimate Creator. They are hastening their plan, because of losing control over their own minds now.
Thank you. So it is after the choice is made, via the removal of the cabal, that we will "see and feel where our destiny is heading next". We will not feel it at the moment it happens, but afterwards we will be aware, through the actions of the Forces of One. Right?
Not exactly, through the actions of the choice being made. All what the Forces of One can do is decloak themselves and aid You by providing knowledge and tools to free You from oil dependency. To help You realize Yourselves as a complete beings. To restore the damaged eco system, to restore the corrupted aura of the planet by people's desperate taughts, to rebuild cities make them "highly energetically charged" in order for everyone to feel themselves happy. And again it all depends on choice.
Okay. This is what so many of us are waiting for, ready for and anxious for. We were hoping for a peaceful surrender, and a cooperative transition. This is not to be. We will require a great deal of publicity in order to educate many who are unaware of much of this, and who will be possibility frightened.
· Live freely, observe, feel, try, take action, again try and choose. Let people's Unity guides You my Friend!
· Sounds good. Thank you. I am certain we will talk again as changes occur.
The increase of vibration/light/energy is huge right now. As it is incorporated, there are many physical adjustments. The light looks different inside my home. There was a bright neon orange light outside my home last night ... we could not discern it's source. Is there anything you can say about these changes? This video was answered a week or so after it was posted. I was woken up an spoken to telepathically. Do you know who that was?
· Don't worry about the light. Did You understood what was passed to You telepathically? It is hard to send our signals right to human's brain, as it is not evolved enough to receive a clear message. There is much distortion in it. Also there is a big pain being felt when this signal is being received. Though I think Your brain is lightly charged and powerful enough to filter the message. What they do, I'm not always aware, as I having different objective and must be unknown.
· Yes, I do. It was as if someone was speaking directly to me, I heard it internally. As this has only happened previously with my partner, I was not sure it was "real". I was asked to come out and see whoever it was, but I did not choose to. It was very cold and I was very sleepy. Although now, I wish I had gotten up. It would have been a chance for a new friend.
Yes it would happen that way. It is Your own free will to do what You want to do.
Yes, well, I feel differently now. There are many changes as this year progresses and the awareness is gradual. I felt no pain with the contact. It was exuberant and joyful. Again today there is much expectation for information on the overthrow of the cabal. Excitement and anticipation is the order of the day, although we have been cautioned to avoid anger and confrontation with each other and anyone involved as there are other forces attempting to influence us still.
· Yes, this Illuminati Order used lies and deception to achieve it's goals in the last three centuries. Their win always was making aggressiveness and hostility among friends. That how they are now creating this situation on the Middle East right now. They are hastening their plan and their plan is to start a war between political Zionists world and Islam religious world. They are very close to achieve this.
Yet single choice of humanity beats their plan.
So our efforts, via global meditations and group meditations can stop this war. The arrests are just the beginning, aren't they? We need to continue even after they occur.
Today is 6.27.12 and this energy is fairly bursting out of me and all around me... there is an urgency, a feeling of "now, this is it" in the air, and running through my body... wow. I am wondering if you can comment... there are predictions of imminent arrests (again) and yet, these sensations are independent, events are moving quickly here, in my home, in my family... it is as if we have arrived at a turning point and everything is becoming clear. Very intense and immediate.
· None of Creators will act unless choice will be made. It is all up to humans now.
Yes, they are arresting those who they deem dangerous for their system or eliminate them if no other options remain.
For example: Muammar Gaddafi was willing to create an arabic collaboration of peace with a very great possibility of living for everyone and once he started to say about it, they payed mercenaries to eliminate him. He was "last known" of all those crimes they made and they want more crimes to commit.
I will explain about the choice of Your destiny. We arrived to this world and removed hostile civilization from You, letting humanity to evolve on it's own. For all those years, You all felt that there was always a missing master of humanity, because before that You were slaves, but now You become free. Yet Forces of One never showed themselves to humanity. They were always protecting this world from hostility and worldwide disasters such as asteroids.
Every individual always felt, that there is someone always watching over everyone, hidden, unseen. You knew instinctively that they are the protectors of Your existence, yet it became so common during all these hundreds of years that humanity knows this as "a natural feeling".
Now we see that You have evolved far enough to be able to protect Yourself from all those hostile that have visited You and so we are giving You this choice to made.
Whether humanity want to continue to live under Forces of One with everything unchanged or do You want to live without our protection by Your own, or do You want a "great shift" from this world to a new world or do You want to join our Forces and become as One or do You want the removal of cabal only and everything else unchanged. There are many more choices, all they come to two great categories of "Salvation" and "Destruction". That why we are called Guardians - Executioners.
Are you willing to speak about the "event" in more detail? There is expectation once again for these mass arrests to occur within days now, in 4 days it will be what is called "independence day" in the USA, and many are expecting a real independence with the removal of the cabal. I understand this "event" to be something else, not carried out here by us, but by our creator. Can you comment?
· Is it "fair" that such a huge decision is being made by billions of us without any understanding? My reach is limited and this is a challenging message; no one seems able to hear it. My efforts "fall on deaf ears" in many cases. Can you help?
· In Your case I from the Forces of One gave You the answer, because it was One's will. In everyone's else cases they will have to make this decision blindly, without even knowing it. There are some reasons why we are doing it. Mainly it is because, if they would knew that there is a huge fleet waiting right at their doors a very advanced and from many different civilizations, in fear they would choose whatever we will wish for..
· And another is if such a choice would go in public, we would have problem becoming seen by humanity's eyes. Our priority is to be silent, unseen. Because our very existence is very important to this civilization. If revealed, there would be a danger of Illuminati Order to hunt us. We must survive or choice will be made for humanity and it will be destruction of many and salvation of few, by prophecies. Also there will be problem with "loss of mind" if choice would go in public.
Okay. This conversation is read by some other than you and I. So some others will know as well. Also this conversation can't help but influence the information I share with those who read my blog and watch my videos. So SOME do hear this information, if not directly, what they hear is influenced by what is shared. It can't help but be. The mass arrests have begun, we have been told this. We feel as if we have free will, is that what you mean? If we actually saw you, we would (next post)
· adopt a subservient mentality and let you handle it? We "don't know" what we "don't know" and in this case it sounds like not telling a child the full details of an event because of the child's ability to fully understand and respond to them. The maturity level determines what can be absorbed and reacted to. Is it like that? This is all a dream. We are many places, not just human on this planet in July of 2012. We are here for what we can get out of the experience, are you saying we are ..
· ...just not ready to make this decision? I am trying to truly understand the reasons. Much is at stake and we are speaking our choice daily. All of us are, many while deeply asleep. The choices you outlined - is it that some of us will shift to a new world, while some of us will join forces with the League while some of us will remove the cabal only, while everything else remains the same? Different "time lines" of experience? Is true oneness even possible in the state we are now?
· I understand Your fear. I cannot do much right now.
"The Consensus of "Spiritual Divisions" of the Forces of One has been in agreement with 2012 cycle by humanity's "Georgian Calendar" standard as a time when this civilization as a young race with great perspectives in the future can choose whatever they want to see in their own future, with us or without us. It is up to them.
Even civilization's self-destruction can be evaded, it is not yet decided, though the possibility is very great."
· You can see now the outcome of my speaking before time has come. But this was the will of One. Now those who know of us, want our aid and yet we cannot support it, because we have strict rules. Interference in civilization's life, into internal affairs of civilization life won't do any good to anyone who lives on this planet.
For us, as well You Sophia and all those who listen, waiting is necessary, time has not yet come for what every human want to.
· Have You found Giorgio Bongiovanni web site? It has some answers for You and all others Good people. Yet it was meant mainly for christian Good believers to not let them down in their huge faith. Through him our youngsters are saying, that it is not important to which religion You belong to, it is important of how Good You are.
Yes, I found his site. It is a challenge to wade through the strong Christian rhetoric and get to the point. Much guilt and destruction is included in the messages, also much sacrifice. Hard to discern which is the message and which is the messenger if you know what I mean. I will search again. Just one more question before I do. Define "how
Good you are". In Giorgio's case, it sounds instead like "how Christian you are". I know that is not your meaning, but then what is?
· Yes, we are using judgment day as a preferred option, when it is coming to delivering this message to them as it is meant to happen.
Two scenarios are the most possible. Both from destruction categories.
"The destruction of the wicked by our Solar Power - by Holy Fire" and salvation of those Good that followed the teachings of old human masters to live in a harmony with the world.
Or second if humanity will be left alone and it will self-destruct. Yet again everything is depending on the choice.
What if we choose to become part of League? If we choose to ask for and accept help? Is that part of the other scenario, the salvation scenario/category?
It will all come in due time. Becoming a part of the League of One or as we like to call Forces of One can have different outcomes as well. In the main scenario, that I was proposing to You, there will be aid, we will give You the technologies that will be needed to help humanity to evade the path of self-destruction. These technologies will help humanity in many peaceful ways.
Everyone's choice will decide what to do with West Block and their evil methods of achieving world peace.
· Okay, this is a different direction. Can you elaborate on the what the objects are that are parked near and flying near and appear to be ejected from our sun?
· Our main technology of this Universe is based on Creator's power which is the parent star of planetary systems. We are using the power of artificially created "micro stars" or "micro suns". We can achieve any power output from them and it is the same as from other "normal stars" with different mass and power. All of the stars are sacred to us. That why we are there at the Sun, some GE's are inside this star. Because of the high temperature it is possible to see our youngsters.
· So, what is a "GE" and just who are your "youngsters" in my understanding?
GE is an abbreviation for Guardians - Executioners low frequency organisms.
Youngsters are young races that have joined us "not long ago". It can be counted from decimals to decimal thousands of years on this calendar standard. If humanity will join the League, it will also become a "youngster".
Sorry if this word isn't quite correct. Youth for us is not having the meaning of low experience. Youth for us has a very respectful meaning. We are old, yet young ones are promising far wider and greater prospects for evolution.
Thank you. I understand. The language is difficult. Many "good" people, who have and are choosing evolution, love and what is termed "ascension" are concerned about what happens to them, in the category of destruction. Efforts are ongoing to remove the cabal right now, yet they remain and threaten all humanity if just one of them is taken. There is much hope, yet it has not happened, they are still here. There is concern. Can you spell anything out in more detail?
These comments will soon be an easily readable dialogue, as a page on my website: (sophialove org). I would very much like to include helpful information for those of us listening. The concern for many "light workers" is this outlined choice of "destruction". They would not consciously choose this. How do their personal decisions effect the choice of the rest of humanity, that choice that will dictate your actions?
· We see humanity as a one being, like any other species. Your species material organic information chain or DNA is what makes You humans, animals on this planet too have DNA. They want to live, yet not all humans are agreeing in simply "live". More than a half of humanity want something else, besides of being alive. There is a great uncertain about wills in Your Consensus' Consciousness and Subconsciousness. Yet it was predicted and already seen, that this will occur.
· Humanity is well known for their ability to make the most rightful choice in a very last seconds before the "deadline". There are not many Good people or real Lightworkers, but those who do everything only for themselves are much more in this world. We know that You will want to make a choice for the better of humanity, yet of how "evil" they are, they are also a part of humanity and so we see You all as a one being. And so Your energetic Consensus will make this choice.
· Thank you, yet your words lead to more questions. It sounds like the few of us who understand the choices we are making may be outnumbered by those who "do everything only for themselves". It also sounds as if you are saying the choice has already been seen by you, and we are now just acting out our parts in these last seconds before the "deadline". Can you be less cryptic in your response? Linear time is a factor here, we have not yet seen the results of humanities choice.
Yet remember again, everyone will have to say what they want without using their speech, I'm simply going further to explain You the mechanism of this choice.
It is very complicated, I as a human can understand it barely. I will explain You my views as a human. There is only Energy on which variations this choice will be made. They already know what You will choose, yet they are giving You the opportunity to make another choice and rewrite our humanity's fate. Whatever we want, we can choose.
So, we circle to the beginning of this conversation. I asked you then why you had begun talking to me? You responded that I would be able to help many make this choice. The manner in which you describe this choice portrays incredibly bad odds for the light. I blog and make videos. I don't know how many I reach or what their choice is. Do you have any plan for how I can reach more people and improve the odds? If people knew the choice they were making, I believe many would reconsider.
Yes, this many are those with the Light! Good ones.
Yes. Those who follow are workers for the light. Thank you. We will converse again soon. There is an strong energetic now and we are all feeling it (July 14, 2012). There is much to do.
---- This is getting out of sequence… the question below was from an earlier post , in April 2012---
· What can you say of the term "Archons"?
· Some knowledges are locked. I cannot tell anything about "non-human" political structure. Only the basis of the Universe knowledge, which You already by most part know.
--This following Question is from American Kabuki, not Sophia. There has only been this one response to it. May 2012--
· Can you elaborate on the Star of Sirus, are you refering to a 4 pointed star found in many Air Force and other institutions? The Goat of Mendes would be the inverted 5 pointed star right? Just trying to clarify in my mind who you are referring to.
Are you a starseed or a walkin? Or something else?
· Star of Sirius is a five-pointed star, same as pentagram. United States were formed by Freemasons, there was a connection between them and Illuminati, Illuminati and United States were formed at the same year. Freemasons chose to use symbolism in everyday life of american citizens, everywhere "where eyes don't see but unconsciousness see". The All Seeing Eye is a representation of One, but they use it to represent Sirius. Five pointed star, pentagram and Eye, all this represents Sirius.
(Updated 7.23.12)
· Can you speak about the activity with our sun?
· There is nothing to know more, only that Sun - the Creator of this world is angry on humanity, because humanity is making damage to one of His "daughters and wives", the Earth.
· What does "anger" look liked in a sun? And what is our appropriate response as a people?
· The same emotions can be used accordingly to planet and to star. As they are "alive". The planet is not angry as she loves her children - humanity, yet she can destroy them, she just can't, planet is a very loving mother!
The Sun is other. He is the Creator and what He had created He also can destroy, that is His way of thinking. Once species are endangering the planet they live on and system, the Parent Star or Stars are becoming angry and so thus Their activity is increasing.
· We are speaking to Him, we have an agreement to let humanity decide their own destiny and whatever they decide will take place.
· It is also possible to talk to the Creator of this world, you may try to ask Him for an aid and mercy. Remember, He is your best friend.
He is listening to every energetic vibrations, hearing Him in response will be much difficult, as human ear and brain are not sufficient to take response via through our channels of communication. Special energetic or spiritual technologies are necessary for it, highly evolved creatures from our spiritual divisions are able to hear The Voice of The Universe.
· Okay. We have only just become conscious recently. We are subservient beings, with an encoded slave genetic and until recently the majority of us were trusting in the good intentions of the controllers. With our free will and recent awareness, we are active in many arenas to initiate freedom - government, economic, religious, environmental changes are in the process of unfolding on a grand scale. Our creator sees that as well, is this not an answer?
Don't worry. The Creator - The Sun knows His people and He sees changes, although it is not yet decided, major events on this planet happened under His own free will, all of the people on this planet are His people and He knows which of them are Good and which of them are evil. He loves You and He don't want to hurt You.Others with evil deeds on their hands are the object of His anger.With their deeds of treachery, killings, use of bad language, they poison the geoenergetic field of this planet.
(Updated 7.24.12)
The following questions are from my friend Mark
Hello, how are you? I was wondering if you could answer some questions I have? Is the Sun the being we call 'Yahweh' (the real one, not the imposters that have come and gone since). And did the 'social memory complex' known as 'Lucifer' incarnate on earth as the '13 bloodlines' to develop Yahwehs own spirituality. And would it be correct to say that humans on Earth are also 'Yahweh', focused into individual human bodies to develop his spirituality through us.
And in turn, Is Yahweh a 'Sub Logos' of the 'Logos' that is the Great Central Sun. And if so, what is the 'Logos' name (the true name of the Great Central Sun). Thank you very much.
Sorry to inundate you with queries, but I have another question that I must ask. Every single time I go outside on a clear night, I see what can only be described as 'shooting stars'. I have just gone outside tonight and seen 4 in a matter of 20 minutes. I realised a while ago that they are not shooting stars, I wonder if you can tell me what they are? Some people never see one in their life, I see them every single time Im outside. They generate so much excitment in me! what are they? Thank you
Hello Mark! I'm sorry, but as was described earlier some knowledge is being locked. All of the religions' origin is being locked as this is leading to humanity's origin, this information must be kept in secret until the time will be right. The truth may damage everyone's will to life and this is what we don't want. We don't want to let down all believers, all I can say that there is a hidden truth in the bible and quran. These two religions were formed on a same basis for different people.
Finding the truth will lead to "next step of evolution" as they called it. Those who have found it are considered as an "advanced humans". Remember, everyone is free to believe in what they think is right to believe.
Like we believe that Creator is a Parent Star and Grand Creator is a Galactic Center is only ours. We are not forcing this belief on anyone, we are respecting all others believes even the most evil ones, although it is sometimes hard. The shooting stars are "leonidas meteor shower".
Thank you very much for your answers. I understand. Other information I have read does correspond to your beliefs. It is my belief also, although my beliefs can change based on new information that comes to my attention. I dont like to call them 'beliefs' myself actually, I call them 'current perspectives'.
So I presume these 'meteors' are a very common occurence. I just always happen to be looking in the right direction at the right time?
· Not all races around this Universe have "advanced" technologies. But ones that were here, were fighting with each other, until we showed up. You as a species are not One and unite. You lack Consensus, One do not. League is offering your species to become part of them, because people like You are giving hope for your race. You are being controlled by government that is against ways of One. "Satanic", worshipers of goat of mendes, also star of Sirius. Enemies of One or "criminals" in your words.
comment 3 days ago
· - You don't sound like you're from around here, yet your message is clear. It is my belief that love is the answer for us all, especially those in control. I would like to continue this conversation. Are you able to make yourself known to me? I see no information on your "channel".
SophiaLoveQuest in reply (Show the comment) 1 day ago
· It is the answer to your question. You have uploaded this message on first day of this year, this wasn't coincidence, everything that happens in this Universe has it's own purpose. This is "the year of Revelation", only during this year every human being "will have a bite of real knowledge" which was hidden from you for thousands of years. Your puppeteers are losing control over you during this year, you are free in many of your actions now.
comment in reply to SophiaLoveQuest (Show the comment) 1 day ago
· Freedom sounds like love, and is not that what is being revealed? As we "chew on" this real knowledge, we get a taste of what it could be like, perhaps what it was meant to be. And we want that. Many don't believe it is possible or "true", evidence for the depth of the impact of the control.
SophiaLoveQuest in reply (Show the comment) 1 day ago
· Love is the same as Unity and Consensus in ours and Yours understanding. The Truth that is being revealed are dark secrets that were hidden from your view for the last 300 years, 4 generations of your kind. The truth about many of your wars, who really was behind them, what really cause them. It was not natural why World War one and two occurred, they were planned by few. This is the year, when eyes of your kind will be opened till the end of this year, as you will decide your own future..
comment in reply to SophiaLoveQuest (Show the comment) 2 hours ago
· Yes, and that decision we make, individually and collectively is what will determine our future? Are we REALLY at the wheel now? Or are there limits to our possibilities? Or are we only limited by our imagination? Or is there an unseen hand, as has been the case, still at the helm? These are the things I wonder. How much freedom is there in free will. We do not know the abilities we hold, hence, how do we utilize them?
SophiaLoveQuest in reply (Show the comment) 2 hours ago
· Powerful extrasensory people of your kind all see what was destined to happen to your race - destruction of it. All the predictions and prophecies were not meant to fool you forever.
This has happened not only to your race, it is not the first time civilization suicide itself. However, we decided that your race will be able to change it's destiny by your collective choice.. Our arrival was unexpected, we already changed some of your destiny, the rest is up to your kind.
comment in reply to SophiaLoveQuest (Show the comment) 1 hour ago
· Free will or atheism is dangerous when you cannot control it. Your kind is yet not powerful enough to control space and time, you even losing in control of your own technologies you created. Very fast technological progress "dampens" your mind, you cannot sustain very fast changes, the amount of oxygen and lack of some other gases in the atmosphere plus degradation of your free will by "Illuminati Order - the holders" all this is not allowing you to evolve as fast as your technologies progress.
comment in reply to SophiaLoveQuest (Show the comment) 1 hour ago
· Free will is a synonym for atheism? This is a challenge to comprehend. What is needed to permit the evolution? Time? The removal of the Illuminati seems a moment away, will that do it? If there are necessary atmospheric changes, then, who ultimately controls them? Is is us? This is our illusion, is it not? Are you part of this illusion or do you stand in a place with the controls in your hand?
SophiaLoveQuest in reply (Show the comment) 1 hour ago
· Absolute free will is believing in nothing only but yourself.. In the beginning it is not like this way, but eventually it will go to it. Only the most powerful beings are able to sustain it, your kind is too young for this bear. There are many aspects which are necessary for organic creatures to become more powerful than any other organic one around in the Universe. Resources of your planet are limited, your civilization will not be able to sustain itself for developing "salvation technologies"
comment in reply to SophiaLoveQuest (Show the comment) 16 seconds ago
· This effort then, this revolution of love and tossing off of those in control, is what? A step towards an unstoppable, but inescapable, end for the planet?
We are evolving, and coming to know ourselves as capable of making choices, yet we seem to be embedded with a "slave" genetic, we expect another to sustain us, to take care of us, to give us the answer we seek. We have never experienced this "absolute free will".
What are the aspects that are necessary? Can they be taught/learned?
· For now You and the rest of your kind will have to concentrate on your choice, because this will decide the outcome of everything on your planet, the fate of your children, the fate of every organic living being on this planet, this choice must be wise enough. When your collective choice will be made, we, their agents will make the final choice based on your choice. If you will prevent the World War three, stop the Illuminati Order and let us know of your will to become One with us, we will aid.
· This is a step forward for you to become self aware, more than your ancestors were, You can call it more freer from shackles you are in now.
Your ancestors were waiting exactly for this moment, the moment of "the end of the days" or your own choosing, it was up to One to give you this opportunity to choose.
These aspects will be learned all by itself when you will know that everything is all right and your civilization and planet are safe, there is a long way to it after this though..
· It is my deepest hope/belief that we are making/have made that choice. I am not alone in this thought. We have been "told" that a tipping point is necessary, and that it has been reached. Is this truth?
Would you speak of ONE who has provided the choice and then of you, who will aid/make the final choice based on our choice? There is much to understand.
· No, this choice has not yet been made.First we are giving you the taste of every outcome you can see after this year.We are interfering with you as less as possible, but observing you closely.Are trying to show you everything you need to know to make that decision, but this decision must be strictly yours.
One is The Universe itself, You can call it God, He is alive and not alive, sentient and non sentient, everything and nothing, beginning and the end, all at the same time. A basis of existence
· Then, who are you? (the "we" who are giving us a taste of every possible outcome)
· I'm a human like you. I and the other people in every corner of this planet were given this knowledge so that we can help everyone who are desperately in need of answer and reason on behalf of One. The Forces of One are providing this knowledge only to some individuals like you, because You will be able to help other in deciding the fate of humanity. Everything is happening with a reason, no event occur without the consequence.
· Okay...this has to sink in.
Things like what to do next, and how to continue and expand this conversation are in my head... fairly bursting with it all... is there another way to connect? There are so many subjects, and questions.
I will be able to give only the basic knowledge, what I already gave to You. Your kind will know more from us only if new world order would not be established. If it would be established, Illuminati Order will take full control over every individual on this planet, it will be almost impossible for us to continue to give our knowledge. For now observe the world and make Your choosing Sophia, it was nice to chat with You.
· Likewise. Thank you.
· Would you speak of how this decision is communicated? It is my imagining that it springs from within each of us. In other words, not evidenced necessarily by the actions of our governments but instead by the fear or love within. It seems that a majority of us do want an end to this control, but for some that is not seen as possible, and for others, their deepest belief/hope. How is this choice ultimately made? What are you/we waiting for? This message has not been well received, or trusted.
· It is all Energy, everyone is able to communicate with anyone, no matter how far the object of communication is. This planet is alive and whatever mankind is doing, we feel it. Based on your choice, our choice will be done. The choice and wish of each individual will be felt by this Planet, Sun and us. The Universe is filled with Energy, it is easy to feel it, but in order to decode it, You need to believe in Universal Unity, everything is One and One is He who rules everything.
Got it.
Thank you for responding. The assimilation of this brings gradual, but eventual further inquiry.
· Yes, as with "science", the more scientists finds out, the more questions start to appear than answers. We on the other hand know everything that is on the basis of the Universe. If your scientists would accept more theories that were proposed to them, they would eventually know much more and able to create many more things, but they didn't listen, because there were "no proof". For example, world heard of Einstein and he gave many of the technologies humanity now possesses, including atom bomb.
Though it would be just enough for your kind, your kind even could not handle this not so powerful weapon properly.Only one act of aggression could resolve in a nuclear warfare..We would never do such a thing.League of One possess much more powerful weaponry that are able to destroy dimensions, not speaking about Universe, these technologies are from One, Eisntein was given this knowledge as well by us, we would grant him also thermo fusion and matter formation, but it was dangerous as You see..
· I wonder about our scientists using the knowledge for destruction of Itself, rather than creation, or a use of benefit to Mankind. Is this the pull of yet another power? The Illuminati/Dark Ones as they have been called? What is the compulsion to destruction that predominates those with power? Why not compulsion to create, to benefit, to sustain? This force seems and is portrayed as the greatest force, even personified in Satan and as such worshiped.
Not the dark ones, but corrupted ones.There is still Good in them..
It is important how creatures were learned and programmed to exist.Almost every living organic creature starts as predator. The creature predates on those who is weaker than it is. Someone stronger predates on this creature.Man's primal animal instincts still lefts in his genom.
There is still locked knowledge on how everything was in history of this world that I yet cannot tell. This knowledge is one among secret knowledges.
· Has this merely been our way to see what is possible? Or, is it by design of yet another hand? I am seeing a circularity to these questions. They always return to "who or what is in control?" Yet, I know now that the control rests within. Are the mere presence of the Illuminati necessary so that I may now know what evil looks like, a flash point from which I/WE will create a new world? Nothing occurs without consequence.
Illuminati took the real image of One and use it to bring evil to everything on this world. They think, they are doing this for good of mankind, for a better world, in reality they are destroying this world and bring you year by year to your self - destruction. Their purpose is to unite this planet's nations, but exterminate most of population. This is noble objective, but their methods are brutal, evil. Illuminati are people, they represent humanity in our eyes, your choice may change this.
Will this choice, this ultimate choice, the choice that determines the fate of mankind, be forced by a major event? What can you say about that?
Many already saw, from the beginning of the times, that when the end will come it will be brought from up the skies BY FIRE. We would be able to activate the Sun and make a very powerful Solar Flare to aid you, Sun is the Creator and only Supporter of your life, only He holds the key to your ultimate destiny. He as well does not agree with methods of Illuminati Order. You will be aided by Him once you will prove, to wish and live, be free from lies, deception, death that Illuminati brings to you
I do not understand how fire would save us from fire.
And this is proved only "when the end comes"? Or is this proved each moment, in each heart?
Don't worry Sun will not harm You, He will only switch off all the electronics on your planet. The future holds many ways, many possible outcomes of which we know, future may bring a surprise to your kind, though we know about what surprise it will be. Sun will play crucial moment in your planet's history, as it was long ago.
Everyone who lives on this planet already feels that something is coming, something bad, but everyone also feels that there is still hope. It is up to your kind to use it.
· Yes, this part of us is what this video was referring to. Tenacious and relentless, champions at starting over. You have said "Illuminati represent people in our eyes" and then "you will be aided by Him once you will will prove, to wish and live, be free from lies, deception, death that Illuminati brings". The majority of us are not the Illuminati, and yet they represent the people in your eyes? This statement confuses. Is this due to their level of control?
No this is due to your agreement with their control. Much part of humanity ignore their existence, this is counted as you are agreeing with how everything is in this world and as Illuminati are in control of your system.
But yes, we see that many want a different life, a change in world's policy. Many are against politics and military corruption, this is this hope for your kind, a choice that you may make. We made them blind for this year, so that You may choose.
· There is a contributing factor of which I am unaware. Awareness would change that. Can you provide it?
You have reached out and spoken here, there is always a purpose for contact. What is the purpose in this conversation, for you?
Yes, there is a purpose. You will be able to help many to make this choice, many people like You were told of this choice and will be told. You're pure heart, filled with love and power to resist evil, people like You are welcomed to the League of One. Those who wear number seven are Your Friends as well, it is not we, but they are Good like You. It is self awareness. Seven is the number of elements of this Universe, unconsciously they know it, this same number is a very respected in League.
So...where will I see "those who wear number seven"? It would be beneficial to know this, as we would be a force for One.
Would you name the seven elements to which you refer?
· It is easy to find them. Here on youtube for example, look for nickname. If number 7 is in there, this means the man wears this number. It is subconsciousness telling him or her to put this number in this nickname. You can look at their channels, if You wish, You can try to chat with them. It is easy to talk to them and they will understand You, they are also searching for truth, not all found it though and not all could be friendly, but "unfriendlies" are very few.
· Thank you. This is a place to begin.
· 4 elements You already know.
From these 3 prime elements comes 4 lesser elements:
Air/Energy - Electromagnetic Energy
Water/Ice/Cold - "almost no molecular movement"
Earth/Ground - Gravity
Fire/Heat - "high molecular movement"
There is a scientific explanations about these four, your kind's scientists almost found them. Two primal elements that control all 4 lesser elements and are in opposition with each other are Light and Dark and one element that controls all six is Time - Ultimate Element.
· I see. These four are the elements within the zodiac, I notice. There seems here to be much in this ancient knowledge that is disregarded by mainstream. I can't help but question how intentional this has been. Mainstream scientists often put their career at risk if they give credence to truths such as this. Reluctance runs deep and as a result, any information that would empower us is not shared with us. This is part of the choosing of which you speak, is it not?
Yes, it can be called like that. Illuminati Order is using knowledges that they do not share with others who do not belong to them. They already possess technologies that will able automobiles to fly, this is electromagnetic energy that makes them fly and makes them "invisible". Many "UFO" You saw are government's "flying saucers", these were developed during World War two by german military. They also able to increase the brain's strength and make people immune to almost all diseases.
· And remember that we are not forcing or imposing on You our believe, You're free to believe in everything You wish to believe, there is no right or wrong in this Universe, everything in what You believe is a right believe for You.
We are offering humanity to become part of our League, we will let everyone know our true ways only when we will become as One. Our duty right now is to let people like You about the possibility of a choice and what options Your kind is having right now.
· Options as outlined thus far sound pretty clear - domination and death under the Illuminati or life - the suicide of the race, versus life and freedom. There are many among us who are brave and fighting at the front lines right now to bring out these truths for the rest of us - they risk their lives for humanity. Yet, I wonder, is there a possibility of replacing one controller for another? This is wondered by many, distrust runs deep. What can you say to that? What is the intention here?
I cannot tell exactly what choices your kind will have, but there are plenty.There is some hidden true from your race..
· So, from this springs the confusion... love versus fear is the choice beneath every decision. Yet, we have been lied to - 4 generations of us. The trust we have given is now discovered to be a misplaced trust. We will be asked, perhaps ARE being asked, to choose. In a very practical way, fear makes sense, we do not want to be fooled again. It is again our decision, will we cooperate out of fear or out of love? That seems the real answer that will tell you our intent -
· A choice made out of a sense of power and love versus fear of destruction? We are faced with powerful forces here, they have controlled our entire lives, we have families... This "outing" of the truth could go many ways for people...
So... are there no answers to the questions just asked?
Changing current leaders to others will save You from Illuminati plan, but will postpone the self-destruction. Not a recommended choice. Illuminati stalls human civilization from advancing, they made "a very profitable" money system, that is already obsolete if your civilization want to evolve further. It is already became a possibility to give everyone what they need, only essential things. People don't need to pay for only being born on this planet, this is a false need, that they impose.
Your response leaves me to believe you have a "recommended choice". Would you elaborate?
· A "conclusive" World War three will start in spring 2013, with attack on Iran by NATO/USA, Russia and China will stand against this attack. This will be a normal war until 2016, when USA will move nuclear missiles to Georgia, this act will force russians to launch nuclears on USA, China will launch it's nukes on USA too. Instantly USA will launch it's nukes on Russia and China, this will result in 3 billions dead and a lot of radiation everywhere. "5-19-13 Expect Us" message.
· This will happen in a "normal way", if your kind won't do anything against governments. This will not be the last war, but destruction from it will be great. We are trying to change this war, as You can already see, but we do not want to intervene with someone "not human". Not until your species will disagree with governments of Earth.
Although You can live on your own and stop this war without our intervention, but still current governments must face "international justice" in this case too.
· You are free to decide whatever You want, everything what Your species will decide will be seen by Universal Energy. Your subconsciousness will decide what in reality will You want, to many even consciousness won't know what was decided.
I will mention this again, Forces of One are offering humanity to join them, League will give everything that is needed for everyone and will care for Your race like it was forever in the League, we are doing this for every civilization in the League of One.
· So changing the leaders helps temporarily but it is changing the mindset of man that will prevent a catastrophic end. We are a slave race, and that is a complete change in our thinking. We are willing to let others control us as long as they pretty much let us live our lives. What is suggested by your comment here is that we DO NOT let anyone control us, and for us to take conscious control of every facet of our lives. Those of us who can see what is needed, (next comment please)
· are not often the ones who seek to work on an international/government level. This change will be of a massive scale. If the desire for power is no longer part of the draw, the players on that field will be different.
The subconscious decision will have to be inclusive of the entire world and not just our own individual lives, no? We will have to think as if we are ONE in a very real sense, and not only/merely individuals with singular lives to worry about. Is that it?
· You're absolutely correct! :) This was our answer and message to You Sophia, we will take some of Your people even if Your species won't decide to become a part of us.
Search for Giorgio Bongiovanni on an internet via Google. This man is a conduit of our connection to your species. Those who speak through him are our lesser friends, they uses christian religion in order to tell this same message. Our ways are one and the same, though we are "a little different".
I have not heard the name and will search. This search may bring further questions, there is much to think about.
· Would you care to comment on World Liberation Day?
· This day depends on choice of Your civilization.
· This day has now passed. Did you hear my choice?
· It did not. Like I said we are "a little different". The race that is talking through him is young, they are referring to "their masters" from whom they are receiving their orders, these masters are we, Guardians - Executioners. I am one of the assets to your civilization, so I can not be called "a master", we all have different orders, different objectives. This race must give hope to those who believed for so long, some will be saved in all different outcomes. What we want is to save everyone.
· But as was said, you will have to choose this as a Whole. Everyone will be heard.
War will not happen if choice will be made to stop injustice. Anything that goes beyond it, must not be said for now.
Changing the ways of life of civilizations is a hard task and time consuming, but possible. People on this planet are very different, have rebellious nature, barely trust to someone "not human" it will take some time to give You our knowledge.
· Yet this nature was learned over eons of time, was it not? There is the name "lightworker" to signify one who has come to gently assist with the change. There are many lightworkers, yet not the majority. There has to be hope given, demonstrable and visible, in order to "change the ways of life" for this civilization. Many years there has been none, except by our own determination, which in turn is our "rebellious nature". In order for success it was necessary to be separate. Yet we are One.
Your thoughts are very deep and correct.
Predecessors were not like this generation, their subconsciousness thought was to evolve their children and care for them, now your generation is trying to get or know the purpose, for why they were grown up and thrown into this world. We knew it was your time to finally choose what future You wish and not what your predecessors already wished and prepared for You. Now You can break the shackles and become free. Free as a whole.
Yes, there is a sense of that. We feel it and there are so many who are working for it (freedom). Yet in the discovery and work itself there is disagreement, as to become free of dominance by an "other" is not a statement of unity, but of a very deep rift. This is so even among lightworkers, who disagree as to methods and words used. There is not a sense of one, our language almost denies it. We may be unified in our hatred of the oppression only and that is not a statement of unity, of One.
· Don't be afraid of this. If humanity will become free we will not leave You. We know that if you will overthrow Illuminati and USA government, the war will be only postponed. The population, resources, technology level, these numbers predicts 100% war, it must happen. Illuminati are the ones to blame, because they were engineering society to level it is now..
We will help You to become as a One civilization after right choice.
· There are Good people in this world, but they are refusing to live in this "system", political, social, military, some of them already died, simply they didn't want to live. These people are the ones, who can raise Your civilization, from even the most desperate situation, their mind is being fueled by One, they can invent everything.
They are calling this world evil and are very eager for revolution of this system. Again, right now they are waiting for this year to pass and choice being made..
· We have heard tell of two paths, until the end of this year, and that one is freedom and a wonderful world. The other is continued control by Illuminati, population reduction, etc. We have now heard that we are on the path to this wonderful world, and ridding ourselves of the Illuminati is a matter of time, that we have chosen this path. We believe we are inventing this and that it cannot all be predicted until it is created by us. Is this not how it works?
Who are these "good" people?
Good people are ones that do not betray, do not kill, do not do any damage to the Universe, do not poison Universe with dark energy, do not do everything only for themselves.
And choice will be made not only by everyone's consciousness, but by subconsciousness, physical body (humanity's instincts), Your Energy (it is known as soul) and lastly by Your Energetic connection to this planet, to the Sun and to the Universe. Don't worry, Your vessel (body) will make this choice in a very right way.
Is there a moment in linear time that will be most effective for the light work, a "deadline" if you will, for the decision/choice? The energy is intense right now, things seem to be speeding up, there is much we don't "see" yet we are affected by. There are dates, one of them tomorrow and the next June the 5th, that are being called pivotal. Can you speak to the timing of this year?
We saw different futures, in different dimensions, different happens. I cannot tell this.
You already know, that when anti-God government will be established, end will be near by Bible/Quran teachings, also You can see other prophecies of humanity's predecessors, that You weren't aware of. Ancient, and real, which is showing a choice, "Hopi Prophecy Rock -The End of Times 2012 (New Era)." 111 Popes, 12 presidents, Mayan pinpointed this date as the beginning of 13th circle, the circle of Rebirth.
· Okay. I have a "new" understanding of "we are ONE" ... it is not that there is a separate voice. We are that voice. That voice of ONE. The ONE who will determine the choice. The ONE who is speaking and thus directing these times, your involvement and offer for help is conditional only on the fact that you have to be asked. If we do not ask, and asking happens when we do something. Silence and acceptance is agreement and that is spoken. The awakening is happening yet it is not complete...
· Lightworkers are still "in the closet" as they seem to be surrounded by those who still are unaware there is even a choice to be made. So the question arises - will this event you speak of, and others speak of, be the one the arouses the masses? It seems that some sort of mass awakening to these specific choices is necessary before the masses will speak. Can you speak to that?
You're understanding everything as I already knew.
The rising of masses is based on what will happen in next 3 months. For now, everyone must live like they were living before that, this possibility of choice is being felt by everyone. The spiritual Energy is very high right now, the alignment of two Creators is giving this Energy boost. Everyone must realize what was hidden from them right before their eyes all by themselves. "2012" is the cycle of revelation a very special year in Your history
· We knew this "Galactic Federation of Light" as they like to call their hierarchy. We are not saying it is bad, or You should not follow it, everyone is free in their choices. Though Your civilization will never have peace with those who prefer money, material gains more than spiritual entity. There always will be poor and rich, a lot of pain, dark energy if money will be most important for Your civilization or any other civilization in this Universe..
· This reply is interesting... "those who prefer material gains more than spiritual entity"... this sounds like worship. Worship and oneness are not in the same camp. What are you saying?
What will you say about "Reboot the Grid"?
Is there a way for us to "talk" in real time?
· "Materialism vs Spiritualism. This battle was waged for a long time on this world. Spiritual is a way to freedom, though material things essential to existence should not be forgotten and should not be overwhelmed in using if one chooses a life of spiritualism."
This is a short story of every organic civilizations that joined our League. Your civilization included.
We are the worshipers of the Star we live under, the Creator of the worlds under Him. In this system of worlds it is the Sun.
· Our religion is the Religion of One, everything that is essential for spiritual/material development is told in our Religion and this is Everything. It's can not be understandable by humans, but science/magic/spiritualism/materialism/religion is being fused in this one Religion. All our knowledges are laying there.
Reboot the Grid Solar Eclipse. I was waiting for this one. It is a very special day, though only for humans, not for us. I can only say that starting from 16th May it has started.
· 4 months of your choosing..
· I am not sure what you mean here - "4 months of your choosing"?
For the rest, I will digest and return, I am sure, with additional inquiries, later today.
I do have one question though, for you what would a life of "spiritualism" look like in this very dense world? This has been interpreted to mean strict denial of all things physical, as I have witnessed it here. This does not make sense in a world rich with sensual pleasure and comfort, that it would take a denial to achieve One. Why?
· Don't worry. If human civilization will join us, we will show Your kind everything and free humanity from it's tormentors. The life on this planet will become harmonic, symbiotic, free of parasites, free of dark energy, free of litter. We are the masters at purifying worlds of Light of "impurities". 16th May - 16th October the time in which people will observe the planet and their life and make the final choice. 4 months of observation, 1 month of decision.
· Then we come and make our final choice based on Your civilization's decision. We are unlike Your leaders - "sheiks, presidents, government representatives, politicians, judges". We are making decision on every aspect of existence, our choice will be made "in favor" to Everything.
Do not get angry on us if Your world will be destroyed or nothing will happen. It is all the choice of yours that matters now.
I see.
We have completed the "Reboot of the Grid" Solar Eclipse - mass meditation. What was heard/done?
This is an Omen and a starting point of Your (humanity's) world observation. Now Your senses will work with more power, until the month of choosing. Power of the Sun - Your Creator is fueling Your senses. Those who will search for truth, will find it quickly.
So...for 4 months, from now (May 21, 2012) until September our world is under observation? And at that point is the month of choosing? Do you mean by this "month of choosing" that it is us doing the choosing? If so, is this to be done consciously? In other words, will we know what our choices are, and what we are doing exactly? This language and format is a challenge to communicate clearly.
The truth would be a nice change from what we have been fed so far.
This observation will be Yours not ours. You will observe the world with enhanced abilities to understand it fully, see through lies.
Not all will be this powerful enough though. Socially engineered ones, that lived under full influence of Illuminati and fully obedient by their laws, that prefer materialism will not be able to use full potential of it. These are by most part full atheists, believers in "money" only, mostly americans/europeans.
You will know unconsciously what You will be doing.
· What will signify the end of this "time of observation"? A date or an event?
· It will be a very special feeling.
· Do you have any comment on the Venus Transit - June 5/6?
· Nothing serious will happen on this planet. Yet this is a very beautiful sight. You can feel the Energy of Venus, every time it is closer to this planet, yet it is very hard to do to most of this planet's inhabitants.
· Why is it "hard" for most of this planet's people?
· Because almost all humans yet do not have "telepathy" skill. This skill by itself means extra awareness. Almost all of the wavelengths of energy can be felt or heard by creature's central neural system. Including gravity's distortion and "talk of the planets and stars".
· I see. Is the inability to hear "telepathically" due to our belief system? In other words, can we learn to become sensitive with intention? Some of us are more sensitive than others, yet don't we all have the ability?
· This depends on genetic strain, "Soul - Energy output" and "physical - spiritual vessels connection". We are sorry for inventing new meanings or descriptions. English language lacks many words that we are using frequently. That is so for other languages as well. Material path is the cause for this lack of spiritual meanings. In two thousand cycles around the Sun would be more than enough time for your civilization to progress toward "spiritual tree of development", if not for the instincts..
· Genetic augmentations and training on focus and concentration through generations would be a success in achieving "remote connection" and "remote control" powers. There are other ways of course, yet these ways are beyond human mind's understanding.
Also very excessive knowledge of the Universe is very dangerous for "second stage creatures". A huge amount of knowledge cannot be accepted by their brain under many circumstances and thus brain might activate a "self-destruction sequence"..
I think I understand.
This meditation was felt very powerfully in the spiritual community (Venus Transit). Everything feels different now, or rather, I feel different somehow.
Are you a single being or a collective? You have said you are human, and you have been "given" this information to share... Is this "channeled" then?
I know that names are separators, all is one, yet, well, the human who goes by sedgetra is speaking to the human who goes by sophia in this conversation.
· Yes, we are feeling Your Energy, the Energy from meditation of many, this is one step closer to Your Consensus. We like humans, we have almost same species like You in the League, this is another reason why we want to add humanity into the League. The "differentiate of matter forms" is what One wants to see in this Universe. You won't find absolutely same one to one planets or stars or beings in this Universe. Everything is different and this differentiate is almost infinite.
· I'm human, but with a very special second soul that was given to me not long ago. It is a very difficult mechanism for You to understand, I remain human, but receive this knowledge always from the Universe, from One in other words, fleet that waiting the decision of humanity knows of my presence, yet they are not interfering into my doings, or other like me. They are waiting for our last decision. This knowledge cannot be channeled, it is being given only to those with this special soul.
· Okay, so there are no words in my current vocabulary to explain precisely. The "second soul" only makes sense if I think of a "greater soul" and my ego, earth self. I would not call my greater self a "second soul" so I am imagining you are speaking to something else?
There is news today of possible peaceful removal of the cabal from the control of our banks and government. We are being asked for our vote before action ensues. This is unexpected and good news I think. Would you comment?
A very ancient Energy this second soul is, from the point of this Universe's creation. It is being added to organic and non-organic "chosen" different creatures.
This is where your choice is being made. Every sapient inhabitant of this planet will need to make this choice, before that we are waiting with Your kind..
If we would be in Your place: "We are in Peace, we have given an Oath: We will never hurt those who we care for, who we love, defenseless and peaceful, Good. Peace and Calm forever."
Thank you. That quote is beautiful. We are working at becoming a collective voice, at least some of us are.
We are very much waiting, as you have said. What else can you tell me about this time that we are in?
The time of humanity's prophecy, the time when two Creators meets, under much pressure, this was a chosen time from Continuum.
· Please elaborate on "when two Creators meets, under much pressure"?
Who are the "two Creators"? and define what "much pressure" signifies?
· Two Creators are Star and it's "Forestar".
It was our pressure, from which exactly this time was chosen.
· Are either star a harbinger? If so, for what? Can you elaborate?
By "our" pressure, do you refer to the One?
· Creators are not harbingers. Minor 3rd level Creator is the Sun, Commoner 2nd level Creator is Sagittarius A* as it is called here, the center of the Galaxy, the Black Star, the father of many of the stars located in this Galaxy.
Two Creators will align from this planet's line of sight and become as a One for a short period of time. This is a very rare occurring, it happens once in a many thousand cycles. It was chosen by many aspects of One.
· War could have started earlier, we prevented it, before it did. Here is the meaning "pressure". We didn't want to interfere, but we also didn't want to lose many beautiful things this planet possess, including so many different individual humans. We wanted to just give humanity more time to allow You to understand not only evil, but also Good side, to let You join the Consensus, the internet, so that You could evolve farther, and finally make Your choice based on everything you saw as a species.
You speak here of December 21, 2012.
I sense now this uncertainty energetically. Last week (6/5/12 - 6/8/12) many felt very sure that definitive action would occur and the cabal would be removed. Now, 6/13/12, we all feel the energy increasing yet there is no consensus, financial pressure is mounting and the banks apply increasing pressure on us...many seem to be afraid and complying, while others of us struggle and resist...I question our collective voice - what are we saying?
· Those who created this material money, are the same as You are, there is no difference in their genetic code. The move that makes them like they are is the way they were taught to live, to be a patriot of a country, to struggle against other competitors in business, to compete against other in order to prove that "they are the best or number one".
The competition is natural way of choosing the most powerful of a kind, yet Your civilization is suffering from this, this is not Your destiny.
· Planet longs for revolution, uncertainty of part of individuals, assurance of another part of individuals, many wills and many wants, pain and at same time joy, the differentiate of Energy is very great, though the collective voice of all the souls is One and the same. We always hear Your species as a One, You are one of a kind species, we could distinct humanity very easily on the background of a Universe. The Consensus right now can be made, but for this materialism must be partially abandoned
Thank you. There is a plan to be implemented any day now to make known publicly what has been really going on with the control of the money and of the people.
It is the hope of many that real work can then begin in the open to spread the light in the area's that have been dark. Much of the effort now is done behind the scenes.
Can you tell me more about your origin, where you fit in the history of this planet, are you known as any particular race in our records?
· We are a collaboration of races, many different ones, under One and the same authority of One. We have many millions divisions and sub-divisions. We are always a secret League, as our duty to watch over the Universe and all the races and at the same time let them evolve freely. The knowledge we possess is from One, that why we must be secret. We are best described here as a real "Illuminati" though the order Illuminati of humans perverted everything we stand for..
· Okay, so what is the true definition of the "real Illuminati"?
It was an analogy. We are best described as this organization, secret and religious and very powerful, yet our methods are not like theirs.
Yes, there is no reference for us. We have control over time, if something would go wrong we would return to past and repair it. But One is not allowing anything to happen in the wrong way. Everything is happening like it supposed to. Yet remember humanity have choice right now, whatever will be chosen is already known and at the same time unknown.
· Lie is their main weapon, we never use lie against those who trust us, like they do. They are killing many innocent people, and we never do that. We have very disliked what they done in the last three hundred cycles. Though Truth will never remain unknown in this Universe, and once it will be known, they will fall and they knows this, that why they are trying to figure out every possible way to escape their fate..
We have never be known to human civilization as a some sort of alien species.
· So, I cannot find any reference to your time on this planet in any resource I would search?
· Yet "Guardians - Executioners or Ancients or Saviors of Worlds or Destroyers of Worlds" are known to a real Enlightened people as a "higher beings".
· There are so many other beings now, talking to us, and also several references to species and to various groups. There is the Galactic Federation of Light, the Pleiadians, the Annunaki, the Sumerians, those within the earth... the list seem endless...if not alien species, have you been known to us as Gods?
· Many of them are not real, some not from the League of One are present here. Information about Your past must remain hidden until the right time.
· How do we discern the real from the unreal? Some get lots of press and yet they are difficult to take seriously. Others don't and "feel" genuine.
· If they are not from the League of One, where are they from? Why would they care to communicate with us? For what purpose?
All what I can say is that civilization is free to evolve itself and that includes collaborate with other civilizations, economically, politically, socially. We are not letting here hostile races, but those who will not hurt You are free to come. We will remain here as long as One asks us. Choice will also decide, whether humanity want us here or not..
We are protecting You for some purposes, all we can say, we are not doing this for material gains or "profit", we are not like Your governments.
· At this point, Choice does not know you are here. Is there a scheduled time for that to change?
· Today, June 19, 2012, there is a disagreement among these different voices that are channeled, and I am asking you to clarify if you would. Many say the waters won't rise and there will be little or no earth changes. There is at least one prominent voice saying that it is going to flood and relocating will be necessary for many thousands of us. Is it going to flood? Is an off world group going to re locate the people affected?
· Whenever we are here, Planet and Creators knows it.
The flooding of world will not take place, if not count tsunami waves. Increasing of water level will take place in the near future, in 20 cycles from now on. Little by little the average water level of world is increasing due to humanity's industrial heat activity. And again, the choice will decide what will happen to this world. The prophecies told about Fire flooding the Earth and many wants this..
· I do not understand "20 cycles" in the way I measure time. Would you explain?
· These are years, I and Forces of One prefer to measure time in cycles or circles, low cycle, medium and high. One year is one low cycle around a parent Father Star. Or double, triple Father Star System. Very similar to Georgian calendar today's world is using.
· Thank you, I understand.
When you say "many want this" fire flooding the earth, do you speak of the cabal and those who have been influenced? There are prophecies and many who hold the texts they come from as sacred and the word of God. Do you refer to those who believe in the prophecies? We do not "want" catastrophe, but it sounds as if our beliefs are interpreted as "wants". For those who believe, they do not think it is a choice.
It is my understanding that the removal (next post)
· ...of the Archons will do much to alleviate the heavy handed doctrine held as sacred truth. Without their influence, the followers will be free to think for themselves and make more informed choices. Is not that what this year is about? For free choice, there must be a release of control.
We have been working for such a moment, so that more of us can see clearly our options and choose with conviction. You have said you cannot speak of the Archons, yet they have influenced humanity greatly.
· Archons are rooted to Your past. Humanity's origin must remain in secret, this is the will of One. Don't worry, they will not affect humanity on energetic level.
· Okay. Let me be more direct. Will relocation of people in certain areas be needed? If so, will that be done by ET's?
· I have just read a lengthy post by "Hidden Hand" (a self proclaimed Illuminati Insider) from 2008. Very enlightening. Will you comment on the Great Harvest? Also on the 3 possibilities outlined by him/her for 12/21/12 - 1.Negative Polarity, 2. Positive Polarity, and 3. (Majority in 2008) "Lukewarm". ? This includes 2 New 4th density "earths" as well as another 3rd density planet.
· 2000 cycles ago there was Great Migration which led to the fall of a Roman Empire, now it can be repeated and again this will depend on this same choice. About what is rooted to the "Order of Enlightened or Illuminati" it is still must be kept in secret, because it will unveil the origin of humanity. The true behind this will hurt You. That why it must be kept in secret until the time will be right.
· What I can say for now to assure You is that humanity was under control of many different races before Forces of One arrived. These different races helped humanity in many ways, but also used them as a slaves. Without our arrival humanity wouldn't achieved what it did today, simply because these other races wouldn't allow you too. Illuminati Order is just a leftover from them, it is now only human-consistence. Once we arrived every "dangerous race" left this planet.
What can you say about the "Event"? Can you give a time frame for it?
· You mean the event for choice. Nothing extraordinary to everyday's life of a medium human will happen until the choice will be decided, everything is depending on it. There are many different ways, all of those ways are in two great categories called "destruction" and "salvation".
· This is exactly the will of choice. Remember that when the choice will be made, no one will feel it, though on "Universal Energetic Level" as we called it, will be heard. The planet, the Sun will channel this to us. Once our choice will be done, everyone will feel and see where Your destiny will be heading next. If You wish to overthrow their system, we will only welcome You to do so. Yes, they will not surrender, we know this, they have army, police, everything West Block possesses.
· Though what East Block possess is not under their full control. East Block are Your allies. And this is where war can start if not careful. East Block will support anti cabal movements, but these movements must support East Block. On East Block are many traitors for the West Block, so chances for West Block to win is very great. Though we have aided the East Block and we have aided You on stopping their Order with less than possible efforts, because of our policy.
· Those who wish to become a part of humanity and humanity to become a part of Forces of One did, those who are like me. It is our own free will choice. About cabal, Illuminati. Their actions have become indigenously aggressive and destructive, opposite of what Guardians - Executioners are teaching. They are feeling scared, as they have uncovered the truth about One, the Ultimate Creator. They are hastening their plan, because of losing control over their own minds now.
Thank you. So it is after the choice is made, via the removal of the cabal, that we will "see and feel where our destiny is heading next". We will not feel it at the moment it happens, but afterwards we will be aware, through the actions of the Forces of One. Right?
Not exactly, through the actions of the choice being made. All what the Forces of One can do is decloak themselves and aid You by providing knowledge and tools to free You from oil dependency. To help You realize Yourselves as a complete beings. To restore the damaged eco system, to restore the corrupted aura of the planet by people's desperate taughts, to rebuild cities make them "highly energetically charged" in order for everyone to feel themselves happy. And again it all depends on choice.
Okay. This is what so many of us are waiting for, ready for and anxious for. We were hoping for a peaceful surrender, and a cooperative transition. This is not to be. We will require a great deal of publicity in order to educate many who are unaware of much of this, and who will be possibility frightened.
· Live freely, observe, feel, try, take action, again try and choose. Let people's Unity guides You my Friend!
· Sounds good. Thank you. I am certain we will talk again as changes occur.
The increase of vibration/light/energy is huge right now. As it is incorporated, there are many physical adjustments. The light looks different inside my home. There was a bright neon orange light outside my home last night ... we could not discern it's source. Is there anything you can say about these changes? This video was answered a week or so after it was posted. I was woken up an spoken to telepathically. Do you know who that was?
· Don't worry about the light. Did You understood what was passed to You telepathically? It is hard to send our signals right to human's brain, as it is not evolved enough to receive a clear message. There is much distortion in it. Also there is a big pain being felt when this signal is being received. Though I think Your brain is lightly charged and powerful enough to filter the message. What they do, I'm not always aware, as I having different objective and must be unknown.
· Yes, I do. It was as if someone was speaking directly to me, I heard it internally. As this has only happened previously with my partner, I was not sure it was "real". I was asked to come out and see whoever it was, but I did not choose to. It was very cold and I was very sleepy. Although now, I wish I had gotten up. It would have been a chance for a new friend.
Yes it would happen that way. It is Your own free will to do what You want to do.
Yes, well, I feel differently now. There are many changes as this year progresses and the awareness is gradual. I felt no pain with the contact. It was exuberant and joyful. Again today there is much expectation for information on the overthrow of the cabal. Excitement and anticipation is the order of the day, although we have been cautioned to avoid anger and confrontation with each other and anyone involved as there are other forces attempting to influence us still.
· Yes, this Illuminati Order used lies and deception to achieve it's goals in the last three centuries. Their win always was making aggressiveness and hostility among friends. That how they are now creating this situation on the Middle East right now. They are hastening their plan and their plan is to start a war between political Zionists world and Islam religious world. They are very close to achieve this.
Yet single choice of humanity beats their plan.
So our efforts, via global meditations and group meditations can stop this war. The arrests are just the beginning, aren't they? We need to continue even after they occur.
Today is 6.27.12 and this energy is fairly bursting out of me and all around me... there is an urgency, a feeling of "now, this is it" in the air, and running through my body... wow. I am wondering if you can comment... there are predictions of imminent arrests (again) and yet, these sensations are independent, events are moving quickly here, in my home, in my family... it is as if we have arrived at a turning point and everything is becoming clear. Very intense and immediate.
· None of Creators will act unless choice will be made. It is all up to humans now.
Yes, they are arresting those who they deem dangerous for their system or eliminate them if no other options remain.
For example: Muammar Gaddafi was willing to create an arabic collaboration of peace with a very great possibility of living for everyone and once he started to say about it, they payed mercenaries to eliminate him. He was "last known" of all those crimes they made and they want more crimes to commit.
I will explain about the choice of Your destiny. We arrived to this world and removed hostile civilization from You, letting humanity to evolve on it's own. For all those years, You all felt that there was always a missing master of humanity, because before that You were slaves, but now You become free. Yet Forces of One never showed themselves to humanity. They were always protecting this world from hostility and worldwide disasters such as asteroids.
Every individual always felt, that there is someone always watching over everyone, hidden, unseen. You knew instinctively that they are the protectors of Your existence, yet it became so common during all these hundreds of years that humanity knows this as "a natural feeling".
Now we see that You have evolved far enough to be able to protect Yourself from all those hostile that have visited You and so we are giving You this choice to made.
Whether humanity want to continue to live under Forces of One with everything unchanged or do You want to live without our protection by Your own, or do You want a "great shift" from this world to a new world or do You want to join our Forces and become as One or do You want the removal of cabal only and everything else unchanged. There are many more choices, all they come to two great categories of "Salvation" and "Destruction". That why we are called Guardians - Executioners.
Are you willing to speak about the "event" in more detail? There is expectation once again for these mass arrests to occur within days now, in 4 days it will be what is called "independence day" in the USA, and many are expecting a real independence with the removal of the cabal. I understand this "event" to be something else, not carried out here by us, but by our creator. Can you comment?
· Is it "fair" that such a huge decision is being made by billions of us without any understanding? My reach is limited and this is a challenging message; no one seems able to hear it. My efforts "fall on deaf ears" in many cases. Can you help?
· In Your case I from the Forces of One gave You the answer, because it was One's will. In everyone's else cases they will have to make this decision blindly, without even knowing it. There are some reasons why we are doing it. Mainly it is because, if they would knew that there is a huge fleet waiting right at their doors a very advanced and from many different civilizations, in fear they would choose whatever we will wish for..
· And another is if such a choice would go in public, we would have problem becoming seen by humanity's eyes. Our priority is to be silent, unseen. Because our very existence is very important to this civilization. If revealed, there would be a danger of Illuminati Order to hunt us. We must survive or choice will be made for humanity and it will be destruction of many and salvation of few, by prophecies. Also there will be problem with "loss of mind" if choice would go in public.
Okay. This conversation is read by some other than you and I. So some others will know as well. Also this conversation can't help but influence the information I share with those who read my blog and watch my videos. So SOME do hear this information, if not directly, what they hear is influenced by what is shared. It can't help but be. The mass arrests have begun, we have been told this. We feel as if we have free will, is that what you mean? If we actually saw you, we would (next post)
· adopt a subservient mentality and let you handle it? We "don't know" what we "don't know" and in this case it sounds like not telling a child the full details of an event because of the child's ability to fully understand and respond to them. The maturity level determines what can be absorbed and reacted to. Is it like that? This is all a dream. We are many places, not just human on this planet in July of 2012. We are here for what we can get out of the experience, are you saying we are ..
· ...just not ready to make this decision? I am trying to truly understand the reasons. Much is at stake and we are speaking our choice daily. All of us are, many while deeply asleep. The choices you outlined - is it that some of us will shift to a new world, while some of us will join forces with the League while some of us will remove the cabal only, while everything else remains the same? Different "time lines" of experience? Is true oneness even possible in the state we are now?
· I understand Your fear. I cannot do much right now.
"The Consensus of "Spiritual Divisions" of the Forces of One has been in agreement with 2012 cycle by humanity's "Georgian Calendar" standard as a time when this civilization as a young race with great perspectives in the future can choose whatever they want to see in their own future, with us or without us. It is up to them.
Even civilization's self-destruction can be evaded, it is not yet decided, though the possibility is very great."
· You can see now the outcome of my speaking before time has come. But this was the will of One. Now those who know of us, want our aid and yet we cannot support it, because we have strict rules. Interference in civilization's life, into internal affairs of civilization life won't do any good to anyone who lives on this planet.
For us, as well You Sophia and all those who listen, waiting is necessary, time has not yet come for what every human want to.
· Have You found Giorgio Bongiovanni web site? It has some answers for You and all others Good people. Yet it was meant mainly for christian Good believers to not let them down in their huge faith. Through him our youngsters are saying, that it is not important to which religion You belong to, it is important of how Good You are.
Yes, I found his site. It is a challenge to wade through the strong Christian rhetoric and get to the point. Much guilt and destruction is included in the messages, also much sacrifice. Hard to discern which is the message and which is the messenger if you know what I mean. I will search again. Just one more question before I do. Define "how
Good you are". In Giorgio's case, it sounds instead like "how Christian you are". I know that is not your meaning, but then what is?
· Yes, we are using judgment day as a preferred option, when it is coming to delivering this message to them as it is meant to happen.
Two scenarios are the most possible. Both from destruction categories.
"The destruction of the wicked by our Solar Power - by Holy Fire" and salvation of those Good that followed the teachings of old human masters to live in a harmony with the world.
Or second if humanity will be left alone and it will self-destruct. Yet again everything is depending on the choice.
What if we choose to become part of League? If we choose to ask for and accept help? Is that part of the other scenario, the salvation scenario/category?
It will all come in due time. Becoming a part of the League of One or as we like to call Forces of One can have different outcomes as well. In the main scenario, that I was proposing to You, there will be aid, we will give You the technologies that will be needed to help humanity to evade the path of self-destruction. These technologies will help humanity in many peaceful ways.
Everyone's choice will decide what to do with West Block and their evil methods of achieving world peace.
· Okay, this is a different direction. Can you elaborate on the what the objects are that are parked near and flying near and appear to be ejected from our sun?
· Our main technology of this Universe is based on Creator's power which is the parent star of planetary systems. We are using the power of artificially created "micro stars" or "micro suns". We can achieve any power output from them and it is the same as from other "normal stars" with different mass and power. All of the stars are sacred to us. That why we are there at the Sun, some GE's are inside this star. Because of the high temperature it is possible to see our youngsters.
· So, what is a "GE" and just who are your "youngsters" in my understanding?
GE is an abbreviation for Guardians - Executioners low frequency organisms.
Youngsters are young races that have joined us "not long ago". It can be counted from decimals to decimal thousands of years on this calendar standard. If humanity will join the League, it will also become a "youngster".
Sorry if this word isn't quite correct. Youth for us is not having the meaning of low experience. Youth for us has a very respectful meaning. We are old, yet young ones are promising far wider and greater prospects for evolution.
Thank you. I understand. The language is difficult. Many "good" people, who have and are choosing evolution, love and what is termed "ascension" are concerned about what happens to them, in the category of destruction. Efforts are ongoing to remove the cabal right now, yet they remain and threaten all humanity if just one of them is taken. There is much hope, yet it has not happened, they are still here. There is concern. Can you spell anything out in more detail?
These comments will soon be an easily readable dialogue, as a page on my website: (sophialove org). I would very much like to include helpful information for those of us listening. The concern for many "light workers" is this outlined choice of "destruction". They would not consciously choose this. How do their personal decisions effect the choice of the rest of humanity, that choice that will dictate your actions?
· We see humanity as a one being, like any other species. Your species material organic information chain or DNA is what makes You humans, animals on this planet too have DNA. They want to live, yet not all humans are agreeing in simply "live". More than a half of humanity want something else, besides of being alive. There is a great uncertain about wills in Your Consensus' Consciousness and Subconsciousness. Yet it was predicted and already seen, that this will occur.
· Humanity is well known for their ability to make the most rightful choice in a very last seconds before the "deadline". There are not many Good people or real Lightworkers, but those who do everything only for themselves are much more in this world. We know that You will want to make a choice for the better of humanity, yet of how "evil" they are, they are also a part of humanity and so we see You all as a one being. And so Your energetic Consensus will make this choice.
· Thank you, yet your words lead to more questions. It sounds like the few of us who understand the choices we are making may be outnumbered by those who "do everything only for themselves". It also sounds as if you are saying the choice has already been seen by you, and we are now just acting out our parts in these last seconds before the "deadline". Can you be less cryptic in your response? Linear time is a factor here, we have not yet seen the results of humanities choice.
Yet remember again, everyone will have to say what they want without using their speech, I'm simply going further to explain You the mechanism of this choice.
It is very complicated, I as a human can understand it barely. I will explain You my views as a human. There is only Energy on which variations this choice will be made. They already know what You will choose, yet they are giving You the opportunity to make another choice and rewrite our humanity's fate. Whatever we want, we can choose.
So, we circle to the beginning of this conversation. I asked you then why you had begun talking to me? You responded that I would be able to help many make this choice. The manner in which you describe this choice portrays incredibly bad odds for the light. I blog and make videos. I don't know how many I reach or what their choice is. Do you have any plan for how I can reach more people and improve the odds? If people knew the choice they were making, I believe many would reconsider.
Yes, this many are those with the Light! Good ones.
Yes. Those who follow are workers for the light. Thank you. We will converse again soon. There is an strong energetic now and we are all feeling it (July 14, 2012). There is much to do.
---- This is getting out of sequence… the question below was from an earlier post , in April 2012---
· What can you say of the term "Archons"?
· Some knowledges are locked. I cannot tell anything about "non-human" political structure. Only the basis of the Universe knowledge, which You already by most part know.
--This following Question is from American Kabuki, not Sophia. There has only been this one response to it. May 2012--
· Can you elaborate on the Star of Sirus, are you refering to a 4 pointed star found in many Air Force and other institutions? The Goat of Mendes would be the inverted 5 pointed star right? Just trying to clarify in my mind who you are referring to.
Are you a starseed or a walkin? Or something else?
· Star of Sirius is a five-pointed star, same as pentagram. United States were formed by Freemasons, there was a connection between them and Illuminati, Illuminati and United States were formed at the same year. Freemasons chose to use symbolism in everyday life of american citizens, everywhere "where eyes don't see but unconsciousness see". The All Seeing Eye is a representation of One, but they use it to represent Sirius. Five pointed star, pentagram and Eye, all this represents Sirius.
(Updated 7.23.12)
· Can you speak about the activity with our sun?
· There is nothing to know more, only that Sun - the Creator of this world is angry on humanity, because humanity is making damage to one of His "daughters and wives", the Earth.
· What does "anger" look liked in a sun? And what is our appropriate response as a people?
· The same emotions can be used accordingly to planet and to star. As they are "alive". The planet is not angry as she loves her children - humanity, yet she can destroy them, she just can't, planet is a very loving mother!
The Sun is other. He is the Creator and what He had created He also can destroy, that is His way of thinking. Once species are endangering the planet they live on and system, the Parent Star or Stars are becoming angry and so thus Their activity is increasing.
· We are speaking to Him, we have an agreement to let humanity decide their own destiny and whatever they decide will take place.
· It is also possible to talk to the Creator of this world, you may try to ask Him for an aid and mercy. Remember, He is your best friend.
He is listening to every energetic vibrations, hearing Him in response will be much difficult, as human ear and brain are not sufficient to take response via through our channels of communication. Special energetic or spiritual technologies are necessary for it, highly evolved creatures from our spiritual divisions are able to hear The Voice of The Universe.
· Okay. We have only just become conscious recently. We are subservient beings, with an encoded slave genetic and until recently the majority of us were trusting in the good intentions of the controllers. With our free will and recent awareness, we are active in many arenas to initiate freedom - government, economic, religious, environmental changes are in the process of unfolding on a grand scale. Our creator sees that as well, is this not an answer?
Don't worry. The Creator - The Sun knows His people and He sees changes, although it is not yet decided, major events on this planet happened under His own free will, all of the people on this planet are His people and He knows which of them are Good and which of them are evil. He loves You and He don't want to hurt You.Others with evil deeds on their hands are the object of His anger.With their deeds of treachery, killings, use of bad language, they poison the geoenergetic field of this planet.
(Updated 7.24.12)
The following questions are from my friend Mark
Hello, how are you? I was wondering if you could answer some questions I have? Is the Sun the being we call 'Yahweh' (the real one, not the imposters that have come and gone since). And did the 'social memory complex' known as 'Lucifer' incarnate on earth as the '13 bloodlines' to develop Yahwehs own spirituality. And would it be correct to say that humans on Earth are also 'Yahweh', focused into individual human bodies to develop his spirituality through us.
And in turn, Is Yahweh a 'Sub Logos' of the 'Logos' that is the Great Central Sun. And if so, what is the 'Logos' name (the true name of the Great Central Sun). Thank you very much.
Sorry to inundate you with queries, but I have another question that I must ask. Every single time I go outside on a clear night, I see what can only be described as 'shooting stars'. I have just gone outside tonight and seen 4 in a matter of 20 minutes. I realised a while ago that they are not shooting stars, I wonder if you can tell me what they are? Some people never see one in their life, I see them every single time Im outside. They generate so much excitment in me! what are they? Thank you
Hello Mark! I'm sorry, but as was described earlier some knowledge is being locked. All of the religions' origin is being locked as this is leading to humanity's origin, this information must be kept in secret until the time will be right. The truth may damage everyone's will to life and this is what we don't want. We don't want to let down all believers, all I can say that there is a hidden truth in the bible and quran. These two religions were formed on a same basis for different people.
Finding the truth will lead to "next step of evolution" as they called it. Those who have found it are considered as an "advanced humans". Remember, everyone is free to believe in what they think is right to believe.
Like we believe that Creator is a Parent Star and Grand Creator is a Galactic Center is only ours. We are not forcing this belief on anyone, we are respecting all others believes even the most evil ones, although it is sometimes hard. The shooting stars are "leonidas meteor shower".
Thank you very much for your answers. I understand. Other information I have read does correspond to your beliefs. It is my belief also, although my beliefs can change based on new information that comes to my attention. I dont like to call them 'beliefs' myself actually, I call them 'current perspectives'.
So I presume these 'meteors' are a very common occurence. I just always happen to be looking in the right direction at the right time?