_ ~Join me on my Love Quest Note ~
Day # 5. March 14th.2012
Welcome to the fifth day, the beginning of the second part of our Quest.
Today, let’s take stock of where we are, how we feel, what is true and what feels real. Some days, love is easy. Others, not so much.
It is those other days I’d like to look at. Why do we have them?
In a polarized world there is contrast and you and I have set it up so that the one thing we really wanted to learn this time, we will run into again and again. There are many possibilities in moments, yet our addictions determine which we’ll pick every time. As we clearly see the emotional “fixes” we are looking for, we can direct our actions and point the course of our moments in the direction of our greater intent. This is consciousness.
We must be gentle with ourselves. Denial of love and acceptance in any moment is simply a denial of love. Keep in your heart and head the ultimate point of your life, of this Quest. You are shooting for love. Unconditional love means love without conditions. You are perfection.
There is nothing wrong about you. As you wake up, you will recognize the things about you that do not serve you. These are habits of emotion and once you notice yourself looking for another “fix”, you can stop and move into another direction. This can be a challenge. It depends on the day, how you feel, what is going on around you and where you are.
One of my favorite things to do these days is to blame my “difficulty” on outside forces. This is, perhaps, slightly better than blaming my loved ones, as there is less potential for conflict, yet blame is never true. For me, as one who considers herself a sensitive in these intensely energetic times, I am always feeling something. There is a fine line between what is going on for me within and what I am picking up from the air and people around me, (both seen and unseen ;). Regardless, my interpretation and subsequent reaction is all mine. Blame doesn’t serve my intent.
In order to unconditionally love, it becomes necessary to peek around the blinders and see everything about ourselves. Clarity of vision may appear harsh, yet if it does it is only because you harbor judgment. It is all okay. What was once ugly and wrong is now just part of the whole.
Oneness and love are in truth one expression. This is understood at whatever spot you find yourself, yet our goal is identical. It must be, for you and I are one.
I do not look like you yet I know you. I feel the truth of you in my lovers embrace and this beautiful day. You are perfection. Hold onto that and know that the way things work guarantees you will feel your perfection as truth one day.
This is where we are headed and although we’ll arrive at different times, we will all be here together.
In truth, this is an illusion and we are together, we’ve never been apart. We are just practicing creation here, honing our skills. There is no one who knows better than you do and none more equipped. You are “fully loaded” to get the job done. Accept the version of you that is showing up today, hug yourself and be who serves you.
The one you’ve been waiting for is you!
Thank you, for joining this Quest. I love you absolutely.
We are the One's we've been waiting for.
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