We are in the “end times”. Business as usual no longer applies. What has always been polarized just won’t survive. We are moving into oneness. It’s time to let go of whatever side you’ve been fiercely grasping onto, and allow yourself to drift into the center. This strong tide is pulling on us equally; we’ll all get there eventually. Every one of us is love. We are each divine. We may disagree and part company, yet we are never separate. We are one.
As one we are finishing a chapter, and we are writing the ending. Here’s what I see – from absolute darkness a miniscule light emerges, then another, then a few more. In that darkness the brightest light is perceived. You are that light. Soon, it will be all that can be seen.
The source of your light is love. This love is not reserved for a special few. This love is splashed all over and dripping off of everyone. There is gratitude and courtesy, kindness and compassion, listening and assertion, waiting and positive action. This love looks like a smile. It could be a holding back when internal frustration erupts.
We are light workers. We work for the light. It is time to surrender to the love that you are and let go. You have spent too much energy hiding, defending and protecting. All that you must do is acknowledge your love.
Love is not always hearts and flowers. Love is respect. It is truth. It is life. How is it that we have strayed so far? It all matters. Love demands a listening and then action. Injustice is not love. Criminal corporate policies are not love. Government corruption is not love. Poverty, prejudice and violence are not love. Your eyes are open now. You can see the truth. You can feel what is happening. It is happening within and around you.
The sun blazes here (Midwest USA) as we are literally “cooking”; our DNA is changing:
We are extremely tired as our bodies morph. All that I’ve wanted to do recently is sleep. Honor the call of your body. Love yourself. You are not wrong or ill, you are perfect.
Listen - first to your physical body and then to whatever else shows up. Your children, your fellow blog posters, your pets, your mail carrier, your garden, your grandparents, your city could all use some love. What are they asking for? They are reflections of you, here to help this transformation. Respect and respond if you hear the call. Keep always in your heart - “what would love do now?”
You will know. You are love and every answer resides in your heart. None of us escapes this ending. Parts of it shout to get my attention. It seems that once one aspect is answered, the next rears up in full view, demanding my focus. AA has a saying “One day at a time”. With this current speed of linear time, I’d change that to “One moment at a time”.
Answer with love. Keep your eyes open and your head up. You’ll soon see another place calling for your light. This is why you’ve come. Stand in your power and love. Now is the time.
We are the ones we are waiting for.
As one we are finishing a chapter, and we are writing the ending. Here’s what I see – from absolute darkness a miniscule light emerges, then another, then a few more. In that darkness the brightest light is perceived. You are that light. Soon, it will be all that can be seen.
The source of your light is love. This love is not reserved for a special few. This love is splashed all over and dripping off of everyone. There is gratitude and courtesy, kindness and compassion, listening and assertion, waiting and positive action. This love looks like a smile. It could be a holding back when internal frustration erupts.
We are light workers. We work for the light. It is time to surrender to the love that you are and let go. You have spent too much energy hiding, defending and protecting. All that you must do is acknowledge your love.
Love is not always hearts and flowers. Love is respect. It is truth. It is life. How is it that we have strayed so far? It all matters. Love demands a listening and then action. Injustice is not love. Criminal corporate policies are not love. Government corruption is not love. Poverty, prejudice and violence are not love. Your eyes are open now. You can see the truth. You can feel what is happening. It is happening within and around you.
The sun blazes here (Midwest USA) as we are literally “cooking”; our DNA is changing:
We are extremely tired as our bodies morph. All that I’ve wanted to do recently is sleep. Honor the call of your body. Love yourself. You are not wrong or ill, you are perfect.
Listen - first to your physical body and then to whatever else shows up. Your children, your fellow blog posters, your pets, your mail carrier, your garden, your grandparents, your city could all use some love. What are they asking for? They are reflections of you, here to help this transformation. Respect and respond if you hear the call. Keep always in your heart - “what would love do now?”
You will know. You are love and every answer resides in your heart. None of us escapes this ending. Parts of it shout to get my attention. It seems that once one aspect is answered, the next rears up in full view, demanding my focus. AA has a saying “One day at a time”. With this current speed of linear time, I’d change that to “One moment at a time”.
Answer with love. Keep your eyes open and your head up. You’ll soon see another place calling for your light. This is why you’ve come. Stand in your power and love. Now is the time.
We are the ones we are waiting for.