This conversation took place yesterday...
~~ I cleared the space & made the usual declarations, stating the intention to connect with the Pleiadians who have communicated with me since 2016. I felt/saw a single person, a female, and the following conversation took place. (Note that sometime in the last year – 2023 – a conversation happened that was not shared. It took place with someone who can only be described as a sort of “telephone operator”, and not anyone who specifically had spoken to me/us before. This person was manning the communication center, and did not have any helpful /new information for us. Today, was different, and the person speaking is someone deeper within the group. This is the reason for sharing this now.) Yes Sophia, I am here, we are here. Thank you. I’d like an update on the pods, and also anything else that can be said regarding the Galactic Federation. Is that possible? Many conversations are possible. I would like to stick to a conversation that holds the most useful information for you all. Yes, that would be good. We are in the midst of diplomatic restructuring and re-negotiation. This involves not only our current status with earth and all of you. It also involves our place with the Federation as a whole. We have been operating just within the guidelines and rules for appropriate contact without over-stepping. For, if we over-step, then we may incur consequences and conflict that would prevent any contact in the future. We do not wish to agitate what has become already a delicate situation. Why was I not told of these issues before? Knowing these restrictions would have alleviated a good deal of frustration. People are suffering and tired. What began as hopeful for us has become sort of hope-less. You were not told because all of this contact is watched. The difference today, as opposed to 7+ years ago, is that there is more information available. The Galactic Federation has become visual on your radar. Your suspicions regarding their motives all those many years ago are becoming commonplace. The atmosphere has changed, and our conversation changes also. What we can say now/today is that we await further instructions, and these are coming out and changing fast and furiously. Each day there are updates. The race is to be helped. The race is coming to its own recognition regarding control, and dubious behind the scenes players. This knowing reaches off-planet as well. “As below, so above”. You are becoming enlightened on a global scale, and this guarantees access to advanced methods for not only healing, but all other of society’s activities. Let us stick to the healing pods… They are ready for transport. There are more in production as our goal is to serve just as much of the population as we can. It will require teaching, and also places where they can be found. It is a logistical nightmare that has been in the works for many years. What we expect, and this is not a guarantee, is that there will be mass pod deliveries to countries as a unified operation. We do not know exactly when, but for some reason many of us feel it is to happen sooner rather than later – the first portion (1/2?) of this new calendar (2024) time-frame. The trafficked ones are already being helped. I refer here to the pods for the rest of the population. These are our gift. You may or may not know they come from off-planet – that is part of the hold-up. There are some who, for personal gain and power, oppose this. It is a struggle off-world as well as on. What you can do is to continue to hold your belief in the idea that the Pleiadians have the earth-humans’ best interests at our heart and core. This has always been true. We do not wish to continually promise, and then disappoint. It saddens us so when that occurs. We are people, as you are, and we are related to you in ways that run very deeply in our psyche. Our actions are always propelled by love, and nothing else. We would like to continue our conversations a bit more often now, as things begin to accelerate. Would you agree to that, Sophia? Yes, of course. Until next time, then. Thank you! Thank you! (Visual here is predominantly of one female who feels older but doesn’t necessarily look that way. It is more a sense of her wisdom and experience. She feels familiar. She is nodding and smiling and out in front. I am aware of a larger, smiling, “team” who are behind her though. I am not sure of how many are there.) ~~ So that's it for today! It sounds as if we will be hearing from our friends a bit more in 2024, so stay tuned! Much love and light, Sophia
Hi everyone! Here’s an update, which may be the last one for this year.
In August, I was surprised with a telepathic visit. I was not looking to connect; they just sort of jumped on the line! Here’s some of that conversation. Hello! What is it you’ve come to say? We are absorbing the tension from your earth realm and feel an intense need for our help. It is the reason for our appearance. We’d like to help. Well, no offense, but how do you propose you could do that? We’ve been here before and were unable to pull off a delivery of the pods. Yes, we are aware. At this time, we’d like to introduce another option. What option is that? A platform on which our healing technology can be delivered. In other words, another way to help with healing. Not the pods? Not right away, no. What then? A delivery system worldwide that would deliver super-positive energy – thereby assisting every human. What sort of delivery system would do that? One that came from the sky. Think of your “chem trails”. What we are introducing is an alternative to the poison that has been dispensed. “Healing Trails” These are energetic and invisible. If they have to combat the chem trails, so be it. We are experimenting with them now in certain areas. And? How is it going? Well. We think. Absolute effect is hard for us to discern. What would be a way to tell? Positivity, love, health, increased compassion, reduction in violence. These things tell the story – when they coincide with the “Healing Trails”. You see evidence of this? We do. We reach out to you now to see how it is that you are feeling. Why? We have been targeting your area – for fifty miles in every direction. Chicago is such a high-crime area, that if numbers decrease and remain so, that will tell us all we need to know. How long will you monitor this area then? Did I hear “six months”? That seems long! You did. It is a suggestion only; it may be three months. We need a substantial enough length of time for comparisons sake. We began two weeks ago. So, you’ll check again in November. We check weekly, and what we see is encouraging. Some detailed personal conversation ensued… The “Healing Trails” haven’t helped emotionally, and I don’t know if they helped physically. What are they supposed to do? Reduce stress on the organism. This can manifest as physical or psychological. The trails are meant to calm the organism down. Well, I’m not sure they’ve done that. It is time for us to go. We will continue to monitor the situation and return again with updates. This mass spraying may need to be modified. Goodbye Sophia! Goodbye, and thanks for letting me know. November 2022 The conversation below happened because I initiated it. Hello Sophia. How can we help you? Hello and thanks. I am not getting a visual, which is unusual. Can you provide me with one or explain why? Thanks. We are shielded. We are not the usual group to whom it is that you speak. We are an observing group. We assess the “Help the Human Race” project for different reasons. Do you sense/see anything at all? Yes. Dark, a wall of some kind that you are reaching out from behind. It is odd for me. I’ve always seen you or parts of the group. Well, this is the way we’ve chosen for now. We are closer than you think. What is it that you wanted contact for today? It’s been three months. I was told that I’d be updated by about this time. Thank you. We can say this. Our technology has been and is currently being utilized on your earth. It is in the form of a spray, if you will. Your feedback at your last contact moment was instrumental in its adjustment and fine tuning. It would appear to be having the desired effect where possible. There is a connection between calmness and health. In many cases health has been maintained or restored or encouraged. This, of course, happens invisibly and without recognition of its source. This is by design. As far as the pods go, the plan remains. The timing is, as ever, fluid. Our delivery method has been perfected and improved so that it can happen on a moment’s notice. In some places, the pods are in full operation already. You would consider these places to be casualties of the crimes against the children and adults who have been abused, trafficked, tortured. These places are out of your sight. Members of the Alliance work with technicians from our ships who know how these pods work and where they can be the most effective. Few, if any, questions are asked about the source of these, due to the severity of the need and the secrecy necessary to protect the humans. Again, these are in remote areas, out of your sight. There is so much you don’t know. One of the reasons for today’s wall is to maintain the secrecy. When it is appropriate you will see all and know all. Be aware that contact will be initiated by us if and when there are either questions or announcements. We are extremely busy. The time approaches when we’ll be busier still, and you’ll be aware when that time is here. Are the “Healing Trails” continuing until then? Yes. They will continue as your planet proceeds through the coming seasons and for several years. As we see there is great benefit to the population and no harm or fear. Quite the opposite. It is our mission to help the race and in any way that we can, we will continue to do so. Now, is there something else? No, there is not. Thank you for answering my questions today. * You are welcome, Sophia. Goodbye. *This felt like a single male and it was not someone I’ve spoken to before. I felt the secrecy had something to do with his location; almost as if he was on the earth. That was a feeling only, as he felt so very close. I was not shown or told anything. ~~~ Thanks everyone! With so much love, Sophia Words of One, (and all of my books) are available on Amazon. "A Re-Imagination", which lays down ideas for structuring our new earth, is also available now. The Words of One series offers insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you! It’s been such a long time since I’ve posted. The intent was to wait until I had seen and touched a pod/med-bed before doing so. I feel compelled to explain where this stands as of today, so that at the very least we can all be on the same page.
I have not seen a pod physically. There have been a few false starts where I expected to do so, but did not. At this point it’s been years (since 2016) and frankly, I question whether they’ll ever pull it off. We’ll all find out together on that score. What I can share is a few experiences that my partner has had. I’ve reported on some of his happenings before. He is a deep trance channel and a lot of “unusual” things occur. He has a clear recall of being in one (a medical pod), and that includes a visual. They are clear/transparent very large seats/chairs (not beds). There is something white behind the back of the chair. These chairs are really comfortable! That’s what he has said about them. He remembers being on a ship when he was in one. He remembers the attendants who were in the room with him. They were male. Another time, he had moved downstairs to a couch during the night due to restlessness… (he didn’t want to wake me up). He came to in the morning and heard someone very close to him say, very clearly, “he’ll be all right”. He was groggy and assumed it was me, ignoring the fact that this female voice was talking to someone else. He got up a few moments later, and came upstairs. Later in the day he mentioned something about having slept downstairs and I reacted with surprise. He said “But as I woke up, I heard you!” (Then he told me the previous story.) It wasn’t me. We’ve been told since then that they (there were two of them) were returning him to the house after having him use the medical pod. I have no such recall, other than being told some information, most of which has been shared here. My contact is telepathic. I can share a few bits of conversations that took place last winter. I have a RIFE Machine that I utilize for healing several auto-immune disorders. In one conversation they described the RIFE Machine as “shooting varmints”, and as such, it is a bit rough on the body! Their technology is more inclusive, gentle and powerful than the RIFE (according to what they told me). It does not deplete or challenge the body, as the RIFE technology sometimes does. As a side note, I am experiencing healing effects from the RIFE, regardless of its "crude" technology! Here are some quotes from conversations: “There are plans. These are getting enacted and very close now to actually happening.” “We are very anxious to assist in healing the race. We are very anxious to enact a massive mission for humanity. This occurs soon. It will have to work cooperatively with the healing modalities for the most severely in need. This means children and trafficked.” “Every faction of health and help is about to be transformed on Earth. Every single aspect of life.” “Our goal is to assist and it is a cooperative one. We negotiate with earth humans now.” “There will come a time when you will meet more of us. The entry into the human sphere and on the earth will occur in the near future, and in a coordinated fashion with other races. For now, our beds and technicians may “pass” as humans and human tech, in order to assist with the healing of the children.” “Help is needed. We are here for that. So are many humans, and you’ll be called to assist. All in the right “time”.” “Trust that there is progress, a plan and an intention for the beds to arrive and assist the race.” “At this time, we have no specific time estimates for a general arrival. All of this is not under our control. It is a coordinated effort with multiple races involved, and components to consider. First it is (and this has to take precedence) the children.” (March 2022) So that’s it everyone! Hang in there. I will share with you any further developments! With love and light, Sophia Words of One Volumes I through 7 are all available on Amazon. The paperback version of 7 has now been published, so the entire series is available in digital or paperback format. Read them all, for insight into what happened, and why it did, throughout 2020 – 2021. (click here) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! For blog posts announcements, you can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then, with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. December 16, 2020
Very early AM I’d like to speak to my Pleiadean family about the Pods. Is this possible? Hello! Sophia! Yes! How can we help you? Hello! (smile – seeing lots of smiling faces gathered here) I love you guys. Any updates? We sure could use some good news now with all of this pushing for vaccines. Yes, well, several, okay, many things are in the works and about to be rolled out. You are heading into a magical season and an almost miraculous moment. Everything changes once it occurs, including your access to cures. The beds are a big part of this. We cannot say more right now, and are deeply troubled by that fact. It was never our intent to lead you on. We are not leading you astray, but instead prevented from disclosing next steps. We are sorry, Sophia. We cannot say anything further. We will reach out as soon as that changes. Before years end? As was indicated? This could very well be. We are not in charge of timing, only production and supply. We are sorry. We hope to rectify this, and quite quickly. It is an honor to be of service. Okay. Goodbye then guys. (Here I see many gathered and waving goodbye) * * * * * * * * Thank you everyone and have a blessed holiday season! I wish you all love and light and connection to all that you cherish as we close out 2020. Trust that as soon as I hear any news, you will see it here! With appreciation, Sophia The first 3 volumes of Words of One have been released and are available on Amazon! They’ve been getting all 5-star reviews, and offer insight into this tumultuous year we are finishing up right now. Read a preview here. Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Select the Pipeline for this one! Blog posts are shared when any conversation happens. You can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. This is an alternative to getting the posts by email, it is not another article. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. October 19, 2020
While on a walking meditation today I was in conversation with my Pleiadian family. Here are some take-aways from the conversation. It was not recorded as it happened, but recalled for you here and now, a few hours later. I feel that as we head towards the end of 2020, some of these things will give you hope. These are not different words than were spoken in August, but a bit more detail and in truth, I have different ears today than I did then. The Lion’s Gate Portal introduced a profound change for me and has impacted the work. What I was told is this… Their desire to help with the medical pods is as real as it has been for these last 4 years (of contact with me), yet their ability to do so has had to remain flexible and tuned to what occurs for us on the planet. Initially, they did not understand that our consistent belief and acceptance was necessary in order for any technology to work here, for humanity. Trial and error demonstrated that truth. It has been frustrating, for sure. As the med beds have now become part of the broader discussion here, success is assured. It is seen however that they will more than likely not be delivered until after the event, or after some event. I am not clear on exactly what event, only that it will push our unity consciousness over the top and then they will arrive, be put to use, and help our race as they have always intended. They assured me that they are ready and also that they expect this to occur before the end of 2020. I pushed a bit for this confirmation, yet it was repeated to me. I felt a great deal of love and even more than that, a sense of power being transmitted. It was thrilling, I felt as if I was sitting in a kitchen full of soul-mates, who know me, love me, and cannot wait to see me again. I was assured that physical contact awaits us. Such a sense of peace and love accompanied the conversation. Also, a calm anticipation was broadcast. They are ready. That is all for you today. I hope this brings you hope and peace. With love, honor and great appreciation, Sophia Volume I and II of Words of One have been released. Volume III will be out before the end of this year. They’ve been getting all 5-star reviews, and offer insight into this tumultuous year we are living. Read a preview here. Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Select the Pipeline for this one! Blog posts are shared when any conversation happens. You can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. This is an alternative to getting the posts by email, it is not another article. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. August 6, 2020
I feel the Pleiadians? We are here, Sophia. Hello! I am so very conflicted about talking to you now. The world desperately needs the tech you have. Yet, it’s not available. We are saddened by your disappointment in our ability to help. We are discouraged as well. The world as it stands, is in such a divisive state. Half of the population refuses to accept an earth-born remedy that has been proven to work. How do you suspect they’d accept a tech from beyond earth? There are still forces holding power, who are able to shut down what it is they desire to shut down. We will not put the operation at risk. We will arrive Sophia. When there is an open arena for acceptance we will arrive. Plans are in place right now and we are able to move quickly, once we see an open door. We feel your disappointment, and it saddens us so. We do not wish to cause negative effect in your life, in anyone’s life. We are sorry for this turn of events. I don’t know what to say. Many people are seeking help. I cannot make promises or even suggestions for help that never arrives. How will I know when this has changed? When you will arrive? The moment when the opposition is removed will be evident for all. You will know. At that point, Sophia, we will reach out to you or please, reach out to us. We are ready. Okay, thank you. It is an honor, Sophia. Such an honor. Until then. The conversation ended there. ****** I love you all. With appreciation, Sophia It's been awhile. There is a new book, "Words of One. Volume I", that chronicles the conversation with One this year, from January through May. You can read a bit of it, and purchase it - here! Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Select the Pipeline for this one! Blog posts are shared when any conversation happens. You can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. This is an alternative to getting the posts by email, it is not another article. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Hi everyone! It's been about 17 days since we last spoke. I've been woken up more than a few times since then, and had numerous conversations with different friends from this team of Pleiadians. Here is where we stand today.
We are still waiting for the Pods... My take away is that logistics for this is massive. I have asked that they no longer contact me with stories of "when" or "soon". In other words, I've pretty much said that the next time I speak to them, let's make it in person and next to a Pod so that I can see it in real time, check it out a few times to see how I feel, and send the world a photo with plans for how they'll be distributed. To be honest, let's just see. There are so many players in this group and although their stories sound similar, their level of authority and comprehension for how fast this can happen differs. I am not able to withstand any more failed attempts or misguided promises. My heart breaks with the email requests for help and hope and healing. It has to happen. I will not announce another promise that I am not 100% convinced of. They mean well, they are my family and I love them. Yet I am done fooling around with this. We've been discussing these Pods for about 5 years now! You will all be the first to know. This note is a general response to the many email requests I've received about the Pods. Please, ask in the comment section, which will be found below the post in the link below. I am swamped and cannot respond personally. Thank you. I love you all. With appreciation, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Select the Pipeline for this one! Blog posts are shared when any conversation happens. You can select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date. This is an alternative to getting the posts by email, it is not another article. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. February 27, 2020 3:00 AM I reached out, after being woken up, for the Pleiadians, as I felt it was them who was “calling”. Sophia. Hello Sophia. Hello. Thank you for coming forward. Please introduce yourself. I sense only one this morning. (Note: A single female who looked to be quite tall with long blonde/silver hair.) Yes. I am an elder who has been involved and observing the progression of talks. My name is Nancu (pronounced Nan-soo). I’d like to discuss both progress and plans. Hi. I would love to hear about both. As would the many who read these conversations we are having. Please go ahead. Thank you. You are in the midst of a frightening situation. This epidemic that spreads over your earth appears to be beyond humanity’s control at this point. We do not see that it remains here, yet it is your current state. We see that a remedy comes forward, yet the human body will need to be ready to resist all invaders for some time. It is here where the healing pods will be of an assist to the race. It became, eventually, our plan. To provide a rejuvenation to your race, to provide an alternative to the flow of chemicals typically given to heal and sustain an active life. This is what these healing chambers provide: sustainability and rejuvenation, a maintenance, if you will, of vibrant physical health. This outbreak was not anticipated. We have stepped up our planning models because of it. We currently work with several of your world’s representatives to negotiate a plan. Nothing is definite yet I can tell you this. The beds are in mass production right now. We are being assisted by other groups within the Pleiades, so that more assistance can be provided. This means a greater number of healing pods. The plan for providing them always existed, yet it is the speed, now necessary, that is causing a change in how and how soon. More star nations throw their hat in the ring every day, and methods for healing, beyond these* (referring here to the pods) *that are not specifically built to target illness, are evolving. What happens now is a bit like shooting a moving target and although we are successful most times, this target keeps on moving, and this prevents any final resolution. I can tell you that as a method for supporting your physical bodies, these healing pods are very well suited. The race will appreciate them once explained and introduced in a manner that encourages trust. If I may offer a suggestion that may help you to appreciate our situation. It is the word “trust”. An acceptance of healing pods will have to be based on a level of trust in whomever presents them. A “read” on your populations show us that trust in government is at an all time low. It is for this reason that plans for presentations evolve. All of the ramifications are being considered for a successful presentation. No one wants to get this wrong. As more of the star nations join the conversation and production and planning – it adds both help and complications. There is a lot to consider. Know that we are not paralyzed by indecision, far from it. Yet caution and a definitive positive response remain the order of the day. Sophia, we know that many have offered to help from humanity’s population as well. Our intent is to come up with a safe and definite procedure for the dissemination of the pods and then to consider additional offers from your brethren on earth. We ask for your trust. We appreciate the situation. Many of us are “on the ground” right now and report back to us the conditions you face. We have such love for your race and wish only to assist. Thank you. I will go now. You may reach out for updates as this progresses. Goodbye Sophia and friends! Goodbye. Thank you so much. ~ ~ ~ So that's it for today everyone! Hang in there and hold those you love close. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free email publications: (click here)! Select the “RSS Feed” link (above). Then with a Feed-reader app. you’ll be up to date with these Pleiadian posts. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. February 16, 2020
Hello Sophia! We are here! Hello! Thank you. I wonder if you would answer some questions? Also, introduce yourselves please. Why yes, of course. We are your brothers and sisters on the ships. The ships from the Pleiades. We’ve been talking to you these many years. Note: Visual here of mostly female, maybe one male, small statured beings with light hair and similar (to one another) clothing. Sophia. It is us who you’ve called the Pleiadian Pipeline. Today there are just three. The others are engaged, working on the pods, on the plan for their release. Okay, you know of this virus outbreak that began in China a few months ago? We do, yes. Are there plans to assist the planet? It sure seems like now would be a good time. There are. Please explain them, in concrete terms. I am receiving a jumble of information (meaning - from them) right now. Would you slow it down and provide more detail so that it can be effectively shared? Yes. Our technology, the pods we’ve been discussing with you, is a rejuvenator of sorts. It does not combat invaders as such. It reinforces and provides sound imprinting for sustainable rejuvenation. As such, the best use of them, and now, would be to fortify the body and immune system of humans against any airborne virus. They can do that. Understand though that if the body identifies with an image of “sick from a deadly pathogen”, then that imprint/image alone may overtake any outside effort. All is choice. Okay. Are you telling me that you have nothing that can specifically cure this virus? What we are saying is that our technology does not look at the “virus” specifically. We deal with and work with entire systems. These systems, when weakened, physically, emotionally or mentally with “dis-ease” still hold a blueprint for vitality. The strength of any bio-weapon, as we view it from our distant perspective, comes equally, if not to a greater degree, from the abject terror the body experiences when he or she is informed that “they have contracted it”. Fear is a powerful thing. The mind decides which way this goes, in every case. Emotions support that decision. I’m not sure you’ve answered this question. Okay, to be frank. We do not have an antidote, no. The virus is mutating. What we do have is more of an offensive approach. Vital bodies, who see themselves strong, are the best tool to fend off invading germs. Your pods do that. They assist and maintain, yes. When will you bring them here? We are working on it. I have people ready now to take them. We can get things going quickly. Many will assist. We are aware of the urgency felt. I’m not sure you can say that. You are on a ship. In all of our conversations there has been always a point in the future when you would actually show up with physical help and actual pods. This is a critical moment and help in the way you describe would alleviate fear. What is being considered is massive. As are predictions for the outbreak. What we mean by that is that we are considering global effect. It would have to be distributed around the planet and quickly. Your ability to travel beyond your locale may be limited. These are complicated logistical questions. I am not a part of that planning sector. Does that mean that you cannot answer the question of when or how? It means that planning talks are continuously held, as you say, 24/7. I am/we are not up to the minute with updates. What can you say then? Will you help? If so, when? How? This sort of situation requires straightforward conversation. Please excuse my bluntness. Excused. We know that there are plans to assist. The pods are ready; still more manufactured all the time. We know that it will have to ultimately be news disseminated from those in charge of areas and countries in order to be accepted. As we look human, it may not pose as much of a problem as first thought. Our presence globally would have a calming effect, yet would have to be introduced prior to it happening. Plans are in the works for this. We do not have any further information as to timing. Just to say that it is set to occur by summer. Do you mean summer in the United States? This begins in about four months’ time. We do. Although at what point during the summer is unclear. These are evolving plans and could change. I understand. So, to clarify. Your tech does not specifically target this COVID19 or any virus? It will reinforce healthy immune systems which is the best defense. That is correct. Are there, or do you know if there are others who are looking at helping to heal humanity and stop this virus? Other non-human races? We do and there are. We have not acquired information on these and can only speak directly about the healing pods we manufacture. Okay, fair enough. I would like to be kept informed on this. Is that possible? We can reach out, yes. We have been quite busy. We will talk again when something changes or is definite in the plan. This is what we will do. We are glad you reached us now, yet we must go. It is our great pleasure to speak to you this way and an honor to assist. Goodbye Sophia and friends. Goodbye. Thank you. This conversation ended here. Added note: As mentioned earlier, this was more of a download of information, and part of what was felt clearly, but not written in the translation, was that the logistics of disseminating healing to the planet from off world sources is complicated also by the plan for a “fake alien invasion”. The sudden appearance of ships in the sky would be quite threatening and a useful moment to initiate chaos and another narrative. This takedown of the controllers adds another level to the logistics and timing of everything. The field on which this is being played out is very, very large. What was seen was cooperation on many levels. These three speaking to me were sort of “lower level management” if you will. This conversation was a courtesy, not a necessity. It is the first time that they have “shushed me off” before I said goodbye! Another thing not fully expressed with the transcript is how powerful a weapon fear is. It can literally heal or harm you physically, and the controllers know and utilize this. Remember the media is controlled and it is so important for us to resist falling into a frightened state. All news should be received and absorbed with gentility and attention to how it feels when taken in. So, as we move into spring, I will reach out again if I don’t hear from them first. Sign up for the RSS feed or the newsletter so you’ll see the next conversation when it happens. Please use your own discernment, as always, with this information. Take care of yourself and of your loved ones. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. December 11, 2019
We are here, yes, Sophia. This is something that would please us; to connect with a human. Hi. Thank you for coming forward. You’re very welcome. How may we be of service today? Would you introduce yourselves? Why of course. We are your Pleiadian friends and those many of us working on the Healing Pods. We apologize for not doing so immediately, as we felt your intent and thus responded. Hi! It’s true that you’ve been on my mind and I have yet to intentionally reach out to you. Thanks for answering my silent call! Can you update us on the Pods and on anything else that would assist? Certainly, Sophia’s friends. We work diligently on this healing technology with your participation. As communication is heard we are able to modify and specify and perfect the working of our Pods. What is happening is, in a general sense, organically modifying what has become a fleet. As changes are adjusted, each unit shifts to accommodate. The technology utilizes waves of energy and works with the energetic signature of whomever is inside the Pod. You are similar, yet not identical beings, and exposure to more and more of you adds to the possible repertoire of responses, successful responses, to the Pods. What we still find most interesting and at times frustrating, is lack of self-trust. What do you mean? Would you explain? There is a request for health. This is stated via intention, as in directly stated, or as desire. Desire comes most often unawares. The desire may be coupled with a belief in the impossibility of 100% health. It may leave open the possibility for a bit of health, a bit of relief, or some progress towards vital physicality. If what comes next is a release of some sort, our Pods can facilitate optimum and lasting results. If instead, what follows is a repetitive worry, concern and doubt – which are extremely creative due to the level of emotion involved – the Pods have limited affect. It is as if the waves hit a wall. This wall is constructed by worry, by mistrust. What would seem most helpful is letting go – a letting go of the pictures painted for you, we notice, by words. These words come from your current medical establishment. Words are not innocuous or harmless or merely informative and explanatory. Words such as cancer and tumor and chronic and genetic are loaded with energy. This is the barrier we see. This is not to chastise or implicate you in wrong action. It is to shine light on your inner vocabulary, which speaks to you nonverbally as a response to your outer vocabulary. Rather than thinking and speaking definitively, with diagnosis and conditions, it will assist you to speak and think of symptoms. Then, once their healing has been created, either through intent or desire – let even those words go. As you see your body, mind and spirit as a whole and unified in voice, this gets easier and easier. You are complete? We are, yes. We’d like to say thank you for your willingness to engage with our technology. The service you are providing will help more than you know. It is our honor and pleasure to assist and we look forward to personal contact in real “time”. Thank you. We love you. Goodbye! Thanks, you guys! (I see four waving beings, big smiles, much love. This was not a group I was familiar with. After the session, I went back and noticed the description they gave: “your Pleiadian friends and those many of us working on the Healing Pods.” I suspect that the usual suspects were just busy! As I noted, I did not intend to reach them, they just showed up. I have been thinking about them lately, as the year’s end approaches and I had not spoken to them for some time. This group felt quite serious; this message feels important. Sophia) PS – If you subscribe to the complimentary version of the newsletter, you’ve heard me say this already. I am looking for reviews of the “The Imposter”, as I want to get it seen by more people. I believe it is an important conversation and empowering. It presents ideas that are vital for us as we step into our creative muscles. Amazon sales rely heavily on reviews by readers. To that end, all new subscribers to my weekly newsletter, between now and the end of 2019, will receive a free digital copy of the book. All that I ask is that once you’ve read it, you add your review to Amazon. It will be sent to the email address used to subscribe to the newsletter. I’ve been told by many that they read it in one sitting! Thanks! Book link, click here. To subscribe, click here. Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
On September 1, 2017 we begin this place where messages from the Pleiades are shared.
January 2024
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