January 15, 2018
I would like to speak to the Pleiadians, is this possible? It is. Of course, Sophia. We feel your anxiety. Is there a specific question? There are a few actually. Okay, go ahead then. Thank you. Have you been part of the “Command PB Stardust” healing modality? Is it one group, many groups, a coordinated effort? Suddenly I feel someone else. Yes. You’ve mentioned a protocol that is not from the group regularly connected here. This brings another voice to your communication. What do you want to know about the protocol? I wanted to know if it is an extension of this group, or an extension of the ones working with me in the “pods” as I’ve called them, or something else altogether. The protocol exists on its own. We are a distinct force working with your earth group to accelerate and offer healing to humans. There are many such groups. We are one of them. Thank you. It has been effective in my case for both immediate relief and chronic pain. This is good to know. We appreciate the feedback. It is our intent to ease this transition for humanity. Our timing is no coincidence. The “Event”, as you have called it, approaches rapidly. Yes, I am aware. Thank you for coming forward. I am complete and would like contact again with my group for the pipeline. Ahhh… I feel you. Hello. Hello Sophia. May we offer a message today? Please do. Thank you. Dear, dear human. You run now straight into the finish line of your first lap. It has been an extremely long one for you, yet if you have eyes to see clearly, you can see the flags just ahead. Do not despair. You have won. It has, all along, been you that we’ve been cheering for. We knew you would succeed. Our efforts to assist come in waves of love and light. The frequency reaches you from these words and our core being. We so very much hold you in awe and admiration. Know that you can reach us for comfort with a mere thought. The veil thins and you get stronger every single day. Any way we can assist we are doing so. This is a most exciting next two weeks and we will be in contact again soon. Hold fast to your inner knowing of truth. Soon all will be revealed. It is a privilege and an honor. Goodbye, dear human. Thank you.
On September 1, 2017 we begin this place where messages from the Pleiades are shared.
January 2024
We are the One's we've been waiting for.
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