October 24, 2019
Is there someone who wants to connect? Yes Sophia! Hello! It is so good to hear from you and we are of course ready to answer your questions! Hello everyone! How are you? We are very busy! It is a very exciting and arduous time for u s now. We have much to do on so many fronts. It is work that we love, you can be sure of that. The humans are moving forward quickly and our aim is to be ready to act and engage on a moment’s notice. You can imagine the preparations for such an operation. Yes, I can. I think that at times we expect you to magically create the pods and other mechanisms, not realizing the effort involved. I apologize if we sound insensitive to the effort involved on your end. Apologies are unnecessary Sophia. We do what we do gladly and are eager to engage fully with your race. Yes, well your enthusiasm is evident. Here are the questions from readers: “What is the music in 40 to 100 hz all about? I always thought, 432 hz was healing music.” Your music variation accommodates different modes of healing and as well, rejuvenation. Each of the tones mentioned here are suppliers of a vibratory frequency that moves in concert with a higher vibrational being, if so attuned. Simply put, they accomplish different things. You could say that the initial numbers asked about are “tuners” to frequencies that accommodate the heart. The second is a frequency that cooperates with the harmonics of your planet and thus offer a full body synchronization with the place you find yourselves – earth. This affords peace and tranquility. Thank you. Here are the second group questions, all from one reader: “Will the sun flash trigger worldwide earth changes?” And “What happens to mentally ill people in hospitals? Also, those undiagnosed perhaps, but who hear voices or are impaired for various reasons?” It will, of course, initiate changes as it does now, on a moment to moment basis. This event of a flash will be only a singular event, that feels unusual and dramatic because it has not occurred in recent history. Specific earth changes are not topics we can speak with authority on. Sophia has others she speaks to, who can give those, if indeed it is meant to be shared. We are sorry if this disappoints, yet it is our truth today. If we understand you fully, we think that what you mean to say is “what is going on with mental illness in your world”? It is a huge question and requires many different answers depending on the body being inquired about. In very many cases what you have is a “malfunction” of brain function. This creates alternate expectations, needs and most visibly, actions by those afflicted. It is not so much an illness, unless it works to degrade the body itself. In most cases it is that the body cannot care for itself and function in society and must be labeled in order to be encased within a specific segment of society, that will care for them. It, meaning the label, does not define each case. The labels are for societies convenience. What we know is that bodies are chosen and some of them needing constant reinforcement. This, in order to have successful days. “Hearing voices” is at times a function of hyper-awareness and nothing more. With education as to your multi-dimensional powerful selves, these labels may be dropped and replaced with acceptance. You cannot ever be certain of reasons for any “malady” without knowing every single contributing factor. Primary among those are the being’s intent before it arrived. We feel that as your race becomes more aware and in touch with truth, the instances of “mental illness” will reduce, and be replaced with varying sensitivities and abilities. We hope this answers the question. Thank you. I appreciate your willingness to answer us. Do you have any other message, before we sign off? Only that we are watching and waiting for a sign that the time is here for us to come to you with our healing pods. We hear you, and are anxious to engage fully. It is so very much an honor to participate with you now. You are a delight! Goodbye now! Thanks! Goodbye! (I see them smiling and waving. (smile)) ~~~~~ With appreciation and love, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
Hi everyone.
Today’s message is from me, with some answers about healing from my partner. Also, a correction. I am not a comic book reader, as you may have guessed. (smile) My reference to kryptonite was wrong. And I’ve been corrected! I am sorry guys! I was thinking about the strength of Superman and how it was enhanced by our sun. I used the word that came to my head when I think of Superman, and well, obviously that is not what I meant, as kryptonite is deadly to Superman. The paragraph should read like this: “Part of the beauty of the Pods is they work purely as an extension and expansion of your own intent. They will not, cannot harm you, or take away your ability to choose. They are like our sun and it’s effect on Superman’s body, and will amplify your superpowers and maintain your physical perfection.” I’ve corrected it on the blog post as well. Oops. Here are some more answers from my partner. They concern his healing journey and it is hoped that they’ll be of some help for you on yours. He has a measurable method to determine his daily progress (testing his blood sugar), and this is fortunate. He has pretty near instant answers to how his body is healing or not responding. Our friend wrote out some questions and I added a few of my own. These are his words. 1. What is the illness? Diabetes. 2. How long have you had it? 25 years. 3. What are your thoughts on self-healing? I’ve always believed in self-healing. I’ve healed other things and myself since I can remember. My parents believed in it too. 4. Have you researched it? Self-healing is intuitive. Diabetes has been explored deeply and thoroughly. 5. Have you tried to maintain good health? Yes. I’ve been good about my health since I found out about the diabetes. But, not always. I’ve been good and then I’ve been terrible. Currently coming off of a terrible phase. 6. What do you think of the Pleiadian technology? It’s not like ours. It’s effective, but mainly you have to be in the driver’s seat. It’s more of an amplifier than a healer. 7. What did you do “internally” to heal yourself? I had to stop being pissed off, and accept it as a condition I created myself. I decided to do everything I could do, to stop taking insulin. It’s not like I said “I’m not taking insulin” over and over. It’s more like the decision to finally take care of a toothache. You’re going to do it. That’s the clear intention that’s required. 8. What were you feeling inside when you did this? Desperation. Fear. And then, the decision made me feel great. It made me feel calm and in charge. 9. Do you feel these “feelings” come from outside? No. 10. Did you construct a picture of a “healthy you” to look at during the day? No. 11. Do you meditate? Yes. 12. How often do you make your intent? It varies. It is sometimes 4 or 5 times in a day. Sometimes it’s not at all. 13. What part do the Pleiadians play in this? They are the ones who helped me heal faster and better. My diet isn’t perfect. I have visualized the Pleiadians in a dream. I’m getting muscle tone and more vitality. It feels like on a cellular level I’ve gotten better. 14. What does their technology look like? It’s a thing you lay down in and it’s clear. I think the results I’m getting are from the Pleiadians. It feels like they’ve engaged my body to re-construct faster. When I do something for my body/my health, I see results in days that exceed my expectations. Additional note from Sophia: I’ve seen the results and I concur with his belief that the Pleiadians have enhanced and super-charged his healing. He has muscle tone where it had been lost, and is stronger than he’s been in a long time. This is NOT because he works out at the gym either. It just seems to have happened since he made the decision to be healthy. It is remarkable really. That’s it guys! I hope this helps you on your journey! With appreciation and love, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. September 29, 2019
Hello! Sophia! How may we be of assistance today? Hello everyone! It is good to connect again. I have some questions from readers. The first involves storage for the pods. There are two parts to this question. - What do they look like and how big are they and how do they operate? - Several readers are offering to house them. In one case, there is already space available right now and more could be obtained. Can you speak to how much and what type of space is needed? Also – should we be preparing for them now or should we wait? Linear time is what we are dealing with and what motivates these questions. Thanks. Sophia and friends. It pleases us to hear you so invested in our offer to assist. We spoke early on, two years in your time, about the technology. What is used is light/vibration/energy beams. All creation is the re-formation of potential into the most probable and possible and accepted outcome. Our use of the pods depends on your unique energy signature and what it is, can be best described, is an assist to your own (creative potential/probable/accepted energy). This is technology that utilizes belief/expectation/creation and magnifies/hones it for the length of time that you are within them (within the pods themselves). Fully encased you are, almost like an extremely long and large egg. Translucent/transparent. Comfortable. What is seen is a soft glow. While encased in the pod you are surrounded in light. It is a challenge to express the inner workings of the energy, yet if you will again hear that we employ it into our lives here, and thus do not age physically as you do on earth. This is because, and please hear this clearly and fully, we do not expect to. The technology is in our doorways and available at many “relaxation centers”. We do not call them “healing” centers because we don’t experience sickness in the way humans do. As for their size, you would be housing a 7 foot long, 3.5 foot wide, 5 foot deep unit. We do envision needing storage, yet not until the first units are located and operational. Logistics are being figured out as the time approaches, yet is still not defined. What is this tension I am experiencing from this connection stemming from? This is something new for me. Sophia, we apologize. Many from other departments have joined the conversation. They are unused to our protocol and method and we are figuring out how to accomplish a smooth transition. My head is buzzing with it! Yes, many have come to join us. Marketing, packaging, engineering – all of the manufacturing departments are here. I see a few “hard hats”. (smile) Yes. Maybe this will help you to understand what it is you feel now. It does, can we continue? Can you be any more specific regarding time? We cannot offer linear dates. Please do not incur expense or additional space until the time arrives that the pods are on your earth. It is then that logistical arrangements and most likely direct communication will take place. Thank you. I believe we are complete for now. Is there anything you’d like to say before we go? Only that the entire process is an organic and singular one. It is beautiful to watch and we cheer you on from our ships, anxious to meet you! It is an honor to have achieved your trust. Thank you. Goodbye then. (I see many people there, lots of smiling and some waving! Sophia) Additional note from Sophia to readers. Many messages are coming in regarding healing. I appreciate your urgency and suffering more than I can tell you about. Yet I feel as if there has been a pretty significant misunderstanding about the Pods and the Pleiadians themselves. I would like to add here then, what it is I have learned. Also, what it is I do. These beings are offering an assist, yet it is you and I who are the master magicians when it comes to our bodies. This applies also when desiring help for a loved one. The power rests in your hands, in my hands, and in the hands of those we pray for. This technology has been explored with my partner and myself for several years, yet until he saw himself healed and accompanied that seeing with real physical action, the magic didn’t happen. He had to believe it was possible and accept it as the only option. We have both been helped and healed this way. I communicate each morning and night with the Pleiadians, and yes, I include your names and intentions when I do. It is becoming a long list! (smile) Yet the real healing spark is self-initiated, and what I see and sense in your requests is a giving up of that power. You are assuming that I can do something that you are unable to accomplish. If those are your true beliefs, then the purpose of sharing this information has not occurred, and I am sorry. I cannot do your healing for you. The Pleiadians cannot do your healing for you. It is the same with any sort of chemical or traditional medical procedure that we are so familiar with on earth. The major difference between traditional medicine and the pods, as far as I can see, is that the pods will not harm you, as so many of our traditional methods and medicines do. We have “learned” from people interested in keeping us dependent, to rely on something other than ourselves for help. This was intentional. Part of the beauty of the Pods is they work purely as an extension and expansion of your own intent. They will not, cannot harm you, or take away your ability to choose. They are like our sun and it’s effect on Superman’s body, and will amplify your superpowers and maintain your physical perfection. The healing of our bodies is an inside job. If you are familiar my other work, you’ve heard the being I referred to as “Poseur” say to me, when I was sick: “Why would you harm yourself”? (That conversation is now a book, “The Imposter”) He was absolutely clear on how all things are created. We are creation machines. We have to believe something is possible, for it to become real. It is as impossible and as simple as that. What that means is that if you are waiting for an outside force to fix what you believe is unfixable, you’ll be disappointed every time. If, on the other hand, you utilize an outside force to stimulate and accelerate your own perfect vision of a healthy body, then you will manifest those positive thoughts quickly. Realize that “quickly” is relative and linear time demands that we witness and fully accept each physical healing. So I’m asking once again, before you come to me to heal you, please examine your deepest held beliefs. We all have the power to change our minds. Here is a segment of the last post, (# 46) worth repeating: Another questioner wants more specifics on asking for help for someone else. Possibility? Method to use? “Yes, this is possible. It absolutely is when done with love. The method is to add the full name of whomever you wish us to assist. If that person’s body gives a “yes”, we’ll proceed to do so. We are unable to do so if there is resistance. Unfortunately, we’ve seen this occur. There are multiple possible reasons for this, none of which we are privy to.” I love you all. I mean it. I hope that you understand what I am trying to say here. The power is yours and it rests within. With appreciation, Sophia PS – If you subscribe to the complimentary version of the newsletter, you’ve heard me say this already. I am looking for reviews of the “The Imposter”, as I want to get it seen by more people. I believe it is an important conversation and empowering. It presents ideas that are vital for us as we step into our creative muscles. Amazon sales rely heavily on reviews by readers. To that end, all new subscribers to my weekly newsletter, between now and the end of the year, will receive a free digital copy of the book. All that I ask is that once you’ve read it, you add your review to Amazon. It will be sent to the email address used to subscribe to the newsletter. I’ve been told by many that they read it in one sitting! Thanks! Book link, click here. To subscribe, click here. Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
On September 1, 2017 we begin this place where messages from the Pleiades are shared.
January 2024
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