From September 27th, 2017
Dear, dear human. We appreciate your anxiety and exuberance. We do not relate precisely to all that you have been through. Therefore, we ask that you forgive us if what you are sensing is not deeply felt empathy. Although we appreciate the stories you relate and believe them; we have no foundation from which to draw that identifies precisely your agony. We hear your pain however and it is for this reason we come forward. You are our brothers and sisters. We want to help. We have been considering how best we can do so. At this point we are not in direct physical contact, although that time approaches. We think it may be of some help to tell you a bit about ourselves. We realize there are many tales from your media about us. To these we will add our own. We look like you. For this reason, we will be amongst the first to be in real physical contact. We are not only light haired, as has been often portrayed. We age differently and to you it would appear that after a certain point, not at all. We do age however and are not immortal. The difference in the process is the lack of stress both physical and emotional, and our technology. We are consistently bathed in rays of healing light. That which you call tachyon technology is included here. What this accomplishes again and again is a re-imagining of the ideal. That means that we have no visual for “not ideal” in form and therefore it does not exist. This is the reason for the images of us appearing constantly in a very youthful and vital state. We remain there always. The possibility for this technology to be shared and used on humanity exists. It will accomplish different ends however, as the initial form comes from different expectations and beliefs. The subject of healing is a big one we notice. We have mentioned before that this subject is one we’ve worked with Sophia with. It will be gradually clarified for all of us. We are enjoying your excitement and ask again for your answers to be public. The questions remain the same. We love you so very deeply. It is an honor to engage. Thank you. Thank you. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for ~ let’s do this. With so much love and gratitude, ~Sophia Usage Policy~ These messages are meant to be shared, so feel free. Just please link back here when you do and support this work here! You are appreciated!
Hello everyone. On the 18th of September, I approached the group who are transmitting these messages to us. It was a bit of a change from my usual method for doing so. I have learned a lot from the group I’ve mentioned before, found here: . Please check them out and join them; I’ve been encouraged several times now to share their work. Alfred is a remarkable teacher.
What follows is the message for this week. It was given in two sessions. Both occurred on the same day ~ “There is a group from the Pleiades offering messages to my readers. May I approach?” You may, Sophia. Thank you. I am wondering if there is a message? There are many responses to the other messages you have given. Yes. We see (that) there are. We have a partial message. It will be completed in a few days’ time; before the equinox. Would you care to take it down now? I am prepared to, yes. Okay, let us begin. My dear, dear human, Your worries and illnesses, concerns and irritations are heard by us. We are not your gods but instead your brothers and sisters. We do not know the methods with which to directly contact each of you. Some of you will hear us telepathically, while others will wait to hear and see answers in these and other communications. We look now for relationship so that we can go beyond answering questions to full conversation and back and forth exchange and dialogue. There is a pattern to telepathy that once comprehended will open your hearts and ears to many of us anxious to get to know you. I am feeling a strange sensation on my face. Please tell me this – are you the same group who reached out initially on my web site? Not all of us are. Who else is here? We are the Arcturians. Why do you now come forward? It is most exciting, contact with so many humans. Note – at this point I felt a sort of fighting and pushing sensation, as if vying for the front of the line! I left the conversation as it was, in my estimation, no longer useful or relevant. Using a method recommended by Alfred from the previously mentioned group, I determined that there was some interference with the message and the information coming through. So, I discontinued until many hours later in that same day. I approached them and the conversation continued; it is found below. “Would you like to complete the message now?” We would be honored. Thank you. Hello again, dear, dear human. We have not gone very far from your sphere of influence. In fact, we watch anxiously your message board to see what it is you are saying. We ask now that you notice the feelings and thoughts that enter your mind when you send/write your messages. These are us! In every case you are communicating telepathically – it only takes intent. When you create a physical representation of your thoughts and ideas, as in words on pages or screens, the intent is clear. Once intent is directed, it is felt. We realize you are not used to thinking this way. We ask you to take into your consideration now, that WE ARE (used to thinking this way). It is how we communicate. As answers to your questions, we’d like to offer this: Our purpose in coming forward now is both to get to know the human and to assist the human. You are entering very exciting yet volatile times. Your connection to greater aspects of creation will only assist you to navigate them. We have things to teach and introduce. First, we must explain and experiment with accurate communication. We’d like to direct you to the group Sophia has found – they are learning and expanding telepathic abilities. ( ) Next, we’d like a program of regular messages; (for us) to hear your questions and (for you) to write/intend answers so that the process continues. It is not mysterious or difficult, yet necessitates trust and a field of love in which to play. Until we speak this way again, remain in that field as often as possible and intend to reach us. Call us by intention. “Pleiadian Pipeline” will suffice for now. Eventually we’ll show up for you on a first name basis. What you hear from us, please write publicly. It will help others to know what is possible. It is a thrill and an honor to engage. Thank you. Thank you. Goodbye now. That’s it for this week! ~Sophia Usage Policy~ These messages are meant to be shared, so feel free. Just please link back here when you do and support this work here! You are appreciated! September 13th, 2017
“I’d like to speak to those who’ve been transmitting messages through the Pleiadian Pipeline. Is there a message now?” There is. Is this the time to give it? It is. We will do so then. Thank you, Sophia, for being a conduit. “Dear, dear human, We are enjoying very much your correspondence as answers and considering each and carefully. This is a new process for us. We’ve watched your race and anxiously await a moment of full interaction, as well as sharing of ideas and ways of being. As to your specific questions, we see that there are many and in some cases, personal. We’d like to offer to those of you who feel ready to do so, personal contact. This can be realized in the same method in which Sophia and us connect – telepathic. What must occur is belief and allowing. Everyone has the ability. Sophia is in contact with a group forming telepathy centers. We suggest contacting one of those. If not possible due to locale, then personal contact is suggested. Some of you desire healing. Let us tell you about our healing chambers and rays. For us, these are available as a matter of course and daily life. In some, if not most places, they are emitted as you walk in the door. Healing is not so much called for as our bodies are constantly restored. The human, we have learned through Sophia, is quite a complex being. These rays have been utilized in Sophia’s case for quite some time and yet there has not been a dramatic youthful restoration – but some, and maintenance for sure. We will leave that story for Sophia. As this is an introductory process and has immediately become personal and individual; we’ll say this. Those of you with specific and personal requests, please reach out independently and telepathically. Those of you with global and societal requests, list them here. We would like this pipeline to begin an information exchange. To that end, we have a request/question. What do you feel most anxious about? We see your questions expand through a wide range of topics. We see that anxiety is the most prominent barrier to complete health and full restoration. We are in a process of learning to perfect our technology for the complete rejuvenation that occurs for us. Your answers will assist. We are so very excited to feel you in your words and look forward to mind to mind contact. It is an honor to engage. Thank you.” Thank you. There are a few things to mention. One is the group referred to is found on Facebook, here:¬if_t=admin_plan_mall_activity¬if_id=1505186692402529 It was a video conference held on 9/12/17 and there will be others. Connect with the organizer, John Blanpied (on Facebook) for updates on future events. There are many things planned for the coming months. Here is a website that includes information on the group they reference: Secondly, there is now a link in the upper right corner of this blog. Sign up to receive these messages via email if that is your wish. Alternatively, you can sign up for the RSS feed and they will be updated when they are published, on your home page. Lastly, the information they shared about our interaction is quite a long story. I’ve been communicating with certain Pleiadian beings for over a year around the topic of healing, and much has been learned. It is a process. Those conversations will be compiled and available soon. What I can say now is that we’ve had to hone our expectations to include all aspects of the individual. Contact is a delicate and complex process that will not successfully be short-changed. Full participation and comprehension is necessary to accomplish healing. They in fact DO have advanced healing technology, yet it works differently for humans, at least for the few that have been tested thus far. The Pleiadians are not gods or miracle workers, but our sisters and brothers. They’d like to help us and want to know us, as we do them. What has happened in my interactions with them over the last several years has been a mutual appreciation for our differences as well as deep respect. This is an exciting time! Please respond in the comments below, they will read them. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for ~ let’s do this. With so much love and gratitude, Sophia Usage Policy~ These messages are meant to be shared, so feel free. Just please link back here when you do and support this work here! You are appreciated! September 7th, 2017 at 4:00 AM
Is there someone who wants to connect? There is Sophia, yes. We are your Pleiadian sisters! Hello! Hello! We wanted to say thank you, for sharing our overall message with your readers. It pleases us to reach them. We feel their individual and collective energy. You’re welcome. Is there another message? There is. Is now the time to give it? It could be, yes. Well then, let’s do it. We’ll try to be a bit more personal this time. Okay. I feel more familiar, if that makes sense? It does and this pleases us. A few of us who know you have “taken the mic” if you get our meaning. I do, and it shows. Good. Here is our message: "Dear, dear human, It alarms and distresses us to see you suffer. We have watched for these many, many years and know your history, as well as feel your pain. It is time now for all of that suffering to end. We would like to help alleviate some of it with healing technology and methods. These are beginning on earth already. With a full exposure and disclosure, there is the possibility of more – more places and more advancements in the technology that is allowed. Know that we are ready to help. When certain forces are removed, we are ready to move quickly. There are so many to help. With this message comes a question. “What do you feel our initial focus should include?” Thank you. It is both a thrill and an honor to engage. Goodbye for now.” Okay, great. I’ll share this. We know you will! Thank you, Sophia! We love you and say goodbye now! Goodbye! Note – 3 to 5 smiling faces wave. Behind them, in the shadows, are many, many more. I’ll be away for a few days. Your words here will be seen and felt by them, so please comment below! We are the ones we’ve been waiting for ~ let’s do this. With so much love and gratitude, ~Sophia Usage Policy~ These messages are meant to be shared, so feel free. Just please link back here when you do and support this work here! You are appreciated! On September 1st, 2017, I had a conversation with a group from the Pleiades. Part of it is included below.
“We’d like very much to prepare for contact – for humanity to prepare for contact.” I don’t know what you refer to with the word “prepare”? We’d like the fear element to be absent from contact. We’d like to be trusted as benevolent. We’d like to engage in a dialogue of equanimity with all agendas out on the table. I don’t know that humanity has an agenda beyond contact at this point. I don’t recognize you. You don’t feel like … anyone specific I’ve dealt with. Well, we are a rather large group. Some of us, those who ventured in and met your kitten, are your “sisters”. Yet you are not sensing a specific voice. This is a conglomerate, working to get a specific message to you. What is the message? We haven’t given it yet. What is said depends very much on the course of this conversation. Are you prepared to be a messenger? To what end? The physical and psychic meeting of our race and yours. I have been psychically “meeting” with you all for some time. So, in that way, yes, I am prepared. I have come close to meeting with you physically a few times, yet it has not manifested. It has not. Some of the reason it has not is due to logistics, some of it apprehension on both sides. What we’d like to do is offer specific messages and then have you transmit them forward, through your blog and publications. Some of these messages will contain questions that will seek answers. Some of these will hold information that can be used to prepare for actual physical meetings. We know that you have joined a group preparing for a specific meeting date. We do not know if these messages and beings will be a part of that meeting event. It is all leading to the same thing however – contact. Would you like the message now? I would. Okay then. ~~ “Dear, dear Human, Please accept our gratitude for your generosity of heart and adventuresome spirit at this moment. It is, for us, a long-anticipated moment. We will speak regularly to you now – through our beloved sister Sophia. We would like to say initially that your heart has expanded beyond the confines of earth’s atmospheric realm and astounded us who witness. It is a privilege to finally get close enough to engage. We are anxious to learn from you and so very pleased to finally meet you. With honor and respect, we now depart.” ~~ Okay, is that it? Yes Sophia. Please share our message and let us watch it reverberate throughout. Okay, thanks. I must go. Yes. Goodbye Sophia. Goodbye my friends. ~~~~ Usage Policy~ These messages are meant to be shared, so feel free. Just please link back here when you do and support this work here! You are appreciated! |
On September 1, 2017 we begin this place where messages from the Pleiades are shared.
January 2024
We are the One's we've been waiting for.
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