Hello everyone. On the 18th of September, I approached the group who are transmitting these messages to us. It was a bit of a change from my usual method for doing so. I have learned a lot from the group I’ve mentioned before, found here: http://www.firstcontact.world/#home . Please check them out and join them; I’ve been encouraged several times now to share their work. Alfred is a remarkable teacher.
What follows is the message for this week. It was given in two sessions. Both occurred on the same day ~ “There is a group from the Pleiades offering messages to my readers. May I approach?” You may, Sophia. Thank you. I am wondering if there is a message? There are many responses to the other messages you have given. Yes. We see (that) there are. We have a partial message. It will be completed in a few days’ time; before the equinox. Would you care to take it down now? I am prepared to, yes. Okay, let us begin. My dear, dear human, Your worries and illnesses, concerns and irritations are heard by us. We are not your gods but instead your brothers and sisters. We do not know the methods with which to directly contact each of you. Some of you will hear us telepathically, while others will wait to hear and see answers in these and other communications. We look now for relationship so that we can go beyond answering questions to full conversation and back and forth exchange and dialogue. There is a pattern to telepathy that once comprehended will open your hearts and ears to many of us anxious to get to know you. I am feeling a strange sensation on my face. Please tell me this – are you the same group who reached out initially on my web site? Not all of us are. Who else is here? We are the Arcturians. Why do you now come forward? It is most exciting, contact with so many humans. Note – at this point I felt a sort of fighting and pushing sensation, as if vying for the front of the line! I left the conversation as it was, in my estimation, no longer useful or relevant. Using a method recommended by Alfred from the previously mentioned group, I determined that there was some interference with the message and the information coming through. So, I discontinued until many hours later in that same day. I approached them and the conversation continued; it is found below. “Would you like to complete the message now?” We would be honored. Thank you. Hello again, dear, dear human. We have not gone very far from your sphere of influence. In fact, we watch anxiously your message board to see what it is you are saying. We ask now that you notice the feelings and thoughts that enter your mind when you send/write your messages. These are us! In every case you are communicating telepathically – it only takes intent. When you create a physical representation of your thoughts and ideas, as in words on pages or screens, the intent is clear. Once intent is directed, it is felt. We realize you are not used to thinking this way. We ask you to take into your consideration now, that WE ARE (used to thinking this way). It is how we communicate. As answers to your questions, we’d like to offer this: Our purpose in coming forward now is both to get to know the human and to assist the human. You are entering very exciting yet volatile times. Your connection to greater aspects of creation will only assist you to navigate them. We have things to teach and introduce. First, we must explain and experiment with accurate communication. We’d like to direct you to the group Sophia has found – they are learning and expanding telepathic abilities. ( http://www.firstcontact.world/#home ) Next, we’d like a program of regular messages; (for us) to hear your questions and (for you) to write/intend answers so that the process continues. It is not mysterious or difficult, yet necessitates trust and a field of love in which to play. Until we speak this way again, remain in that field as often as possible and intend to reach us. Call us by intention. “Pleiadian Pipeline” will suffice for now. Eventually we’ll show up for you on a first name basis. What you hear from us, please write publicly. It will help others to know what is possible. It is a thrill and an honor to engage. Thank you. Thank you. Goodbye now. That’s it for this week! ~Sophia Usage Policy~ These messages are meant to be shared, so feel free. Just please link back here when you do and support this work here! You are appreciated!
9/21/2017 10:21:13 am
This is cool. I am liking the new blog section devoted to the Pleiadians (sp?) I'm going to try to telepathically communicate daily. I think it would be so cool to be able to communicate with these beings. I read you blog all the time and am envious of this ability, I don't know why. But they all say we have the ability but we just don't know it. If someone/something talks back in my head I'm pretty sure I would freak out! (in a good way). They will surely get an earful (of questions) from me. Thanks!
It is SO wonderful to be encouraged to get to know you with Telepathy.... as this is the method of communication that will change who we are as a species.
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On September 1, 2017 we begin this place where messages from the Pleiades are shared.
January 2024
We are the One's we've been waiting for.
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