October 20, 2018
Hey everyone. This is a surprise edition. These have been coming since September 2017 and this is the 31st conversation, which averages out to roughly 2 -3 each month. It’s been just days since they reached out and last night I was woken up 4 times! I did not respond well and said I would reach out in the light of the following day. I was surprised at their insistent wake-ups because the group I usually speak to knows that if I don’t “answer” their call, I’ll reach out to them the next day. This group did not. Here’s how today’s conversation went. “I was woken up several times last night and did not connect. Are the beings who did so available now?” We are here Sophia, yes. Hello. Thank you for becoming available once again to connect. You are welcome. We would like to begin. Please, go ahead. Our information regarding your planet and its journey has changed. No longer are you proceeding on a slow meandering path towards Ascension and a major shift – but a rapid one. This is the reason for the disruption of sleep. We are feeling a sense of urgency and wanted that to be included in the words. There are typically days in between our messages and when it is shared. (Ouch!) We feel it needs to be put out now. You are the Pleiadians? From the Pipeline? Yes, although this is a slightly different voice. Yes, I feel that. I would describe your voice as slightly more masculine and/or scientific. Why yes. It is from this area of observation and knowledge that newer intel is received and shared. The timeline has shifted. For everyone? Yes. I felt 2 days ago that it had done so personally. It has done so globally. Sophia, you are a messenger and your message is spreading to more than you know. Today you are asked to share this message. People need time to see it and prepare. Become serious about this message and the urgency of its timing. It will help if it is seen. It will help if it is shared. So, yes, of course it will be shared. Please specify precisely what you want to be known. Things have sped up. This new timeline asks you to take action right away in all areas that require preparation – spiritual, personal, emotional and physical. Be sure that you are synchronized in your relationships and also where you are. I am not clear what that last sentence means. It means that if you feel, after deep and humble introspection that changes are needed, don’t wait to make them. Those who need to heed this message will know and respond appropriately. We have such great love for humanity and aim now to afford the majority of awakened and un-awakened ones every opportunity to choose their most favored path in the process. When the shift (meaning here the recent timeline shift) occurred, we wanted to relay our interpretation of what it means for you. We do not wish to cause alarm. Only a reinforcement, if you will, of encouragement and insight. We can only be of assistance to you in this way – with sharing what is seen. We see things rapidly approach. We are pleased you sense the urgency of our contact and of this message. Are there any specifics you can offer to us? Not at this time. That is not our purpose. Yet, overall, as a process, “sooner” rather than “later” would be accurate. Okay. The urgency is felt. I’ll share this today. Please reach out again if you sense more changes. We are pleased. It is an honor to participate. This is a joyous message! We hope that it is received that way and felt with only love and admiration. Thank you. Goodbye now. Goodbye Sophia and company. Note – as a visual there were 3 beings there, all of them male. This was not the usual smiling and waving exit, but a quiet and gentle goodbye with a sort of serious demeanor; the “and company” is not a phrase I’ve heard before. This explains why I was woken up. I’ve not spoken before to this group. Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
October 18, 2018
I reach out now to connect. Is there someone available? We are here, Sophia! Hello! We are pleased to once more “see” you! Hello! Thank you for coming forward. Of course, we will! We are always available for your pipeline message. Okay then, what is the message for right now? It is to tell your fellow humans that these coming moments, the ones approaching you right now, will be the ones forever remembered. We are so pleased to be a part of your journey and want you to know! This current moment may appear troubling. You will find that you won’t know who to trust. This will occur, we suspect, not only in your media but in all sources of information – loved ones, friends & family will seem contradictory. As will your body and mind, as thoughts, feelings and emotions come in from all places. (Here, I was feeling they were referring to multi-dimensional places. Sophia) We’d offer this. Do not lose sight of things you’ve always known and loved. Think again only about beliefs. Examine where these beliefs originated from, the ones you find it necessary to challenge that is. These are the ones that have origins you’ve never gone this deep to discover. You will be learning once and finally who you are and why you are here. You’ll find out your friends; (your) true friends. In the end, we believe that you’ll discover your friends are those who were unwavering. Those among you who can admit, those who are able to be transparent. Know that this time you are in includes deception in unexplained places, unexpected arenas and close, so close to your heart. You will have to trust what (The words stopped…) What? We struggle with words here. What is happening for you is that all things are becoming clear – personally, globally, galactically. We exist for you on a level you’ve only recently come to believe exists. Many who speak to humanity take the process seriously and honestly, but some don’t. How then do you discern between true information and fabrication? You’ll have to take a chance on some, disregard some, and be ready to switch sides when you are given information that warrants a change. You’ll have to be forgiving of others and forgiving of self. We don’t pass judgment here. Yet we just wanted to mention this. You’ve entered the time of forgiveness. That is all, Sophia. It is an honor and a privilege to speak. Thank you. It is the same for me. Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. October 10, 2018
I reach out now to the Pleiadian Pipeline. Is there someone who would like to connect? We do! Yes!! Hello Sophia!!! We are so grateful to see you and speak with you! We see your pain and will assist! That would be great, thank you. (Note – I actually don’t remember what was going on, but I remember being grateful and feeling better after this conversation. Sophia) Do you have anything to share with us today? We do! Yes! This is most beneficial that you’ve reached out on this day. Please explain. It is a most auspicious moment. Why is that? There has been, on your planet, numerous random events that all add up to a singular moment and a definite happening. What has occurred is the noticing of our ships by hundreds of thousands. This levels the awareness field. It is as if your eyes have opened. The old ones are speaking of what they remember having seen before the censorship was ingrained in your journalism. The young ones do not need to remember or to be convinced. With their own eyes, virtually all of them have seen our ships, a ship, or something with no other explanation than that it comes from NOT EARTH. There is a readiness heralded by this moment. A readiness for more public disclosure. A readiness to truly see. We will be more frequently seen now and this will pull eyes upward to your skies as there are more sightings. Eyes must be looking for us to be seen. They’ve been open, yet not looking. With this current tip of the scales, eyes will be focused differently and scanning. This must happen. We cannot arrive and be accepted if we represent shock and bring about fear. Our aim is acceptance. Our purpose with contact of any kind, is awareness. Awareness so that we one day will be completely accepted and even welcomed. We hope for anticipation and excitement. We do not know precisely the day. Things are moving quickly and once this particular corner is turned, as it most recently was, it is as if they will move downhill. We anticipate no interruptions. We are grateful for your willingness to engage and share and converse. We suggest that you all LOOK UP 😊 It is your psychic awareness of us and messages to us that help to guide our craft. Thank you. It is an honor to speak to you at this most exciting time. Thank you. We are all very grateful for your messages. Goodbye now. Goodbye Sophia and friends! Remember, LOOK UP! 😊 I see waving and smiling faces, with lots of enthusiasm. Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. October 1, 2018
I’d like to connect to the Pleiadians now. Is this possible? Hi Sophia! Hi! (I see lots of people waving, smiling; like 5 to 7 or slightly more, in a group.) Thanks for coming forward. We are eager to do so! Only too happy to accommodate the humans! We love you so! What is it that brings you to us today? I was wondering if you had any further information about first contact. What you expect. When and how you expect it to occur. Those are my thoughts today. Why of course we could address your concerns. We also sense a “who” question. Is this part of it as well? There are many people interested in communication with not only the Pleiadian race, but any non-human race who may be communicating with us already but will be publicly as well, when that time comes. So yes, “who” on both ends would be part of the question. Who from off planet and who from earth. We do not have answers to all of your questions. We appreciate the efforts that some of you are taking as far as improving and practicing your telepathic skill. This is vital. What will be immediately apparent in interactions between humans and Pleiadians let’s say, is different backgrounds. There is a wealth of information that comes stored in the words you say to each other that will not be unpacked or even heard in conversations with other species. It is true both ways and is the reason you must hone your skills. Communications will be heart centered and, on this basis, will feel very good for you while at the same time be most unusual. Skill is important; both sending and retrieving. As far as “who”, well that depends. It depends on what part of the planet you occupy and how often you leave the building. For this type of contact occurs in the physical place you occupy. You’ll have to be accessible. There is a good deal of “dream” contact occurring already. Your question is more of a “when will the white house lawn landing” occur. This is dependent on many events; the current takedown is only a part of it. The reason telepathy has been introduced as a topic to study to master is because, dear ones, once you speak to us in your minds, meeting us physically is a less traumatic event. We look so very human. So, without seeing us physically disembark a ship, you would not know we were from the Pleiades. All of the physical verification is in the plans. Those of you who want to be one of the first contacted only need to set your intent and then watch for signs. All of you will eventually become familiar with many species and ships. Comfort and calm are key. We do not know if this answers your inquiry? I believe it is enough for now, yes. Please continue to send information. I am open to being woken up again. I feel the time approaching. Yes. It does. Okay, Sophia and friends. Remain open and we so much appreciate what you are sending already. We will see you soon. It is an honor. Goodbye. Goodbye! (I see bowing, waving, backing up with big smiles. Sophia) Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
On September 1, 2017 we begin this place where messages from the Pleiades are shared.
January 2024
We are the One's we've been waiting for.
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