May 1, 2018
I would like to connect with the Pleiadian Pipeline, as it’s been a while. Is there someone from there who would like to connect with a message? Hello Sophia! We are here with many messages! Are you ready to hear from us? I am, yes. It is nice to hear from you. We are never far away. Only that you turn your attention and hearing towards us and we are able to transmit. Shall we begin? We see your feline has sensed us. Yes, perhaps he did. He was sunning himself in another room and came by to say “hello” just as you showed up! It was cute. Please go ahead. We are most excited as we watch and wait in anticipation of greater contact. Our healing technology is being prepped for use on a more massive scale. To be truthful, it’s been in preparation to be shared for a very long time! There have been leaks of it and in some places, it exists already on your earth. All that is needed now are the humans. We’ve spoken before of your ability to accept as valid the form of healing we utilize. It is a gradual process, this acceptance. What is in my head now are the recent revelations around opioids and vaccines and chemotherapy as well as the greater acceptance of hemp and alternatives. What occurs for us to relay now are some things to consider. Here they are. We present them as ideas only. In a world of beings, does it make sense for those beings to disintegrate (Here is meant show physical signs of deterioration, which is interpreted by us as “aging”. Sophia) at varying degrees? In other words, bodies grow and become stronger and then revert to eventual weakness without aggressive physical techniques and supplementation. While this is happening, mind and spirit are maturing, blossoming and attaining wisdom. This state of wisdom can hardly be accessed due to the deterioration of the physical. Is there logic to this? Does it not seem to be a contrived set up? Does it not seem to be illogical? We observe the situation in which you live and offer for your consideration a thought that says this is not natural and does not have to be this way. It is not that way for us. Our bodies are maintained. We wanted to say here that disclosure is set to include these eye-opening revelations as well as technologies. Much has been kept hidden from the human. We are complete with our message. It is an honor to witness your emergence. We feel your awakening and it brings us joy. Thank you. Thank you. My feline just showed up again. I’m not certain, but I think he wanted to say goodbye. (smile) 😊😊😊 Goodbye Sophia and friends. We will speak again soon. Usage Policy These messages are meant to be shared, so feel free. Just please link back here when you do and support this work here! You are appreciated!
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On September 1, 2017 we begin this place where messages from the Pleiades are shared.
January 2024
We are the One's we've been waiting for.
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