May 24, 2019 4:38 AM
Is there someone who wants to connect? There is Sophia, yes! It is us! We are so very pleased to join you now! Thank you for connecting. We are your friends from the Pleiades. Hello! Thanks for coming forward today. You’re welcome! There is no doubt that we’ve reached further than ever with our protocol. We regularly are “pinged” and happily respond and reply. Our pods are in full use, or nearly so. We appreciate the trust and willingness shown here and we ourselves are learning more and more about how it is to return the human instrument to its most pristine and functional form. What you bring to the table (or pod as it were), is a unique mind with its own creative force. Here becomes the sort of lynchpin for success, as our methods are matched to your own and mutually enhanced, rather than battling each other with a net gain of zero. We are seeing a fall back tendency emerge as initial excitement wanes a bit and new results become a new “norm”. We are not sure why this occurs, but see it now so often that it is more instantly recognized by our staff. What may not be recognized on the human end is that this very human tendency to normalize and then accept and move on is what has been part of your adaptive strategy and success for life itself. It only becomes a detriment if thoughts are included that disregard the rejuvenation and question it as real. Mostly, it is an asset and offers power to the process as your acceptance and expectations for better levels of health and vitality are adopted. It is for this reason we mention it at all. We are seeing great progress. Acceptance for us as a tool to your well-being is key. Thank you for that explanation. I have a friend for whom English is not his native language. He offers for us other words for the protocol that are, he feels, more universally translatable than the current ones. It is the word “enlist” that is a challenge. He suggests the words: “I am using the Pleiadian healing technology.” Here are his comments: “…that sentence « I enlist the assistance of the Pleiadian Pods » is untranslatable in French and it is also probably untranslatable in other languages. The translation of « to enlist » in that context, in French, does not make any sense. Since it is a very important sentence, I suggest that more simple and universal words be used. I suggest the sentence: « I am using the Pleiadian healing technology ». All those words are universally translatable without loss in translation. My wife and I used it (in French). My wife saw immediately faces with her third eye and felt a kind of current coming from the ground. I immediately felt an electrical current in my arms and legs and I felt an unusual immediate relaxation. So, this sentence « I am using the Pleiadian healing technology » seems to work and is extremely easy to translate in any language. It would be great if you could discuss this with the Pleiadians, that is to use a sentence which is universal, meaning here easily translatable without distortion in the translations. Blessing to you and to all of us.” Would you comment please? Why yes! This is wonderful and what we hoped would occur! Either sentence works. Yet this one, as a more universally applicable combination of your words, may be more widely applied. Please use whichever translation generates the greatest comfort for you. Our effort is meant to promote wellness. Calm and relaxation during the process is a vital component. Thank you for asking. We are alerted now and also note that it is the intent and connection to us that completes the signal. Although it is through the use of language that the intent is transmitted, there is room for a bit of personal variation in phrasing. Thank you. Thank you, Sophia. We look forward to connecting again soon! Goodbye now! I see many smiling faces in aprons of some sort, or something like an apron. They are waving! (smile) --- With appreciation and love, Sophia The Imposter, my 5th and newest book, is now for sale! “For 15 months he spoke. With authority and without apology, he attempted to set the record straight. Decide for yourself whether he accomplished his goal. A conversation with a flawed god. A true story.” Check it out! Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
Hey everyone!
Wow. This new protocol has sparked us like nothing I’ve seen! I’ve been getting email from all over the world and it hasn’t let up. I also heard from the Pleiadians again, which I’ll share in a moment. First, here is a bit more explanation to answer some questions from those for whom English is not their first language. The word “Pods” is a reference to the healing technology/bed they (the Pleiadians) utilize. You will see them described in earlier blog posts. So, it would mean: 2) a detachable or self-contained unit on an aircraft, spacecraft, vehicle, or vessel, having a particular function. Enlist is an important distinction. It is quite different from ask and assumes you are in control of what it is you are doing. If you are cutting up food, you don't ask the knife to assist, you "enlist" the knife, take it up and apply it to the task at hand; it is a tool. So, enlist means: to engage (a person or their help or support) The takeaway is that until now, we've removed ourselves from the equation. The only power is US. It is this distinction that needs to be clear. YOU are healing yourself, actually assuming yourself to be as healthy and vital as you desire. You are enlisting their aid to speed the process. This is a tough place to be (meaning earth), and they are only too happy to help us! This healing technology depends only on the deepest belief of the person. If the belief held by the person is "I am ill", then it will not change a thing. If the deepest belief is "I am whole" and I could use an assist, then the technology works. The person does not have to be consciously aware of the help for the help to work. This is how I understand it. The person has to be willing to heal himself or herself. Their technology is a tool towards health and wholeness. The vision held by the person is what has control in the healing process. Emotional causes are not what is being healed here, this is a physical healing of the body. It only matters here if the person continuously re-creates the problem/illness with emotional stress. The responsibility is on the person always. The attitude of health and vitality must be maintained. It is assumed here that it will be, once physical issues are corrected. Here are a few quotes (of the many) from some of you who’ve checked in with progress … “For me, major relief from back pain.” “I am 69 years old and the belief in "aging" sort of slipped into my consciousness. This protocol, especially the sentence: they did not realize that their technology could not overcome our own assumption of illness, aging, etc. This brought to my attention that I was holding that assumption and now it is time to change that assumption. I had been experiencing strong disbalance, especially when walking. I was grabbing on to some counter or chair just to move around our unit. Saturday night I started the protocol and shifted my behavior: no longer holding on to anything but moving with the trust that I am strong and steady in all movements. I also stopped taking DMSO, which I had felt was essential for me to have less leg spasms in the night. Sunday morning, I went for about a 3/4 mile walk on the trails here where we live. I had been experiencing spasms in my legs in the night - now in the last two nights when I felt tension building up to spasming I breathed into my legs invoking the Pleiadian assistance, affirming calm legs and the spasm subsided. I then got up and walked around a bit and then retired again. Especially Saturday night it felt like the sciatica down my right leg was being "worked on". In a nutshell, last night (Sunday night) I slept two phases of 4 hours each, whereas for the past year at least I have always been up every 2 ~ 2.5 hours during the night with leg discomfort. It feels like I am starting to learn to walk again, without wobbliness. I am holding the assumption of the divine infant body in me as my original perfect body. I will continue to track the changes.” ”xxx said that he feels better.” “I did try enlisting the pods in my meditation last night and seemed to feel a lovely vibration coming into my heart chakra. It put a smile on my face so I’m going to believe there was a bit of contact.” And now, a few more words from the Pleiadians from May 12th, 2019. --- Hello there! Please introduce yourselves! Thank you for coming forward! Of course, we will! We are the Pleiadians. We are figuring you must recognize us though! Why yes, I do. This is mostly for the readers (smile). Hello! What is going on? We wanted to report to you that we’ve been swamped (is that the right word? We see this as a body of water that is shallow but spreads over a great distance.) with contact! It is working! Hi! And yes, this is the correct term. This is good news! We are so pleased and wanted to report that we are very skilled at healing and rejuvenation and finally now have an avenue that allows us to reach humanity! In real “time” for whatever that’s worth. We see folks willing and believing and this will only spread. In fact, you are healing yourselves and the “time” it takes to do so will be shortened with our collaboration and tech. Our tech merely intensifies your own vision; your vision of vitality. This would be an accurate description. Thank you. I do have a question. Please. Is it possible for someone to enlist your assistance on behalf of another? This “other” having no idea about you specifically, yet desiring health? This question is answered two ways, both valid. Yes. It is possible if the target person holds a vision of themselves as whole and vital rather than ill or damaged. This deep internal vision is one that may not be obvious to the one who is attempting to help them by enlisting the Pods. This leads to the second answer – No. If the target holds a picture of himself or herself without hope. You may not ever truly know what is held by the target unless this is attempted. (meaning a healing effort with the Pods is attempted) What became clear in our work with you and your partner is your power to control the process. It is the most crucial ingredient to success. Okay, thank you. Is there anything else? Only that we are prepared for many more – spread the word – share your successes – this is a new day for our collaboration!! We are so, so excited Sophia and friends!! It is finally coming to fruition. Thank you for your willingness to try! You’re welcome! I’m hearing from folks all over the world. This thank you comes from all of us! It is an honor. We will speak again soon! Goodbye Sophia! (I see many smiling faces and waving hands) Goodbye now! --- With appreciation and love, Sophia The Imposter, my 5th and newest book, is now for sale! “For 15 months he spoke. With authority and without apology, he attempted to set the record straight. Decide for yourself whether he accomplished his goal. A conversation with a flawed god. A true story.” Check it out! Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Hi everyone. Just a few words on the protocol, as there are already several questions.
As mentioned in the first message, # 40, here is what they said: There is a protocol. You can adopt a mission of constant rejuvenation, continuous creation of ideal; a perfect healthy body. With this protocol, add “I enlist the assistance of the Pleiadian Pods.” This is not asking for a fix. It is a statement of creation. There is a difference. What we tend to do is expect medicine to fix us, doctors to heal us, etc. What was learned in our work with the Pleiadians was that we cannot ignore our part in the process. It is the basic assumption of “I am ill or somehow less than ideal” that has control in this process. If the assumption begins there, it tends to remain there. This initial assumption is the protocol they refer to. See yourself ideal, healthy, vital, perfect. Instead of “having this illness or that setback that needs to be fixed so that I can be ideal, healthy, vital, perfect”. There is a subtle difference. What was learned a few years ago in our work with them is that we (my partner and myself) expected to do nothing but receive a healing from them, and they did not realize that their technology could not overcome our own assumption of illness, aging, etc. The technology now has been adjusted – “It finds the bare whispers of health visions and expands them, encasing the subject.” (a quote from our conversation #40) I recently released “The Imposter”, and so my conversations with the Poseur, which took place before ever meeting the Pleiadians, are sort of fresh in my mind. One of the things he said was this: “This is a physical world, and to accomplish an alteration of the physical means a departure from thinking of it as final and complete. Rather, regard the pain, the body, all with skepticism and ask – “who are you and what right do you have to occur this way in my creation?” Refuse to observe a way that does not serve your intent. Only observe the possibility of wholeness and completeness that serves your desire. This is your creation, all of it is. Everything you take in and regurgitate is creative. Consciousness is all the time. What do you want?” These are powerful words, indicative of our creative power. This protocol utilizes that power and grabs a hold of our hope. It matters what you hold and keep in your mind and heart. Walk around seeing yourself ideally healthy instead of needing a healing. Don’t worry about the details or the specifics. Just hold a vision of wholeness and health. Our thoughts and our words are so very powerful. Use them as if you are in control of the outcome. Use them as tools for they very much are. With this message the Pleiadians are giving us their tech as yet another tool: “I enlist the assistance of the Pleiadian Pods.” Notice the word “enlist”. I hope this helps you all. I will update you here, please do the same in the comments below or via email to me at [email protected] . Thank you. In appreciation for all that you are, Sophia The Imposter, my 5th and newest book, is now for sale! “For 15 months he spoke. With authority and without apology, he attempted to set the record straight. Decide for yourself whether he accomplished his goal. A conversation with a flawed god. A true story.” Check it out! Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Hi everyone. The conversation you are about to read took place on May 8th. Here is a bit of background, so that it makes sense.
They reference my partner, who has had diabetes for 20 years now. He has not felt a great deal of success with meds (insulin) and is “no good at watching everything I eat”. He does manage to keep his A1C test in line, which means nothing to me but will mean something to those of you familiar with diabetes. He’s been lowering his insulin gradually for 2 years now. It was initially 51 units and eventually reduced to 31 with concerted effort. Until recently, results have been painstakingly achieved with diet, and they have been slow. There seemed faint hope of a rapid and complete healing. Until 2 weeks ago. He will tell you he is “gob-smacked” at the change! He awoke one day with the idea to only take insulin if his blood sugar gets to be above 200; he stopped automatically taking it first thing in the morning. He tested every few hours, his goal was to see if he was able to maintain a level of less than 160 without insulin. The first day he tried this he had pizza for dinner and awoke the next day with a blood sugar of 111. Normal! Today, he is no longer taking the nighttime insulin and his morning levels are below 150. He’s abandoning the second shot and is taking about 18 ONCE a day. His blood sugars are now better than ever before. He has NOT changed anything else! They are not perfect, yet he feels better every day (I can affirm there’s been a major change in his energy level and mood). He sleeps through the night and didn’t know why any of this was suddenly happening – until now! Enjoy the explanation below! Much love, Sophia May 8th, 2019 4:00 AM We are here now Sophia. Hello. Please introduce yourselves. We are the Pleiadians. We have come again to help, to offer information and hopefully comfort for you. Thank you. Please go ahead then. Yes. We have at our fingertips technology that affords not just healing, but rejuvenation. A return to a younger, more vibrant, healthier state. We have been using it on your partner now these past weeks. You have noticed changes, no? Yes, he has, and has reported them to me. He feels so much better; his condition is improving in ways he’s never seen. This is due to the efforts of our tech. We know him well and have used him in this way, in the way you’d refer to as a “guinea pig”. He has shown steady progress right along. Yet this new version we have perfected does not require complete belief in its methods in order to sustain healing and achieve the results looked for. It finds the bare whispers of health visions and expands them, encasing the subject. We’ve been bathing your partner in these visions for weeks now and he is noticing. Yes. He is very encouraged. As are we! You are doing this while he sleeps? We are utilizing his intent and doing it with that. His only requirement is holding a vision of health – he has one. This technology is new and has been perfected due to the initial setbacks and failures with the two of you some time ago. Note – This may be another book, it all happened in 2016 and 2017. Sophia. What is new is now seen as working. We wanted to reach out to you so that you’d tell your partner (that) he is doing so much for himself by retaining a vision of health, and by not losing hope. His physical efforts are painting a picture of where he would like to be and this is the picture that our pods are utilizing. It is his ideal body that is created with light and as he accepts the possibility – it manifests. This may only have been possible with these new frequencies. With this current energy on earth. We aren’t completely sure but that may partly explain why we weren’t experiencing much luck before. What can the rest of us do to achieve similar results? There is a protocol. You can adopt a mission of constant rejuvenation, continuous creation of ideal; a perfect healthy body. With this protocol, add “I enlist the assistance of the Pleiadian Pods.” This can be done silently. With practice it will manifest. We are ready for you now. Prepared to help humanity and the atmosphere is now supportive of our efforts as well. What this means for you is support. You are not so much battling conflicting beliefs and energetics, but riding the waves of support. We are here to help, prepared to assist and eager to heal! The human body undergoes this massive alteration, and at this point right now is ready and accepting of change, to support the change. Past efforts did not happen in such an atmosphere and required sheer will on your part for small change. We wanted you to know that we are available to assist anyone willing to try. We are anxious to help. Okay. I will share this. Yet, let me say that we’ve been a bit discouraged and some would say beaten up with promises and failures in our “past”. We know. This is the reason we did not reach out until your partner was so very much improved and encouraged and showing measurable signs of health. You can share these now. People will believe or not – yet in any case, more of them will try and perhaps will come forward with their stories for each other. It is a collaborative belief that is most effective. Once we can turn the tables on that, the rest is a matter of time and word of mouth. We are ready to help and are ready. Thank you. Is there anything else you’d like to say? Not at this point Sophia, no. Please share this with your friends so that we can help. You have all the facts. Okay. Thank you. We are very excited to be of assistance at this moment in our history. It is an honor. We appreciate your willingness to engage with us. Goodbye! We hope to see you soon! Goodbye! (I see a large group – maybe 20 or so – waving. (smile)) This conversation ended. Please add your comments to the blog or email me with results, as you use this protocol! Thanks everyone! Much love, Sophia The Imposter, my 5th and newest book, is now for sale! “For 15 months he spoke. With authority and without apology, he attempted to set the record straight. Decide for yourself whether he accomplished his goal. A conversation with a flawed god. A true story.” Check it out! Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
On September 1, 2017 we begin this place where messages from the Pleiades are shared.
January 2024
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