Today I'd like to share something that was shared with us, by my friend Don. He has compiled a collection of what he feels is the most relevant text regarding the pods, and uses these thoughts and statements each day while making contact. He has this to say: "I have created a sheet from the different sources of the Pleiadian Pipeline articles. I also found a pic of me at 18 where I can visualize the age, remembering the vim and vigor of that time easily." These are great ideas for making this real. So thank you, Don! Read his summary below.
One of my readers just let me know that while he was recently being tested in a hospital, more than one of the medical personnel remarked "Although you are in your sixties, these tests show you have the body of a MUCH younger man, like 20's or 30's!" So, he smiled and said to himself and our friends from the stars "Thank you Pleiadians!" With gratitude and love, Sophia "We are seeing many of you asking for our help with the pods and then struggle to complete a successful interaction with us and with our technology. The belief in our pods is paramount to a successful interaction. Once it is accepted that they exist, it becomes necessary to envision them not so much as miracle workers, but advanced technology. The difference in the two viewpoints may appear subtle, yet it is all important. In the case of a miracle, there is no responsibility on you to participate. Something is miraculously done to you that heals you. In the case of technology that you don’t yet understand, there is this component of a possibility for your own interaction with it. You may have never seen this before, but you are willing to consider it as plausible because it is just newer technology and not divinely inspired action. Most of you have heard by now of the ship’s ET pilots. This is sort of the same. The technology in the pods is real, yet you control it. What must be held in your minds at all or most times is the ideal version of you. This asks of you to envision yourself vital and in all ways alive. This is more than repair of damage. It is return, rejuvenate; remember the strength and flawless form of an ideal moment you’ve experienced. Our tech picks up on the emotional components of whatever moment you feed it. This is what we want you to be conscious of - of the thoughts and subsequent feelings you are holding. They are the fuel and the blueprint for the creation of your human form. This holds true in all cases, but is especially true with our technology. It finds the ideal picture you hold and imprints it - it is up to you to maintain it once that happens. Regardless of current conditions or history - NOTHING IS SET TO “PERMANENT”. The option exists at all times to re-visit vitality, strength, and wellness. These are not states of being that are beyond reach, regardless of where you begin. We would encourage those of you who are willing to work with us, to disregard any past or current definition of your body. Then - re-make a new one, one that you desire now. One you can visualize and retain whenever it is called up. This vision will then be our blueprint. Believing is necessary before seeing is possible. The healed and whole image must be held in our consciousness. We are aware. What we want to begin with your people now is a small and simple statement. It is “I know the pods exist” or “The Pleiadian Pods Exist”. We would like to ask people interested in participating to repeat the phrase daily and as much as they want for a few weeks. We will assess when to move to the next steps. We believe you will describe the history and function of the pods better than we can from here. What we learned was that the beliefs we hold dictate everything that happens to us. It is like I once heard Esther Hicks say “You have to KNOW it is there, in the same way you KNOW the Post Office is on a specific street in your town.” The technology they utilize is available to them 24/7. Aging and illness, for them, is not expected and therefore does not happen. The frequency/light technology is in certain doorways they walk through daily. They have pods that immerse whatever or whomever is in them with this frequency/light technology. It works with the original blueprint/healthiest image of that being and re-informs the energetic blueprint carried. It is a sort of reminder session for them, constantly available as a part of their daily life. It is all they know."
Here is a link to a place in Massachusetts, USA: And a quote from one of their articles... "The Russians recognized that the bio-fields that surround every life form (auras are an example) are themselves purely information fields, continuously generated by the consciousness of the individual. They developed technology known as GDV bio-electrography for imaging such bio fields. They indirectly used a computerized variant of the phenomenon known as Kirlian photography (originally discovered by a Russian husband and wife scientific team for which it was named.)" A friend of ours, Catherine, sent me this link with a note, "Maybe these are the pods"? This company has manufactured places for healing that are informed by your consciousness. This is what I've been talking about with the Pleiadian healers for years! The site is filled with videos and images and articles, so dig in! If nothing else, it will give you some fuel for the fire of self generated healing. Not only possible in the Pleiades, but right here on Earth. The tech I have a visual for does not resemble this tech, but the fact that this exists and is functioning just adds to the validation of what I have seen and felt. It is so exciting! Here is one of the videos from the site shared above: With Gratitude and so much love, ~Sophia Usage Policy~ These messages are meant to be shared, so feel free. Just please link back here when you do and support this work here! You are appreciated! March 8th, 2018
From a point of love, I reach out now. Is there someone who wants to connect? I am hoping to hear from the Pleiadian Pipeline. Hello!! Sophia!! We are here!! Hi! I see so many smiling faces! Thank you for coming forward. Do you have a message for us today? We do, yes. We have several. There are some of us who have worked with your readers, who are noticing similarities in what you would label “illness”. We do not label them as such. We wanted to point out what it is we notice. Go ahead then. Thank you. What we notice is a refrain. It goes something like this: “My body has this _________ (fill in the blank). This is because of ___________ (fill in the blank). It is the body I have and I do not see it any other way.” What this refrain does, is pre-supposes dis-ease. This is never truth. Regardless of current conditions or history – NOTHING IS SET TO “PERMANENT”. The option exists at all times to re-visit vitality, strength, wellness. These are not states of being that are beyond reach, regardless of where you begin. We would encourage those of you who are willing to work with us, to disregard any past or current definition of your body. Then – re-make a new one, one that you desire now. One you can visualize and retain whenever it is called up. This vision will then be our blueprint. What is also seen is a form of dependence. We would offer this. Our technology will harmonize around and with whatever physical 3D efforts you make on earth. Do not stop your own programs and healing modalities, as what that signifies is a replacement instead of an infusion of light. Note – what this refers to is replacing a dependence on certain medicine or processes that are currently being used, with a dependence on their technology. This does not encourage vitality but instead, furthers dependence. What I saw instead was an infiltration of light and frequency (from the pods) as another tool to introduce and maintain vitality, so that the body can then take over. Sophia There will come a day when what is done on earth for healing will look in all ways the same as the type of healing our pods supply. This time is not now but will be a part of the new earth. You will see. We hope that our message has been helpful. We see much anticipation on your planet for these forthcoming changes. We too are anxious and ready. It is such a pleasure to participate with you and witness your beginnings. It is with honor and gratitude that we leave you now. Goodbye Sophia. Thank you. Goodbye now. Usage Policy~ These messages are meant to be shared, so feel free. Just please link back here when you do and support this work here! You are appreciated! |
On September 1, 2017 we begin this place where messages from the Pleiades are shared.
January 2024
We are the One's we've been waiting for.
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