Hello and Happy New Year!
For our final edition of the year, I want to share something you may not have seen. It is a re-sending of an event that was originally shared in the general newsletter in the Fall of 2017. I hope you enjoy it and also enjoy a beautiful celebration as we welcome 2019! With love and appreciation for all that you are, Sophia -------------------------------------------- September 30th, 2017 Hello! Welcome to my newsletter! Please enjoy and share this complementary edition! Today's story is quite lengthy, so I'll keep the introduction brief. There is so much going on right now, in every facet of our lives, and things feel very intense. It seems as if I am always saying this. It's been quite a journey, for sure. I've begun more regular contact with beings from the Pleiades and have started a separate newsletter for their messages. If you click here, you can sign up. After you click the yellow circle "sign up now" there will be a drop down box to choose which newsletter you'd like to be on. This new "Pleiadian Pipeline" newsletter is published weekly at no cost to you. Next week there will be another Love Quest. It will be posted in the blog and on Facebook, so look for it in those places. I'll be sharing all of the Quests also on a separate page on the website. This way you can Quest for Love any day that works for you! I am working on another book that should be released before the end of October, so watch for it! I haven't yet selected a title for it, so it'll be a surprise! Our meditations are effectively altering the timeline, redirecting it towards the path we desire. We are collectively increasing our effect, it is a joy to witness! We've got this! If you'd like more of these conversations, become a subscriber and receive our weekly discussions! ---------------------------------- September 24th, 2017 In a break from the traditional telling's, this is the recounting not of a telepathic message, but instead of a dream. This is not a dream in the normal sense of the word, but rather, something else. If we consider that we are told this physical life is but a dream, then we must be willing to entertain an idea that tells us that our dreams are but a physical life. This is not my dream, but my partner's. It occurred in the early morning hours of the date shown above. It was recorded later that afternoon, so some of the details may not be quite as sharp as they were when first remembered. It feels significant, regardless. I've heard some of us say that we would first be visited in our dreams, and then in our waking life, by non-surface intelligent life. Perhaps this is what happened here. You will have to decide how much of it rings true or possibly true. Although the dream includes me, I have no waking memory of any of it. I did ask later that day and you will read later, what I was told. So, please enjoy this story, here told in the first person, by Dream hopper. I find myself awake and aware, present to the Pleiadians in the house. They were getting ready to load you (meaning me, Sophia) up for a visit on their ship. I am thinking this is one of their healing sessions and I don't want to be left out. So, I say "Hey! What about me?" They were not physical beings, but more like sentient orbs. I had the feeling they sort of shrugged and said okay, so I went with. There is an incredible flash and then we are on a huge ship. We arrived together. They go to take you away and I say "What should I do?" They say "I don't know". I say "Okay, I'm going to take a look around". So, I did. It was then that I realized where I was. It was immense. I knew it was a ship. It was where the pods were kept. (the healing pods) I walked out and into an immense room. The only thing I can give a visual for here is the main hall at the Field Museum in Chicago. It was laid out like that. Hallways coming off of this huge center spot; corridors radiating out from a center circle that you could go down. I wanted to see other landing pods and ships, so I picked one hallway and was going to take it to the end. I figured that would be closest to the windows/doors and the landing equipment. The walls were industrial vanilla colored, nothing special. There were doors along the hallway but I didn't enter any of them. I was looking for the landing bay and figured that it would be at the end of the corridor. I continued. It was really far away. I began to feel a bit apprehensive. Finally, at the end, I pushed through some large double doors. They had these little windows in them and I could see stuff in the room. Inside were a bunch of black helicopters! No insignia's or markings of any kind on them. At that point, I got scared or worried that I was in trouble. So, I decided to get out of there, fast. And I did. I was coming out of the door and I met a man with sandy brown hair. He said "Are you lost?" He said it in a nice way, not threatening or anything. He didn't have a gun. He had on a one-piece jumpsuit. There were no insignia's or markings on it. I said "Yes, I'm very lost". He asked me where I am trying to go. I said "The center spot, where I started". He said "It's this way". I started walking the way he indicated. Another humanoid met me and said "Are you lost?" I replied "Boy am I ever. I'm trying to get to the center." He stood there for a moment. All of the sudden the orb, "E", showed up. I need to mention here that when we first arrived on the ship, I asked one of the orbs if it had a name I could use. It replied with a really long name that sounded like it began with "E". I said that it was too hard to pronounce for me, and asked if I could call it "E". It said yes. "E" was a translucent sphere, softball sized, with a smidge of blue in the center. It was sort of undulating, the color seemed to move around. I don't remember exactly what "E" said at this point, it was telepathic and meant "follow me". So, I did. We headed towards the middle spot. It was quite a walk. We "talked" as we walked and I don't remember what about. So now we are in the center. Note that all conversation up until this point has been telepathic. I am bored. We are walking around, it is like a big mall. There are lots of places with things to look at - clothes, shoes, nick knacks, things I didn't recognize, and people. They were milling around and acting much the same way we do on earth. I noticed a hair salon. Patrons were sitting in chairs with their hair being pulled through caps and it was being colored. The color was only at the end. There were single piece jumpsuits. They were different colors. I don't know what the colors meant, maybe it was just preference; like their favorite color or something. They are just like us! Their appearance matters. They want to look as good as possible. The jumpsuits are formfitting. Everyone is in shape. There are lots of different sizes of people. These suits didn't really feel like uniforms, but just the clothing they all wore. I noticed that their skin was perfect, absolutely perfect, almost fake looking. Their hair was differently colored; no gray, no red. I remember wanting something to do and then a whole bunch of kids showed up! I don't know where they came from, but it felt as if they were sent to keep me company. They were excited, wanting to see me. They looked like ages 3 or 4 up to about age 10. All of the girls had long hair. The boy's hair was shoulder length. There were streaks of color in their hair. They wanted to play. That was great! They said "show us an earth game!" So, I explained hide and seek. I verbally explained the rules to them. When I said the part about "when you get to home base, call out: "olly, olly oxen free!", they all thought that was really funny, and seemed to love saying it. If I tagged them, I told them they'd be it. We played for quite a while. I tagged nobody. They were laughing like crazy and could outrun me easily. I was "it" all the time. First, they hid all over the ship! I said "You can't do that! I don't know the ship! You have to stay in this area here." So, they stopped hiding everywhere and stayed in the large area where we had met. They giggled whenever I got close to them. We played a long time, and got pretty tired. Then, they ran over to this place, as if on cue. They all went at once. It was almost a trough, and was filled with small wrapped things. I thought it was candy, judging by how excited they were! They showed me what to do. I grabbed one and ripped it open. It was covered in white powder; it was not sweet but savory. I grabbed another. This one was covered in brown powder. It tasted completely foreign to me. All of the wrappings were in silver, so you never knew what you were going to get. That seemed to be part of the fun of it, they were very enthusiastic. After they ate it, I watched them put the wrapper in the palm of one hand. Then, they took their other hand and passed it over the wrapping and it disappeared! I tried it and it worked for me too. These children are so much like our own. The younger ones looked a bit different, I think due to the size of their eyes. But the difference ends there. By the time they are adults, they are just about identical to humans. They were engaging and smart and interested in life, and so energetic! It was great fun to be with them. Then we played one of their games. They used their minds to pass a beach ball around. They stood in a circle to do this. They could make it take sharp turns in any direction, and hit each other; no one touched it. It was fun! At the end of the game, the ball sat in the middle, rotating slowly. It was colorful and slightly larger than our beach balls. Then "E" came to collect me. We said goodbye and I thanked them and walked away. I'm not sure where they went. "E" takes me back to the small ship. You (Sophia) are already sitting in it. As I was turning toward you to tell you what had happened, there were two flashes. One when we left and another when we arrived. This seemed to happen in an instant. I don't remember getting into bed, but that's where I was when I woke up. The dream ends here. The same day, I (Sophia, now) reached out to get some answers as to where I'd gone during Dream hopper's adventure. What follows is the conversation that took place when I did. "You were led through an exercise". What sort of an exercise? It was a program of contact. A trial run. A practice. There was discussion. You spoke with, met and received downloads of information; much of which I cannot speak to. It is not time. You are being prepared for contact. So, that ends today's story! Let me know what sorts of dreams you are having! _____________________ Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
1/15/2019 01:36:19 am
it happened already many years ago. I had a series of encounter during the dream state. after each one I woke up, sitting strait in my bed, knewing it happened really. every time it was about something else. the "meetings where always in starship.
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On September 1, 2017 we begin this place where messages from the Pleiades are shared.
January 2024
We are the One's we've been waiting for.
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