“Dear Sophia,
Lately I've been dreaming about everyday things in my past and I have a general feeling of "cleaning" up my attitude in this area. What's going on?” Hello there, I have been hearing all sorts of things about dreams lately… It feels like we are reconciling ourselves to ourselves. Perhaps it is that as we become aware of our completeness and eternal essence, we can’t help but take a look at everything we have ever been. Since today we are focused on this life, well, this life is the one we will look at and remember first. A fully conscious being is awake all the time. If that means a review of something that was said or done while not so “conscious”, so be it. We now understand the fullness of our experience. We are old souls. It feels like we are re-evaluating and assessing – “How well did this work out for me?” “How did this work out for the other?” “How did I feel about this at the time and afterward?” ‘Who was I before this awakening?” “Do I need to change anything now?” “Are there any assumptions I held about “everyday things” that I could re-evaluate?” I think what’s going on now is a choosing. We are up to the moment of conscious creation. Our “past” is there as a learning, to remind us of choices made without full awareness of our power. We understand today that we have control in our lives and in fact direct them with our attitudes, assumptions and beliefs. The current energy and vibes rushing in to support us means that this happens at what amounts to light speed. We are transforming with our thoughts and dreams and remembering it as it happens! What a great time to be here! Let’s keep talking to each other. We are doing this as One. Thanks for asking! Much love, ~Sophia
1 Comment
“So much information these days by Channeles. Bashar,Answers from Alien from Andromeda,Kyron,pleiadians by Barbara Marcinik and Nora Harrold,Rob Gauthier,Etc Etc Etc..I think Tolec also talked about humans moving into higher deminsions in a flash ...that was suppose to happen Feb 2014...Never happened.
Do you guys read the news happening in Russia and Middle East and here in America. These people are far from advancing to higher spiritual levels...I dont mean to put the Info down because its coming to you some how..its just somehow not accurate. Too many Channelers or cooks in the Kitchen and contradicting info and predictions that never happen like the Mass Solar Ejection that also never happened.I will look into The Keshe products. Peace to you.” Hello there. Not sure of the exact question yet your frustration is evident and I will give it a go. “Do you guys read the news happening in ….?” Seems to be the first and most obvious question. I can only speak for myself here. The information on this site is not channeled. “GE” reached out to me via the internet and that remains our sole mode of contact. My own voice is spoken in the blog, occasionally spiced up with someone desperate for a platform. I have named that being “Poser” and it has made no predictions. I do not consider myself a channel. I speak what is my truth and speak only when I am centered and clear. I do not predict. The post to which you refer mentions an event. I have dreamt of one, as has my partner and several close friends. This does not make it true or even a prediction. This blog is a place where this ascension process has been lived and shared with anyone interested in participating, since 2011. It is my belief that we create our deepest desires and also that our deepest desires are similar. We are here to aid in the transformation of what has been termed a “prison” into what has been described as “paradise”. I feel our deepest desire is for that to occur rapidly. We are so very tired. I have seen the power of united intent in my own life and globally. It does not take every heart; it takes an energy shift in the right direction and a few well-placed synchronicities. It takes a belief in the possibility of a miracle. It takes what some would call hope, others belief and others dreaming. Our imagination is the greatest tool in our manifestation toolkit. We have to dream, hope, visualize and see it before it is “real”. I believe that the many different predictions and people you refer to in your question are all doing their part to aid us in that visualization and hope. We are associative beings. We link thoughts and ideas and make conclusions. Those not awake, those merely reading the newspapers will link those headlines of horror and come to conclusions of pain. Those open to alternative explanations and happenings will see other possibilities; possibilities for change, liberation, freedom, peace, abundance. I do keep up with the news yet I do not focus on any one source. There is always evidence for what you wish to believe/intend and create. I am holding out for love and moving into sovereignty. I see many others doing the same. Whether or not this turns into an “event” cannot be predicted, it can only be created by all of us as One. We will see together what happens. It will happen gradually or happen over several generations, but it will happen nonetheless. This is what has been chosen, of that I am sure. I wish you peace as well, and much love. Thank you for reaching out, and affording me a chance to focus on what so many of us are feeling today. Namaste’ ~Sophia |
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