“Recently, I've been paying more attention to my dreams at night. I've noticed lately that if during my peaceful happy dream, somehow, a fear thought comes to mind about how something might happen, then that something does invariably happen in my dream, reminding me that I'm the cause. Fear blocked out my otherwise happy dream. I can't help but make that connection to our "real" world, which is really a dream too.
Not sure if this is a question or just a comment, but if it's only possible that fear could suddenly stop for all of us, the Love (my happy dream) can shine through again.” Thank you. This is such a nice illustration of creation. Fear is at the base of every perceived “negative” moment, and the fact that you see it in your sleeping dreams means that you are connecting the dots to your waking dream life. So, so cool. You cannot love without condition if there is fear at any level. You said, “Fear blocked out my otherwise happy dream.” You have, in one sentence, described why we are (or can be) miserable. It is fear. Stopping fear requires diligence and understanding. We are eternal bits of love and as such, indestructible. If we could remember that, then, as you’ve said again, “the Love (my happy dream) can shine through again.” It truly is all love, all a happy dream. Before arriving we know this and can’t wait to get here! It is fear that changes things, belief that the temporary is out of control and potentially hurtful. Hurt only happens with permission. A sovereign being does not give permission to be hurt. A sovereign being is fearless. Fear goes by many names – jealousy, pain, anxiety, anger, irritation, annoyance, and arrogance… each a different expression of what is not love. To have these feelings is human. To understand they are momentary, and then move beyond them to peace, is freedom. Freedom is another word for unconditional love. It sounds as if you have found the key. Much love, ~Sophia
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