“How can live a happy 3D life while ascending in other dimensions? “
Hi. First I'd like to talk about your life, in “3d” or any other “d”. The choice to be here in physicality was consciously made, by you. It was not a consolation prize to the place nobody wanted to go. You are currently living in a highly sought after place, earth – in 3d. The reason it may not feel so “happy” may be due to your awareness of why you chose it, as well as your understanding about what makes someone happy. Happiness is a choice. At any moment, we can decide to find happiness in our situation. It is not the moments that bring happiness or sadness, it is your decision about them. Rain means a very different thing perhaps to a bride on her wedding day, and to a farmer, yet both are humans, living in 3d, experiencing the same weather. I do not mean to be flip. I would like you to consider something about who you actually are. You are a master creator, and being here on earth is a gift you chose as well as one you were chosen for. It is a privilege to incarnate here! We are gifted, and earth, in 3d, is a unique place. It is filled with emotion and sensation, both which spark creation. Life here, in fact, is OUR collective creation. We made this, and continue to make it with each thought and every intent. It is our belief about a thing that makes it appear to be however it is. All is perception. I think you may be referring to an idea that the “higher” dimensions are so filled with bliss and comfort and joy that to wait for them here is not enjoyable as contrast. I will tell you my understanding about all of that. Many of us believed in 2012 that “ascension” was waiting for us in December, complete with new lives, bodies and dimensions. That was a harvesting tool, intentionally planted so that our energy, when it did not occur, would be flowing and available as a feast for those beings who feast on our anxiety. It was not real. You are not “waiting” for any other dimension, ascension, or any other more elevated state. You are a beacon of light, there are none more elevated than you. Own your brilliance. Understand that no other dimension offers the rich fabric of diverse and intense sensation, feeling, emotion and pleasure that earth does. You chose earth to experience it all – the pain, the pleasure, the heartache and the passion. You wanted to be here, and you got here! Now that you are here, well, figuring out what to do with all this power and all this emotion is part of the ride. That is the fun of it. Just decide to enjoy the trip. That decision alone changes everything. You'll see. Happiness is found there. It is you, here, right now, that you've been waiting for. ~Sophia
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