“ So, how do I get out of my own way AND then stay out of the way????”
Hi! In 17 words you have summarized the angst of humanity. Thank you! Once we wake up, well, we first of all notice that there is an “I” (ego) that is in the way. Next, we begin to see that he or she is relentless and not very helpful. Sort of like a 3 year old that never grows up, or a puppy. Have you ever had a puppy that grew up? Actually, that answer would have to be “no” because when you sign up for raising a dog, you must understand right off the bat that the dog may advance in years, but basically will always hold the heart and exuberance of a puppy. You can “domesticate” an animal, but you can't alter its core. It is like that with our ego self. Our ego self is only interested in maintaining the status-quo. This equilibrium was set when you were very young, and you didn't know any better. Lets try, in 17 ways, to “get out of our own way”, and stay there.
It is not easy, but it is oh so worth it. Good luck, ~Sophia
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March 2015
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