“Hi Sophia,
Can you explain to me what a Chakdala is and what is it used for?” I will try. Here are some words that will help you: Chak-Dala A reflector or reflection to enable you to see your beauty& the Truth of you. *CHAK-DALA definition: Chakra Mandalas encoded with universal wisdom Chakra: चाक्र The name derives from the Sanskrit word for "wheel" or "turning”. Mandala: मण्डल A symbol in a dream, representing the dreamer's search for completeness and self-unity. a geometric figure representing the universe in Hindu and Buddhist symbolism. The use of a Chak-DALA is both individually determined and felt. I can share what it has meant for me and how I have used it in my life. My first came at a time when I was struggling with not only who I was in the world, but who I was in my most intimate relationships. Each was in a state of turmoil and I was in pain. When it came, I cried at the sight of it and drank it up. I put in on my phone and stared at it whenever I was able, going places in my heart when I did. The second came many months later. I had come to some conclusions at that point, not only about my relationships, but about who I was in the world. The piece that was missing for me was abundance. I did not know or could not conceive of how to be abundant in both my giving and receiving on this green earth. The Chak-DALA brought me full circle and I got it. It is now the backdrop on my laptop and the home page image on the website: www.sophialove.org . It is sort of where I “live” now, and it replenishes me whenever I spend time there. How did this happen? This is not something that can be described here or with any words. It must be felt. I encourage you to join the Chak-DALA quest, here: Click here. Also, to inquire about obtaining your own Chak-DALA, here. Much love and good fortune to you on your journey! ~Sophia
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