“I keep reading and studying different spiritual leaders to maybe hear what I need to do to change.
It seems every one of them is NOT specific to me. Also, I'm a little timid about asking what I should do to change. You know, specifically about me. Where is the missing piece for me?” Hello and thanks for a really pointed question! The shift we are undergoing is intensely personal; while being simultaneously global. It is a challenge to absorb and make use of in our day to day lives. How do we address individuality while Oneness is the subject? Understand that this shift is not about “what you need to do to change”. You are perfect where you stand. It is about remembering. We have forgotten. It is our task to remember. The specifics for you to remember are easily found. What things initiate fear, discomfort, uneasiness, anxiety, anger or emptiness for you? These things are like bright orange neon arrows, pointing to YOUR FOCUS. It is never about the illness, person or situation at hand, these are platforms. On them stands your deepest issue, the one you figured was “fact” or “just the way it is”. Everything is biased. Look to Quantum Physics for validation of the observer effect. It is everywhere. There are no “reasons” for discomfort. Discomfort is a choice. Happiness is a choice too. The way it works is this: You are uncomfortable or happy, and you look around and choose the nearest candidate for the feeling you are in the midst of. It could be your boss or your puppy, and not necessarily in that order. Then you assign blame or reasons. The feeling always precedes the person or event being held accountable for it. You cannot escape yourself. If there is one consistent message in all of the teachings, it is this. “To thine own self be true”. You are, in every circumstance, dealing with yourself. If you feel neglected or misunderstood or abused or mistreated or undervalued – examine the care, understanding, love and value you feel for YOU. There is no one out there but you. What this means is that none of the teachers are specific and yet they all are. There is really only one issue, it is self love. The assorted teachers are each voicing their “take” on what that looks like. Pure and absolute agape solves every issue, answers each question and is the only missing piece required. When you love yourself, all “others” are treated accordingly. As you approach each moment, respond as if it was you who asked the question, made the mistake, or needed a hand. Then, give what in your heart you would like to receive. Walk, talk, and touch gently and tenderly, for our heart is delicate and thrives on compassion. Remember. This “missing piece” is only hidden by your mistaken idea that there is something you need. A dear friend of mine used to say “What you don't have, you don't need!”. As you see the teachings of various people, glean from them what rings true, and discard what doesn't. Your heart knows. Trust. All the answers are found there, and they will “ring true” once heard again. You are the one you've been waiting for. Much love, Sophia
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March 2015
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