"This has been called a “prison planet”. How can we escape from the system, the slavery system, as it has been this way for many, many generations?”
An interesting question. I believe it is not so much a question of escape but of mindset. We have been engineered with a pre-disposition for worship. If you consider the numerous ancient ruins discovered, many thousands of years old, that were clearly made by someone with advanced technologies, an obvious question is “who made them and why?”. There are no clear answers. Yet mankind still today holds reverence for these beings; beings that no one alive has ever seen, or ever heard about from another living human. This tendency to obey and to work for praise or prize is not evident in every sentient race; yet it seems fundamental in humanity. Perhaps, once created, the human race was ripe for the picking. Perhaps, a being or group of beings with advanced abilities and an appetite for attention/praise/worship moved in and the idea of “god” was born. Perhaps we willingly got down on our knees, believing it would grant us favor and things that we could not get on our own. Perhaps great acts of creation and power were used then, to convince us it was a good idea to obey. No one alive today has seen this or any god actually, so the question arises “why are we still on our knees?”. The necessity for worship is the mindset that first will need to change, in order for freedom to ensue. You are not free if you are beholden to any other being or system. The being that is worshipped as a “god” on earth is sovereign. It worships no other. It has an addiction to getting worship. All that it does is motivated by that addiction. It understands what it needs and creates it; no cost is too great for it perceives no expense. It knows that there is always more. It understands the focus required for satisfaction and maintains that focus always because to do otherwise would prove to be self-destructive. This being is not self-destructive. It serves only itself. It has no expectations. It goes after whatever it needs/wants and it gets it always. Its needs are not negotiable. If a being such as this one was held in a slavery system, it would merely create around itself another system it could control, and utilize it for its own benefit. It would never negotiate or imagine anyone other than itself in control. A mindset similar to this is what sovereignty demands. This is a completely self-centered way of being, and as such it sounds distasteful. I believe it is upon the human to utilize a similar system, only to consider all of humanity at each creative decision; the “self”, in other words, is the collective. Oneness demands the inclusion of all of us. We can create whatever we set our mind to create. Tenacity and focus are critical to success. There is no true “escape” in the traditional “get out of jail” fashion. The earth is our home. Each time we stand for our needs and our freedom, we step into sovereignty. This is a process that we are creating with each individual and group effort. We cannot see the entire effect from our vantage point, yet it exists. We need each other, impact each other, and together we free each other. We truly are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Thanks for the great question! ~Sophia Sign up for my mailing list here!
"All this business about angels, guides, God - channellings from "ascended masters" - what to believe or not and i know most say go by how your heart feels - your thoughts on this? Come to the conclusion that "something" isn't coming to "help" us. Also what of this talk of a "domed Earth" and fake moon and sun. Ashtar, Galactic Federation, Archons, Reptiles, etc. Is there anyone "up or out there" actually concerned about us citizens of Gaia? I know love and enough of a percentage of collective thought will help but so much information out there . Thanks Sophia inquiring minds want to know ;)"
Hi and thank you for the question. There are so many facets to answering it, so bear with me! I can only speak to what it is I understand. I do not know for sure if what you have heard, read or seen from “angels, guides, God or ascended masters” is truth. It may be. It may not be. What is disturbing for me about the listening with anticipation and dependence to these things is that there is an assumption of them having your best interests at heart when you do. No one has your best interests at heart more so than you. No One. The whole notion of someone with greater ability than you or I is what perpetuates the slavery mind set. As long as the fairy tale ending is held in our hearts, we stagnate. When I said “we are the ones we are waiting for”, I meant “STOP WAITING FOR ANYONE ELSE”. Waiting is a distraction, a time waster, and counter-productive. Your conclusion of “something isn’t coming to save us” makes sense in my understanding of how this works. I cannot speak with authority on the celestial bodies you asked about. You said: “Ashtar, Galactic Federation, Archons, Reptiles, etc. Is there anyone "up or out there" actually concerned about us citizens of Gaia?” I offer this… We as a collective of gods being human have incarnated now to participate in, witness and create this vibratory shift. It is something being witnessed by every group you have mentioned. They witness from their perspective places in the cosmos, speak from their point of view and act as they deem necessary – for their own benefit. They are not human, or necessarily “higher evolved”. They are different beings with their own alternative reasons for participation. They have cooler spaceships. Realize that beneath every word or deed is intent, this blog post included. No one does anything without expectations or reasons, whether stated or unstated. We cannot assume “concern for the citizens of Gaia” just because the technology is advanced and they seem to have a broader view. Access to universal intelligence is there for the taking. As we evolve, it is felt in that “inner knowing” or “hunch” or “feeling” that rings true in your heart more often than ever before. I find lately it is easier to “tap in”; it only takes intent and focus. I held onto your question for a week because I wanted to answer completely. What I know is this. This is a doing of mass consciousness. It is not my doing, your doing, the Galactic Federation’s doing, or any individual god’s doing. There is no individual. WE ARE ONE. As soon as that is universally understood, the questions will stop. All questions are answered by the collective, with billions upon billions of contributory bits of energy and intent. The intent of a butterfly has an effect, as does yours. We are doing this as One. What is unique about this moment is that we are inventing a new way of being; gods being human. This has not been done before. So, the voices and dictates of those from someplace else, while interesting, are not critical from where I am standing. How much truth they hold I cannot say. We will shift with or without them. We, in fact, are shifting as we speak. Can’t you feel it? The speed of things is only accelerating this year. Focus, intend your most cherished imaginings, hang on and enjoy the ride! This is what you came to do, what we all came to do. It is, and always has been, up to us. There is unequalled beauty and wonder in humanity. Willingly we took this ride and cheerfully we play our part – all the while wondering – “When will I be saved?” “How will I be rescued?” “Who will come to heal me?” I tell you this – there is no other but you to save, rescue and heal you. As you have played all parts – villain and victim, evil and criminal, liar and thief – you have prepared yourself to play the role you are training for now. You are the one who knows, the one who heals, the one who understands, and the one who gives. You – who have asked, now answers. All of this is within. It is not reserved for a god or deity. It is not held separate. As life is given so is every capability. You only need remember. Know that there is no other. Without separation all is One. You are that One. With love, ~Sophia Please join my mailing list. I will be moving in the next several months. Join here. “I AM growing increasingly uncomfortable playing the game of life as it is organized today. Why should I continue to pay credit cards, taxes, etc., when I know this only continues our slavery? How do you deal with these tools designed against us?”
Such a great question!! Thank you, this is on my mind most days. “Why should you continue to pay?” This is a question we each must ask and answer individually, no? Society is currently set up as a debt slave enterprise. We bought into it, not understanding the true nature of the debt. We know better now, yet the structure of this society has not changed. I can only share with you my thinking and my own process. In 2013, with the announcement of the One Peoples Public Trust, their related documents and UCC filings, I understood I had a choice to make. I had plenty of debt... Knowing it was fraudulent and based on nothing did not do much to ease the fear that showed up when I considered the possibility of losing everything if I just stopped paying. I had to give myself time to decide who I was and just what I was willing to do/create. I have a partner, and we agreed to do nothing until everyone was on board 100%. So, when the slavery embedded in the system was obvious to me, I had to decide how I would choose to live. I have a family, others depending on my partner and me for home and sustenance. As well, I have a deep knowing of the impact of debt, not just on my wallet, but on my personal power base. There are several things to consider; of major import is my focus. That is where my life is created. Just how much time am I willing to spend to “fight this slavery monetary system”? (What you spend any time on, whether fighting or supporting, just keeps going…) What is my true work? What are my responsibilities? What matters to me? Who am I, really? What am I creating with my current intent and expectation? It is frustrating to be awake and aware of the shackles we wear. There is so much truth in the quote from that final scene of the movie “War games” “Strange Game. The only winning move is not to play.” This was a film about nuclear war games, yet the sentiment is the same. This system, the one we live in, only works because we participate. We participate because we see no other choices. There are other choices, yet they seem designed to sit on the outside of comfort and things we have grown used to. Not all of us are willing to make such drastic changes. The game continues because there are so many willing participants. The system will fail when there are no players. I believe change is inevitable. Personally, I have made a choice. Today, that choice means I do not do credit cards or any borrowing. I once spoke to an employee at one of those credit consolidation places. She told me that her boyfriend was VP at a Bank and he kept all of his money in a piggy bank at his home. A different person, also from one of those credit consolidation places (which are unnecessary, in my opinion) told me that after 6 months of non-payment, the bank issuing the credit card can no longer charge you interest; also that each state in the US has its own laws about unsecured debt. You’ve asked “how do you deal with these tools designed against us?” What I did, was research every debt and make individual decisions about each one. I insisted on dealing with only actual people, not statements from corporations. I learned that after a certain period of time, which differs for each bank, the debt is sold for a fraction of what was owed. Then, the “new” bank or collection agency, attempts to get payment in full, making a nice profit. If they can’t, it may get sold again, and the process repeats itself. Whatever decision you make will impact your “credit score”, and that’s about it. I fought back in a way that was comfortable for me, yet not until I was unafraid, and sure of what was legal, lawful and within my rights. I demanded proof of debt that was claimed. No such proof has ever been produced. You cannot make a change simply to “get rid of a bill”, and hope that nothing negative will happen. Your fear, as a powerful emotion, will determine the outcome every time and you will get what you fear the most. Your expectation will determine your results. You have to proceed with what you KNOW, rather than what you hope. Every response you send out has your energy behind it. Energy is never destroyed, it just changes form. The good news is that many are refusing to play. The better news is what that signifies, that as a populace, we are waking up. Like the Computer in War Games, it may take many rounds before the final conclusion is fully understood. No one wins this game. I too am “growing uncomfortable” with the media and corporate controlled medical, education and monetary systems. We are bombarded with billboards and warnings and a myriad of fear tactics. I decided a while back to control what I could, which was my own energetic contribution. I work towards community and collaboration at my jobs, I meditate and center and do not go anywhere without a clear intent of outcome. If I cannot approach any subject, problem, person or institution from an inner state of peace and personal autonomy, then I don’t. I wait. Sometimes I wait a long time. We’ve turned off the television, don’t read newspapers or listen to the radio. I am selective on where I get my current news updates online. I choose positive films and entertainment, mostly for humor. Our garden is growing in size every year and we all eat differently now. I have changed since 2013, and just that has changed the world I rest in. I think the fact that you asked the question means that things are shifting. Many, many are working towards unraveling this matrix and this includes you and I. Each effort matters. We know now the fraudulent system at play. We didn’t before. Whatever steps you can take to live with sovereignty, take them. We are not each called to do the same work. You just don’t know the ripple effect your actions have. This is such a long answer and yet it feels incomplete. I think that’s because “continuing the slavery” is only possible if in fact you are still enslaved in your heart. You no longer feel enslaved and there are many more of you/ of us... That is why you asked the question. We were mistaken when we expected someone from the outside to show up and make everything suddenly better, enlightened and free. That is not how things work with sovereign beings. The seed opens from the inside and blossoms. We have changed internally. Now is not the time to give up on that change. Now is the time to watch for the first signs of freedom. They are there, in your heart. Namaste’, ~Sophia “Dear Sophia,
Lately I've been dreaming about everyday things in my past and I have a general feeling of "cleaning" up my attitude in this area. What's going on?” Hello there, I have been hearing all sorts of things about dreams lately… It feels like we are reconciling ourselves to ourselves. Perhaps it is that as we become aware of our completeness and eternal essence, we can’t help but take a look at everything we have ever been. Since today we are focused on this life, well, this life is the one we will look at and remember first. A fully conscious being is awake all the time. If that means a review of something that was said or done while not so “conscious”, so be it. We now understand the fullness of our experience. We are old souls. It feels like we are re-evaluating and assessing – “How well did this work out for me?” “How did this work out for the other?” “How did I feel about this at the time and afterward?” ‘Who was I before this awakening?” “Do I need to change anything now?” “Are there any assumptions I held about “everyday things” that I could re-evaluate?” I think what’s going on now is a choosing. We are up to the moment of conscious creation. Our “past” is there as a learning, to remind us of choices made without full awareness of our power. We understand today that we have control in our lives and in fact direct them with our attitudes, assumptions and beliefs. The current energy and vibes rushing in to support us means that this happens at what amounts to light speed. We are transforming with our thoughts and dreams and remembering it as it happens! What a great time to be here! Let’s keep talking to each other. We are doing this as One. Thanks for asking! Much love, ~Sophia “So much information these days by Channeles. Bashar,Answers from Alien from Andromeda,Kyron,pleiadians by Barbara Marcinik and Nora Harrold,Rob Gauthier,Etc Etc Etc..I think Tolec also talked about humans moving into higher deminsions in a flash ...that was suppose to happen Feb 2014...Never happened.
Do you guys read the news happening in Russia and Middle East and here in America. These people are far from advancing to higher spiritual levels...I dont mean to put the Info down because its coming to you some how..its just somehow not accurate. Too many Channelers or cooks in the Kitchen and contradicting info and predictions that never happen like the Mass Solar Ejection that also never happened.I will look into The Keshe products. Peace to you.” Hello there. Not sure of the exact question yet your frustration is evident and I will give it a go. “Do you guys read the news happening in ….?” Seems to be the first and most obvious question. I can only speak for myself here. The information on this site is not channeled. “GE” reached out to me via the internet and that remains our sole mode of contact. My own voice is spoken in the blog, occasionally spiced up with someone desperate for a platform. I have named that being “Poser” and it has made no predictions. I do not consider myself a channel. I speak what is my truth and speak only when I am centered and clear. I do not predict. The post to which you refer mentions an event. I have dreamt of one, as has my partner and several close friends. This does not make it true or even a prediction. This blog is a place where this ascension process has been lived and shared with anyone interested in participating, since 2011. It is my belief that we create our deepest desires and also that our deepest desires are similar. We are here to aid in the transformation of what has been termed a “prison” into what has been described as “paradise”. I feel our deepest desire is for that to occur rapidly. We are so very tired. I have seen the power of united intent in my own life and globally. It does not take every heart; it takes an energy shift in the right direction and a few well-placed synchronicities. It takes a belief in the possibility of a miracle. It takes what some would call hope, others belief and others dreaming. Our imagination is the greatest tool in our manifestation toolkit. We have to dream, hope, visualize and see it before it is “real”. I believe that the many different predictions and people you refer to in your question are all doing their part to aid us in that visualization and hope. We are associative beings. We link thoughts and ideas and make conclusions. Those not awake, those merely reading the newspapers will link those headlines of horror and come to conclusions of pain. Those open to alternative explanations and happenings will see other possibilities; possibilities for change, liberation, freedom, peace, abundance. I do keep up with the news yet I do not focus on any one source. There is always evidence for what you wish to believe/intend and create. I am holding out for love and moving into sovereignty. I see many others doing the same. Whether or not this turns into an “event” cannot be predicted, it can only be created by all of us as One. We will see together what happens. It will happen gradually or happen over several generations, but it will happen nonetheless. This is what has been chosen, of that I am sure. I wish you peace as well, and much love. Thank you for reaching out, and affording me a chance to focus on what so many of us are feeling today. Namaste’ ~Sophia “Hi Sophia, how are you.
Do you have news from GE. It's long since his last message. Did he left us?” Hi! I have not heard from him since Christmas. I believe he may be gone for a while, as we are not his only focus. There are several questions for him and if he was able, he would respond. That being said, there have been many times that lasted for about a month or more that we did not communicate. I’ve been talking with him since April of 2012, almost 3 years now! The first conversations were in the YouTube comments section, and pretty sporadic. It is since last February when we began the blog format that it seems more apparent when he is out of contact. He comes and goes; it is just that many more of us are aware of it now. He did say in December of 2014 that... “I wasn't available for some time and I have to warn that You have to be ready if I "disappear" out of a sudden, we have a lot of work to do in restoring this World, so GEs aren't fixed in one place.” GE’s purpose has been to aid in our awakening. He reached out as a response to a video I created in January of 2012. It was a call to those “off world”. He has not been the only response, but certainly the most prolific! His information and willingness to engage with us as we awaken from our “slavery slumber” has been invaluable. At least it has been for me. At first I did not understand much of what he said. That is no longer true, and as I watch the conversation on the blog, many of his readers are as informed as he is now. We understand what the truth is, and actively look for it everywhere! It is easy to get “hooked” on information that seems to see further into the future than we are currently able. I get that. We have to remember that the future is not fixed; we have changed it already and will continue to create it with our love and empowerment. Indeed, GE’s last message said: “Those "enlightened" illuminati found out that they can enslave Humanity in this age, because whole Cosmo affects Consciousness and they did everything to make it happen. They almost succeeded, but were stopped by arrival of highly evolved Individuals - You Good Friends, Lightworkers and Lightwarriors as well as One's Workers and Warriors.” I will have any further information from GE on the website as soon as it is received, you can count on that. In the meantime, I am compiling a collection of all that has been said. Much of it applies to what we now face and will be dealing with in the next several years. A world after the experiment ends, a New World. It is vital that we create and implement systems that sustain a new way to live for mankind. GE cannot do this for us, or even tell us how; it is only mankind who can. His suggestions for what has worked on other worlds are a great assist. It seems that now and in the next two years it becomes more important than ever to remember the truth of us. GE is a fascinating being, and yet so are you. Humans are the most sought after and watched in the cosmos, because of their passionate, creative capacity. This has been manipulated throughout the experiment, and drawn us into the perpetuation of misery and pain, war and poverty; into slavery. Now it is upon us to utilize another part of our passion – our love, joy, unity and celebration. I think what we create now is beyond the imagining of any being, it is held in our very hearts, waiting to burst forth. Thank you for asking this question! It has given me an opportunity to express how grateful I am for GE and for all of you. I love you! Namaste’ ~Sophia Knowing Who I AM has still not led me to why I'm here. I have a calling to aid in the awakening of humanity, yet no avenues for that are manifesting. No job, no prospects, and no longer willing to take employment that isn't beneficial to humanity and/or the planet, my options are quite limited. Too late to go back to school, have trouble meditating, and struggling with mood swings and depression, perhaps caused by my work situation and/or info overload.
Any guidance or suggestions would be appreciated Sophia, as I feel disconnected from most folks due to my research and knowledge base. Alas, no one seems to want to wake up, sigh. Please help me if you can, as I have been in this limbo for a few years now, and question daily why I'm still here. Love and Light Hi there! Thank you for voicing a question felt by so many of us. You are still here because it is your choice to be here now. Perhaps you don’t remember making that choice, or have come to regret it recently, yet the choice to be here and to stay is made freely. I understand there is a long waiting list to incarnate! There have been several women in my life, who, as they approached and then passed the 100 year mark, have asked the same question. Remarks like “God forgot about me” were often spoken by them. It is more like “No, God saved the best for last”. There are no mistakes. There is still something for you to do. But what? This transition is not simple or easy; you chose it because it is the quickest route to evolution/mastery … Call it whatever you want, creation education is the main game to be played by humanity. What you create is up to you. You are practicing to evolve to “god-hood” if we can coin a word, and from that point create your own universe. You say “Knowing Who I AM has still not led me to why I'm here”. Until we are each completely cognizant of every fractal of our multi-dimensional selves, none of us do. What you can do now is take care of and proceed into whatever territory shows up and appeals to some part of you. Perhaps, while there, your actions or their resulting effect will elucidate your purpose. Perhaps not, yet the marvelous thing about being here is that we are continuous creators; there is always another chance. This “Awakening” is happening on a grand scale while in the tiniest of beings and rooms… there is no place you can occur that is not aiding in its happening. Your specific work can be almost anything and with the intention of love, unity and collaboration; miracles manifest. Your effect is like a pebble tossed gently into a pond. Each person shown love as a solution rather than ideas of “better, profit, compete and gain” will then take those ideas into their world. These are world changing moments. I understand your frustration. It seems to be taking forever. I too want to do just one thing that will catapult it into NOW. The funny thing is, you are, and so am I. This question and answer will be read by many. Your revolutionary ideas don’t have to be shared with everyone you know, but your love and compassion and unified way of thinking is, right now. This energetic shift, felt collectively yet understood by just a portion of us, is changing everything. The climate is ripe for change. You helped create that. I have several jobs that have nothing to do with what I blog about. In fact, they are inside systems I disagree with on a fundamental level. It is a struggle to operate inside of systems set up to disempower and categorize people (specifically, school and government systems) knowing the truth. Yet what I know about the truth is that it cannot be stifled any longer. If I don’t take it into some pretty dark places, who will and when? There are no small moments. There are no inconsequential acts of love. Every organization set up within the new paradigm is worthy. Every organization still operating under the existing system is morphing, right now, in ways as yet unseen on a grand scale. What is always true is that your effect cannot be measured in dollars or how you earn your living. I did not go to school for education or even writing, yet the bulk of my life is spent in both arenas. It doesn’t matter where you are. What matters is that you bring your full presence with you wherever you end up and THAT is how this awakening happens - One being at a time, one moment at a time. When that idea is realized within, then regardless of what you do to “make a living’ (a ridiculous notion), will feel worthwhile and contributory and satisfying. Feelings of appreciation for the chance to change things, if taken with you wherever you go, will allow more opportunities for your true “work” to manifest. Each day, intend to feel grateful for another chance to watch and participate in this awakening. You may be surprised at what shows up. I wish you powerful ideas, a willing attitude and lots of love. Namaste’ ~Sophia “At 67 years old I find my life has been aligned with the common male's empathy with Lords of War thrashing processes of destruction but not really comprehending why. You may be of assistance in my gradual elucidation!”
Hello and thanks for this deeply felt question. My answer has been pondered for quite some time as I’ve had the privilege to be the parent of four sons. This allows me to watch the effect of puberty/testosterone and society on four male beings. It may take some conversation to express in full what I understand. There is no right or wrong. All passions are mere expressions of the force of life itself. We inhabit physical bodies; symphonies of muscles, organs, bones, fluids and hormones that together make us male and female. There is a methodic tendency that influences both genders, in part inherent and as well impacted by family, society and hormonal change. The misunderstanding and labeling of aggression in males includes capitalizing on the “empathy with Lords of War thrashing processes of destruction” and moves beyond that into stereotyping males as predators and conquerors. The presence of one is not a guarantee of the other or, in fact, of warlike or destructive behavior on any level. Yet this current environment abuses and exaggerates this predominantly male understanding, with war games, video games and even sporting events. This is not to say that women and girls don’t enjoy and appreciate the same. There are degrees of enthusiasm and natural alignment that come with us when we incarnate. Whether male or female, these levels of understanding and sympathy exist within us. Who we are is as much, or perhaps more, inherent than learned. The tendency to fight for what we believe we have a right to is part of the makeup of the species as a whole. This chimpanzee warlike behavior gives us a clue as to what is part of our genetic material. We originate from the same stuff. So, why do you feel as you do about war and destruction? Partly for genetic reasons, and partly for society’s attempt to mold you into a “man”. There is enormous pressure on you to “man up”. That means avoid emotional reactions (crying), develop a thick skin, seek sexual conquests and fight for your beliefs, country, family or world. These may or may not be your own deeply felt ideas of right or wrong, but the constant dialogue to conform has lasting effects. These effects are now opposing ideas such as Love yourself, Oneness, Peace and Unity. How can both be “correct”? When you consider an idea of complete acceptance of any worldview, they can. Oneness demands that. We are entering a time that asks us to question everything we have ever believed and ponder how it impacts all of us, not just some of us. These are massive shifts in thinking. Each opinion is valid when considered in the context in which it was made. Until today, your empathies/sympathies were okay with you. They still feel okay, yet something inside questions why, when they involve a destructive force such as war. Destruction is part of creation, contrast is part of life. We have operated as if it is natural, and in a sense it is. I watch little ones want guns at the age of two, and without them, build them with sticks for their “play”. The war games of children are more about setting it all up than killing anyone, yet the setup, the negotiations and positioning is critical to the fun of it. It is play. An effective warrior can’t afford to sympathize with his opponent. Sometimes, for the greater good, things have to die. This is a fact of our bodies and our cosmos. We watch stars being birthed and dying, a macrocosm of our individual bodies; we don’t question the inherent goodness or evil in it. It is life. So, as an attempt at an answer to the question: “why?”, I can offer this. Because you are human. Much love to you, Sophia “I keep reading and studying different spiritual leaders to maybe hear what I need to do to change.
It seems every one of them is NOT specific to me. Also, I'm a little timid about asking what I should do to change. You know, specifically about me. Where is the missing piece for me?” Hello and thanks for a really pointed question! The shift we are undergoing is intensely personal; while being simultaneously global. It is a challenge to absorb and make use of in our day to day lives. How do we address individuality while Oneness is the subject? Understand that this shift is not about “what you need to do to change”. You are perfect where you stand. It is about remembering. We have forgotten. It is our task to remember. The specifics for you to remember are easily found. What things initiate fear, discomfort, uneasiness, anxiety, anger or emptiness for you? These things are like bright orange neon arrows, pointing to YOUR FOCUS. It is never about the illness, person or situation at hand, these are platforms. On them stands your deepest issue, the one you figured was “fact” or “just the way it is”. Everything is biased. Look to Quantum Physics for validation of the observer effect. It is everywhere. There are no “reasons” for discomfort. Discomfort is a choice. Happiness is a choice too. The way it works is this: You are uncomfortable or happy, and you look around and choose the nearest candidate for the feeling you are in the midst of. It could be your boss or your puppy, and not necessarily in that order. Then you assign blame or reasons. The feeling always precedes the person or event being held accountable for it. You cannot escape yourself. If there is one consistent message in all of the teachings, it is this. “To thine own self be true”. You are, in every circumstance, dealing with yourself. If you feel neglected or misunderstood or abused or mistreated or undervalued – examine the care, understanding, love and value you feel for YOU. There is no one out there but you. What this means is that none of the teachers are specific and yet they all are. There is really only one issue, it is self love. The assorted teachers are each voicing their “take” on what that looks like. Pure and absolute agape solves every issue, answers each question and is the only missing piece required. When you love yourself, all “others” are treated accordingly. As you approach each moment, respond as if it was you who asked the question, made the mistake, or needed a hand. Then, give what in your heart you would like to receive. Walk, talk, and touch gently and tenderly, for our heart is delicate and thrives on compassion. Remember. This “missing piece” is only hidden by your mistaken idea that there is something you need. A dear friend of mine used to say “What you don't have, you don't need!”. As you see the teachings of various people, glean from them what rings true, and discard what doesn't. Your heart knows. Trust. All the answers are found there, and they will “ring true” once heard again. You are the one you've been waiting for. Much love, Sophia Question
My laptop suffered a breakdown last week As a matteroffact it has been suffering several breakdown s due to virus attacks. (I write a lot of spiritual stuff as well as politics & much about upliftment, etc) I ask: Did my laptop suffer a break down due to my any negative energy I was packing around; energy that might have gotten in the way and somehow caused the shut down of my computer's capability to send email attachments? Or was it that dark side knows how to create such havoc, and it did so in order to stop me from sending the document? Interesting question. Perhaps it works both ways... or in conjunction; meaning that dark side comes into play at a moment when I am in a downward spiral and susceptible, then dark side, using my negativity, applies a layer of negativity to that which works with mine and wham, bam, the deed is done. Dear One, what can you say about this matter Love & blessings Hello and thanks for this great question. The answer could take a bit, so grab a cup of coffee! Everything in our day is allowed to be there because we have opened the door for it to enter. This is not the same as saying you broke your lap top or there aren't forces around intent on wreaking havoc; you didn't and there are. We reside on earth, in 3D, with all the natural and man made systems operating in concert with us. Once, a dear friend of mine was in the mountains and decided to create a rainbow. Rather quickly, one appeared as if at his command. In telling the story he said “Yeah, but it had rained the night before and there was moisture in the air, so it wasn't really me.” But of course there had to be moisture for a rainbow! We use what surrounds us to create our world, rainbows and broken lap tops included. We are creation magnets, creating consciously and unconsciously, with explicit intent or internal fear or feelings of pleasure. The power we hold here is precise and consistent. If in your work you harbor some sort of conflict (perhaps in your political work) you will attract some version of that to you. It could manifest as a cold or an argument or traffic or a virus attack on your laptop. That said, your laptop had to be “ready” to break, timing is everything, (remember the rainbow?). There is not a perfect answer as you have already surmised... we are participants in all that surrounds us. It is not a magical sort of thing really and no blame is appropriate, it is the natural response of energy to energy...your laptop runs on energy, you do too and what you emit will effect any machine you are using. There are times in my home when one of us will tell the other of us to “step away from the computer” because their energy is just screwing everything up and nothing will work. Someone else can sit down and it works just fine. Having said that, there is another thing to consider about the “dark side creating havoc”... there are those who feed on our negative energy and in fact once they sense it, will hang around for more, creating a sort of vicious circle of anxiety/trouble/anger/negativity, which is an “all you can eat buffet” for them. Once in it, it can be difficult to recognize. Consciousness demands vigilance and without blame a ready response to what isn't working. Once you see what's broken, fix it and move on, you know? It is all energy and malleable. Your last paragraph is a nice summary, except that sometimes a broken laptop is just a broken laptop – no other forces are necessary, we do just fine on our own. I can't tell you how many appliances have needed repair as I negotiate this energy of mine! It isn't helpful to “pass the buck” once it happens, in my experience. What helps is getting to the root of the emotion and releasing/absorbing and moving into clarity once again. (and hiring a good handyman ;) It is such a process! Nice that sometimes our machines can be the mirrors for us rather than our relationships! Much love and success with your work, Sophia |
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