Here is one more musical composition which You can share with Our Good Friends, this one composition is not new, it is old and comes from One, I am accustomed to these tones, they are being used by Spiritually Evolved and One shares these tones with Beings around the Universe which are sufficiently Spiritually evolved, yet on this World it was made not long ago
Click here. it is a road to future of this World, listening to it, You can hear what the future will be. Very Bright! This is to Good Friends that are building technologies of Energy. Good Friend Djon, You can use battery to power the wheel, then when it will start spinning, just use the magnet so the spin will continue. In some designs initial charge is needed (I made a way around this by using accumulator battery). Making completely initial charge-free design not works always. Also the power of "prime magnet" (the one that you hold or is in a holder, that spins the wheel) can be increased by additional charge (putting battery to it, better the rechargeable one, which You can recharge later on), I for my instance use neodymium magnets, I set up magnets in a way that north polarity faces up on wheels and I am making a move with enlarged neodymium magnet making opposition of north to north. I also put them in a way that south polarity from magnets on wheel don't influence the enlarged magnet's north polarity, so they wouldn't stuck to each other. As well I'm using AA rechargeable battery, the energy output of this battery is always surpassed by the amount of given electric current from magnetic wheel, so battery is always "in recharge mode". So it is a closed accumulator to generator - generator to accumulator system which I use all the time to avoid the lack of accumulated energy sources like non-rechargeable batteries. Also in a video of magnet fan You saw, there is a trick, they use 9v battery to power the wheel, so it can be called cheating, yet this principle of "magnetic wind" is working. Also I know Bedini generator, very great design along with the one Good Friend Hope Girl made (first introduced by Nikola Tesla, now recreated by several inventors including Hope Girl's Team!) Johnson generator along with Hendershot non movable generator works as well. There were more, much more, yet all were suppressed as You know this. Yes making them will not always be "a success" as I warned this is "the spice of inventing", first model may be flawed, as it is just a proto (only the first of it's kind), yet if You will not give up and continue on, eventually You will have what You want!:) Thank You very much Good Friends for everything You do and for simply Be'ing! Yet We still haven't finished this experiment, and illuminati order is aggressive than ever before now, We know that Everything will be transformed in This World for Good! Much Good is coming! Many Good Wishes to Everyone!
I requested further information about the missing flight. What follows is the response.
Sophia I was told that this plane was downed intentionally.. It was downed using pulse of electromagnetic waves, which disabled electronics in this plane.. These people's loss of life was made to play out the card "combined disasters", it is connected with tridents. I can back this by saying that the moment this plane disappeared I felt that many People "left this World", They called to me "to go with Them", I politely refused and said that I need to finish my order of One, the Creator. In that moment I knew something bad happened and then I saw the news about this plane. I had similar feeling during the hurricane which took lives of 6000 People. Click here. I felt a lot of Souls leaving this World at once and it sounded to me like "come with Us", same like in this situation with the plane, I share my feelings only with other GEs and my relatives, but I guess I can say this here.. Though I hope this information is not correct and they are fine and will meet with relatives. Also the connection of tridents, Hell's Kitchen explosion in New York, second name of that's Hell's Kitchen restaurant is "Neptune" - the god with trident, also look for "Malaysia Airlines" logo trident with tricolor, Ukraine's Coat of Arms, Maserati logo (Maserati commercial during super bowl was telling about secret plot) and "Prepare" words during super bowl. Yet all of their plans are falling apart, Grand Creator Sage Star A is intentionally suppressing all the thoughts about destruction and war, fall of illuminati is in progress and all is made by One. Here is one beautiful music and message to inspire from Good Friend Lindsey! Click here. Much Peace and Love to You! And another bit of information... Considering the missing flight as I warned You this was a plot, here, Good Friend Dahboo7 found this information, it is all also connected with illuminati plan to start a ww3. Click here. We know though, that they will fail. Meditate to reduce casualties and damage which they still wish to do, we can completely eliminate all destruction and loss of life, it is in Our United Power - Something to Believe In! Click here. Much Peace and Love to You! I will also answer on two questions, from Good Friends!
"Thank you GE and Sophia! With the Pleidians and other benevolent "ETs", is it true our planet earth is surrounded by ships and that we are under watchful eyes to what will transpire here? Forgive me if this was asked or answered before. As well, I just saw this today and would like your thoughts on the historical data that was given:" No need to forgive yourself Good Friend! I'm for my instance am ready to support and aid Everyone! Whenever someone don't understands something I'm ready to give some understanding on the subject. This Planet is surrounded by ships of different civilizations and different sorts and different technological level. These ships in the meantime are surrounded by Forces of One ships. So overall there are thousands of ships, of different size and role. If necessary this number can be increased to billions in mere seconds. Forces of One have such resources. There is one very big (size more than this planet) interstellar spherical ship, which is counted like planet on it's own. They are protecting this World and Humanity and waiting when the time for "first contact" and "Ascension" will be right. The Cobra's explanation of history is up for You to decide whether it is true or false. Your own discernment is most important as for all of my messages! We know different history and we also know that Cobra is not being told everything unfortunately. "In light of the remarks of GE; that some ET visitors may not have our best interests at heart, are there going to be mentors among the visitors that will protect us from our trusting naiv'ete from exploiters or do we accumulate some lumps as a lesson and use our discernment to minimize these?" The best way is always to listen to Your Higher Inner Self and be connected with One through Sun. This way Your thoughts are always correct. Being dependent on someone to save or mentor You was always not the best solution to many problems. Many abused this naive behavior of Humanity and used this for their own gains. For example evangelical christians and muslims were dependent on salvation for the last 2000 cycles and many many died without this coming true.. Illuminati order like when People believe so blindly. People can be used and abused much easily in such situation. But when You are not dependent on such things/thoughts You may able to do much more as Your hidden potential can surpass even Your most wildest dreams:) This is something religions were removing from teachings and this is one thing that illuminati are afraid of most. When Humanity will realize that it can do much more than what we are told We are capable to do, then Humanity will realize that illuminati are the same as All the rest. They are afraid of Humanity realizing it, realizing that all is One and equal. So good advice is to always listen to Your Higher Inner Self! This is where One, Creator of All resides. Also great job Good Friend Djon! I'm happy that You understood what the principle of this technology is! To increase the pace of arrival of Moment of Justice You can help this World by spreading knowledge about ET's presence and knowledge about magnetic, water, air, heat, solar energy technologies! Much Peace, Calm and Prosperity! Hi,
Thank you! I just saw this - Click here. Any comments? Sophia The ship You saw there was indeed Galactic Federation of Light, Sirian made. It is their favor to make oval and cigar-shaped design. Orionians with reptilians prefer triangularity, both Sirians and Orionians have good relations and both can lie without shame unfortunately. Reptilians are more sneaky, but Sirians are following in their path. The ones from Sirius B are more problematic than from Sirius A. Sirius C is quiet at least. illuminati order was in close contact with both of them and still we see that both Sirians and Orionians wish this experiment to continue. Ashtar (Asta) as You remember are the watchers of Humanity's experiment. Trusting them is not a very good thing to do as they are the same if not worse than illuminati order. This is what I can tell on their role right now. Pleiadeans and Arcturians are quiet right now. I hope this will aid You in understanding! Much Love! Good Day Sophia!
As You can feel energy pressure is at a peak. This is the fall of illuminati with a crack like Humanity wanted! Illuminati order wish to give out everything left they still got, they decided "now or never". For that their Judgment will be maximal. They started massive anti russian propaganda to tarnish the image of russians and olympics and president Vladimir Putin. Right now Russia is protecting Crimea and People of this land are deciding Their own future, yet all western main stream media points this as "dirty tactic of Russian People". No one died in Crimea so far from violence thanks to "self defense forces" (they are russians, but prefer to be named so, this is their will). CIA made a dirty tactic, a crime against Humanity by shooting protesters using trained snipers in Ukraine. This is a repeated situation, same thing happened in Egypt not long ago and was happening in Iraq. Right now in Ukraine took power same WW2 ideologies: nazism and fascism. The pressure and despair in western Ukraine reached it's climax. And now minority's true face is shown. As You remember WW2 was as well instigated by illuminati order and nazism and zionism and communism are their creations which bound "to destroy". The new ukrainian government representatives made a deal with U.S. and EU governments and NATO, that they need to provoke People of Russia to attack them or make it so, so it will look like People of Russia "are attacking". Ukraine send a lot of military equipment near Crimea border. The missing plane is also a provocation, as I was told People there died, and They were intentionally killed (though I hope this wouldn't be real). Now blaming will go to Iran. Here was played illuminati card called "combined disasters". Paralympics games are taking place in Sochi and these two disasters (U.S. government's invasion to Ukraine and destruction of plane) took place during olympics. Climax of all this will be reached on blood moon on 15 April and will be present at high until Solar eclipse at April 29. They still wish to make world war 3, but they will fail and We All know that! This whole conflict can be prevented, and casualties reduced, meditate for World Peace, Mutual Understanding and Harmony Among All Things! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is to answer to some questions I saw --- "Are the 13 crystal skulls he refers to ("Ancient Masters, Crystal Skulls" on Feb 21 2014) the same as the ancient stones you have spoken about ? Sorry, GE, I meant ancient machines, which you talked about on Jan 20 2014 - not ancient stones." Ancient Masters are not Ancient Machines. Masters are the ones that were living alongside Humanity in ancient times, Ancient Machines never intervening in non Forces of One civilizations and they never call themselves as Masters and never like when someone is calling them so, they prefer to be called simply Friends or Guardians. "There has been a lot of talk about the "Eastern alliance" comprising of countries supporting the BRICS nations. And also that "Eastern alliance" is the force that will stop the Illuminati/ Western Cabal. Is there a force inside China and/or above the current communist leadership that is part of the Eastern alliance? Or is it something different?" Inside China, most of this system supports the new world without war, violence, hatred and depopulation. Chinese People are very Spiritual, even highly greedy People have Respect and Honor which is lacked within indo european greedy People. The whole People's Republic of China will be ready to go along with making this World a more beautiful and harmonious place! Same side took People of Russia, People of India, People of Brazil, People of Iran, People of Iraq, People of Syria, People of Lebanon (shia muslim People). I want also to point out a main difference between shia and sunni as We touched this subject. Shia People are being hated because they accept the changes within Quran and don't accept the rule of califs (kings of the Earth). They also believe that knowledge passes to next generations and teaching of Mohammed can be changed. Sunnis believe that this is not possible, only original teaching is the most true "holy". And everything will be decided on "end days", until then "nothing can be changed". This is fundamentalism and illuminati order prefer sunni as these People are "not allowed to evolve" and They can be easily controlled, much like fundamentalist christians and judaeans. Numbers of shia believers are slightly lower than sunni believers and in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon are committed crimes against shia and christian People on daily basis.. "Hi GE, I had posted a little while back that I had felt a shift or something to a release happening. I was wondering if you can confirm that there was "something" that or had occurred? And just recently was hit with either a wave of energy the other day that literally had me fall asleep on the couch by 8:30 (local time) and I slept for 10 hrs, which is not normal for me. I felt very "heavy" all day prior to that. Also, I make Orgonite devices and I was wondering if you know about them? I make them with other stones known to heal or help with EMF and negative energy. Would love to know your thoughts about them? P.S. I am so happy the Olympics were a success and that the world had a view inside of Russia. With issues about the LGBT community being supported to views of what western media broken by their depiction of Russia. The tip of the iceberg is now shown to be attached to a much greater chunk of ice that is slowly starting to rise...and we are ready to see what that is about to reveal! Namaste" I answered to energy shift question Good Friend! Many things happened and illuminati are pushing their "last stand". Though You can see even media cannot hold lies afloat. Orgonite are very excellent healing method, You can mix different variations and change the healing effect, very much like crystal/stone healing. Indeed, People of the World at first bought the lie about Russia invading Ukraine, now Majority saw that this was a big lie, Humanity is almost woke up, only few time is necessary to complete this wakefulness. Illuminati knows this and are doing everything fast to prevent this, We can stop them, Unite Your abilities and meditate! I wanted to add this video, whenever You see an oval, know that it can be used intentionally (in west most of the times) or unintentionally (unknowingly). This is a good symbol, yet illuminati order again distorted it's meaning Click here. Remember We Together and Individually can prevent many bad things from happening, the Power of One is in Your Hands! We are One and One are We! Much Peace, Calm and Prosperity to Everyone! |
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December 2019