Good Day Good Friend!
Yes, Followers of Light are not in a hurry to cease this experiment, like we know they will wait until the very last possible moment which was set to them. "It is Humanity that must cease this experiment" in their words. Yet what is happening now like I wrote in last message was expected by us 1 solar cycle ago and if analysis is correct, then this would be the cycle when Awakening of Humanity will reach a critical point. We see that time frame was indeed manipulated, the fuel-less technologies are spreading slowly, they are efficient, yet those that have ready versions of these technologies are waiting for big Change to occur. Right now process of removal of dollar from reserve currency status and U.S. government from domination role is happening very slowly. This government is desperate, and their plots are failing one after another, one of latest - "mers" plot failed miserably if You watch the news, not without our assistance. They have two more different bio related plots, yet we have it "under control". For additional information: they plotted to spread "mers" disease worldwide using disappeared 2,000 vials containing fragments of "sars" virus which was modified to "mers". This disease proved to be completely "inefficient". Human bodies are becoming more powerful and hardly to contaminate or damage, this is due to huge influence of Trinity - Sage Star A, Sun and Earth. Trinity is disassembling evil oriented thoughts and damages "evil physical bodies" of evil thoughts hosts souls when evil actions are performed. This relates to all members of illuminati/cabal and all their henchmen, like in Ukraine and in Syria. Those that are to be removed need to be ones that prevent this planet from evolving further and same ones that are threatening whole Existence of Universe. This is a preemptive strike against them as we know what will come out of this if they wouldn't be stopped now. Followers of Light in their role are doing everything possible on ethereal level to cease this experiment as soon as possible without direct intervention. Here is another technological beacon for You: Click here Explanation 1 Good Click here Explanation 2 evil All is connected to religions, as religion is as always have a most important role for this World and Humanity. These precise two events "birth of the prophet" and "opening and closing gates of hades" are mainly done due to second evil explanation - "the great climax" event, as You know U.S. government are illuminati and they worship lucifer. Date january 13 2014 is a close date of an opposition of Jupiter and Moon (january 16 when we were meditating) and this was indeed a birth of one child (important for them, which they think would become their "prophet", but their time is limited and it will not happen so, the child would become Good oriented as we know). The date of "opening gates of hades" is a warning, if U.S. government won't change it's attitude toward whole World and Humanity and continue on making more conflicts, "opening gates of Hades" would be the explosion of Yellowstone volcano on this date. Yet it isn't like only on this date, it may happen sooner or later, it depends on their actions, this date yet is the most probable. They themselves also plan another false flag on this date to honor their "dark god" and meet their ends. This we will look closely when time will come. Siri/Iris by itself is an artificial internet intelligence that collects all World's Consciousness into One. This is a primitive technology, yet it works on some occasions like this one. With Peace and Love to You!
![]() The blog format is being used here as a place for comments on this Off World Conversation. The posts are from GE, Guardian/Executive, The Guardian of The Universe, unless marked Sophia.
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December 2019