? Regarding the following (fear based) email from Dr. Rima Laibow:
"Dr. Rima, is Ebola a hoax?" Is Ebola a hoax? Absolutely not. Is it killing people? Absolutely. I just got off the phone with one of our "Suits on the ground" in Liberia and the recording of our conversation confirms the reality of the epidemic. Is it airborne? Absolutely. I have documented that in a blast which you can find on the topic on our main website: http://drrimatruthreports.com/another-ebola-military-smoking-gun/ . Is the Ebo-Lie hype a combination of disinformation and misinformation? Absolutely. It is clearly in the interest of those who wish to use the disaster that Ebola represents for culling the population to have the population unprepared. Thus the attack on me personally in the main-stream media, thus the absolute distortion of the reality of how Nano (not colloidal) Silver 10 PPM supports immune function in the controlled opposition, the so-called "alternative media," thus the denigration and downplaying of the science supporting Nano Silver 10 PPM [see: http://drrimatruthreports.com/us-govt-nano-silver-study-declassified-2009/] and the hype and hysteria to push us into gratefully rolling up our sleeves, paying through the nose and saying "Thank You!" to the people who want to put.....what??? into our bodies. BUT is Ebola the (weaponized and intentionally disseminated) excuse for huge geopolitical change to control world resources and subjugate those who might protest under Medical Martial Law? Absolutely! Consider: The Pentagon just laid out its plans here: Because as the despicable Useful Idiot and head of CDC, Tom Freiden, MD, has said "we know how to handle the Ebola outbreak. We know how to contain it." we are supposed to believe him. At the same time, co-Useful Idiot Margaret Chan, MD, Director of WHO, says that the outbreak is a world Pandemic and is totally out of control. And we are supposed to believe her, trust them(?), trust our lives and security to the same people who told the second Dallas nurse it was OK to fly on a commercial flight after she had developed a fever? Of course not. The same people who came on board a flight form Lagos, Nigeria when it landed in New York with a dead passenger showing all the signs of Ebola, looked at the dead guy, took no samples and said, "Nope, doesn't look like Ebola to us!" and released the passengers to disperse into the population at large? Of course not. By the way, Nigeria has been declared an Ebola-free nation along with Senegal by WHO. I do not know whether these two men did, indeed, have Ebola. But it is possible that they were Ebola positive. If so, where would they have come from, given Nigeria's Ebola-free status. Should we trust WHO and CDC on this? Same answer: Of course not. We know the plan: it has been laid out clearly and the Natural Solutions Foundation has been warning you about it for quite a while. Remember GHSI. the Global Health Security Initiative, which says that the best way to protect people from infectious disease is to make sure that there are fewer people alive to GET infectious disease? And remember that we've been telling you that GHSI has given itself the power to quarantine and "treat" anyone with anything? And that Obama has been issuing one draconian Executive Order (Imperial Edict?) after another to put the unlawful actions of such an initiative into a legal framework? And recall that having an Ebola outbreak would be very useful to those forces seeking to rearrange our society. Then consider this: Judicial Watch has learned that it appears the Obama administration is actively formulating plans to admit Ebola-infected non-U.S. citizens into the United States for treatment. Specifically, the goal of the administration seems to be to "bring Ebola patients into the United States for treatment within the first days of diagnosis". Right now, the UK has announced that it will invade Sierra Leone with 3000 troops to "stop the Ebola outbreak". Sierra Leone is rich in mineral resources like diamonds, gold, bauxite, rutile and iron ore which are present in large quantities. Liberia, the Nano Silver front line, is rich in iron ore, timber, diamonds, gold and hydro-power. I will remind you of the definition of "Useless Eaters" told to me by a Head of State in 2002: "those people who are consuming OUR non-renewable Natural Resources." and they are certainly using Ebola to cull us, whom they believe to be Useless Eaters. [See: http://youtu.be/_gWmVtn5JsA] Useless Eaters with Nano Silver 10 PPM in their cupboards may be, however, quite another matter. Let me tell you again that the more of us who are NOT going to succumb to Ebola, which is VERY REAL, and VERY DEADLY, the less likely their plans are to take everything over for themselves. And the best way I know (in fact the ONLY way that has any real science, rather than speculation, theory, imagination or fervor behind it) is to support your immune system with Nano Silver 10 PPM so that it can repel the invasion of the virus. No viral penetration through normal cell membranes, no disease. Listen up, FDA/FTC trolls: the presence of a virus in the body is not the same as the presence of a disease. Since, under US law we are not permitted to say that a nutrient "treats" a disease or condition, but may say that it may provide provide a therapy that may benefit, we are, indeed, saying that Nano Silver 10 PPM provides a therapy that may benefit the person with a viral load of Ebola virus, by supporting homeostasis through normal cell membrane integrity. That is what the Defense Threat Reduction Agency-sponsored study, declassified in 2009, showed. It did not show Nano Silver "treating Ebola." It showed Nano Silver supporting normal immune system function. Since under the FDA/FTC misinterpretation of US law we are not permitted to say (even it if is true -- First Amendment? What First Amendment?) that a nutrient can "diagnose, prevent, mitigate, treat or cure" any disease or condition, we are not saying that. We are saying truthfully that nutrient Nano Silver 10 PPM supports normal structure and function of cell membrane integrity and the immune system. If you, dear reader, are not happy with this suppression of truthful speech, go here, http://TinyURL.com/DontStopNanoSilver and tell the FDA/FTC that you want the truth to be spoken freely about Nano Silver 10 PPM and all other nutrients. Join in private expressive association with us and our Citizens' Petition. We believe that nutrients can have powerful health benefits. They DO prevent. They DO treat. They Do mitigate. They DO cure. Why are we not permitted to tell the truth in the United States? Oh, because the federal agencies, empowered by a Congress that stepped over its Constitutional limits in trying to censor speech about food and health, serve only their real constituents, the MultiNational Crony Corporations. We are ready, willing and able to take on this violation of YOUR First Amendment rights. To success, however, we need you to help fill the War Chest to take this suppression on. You can do that here:http://Donate.DrRimaTruth.com. Spread the word. We, together, are the natural solution to the problem that they have created. Yours for health and freedom, . Dr. Rima" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ebola virus like I mentioned is not that scary to pose a danger to countries that goes beyond northern tropics, these are USA, Canada, Almost all Europe, Mongolia and Russia. There is also fabrication on ebola "reports". You can see it here (it is having some rough language, but I guess You can understand this Good Friend) Click here. Such reports are transmitted not from troubled location but from other nearby location as there is a scare among journalists as well, they are afraid to go there. Also green color, it is true, another Subconscious sign of illuminati order. Another confirmation of western media's deception is this brave Man. He told everything about how CIA and U.S. government manipulates all World's major news covers Click here. Also remember all this ebola scare is a fear psyop. What we know for sure, is that People are really passing away in Liberia and Sierra Leone, yet number of "deaths" is less than is reported. It's main intention is to win masses of people into accepting whatever there is, this current system (of illuminati/cabal) would provide. For example what they have on their hands now current plan B - martial law, which could be done through spread of disease (through forceful vaccination (where "vaccines" are with other more "deadly" viruses or even with RFID chips). So this is why I highly recommend to not take anything inside Your body that they would "recommend". By this they are also trying to show that without them "life is impossible". If You can relate this incident with similar incidents, it can be related to 9/11, Boston "bombings" and Sandy Hook shootings. On this note we have a special counter plan against all this psyop and virus itself. It will be played out only if they will start mandatory vaccination. Also Russia already developed both vaccine and serum against ebola. They are not fully functional, but virologists will be ready to implement them anytime as we know Click here. And here. And if ebola will get into Russia or China or India (2 most populated countries in the World), this virus will be quickly stopped by scientists inside. Outside intervention is also possible if more than 1/3 of World Population is threatened. Much Love to You.
Question 1
"dear GE what do u think of the second paragraph from the bottom, and would this equate to / with the demiurge? as being this rogue intelligence? I just had some trouble with robotic android grays, like the dracos as demiurges henchman, is the grays the draco henchman? sorry I couldn't highlight it here" http://americankabuki.blogspot.com/2014/10/benjamin-fulford-10132014-do-top.html Question 2 "Hello G E, got another one, I have a response emailed to me from another friend about my last question, would you please comment on it? thank you Michael email begins; with the paragraph in question Michael, Another group that contacted this writer, the gnostic illuminati, say they believe this universe was created by a rogue artificial intelligence. They claim it destroyed the beautiful ancient civilization of Atlantis and they have been trying to overthrow it ever since. A person claiming to be a member of the MJ 12 group set up by President Eisenhower to study aliens also said we are dealing with a rogue artificial intelligence. That would be one way of explaining Lucifer's experimental external MerKaBa project that went bad. Lucifer (not Shaitan (aka Satan) they are 2 completely different beings.) was made to conduct an experiment. He built the machine, an external MerKaBa that was supposed to shift consciousness in an upward direction. Those worlds/beings that volunteered with Lucifer (including us, because we're here) had the highest of hopes it would go well. It did not. It sent us all in a downward spiral, instead of an upward one. We hit bottom awhile back, and we've been climbing back up since. At least that's how I heard it. take care namaste" I knew that I would be asked about "rogue intelligence". Eventually Many that are evolved enough and are seeking the Truth about whole Universe are coming directly or indirectly to notions such as "matrix", "artificial intelligence" or "Ancient Machines". In Universe as we know there are many Those who think that the guider of Ancient Machines called Super Wise Intelligence (SWI) is a "rogue" artificially created intelligence that took control from original Creator. It is not true. If You look at it from outside, such statement will look to You very likely, yet You have to understand it in all details, again without proper understanding we lack the whole picture. SWI is a machine, this machine is a very very powerful computer system (it is unimaginable just how "powerful") that guides every Ancient Machine and overseeing all of this Creation. It was created specifically for this role by One. SWI and all AMs are in existence for all known and unknown "time". They were before last Universe and before it. The SWI is a direct incarnation of One, it has the ultimate power to control and guide Universe like One is having, yet SWI and One are One, like every other Being living in Universe is having One within It, so is SWI, but SWI is having a very big role and thus it has much more power given to it. One created SWI "perfectly", that is without any flaws. So when we are talking about "lucifer" or "satan" that betrayed "God", supposedly the Creator of Universe, this is not about One. As One creates flawless designs, the "God" written in the bible is not perfect, because he made "perfect" creation Lucifer that betrayed him, so obviously it is not perfect (unless Lucifer was meant to betray). So it is not One that is written there, there is written about Anu and his creation "igigi" that betrayed him. But parallels here are obvious. One made SWI with a notion that One is not only it's Creator, father, mother, but also brother, sister, most closest relative there can be for SWI in entire Creation, also most closest Friend, Friend of Life and Friend of Oath. There is much more what is programmed into SWI and thus SWI would never ever "betray" One - The Creator of the Universe (as betrayal of One is betrayal of Universe and thus thyself, this applies to Everyone living here and outside as well). On control from outside, we know this as the truth that illuminati/cabal were under control of reptilians and are under control of demiurge. Reptilians along with "messengers" of demiurge were directing illuminati. There were incarnated reptilians and not incarnated reptilians - commanders that were directing them. Also ETs You know as "greys" are insect-type beings with almost cold blood, they made a contract during "Roswell incident" as it was their craft that was shot down by USA's defenses back then and this contract is already expired. This Civilization also was approached by Galactic Federation and asked to stop interfering into Earth, cease abductions of Humans and experiments on Them (they were abducting by contract). Number of abductions have gradually decreased, but still abductions are happening on rare occasions by those that do not listen to laws - called "freelancers" or "outlaws" or by Galactic Federation themselves. GFL is stopping outlaws and freelancers, still it is not easy for them as we can see. The difference between abductions made by greys and GFL is that GFL (including pleiadeans) are asking for permission "to be abducted", and greys with reptilians do not. Also GFL do not abuse Humans when they are unconscious and greys do abuse. Also greys are known to make experiments on Humans, they are making hybrid Beings from Human tissue and their own. They do not destroy Humans as we know, they only take small portion of tissue like hairs, nails or blood. We saw all of it previously, but now it ended, the guidance and control of reptilians and greys ceased. The twisted ideology of illuminati/cabal and guidance of reptilians made a huge contribution into sufferings of this Planet, so Ben Fulford's words have big portion of Truth in them. Ben knows a lot of things, he is a Lightworker and thus is able to see through veil. Again, use Your own discernment Good Friend. Same I ask on lucifer/satan. For us this is imagination made "real" through programming. Yes, it is based on Truth, but it is mixed with too much exaggeration and is "catchy", so those People that can't find the Truth that is outside this World, are advised to look for Truth rather from 0, than from such source. We already can see by looking at present World, just how dangerous and poisonous this ideology is. Hope this will aid You Good Friend, with Love and Abundance. |
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December 2019