Hey everyone,
We’ve heard once more from the Guardian, and his most recent update can be read below. It will be separated by subject, for easier reading. This is information that is so necessary as a method to an accurate picture of the deception played on mankind. It is insidious and has been just about invisible to us. It is just everywhere and as we expand and enlighten ourselves, we as a collective experience exponential growth. So let’s not avoid the uncomfortable any longer. It needs to be rooted out and exposed. It is for this reason the Guardian came into our lives 7 years ago, and why he is still with us today. Knowledge is power and we know so much more now about what has happened here. As you are reading this, you are here to help it change. Please share this. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With love and appreciation, Sophia Good Day Sophia and Good Friends! Nice to write to You again My Friends! i am sorry for prolonged periods of time. i am doing much stuff here, have few time. Here i will touch upon mixed stuff and answer on few questions. Everything that we missed and is very important. Health ~ Scalar Pendants i will start from Good Things. Let's start from Health. Here is a research made by professionals who studied "Scalar/Tachyon Energy" (also called "Tesla Energy") effects on a Human Body, pretty impressive! don't You think?) https://www.miraclebalance.net/products/scalar-infused-products/pendants/ If You are interested You can buy their products there, but same pendants on aliexpress/ebay are almost the same. The main principle of this Energy is stabilization and ordering of Bioenergetic Sphere of a Human Body. Cover for Smart Meters Another dangerous "thing" which affects us is called "smart meters". They cause "headaches, fatigues, insomnia etc", and here is a cover from this new monster https://mitocopper.com/products/emf-blocking-smart-meter-cover?afmc=77 scroll down to read the Descriptions my Friends! Very nice thing to say the least! Hidden Chemicals in our everyday products "Triclosan" - another carcinogenic and dangerous chemical. i did not mention it, because officially it was acknowledged that this chemical causes cancer and is dangerous and was banned, YET to my surprise i found that some products have it! And these products are available in stores https://mightynest.com/learn/research-by-concern/dangers-of-triclosan i have copy pasted this interesting piece: "Triclosan is also lipophilic, which means it can bioaccumulate in your fat for long periods of time, and as reported by Scientific American, triclosan is now detectable in human breast milk, blood, and urine samples. Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) found the chemical in 75% of urine samples tested for a study focused on triclosan. And furthermore, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention detected triclosan in 58% of US waterways. According to the FDA, "Animal studies have shown that triclosan alters hormone regulation. Other studies in bacteria have raised the possibility that triclosan contributes to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics. In light of these studies, the FDA is engaged in an ongoing scientific and regulatory review of this ingredient." Regarding the possible health impacts of triclosan, the F.D.A. also acknowledged, "valid concerns about the effect of repetitive daily human exposure to these antiseptic ingredients.” So watch out for this one too My Friends! Mounting garbage on Gaia Here is an article about the problem with "garbage" https://www.rt.com/news/460277-developed-world-looming-waste-crisis/ Plastic today is the biggest concern, it is overwhelmingly too much in the World, and it just keeps going up and increasing. So again My Friends, keep up the 3R's - "Reduse, Reuse, Recycle":) Building a better battery Here is a Very Nice and Loving Person! - "John Goodenough" - He is an Inventor and Professor, and it is His solely idea of "Lithium-Ion batteries" that almost every smartphone, tablet, laptops, electric cars are using today! And Surprise! Even though He is 96 cycles old, He invented a BETTER "Solid State Battery" (Lithium-Ion is a liquid state). He improved design and made His new invention completely harmless - no more possibility of explosions! Also - less dangerous waste! and most importantly for Users - prolonged Battery Life and possibility for it to work for more than 2 cycles/years like Lithium-Ions ones are working today - up to 10-20 cycles/years!, to top that list - very fast recharging speed and one super fantastic addition is that - the more we use this battery, the more charge there will be! For example we could use our smartphone for 3 days when we bought it and after 1 cycle/year of use we can use it for 10 days! Fantastic and Awesome right?! Here is an article: https://www.star-telegram.com/news/business/article138414863.html Yet, there is sad part in His Life, it was stated that His partners with whom He developed Lithium-Ion batteries, took design and schematics for themselves and sold it in Japan, leaving John Goodenough as an Inventor of this technology, yet receiving no profit from it. A treachery it was, yet He is not angry on this, He is happy that His technology went into Public and like already mentioned, He was 94 years/cycles old when He developed new Solid State Battery, thus He does not seek profit or fame, He want to just simply give it to Humanity, he does not like that there is a lot of waste in The World and Li-Ion batteries are not quite effective as "Real Batteries" must be. He is a True Hero! And also there is a problem with these Super Batteries. It could be that "energy brokers" stepped in, because there is not much news about this project. John Goodenough stated "that design is working and operational", yet like You see the date - it was in 2017, so there is a possibility that evil ones preventing these new batteries to come into Public. Of course for them and their consumer system of neverending "buy-sell", Lithium-Ion are more favorable, because design of these is obsolete and wasteful, but it seems they like it. Here what "Forbes" wrote about this invention (mind that "Forbes" belong to cabal/deep state and sometime it is good to know what evil ones' take on situation is) and from here we can see, that they are "not quite" happy about it https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/2017/03/17/jack-goodenoughs-battery-technologies-keep-getting-better/#77974d44e629 Better AA/AAA/9V batteries Same situation goes on with simple batteries, like AA or AAA or 9V and so on. During 1970s there was made an outstanding and effective design of these batteries, they were based on radioactive process, yet there was no harm from these batteries whatsoever. These batteries could last, imagine - 20 cycles/years! They were like eternal and looked like, like any other normal battery Everyone get used to today. Japan started to make these and some remote controllers for TVs were outfitted with these batteries, some users had noticed that they didn't change batteries for their remote controllers for more than 2-5 years/cycles. Today, it is still possible to find these batteries, but their production had been halted almost right after it started, so there are very few of these. They are called "Atomic Batteries": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_battery They are using Tritium as main component, this is how watches glow with "green light" during night https://hackaday.io/project/12715-tritium-nuclear-battery-betaphotovoltaic The problem with these was - there was "no profit" for "energy brokers" (again), so they influenced here and this design was "forgotten". Eventually during 1990s and 2000s this design surfaced time and again, and again was suppressed by those who "owned money". Today it is also surfacing here and there, yet always there is some "invisible hand" that prevents these batteries to see the Light.. And larger battery options Another great new batteries are called "Vanadium Flow Batteries", but these are large and can't be used in smartphones for example https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/2016/12/13/vanadium-flow-batteries-the-energy-storage-breakthrough-weve-needed/#43d6401c5bde Like You see it is also from "Forbes" and there is no sign that "they" dislike it, on the contrary they like it (i guess they like it because only big corporations can use it, and "ordinary" People can't) Answers to some reader’s questions… Here i will answer on few questions: "Hi Friends There is a practitioner near Brussels, Belgium that works with a Lahovskiy-type healing device. His technic is called Bioresonance. Here is a link to his website : https://gezondheidscentrum-bodyboost.be/index.html His page is written in dutch but he understands french and english. I know of people who have consulted him, they got good results" A very awesome that He is using this tech and helping People, nice finding My Friend! `` Vaccines and more. Now i will answer on question from Good Friend Randy: "Very good collection of issues that affect the body positive and negative. One thing I didn't notice was vaccinations, as they have many items that aren't good for the body, such as aluminum. If I missed it I apologize. Love and light to you, may you be blessed with whatever you need in the now." Well i thought Everyone knew already about vaccines and their deadly effects, so i passed that one, sorry) Yes they contain aluminum and other soft metals is small doses, but for newborn Children they may be too big:( Also these vaccines lower Children immunity to other diseases and gives illness as well, but on long term. It may be effective against given disease, but only temporary, vaccine is like a drug, it makes Human Body and it's immune system dependable on it. It is always best to avoid vaccines, BUT when there is no other choice and Life of a Human Being depends on taking vaccine (like without it Human Being may pass away, then we can take it inside, our Body systems will "ok" this nasty ingredient and help itself with aid from it, and what is great in this, is that in such dangerous situation, when Human Being was standing at the crossroads of Life and Death, He/She will not get dependable on it! You can call this an exclusion, i have seen this occurrence in action, but of course i can't say this is universal for Everyone, as our Bodies are very unique and individual and this may not work for Everyone! Ok if we've touched this theme i need to share some unpleasurable knowledge, that we GEs found some time ago. This is a secret knowledge that only few know, yet this influences absolutely All People around the World us included! In many maternity hospitals today doctors adapt a tacit methodic that was used on Babies of "slaves" in roman empire called "turn on the handle". By using this methodic on newborn Children they were silently without Parents' awareness "breaking necks" of Babies (to be precise they were twisting the vertebra called "Atlas"). "Doctors of slaves" of roman empire were specifically trained to perform this methodic, today new doctors are trained with this same methodic without awareness of young doctors. New young doctors think that "this is the right and only way" how Babies must be born. Eventually, today we have almost 80% of All World's Population who have misaligned Vertebra Atlas! Literal "breaking of neck" happens at Births, so there is completely no suspicion of anything wrongful from doctors' side, all attention is on process of Birth and on Baby, doctors themselves do not have any intention to harm Child, they were just learned to do everything in such a way, so we can't blame doctors for this, the ones that made education system for doctors and pharmacists are the ones to blame! So what negative effects causes misaligned Atlas? Here is a great explanation: https://www.atlantotec.com/en/ Shortly put, shifted Atlas causes "domino effect" of negativity on ALL THE BODY! It makes Human weaker in physical strength, more fatigue, less activity, less intelligent, Children have less joy in their eyes, they tire much quicker. The more there is the shift, the more health problems for a Human Being there is! In roman empire, in such a gruesome way, romans were keeping "slaves" weak and incapable of resistance, today "illuminati/cabal/deep state" is keeping almost All of Humanity weak and incapable of resistance, and like You already know, this is just 1 of many many ways they try to keep Humanity in weak state... Like it's name - Atlas implies, IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT VERTEBRA IN ENTIRE SPINE! Fortunately, there is a pretty easy and simple way how to place Atlas in it's original position! (even if it was shifted when Human Being was born) http://www.kindykaur.com/shiatsu-shintai/how-adjust-your-own-atlas-vertebra Unfortunately only few People know of this Truth.. So it would be better if we can spread this knowledge to Many out There! ~~ 5G technology Masonic symbolism And here i found new information on "5G technology". It is being implemented everywhere and is going to make much more EM smog. This technology is absolutely unnecessary, because 4G LTE can be improved and it is much easier to use 4G LTE. The only "benefit" in 5G is to make People even more sicker: https://www.electricsense.com/5g-radiation-dangers/ And look at the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEx_d0SjvS0 i really liked the part "The Truth is - experts can't tell us what 5G actually is, because they don't even know yet." Like what?!! Did i hear that correctly? Now that's a LOL!! i didn't imagine that something that big that is implemented in entire World, and experts don't even know what this is they are putting?? We can ask - is this is a smart move or a completely dumb move?? Here is also a link from previous post https://patriots4truth.org/2018/02/04/how-5g-will-kill-the-birds-bees-and-your-loved-ones/ Now let me explain something interesting. G technologies. They stand for "Generation". 4G LTE stands for "4th Generation Long Term Evolution". And this is masonry that speaks here. In freemasonry there is always 2 main meanings which are Exoteric and Esoteric. Exoteric meaning of this is like it is stands for - as a "4th Generation technology which evolves on long term", but this exoteric meaning is indirect and is meant only for "masses", it is not the true one. The true one is Esoteric, in which Generation is Human's Genus and Lineage. Now instead of technology put People and You will get the true meaning. By this technology they also mean, that technology itself directs the process of evolution of "this Generation". Remember i was telling about different types of Energies and that electricity is active and aggressive Energy? Well, this is what is meant here. These technologies are made to "transform" Humanity and change it into 'something else', thus goes the meaning LTE - "Long Term Evolution". And let's get to Google. Have You noticed that all of services of Google always start with word "Google" and letter G? Letter "G" is freemasonry's most important letter! Like they themselves are saying, letter G - "is a symbol", and it has many different meanings, most important one is how we see it and understand it. Yet main meaning of letter G was always considered as "Gnosis" (also "God" or "Grand Architect"), but there are many more and there are also secret meanings as well https://gnosticwarrior.com/g-2.html Also 'G'eorgia 'G'uidestones (called tombstones of Humanity) starts with same letter. Just to keep You aware that Google is not what it looks like https://pics.onsizzle.com/what-you-see-gmail-logo-what-i-see-masonic-apron-9474520.png http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-jlxKDIf3eog/VGuxYbKKe6I/AAAAAAAAAjI/6-gcQg_wcow/s1600/CR_418694_masones.jpg https://i.imgur.com/4idZt60.jpg ~~ More Illuminati “Hidden in plain sight” symbols of control Have You ever wondered why there is no pyramid building with "all-seeing eye" placed anywhere? Although this is a main symbol of illuminati and cabal? Symbol of their control over Many? https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/great-seal-united-states-us-one-dollar-bill-macro-isolated-white-background-money-closeup-62820493.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/45/Great_Seal_of_the_United_States_%28reverse%29.svg/1024px-Great_Seal_of_the_United_States_%28reverse%29.svg.png We can see this pyramid if we look from above in many places around the World this pyramid exists in street layouts, yet there is no physical building? Let's look at street layouts first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sty9t9A3Fok The most important one is located in Washington D.C., it has 13 steps and it points to US Capitol Building http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m77p1lHxnc1rzvxj3o1_500.jpg on top of it is all-seeing eye and on all-seeing eye sits an "Owl" http://jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Illuminati/occult-washingtondc_owl.jpg You may wonder why Owl is so much honored by 'elite'. You know many "rich and powerful" are coming to Bohemian Grove to 'celebrate' some strange holidays and main statue there is of Owl. And Freemasonry honors Owl pretty much. Well, Owl is connected to true history, which i'm about to reveal, Owl is a Creature that represents 'night', and like You remember, Humanity have been living in the night, thus this is their symbol of control over such "night" and thus over Humanity (yet right now is a Dawn of Day!) More interesting, also Owl is a symbol of "Lilith" (Moon is also her symbol), and Lilith is a real being and she is a mother to many half-humans half-reptilians. But let's get back to pyramid building, we don't see it anywhere, right? Remember, Humanity is living in illusion, that is why we have to look through deception. Actually, there is this pyramid - it's "Washington Monument": https://iwsa1.tilted.net/~jrphotog/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/washington-monument-with-full-moon-washington-dc.jpg https://es.wikiarquitectura.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Washington_Monument_-_night-1024x768.jpg It is the biggest obelisk on Earth, and it stands right in the middle of it all - between White House, Congress and Pentagon, officially it's purpose is not entirely known, they say it is placed in honor to George Washington. But why obelisk? Draw lines from capstone so that You have a pyramid, i've used pictures of it during night, because only during night (remember the "owl"?) You can see the ominous "red snake eye" on top of it. And like You remember - dracos, which are ruling caste of reptilians, they have red glowing eyes (their eyes glow only during night too) https://i1.trekearth.com/photos/92986/washington_monument.jpg https://clintonwhitehouse1.archives.gov/White_House/Family/images/raw/INAU02.GIF You won't see it during day, during day it's "just an obelisk" https://www.latimes.com/resizer/rgeLObJLEiHauiY0WXUBGuXzbH0=/1400x0/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-tronc.s3.amazonaws.com/public/X5WQ3BA7XFHAXDG35KFPSCEA24.jpg This symbol of pyramid is a physical manifestation of their control over Humanity, it is also a symbol of "as above so below" ideology, which means this pyramid have 2 sides - normal and inverted: http://www.thehiddenrecords.com/images/as-above-so-below-nut-pleiades1.jpg Look at the water that surrounds it https://usaguidedtours.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/purple-sunrise-over-washington-monument-and-reflecting-pool-credit-facebook.com_nationalmall-450x300_c.jpg http://www.dominicurbanophotography.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/washington-monument-reflected.jpg More to that. This obelisk serves as a connection between "Heaven (here reptilians) and Earth (Humanity)". To honor masters - archons, "elite" made a lot of things that show their obedience to these masters. i will mention again big evil. Like You remember huge inverted pentagram in street layouts that points to White House - Oval Office (office of all World's ovals), is unfinished because it's intent is to summon 'dark beings' from lower dimensions and prevent them from coming back (in occultism unfinished pentagram prevents "devil" getting back to "hell"), that way they are using 'dark beings' for their own ends and to strangle Humanity more. And secondly - around Washington Monument there is a huge oval and an eye in forms of roads and Monument stands right in the center of this eye: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqykei1EnYQ By showing such huge (secret) obedience, they truly serve their masters, yet many among them do not know about this. Majority of freemasons are unaware that in reality they serve to dark sinister beings, even illuminati themselves are not completely aware of whom they really serve, this is like You look into mirror and see infinity http://www.itcuties.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/ITCuties-Java-recursion-iteration.jpg https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3339/3334621076_3d772b506f_b.jpg this is deception inside deception, which never ends. In this deception Everyone is fooled, even those "right on top of it all". ~~ Money, energy monopoly, further enslavement And also My Friends, i need to mention one really important thing, about "Energy monopoly" being played out by "energy brokers", who are preventing Humanity's progress and Free Energy technologies to come into Public and to Light. Maybe You understood this very simple concept of evil, but i need just to mention it. "Energy problem" is the main problem of this World today, it was not a problem of 19th or 18th century, but it came to be a problem since electricity "was created". Today My Friends, every tax that Everyone pays, every penny is going into "Energy tax", this includes oil/coal extraction, transportation, storage, maintenance of structures that extract/store/distribute oil/coal/electricity, all the salary for all the Workers of "the grid", these are VERY VERY BIG AND HUGE MONEY My Friends, so almost all of taxes that Everyone pay today, like tax for home/flat, for earning a salary, for gasoline, for owning a car, for buying something in the store (like You know, everything we buy or even do is "taxed") are going only and only to this, just to keep all of this system of scam and deception rolling and going and this is made by Humanity's tacit undeclared approval. Very evil scheme, isn't it? Another scheme is to enslave Everyone more is through digital currencies, our Good Friend Djon had found this article: "Hi everyone I found this article from F. William Engdahl, a very good analyst. It speaks about the plan of the Power that Be to crash the economy of world and to replace it with a cashless one. This plan is in the work for decades. They now openly speak about it. It is planned for 2020 https://russia-insider.com/en/are-global-elites-planning-topple-dollar/ri27625 Some grain of sand could perhaps block this pretty gear" If You know christianity, this is their "ultimate plan" - "system of the beast", where they own Everyone and everything. i already explained before how religion is playing out in all of their global domination scheme, and will add some new information later, when we touch upon history subject, of why they are pursuing religious plan. There is a big sinister intent, where they play "both sides" of bible, of "god" and of "devil" and all of this is directed only against White People and is meant to show White People as "garbage" of The Universe - an intent of complete degradation (where word "degradation" means "dying out of species").. Like i said, very evil intent. Yet, have Hope My Friends, all of their plans will fail, because we already know about their 'plans', wink wink!;) ~~ Law of One/Dewey Larson/Physics question answered Question from Good Friend Michael, nice to see You My Friend! "Welcome back, GE! I suppose you are familiar with Ra from The Law of One channelings. In section 20.7 (https://www.lawofone.info/results.php?s=20#7) Ra states the following: "Questioner: Just as a sideline, a side question here: Is the physics of Dewey Larson correct? Ra: I am Ra. The physics of sound vibrational complex Dewey is a correct system as far as it is able to go. There are those things which are not included in this system. However, those coming after this particular entity, using the basic concepts of vibration and the study of vibrational distortions, will begin to understand that which you know of as gravity and those things you consider as “n” dimensions. These things are necessary to be included in a more universal, shall we say, physical theory." Now, would the controversy between quantum mechanics and relativity be obsolete, if one were to state that the speed of light is not constant and, as Dewey Larson stated, there is tachyon time-space coordinate system for superluminal velocities, where one can move back and forth in time? Larsonian physics also states that there is no such force as gravity per se. Rather it is a direct outcome of magnetic duopole spinning and causing a centripetal force. What is your take on the subject?" Yes, of course i know very well The Law of One:) and i know Ra as well. Ra is giving very specific knowledge, i can confirm that most of the things about technologies that Ra is saying is true. i myself know of this time-space coordinate system, all of our Universe have special "numerologic" coordinates. There is 1 particular technology that use very small spheres (the size of molecules) that orient themselves by these coordinates. The speeds which enable these spheres to travel are far surpassing the speed of Light. We can like "teleport" from one position of The Universe to another in almost an instant. Right now sitting here on Earth, we are traveling at very high speeds, If we were to stop coordinates from changing, we would then be instantly transported into empty space with Earth moving away from us at pretty fast speed, but this empty space is coordinates where Earth was just moments ago. And numbers of these coordinates is always increasing, because Universe expands and It is always in motion, Universe never stops, only when It is dying It stops, but while It's alive and well, It just keeps going and moving in every direction:) On Gravity, if we will look into most smallest details of Gravity, then yes, we can say that there is "no thing as Gravity". Yet Gravity as a force exists. Gravity is 1 of 4 Elements of Creation, it is "Element of Earth" in common language. It is the foundation and basis of the Physical Universe. Physicality only exists because of Gravity. And the process of Gravity is like it is written there - outcome of magnetic duopole spinning. We need to look at subatomics to see all of this in actions, in "micro-nano subatomics":) there are completely different Worlds and structures that is hardly imaginable, if You saw movie "Ant-Man", then this what i mean here, the creators of that movie saw it right, we can say - it's "a Universe inside Universe" and when we will look at those super small structures, we will see how all of our physical Universe's processes really working, this could completely reshape all of science and physics. That is why "they" put a (unofficial) ban to look at a distance of more than 1 pikometre. All that is allowed is to look at nanometres through electronic microscopes. Yes and moving in time is no big deal as well when we pass speed of Light, even at speed of Light time changes. What is hard though, is "to control the flow of time", when we move at super speeds, we don't control the flow, we are only increasing or decreasing it. And we can move back in time through super speeds. Put it this way - "the matter" (put pilot) accelerated itself to such outstanding speed, that everything around matter, just can't keep up to it, and matter "appeared back in time", because it went far ahead of "normal time flow". It can be called "paradox", time did not stop, it went "in minus". It is same as making laps in car, when You made 3 laps and other car only 1, You can ride beside other car and what You can see by looking at pilot of other car, is "Your past", the pilot is in a same state in which You were when You were driving just the first lap, i hope this is a good example i made) And like You can see we can change "times". It is also possible to incarnate in different times, just to add here:) Ok, i think we are finally ready for the most cool stuff, are You ready Good Friends? Much Peace, Calm and Prosperity to Everyone! As well as much Love, Light and Friendship! ~~ With love and light, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. 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December 2019