Good Day Sophia!
Here is the answer on two questions from Good Friends! "Thank you as always for the time that you spend answering the many questions that we have. It was recently said that 54,000 members of the cabal were offered a deal by the Pleadians, to be taken off planet and they accepted that deal. Here is the link to that: Click here. Do you have any information about this? Thanks so much!!" You are always welcome Good Friend! We don't feel that so high number of "important" figures left this World, this would be known if they indeed would left, also we haven't felt any big intervention from outside. Yet as always it is up for You to decide Good Friend, Your Inner Voice is always guides You! "Good day GE and all.You said that you know more about civilizations that works for this World's restoration.Can you tell us more about those civilisations :which one and how do they help us?" I already shared much about reptilians, greys, pleiadians, arcturians, sirians and as well raians. All their Federation of Light is aiding this World, using technology, and Energy manipulation in a manner that is awakening Humanity, reducing global warming, easing conflicts and soothing inflammatory speeches and thoughts. Much of information about them is available on the internet, from different sources. If You need some detailed information, ask Good Friend. I will give these videos that are from pleiadians and arcturians. Here You are able to hear what They represent and their Inner Souls are being heard here as well. Many already seen these videos, yet like I was told some need to watch them again, as now You have more Wisdom and Knowledge and Your Comprehension had changed. Now You will hear a slightly different message, more understandable to You. Whole video contains strong message, yet pleiadian message starts from 19:34 Click here. For all those that still don't understand Foundation (how it all started), listen closely to the dialogue of Neo and Oracle, here You can understand, that they are a part of one system - the Revelation where reptilians are a part of one Galactic Federation, we know that wars were fought in prehistoric times above this World for ownership of this Planet and ability to manipulate the evolution of Humanity, yet only partly, to the extent of becoming "rulers/gods of elite", as all this control was still in the hands of Creator-imposter, like it was always here This is a message from Vrillan, in our knowledge arcturian, one of the Asta Command overseeing this experiment, using an artificial voice, made to sound "british", it was translated in 1977, "Southern Television Broadcast interruption accident" Click here. Within these two videos You can be closer to ones we call Followers of Light. Everything what is said there is said from Heart, from Soul of complete Spiritual Force, and we GEs feel their very evolved state, everything there said about Foundation/Basis of Creation is how we know it is. I will also put two more songs, which suite current World situation We Gaze upon the Sun Click here. While we protect the Truth Click here. protecting the Truth is not easy, yet is possible. MSM attacks with lies and suppresses the Truth about Syria and Ukraine, yet we are there to protect the Truth and All who stand for Justice and Fairness, Harmony and Friendship, Love and Compassion, Peace and Equality and repel lies and injustice and All who still don't see the Truth or supports the evil ways of Life. Always Peace, Calm and Prosperity!
![]() The blog format is being used here as a place for comments on this Off World Conversation. The posts are from GE, Guardian/Executive, The Guardian of The Universe, unless marked Sophia.
This is a place to comment on what has been shared by GE. I ask that all comments be made 1. anonymously (use another name) and 2. respectfully. Other than that, consider this an open line. Violations of the rules will be removed. When making comments, please reference which date you are referring to so others can look back to the conversation and understand the whole picture. Archives
December 2019