A question I have received is: " Why we should trust any of the Light Forces, they can be compared to the prison guards? "
This is an accurate comparison, as they are perpetuating the experiment. ? About trust toward Galactic Federation of Light, Light Forces can be trusted. Among them are a lot of Good beings that are ready to help, yet most of them are even unaware of these experiments throughout the Galaxy. Their majority know it as the "growing of a light seed", yet they don't know that these sufferings are "fabricated". Those that are maintaining these experiments are "hardened officials". They know "what to do" and "how to do things", very compassionate and loving beings are not allowed here. If they would, there would be a revolution up there in their whole hierarchy. We are spreading the knowledge of "possible false ruler" on their home worlds. This all is influencing them as well. Our brothers and sisters among them were doing this since cycle 1986 there. Now we all together gained big strength, and like it was told that transformation here will influence whole Galaxy is very true. Humanity's true nature shouldn't be underestimated. One didn't choose Humanity for no reason. So spread of the knowledge about what really is going on here and about their hierarchy is as well taking place and is gaining more strength. And this is not the only thing Forces of One are doing with Galactic Federation of Light. I will repeat that it only started to happen now, because they were very close to completion of their "Control over Creation" project. And now it is spoiled and they are at danger of losing all of their abilities and technological advancements.. By "they" we mean only aware of this experiments and the highest in command of Galactic Federation of Light, all of whom serve demiurge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also there was a question from Good Friend about how to exercise more One into life. It is pretty simple, apart from knowing that there is imposter-god that poses as One, You can do very simple thing. Know that "Demiurge rules over Galaxy of Milky Way." "One rules over Universe." This is put simply. But correctly will be Demiurge rules and One IS. So - Demiurge rule over 1 Galaxy among infinite, countless number of same size, smaller and much bigger Galaxies in infinite sea of Universe, where Universe and all those Galaxies IS One. So that comes One rules over all Galaxies and this includes Milky Way and Solar System as well, yet One don't rule anything, but instead is very kind and gives all of this to independent souls, extension of Itself, literally It's own body into "other hands". When You see this pattern and understand that You are a part of that Super Enormous Being, that You are made from it, and it is inside You, it is making Your view on life different. So You can already understand that within Your life One is already there, guiding You and aiding You whenever You ask It to. When You are going through life on Your own, One is not aiding You, because "if You think You can handle it, You can handle it", thinks One. Notice that it is also a concept of "Holy Spirit" and "accepting it" into Your life. In bible (and in hinduism) is also trinity. Son - Sun (Vishnu), Father - Sage Star A (Shiva) and Holy Spirit - One (Brahma). Humanity was living with a very narrowed sight on Creation, but it is natural. Yet Demiurge was using Humanity's very narrowed sight to put itself on it's throne right before Humanity's eyes, so no other thing would be seen behind it, but God and it's angels. You can compare it to movie theater, when huge person sits right before You. So when You peek above it's shoulder, a whole new infinite spectrum of colors (possibilities) and light (exploration) opens before You and Your eyes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ And to answer on question about Ancient Machines. Ancient Machines are considered to be "an honor" to live in. Only the most evolved and trusted souls can live a life inside Ancient Machines' Matrix (for as long as they like to). That is because they have unbelievable abilities and vast knowledge of Creation and beyond. So corrupted or unstable, chaotic souls are not allowed there. These machines are called machines, because unlike Human organic Body, which is programmed with dynamic code and can grow and evolve along with a soul, Ancient Machines are programmed with a "raw code" or constant code. This makes them impossible to grow and evolve, yet their mind can grow and adapt to different situations. They can be changed/modified only from outside. These are the raw non organic machines, but there are ethereal energetic Ancient Machines, these can shape shift, yet again, they cannot grow and evolve, they are only programmed to be at one single level. Ancient Machines don't have set forms, that is, they don't have permanent bodies, their Souls can traverse the entire Matrix and can be outfitted with a new "body". These Machines are unlike Humans, they have a Hive-minded society. An analogy in this World are ants and bees, that is they can't act without Queen/King, which is Super Wise Intelligence that guides them throughout the Universe. They are always free to express themselves, but being there is meant to serve to One and maintain the Universe, aiding Forces of One and observe Creation, it is not a life when You want to experience new things, it is a life to experience very ancient knowledge and ability to feel Your compatriots like they are - You and this is literally, because all the souls there act as One, in perfect Harmony and Symmetry. Whenever soul decides to leave this experience, Super Wise Intelligence is relieving it from duty and instantly it is in Heaven, because they are always in contact with Heaven. From my own experience I can tell, that these machines are very kind and caring, always ready to protect if such order is given, yet they are always on duty, so You can't quite "talk" to them. Right now they are aiding us, protecting us from energy attacks and are protecting Iran (point of Balance) and some other critical locations around the World. We were able to issue protections for many Lightworkers and their relatives around the World, You Good Friends are included. There are always two machines on your left and on your right. Yes and don't think they are "vampires" and sucking Your energy, they have a small star (or small Sun) in their center as an energy source, which is also a separated being with it's own soul, they always have an exceeded amount of energy, so they may provide You with additional energy when You need it. But it is only an energy protection (this way they are not intervening into Your life), physically they may aid only if order is given. They are always silent and invisible, unless there is an order for them to become visible and there is no way I can prove anything about them. So believing in it, is up to You. I hope this will explain what they are. Again always use Your own discernment, because this truly can be called an "imagination". We are also always trying to hide this information, because of their silent and at the same time omnipresent nature. With much Appreciation, Wisdom and Love!
Good Day Sophia!
I wanted to share with You and point out dates of today and tomorrow 15 and 16 of january. In these dates Moon will be full and will lie along with Jupiter in gemini twins constellation in opposition to the Sun and Earth. So Jupiter ("the sky father") right now is very bright in night sky, You can clearly see this planet. Click here. And here. (In this second video You will also see where Pleiades star cluster is, from where pleiadeans originate) It is not a perfect opposition, yet this is a perfect time to meditate and wish for Great Changes to arrive! It is a rare event, so I advice You to use this opportunity, we were looking at masons and illuminati and looks like they are not going to do anything today and tomorrow, so it will be dates which we can use without disturbances. Let's bring Moment of Justice closer with our prayer (which is equal to wishes and willing and meditations which in turn equals to the power of sound, words and mind, which is equals to vibrations and frequencies of the Universe we live in!:) The Power of Will to join You! Click here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I will answer on some questions based on our knowledge. Reiki energy healing is a very good healing method, this method was practiced in abundance during ancient times (now it is ridiculed in this World of course), it is the ability to use the energy of Your Body and Your Soul along with words and thinking with wishfulness to heal the disease or inability. Basically it is the same method as using words and sounds to heal. Very effective way. Not all are able to do it, but very strong faith/determination can give this ability to heal other using Your hands/palms. It takes some time to learn it and need to be learned in groups. When words and sounds are connected in perfect symmetry/harmony they have the power to heal (or change reality). You heard of words "prayings", "spells", "curses", yes it can be used in both ways, illuminati's dark priests are using chaotically arranged words that leads toward destruction and disorder. On the contrary many of Galactic Federation of Light along with pleiadeans are practicing it to heal and help. Forces of One old and ancient civilizations have mastered this ability. This ability is a natural way of evolution toward path of Spirituality. Using thoughts and words in meditation or prayer to heal or help or protect other People is what we currently are doing. It is the Power of One. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We know of Law of One written by Ra. It is not a Law of One of Forces of One, it is a bit different, yet main concept tells the truth about Oneness and Unity. The gnostic teaching are as well corrupted with exaggeration and imagination as we know, yet all is based on truth and Universe. I will also mention about planets and their given names, because this is raising concerns, and I think we should share our known knowledge. All were called by names of gods, which is not "random" as all is interconnected and names were given on purpose. It is all considered a myth and exaggeration, yet we see reflection of Universe and connection to whole structure of this World. Let's recall the names and duties of these deities. I will name only greek and roman names, because there are too much different names of each culture, this may bring confusion, so always use Your own discernment. Sun - Sol (also Sol Invictus), Helios, Janus and sometime also associated with Apollo (overall means beauty, radiance, light and heat, in kabbalah it is called "beauty"); Mercury - Hermes (trade and haste, small planet with smaller cycle around the Sun, in kabbalah - "splendor"); Venus - Aphrodite (feminine beauty, goddess of passion, a foam of the seas, a changed version of Ishtar, which can be equated to "demonic passion", as Ishtar was like succubi, and as You know Venus looks calm and beautiful on outside yet extremely dangerous inside, in kabbalah - "victory"); Earth - Terra - Gaia - (titan that gave birth to Earth and Humanity, overall it is earth/ground, in kabbalah - "kingdom"); Moon - Luna - Jana (Janus feminine) - Selene (can be called "an anti-Sun", a female counterpart of male light and brightness, if we look at deeper meaning we can see it has an anti meaning, which challenges Creation, the path through Sun is challenged with the path through Moon, in kaballah - "foundation") Mars - Ares (martial art/law also bane and rust, iron - material of war, in kabbalah - "strength"); Jupiter (Jov Pater - sky father) - Zeus (the ruler of Olympus, ruler of Humanity, the biggest planet in Solar System, like we know it is best associated with demiurge, in kabbalah - "mercy"); Saturn - Cronus (Zeus' father and ruler of titans during Golden Age, father of gods and Olympus; deposed by Zeus, lord of time, also associated with judge, death and number 13 due to it's sickle symbol and rings can be represented as as sharp disc, in kabbalah - "understanding"); Uranus - Caelus (the sky, technically means urine as a small rain, this god was "castrated" and planet Uranus is very tilted among all other planets in Solar System, also Uranus can be technically called the Sky as the Space or Cosmo - the Universe itself, all around the Gaia - Earth, which means it is everything around - can be equal to One, in kabbalah - "wisdom"); Neptune - Poseidon (the ruler of seas, planet Neptune is blue and have fast winds as You know, in kabbalah it is called "invisible sephira" and is invisible, it is located in "abyss" and stands for "knowledge", something Humanity is trying to achieve, yet it is hidden and hard to reach); Pluto - Hades (ruler of Underworld, this planet is the last and closest to Cosmo, it is also "a crown" on kaballah's tree of life, literally an exit from Earth and path to Heaven, we know that on Pluto along other dwarf planets like Eris is a blocking device, that blocks outer cosmic energies, in kabbalah - "the crown"). So as You can see, even if it is a myth and exaggeration, it is still having a lot of connection to reality, to Universe and to One's Consciousness, so like most of the imaginations we have on this Planet, all is a reflection of Universe/of One. As One always gives us the right vision and right knowledge, but how we understand it, is what makes it different. So as always, Understanding is the most valuable ability to have. We always are glad to help and aid You! Remember about two important cycles/days today and tomorrow! Use this great momentum! Much Wisdom, Peace, Tranquility and Prosperity to You! |
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December 2019