March 26, 2019
Hello everyone! I’ve added some new music selections from G/E here. Also, there will be a health information section, found here. Be sure to check it out when you are finished with this update, as the information on Scalar Pendants sounds so very promising, and something that we can all do right now! I’ll notify you here when additions are posted. Here are a few other things just received… --- Yes, nowadays everyone and everything is filled with information. You can say information is abundant these days! This is a sign of a Dawn, yet there are different factions trying to stray away majority into Way of Life they want everyone to live in. Yet when "DayLight" will be in Full Light, Truth will be seen by All! Though right now it is yet not. So, when People are choosing "their own Truth", they just can make some very rude mistakes, which just may come into devastation of Mind and Soul, (and may actually lead to destruction in the end). It is always advisable to have Your own Truth, yet always look for roots and cause of Truth You have chosen to believe in! Because much of information today is mixed with different approach and have different roots or basis. Reptilians were the very first ones trying to stray away Humanity once it was reaching 2012. Because they very much knew that time of night was ending, and they wanted to change the belief system into something different, which was close to The Truth. Yet it was some 50-70% of it (truth) only, but main emphasis was on servitude. Whether these are Gods or Ascended Masters of Galactic Federation of Light., they always were using other names for disguise, because obviously "no one would listen to a cold-blooded reptilian". This is in Humanity's genes to distrust them. With cults like Jehova's Witnesses, some christian "New Age" movements, a lot of other chistian separation cults, even first channelings were given with false intent. That video on which You saw ukrainian girl with reptilian eyes, she is a part of a movement "Allat-Ra" is one of those many movements. They somewhat succeeded, even I was thinking that majority was for the Good Cause, yet in the end result, everything looked not like it. This was analyzed and simulated, result was bad. Though when Light will start completely encompassing this World, their lies and manipulations will be seen and taken for what they really are! And finally, Humanity will know Truth! And we are here to help You with it! Not just we GEs, but many different Beings from around the Universe, like Pleiadeans (I personally love Pleiadeans and I have very much in common with them), Arcturians, Tau, Denebolans, "Andromedans" and so on, many different freelancing Travelers! Quite a lot of Beings of Light! So, You are not alone, and we are here to keep You on the right track toward Light! Right now, I just will try and give You insight on different People and Nations around The World. Mostly on russian People, because in Russia there is a Holy Land of All White People, and it does hold all the roots of White People! A very much kept secret. --- That’s it for today! Please direct all questions for the Guardian to the comment section below. Thank you. With love and appreciation, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
Hi everyone, as promised here are some answers and topics recently received from our friend the Guardian. It is quite a long post, with a lot covered…
Enjoy… "Michael What is then the real history of Earth? We do know that 90% or more of our "official" history is fabricated." "Scott Adams What of the planet’s history is most significant that maybe he would like for us to know about? How deep are the lies that are used to control us? How do we help awaken those still asleep to the truth?" Hello again Michael and Scott! Happy to see You Friends! I wasn't answering to You, because I will put information, we've been able to find on history a bit later. It is quite a dangerous one, that is why maybe Sophia is not going to share it. If so, then I am going to send it to You privately Friends? ok? ;) Note… I am planning on sharing all that is received. If for some reason I feel it unwise for me to do so on this blog, we’ll figure out another way to get it to whomever wants it. Sophia Scott, on Your question "How do we help awaken those still asleep to the truth?" Tell Them - "You are Loved!" (pronounce it with Love and add nothing). Their most probable answer will be "what?" It is a strange I must tell You to say that, yet it is a special and secret signal to Sub-Consciousness. At first People will not understand You, yet later on, They will look for information regarding such an unordinary claim. You can say - it is a "shock phrase"!) Don't use it on Everyone though, not All are ready to Awaken. Hi again Good Friend Djon! You won't mind if I share Your finding with Everyone? Here Austrian scientists had created project "ReOil", a process to recycle plastic to make oil from it again, very awesome finding Friend! "Knowledge is power my friends Plastic waste can be transformed to oil again : --- "When you were told "this is the best body I can give you", with a reference to the difficulty in finding a body suitable for ancient souls, what do you mean? What does the human vessel have to be in order to be suitable for you?" Sophia Ancient Souls on a Duty need an almost "Perfect Body-Vessel" that don't have anything that can distract them from fulfilling their objective, things like cleansing Our Genus from negative Karma or like correcting mistakes made by Parents. If We are not on a Duty, then we can live in any Body-Vessel we would like to, but when on a Duty, We need an almost perfect one. It is also due to us having huge memory and a lot of great deeds that We were making. More to that whenever Any Being is choosing its own Body, this Body must have something familiar with Our Soul. Whenever Body and Soul are mixed and fused, this link remains forever. And Body becomes Our Best Friend in this incarnation! We always can count on Our Body more than on Anyone Else. It will always help Us in troublesome circumstances. More to that, if It have powerful and strong Genus, then It just will give us advices or warnings, so to make Us think better before doing something. I will explain later that bury Human Body into ground after Individual passes away is very bad, it is also a reptilian scheme. --- "It is okay if you write a lot, I so enjoy hearing from you and learning all that you have discovered since leaving. It has been a long time. You said you would be busier now, are you able to share why?" Sophia Me too! I am happy to see You again! I will have to do a lot of stuff, this just might help me to get to change the World physically, unfortunately I can't say more, such plans for now must remain secret. Right now, I have time to communicate and I am happy that You want to know the Truth that is hidden well. I am planning to reveal as much as I can, but there are tonnes of information, this information is all in russian, but I am fluent in russian, so I understand everything about it and will translate some texts for You. This Truth might just blow Your Mind, it is so encompassing, that it is hard to understand why it wasn't available in the first place??? Though I sensed that something was hidden well, something very very special. And finally, it is uncovered:) And some more information about the Guardians… I can add about myself that GEs are known throughout the Universe as "Messengers" or "Great Travelers", those who know us and don't have anything bad done by them are welcoming us. And we are aiding and helping Everyone with pleasure! On my part I have reinvented several technologies, build superior technological wonders and huge structures, even built several huge and small star-bases and ships and huge spatial structures in Space, like barrier around planets and whole Solar Systems (of course not without a Help of other Lovely Beings:) And I remember one instance that I was able to control and manage huge "empire" (not evil) that was consisting of thousands of different Worlds, and I remember that I did a great job on that. People there were happy of my deeds (I guess that why I remember it LOL:) I have increased its power, aided Beings so that They would be happy with Life and enhanced its order. Overall, I love to bring order on things and I always keep everything in order where I live right now :) And of course, I shared my wisdom with Those that needed it the most. --- Here is his response within our conversation about some attacks I’ve experienced since his departure. There is a great deal to catch up on. This part though, is useful for everyone… Sophia When we are under hypnosis or are dreaming, we are most susceptible to attacks. You know that there are bacteria’s everywhere around us, only waiting for our immune system to be in weakened state, so they could attack us, same goes to astral plane. There are parasites (you can call) and other not good beings waiting to attack us. I have witnessed this in this Life. they were coming to me on few occasions when I was dreaming, tried to interfere to my dreams and get some Energy out of me. You can know when they get to You in a dream, Your dream instantly changes to some "nightmare" or "horror" one. I have taught myself to control dreams, so they couldn't do a thing to me in a dream, yet still it is an unpleasant experience. This Planet is pretty much infested with "astral parasites", like I mentioned this is considered a "dark World". And this was a bit of a surprise… Sophia I will share with You some more about my experience. "dark evil" has its own unpleasant "smell", I would call it a "stench". When I came here from Light World, I smelled a huge stench that is presented here. It was pretty much unpleasant and to this day it still is. I remembered that there were even more "smelly" Worlds than this one. Whenever I encounter people, that may look nice and clean, but their stench is unbearable, I know for sure that they are not good at all. And no, it is not a physical smell if You can think like that:) dark and evil, they just smell awful and unpleasantly. So, if You had some experience, that person was looking nice, but there was something about him/her You didn't liked and something fishy was with Your nose, then this is the case:) Though I need to say that whenever I am in open ground in Nature without any Human activity nearby, this smell is almost non present. Nature is cleaning itself from evil and darkness, but cities is where it took hold, for now. Yet I can say to You for sure that this smell was much worse 200 years ago, it was a time when evil was destroying or better said finishing "Old World Order" and creating a new one. --- "I feel sometimes when I meet people online that "we have been here before" or "we have done this before" and it is as if we have adopted similar roles, AGAIN this time... it is just a feeling really. I don't have memories as you do." Sophia It is a sense of "deja-vu" right?) Yes, I too was having multiple times this same sense. For example, met a Person in circumstances that were far too familiar, yet it was a very first time. And also watching a movie, sensed that "I watched it already!", yet it just came out LOL) 10 Cycles ago I wasn't quite knowing what it was, but now I know that this is future I saw. Mostly We can connect to future, and sometimes We also can see what other People already saw and thus we receive their visions as "memories". This way we can see movies or listen to music even before we did ourselves and when we actually are doing it, we are getting a sense "that we already watched it or listened to it". It is called "Bio-Energetic Field Experience". Because our Planet's "Life Field" is called Bio-Energetic Field (also Sphere). --- "There is a student of Dolores Cannon, who is on the internet now, she is from the USA, Portland Oregon. Her name is Alison Coe. I wonder what you think of this video she just released: It is a story about the earth that I had not ever heard." Sophia Interesting! There are indeed "Inner-Earths" inside of EACH of the Planet in the Universe! What's about them I know, is that they are located on something like 4D or 5D, but not far away. They are pretty close to physical Universe and it is most easy to get to their dimension. I heard of multiple tunnels here leading to Inner Earth. We GEs don't connect to inhabitants of Inner Earth, yet we know that Inhabitants of Inner Earth do not intervene here. Yet if what Alison is saying is true, then this means We also have another Allies that want to help Humanity! :) I can acknowledge there are multitudes of Civilizations that want to aid Humanity, but most are restricted by laws of GFL, that why we call them "Followers of Light". They just follow Light, but don't do much things... I can acknowledge that Inner Earths are very beautiful and Light-Abundant Worlds, these Worlds are so so great, that You can think of them as real Heaven, when You see one! :) Beautiful and Kind Creatures, Beautiful and Kind Inhabitants and Everything in Harmony. Dark evil barely reaches their dimension, so You can say They are under Protection of Light! Also She is saying about Special Orb. This is connected to Aryan knowledge, Aryans were saying that when Humanity arrived on Earth, Gods inserted Crystal of Life inside of Earth, so it could protect Life and this Planet from harm. And there was another Crystal on surface of a Planet, and it was indeed destroyed by dark forces. The one destroyed was called "Alatir-Stone" and it was "The Stone of The World" that was giving strength and harmony to every Inhabitant of the Earth. "Raise Your Energy", I will share with You knowledge in next message on how to do it, and why You need it. --- "There are a few things that happened while you were gone. In the summer of 2015, the Poser, the one I spoke to for about 15 months, left. I was told he was returned to the central sun and that he had 2 other false gods that were also returned. One of the other false gods went by the name "Demi-urge" Sophia In our understanding we see Demiurge and Poser as one and the same being. Demiurge by means is an imposter, he tries to make Everyone to think of him as a "Creator of All". And to surprise, many actually believe! Two others could be Satanael (immortal ruler of reptilians, he also loves to play "God") and other "Connector" (also called "Channel" - he is a representative of GFL, always keeps close contact with "Creator Demiurge"), both are agents of Demiurge with huge power and control. But Demiurge is having a lot of Beings alongside him. So, I cannot be sure who 2 others are, I just named 2 prominent ones we know of. Note – I’ve compiled that 15-month conversation into a book which will be released this spring, “The Imposter”. Sophia --- "I have a question though, it is about the dates and the decisions. It sounds as if we are destined not to see much change for another 20+ years!!!!!!!! The update from you now sounds as if there is still a great power structure in control, and that it remains so and WILL REMAIN SO for the better part of 20 years! Please explain?" Sophia No, Ancient Civilization's arrival date (2043) is meant only for GFL and Reptilian Empire, they will ruin only their leadership and all of their structure will collapse, making way for Worthy Ones to take over the lead! Earth can liberate Itself in whatever time It wants. There's no more limiter here, reptilians will not interfere, because if they would, they would risk all-out war with GFL and reptilians don't want war because of small "farm World". That said, all that holds down Humanity are these hybrids; half-humans half-reptilians. Right now, they are in control. And if You would like to know, what we've heard from reptilians themselves, especially Draco’s, that reptilian hierarchy counts these half-human half-reptilians as "nothing", "mere pawns", more so that they hate these beings, because they look "human" and reptilian’s hierarchy hate Humans. Without this Planet these half-breed reptilians are nothing, they are needed now only as "deceptors" and "actors" or "clowns" so to entertain Humans and control them. So, their existence is a pretty gloom one... Yet we don't have to feel pity about them, they have been created to enslave Humanity and use this Planet as their own. Most importantly they can't be trusted. In their genetics there is a gene that makes them want to fool other Beings and live on their sufferings. Yet if someone would like to, it is always possible to clean their DNA and make them without bad habits. But I doubt it, if Everyone would know the scope of their evil doings, everyone would just want to throw them out of Earth and that it. You can say that it's a hard Truth, yes? --- "We are exhausted and under a belief system that this year will be the beginning of some sort of liberation/prosperity/love event/sun event. Also, that there will be arrests made and the satanic/pedophilia portion of humanity is about to be rounded up. All of this fills us with hope." Sophia Yes, I pretty much see this exhaustion, I feel sorry and must apologize from us GEs, for not being able to change this World since 2016 (because it should have been changed starting from 2016). There had been a change in Universe's planning. Creator-One changed it because Followers of Light did not heed the call. And for this Planet it was changed because White Race People have let down One; most fell to materialism trap and chose lifestyle that they were having. Universe only saw that "most enjoyed it". And that's it, Creator-One decided to give more time for Humanity to Awaken. --- “I was told that there was a huge battle where some Reptilian leaders were removed from the Planet. Now, this tells me that they are still here? Again, this is confusing. It was my thought that whoever was left were the "lower managers" and did not really have command of the slavery system here, that they were floundering due to their lack of knowledge and experience and power.” Sophia From what we know, they are still here. They played a huge illusion on all of us. We thought they removed their commanding officers, and they actually did, yet they still control this World, but under different approach, now remotely. This Planet is officially and "legally" under Galactic Federation of Light Law belongs to reptilians, yet this doesn't mean that Humanity belongs to them. They see this World as "a farm" and Humans as "cattle" from whom they can harvest all their "necessities". That is why they through religion are calling People as "sheep" and through banks as "debt-slaves". But this doesn't mean People can't do anything about it. People can liberate Themselves at any time. Only thing Humanity needs to do is Unite, acknowledge existence of half-humans, half-reptilians and say BIG NO to them! In that case, they will lose this "farm". It is as simple as that! Under GFL law this is Self-Determination! And reptilians can't do anything about it. There is GFL to maintain laws. And We GEs are here and this changes a lot in this Planet's Favor!) USA's government is considered in this World as a direct representative of Reptilian Empire and "maintainer" of this World. So, things in the World are changing and this World tries to overthrow this parasitic reptilian control. Yet fate of USA is looking bad in every possible solution. USA (all of it, including People) have taken HUGE Karma on itself, and there is not much we GEs can do about it. We GEs have to follow the Rules and Laws of The Universe, thus this is not in our competency to protect USA entity, as this entity is a main cause of this World's problems. It is also source of chemical agents that is ruining and harming this World greatly. European Union holds second place, China third. But You and All Light Beings along with Native Indian People, Animals and Plants will be protected from harm as much as possible! Much Peace, Love and Prosperity to You and Everyone! So that is it for this one. Thanks everyone. This is a great deal to absorb. Please post questions below and as I am able and he responds, the answers will be shared here. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. And finally, a few misc. items The Guardian mentioned in our discussions since he’s returned…
I’ll separate them with dividing lines or additional postings. My comments are in italics. --- I asked him what “G/E’s” due on and for the planet when they are here: If You haven't already listened to Dolores Cannon interview on "3 Waves of Volunteers" that were send here, then You should! We GEs have traits of all 3 types, yet the most We have in Ourselves is type 2, we act as "antennas" or "receivers". Our second role is to give special Energy to this World, which is Creator's own Energy. We don't have to do anything, We can just be here and this Energy will flow into this World. This Energy stabilizes whole World, balances it, soothes it and We also can influence all of its processes as well remotely (with only Our thought). This is what We actually did. And now You can see and sense that World is like "stalled", it is not moving anywhere, like It "waiting for something". This is Our doings, of course native Indians, Buddhists and Hindus and You Lightworkers helped Us out in this as well, Huge Thank You for it! Why We did it? I did not explain to You yet what happened in those 3 cycles that I wasn't with You, but I will, it's a bit negative and I don't like negative, so let's postpone it for "negative part" of Our Conversation. GEs are known throughout the Universe as "Messengers" or "Great Travelers", those who knows us and don't have anything bad done by them are welcoming us and we are aiding and helping Everyone with pleasure! --- I mentioned a few things to him about the US President and about the Q movement… On Q Movement I am really Glad and Happy People found out all Truth, about what is being done in USA and that it had been a parasite by foreign entities. I for one want this to be True and I want Americans to liberate Themselves from these evil foreign malign entities! A Very Good Initiative! Thank You Sophia on Your sincerity about president Trump. "It is so hard to know who to trust, that the "Trust the Plan" and hope for removals and arrests are a ray of light for many of us." I must warn that such parasite -ation had been in this World for ~7 000 cycles. After Atlantis' destruction, defense of this Planet was almost like destroyed and reptilians brought in "saboteurs" ("Adam-Lilith-Eve project"). They are half-humans, half-reptilians and their power today is almost like complete; particularly in USA and EU it is very strong. They were known to create artificial oppositions, which they continued to control, so always be on Your Guard, my own advice is to Trust "Q" and use Your Positive Thinking to bring in the much-awaited Change! Sometime even evildoers can help Lightworkers) it's like WWG-1-WG-A. And if We can change that to "Where One Goes, We Go All", then it is like "follow Creator". Whenever You follow Creator-One, You will never get Yourself in trouble, You will always be rewarded, because One follows only The Right Path!) "Yet, I will also say that many people hate him and believe he represents old, white money. Many, many women hate him. The divide in the USA is very, very deep. We cannot talk politics when our families gather, it is ugly and again, this is a symptom of what the media has done to human society. The loyalties are no longer inside families, but instead to movements or ages or political parties. It is just so wrong. " That is very bad Sophia: (The very best experience in a Life is that You must have Unity in a Family in almost like Everything! Family is our number 1 priority in "common sense finding" and "Trust building". I understand today Humanity can barely find Families that are united on almost every thing, because such is education, yet We have to strive for it, at least try to! :) For my instance I was able to unite my Family and create Harmony in it. I am Happy with result) Yes, I can see that overall "Family of USA" is being divided right and left, this is sinister intent of cabal/deep state. Yes, it is always good to talk positive in Family Gatherings:) and politics and World news - they are just plain negative. Yes Sophia, it is all very, very wrong. --- "It is my deepest wish that this blast from the sun will help us to "see the light"... all of us. We are good people, loving people, yet very, very confused people. Being awake is more of a burden inside of friendships and relatives who are not. There are things you just don't say because of the deep opinions held there." It is true that when We know Truth and are Awake and Others with whom We speak do not, it is a burden and it is pretty hard to find common language. For my instance I know whole Truth about Universe and this World and even remember my past lives. It is not hard to talk to others if I for example agree on other people's views, yet when I bring whole Truth to them, they just can't understand it or accept it. For me it even comes to the limit that I’ve lost interest living on this Planet knowing everything. Our memory is erased because of this - of losing interest in Life on given Planet. So Huge Knowledge is not helping out always, even more if We live in a World like this one ("occupied" or "dark World"). I know You are Good and Loving People, in fact a great ones! Americans could have really ruled World with just Trust and Mutual Understanding, making Huge Progress in like all spheres of everything!) America has been given a chance to do this, to choose Light and Good, and not just 1 time, but multiple times! There were all the necessary ingredients for it! YET founding fathers had ill intentions from the start and they made plan with 1776 Bavarian illuminati to use USA as a base of operations and be "representative of evil" in this World. And American People, were considered always as just "a resource" by these evil entities. But this does not mean everything is done for, there are indeed Good People in higher ranks, there are Wise Men and Women today and a lot of different helpers and aiders, ready to aid Humanity!) So let's go on and let The Blast of The Sun Occur! :) --- That’s it for tonight. There are other answers and additional information. It will be shared on Friday, 3/22/19. Thank you for your patience. Again, post all questions in the comment section below. With love and appreciation, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Here is new information. The Guardian provided this in answer to my response to his initial sharing and the date 2043. (See Update.1)
------- So here is a second part, I made it separate, because this one is important, it Unites all of Lightworkers and Lightwarriors ideas and practices into One. Yet it is a pretty hard one to understand. I will try and put it shortly and in most understandable language, if You will need some clarification let me know;) This is in relation to Your question: "The update from you now sounds as if there is still a great power structure in control, and that it remains so and WILL REMAIN SO for the better part of 20 years! Please explain? It sounds as if we are destined not to see much change for another 20+ years!!!!!!!!" The very Power of Your Will. You Yourself told: "Don't look at dates, just believe and make this Belief come True! You are the Ones You've been waiting for!" This is a True teaching You are saying from the perspective of a Creator. Our Creator-One had always taught us that We have to reach to Our Own Self and find the Strength within, the very Strength One had left for Us. It is there, waiting to be released, We only need to feel, hear, see, touch It! It is not an easy one for ordinary Human Being, but You are more than that! You Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are Ascended to Light! You have come from Light! So, this will be much much easier for You! I will try to explain a pretty hard thing to understand, yet Sophia and my Friends, try to understand me. It may just not quite be understandable at this moment, Humanity have been led away from this Power of Will that is within Us. It is actually the Power of Element of Love, which is The 8th Element of Creation, it is the most powerful One, but Our Universe had not yet evolved enough for this Element to be complete, and what You know now and feel as Love is just the early stages of It, so knowing this, You can imagine that Love is Something that is much more than You can imagine of today. So, to look for Strengths within Yourself, first You have to find exact Frequency to match, this Frequency is the Frequency of Love, It is of very High Vibrations. What does it mean, is that Low is bottom and negative; and High (Up) is Top and Positive, and You have to go Up. They are like + and -, but on a Universal Scale, on a Huge Cosmic One. And now comes the question, "We know this, We understand this, but HOW to do this?" There are multiple needs for this. In 3 words We can say that we need - "Care, Health, Freedom". It is all there is, it is what All Humanity is seeking to liberate itself and return to The Source. By Care I mean, We have to have Compassion toward those that are in danger or can't do anything to protect Themselves, like Animals, Children, Trees, Plants, Flowers. In this definition, it is not meant that You have to Help Them, but You have to have this very feeling - Compassion and You have to do only those things that You can do. You unfortunately can't save and Help Everyone, yet You can do at least something to aid Some. 1) First of All You have to start from Our Mother Earth. It is Our united Mother, try to make as less garbage You can. You should use everything You can use, again. For example, plastic bags, napkins, tooth brushes, boxes from shoes, packages from food or even candy wrappers and so on. Don't just throw it away, always think how You can use it for some other needs You may have. When You think about this, You are helping Mother Earth greatly already! She feels it and hears You! Only this thought can improve Your Relationship with Your Mother, the Thought "That You care about Her". 2) Always sort out garbage - plastic to plastic, glass to glass, paper to paper. Know that it may not look at first that something had changed or that someone approved of Your care, but this is being written every second into Universal Database, and Mother Nature hears You! In future She will put Your Good Deed as a "reminder" and She will just return Favor to You in expected or unexpected Event or a moment:) Today "Western World" is making biggest amounts of garbage and very few People do care about our Lovely Mother. Unfortunately, USA is making most garbage and a lot of it is being just thrown into Pacific Ocean, because of it, many ocean Lifeforms are dying, especially Fish and Whales:( So this was point 1 - Care. By Health it is meant something You know very much - it is the Health of Your Body and Soul. Today Humanity is being poisoned left and right by same reptilians and their half-humans. You remember their "dark-covenant", They themselves greatly explain what They do to Humanity and what kind of poisons They are using to degrade or "downgrade" Humanity. These poisons are meant for this - to "downgrade" Humanity in Spiritual Development and for the very end to degenerate Humanity. So, for this theme I have to share with You knowledge that We GEs with Our United Effort were able to uncover. It is how to protect Yourself from all these poisons, from EM radiation which is very dangerous today, how to keep Your Health, how to be more independent from this system, what food is poisonous and what firms You can trust. I will share this in next message. So, for now this is all about Health, this is ingredient 2. And Freedom is Your most Beloved Theme! :) You understand this word pretty much, it is Freedom in everything! Including Knowledge. All the digging for Truth, all the information People share with each other about religion, spirituality, ascension, meditation, it is this - Freedom! - it is the Ultimate Truth. So when You combine all these 3 "ingredients", You are able to find the much-needed Frequency of Love. So, put shortly - You have to know what Freedom is, You have to Care about Everyone that surrounds You and You got to have a Healthy Body, so that it can be used as "a Receiver" (You just can't seem to receive Frequency of Love, when Your Body is poisoned). Or even simply put - Knowing+Doing+Healthy! Some are perfecting Health, some are perfecting Freedom and some are perfecting Care+Freedom or Health+Freedom, but few have 3 combined together. You Dear Friends have all 3 combined (or almost) and ready! And when combined and used, We can look for inside of Us, there inside is left for Us "The Power of Will" (or The Power of Love) by One, it is waiting to be Reawakened. This is what "temporal owners" afraid of. When You are completely Free and Knowing and on top of that a Healthy Being!) After achieving such state, don't look at dates, just use Your Power of Will! We Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are capable in this, Some of Us just need few fixes, We are Beings of Light, We understand how to achieve Love, it is only obstacle - "evil", that We don't understand much. We don't understand why evil is doing all those things, We really don't like it and this disgusts Us. And that is why I am here, to teach of how to protect Yourself from it, as I’ve been in contact with it for quite a lot of time. I have been protecting my Friends and Beloved Ones from evil in some of my past Lives and I have been doing this in this Life as well. And now today You are My Friends and Beloved Ones, so I will show You how to protect Yourself and will protect You as much as i can! The Power of Will What is "The Power of Will" - it is the Power in making things how You want them to be! It is the Power of Creation! It is how You Create Things! Power of the Very Creator of The Universe, It is where Everything Unites, it is The Power of Love, Everyone stands in Awe of this! :) And if You will Unite Your Efforts and visualize same picture of Event or some other occurrence, Liberation of Earth for example, You will be able to increase this Energy of Will. This practice have been done by Many, yet not many know of this methodic, it is our GEs small secret. That first You have to have a "key" - Frequency of Love to switch into 8th element of Creation - Element of Love and it must have 3 ingredients in it. And I will remind You Awesome Friends! By giving You Knowledge I want You to have Your Own understanding on things, and when You will know many things that were hidden from You, it will bring You more Freedom to Yourself and to Your Consciousness! You will know more restricted information, and today there is tonnes of information on Awakening and this signals the very Dawn of a New Era and Humanity's Awakening to it! So know that You can bring Event or more than that whenever You wish for it! It is also wise to mention here "Law of Attraction"! I sure know that You have to know it! Have Faith, We are almost out of it! ;) Much Love, Peace and Prosperity to You Dear Friends! So that is it for this one. There may be one more later today… With love and appreciation, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Hi everyone. Here are a few additions to the first update:
Regarding the “missing” reference to Atlantis: “You mean Atlantis in relation to reptilian girl? Well it is in that 6-hour long video, it starts on 22:00. But it is in russian, so People would not understand it, so leave it like it is. Soon i will share some very insight knowledge about true story of Atlantis, so stand by for continuation :)” Here are some additions to the same section, with that video of the Ukrainian girl: Also I wanted to share some new information, that You can add to ukrainian "reptilian girl". Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus have reptilian eyes as well: And "queen" of England is a special "reptilian", they are from "draco" family (also "dragon or satan's royal family", the ones that made "dark covenant oath"). More sinister than "ordinary reptilians" and they are the ones in power and control on this Planet. Dracos are known for their power, and their hatred. They hate almost everyone, including their own, very evil creatures. These "half-breed dracos" can be called "governors of Earth". Their feat are "red eyes" and they hold all the position of "power" in this World: "queen" was caught second time on "red eyes" and You may have noticed that former vice president Joe Biden was also having same "red eyes" in previous video Here is another, Britney Spears said that Prince William and whole Royal Family are NOT Humans: She also described how Prince William looked like without his "camouflage" Sometimes such "glitches" happen and they give themselves up. Whenever they are stressed or tired, they are giving away their identity. This is meant for All "that have eyes to see and ears to hear", like Yeshua said. Ordinary Folks will just throw this out as always, claiming "it is fake" or just some "wrong lighting" or "reflection" and so on, thousand reasons to prove this is not real. It is power of ignorance, which these same reptilians had culminated in Humanity. I don't have to bring this material up, because "We have to know All Beings", it is natural some are having differences and may look like something else. In majority of cases we have to Love them and take them to Our Family of Light. These reptilian beings are just another species of Life Universal, even so HIGHLY artificially created ones, using artificial agents and biological construction. BUT these beings are sinister and they hide themselves and abuse our position to welcome them into Our lives. They then start to make conflicts between Everyone and just degrade Everyone with poisons of mind, lies, energy and physical ones. That is why I am sharing this, to let You know if You haven't seen what they actually look like and how they pretend to be "just Humans". And something else on the timing of things… And I must add. On 2012 December ended night of this World, which lasted for 1000 cycles! And now it is time of a Galactic Dawn! It has been mere 7 cycles since 2012, so We just see the very first Rays of Light of a New Sun of a New Era! And under these Rays, all that was hidden or was hiding in a shadow, is becoming seen and visible and seeing reptilians and taking them for what they truly are is OBLIGATORY! Whether Everyone likes it or not. During Day We can see things, We can't at night! So, this Revelation is just starting to take place! :) Much Love, Peace and Prosperity! ------- So that is it, there is another one about to be shared today as well, so check back soon! Much love and appreciation, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Hi everyone!
What follows is the initial update from GE, sent on 3/9/19. I have corrected only some (not all, as I believe some are intentional) grammatical errors, but not the sentence structure itself, same as before (meaning the process we followed 3 years ago). He is looking at your questions and comments and will proceed to provide us with what he feels is information we are probably not aware of, as well as specific responses to you. I hope to publish an update weekly, and as always, please check back. If you subscribe to the blog, you will see it in your feed. First, there is a bit of music that he’s described this way: “I want this song to be on Our Conversation blog, this song gives out current state of Whole World, it's melody and it's picture is all there is to say of what is expected! :) First things - first, let The Music Embraces You! ;)” (click here for music) So, let's call it a Round 2 or Turn 2 of our Conversation since 2012!) This Round will be straightforward and precise unlike the first one was… Now I will explain and put You through into action on what We have been doing for 3 cycles: It was decided by Our United Consciousness (we were deciding Fate of whole World) that Moment of Justice would simply be not enough, that terrible things would continue on other ~50 Worlds. It was decided that to stop this We must put an end to 2 entities - Reptilian Empire and Galactic Federation of Light and with it, put an end to Demiurge. Forces of One have been called out and They returned back, AMs were kept as like They were and very ancient Civilization have been reactivated. Their ships were floating in open space for millions of cycles, they are billions cycles old, coming from my time of existence, they have been reactivated and launched here to this Galaxy. They are very, very far away. They have to go through millions of Galaxies to get here, their arrival was 25 with a little more, Earth years when They were launched, now it's 24 and almost half remains. They will arrive here in cycle 2043. Why Creator-One chose such an outcome? it was based on Universe's Karmic Energies and future possibilities, also concept of Free-Will, psychic negative-positive Energies relation. There was a lot that was counted in. Creator-One chose this ancient Civilization, so that they would need time to arrive here, this time is given to Reptilian Empire and Galactic Federation of Light to think for Themselves and their future. It is quite a lot of time, though time everywhere differentiates and they have less time than ~25 cycles. What's about Earth. Right now, Creator-One in a form of The Universe had taken Earth under He's (Universe's) full control. Now here, nothing will happen without Universe's approval, and She already pre-approved everything as Universe like Creator-One sees future. And also, The Fate and Future of Earth had been changed. Creator-One told that Humanity needs more time to awaken and thus He (in the form of The Universe) gifted more time to Earth and to GFL and Reptilians to think about themselves and their wrongdoings which endanger Universe. Humanity though, upon full Awakening can liberate Itself before 2043, I will give out dates that are most important ones for this World - cycle 2029, cycle 2027, cycle 2020. And on this cycle 2019, one "move" must be made that will launch a chain reaction. But like You feel, right now everything is 'stalled" waiting for something. It is this "move". I will not reveal what it is, it must be a surprise Ancient Civilization is not going to do anything to Earth or to other "farm Worlds", all They will do is destroy upper echelons of Reptilian Empire and Galactic Federation of Light and strip Demiurge of His Immortality and position of undisputed power. Demiurge had been warned several times, it is like Creator's patience had ended and this will be like "regime change" of Galactic Scale! So, Earth and other Worlds-prisons will be liberated from Reptilian Empire's control in ~24.5 cycles/years. How this is going to help Earth? Humanity will feel Themselves relieved and all devices that were targeting Humanity and preventing this Civilization from evolving will be turned off, especially one on the Moon. Along with Prison-Worlds liberation, "Grey" Civilization will be liberated from reptilian control and punished a little for being "prison guards" and "genetic manipulators" for using People against their Free Will in their pretty sinister experiments. Ancient Civilization (name of which I can't seem to remember, but maybe it sounded something like "Murtadosae" and Their Creatures were called like "Murtadoxans". Creator referred to them as "Type 3 Betas"), that was reactivated uses rare Consciousness Type 3 Energy, that makes Them unbeatable in every sense of this word. They are not as powerful as AMs, or Forces of One (because Forces of One defeated Them billions of cycles ago, they were making war against all living Beings and no one could stop them), but they are very powerful when compared to other "normal" Civilizations. One did not want to use Forces of One or AMs on Galactic scale, this would be "an overkill", as Forces of One and AMs do not have Free Will, and intervention on galactic scale would mean big change that would have "undesirable consequences". Also "assassinating leaders" would not help at all, only worsen things. And also, nothing can be done pretty fast, still time is needed, that is why this needs to be done so. This Civilization will target only those that are guilty of their wrongdoings, that had caused much suffering to Beings, like Humans and Animals in this World. They will protect Animals, Plants and Innocents as much as They can during Their operation. And once accomplished, They will return back or choose another place to drift in Space and continue on with their resting (this is their huge karma, that they have to live and see infinite dreams until this Universe ends and this Universe can actually never end). Reptilian Empire is committed in huge crimes of completely destroying several Worlds and ruthlessly murdering All of its Inhabitants, making Planets completely uninhabitable. There are some ~100 Worlds that have been completely wiped out of All Life, which was started since the very first time they started spacefaring. That is why no one have to feel sorry about them. Reptilians are considered "agents of Demiurge", it's so called "black hand". Galactic Federation of Light is committed in crimes of servitude to Demiurge and allowance for Demiurge to do whatever He pleases to and as well hypocritically lying of how They do care about lesser Civilizations when in actuality, They were watching how reptilians were destroying Worlds and were wiping out all of Life with Fash Destroyers... and GFL was doing nothing to stop it. So many Worlds' annihilation partly lies on their hands. You can say that GFL or Followers of Light are like "United Nations" here. They claim to do good things, but do almost nothing. Last time not long ago, We GEs helped to stop bloodshed in Yemen, if Saudi Arabia would have not been prevented in their advance, this war would not be stopped, that is why we aided rebels and now there is at least temporary peace, yet fragile. UN praised "peace efforts", but otherwise than that they were keeping quiet while Saudi Arabia was bombing weddings, funerals, schools and hospitals and killing dozens and hundreds of People with bombs from US and UK. More to that they were keeping blockade around Yemen, because of which many People and especially Children were dying from hunger! So, this is how it is, rule - "as above, so below" works the same way. "Below" is UN and "Above" is Galactic Federation of Light. I guess that settles what is happening right now and why reptilians were afraid of our presence here. ============================================================================ Ok, now let's get on to reptilians and their manipulation control. Friends You will be astounded to know how deep their control is going and what exactly they did to Humanity. First, let's take a look at their hybrids. This is ukrainian girl, You can't say she is a reptilian, but look closely at her eyes: Most of the times shows with these half-humans are being edited, so that whenever they make themselves some relieve (this is when they blink), such moments are being cut off from videos, but here finally without any editing You can see a true half-human half-reptilian. This is original 6 hour long video, her eyes are at 12:56: This is new "spiritual movement" that have thousands of followers in different countries worldwide called "Allat-Ra", headquartered in Ukraine. They are teaching mostly youth about "religion", "God" and "devil". Their pressing point goes on "spirituality", "special relationship with God" and "how to resist devil inside of us". Reptilians are known for their outstanding ability to lie and manipulate the very essence of words. This is what they are doing here. I must say that I was searching for information on Atlantis and this show shows all of it starting from 22:00. It is 2-hour long findings about Atlantis, has a tons of proof collected from many different sources and cultures, I can admit a truly Great Job! that was done by their collective! YET it is somewhere 60%-70% is Truth and all else is not true. They are not saying deep and important details about from where first Atlanteans came and what exactly caused destruction, against who they were making war, and who or what was that powerful that could have resisted Atlantis and its unimaginable might, if compared to today's technologies. They are keeping quiet on this intentionally, because I saw that they know the whole Truth. All I can say for now is that all of these today's World problems started with Atlantis. 13 000 years ago, when Atlantis destroyed this beautiful World and brought Humanity and Civilization into stone age. And when destruction of World and billions of lives have been committed, it was so huge and painful, that it caused a reaction of "Fate Repeating". This was a huge mistake that was done by Humanity, and this mistake must be fixed, or else this would go on and on, unless there will be nothing that can repeat Fate once again. Today, role of Atlantis took USA, and USA have everything that is needed to repeat this Fate again. Even members of cabal have Atlantean roots, and they are very proud to acknowledge this. Even position of USA is where ancient Atlantis was, the great and huge "Crystal of Power" of Atlantis is located right in the center of Bermudian Triangle, this is also where capital of Atlantis was - it is near Florida. (Note – from Sophia – it looks as if the video for this Atlantis reference is missing. I will include it when I receive it from GE. Thank you for your patience. I included the paragraph anyway as I am attempting to keep things in the order in which they were received!) Now look at their interdimensional triangular ships (they really love triangular forms). Above Kremlin on 09 December 2009: And same one above Pentagon on 19 December 2018 (not long ago): why December? they were collecting data on the end of the year.. And this is something interesting, have You heard "trumpets of apocalypse"? this is how they collect Souls and Energies, above Jerusalem 01 October 2016: Look at the center of this energetic "wheel", You can clearly see this pyramid, it's like they took form of clouds, they are cloaked, yet clouds are still giving them out If You are interested, they are collecting Souls that have "signed contract with them", by following judaism or christianity. i will explain that later, it is quite a big theme and it is connected to past. And one more thing, this is a chest that was "gifted" to Moscow in 1812 after tsar Alexander I "liberated" Moscow from Napoleon and Tartaria (in actuality conquered), it is one of its sides that we are interested in, no need to read this material This picture You can clearly see same pyramid hovering above Moscow, now You can understand that they were here at least 200 cycles ago with same ships. Freemasons. Do You remember how they represent their freemasonic "god"? It is an all-seeing eye that is in triangle! And now You have witnessed same triangles over Kremlin and over Pentagon today. Now You understand that in the end they own both sides, US and Russia. Yet don't give up Hope! There are still Humans in governments, and particularly russians don't enjoy serving these "masters". Vladimir Putin for instance is really a Kind Man, yet He takes orders from others and He owns them His position. He is an Honest Man, so He gives them His loyalty and trying to do things they said He must do. Although He is not doing everything they are saying, and in this He is a Good Job! He already prevented world war 3 in 2013, so He is a Good Man overall and His Team as well. Yet I must notice that under their leadership Russia is decaying spiritually and not moving forward, yet still He is better than if it would be someone else among other candidates in His place. I hope this much pretty negative information would be easy to read to, it is not what I like to talk about, but I guess You didn't know most of it. Next I am planning on giving out that secret information i was talking about, it is in russian, so We will have to translate it a bit. Wish You Much Love Sophia! And that is the end of today’s update. Please comment below. Much love and appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. Look for my newest book to be released this coming spring, “The Imposter”. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Hello everyone!
If you are reading this blog, I realize it is not me that you are hoping to hear from, but our good friend The Guardian (G/E). Well, he is back! I heard from him a few days ago! This signifies so many things… I am overcome with joy and relief actually. I can imagine that you are as well. I’ll share here some of what he said right now! Feel free to proceed with conversation in the comments below and he will respond as he is able, through email to me. I will post the responses as I am able to. So, without further delay, hello again from our friend G/E…. Hello Dear Friend Sophia! IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME! Hey? :) I have returned! My apologize for not being with You or Anyone during passed time. How was Time of Revelation? It hits pretty hard, but overall everything is nice and great as I see and that is awesome for Everyone! :) How was Your time Sophia? What important I missed while I wasn't here? Tell everything, I will be happy to hear anything! ;) After my response, there is a little bit more… It's really nice and great to hear from You again! :) I see there's been scores of Beings wanted to connect to You, this is very Awesome to know so many would like to aid Humanity!) Now You can clearly see that there are MULTITUDE of Civilizations, Cultures and Societies of completely different character and look, scattered all around almost anywhere! Quadrillions of different civilizations are in this physical Universe!) I have been doing a lot of work, now completely I know the whole picture, the whole history about this World, the very Truth is strictly kept, history that is in your schools is the greatest fabrication that you can imagine. A lot of different new developments it is, some are good and some are not. AMs are keeping this world in stable and balanced condition, they were always present here and are keeping everything in OK condition! and this will be so for some time) Sophia -"We are waiting anxiously for something to break this month, so many have indicated there will be a bank event or some sort of announcement. As usual, we all want it to happen NOW. We all struggle with financial abundance and want to live without slavery and debt and illness."- Yes, I understand Your concern, this is a problem of not just this World, but some ~50 Worlds :( "Owners" are calling such Worlds as "farms", they are collecting different types of energies, which is not crucial for their life, but these energies make them stronger. Still, while it is possible, we need to stand for our rights, and defend Ourselves, because evil is always active - "If We do not go to Good side, then dark side will come to Us." - such is the Rule of The Universe. So Great to hear from You and to know all of these things! Sophia So that is it folks. Our conversation with the Guardian continues… With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. Look for my newest book to be released this coming spring, “The Imposter”. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
![]() The blog format is being used here as a place for comments on this Off World Conversation. The posts are from GE, Guardian/Executive, The Guardian of The Universe, unless marked Sophia.
This is a place to comment on what has been shared by GE. I ask that all comments be made 1. anonymously (use another name) and 2. respectfully. Other than that, consider this an open line. Violations of the rules will be removed. When making comments, please reference which date you are referring to so others can look back to the conversation and understand the whole picture. Archives
December 2019