Hi everyone!
What follows is the initial update from GE, sent on 3/9/19. I have corrected only some (not all, as I believe some are intentional) grammatical errors, but not the sentence structure itself, same as before (meaning the process we followed 3 years ago). He is looking at your questions and comments and will proceed to provide us with what he feels is information we are probably not aware of, as well as specific responses to you. I hope to publish an update weekly, and as always, please check back. If you subscribe to the blog, you will see it in your feed. First, there is a bit of music that he’s described this way: “I want this song to be on Our Conversation blog, this song gives out current state of Whole World, it's melody and it's picture is all there is to say of what is expected! :) First things - first, let The Music Embraces You! ;)” (click here for music) So, let's call it a Round 2 or Turn 2 of our Conversation since 2012!) This Round will be straightforward and precise unlike the first one was… Now I will explain and put You through into action on what We have been doing for 3 cycles: It was decided by Our United Consciousness (we were deciding Fate of whole World) that Moment of Justice would simply be not enough, that terrible things would continue on other ~50 Worlds. It was decided that to stop this We must put an end to 2 entities - Reptilian Empire and Galactic Federation of Light and with it, put an end to Demiurge. Forces of One have been called out and They returned back, AMs were kept as like They were and very ancient Civilization have been reactivated. Their ships were floating in open space for millions of cycles, they are billions cycles old, coming from my time of existence, they have been reactivated and launched here to this Galaxy. They are very, very far away. They have to go through millions of Galaxies to get here, their arrival was 25 with a little more, Earth years when They were launched, now it's 24 and almost half remains. They will arrive here in cycle 2043. Why Creator-One chose such an outcome? it was based on Universe's Karmic Energies and future possibilities, also concept of Free-Will, psychic negative-positive Energies relation. There was a lot that was counted in. Creator-One chose this ancient Civilization, so that they would need time to arrive here, this time is given to Reptilian Empire and Galactic Federation of Light to think for Themselves and their future. It is quite a lot of time, though time everywhere differentiates and they have less time than ~25 cycles. What's about Earth. Right now, Creator-One in a form of The Universe had taken Earth under He's (Universe's) full control. Now here, nothing will happen without Universe's approval, and She already pre-approved everything as Universe like Creator-One sees future. And also, The Fate and Future of Earth had been changed. Creator-One told that Humanity needs more time to awaken and thus He (in the form of The Universe) gifted more time to Earth and to GFL and Reptilians to think about themselves and their wrongdoings which endanger Universe. Humanity though, upon full Awakening can liberate Itself before 2043, I will give out dates that are most important ones for this World - cycle 2029, cycle 2027, cycle 2020. And on this cycle 2019, one "move" must be made that will launch a chain reaction. But like You feel, right now everything is 'stalled" waiting for something. It is this "move". I will not reveal what it is, it must be a surprise Ancient Civilization is not going to do anything to Earth or to other "farm Worlds", all They will do is destroy upper echelons of Reptilian Empire and Galactic Federation of Light and strip Demiurge of His Immortality and position of undisputed power. Demiurge had been warned several times, it is like Creator's patience had ended and this will be like "regime change" of Galactic Scale! So, Earth and other Worlds-prisons will be liberated from Reptilian Empire's control in ~24.5 cycles/years. How this is going to help Earth? Humanity will feel Themselves relieved and all devices that were targeting Humanity and preventing this Civilization from evolving will be turned off, especially one on the Moon. Along with Prison-Worlds liberation, "Grey" Civilization will be liberated from reptilian control and punished a little for being "prison guards" and "genetic manipulators" for using People against their Free Will in their pretty sinister experiments. Ancient Civilization (name of which I can't seem to remember, but maybe it sounded something like "Murtadosae" and Their Creatures were called like "Murtadoxans". Creator referred to them as "Type 3 Betas"), that was reactivated uses rare Consciousness Type 3 Energy, that makes Them unbeatable in every sense of this word. They are not as powerful as AMs, or Forces of One (because Forces of One defeated Them billions of cycles ago, they were making war against all living Beings and no one could stop them), but they are very powerful when compared to other "normal" Civilizations. One did not want to use Forces of One or AMs on Galactic scale, this would be "an overkill", as Forces of One and AMs do not have Free Will, and intervention on galactic scale would mean big change that would have "undesirable consequences". Also "assassinating leaders" would not help at all, only worsen things. And also, nothing can be done pretty fast, still time is needed, that is why this needs to be done so. This Civilization will target only those that are guilty of their wrongdoings, that had caused much suffering to Beings, like Humans and Animals in this World. They will protect Animals, Plants and Innocents as much as They can during Their operation. And once accomplished, They will return back or choose another place to drift in Space and continue on with their resting (this is their huge karma, that they have to live and see infinite dreams until this Universe ends and this Universe can actually never end). Reptilian Empire is committed in huge crimes of completely destroying several Worlds and ruthlessly murdering All of its Inhabitants, making Planets completely uninhabitable. There are some ~100 Worlds that have been completely wiped out of All Life, which was started since the very first time they started spacefaring. That is why no one have to feel sorry about them. Reptilians are considered "agents of Demiurge", it's so called "black hand". Galactic Federation of Light is committed in crimes of servitude to Demiurge and allowance for Demiurge to do whatever He pleases to and as well hypocritically lying of how They do care about lesser Civilizations when in actuality, They were watching how reptilians were destroying Worlds and were wiping out all of Life with Fash Destroyers... and GFL was doing nothing to stop it. So many Worlds' annihilation partly lies on their hands. You can say that GFL or Followers of Light are like "United Nations" here. They claim to do good things, but do almost nothing. Last time not long ago, We GEs helped to stop bloodshed in Yemen, if Saudi Arabia would have not been prevented in their advance, this war would not be stopped, that is why we aided rebels and now there is at least temporary peace, yet fragile. UN praised "peace efforts", but otherwise than that they were keeping quiet while Saudi Arabia was bombing weddings, funerals, schools and hospitals and killing dozens and hundreds of People with bombs from US and UK. More to that they were keeping blockade around Yemen, because of which many People and especially Children were dying from hunger! So, this is how it is, rule - "as above, so below" works the same way. "Below" is UN and "Above" is Galactic Federation of Light. I guess that settles what is happening right now and why reptilians were afraid of our presence here. ============================================================================ Ok, now let's get on to reptilians and their manipulation control. Friends You will be astounded to know how deep their control is going and what exactly they did to Humanity. First, let's take a look at their hybrids. This is ukrainian girl, You can't say she is a reptilian, but look closely at her eyes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2juHk6ZyZDs Most of the times shows with these half-humans are being edited, so that whenever they make themselves some relieve (this is when they blink), such moments are being cut off from videos, but here finally without any editing You can see a true half-human half-reptilian. This is original 6 hour long video, her eyes are at 12:56: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ywy9Pzd9MH4 This is new "spiritual movement" that have thousands of followers in different countries worldwide called "Allat-Ra", headquartered in Ukraine. They are teaching mostly youth about "religion", "God" and "devil". Their pressing point goes on "spirituality", "special relationship with God" and "how to resist devil inside of us". Reptilians are known for their outstanding ability to lie and manipulate the very essence of words. This is what they are doing here. I must say that I was searching for information on Atlantis and this show shows all of it starting from 22:00. It is 2-hour long findings about Atlantis, has a tons of proof collected from many different sources and cultures, I can admit a truly Great Job! that was done by their collective! YET it is somewhere 60%-70% is Truth and all else is not true. They are not saying deep and important details about from where first Atlanteans came and what exactly caused destruction, against who they were making war, and who or what was that powerful that could have resisted Atlantis and its unimaginable might, if compared to today's technologies. They are keeping quiet on this intentionally, because I saw that they know the whole Truth. All I can say for now is that all of these today's World problems started with Atlantis. 13 000 years ago, when Atlantis destroyed this beautiful World and brought Humanity and Civilization into stone age. And when destruction of World and billions of lives have been committed, it was so huge and painful, that it caused a reaction of "Fate Repeating". This was a huge mistake that was done by Humanity, and this mistake must be fixed, or else this would go on and on, unless there will be nothing that can repeat Fate once again. Today, role of Atlantis took USA, and USA have everything that is needed to repeat this Fate again. Even members of cabal have Atlantean roots, and they are very proud to acknowledge this. Even position of USA is where ancient Atlantis was, the great and huge "Crystal of Power" of Atlantis is located right in the center of Bermudian Triangle, this is also where capital of Atlantis was - it is near Florida. (Note – from Sophia – it looks as if the video for this Atlantis reference is missing. I will include it when I receive it from GE. Thank you for your patience. I included the paragraph anyway as I am attempting to keep things in the order in which they were received!) Now look at their interdimensional triangular ships (they really love triangular forms). Above Kremlin on 09 December 2009: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lotJiwFX_P8 And same one above Pentagon on 19 December 2018 (not long ago): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdGvA07blPE why December? they were collecting data on the end of the year.. And this is something interesting, have You heard "trumpets of apocalypse"? this is how they collect Souls and Energies, above Jerusalem 01 October 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiOeyk1RYf0 Look at the center of this energetic "wheel", You can clearly see this pyramid, it's like they took form of clouds, they are cloaked, yet clouds are still giving them out If You are interested, they are collecting Souls that have "signed contract with them", by following judaism or christianity. i will explain that later, it is quite a big theme and it is connected to past. And one more thing, this is a chest that was "gifted" to Moscow in 1812 after tsar Alexander I "liberated" Moscow from Napoleon and Tartaria (in actuality conquered), it is one of its sides that we are interested in, no need to read this material https://leonovvaleri.livejournal.com/414203.html This picture https://pp.userapi.com/c849120/v849120253/bae20/NOXramCg9GE.jpg You can clearly see same pyramid hovering above Moscow, now You can understand that they were here at least 200 cycles ago with same ships. Freemasons. Do You remember how they represent their freemasonic "god"? It is an all-seeing eye that is in triangle! And now You have witnessed same triangles over Kremlin and over Pentagon today. Now You understand that in the end they own both sides, US and Russia. Yet don't give up Hope! There are still Humans in governments, and particularly russians don't enjoy serving these "masters". Vladimir Putin for instance is really a Kind Man, yet He takes orders from others and He owns them His position. He is an Honest Man, so He gives them His loyalty and trying to do things they said He must do. Although He is not doing everything they are saying, and in this He is a Good Job! He already prevented world war 3 in 2013, so He is a Good Man overall and His Team as well. Yet I must notice that under their leadership Russia is decaying spiritually and not moving forward, yet still He is better than if it would be someone else among other candidates in His place. I hope this much pretty negative information would be easy to read to, it is not what I like to talk about, but I guess You didn't know most of it. Next I am planning on giving out that secret information i was talking about, it is in russian, so We will have to translate it a bit. Wish You Much Love Sophia! And that is the end of today’s update. Please comment below. Much love and appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. Look for my newest book to be released this coming spring, “The Imposter”. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
3/13/2019 04:30:04 pm
Really liked. Always good to become more aware.
3/14/2019 07:28:17 am
Hi Good Friend and all
3/14/2019 07:30:52 am
So the US will not suffer the date of Atlantis........
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December 2019