May 13th, 2019
Hi everyone, I hope that you are getting to read the Health update. It is so very informative and complete. I was told that some of the links did not work. I am having the same issue with many of them. I will leave them in the article for now, and ask him for alternatives when he returns. It is as if all of the information has been suddenly made unavailable, which is troubling… The links included below work right now, so check them out! Our friend the Guardian is gone again for at least 2 weeks and maybe 2 months. So please post questions in the comment section below, even if you’ve sent them to me. It is the only way to assure that he will see them. He did send a quick update to the health information, and I’ll include it here as well as in the section on Health. Please enjoy and take good care of yourself and your health! Good Day Sophia! Just a quick add-on on Teeth and their fillings. My Friends GEs also shared this material with me: Glass Ionomer fillings are also very toxic, even more toxic than metal amalgams!: And this here is a throughout research made by professional researchers on composite resin fillings, they are indeed toxic how i said they were: So the best fillings are the most costly ones - Ceramic and Gold. You know why, because only 1% can afford them. But although Gold is indeed expensive, we can actually afford Ceramic ones, doctors just don't ask what fillings we would like to, they just put whatever they are specializing in. So, we have to ask what fillings they have at their disposal, it is our Awareness what helps us here! So from this day i won't be available Sophia, Much Love and Light to You! With love and appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! "The Imposter" has now been published in both print and Kindle formats. Check it out here! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Hi everyone,
What follows is a rather long discussion on health. I will include just part of it here and then place the rest of it in the “Health” link under “From the Guardian”. I think it needs to be easily found at any point and for anyone. So, without further explanation, here’s today’s update from our friend. You might want to grab a cup of tea and prepare for a long sit down for this one... it is fascinating and jam packed with information we could use! Enjoy! --- Good Day Sophia and Everyone! So now let's talk about Health! Health is a pressing concern today and chemical harmful agents surround us like everywhere. All of these chemicals can be called "poisons", with slow long-time effect that are damaging our physical Bodies and degrading us. And it works not just on given Generation of People, but also on future Generations as well. Only in last +/-200 cycles chemistry had been in use, before this, only natural agents were used for everyday use and Everyone was eating natural food of course. Today we don't have such Benefit and thus we have to look how to protect ourselves and at least lower harmful effects on our Body. The global poisoning is made by "You know who" and this has a really sinister intent, which is made completely intentionally, and all of Life on this Planet and Planet itself is targeted... But have Faith, We can overcome this! i myself have been through rougher situations than this in my previous lives and i can handle myself pretty well, thus i will share my experience and our new findings with You Friends! So before i start i have to say that Human Body is a well composed and structurized Body that is pretty strong and can adapt to many different situations and illnesses. Of course, this Body is not the best i was in, but still it is better than "normal". So our Human Body can get used to eating poisons, breathing them and living beside poisons, it is NOT a big deal for our Body at all! THOUGH, for our Body to completely get used to such poisoning and chemical food, it is necessary 2-3 Generations of People, which You understand is not possible under current circumstances, and we also cannot completely exclude chemistry from our everyday use due to "deep state". So, we have to adapt to current circumstances and not try to completely exclude poisons from everyday use, but significantly lower them! Having small amount of immunity against chemicals and poisons is a good thing i can tell You. Have You heard of a man that injects Himself with snakes' poisons? From not just 1, but more than 35 species of poisonous snakes!? At first, he was feeling himself not good, he was even hospitalized multiple times, but today he feels Himself very well and He looks more youthful. Poisons from snakes are known to decelerate aging. BUT PLEASE, DON'T TRY THIS! It is just to show You that we do can adapt to poisons and different foreign elements/substances: In summary it is possible for a Human Body - Our Vessel to live in a very hazardous conditions, chemical, biological (with dangerous microbes and viruses) or radioactive ones. We have a Strong and Powerful Body! It was engineered to be this way by original Creators of Humanity - Ancestors-Gods. This Body can protect itself and its automatic defense system is working tirelessly, endlessly each and every day. But sometimes it can't handle all by itself, so we have to help It! i will put 2 parts here, first is a negative one, that tells about chemical agents which surround us, and second part positive - how to deal with these chemicals and some bonus!) --- For the rest of this article, please click here. Thanks everyone, With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! "The Imposter" has now been published in both print and Kindle formats. Check it out here! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
![]() The blog format is being used here as a place for comments on this Off World Conversation. The posts are from GE, Guardian/Executive, The Guardian of The Universe, unless marked Sophia.
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December 2019