"Sincere greetings....
From various information sites one gleans opinion about ascension and the whenever of it. As you rightly say – one must believe what one discerns to be true – As a person who has no beliefs thus allowing me to think freely, I am following these opinions and channelling essays with an implied interest. From a reputable web site that explains the laws of the cosmos, it must have all happened by now and the rest are supposed to go on as descendants of Planet B – according to dates and “time”. It would seem that one is reading historical sites or back to a previous future in that those who have become conscious and have chosen the path of light will ascend....have ascended Uptil now, one appears to be in the same place (has not ascended) and at the same time – given that apparently in the 5th dimension there is no lineal time. So we assume time as a relative issue as you yourself speak of cycles and distances. Earth is a beautiful world and for a long time I have always felt that humans have been the visitor to a natural bio/ecological world that is the principle domain of plants and animals. I understand much about the pollution and contamination as well as “illuminates & cabals” etc…I make a point of being informed – and much has risen to my senses from within me over many years. But I am curious about this ascension issue because as much as I love planet earth I would also welcome the change to a higher consciousness which appears to be knocking on the front door of my being. Can you honestly say that we are still here and that earth dates are somewhat irrelevant in view of the higher vibrational density activities which sound as though they are in time perpetual or time accelerated – or if we are actually going to go to planet A or planet B…or that this whole thing is a ruse to continue the experiment to another level of learning. I do so feel that this experiment has outlived its usefulness and integrity in that, ”less is more” and “more is repetitious” Its not a question of impatience but more one of integrity within the law of One, IF as a (self) part of One, we are the creative soul of light ( a light being) and our creativity is such that we would know no bounds and that we are our own perpetuation – ergo this terrible existence on mother earth….which we seem to perpetuate or have perpetuated or is perpetuated beyond our conscious control Thankyou" Yes Good Friend, somewhere in pretty distant parallel reality, "Ascension" as You imagine it, already took place. Yet, here We are making a change on whole World. Creator made rules and boundaries, within which All must act and exist, so are We located within such boundaries. I understand You want to get away from here, but it is not that easy. We have Physical Bodies that are holding Us within these boundaries, the only way to get out in a way You see it, is to whether connect our dreams and make physical of what we imagine, that is create things from matter/invent technologies or simply through destruction of Physical Body/death. What You see today is a product of big combination of mistakes and successes of Human history. In past of this reality though, there were more mistakes than successes. So We at this moment of time see the outcome of this. Remember, destruction of Physical Body is the least You want to do. This is the last resort, if Soul "cannot take it" any longer in this reality or if Soul is tired. We are living here to make things better, the best We can! This is why we are making progresses on daily basis. About Time, indeed Time as an element of Creation does not exist for our Souls and for our Higher Inner Selves. Yet it exists for our Physical Bodies. And due to this, We are bounded by time. This is 1 of the boundaries of Creation. It was made with intent of moving only in forward direction, yet speed for it varies. Almost all ETs I know of have different notion of "time". For most evolved time is moving so fast, that it is unbelievable here on Earth. For lowly evolved Civilizations time is moving pretty slow. The 1 hour here, can be 1 minute on some ETs spaceship. And like we know in "normal" demiurge's reality 1000 solar cycles (years) on Earth are 100 solar cycles in "artificial heaven". Yet it can change speed of time, making it even more faster or slower. Still there are many nuances of time which You won't understand pretty easily. Most important knowledge in this is that time is not constant, it is dynamic and Everyone sees time differently. Time by itself is the most highest element of Creation and those that control time can control everything. The only one capable of this is One, Ancient Machines can do this too, but only on order from One. So basically One "controls" everything. I hope You remember that One does not control everything, but rather allows everything to do whatever possible "to do". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Here is a view point from Global Research - part of an article from sott.net....it still looks as though the delluminati are pushing for an intervention....your view would be appreciated. Thankyou On 9/7, in response to criticism of his purportedly callous golfing reaction to the James Foley "beheading" event, Obama stated: "part of this job is also the theater of it...it doesn't come naturally to me." We might respond with something like: "Theater indeed." Next, here's the full text of Obama's 9/10 ISIS speech. Guess what: there's no mention of "Khorasan" - that most evil and menacing of targets and brand spanking new raision d'ȇtre for war! - at all. If Obama didn't get the message on 9/10, there is every reason to believe he has it now, since, in Obama's 10 AM (EST) 9/23 speech, we finally hear tell of the great new bin Laden-style evil in the world - Khorasan. And just in case any doubts remained about his commitment, Obama was kind enough to inform us that he was interested not just in bombing ISIS, but also in aiding resistance to Assad (see immediately preceding link beginning at around 1:36, and note in particular the way he kind of slips in, almost as a kind of weird, disassociated-sounding afterthought, the "and the Assad regime" language.) So the neocons now appear to have what they have always wanted: a campaign against Assad. In addition, they have even more: a brand new amorphous enemy materialized, like their money, out of nothing. When global fascism looks in the mirror, what else can it see but bin Ladens and Khorasans? What we see when we look at the data is a series of theatrical, yet menacing, cues prompting Obama along his inexorable, and cowardly, slide toward warfare. Prof Jason Kissner Global Research" Thank You Good Friend. We are watching for them and their actions, we know of this danger and we are already preventing them from attacking Damascus and Syrian army. They know well, that if they attack Syrian government or Iran, this will result in huge backfire to them from All the World. So they don't know what to do, they are simply attacking "islamic state", while arming and training so called "moderate rebels" (which in fact are the same evil "islamists") and also the are waiting for some "opportunity" (but there won't be any). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Hi, Here is some really good news. Stefan Löfven is the new becoming PM in Sweden and he is going to recognize Palestine as a state in his inauguration speech. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-29479418 This was covered by BBC and also a at least one major news outlet in Sweden DAGENS NYHETER - DNhttp://www.dn.se/nyheter/lofven-sverige-ska-erkanna-palestina/ The response from the old guard US and Israel with others will be interesting. Löfven did attend the Bilderberg meeting last year which is also noteworthy .. Hugs Ollie" Yes, these are good news! People of Palestine are suffering on large scale, they are being occupied and tortured by israeli government. Fortunately more and more People are going into Light and finding out the whole Truth about this! Hugs to You as well!:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "thought u guys might like this http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2014/09/25/running-on-fumes-maybe-its-time-we-should-be/" Thank You Good Friend! Another great design on how to make economy on fossil fuel. It is like HHO hybrids, with it is possible to save money on gas. Very great find! There are many opportunities on how to "trick the system" or make something new, never give up! Like with computer and internet, be a "hacker of Creation" and search for backdoors and loopholes in whole Grid of our Reality, they are everywhere around You!;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Hi Good Friend. You said life cannot be produced as a natural process,it's not the first time that i hear that.Then who or what produced life in this universe first.The Ancient Machines? I am sure that the speed of light is not really a limit" Hi Good Friend! You misunderstood, I meant majority of Planets can support Life, but can't produce Life naturally. It is due to lack of materials or "ingredients". Think of it like cooking, for instance making a soup. When You have all ingredients, You can make a soup. You turn on electricity or gas - this is energy which is required for cooking (Life), it can be Sun, volcanic activities or lighting strikes. Then You put on it water and start a cooking, putting each ingredient one after another. The result is a delicious soup! But now imagine that You won't have water, but You want a soup. So, You simply won't get the soup (Life). Such is the situation with most of the Planets. Most don't have water (liquid). Others for example have water, but don't have other ingredients. Though I know that "something" liquid is almost always more than enough to produce organic life. As liquid material serves as a mother's liquid (amniotic liquid) in which Life's appearing and evolves. Organic life can occur naturally pretty easily, but a lot of time is required. Here on Earth as we know Life appeared by itself, here are present all of the most necessary ingredients for Life. You won't find in entire Universe, Civilizations that will look as completely same like 1 to 1. All Beings are different, like every Individual Humans here. This is due to path of Evolution - 1 and "ingredients" - 2. Same like with Beings, You won't find Planet in entire Universe that will look exactly like Earth. Earth is unique and is only 1 of it's kind. Ingredients on it, are also unique. Number of which differs on scales You are accustomed to only here on Earth. On other Planets, numbers will be different, plus there will be others materials. Due to this, look of other ETs are different. Their inner Physical Body is having different composition as well, they need other food, other air to breath. Some though can have food and air of Humans. That is true Good Friend, speed of Light is in no way a limit. I named it only to give You an impression on how far those objects are. There are many ways on how to travel to very distant Stars and Galaxies. Some are like "stargates", others are like "portals" (both need something to be on "other side"), then we have a "compressed space" (which reduces distance), then we have "interdimensional" and "hyperspace" travels, these are transporting us to other dimension to travel fast between very distant places. Also we have "travel with fixed point" that is ship fixates at one point and travels with the speed of Universe where is needed (speed of Universe is super fast, much faster than speed of Light), but this travel type need ship to be cloaked, otherwise it will collide with anything physical on it's way. And we also have so called "speed of darkness", this is a highly evolved form of travel, it is very known for it's capability to travel instantly through something "dark" (like shadows or void of Space). With this speed You can go from one edge of Universe to another in less than a second. Yet it has a big drawback. It corrupts, like anything else connected with darkness. Only the most evolved may utilize this speed, it needs special materials and devices so to avoid corruption. Other most evolved way to travel, is the one Beings of Purity and demiurge are using. "Traveling through Mind" or "teleportation". If You want to get somewhere, You can simply imagine this place and You will be there. Beings of Purity still don't have access to travel super far, like from Galaxy to Galaxy, like You can with "speed of darkness". Yet the more Mind evolves, more farther You can "teleport" Yourself. Hope this helps You Good Friend! Much Peace, Calm and Prosperity!
For your viewing pleasure...
This series of videos was produced in the Fall of 2011 and the last one on 1-1-2012. The message has been always the same... We are One. ~Sophia Click below for each individual film. From September 30, 2011 Wake up to Love From October 7, 2011 We are One From October 23, 2011 Dream a New Earth From January 1, 2012 Message to Off World |
![]() The blog format is being used here as a place for comments on this Off World Conversation. The posts are from GE, Guardian/Executive, The Guardian of The Universe, unless marked Sophia.
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December 2019