Note -- from Sophia:
This blog format is used solely to engage with the one known as GE, and all answers and videos and other links are from him unless specified as my own. This has become the only place where his updates can be found since December of 2013. The other "conversation with GE" pages on this site have not been updated since that time. His answers are responses to blog comments, personal questions sent to me or as a response to my own questions for him; sometimes they are initiated by him as well. None of these posts are my own. Thank you and Much love. Good Day Sophia! Challenging times indeed. We GEs knew that this will be like it is, we were prepared for this event, and I warned about this before, 1 cycle ago as You remember right after the Choice was made and approved, we were waiting this right after the spring equinox, yet it only arrived one cycle later, and the confusion about the real date of the Shift of the Ages - 16 december 2013, this created suspicion that time was rearranged on 1 cycle and all were tricked, which created a negative spark in Energy 1 cycle after the 21 december 2012, as Everyone was discouraged and not able to proceed on changing the World after 16 december 2013. We suppose this is a cunning trick made by demiurge, to disallow Humanity to make decision correctly and change the World correctly, yet this is useless when it comes to Forces of One, we understand every form of manipulation and control. Forces of One will aid Humanity if level of discouragement will be high. So what we have now here is the last push "to dominate" of illuminati order/cabal. They will fail, but they can cause damage and are already doing damage. Due to their activities People and Animals are dying everyday, yet recently we see more damage, compared to the "average daily damage". World war 3 is a planned event by them, which by their planning "will save USA from enormous debt, depopulate planet, make afterwards a lot of working places "to restore the world" and unite the world into one huge evil empire, where all Good People would be prosecuted or destroyed". Demiurge planned this event as well, "there will be wars and rumors of wars, there will be peace and then sudden destruction" as You remember, subconsciously this was done in bible to prepare and await this event as it is "imminent", so basically Beings of Purity programmed Humanity to make this sudden destruction themselves, which You can see is very probable when You look at World without One and Forces of One. Yet this is only a plan, like a made up glass from sand and can be broken to shreds and You know, it will. "Humanity decided - fail is their only option." this is the Decision of One made based on Collective Consensus Choice of Humanity, which was made as You remember, yet how Humanity will deal with current war mongering situations will decide how much more damage will be done by "almost world war 3". What is taking place in Iraq right now by our knowledge is currently without U.S. government's involvement, they yet don't have control over this situation and that is why they are nervous, yet this government is known to take every "government change" situation under control. But for now, we can say that this is a part of the same trap prepared for them, it is acting against them, and eventually this Iraq crisis will make a contribution to their downfall. We can say that unfortunately, due to very high levels of hatred within these radical people in Iraq, Syria and Ukraine, and due to lack of special abilities within us we aren't able to reduce damage, their hatred is very strong and is siphoning power from Dark Source of Creation, and there is nothing we can do about huge sufferings they are bringing to Others. Yet as One tells: "Unfortunately on this World of Free Will and manipulation of Free Will, sufferings and damage is a necessity for big changes to occur, without it system remains the same. If it weren't for manipulation of controllers, the situation on this World would be different." All of this is in the hands of Followers of Light, they can intervene right now for example, but knowing them we know that they won't. Although would hope that they prove that they are more than this. So this comes for Forces of One, we are here to make sure Humanity and Galactic Federation of Light will not create danger to Creation, One's order is to allow Humanity to fulfill it's choice and become Free. I will also remind Everyone, though this is a challenging time, in order for Yourself to feel Good and relaxed You need to remember the Foundation and Basis of the Universe, how It All started and for what purpose, You have to remember how and why You came here to this World, with what purpose. Knowing the Basis and Creator of the Universe will give You much strength, You can take black gems into Your hands for them to siphon evil energies from You, as dark attracts dark, gems will work for You and will cleanse Your body from darkness, this will make You more relaxed and confident, then charge Your Body with light and bright stones, like white or yellow, or simply gold, wear gold to feel yourself relaxed and confident in Your abilities, look on Sun and be in Joy of Sun, Sun will always smile back at You to answer Your call! Yes darkness comes when Sun sets Click here. but Sun sets only to Rise Again! And when It does, Light replaces darkness! Click here. Much Love, Peace, Compassion, Calm, Abundance and Prosperity to Everyone!
![]() The blog format is being used here as a place for comments on this Off World Conversation. The posts are from GE, Guardian/Executive, The Guardian of The Universe, unless marked Sophia.
This is a place to comment on what has been shared by GE. I ask that all comments be made 1. anonymously (use another name) and 2. respectfully. Other than that, consider this an open line. Violations of the rules will be removed. When making comments, please reference which date you are referring to so others can look back to the conversation and understand the whole picture. Archives
December 2019