This was just received from Ray, regarding free energy:
*** Ray lives in Tempe, Arizona. I have his number if anyone would like to reach him, to begin the project, or just connect, please send an email to: [email protected], and I will pass it on to you! Dear Sophia: I regret that I have to say that the information on the free video of the Hendershot Generator is a fraud, a bit of misdirection to prevent the actual success of it's construction. If you will click on ( Click here ) by Dave Lowrance, you will see just how difficult building a working prototype will and how little is the reward in actual energy is available. Michael faraday in Dec 26, 1831 produced a very simple machine of one moving part called the one piece generator. It has a magnet glued to copper plate and a brush on the edge of the copper plate and another brush on the magnet. This arrangement will produce enough power to spin this pair of components with a whole lot of power left over. Bruce DePalma in 1978 produced a generator using this principle calling it The N-Machine. It produced over 100 killowatts and he was told by the government he could not sell any. He died without setting up manufacturing. It is referring the this update from February 1st: (-- "It appears that it will take about two to three hours to make the Hendershot power unit. It also appears that the steps are fairly simple. I believe I will organize a co-op of young out of work ambitious people to make these and share with each other the proceeds. It could spread very quickly across the planet. I think a good price would be $1,000.00 each. If I organize a production line and introduce automation gradually and lower the price as we progress, we can expand even more rapidly. Since Hendershot is long dead and his patent has expired, we can do it.")
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December 2019