Good Day Good Friends!
Yes, I know that many are saying about different moves and mantras, giving out instructions on how to perform it "correctly". These are all indeed rituals. Rituals shouldn't be underestimated, their power is great, since ancient times priests of different "deities" and "gods" were performing rituals to heal or to foretell the future and as well change the outcome of future through choices/wishes or wishful thinking. Rituals are a moves that are fusing physicality with spirituality, that is physical world with ethereal spiritual world. Such fusion is making a big change within physical reality and as well in spiritual. You know of ancient "relics" and "holy water", these physical items are charged with energy through power of sounds/words and great Energy of wishful thinking. "Holy Water" indeed has a great effect on a body, when it is charged. The more charge there, the more the effect is being felt. Rituals though can be used in both ways, in Good and evil. Illuminati and Freemasons are performing dark rituals with sacrifices to meet their dark evil ends, such rituals are resulting in curses and prevention of this World changing in Harmonious Way. With these rituals they are concealing reality and creating an illusion, as well bringing themselves success in finances, geopolitics and so on. You pointed out correctly, be guided by Your Higher Inner Self, if You don not feel that "instructions" on rituals are not resonating with You, You are always free to make ritual in Your own way, how You feel would be right or not make ritual at all. Click here for link discussed below. Thank You very much Good Friend Michael for providing link to dichotomy of the present time. Not all photos are pleasant, yet there was one photo which is in relation to this question of rituals, "100,000 monks in prayer for a better world", Meditation and Prayer are as well rituals. And how You do it, what intent do You have during performing such rituals is the most important, not the way how You do it. Yet there are many effects which can be achieved, through positioning of objects and different moves of Your body, as well making a different sounds with different frequencies and combinations (prayer and mantras). So as always Your own discernment is most important! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Click here for video discussed below. Good Friend Remi, very great video You presented, there is a lot told there about hidden symbology and all of this is connected with the same demiurge and this whole experiment. Not everything there may be truth, but as always, Your own discernment is most important, believe in what You think is right. I liked the part at 12:02 mark. This is a part where is told about vector and "7" symbol is as well represents an oval and "eye of satan" - antigod/anticreation, there was a video I presented previously which was made by former freemason, he exposed to You and Everyone the significance of oval in freemasonry. You never thought why White House is having exactly "oval office" and not round or squared? These symbols are present not only on space agencies' logos, but as well on many many trademarks and brands, which we are buying and using everyday, be as well notified, that when You are buying product with oval, there may be chemicals that are damaging to Your body, all chemicals that goes after in "E" classification are dangerous and most importantly all that goes after E621 are untested on human organism and can modify the DNA, they are used only in industry, but some products like potato chips, or many sweet products, like chocolate are having them, it is always wise to check the ingredients before buying what Yo are going to eat. Basically when You are buying a product with hidden symbology like eye, pentagram or oval, You are "agreeing that they are going to poison you and that you are supporting their system and their god". Remember, right now We are in the middle of Grand Cross, it is yet not fully formed, this Grand Cross may be a very big event for this Planet, this depends almost solely on Humanity, We GEs are working on preserving stability and preventing all conflicts. Aid this World how You can, meditation and wishful thinking is more that enough! Magnetic rotation technologies are spreading slowly, but surely. Remember You can aid this World and Humanity by spreading the knowledge of this technology, Thank You Good Friend Michael for sharing link to Good Friend Hope Girl, She shared the schematics for constructing her own design based on Tesla's records, which is working very well and gives a great energy charge! Much Peace, Calm and Prosperity to Everyone!
Good Day Sophia and Everyone! Happy Easter to You - the Celebration of Birth and Rebirth/Reincarnation! This is not a christian-only Celebration, it was celebrated since ancient times, this is a time when children are being "made". This is when Great Circle - Circle of Life begins!
Sunday was an Easter, it was an influx of a lot of great feelings during this date! Notice that Easter was both catholic and orthodox, this is quite rare when two churches have aligned Easter on one date, plus Blood Moon was aligned with one of the jewish tradition's feasts Click here. As You can see, much important for jewish nation events happened on lunar eclipse's tetrads when they aligned with feasts. Something to add to "coincidences". As You remember there are no coincidences, everything what is happening is happening because of something, as there is always a reason for it and there is always connection between things that are called "coincidences". Everything is interconnected. This is all a part of this grand Cosmic Intervention which We are experiencing at the moment. Big changes (physical) should start happening now on Grand Cross, or after partial Solar Eclipse. We should also meditate, so that changes wouldn't be "aggressive", which will create conflicts. Nothing to say about the news, except that all is the same for now. Situation is very tense, illuminati order are waiting for a possibility to start a big war, they are pushing hard on Ukraine as You can see, U.S. government and CIA are ordering Ukraine to suppress People of east Ukraine with army and radically aligned individuals. Something that is very disturbing. Illuminati's destiny is written and they are collapsing, yet what troubles us, is that they are stubborn in neverending greed/lust for power and other People's suffering.. In the coming Earth cycles, meditate/pray for Universal Harmony/Peace on Earth and Your united wish of ending experiment sooner-better! We are already having a form-up of Grand-Cross, and Lightworkers from Cobra's blog are going to meditate and make wishes on 21st april, so this is a great possibility to bring in great transformation, avoiding any and all conflicts! Much Peace, Calm and Prosperity to Everyone! Tomorrow will be the opposition of Mars, so we are beginning preparations to oversee and "control" the situation energetically and physically. I will answer questions about "time stretch", this is indeed important occurring.
This is about time stretch postponing Awakening and Rebirth. Indeed We noticed that at least one cycle (year) was altered, because all of what is happening now should have happened 1 cycle before, the 16 december of 2013 was the Shift of the Ages, when All the People of the Earth waited for this Shift on 2012 on december 21st. The illuminati order knew about the real date and they "celebrated" in South Africa making their own wishes and it looks like they manipulated the calendar by adding cycle 0 to it long ago using their ancestors I suppose and demiurge made some adjustments in energy system of Mother Earth. Yet the moment of choice was set correctly, decision was made and no longer can be broken by anything, it is sealed by One. And as You can see they were making "a choice" as a wish one cycle later on 2013. But We were able to make Our own wish there:) I also forgot to add Grand Cross alignment, another rare event that is going to take place almost in between lunar and solar eclipse. Thank You Good Friend dj for reminding Everyone about it! I found great website explaining in details about what it is, it is also from a Lightworker Click here. Yet to Everyone's knowledge, there was a shift back almost directly on ONE zodiacal sign in the skies. So this means you no longer Libra, but Virgo, or no longer Pisces, but Aquarius. In the website is told about old zodiac system where dates were written 2 thousand cycles ago and now need to be updated due to Grand Spin (movement of Solar System around the Sage Star A). But astrology adapted itself to suit the changes of individual Human Beings only, not counting the Grand Spin, so now if We will read about Ourselves knowing our sign, we will find only half-truth, the other half lies in our real sign of birth which goes one sign back (this is how we are changing era from Pisces to Aquarius, jumping one sign back), so shortly saying due to all of this We All have two zodiacal signs. Also there is a 13th sign - Ophiuchus - the serpent bearer. This sign is very special, and occult societies always include it in their calculations. People that were born from november 30 until december 17 are Ophiuchus, these People are having a lot of "duality" within Them, because this sign, this object of the sky is very close to Sage Star A and Actual location of demiurge and false heaven. So within these People is a constant battle between Good and Evil and True and False. I personally observed these People and can tell that this is 100% true. For example Britney Spears is also Ophiuchus and within Her is the battle which can be clearly seen. There is said that planets will be in 13 degrees angle within constellations: Uranus-Aries, Jupiter-Cancer, Mars-Libra and Pluto-Capricorn. This would be true 2000 cycles ago, yet today put one sign back and Grand Cross is Uranus-Pisces, Jupiter-Gemini, Mars-Virgo and Pluto-Sagittarius. There isn't completely 13 degrees on all the planets due to this fact, yet planets form a Perfect Cross on 23 to 24, because planets were unaffected due to Grand Spin only Cosmo was. This website of NASA gives dates that are set correctly by their own observations Click here. If You wouldn't believe NASA than look at the sky after sunset today and tomorrow, nearby Moon to the right You will be able to see one very bright star and above it two other bright stars, that is not star but Jupiter and above are the stars of Gemini - Castor and Pollux (Gemini's heads). So Jupiter is in the Gemini, in website is told that Jupiter is in the Cancer, Cancer goes after Gemini as You know, so this is a direct proof for Everyone that there was a shift almost precisely on one zodiacal sign. And Grand Cross is indeed a great moment, which We All can use to meditate to cease this experiment. On these dates like it is said on website, this is a great time for overall Planet's Awakening, so this is the moment that can be used! Also I will tell to You Good Friend that there mustn't happen anything right on 14-15 april dates. These are just the signs of possibility. The most probable for conflicts will be dates between Grand Cross and Lunar Eclipse, that are from 16 until 22 april. Washington DC for now would be unaffected like I was told. Also I wish Your Son and His Wife a Very Happy Life, Marriage is a Great Celebration. And to Youngest Son a fulfillment of His wishes!:) Meditate/Pray for Peace among All, Harmony and Coexistence on this Whole Planet, Mutual Love and Understanding between All People and Animals and Plants and Big Happiness to Everyone! Click here. I will also add this musical composition, very beautiful and true words about the Circle of Life Click here. Did you see this? Click here. Thanks, Sophia Indicium means data or information, it is an information to aid. I saw many different theories about the plane, I hope that People are ok and can return back to their relatives, but right now I can't say for sure, I can only hope, that feeling which I told before, it told that They are gone.. I don't like to think about that and will hope that my senses are false and they will be safe and sound. I need also to say about the preparation of Mother Earth and Father Sun to aid Humanity. Mother Earth along with Sun are preparing to erupt the most powerful volcano on Earth - Yellowstone subterranean volcano. Such eruption will halt all flights and stop industrial part of western and north western parts of U.S. And Father Sun is preparing to unleash the most powerful of all observed super solar flare varying from X-40 to X-70. This will overcharge the energy grid and burn out all transformers within territory where will be day on moment of collision of solar energy particles, completely turning off all electricity within that territory. The flare will be directed at United States, highly charged energy particles will reach Earth when in U.S. will be daylight. Both situations will reduce casualties of People, Animals and Plants to almost zero. The main intent here will be to prevent the outbreak of conflict and challenge to Creation by U.S. government and illuminati order. Both of these situations can be completely avoided, volcano will completely die out and Sun won't unleash super flare or will unleash it non earth directed if conflicts will be avoided. First event to happen will be Yellowstone, it will happen after april 14 - Moon and Mars unity if conflict would break out, it may also cause powerful earthquake on San Andreas fault or close to it, but only if U.S. government/illuminati will proceed with it's global domination agenda and create a big conflict by false pretexts/false flags or blatantly making direct aggression against Someone in the World. If Yellowstone will not stop or halt the conflict, Sun will unleash the super flare, it will vary in average from x-40 to x-70 based on situation and it's importance. If one flare would not be enough, Sun will unleash second with same or more power. And if that will not be enough, Followers of Light will be asked to politely intervene and stop the conflict, if they won't act then Forces of One would intervene and stop them. This is an information which we received not long ago and indeed Yellowstone volcano is giving signs of possible eruption to come, as well in California were quite strong quakes recently, about the Sun, I was receiving messages that "in case of no-exit Sun-Creator will aid this World". And remember this is just a possibility, this all can be avoided, meditate for Peace in all World, for Mutual Understanding among All things, for Unconditional Love among All living and non living things! Indicium
Good Day Sophia and Everyone! As we are approaching important date of april 15, which will be a 1st out of 4 lunar eclipse or "blood moon" Click here. I need to inform Everyone about possibilities. We will have an opposition of Mars on april 8th and on april 14 and april 15 Mars will be closest to Earth Click here. where You know, forever it was considered that Mars is the "planet of strife/conflicts/wars". As well Mars and Moon will be very close to each other on 14th april. Along with "blood moon" first of four, this creates a big possibility for a breakout of big conflicts. We have a big major pressure on 4 locations in the World, where such conflicts may break out. 1. Most important is Syria, illuminati order wishes to invade this country and recently they and Turkish government were planning to make a false flag attack on Turkey and blame Syria for this to justify the invasion, You also remember that Turkey is the member of U.S. NATO military alliance which makes it a dangerous twist. Turkey is arming the "rebels" which are mercenaries and extremists to "change regime" in Syria. Turkey is very closely associated themselves with cabal. 2. Then we have the pressure in North Korea, where North Korea wishes to make "The Killshot" prediction to come true, that is to launch nuclear missile to South Korea. 3. The pressure in Ukraine, where extreme russophobic nationalists wish to invade Russia and are asking for military aid from U.S., EU and NATO, right now they are quiet, yet this may turn differently when Mars and Moon will be united. 4. And last is still the same plot to make a false flag on eastern coast of U.S. Unfortunately, they still don't wish to give up and surrender, on the opposite, illuminati are making more aggression and provocation. Recently U.S. military was mobilized for a possible nuclear false flag on eastern coast which can be delivered whether "by plane" or "by ship" like they said. The missing flight plays it's role here, duplicate in Israel can be used for this plot, so it will be a time which We All need to look for! This big pressure for conflicts will end when Moon will reach opposite side of the Earth and make annular Solar eclipse on cycle - april 29th. This will mark the end of "times of uncertainty" as indeed these times are very unpredictable and everything can happen from april 14 until april 29, because strife and conflicts are closely associated with destruction thus with primal force of chaos and chaos as You All know is opposite to Order and is very unpredictable in it's nature. Anyway, the illuminati order is falling apart and these are the end times for illuminati/cabal and because they are making even more blatant resistance and challenge to Creation on the opposite of simply giving up, I will say that they are playing with fire and they can have a situation where all their bloodline will not be spared, they brought maximal Justice on themselves.. Now we heard that neither Light Followers, neither Forces of One will spare them on "normal conditions", yet if intervention would follow, they will be given one more chance to give up and cease confrontation and if they refuse, then, there wouldn't be any salvation for them.. This is all about current very tight situation, I advice Everyone to meditate and prevent all of conflicts from taking place, You know where You need to put Energy for Peace and Harmony. Let there be Peace and Mutual Understanding between Everyone! Much Peace, Calm and Prosperity to Everyone! |
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December 2019