Good day Sophia and Everyone!
I have some more Good news! More whistleblowers came out to testify against NSA Click here. And russian scientists wish to recreate Tesla's wireless Power Tower, the one for which J. P. Morgan stopped Nikola and his achievements and end his life in misery.. Click here. Such news are not available in western msm, now they are finally showing their true colors, they completely cover the Truth and simply ignore what is happening in the World. They only give version which illuminati order wish Humanity to see. Before they were doing it without much attention, but now People around the World are finally seeing their hypocritical behavior. They are owned only by a few major corporations which are telling them what to say and what to write and what to ignore Click here. Right now RT news network, along with iranian PressTV is doing great job in exposing Truth and giving out latest stories in their fullest "technicolor" picture. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "I have A B Negative blood and was told it is a very rare blood type. Do you know if it's from another planet? or an alien race? Thank you in advance for you help." Like we know all the DNA of all Humanity is having a string of extraterrestrial origin, a string from Beings of Purity of an Aspect of Light. We know that all blood and tissue of every Human Being is consistent from materials that are available only here on this Planet as all food Everyone is consuming is only from here. The Information of Aspect of Light sits within DNA and can be uncovered, I was mentioning how. The most important is Your Own thinking, if You think You are an ET, then most probably You are! Here are a lot of Souls of Extraterrestrials incarnated on this precise generation to witness great changes and play it's own part in such Change, whether change would be Good or evil. Now we come to a moment, when Change inevitably will be Good of an Aspect of Light. So again Good Friend, You are the one deciding whether Your believe is True or "false". In actuality all is true in it's way, remember that!:) _________________________________________________________________________________ "Hi GE, I think we are really close to some kind of crescendo cause I'm getting emotional squeezed every know and then. I used to remember most of my dreams especially the ones with specific messages but they have faded? What do you think?" Good Friend Oliver, we are indeed very close now, I myself am feeling this. I understand that if You no longer see the dreams, You have evolved now to state that You no longer need such dreams, You can finally understand reality and connect to Universe without necessity to dream. The emotional squeeze is due to such transformation. But there in Your Mind You are Master, so it is just my thoughts:) You also have great perspectives on Truth, Thank You! "Oh, another question. The good news link enclosed in the message...While it is a huge positive breakthrough, why must they use the term "New World Order" as the "new" name for plans to address poverty, balance humanity with nature/planet etc? Is this the same plan, just sold differently?" "New World Order" phrase was distorted by illuminati order like all the rest words, phrases and symbols, such like One, Isis and even GE ("GE Money", look at stylized symbol of it). In original meaning it means the different order of things of New World, which is a grand change in Society. They are using such powerful names to have what they want for themselves. But finally China and Russia are putting the original meaning of these words. Like I mentioned Russia and China are having their own view of New World, we can say that it is much different than martial law and tyranny which cabal wish to bring. Russia and China view New World as the World of Harmony and Co-Existence, no more wars, no more sufferings. They still would have some control, but this is to change as well, when they would be introduced to ETs. "Every day in my meditation I ask One to end this experiment now. But if that is not going to happen just yet, I really hope that, following this significant news about the Rothschilds, many other cabal groups / families fall like dominoes." Good Friend Curious, they really would fall like dominoes;) By asking One, eventually we will get it sooner than later. One need to see that is it something You really want. Because there was put a limitation on our minds as "too loose wishes" can make our life terrible and then we can regret of asking it "spontaneously", so we have to ask several multiple times same thing, it is not easy, but this is the point, we are testing ourselves whether "We really need it", and eventually after some time passed we would have it and almost always it comes to us unexpected as a surprise, at a moment we really weren't awaiting for it, so is One, One loves to surprise us:) And a lot time already passed since we matured and realized what was happening to this World, so now comes Humanity's United Wish and special for You wish Good Friends!:) "heartfelt thanks GE, needed that from u, guess you sensed,,, for me it's been feeling like so many mistakes,oh so many mistakes,,,, off topic, a question please, I am given to understand that i have been experimented on in a military program, wil there come a time when i and people like me will be allowed our memories so that we can deal with what happened and what we did, so that we can heal and move on with our lives?" Thank You Good Friend Michael, no need to blame Yourself, I know there comes time when old "mistakes" are going back from our memories, but these are not "mistakes", this is what have to be happened back then and this is a lesson for You to learn from. You are asking about outside fix of such "mistakes", Forces of One have technologies to fix such, like I mentioned "healing of the past", though they won't be allowed here. Humanity have to redevelop them first. With current technologies only memory can be erased, but this would create different Human Being who will need to relearn almost everything anew, if You want to preserve memories and Your formed character, these mistakes can't be fixed without Your own understanding. I know some events in Your life may hurt You very badly, like You chose this path of life, when You could have chosen different, or made some bad thing about which regret later. Mistakes are made to overcome them and become stronger so to not repeat them again. These are the same "mistakes" when we are trying to get used to walking when we are only toddlers, these are mistakes when we are learning to solve arithmetic or puzzle riddles. We are learning Ourselves on mistakes, and to not fall onto "dark side" when we see "no exit" (this is when we can't Understand what to do next, and evil thoughts are guiding us away from Light), we have to remember the basis from which we started this life and from where we appeared. The Source as You know, by looking at the Sun and seeing it's Light we can remind Ourselves of that Beginning that We witnessed when we were "not here". Along with such Thoughts remember Your child self still sitting deep inside You, You can always call to it and restore Your powers and Energy. Then carry on! Life offers endless amount of opportunities as there is nothing impossible in this Creation, You can make things even better then You could have ever imagined!! "Good day GE,in the last message you that the Titanic was sunk,making all prequisites for WW1, can you elaborate please.Thank you" This is another conspiracy of the "elite". There on ship Titanic were many major figures of british and american societies that could've prevented WW1, as You know many very "rich" and influential persons died on that ship. This also gave the ability for Federal Reserve to take control over USA's government and it's money system completely as on titanic were many influential persons that were not allowing it to happen. This ship was intentionally built from low quality steel to be sink and very few life boats were issued on it, so to not allow majority to save themselves... The plan for WW1 was orchestrated by 33 degree freemasons including Albert Pike, Rockefellers and Rothschilds. Ship Titanic was a part of it. If You remember that news were saying that "this ship is unsinkable" and "such ship can't be sank even by God". This was a welcome for all the richest persons in U.S. and Britain and a warning for illuminati members and freemasons, that it is going to sink. Here I found one website that tells about this story, but not fully Click here. "Djon Hi Good Friend and all.I found this video: Click here. It's about the IMF and the numerolycal number 7.It coincides with the July climax you talked about.What do you think about it?" "NLNL Wow Djon, great find! So what do we do if true? Pull all our monies out? What about RSPs and Other security savings?" Great find Good Friend Djon! Indeed there is a hidden message about number 7, they were warning about WW3 and huge false flag event. The WW3 is cancelled, the false flag event is still a possibility. They are now becoming very irritated because all their plans and their image are falling apart, so they can make many things, everything I warned You before and yes including "financial reset" almost like their orchestrated 2008 "mortgage crisis". I advice You to have provisions, like food, water, most necessary domestic things at hand and money in reserve of course, because they are very chaotic right now. We should start seeing their desperate movements starting from 20th july like it is mentioned in a video, "the grand climax" will take place on 27th, so be ready and meditate for World Peace, Stability, Love among All, Harmony on this Planet and between Every Person, living and non living! "actually guys, it'll be the most wonderful thing, the first real sign of our freedom,, from what i understand ( been following this for 30 years).from what i understand of the most recent events in the last ten years, a masterful reversal of fortune has been implemented and occurred, the details are deep and complicated, buuuutt, what seems to have occurred is the cabals plan for instituting a system based on the SDR ( special drawing rights) continuing the fiat based debt system from the roman times and bringing that into a international sys using problem reaction soution scenario,,has been usurped ( kinda like they do to the good things that are created hereon the planet ) and is being created by the "good" guys into a decentralized asset based financial sys ,,this is that time,, there's a couple of variations on the lagard tape,, the one that looks the best is 7/7/2014=777 the "father" number, i guess it's called, as 0pposed to 666,,, the son? (diumurge?) interesting is it not? Anyway Happy Independence Day" You've found very great analogy Good Friend we expect this Monday to be special and we will meditate due to overall numbers 7 and it's significance, like You pointed out, Everyone can meditate and charge this World with Harmonious Energies on this date of 7/7/2014 where 2+0+1+4=7, so it's 777, then 7+7+7=21 july, we can join our powers together for great Change to occur sooner rather than later, and soon there will be new Independence Day of Humanity:) I also will share music Into the Light Through Purple Skies Through Theogony (The story of Creation of gods, Humanity's story:) To become the Eyes of the Sky With Peace, Love and Prosperity!
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December 2019