"Dear GE,
I would love to have a very long winded letter here, as i do enjoy yours, the more u talk about the same subject the better I understand it,, it's like describing the same bush from different angles,, these days my backs to the wall with time, money ect., soooooo with out explaining myself,, please speak of everything u have on Forces of One Ideology,, utmost importance for me,, please be redundant,,and allow yourself to go wherever you want with it, your description will be carefully incorporated by myself. as always,, with great appreciation, May you be well" "back to my interest ge of the forces of one ideology, there's a blueprint for freedom somewhere in creation, now sure, just as when u might give me a print to build your house with i"ll have to modify it to fit the circumstances in the field, but being who u say they are it's always good to go with the top notch EXPERIENCED architects , I don;t suppose they come in often so we're looking at a once in an existence opportunity to learn from the best. IE. hehe doe's dat have de lumps on dare head,,,made the mistakes and have the corrections. may u all be well" Ok Good Friend, I will reveal some part of ideology of Forces of One. First I will say on differences. The Forces of One is not one civilization, it is a huge super cluster of different groups of very different civilizations. For example some group are breaking away from one civilization and choosing other planet for development and thus making it's own ideology for development. There are millions of such different branches and divisions of Forces of One and each is having it's own ideology. The basic ideology of Forces of One tells: Harmony above All Else. Everything must Co-Exist in perfect Cycle of Birth and Rebirth. Universe is a Balanced Creation of Chaos and Order. Maintain the Order of Balance. Care for One Another. When visible, aid Those that ask for Help with Their Soul. Care for Youngsters and Educate Them. Whenever Youngster don't know something, tell what He/She needs to know. Share what You have. Give what You have to Others in need. Be Open, have no secrets among Each Other. Always start a talk even if it is not important and tell Everything. Our Collective Duty is to fulfill the Orders of One. One Orders to keep the Balance. Scales of Balance are always Equal. One Orders to Equate the Balance. These are 8 Primal Laws of Forces of One, each goes by saying of Law and then is followed by a detailed part. Every Law has it's pair, they don't have numbers, they are Equal. To add here, we have 8 prime civilizations, in their bodies are encoded 8 prime codes which have all characteristics of all "possible civilizations" in the Universe. They were chosen by One to be the original civilizations of Forces of One and whole Universe. Was chosen 8, due to Star of Order and symbol of One - 8 pointed star. These 8 prime civilizations are having 8 different original ideologies (1 to each). All of these ideologies have this same Primal Laws. But again, excluding Laws, ideologies are different, because Beings there are different. Human civilization bears the markings of a civilization known as Izauya civilization on it's language (Izauya means - born of Yellow (or Golden) Colored Star). This is 1 of original civilizations and they look like Humans and have many similarities with Humans. We GEs are contacting them, because here we are Humans as well, so obviously They understand us on the best level possible then all the other prime civilizations. Under the command of ancient and primal civilization Izauya here are present at least 300 more civilizations and together are coming to millions of vessels, very large and small and this is just a smallest friction of whole Forces of One and this number may be increased or decreased if necessary. All vessels are shifted into other dimension from which they are able to see what is happening here, but from here they are non-existent (technology of Ancient Machines). Among present Forces of One are many Youngster civilizations, They are learning from older civilizations. Along with this prime civilization here are present 3 other prime civilizations, they observe and aid the Free Will of Humanity. All act as One. So ideology of Izauya (Human-like civilization) are those Laws and as well: Love One Another. Be in Synchronicity with Your Friend of Life. Care for Other Gender. Do what He/She ask, this always benefits Your Soul. Love Everyone around You. Always aid first Those that You barely know. Find Common Understanding. Understand Everyone as if They are You. There are more Laws among these, these ones are given to us GEs. All of these Laws are given with a thought that they are only being used within Forces of One and not outside. What comes outside is having many nuances, like scheme of "Holy Order of One", this is when evil is being done and Order to "contain it" is issued by One. I think You will find interesting a video of how Earth look like from ISS in high definition. In such color ETs sees this Planet, from first glance You can see nothing except for blue, brown and white and no one is seen from up there. But when You look closer You can see Life flourishing Everywhere Click here. Hope this will aid You Good Friend! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I will add some more music. This music will aid You in keeping Your focus Tuesday Click here. Burden of Atlas Click here. Iron Poetry Click here. Talia's Theme Click here. Architects of Life Click here. Birth of Love Click here. Remember Good Friends, we are not done yet. Meditate for World's Peace and Harmony and Mutual Love Among All Things! Stay focused and be ready for everything, We All know the Outcome and the Outcome will benefit All of this Planet's Many Inhabitants! The biggest obstacle that stands in a way is "fear". If You have some hidden fears from Your past, You have to face and overcome these fears Click here. And Guardians - Always Ready to Aid and Defend Click here. With Peace Calm and Prosperity. ~~~ This is Sophia, Check out the other pages on my new site! In gratitude for all of you, I am gifting both a personal Mandala and a session this week! Find the link on the home page for your chance to enter! Much love and peace everyone...~~~
"Dear GE,
the reason for my comment on Yellow Rose was that the character of "One" that she describes is very different from the "One" that you describe. She talks about "One" and the "enemy fiorces" in terms of "good" and "bad" as if these are black and white. I have come to realise that, no matter how powerful all these creators, demiurges, etc are, it is not as clear cut as "they are good therefore everything they do is clearly good". What I see and experience on earth is that not everything they do is good for us, eg, One setting such a long deadline for finishing the experiment, rather than cutting it off the very moment really evil things started happening. That is why I suspected she might unintentionally be talking for someone other than the real One. I apologise to her in absentia for accusing her of working for the demiurge. I agree with you about her voice reflecting truth - it clearly does. I'll keep working on my discernment - I have a long way to go with this !" Your discernment is very strong Good Friend! And yes She describes One differently, because Everyone seeing One differently. One is not having a fixed body (demiurge have fixed body, One does not). One always present Itself to You in a way of how You want to see Creator of the Universe. One can look like that bearded god Zeus or Yahweh or like Mother Earth or Goddess of Love or like Your Father or Your Mother or Brother or Sister, or It even can look like You! It is how You want to see One, will One appear before You. So perception of others may not match Your own perception, like for example my own perception is not matching Yours in proportion of 1 to 1. We all have a different notion of One and this is a unique characteristic of Every Individual. This is meant to be so. To understand One, we GEs look on basics, we look at fundamental origin of One. From here we can form a basis on understanding what One truly is, from here we know that One is everywhere within Each of Us, within every Star and every existent and non existent Thing. All of what exists in our minds is One, remember that picture we see though our Human Eyes is just an imagination, it is what our Brain is forming as a picture from available "pixels" of color and forms, which Brain can calculate and form, same goes to Ears. What we see and hear is only a small fraction of a real and complete picture and sound. And this by itself means that Good Friend Yellow Rose meant same One as we do, yet only from different "angle" :) In order to understand One, of why One is allowing sufferings, You have to again look at the very basics of Creation, of why One made this Universe. It is made for Everyone to experience this Creation and sufferings unfortunately are a part of this huge experiment-experience of One. We all are taking part of aiding One in understanding and uncovering of all potentials of All that can exist. New abilities, designs and new things are appearing from our experience. Demiurge wishes to repeat what One is doing and so this being is also fulfilling the role of "observer". Yet demiurge failed in "non-intervention" policy and intervened here, because it was pursuing it's own agendas and goals, this is where the "sin" of demiurge is. And that is why we GEs are here and that is why "apocalypse scenario" wasn't allowed to happen. As You can see Everything is interconnected, all You have to find are invisible strings that connects All. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ "Looks like September is all a buzz with more "important" dates and "keep your eye on..." tags. Don't we go throughout this every month? LOL! GE, i have been seeing tiny orbs every so often throughout the day, one or two will show up, catch my attention, then fade away. I have tried to find out what they are and why am I seeing them. I know it's not a health symptom or issue. Any info would be very much appreciated. :)) Also, talk, once again, has ramped up about debt forgiveness (actually, we need to forgive "them" for using our energy as money and making us pay for it!) and RV funds, etc. what is your take on this? What is their planned outcome to keep people focused on the proverbial dangling carrot? With many Blessings, and appreciation, NLNL" Yes Good Friend, illuminati/cabal are trying hard with "ebola scare", with "isis terror scare" and with these months being "important" to keep Everyone occupied in some sort of "fear" so to move eyes and attention from something more important like completely corrupted and failing system of "west" and overall degradation of corrupted financial system of same "west". The most important lesson here is to not give into fear, or wrong sense of fear may have not a good effect afterwards. As well, when they are saying that "ebola can kill millions of People" or "isis is a direct threat to America" or "isis is planning an attack on u.s.", don't give into these lies. These are abusive lies, with them they want You to believe that this is a danger (which creates fear) and when People believe in this, They are unintentionally Sub-Consciously attracting such things and dragging them closer, so that such evil occurrences could intersect with Their lives (and under sense of fear this is having tenfold effect). I guess You Good Friends are well versed in this, it is one of the most important knowledge to arm Yourself with. On this note, I will add that I am encouraging You to be always focused right now, that is why I am revealing to Everyone here the last knowledge we obtaining on possible false flags or some same sort of not so good things. Here is most important not to see my message as "fear mongering", but to meet such occurrence with determination and sense of complete fearlessness. When You look right in the eyes of a danger with no sense of fear whatsoever, You are able to completely overcome this. Remember fear is main weapon of illuminati/cabal. Any talk about "money" is having dark presence within it. When there is money, there are invisible strings attached, be careful with this Good Friends. In order to understand what they want by saying this, You have to read between the lines and look for connection, it will lead You to the source of this. I may guess these orbs are the same probes of Followers of Light. Sophia not so long ago was showing these orbs. Although I need to see them, I can't be sure. But like You are saying, I can say that they sit in other dimensional world close to this one and from there they are fulfilling operation on Aiding Humanity. That is why they "blink". We have a knowledge that they are spreading charged Light Energy by using these orbs throughout the World. Their appearances became more frequent around the Earth recently. I hope this helps You Good Friend!:) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ "Hi GE, thank you so much for the info you give us! It really means a lot. I would really appreciate your view on the following: http://americankabuki.blogspot.com/2014/09/jim-willie-crash-heard-round-world.html (especially AK/Bill's notes in red), and this one as well: http://redefininggod.com/2014/09/the-imf-and-the-mainstream-media-are-following-the-blame-the-fed-script/ Again, thank you!" Always glad to aid Good Friend! You wanted to know whether this is true or not, we heard of this, yes it is true. Still, I want You to discern everything on Your level of thinking Good Friend. I don't look much at anything that is related to money, the less attention We are giving to money and finances, the less important it becomes for Us, the more We do, the more deeper enslavement of money becomes. Saudi Arabia, little by little are abandoning evil dollar currency and all western money institution are losing power. Rothschild family indeed were forced to abandon their assets in Russia's banking system. Right now Russian government is cleaning up it's whole system of any and all western influence, before that, Russia was quite controlled by western influence. We can't say same about China, as in China Rothschilds have larger control there, yet don't worry, as You remember Rothschilds want to avenge their fallen family members during ww2 and so they are aiding "New World Order" proposed by Russia and China (BRICS) and are helping in destroying the "New World Order" which is proposed by USA and EU with NATO. The NWO proposed by USA is much much harsher and merciless than one proposed by BRICS. Most terrible in their planning is that the evil order seeks to destroy 90% of All Population of Humanity and make Everyone that do not come into "elite" category sterilized... The NWO proposed by BRICS seeks technological evolution, eradicating of worldwide poverty and reduction of prices on all items right to the "items for free". If Rothschilds will double cross such effort, then they will be quickly dealt with and they know it. Otherwise they are most welcome in aiding Humanity and also welcome to be a part of a New World and as well are welcomed to taste the fruits of their aid. We GEs are ready and will gladly aid such World Order, also because this is a part of our own directive given by One. Good Friend AK believe that Everyone are together playing a game with Humanity. We know such People, He and other Good Friends need a fundamental proofs which will prove them that it is not like that. We need to have belief in People, We are All One and the Same, We have different views, but like You can make mistakes, so can those People that have Authority make mistakes, and like You can fix those mistakes, They can fix these mistakes as well. __________________________________________________________________________________________ "On the sept. 5th update,, christianity /iluminati,,,,,,,,more of the dark vs light paradigm seen played out in the brics vs fed paradigm,, now go to sept. 15 update and the statement EVERYTHING is a managed alien influence (hehe civilizations up in the bleachers takin bets on the pony's) http://redefininggod.com/ somewhere in his last couple of articles, his statement of "we take sides ,it's a trap, we need to focus only on our own development and freedom and direction WE wish to take " Yes Good Friend, You are completely right here. They are trying to make separation on Everyone, creating something good or bad, light or dark is their favorite. They prefer to make themselves as "saviors", but it simply don't work anymore. They are making separation and duality, so that while We would "hate" Each Other and destroy Each Other, they can make what they want without being interrupted. But when all the focus is on them, then it is impossible for them to do their dirty evil works. So it works when We know of all this manipulation and thus we can stop them dead in their tracks. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "I would like to know Who or Whom has been Activated and is representing their relationship and Influence through the perceived SageStar A. And you Feelings about this Winter Solstice Conjunction - in relation to SageStar A and the next phase after Activation. It sounds like some big ass Machine for Cleaning this Star System -"
An interesting information You have Good Friend. It is quite complicated though, remember SageStar A is our designation for Galactic Center (it is compressed Sagittarius A* - center of Milky Way Galaxy - in our classification Grand Creator or also referred by us as Grand Seeder, Grand Father or simply Granpa). SageStar A was partly activated to block all negative and evil thoughts of Everyone in this World. So far it is working and due to this we have a much more stable situation in the World then it could have been. So far we did not hear of significant conjunction on Winter Solstice. The next important event will be second Moon eclipse also called "blood Moon" out of 4 - tetrads on october 8 Click here. Changes within jewish timeframe will be much more obvious right after this Lunar Eclipse. All I can say for now that changes are going for Good, indeed Humanity will see and witness Great Changes. Still, don't lose focus Good Friend, We are not done yet. Illuminati/cabal are still a danger and they can still throw something nasty. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Thank You for Your great efforts Everyone! We feel how situation around the World is rapidly changing in a Good Way and Awareness of Everyone increasing tremendously! Large scale conflicts are being prevented on daily basis and overall Harmony of World increasing! Everything went out well and fortunately nothing was attempted by illuminati/cabal on 9/11 and afterwards, these are great news! As well, Sun gave out an Earth-directed Solar Flare X 1.6 (1+6=7) at 17:30 right before 9/11 in form of a Heart Symbol, such form of Heart is a very rare occurrence on the Sun, so it obviously was a signal for Everyone here;) Click here. the released charged energies charged positively All Earth's Population and thus brought more Awareness to Humanity! Right now in New York the move "Flood wall street" is taking place which is going against the illuminati/cabal banking system! Click here. Police is behaving brutally as if they are the police of cabal and media is keeping quiet on this. Support the Good Friends, spread this knowledge and Your Wishful Thinking will be just about enough for this! All of this is just showing that all cards are now turned against illuminati/cabal! They are in a very grave situation, they can no longer push their fearmongering and warmongering on Everyone, plus they are so desperate and being watched on such a level that they simply could not throw another false flag anymore. Everyone would pretty much quickly figure out, who is responsible here. And these are a very Good and Great news for Everyone! Still we will look for them as always, we GEs are ready for every turn of events. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I also have some more Great News considering technologies - 3D printable Solar Panels! This is having huge potential, if this will be done correctly these Solar panels will be able to power everything on same level as magnetic rotation technology Click here. And another turn of events, Rockefellers want to sell their fossil fuel assets and invest into Renewable Energy, we know that this is their desperate move to increase their "reputation" on the edge of their inevitable downfall, but it simply won't help them after many cruelty their family done. Still, this is a better turn which they made and if they will continue on same path and make more turns on same route of Justice, they just may save themselves. Click here. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ "There are good news on the Ukrainian front.The war has reached a tipping point and the ukrainian army is now losing." http://vineyardsaker.blogspot.be/2014/08/august-29th-1535-utczulu-ukrainian.html Thank You Good Friend! Indeed it was. That is why ukrainian government called for "truce", as loss was inevitable for them. Truce is very good and it helps People to restore strength and to liberate prisoners of war, there is a lot of destruction already made in Ukraine, overall human casualties are exceeding 10000, infrastructure in regions terribly damaged. But it is just temporary as we know. Ukrainian evil government wish to destroy this rebellion "no matter what". Only because they were losing, they backed and told about "truce". This is a tactic of reptilians, whenever they lose they back off to regroup and to regain strength while in "truce", then they continue on their war business. A snakish tactic to say the least. You can see that recently when ukrainian "president" was welcomed in congress during present "truce", he asked for weapons, military machinery and money for army (only, not telling a thing about ukrainian People). This is their two-face tactic in action. Yet here is the good thing. The Followers of Light stopped all their support for current ukrainian government and are seeking their complete and utter dismantling, so as One, Mother Earth, Sun and SageStar A are allowing this to happen. Followers of Light also seek to aid every big nation (that is having different ideologies and languages) in Ukraine and so look into separating Ukraine on 2 or 3 independent countries. Under current events this would be a wise way out of this mess as this country is broke on every level and country is filled with big inner hatred. Current ukrainian government and whole stance of Ukraine is not welcomed in their evil actions on all levels of Creation, they are destroying themselves from inside. This government is using the pure dark side energy, that is coming from dark source, so their dismantling is most welcome, it will aid in weakening them and avoiding possible large scale conflicts. On situation around "islamic state" everything looks the same, but One intend this evil group to play it's part in destruction of illuminati/cabal. Ukraine had almost fulfilled it's part, so this trap is almost closed. To say the least, in Ukraine everything will go in right direction, all of this is signifying the end of experiment. And like it was said, those that were unjustly destroyed by this evil "islamic state" and evil ukrainian government, as well anywhere else in the World (meant with the help of hidden hand of cabal) will be "resurrected" afterwards, but only if They would want to return here. Yet this wouldn't be done until the end of experiment - Moment of Justice. We were working on some issues, so I wasn't available for some time...
"So, nothing happened on Sept. 11th. What do things look like now?" Yes, nothing happened and it were a great news! This is just showing that all cards are now turned against illuminati/cabal. They are in a very grave situation, they can no longer push their fearmongering and warmongering on Everyone, plus they are so desperate and being watched on such a level that they simply could not throw another false flag anymore. Everyone would pretty much quickly figure out, who is responsible here. Still we will look for them as always, we GEs are ready for every turn of events. Nothing new on Yellowstone, danger is still there, yet volcano now a little calmer then it was. It is due to situation around the World. Summarily speaking, activity of Yellowstone jumping up and down, based on situation around the World. In overall summary, on this moment everything is relatively calm in the World. "There is so much desperation around money and so many promises around "prosperity" being part of the change and event ... people have their hopes up so high, as if that is the answer and indeed it feels as if that would make everything fixed and fair. It would not, but people are desperate. It is a scary time and I know people are looking for answers." That is sad to see, indeed many think that this is "a way out" of this, when in actuality this is only playing into the hands of those that make money and use money to control. Like we know, there is no intention of bringing in "prosperity funds" of governments of the Earth to People of the Earth. The key to solving all World's problems is number 1 - knowledge/awareness, number 2 - fearlessness and number 3 - technologies. Everything is interconnected: knowledge and awareness will reveal what is hidden "beyond veil", when People will be aware of all dangers and what to expect from future, it would bring in a sense of fearlessness and with power of internet and knowledge, People of any kind would be able to make new technologies and technologies by themselves will ease life of Everyone and make Everyone much more Happier, which in return would bring Harmony and Love among Everything. "I have been wondering too about Ariel Sharon as you had indicated that he was one of the markers to look for.?" Yes indeed Ariel Sharon was last big marker and after him passing away we will see changes. It was told by rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri that "soon after Ariel Sharon would pass away, "the messiah" will come shortly". You remember what "messiah" was, right? By soon it is meant in some time, not like instantly. He passed away only at the beginning of this solar cycle (January 2014) and this solar cycle still counting. On cosmic scale 1 solar cycle here equates to "less than a moment" in Universe (this is less than a second). So soon means some time will go, in our observation of Energy it is at least 1 solar cycle apart from this occurrence. Do not worry Sophia, changes are occurring rapidly, everything is going as "it supposed to be" (that is in a way when we saw such outcome). |
The blog format is being used here as a place for comments on this Off World Conversation. The posts are from GE, Guardian/Executive, The Guardian of The Universe, unless marked Sophia.
This is a place to comment on what has been shared by GE. I ask that all comments be made 1. anonymously (use another name) and 2. respectfully. Other than that, consider this an open line. Violations of the rules will be removed. When making comments, please reference which date you are referring to so others can look back to the conversation and understand the whole picture. Archives
December 2019