Hi again. This is the second part of the Guardian’s update. Before sharing it, an introduction is necessary.
The Guardian has shared his knowledge/information about the first settlement of humanity on earth. There are words used in the information that will probably trigger you. There are subject matters that may do the same. I hesitate to share it here because of these words and subject matters. I have been advised NOT to do so by some people very close to me. They feel it could color/tarnish my reputation and create a label/impression of my work that is incorrect. It has taken a few days to decide whether or not to share this. I have decided to do so for several reasons. These reasons outweigh any untruths that might pop up as a result. At least I feel that they do. First of all, I agreed to be a messenger for the Guardian. This information is part of his message. Secondly, this information is already readily available to you if you speak Russian. It originated in Russia. Third, I believe in my readers. If you have stuck with me and the Guardian and the cast of characters who’ve been speaking to us these last 5 years, then you comprehend truth, and know that I am about love and sovereignty and truth always. Words and labels have been thrown out the window and, in their place, we’ve uncovered many hidden gems. I believe that this information is one of those gems. Fourth, and possibly last, is this. The words used in the Guardian’s telling are his own. English is not his first language and he is attempting to translate Russian text. He uses words that, and here is the part to remember, our history has taught us to regard as evil and wrong and indicative of polarity and extermination. Words like “Aryan” and references to both skin and eye color are deeply embedded in the Guardian’s update. Tread gently and keep an open mind. Realize that your initial reactions stem from what you’ve been told and how these words and subject matters, like skin color, have been used in foul and evil ways to degrade us and separate us. I have spoken to him about these word uses and here is part of his response: “that is one of the reasons why this information is dangerous, because it describes differences in both skin and eye color and also overall "Aryan culture" which was used by Hitler to justify evil deeds. This information might brand People "racist" or "anti-semites", we GEs had a suspicion, and not just a suspicion, but we are 100% sure that all "Hitler and nazi Germany" scheme was made purposefully to discourage People to know anything about ancient Slavyans and Aryans. Because evil ones knew that eventually People will find out about past and will want to know about it, that is why they put a very negative image on all this knowledge.” He spoke at length about skin color, and how it is a distinct part of all beings in the universe, and the first thing we notice about each other. He mentioned how we’ve labeled one of the extra-terrestrial races the “Tall Whites” with no repercussions. He also referenced the Hopi tribe with their stories of the 4 races/tribes of Humanity: “White, Yellow, Black, Red”. White is merely a skin color. There are many. It need not carry the heavy load it has been burdened with on earth, thanks in no small part, to the Nazi regime. Finally, and as always, use your own discernment here. We are in a time of deep disclosure and this bit of potential truth is being shared for that reason. Direct any and all questions to the Guardian regarding this information. He has said that he hopes to be around for a little bit longer now, and hopes to send another batch of updates on our history. I don’t know how long he’ll be here, and either does he. For any references to images or graphs, go to the end of this post. You'll find them all there. Much love, Sophia Here is the Guardian’s update on our history: "Yes Good Friend GE, I am ready I am impatiently waiting to know what you have say about our History." Ah, My Friend, it's about time i am giving this out!:) So here We will finally touch upon the subject of history, let's start My Friends! Creater of The Universe made it so that before You get to know history of the World, Creater-One needed to see whether You are ready or not for this, because it has a profound effect, this knowledge is almost entirely not known in "mainstream" of internet which is in the west. So all of these prolongations, they were meant to be My Friends. So here i will retell the story of settlement of Humanity on this Planet. Know Friends that not everything can be translated from russian to english easily on top of that here are words that are not used in official russian language of today. So take notice that some things might "not fit" into all the picture, yet i try to translate this as best as i can! i was using translators on some words and my russian Friend was helping me A LOT! Big credit to Him as well, Thank Him too My Friends!:) i will try to translate directly and literally word-to-word to give out the best matching meaning of every single word, so to not lose any thing in this text and to not make any confusion. The most important thing is to understand words "Genus/Lineage" and "God and gods". Everything in ancient knowledge of Aryans revolves about and around Genus, Lineage, Family and it's great importance! The main God of their pantheon was called "ROD", it is "Genus" in russian. Many russian words even today have this root in their words, so this is indeed a very important word! And about "God-gods" - ancient Slavyans-Aryans were saying "Bog" and "bozhichi" not in the form of "owner" like judeo-christianity is giving out, but in the form of a Relative, they were seeing gods as their fathers and mothers, like some great great granpas and great great granmas and in fact these "gods" were real and alive and were visiting Earth many times. They brought in much vegetation, trees, animals from other Worlds. So try to not misunderstand me when i will mention words "God and gods", here is a big talk about them. So here goes (my comments are in blue and stylized): .... And it was morning.... And stood into Great Circle Brotherhoods of 4 Tribes of Race of Heavens (also Heavens' Race), that arrived from Constellations of Orion, Lion, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. And Priests-Volhvs (can be translated "priests-magicians", yet this is not literal translation, there is simply no words to correctly describe them in english) lit The Sacred Fire of Inglia - The Firstborn Energy of Creation and glorified The Light Gods of Thrones of Svarga Purest (Milky Way Galaxy). And came out The Great Priest of Rasens - into the centre of the Circle, blessed VELES, in tall pink toga, he was tall, with hair of raven's wing (means black), brown-eyed, he rose his hand to native Star of Rasens - Denebola and said: AZ YESM BOZHICH OF RACE OF HEAVENS ("I AM GOD" in the form of ancestor and keeper of children - of all tribes and of Genus/Lineage). SWEAR TO SERVE THE GENUS/LINEAGE! TO GLORIFY THIS LAND, in THE NAME OF PROSPERITY of our new birthplace (new home), will keep our Great Genus of Rasens, will love this Country DAARIA - Gift of Gods! From ages, to ages. From Circle to Circle! So it was, so it is, so it will be! And came out The Great Priest of Rusans - into the centre of the Circle, threelight LADAAD, in tall toga, with blue azure in his eyes, with light-brown hair. Majestic and beautiful he layed his hand on heart into centre of his chest, and then rose his hand to sky and said on cosmic language of devangari: AZ YESM BOZHICH OF RA-M-HA THE GREATEST, SWEAR TO FULFILL EDIFICATIONS (like "commandments", but these are more like "instructions" on how to live right) OF HIGHEST GODS OF SVARGA PUREST, WHERE MEASURE of all words and acts - ARE CONSCIENCE, HONOR, JUSTICE, LOVE! Following Veda-Inta. Truth our is firm! From now on, from ages to ages. So it was, so it is, so it will be! And came out into Chamber's (People gathering) central Circle HAARYAN - The Great Commodore of Galactic Fleet El-G (dʒi) PERUN, space wanderer tightened in brown uniform, tall, higher than 2 metres, hair white to his shoulders, with emerald color of eyes and raised his hand to sky he solemnly said: AZ YESM BOZHICH PERUN, SWEAR TO PROTECT ALL GENUSES/LINEAGES OF GREAT RACE FROM ALL FOES/ADVERSARIES OF EARTH AND FROM OUTSIDE OF EARTH, WHO WILL WANT TO TAKE AWAY FREEDOM and LIFE OF MY CONGENERS/RELATIVES - WILL BE PUNISHED. TO ALL WORTHY I WILL ASSIST IN WORTHY AID, IN THE NAME OF GREAT TRINITY - OF GODS RAMHA, SVAROG, VISHENY! From now on, from ages, to ages - eternally!. From Circle to Circle. And came out into Chamber's central Circle Daaryan - The Great Commodore of Galactic Fleet El-G RAMHAT, grey-eyed, with long light ashy hair, strict beauty and grandeur, raised his hand in greeting to all and said light speech: AZ YESM BOZHICH RAMHAT OF RACE WHITE! SWEAR TO PROTECT WISDOM OF PREVIOUS EARTH OURS INGARDT OF STAR DENEBOLA, ALL KNOWLEDGE I TRANSFER TO KEEPERS OF RACE. Will this Land Be Blessed, and accepted into Svaroga's Circle of Great Race! From now on she is connected with Highways of Space with stars of Svarga Purest! SO WILL ALL GENUSES/LINEAGES BE HAPPY! HALLOWED BE THE NAME OF RAMHA! (RAMHA and RAMHAT are not the same). From Circle to Circle! So it was, so it is, so it will be! And burned All GENUSES huge bonfire of Inglia and Glorified Threelight Gods, and throw Gifts of New Earth into Fire of Inglia - fruits of vegetables, flowers, fragrant herbs and burned The Great Bread from previous Birthplace in Fire of Inglia and Planet Geya (Gaia) responded on Glorifications and loved (became fond to) children of Race White overnight! And were singing Hymns beautiful girls and women of Race of Heavens and were walking around Fire of Inglia - glorifying Great Threelight Gods, Priests and Commodores of all Genuses/Lineages and Tribes! Instead of "I" (in russian "Я" - "Ya") - people of white race were saying "AZ", that is why they were calling themselves VEDIC ACES ("Asia" is named after them, this was the place where they lived). Because they were knowing (word "Veda" means "to know" or "Knowledge") The Great Wisdom of All Creation. From vaytmars (these are big interstellar spaceships) took a bunch of vimans (smaller interplanetary spaceships) - flying ships, a lot of materials for constructing habitation, crystalic devices for far communication with other planets, antigravitational installments. Vaytmars with small crews returned to their native planets. Only Ancestor Perun with his Vaytmar remained on earth and lived with congeners/relatives for 50 years, and then flew away, so to return again with his son Dazdybog and with his wife Dzhiva, and with his daughter Thara. So this was a story how White People came here, it is said that White People came here roughly 1 million cycles ago. Before that the 5th Planet of this Solar System was habitable, it was Planet Deya, it was much bigger than Earth with more gravity and pressure on it. A beautiful World with abundant Life and landscapes, a lot of place to live in. It is said that Earth was having very good conditions for Life, but it was a dangerous place for Humans to be here, Life was very abundant and pretty hostile. Then after some time conditions here became suitable for Human Life and 1 accident had made People to descend on Earth. 1 Vaytmar had sustained damage and had to land on Earth and People liked this Planet when they explored it a bit and decided to stay, and this made all "white ancestor gods" to decide to make this Planet a New Home for White People. And what i translated to You Friends was the ceremony of opening this New Planet to Human Beings. If we are to compare Humanity of today with Humanity of that distant past then it was a completely different Species, they are Ancestors of White People of today, but White People of today had almost completely and entirely lost everything what Ancestors were believing into and how they were living. They were living in complete and total Harmony with all surroundings, that is why they didn't want to interfere here on this Planet, because Life here was very abundant and they knew that somehow they might hurt it, by cutting trees, building settlements, simply walking, overall 'leaving footprints'. They always wanted to give back something in return to Mother Planet they were living on. Also Original Humans were from 7 to 12 feet tall (2.0-3.5 metres). Lesser gravity and less abundant oxygen made People smaller and also a bit weaker in strength, it is said that they were very strong, they were able to carry trees from one place to another with ease. Now i will show You a website that has A LOT of preserved information in it, it is a HUGE read! I've read some of it, the most important parts, but there is much more to read, i will share with You My Friends everything most interesting! ========================================================================================= So let's start from Time! Here is a calendar that remained, all the most important dates are showed here: http://derzhavarus.ru/letoischislenie.html The earliest date is 604388 years/cycles ago, it is a huge date, right? (it was in 2014, today it is 604393 LOL) More than half a million of cycles! "A time of 3 Suns" This is when 3 Stars were observed from Earth, 2 other Stars, 1 of green color (a dwarf star) and other of silver color (a giant star) - were pretty close and observable for Inhabitants of Earth! 460532 - The Time of Dary (Gifts). The arrival of Daaryans on Vaytmars from Star System "Zimun" - Heavenly Cow, today it is known as Ursa Minor. 273908 - The Time of H'Arra. Another wave of resettlement, the arrival on this Planet of Haaryans from Finist the Clear Falcon (Rorog) constellation, today it is known as Orion. 211700 - The Time of Svaga. New migrants arrived on Earth! 185780 - The Land of Daaria (this was original land - an island and continent where White People settled in, today it is known as "HyperBorea", it was located right on the North Pole, today there is only Arctic Ocean), was separated by 4 rivers and there was 4 provinces - Svaga, Harra, Rae, Tule. Tule was a city of masters (craftsmen), they were producing tools and mechanisms for Everyone. It is said that in this city craftsmen were producing tools that could change surrounding World without making harm to it, like magical crystals and else. 165044 - The Time of Thara. This chronology is connected with visit of Goddess Thara, she brought with her seeds of Sacred Trees, she planted many trees and forests here. That is why Thara is honored here as a patroness of trees that gives strength! Use translator Good Friends, here almost everything is quite understandable! ========================================================================================= Here is a list of all Ancestor-Gods of Slavyans-Aryans that were preserved right into these times, look at the Left, starting from "Вышние Боги" and "Ра-М-Ха" (Higher Gods and Ra-M-Ha) http://derzhavarus.ru/bogi there are 4 categories of them, Higher(Ancient)-Gods, Patron-Gods, Guide-Gods, Protector-Gods, it is said that there were much more of them, each of the Family for example was honoring their own ancestor and ancestors as "gods" as well, each Family had their own Protector-God, which was once a member of their Family! All of them were very much honored and glorified by People, because these were not only patrons of Slavyans-Aryans, but also Parents of Humanity! The Creater of The Universe is called Ra-M-Ha (also Ramha) He was honored by all other gods, it is Creater-One. All other gods had their images and Ra-M-Ha did not, not because He was faceless, but because He was (and is) Omni-Present. Have You noticed? Ra-M-Ha pronunciation is almost the same as Hindu "Brahma"?? Well because this is one and the same God! Slavyans-Aryans brought their knowledge to India to aid ancient People of India. Other 2 most important Gods of Hinduism is Vishnu and Shiva, and guess what, these same names (almost) are also present in Slavyan-Aryan Pantheon. Visheny (Vishnu) - was a primordial god and Father of many other gods and Dzhiva (Shiva) was a Goddess of Life and Rebirth, she was giving Life to new Souls on their incarnations! Only difference between Dzhiva and Shiva is gender, yet both are connected to Life and Rebirth, but it is said that God Shiva has attributes of both male and female and look at him, he indeed looks like there is both man and woman inside him! We cannot say same about Vishnu or Brahma for example. Another thing about god Brahma, have You noticed that God Brahma is having white-pink skin and white beard? Attributes that are not quite fit into main analogy of hinduism gods. Brahma is only 1 of two gods that have such look. You may wonder why is that? Well originally Brahma was the only most honored god of India. There was a religion of India that was before hinduism and that religion actually gave birth to hinduism, it was called "brahmanism". But brahmanism appeared out of "vedism", which is the most ancient religion of India and not only religion, but also wisdom and knowledge of Life and it was brought to India from the north, by Aryans! So most of knowledge that India knows today about vedic teachings like well known Ayurveda, Spirituality, all Yogas, the very language of vedic civilization "sanskrit" it all came from Slavyans-Aryans. In Vedic teachings of Slavyans-Aryans it is said that "sanskrit" word means "samoskrit", which literally means "self-hidden" language. Slavyans-Aryans shared only a part of their knowledge with India, like some 70% of it, and most sacred they kept, because there was fear that it may be used for evil deeds. Here i am giving "Edifications" (instructions on how to live) that were given by gods which remained to these days, most were destroyed, but these were kept in secret given out from generation to generation, evil ones wanted Humanity to not know how to "live right", thus they destroyed most of it. So here goes, You can use translator Good Friends, but if it still will not be understandable, then let me know if You want me to translate some for You!: http://derzhavarus.ru/zapovedi-bogov.html Notice that they were strictly prohibiting from sacrificing animals and eating meat, because "it is going to turn People into savage animals" from their words! And indeed, when People eat meat they become more like predators, and consequently more aggressive, more egoistic, more materialistic and separated (because powerful predators like to hunt alone): Edifications of Svarog 21. Don't bring to altar bloody sacrifices, do not anger gods yours, for it is disgusting for them to take innocent blood from creatures of God (Creator of The Universe). 23. Don't eat food with blood, for you will become like savage beasts, and many diseases will inhabit you. You eat clean food, which grows on your fields, in your forests and in your gardens, you will gain then many strengths, strengths of light, and will not overtake you illnesses-diseases and pains with sufferings. Another ones i like: Edifications of Ramhat 13. Don't think, that many Worlds are uninhabited, on them is life that You never saw, and with Your feelings not felt. 14. Don't use Vaytmans and Vaytmars for evil, so to take over other Worlds, but use them for Good and to know The Worlds, and thus you will gain friendship of residents of those Worlds. 15. Do not show aggressiveness against those, who visits you from other Worlds, for how you will behave yourself, thus so they will think about all inhabitants of your World. 16. Don't ruin Your World and it's nature, for you will ruin yourself and will lose you World. 21. Don't use Fash-destroyers (nuclear weapons) against your World, for you will ruin your alive World and will lose descendants of your Genus. 24. Don't live by laws, that were created by people, in order to deprive you of Freedom, but live by Laws of God One (also "One God" or "God United" - Creater of The Universe). ========================================================================================= Now You have read about 4 Ancestor-Gods giving Oaths to preserve and love this Planet, now very interesting part. 4 Genuses of White People, which exist even today. Those are "Rasens" - People with Brown Eyes "Light Rusens" (also "Holy Rusens") - People with Blue-Eyes "Ha'Aryans" - People with Green-Eyes "Da'Aryans" - People with Grey(Silver)-Eyes 2 Genuses of Rusens and 2 Genuses of Aryans. The different color of eyes comes from the Star under which given Genus of People was born. Here You will find the information on 4 Genuses, all 4 have special genealogical traits! I will not translate entire pages, but will mention the most important traits: Rasens http://radogost.ru/raseny.html Their height was from 250-270 cm. These People have very heightened senses and they feel the surrounding World more sensibly than Others and they better can interact with it, these People can feel and sense every other Individual like inside out, they can become very powerful psychics if They will work on it. Although because of such very thin feelings of surroundings, we can say they have fragile psychic and neural system. these People need to be careful with overreacting, They can get very "berserk" if provoked, They have fiery nature, because they have fiery brown-to-orange eyes and were born under Orange Giant Star. Many priests and "magicians" (volhvans) were Rasens. In Daaria, they were living in the territory of "Rai". Their main characteristics are "rage" and steadfastness. The "genetic mission" of Rasens is to Support and Maintain. Light Rusens http://radogost.ru/svjatorusy.html Their height was under 300 cm. They had broad shoulders and overall powerful physique. They were always creators and makers, these People love art, esthetique, beauty and crafts. They are great architects, builders, poets and artists. Light Rusens instinctively relate the parameters of the form and content, so they can promptly bring any objects to a harmonious state, that is why among Them were many spiritual leaders, healers and oracles. In Daaria They were living in the territory of "Svaga", and by legends Asgard of Daaria was designed and built by the representatives of this Genus. The Genus of Light Rusens was and is an INSPIRATION to All the other Genuses of White People. They were born under Blue Star which was very energetically charged! and their Blue Eyes gives much Energy and inspiration to all other Genuses! Their main characteristics are creativity and aesthetics. The "genetic mission" of Light Rusens is to Create! Ha'Aryans http://radogost.ru/harijcy.html Their height was 290-350 cm and sometime was even more than 400 cm! They were the tallest Representatives of White People! They have a special characteristic - the brighter the green color of their eyes the more gifted Individual was! Ha'Aryans were powerful warriors, but they were more oriented to "Energy Warfare" they were very much excelled in feeling different types of Energies. Ha'Aryans also very much like any type of technologies, They love mechanics, electronics, they understand the language of machines and are talking to devices like to Friends! The are specialists in mechanisms and even if They would encounter a machine they saw the very first time, They would easily find a common language with it and understand it. Due to all these traits They were scientists of Daaria and of White People. It is also said that Ha'Aryans are best navigators, and can navigate ships (or People) out of any danger. It is also said that all 4 Genuses were having their own alphabets and writing systems, yet Ha'Aryan "Karuna" writing system was recognized as "universal". Born under the Green colored Star. Ha'Aryans were living in the territory called "Harra". Their main characteristics are wisdom and insight. The "genetic mission" of Ha'Aryans is to Cognize. (i myself am a mix of Ha'Aryan and Da'Aryan, and more of Ha'Aryan and i can confirm that i have all that LOL!) Da'Aryans http://radogost.ru/darijcy.html Their height was always tall under 290 cm. Their eyes were always grey, called "color of steel" or "color of silver". They were the first Genus to land on Earth, these People are always the ones that are "at the front". They were considered the most physically strongest and the most powerful warriors of all 4 Genuses and were having "the strongest blood", They have exceptional vitality, endurance and survivability. The majority of army of Slavyans-Aryans was composed of Da'Aryans. This Genus is most stable to psychotronic and negative energetic effects, they have like immunity toward it. Although they were powerful physically, Da'Aryans were humane and peaceloving like other 3 Genuses. Both Da'Aryans and Ha'Aryans were protecting Rasens and Light Rusens from dangers, Aryans were more warriors and Rasens and Light Rusens were more creators and maintainers. Da'Aryans were born under powerful Silver colored Star, and they came to be "cold like steel" when it comes to danger, but loving and caring for other peaceful Beings and Loved Ones like any Star is. The territory where They lived was called "Thule". Their main characteristics are strength and courage. The "genetic mission" of Da'Aryans is to Protect. Majority of these 4 genuses originally were having light brown and dark brown hair and also blonde hair. There were only few with black hair. ========================================================================================= Another interesting thing. Slavyans-Aryans had their own astronomy and they named each Planet with It's own name, in honor of one of their gods. Here is a list of them: Like You see it has 27 Planets! Some of these Planets are no more... But most remain! You can see that all Planets of Inner Solar System have also their Moons! And Earth back then had 2 Moons. The Sun was called "Yarilo-Sun". Mercury=The Land of Hors, Venus=The Land of Mercsana, Earth=Midgard (before People settled on Earth, it was called "The Land of Lada", Lada was like Mother Goddess in Slavyan-Aryan Pantheon), two moons of Earth were called Mesyac (in russian it is "Month")=Moon and Lyelya (this moon had many salt waters on it), Mars=The Land of Orey, Jupiter=The Land of Perun, Saturn=The Land of Stribog, Uranus=The Land of Varuna, Neptune=The Land of Niy, Pluto=The Land of Viy (You can see that many names of Planets sound pretty same, like Mars=Orey, Jupiter=Perun, Uranus=Varuna, Neptune=Niy), other half of list "are not found" today. And like You see all the Planets had their own rune symbol! ========================================================================================= Also the calendar of Slavyans-Aryans was different, they brought this calendar to this Planet from their home Star Systems. It was configured to work with Human Body, with Frequencies of The Universe, and with this Star System and this Planet. It was using "sacred numbers", a hexadecimal system of 16, which is sacred (today hexadecimal system is used in programming and it is very effective). Each 16 years cycle was called "Circle of Years", this Circle of Years is coming through 9 elements and creates period of 144 years (the number which is also sacred). 144 - is the "Circle of Life" number. They had 3 seasons instead of 4. Winter, Autumn and Spring and all together were called "Leto" (Summer in russian). Each year had 9 months (9 is also sacred number), each month had 41 days on even months and 40 days on odd months (each 16th year had 41 days in all 9 months, it was called "The Most Sacred Year"), each week had 9 days and each day was 16 hours long (new day was starting from 6:00pm/18:00, when Sun was setting) time was moving slower with this system. In their calendar it was always known with what day starts each new month, for example if new year was starting from monday then all odd months will start from monday as well and all even ones would start from saturday. With today's system it is chaotic and we have to have calendar to know it. They also had their own names for each Day, Month, Year, Circle of Years, Circles of Life and even for each Hour and Minutes! And all of these names were honoring their gods! Here are the names of 9 months and their corresponding rune: http://derzhavarus.ru/slavyanskie-nazvaniya-mesyacev.html Here are the names of each of 144 years in Circle of Life: http://derzhavarus.ru/daarijskij-krugolet-chisloboga.html Like You can see they have a special system of 144, which is not understandable at first, yet it is completely orderly arranged, it is pure mathematics. This is another website, which You will hardly understand, here are names of each years in 16 cycle, of each hours and of each of 9 elements: https://tartaria.name/znacheniya-v-drevneslavyanskom-kalenda/ And most interesting part, they were able to meter time right to the most smallest particle of miliseconds! So here goes: 1 day is 16 hours 1 hour is 144 "parts" 1 "part" is 1296 "shares" 1 "share" is 72 "moments" 1 "moment" is 760 "instants" 1 "instant" is 160 "sigs" 1 "sig" is 14000 "santigs" 1 "santig" is 0,000000003305 of second This is impossible to measure such smallest fraction of time even with the most advanced chronometres that are available today, yet Slavyans-Aryans could! Also know My Friends, that many of the numbers that Slavyans-Aryans were using, were main numbers which were configured into All Creation by Creater-One. These are 9-16-45-144 (these are the most basic numbers, there also goes more powerful numbers like 1296, but these numbers are meant for higher dimensions). Today calendar and time system is based mostly on Slavyan-Aryan system (yet this is not announced), but today's calendar is disharmonized and disbalanced, also it is imperfect, because each 4th cycle/year has "a fix" of 1 day there and still this fix is not fixing time like it needs to. 30-31 days and 28-29 days in february is pretty chaotic and it "kicks out" People from natural cycles of the Universe. Here are the clocks of Slavyans-Aryans that were recreated by those that follow in their path! http://derzhavarus.ru/slavyano-arijskie-chasy.html So today is 7528th year/cycle from "Creation of Peace in Star Shrine" (i will explain the name later if You will be interested in this more My Friends). So i hope You liked many Revelations here, let me know if You want to know more or have something me to explain from everything said! Much Love, Peace and Prosperity to You My Friends! Please ask any questions in the comments below... Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
We’ve heard from the Guardian!
I’ll share the answers to your questions here… Blessings, Sophia ~~~ Hi and Good Day Sophia! Happy to write to You again! :) My apologies for vanishing for some time, i was on my duty again, but i warned You that sometimes i can "disappear", because in places where i go there is no internet and as well when i am fulfilling my duties, i also have no spare time at all:( Before i start, i want to say that one of our Good Friends was successful in recreating Free Energy device!!! It is working and if other Friends would like to, you can do so too! So more Good News to come!:) "Ocean cleanup : Plastic Harvesting Device https://youtu.be/e-fI4ahyHNg From original article : https://www.collective-evolution.com/2019/10/26/history-made-as-ocean-cleanup-successfully-collects-first-plastic-from-the-great-pacific-garbage-patch/ Oh WOW finally! Some very good news! Kudos to that great man Boyan Slat who made this project possible! :) It is good to support him and his ideas! Thank You Good Friend for this find! "Ex-Navy officer turned inventor signs a multi-million deal to produce his electric car battery that will take drivers 1,500 miles without needing to charge https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7592485/Father-eight-invents-electric-car-battery-drivers-1-500-miles-without-charging-it.html?ito=amp_twitter_share-top How long will the energy brokers take to bury this new battery ?" "Here is a video corresponding to this news. It's a very promising Technology. Let's hope that it will be sabotaged (My Friend! You made a mistake here, right? i guess You meant "will NOT be sabotaged";) https://youtu.be/38cKvIQzHG0 And another great news My Friend! Environmentally Friendly, aluminum-based and fully recyclable battery, simply AWESOME! It is awesome to know that inventors are NOT giving up and continue on, even if it endangers their carrier! This Inventor Trevor Jackson insists what driving Him in making this battery is to clean up the Planet! This drives me as well! Very nice Man!:) "Technologies how to create anti-gravity https://youtu.be/U70nrM_E2T8 Awesome news for Everyone to see My Friend! This technology will need to be recreated for a Bright Future! "Wireless electricity https://youtu.be/I1IDC8FEIBU Well, this is a good idea My Friend, but a dangerous one if installed on all Planet. Because You remember, that electricity is "aggressive" Energy, it can completely change Human Beings and other Animals if Electricity will be "omnipresent" everywhere. This might remind us of movie Matrix, where "machines" transformed all Planet and all Humanity into one "huge battery". Machines (eg Robots, Cyborgs) will be kings here and Humanity will be like animals or a drag... Insulated wires/cables are slowing this process of transformation down, yet there is A LOT of electricity everywhere, thus this still transforms Humanity, Animals and Nature, but fortunately slowly if compared to "open" electricity transmitted through clouds. Transmitting through clouds is a dangerous concept, i guess Nikola Tesla was smart and intelligent, but in his time, He wasn't aware of Artificial Intelligence, Self Aware Machines and Robots, which can effectively use this Energy and thus take away all Planet for themselves, if He would have known this, i am sure, He would've changed the direction of His research. This reminded me! i forgot to add one funny thing about Einstein and Tesla. Nikola Tesla was not agreeing on Einstein's Theory of Relativity, here is Nikola Tesla's quote: https://img.libquotes.com/pic-quotes/v1/nikola-tesla-quote-lbh8m2p.jpg Nikola Tesla was not agreeing that existence of Ether was completely ignored in Theory of Relativity, here is more detailed explanation why Tesla did not like Einstein's Theory: http://www.davidjkent-writer.com/2017/12/06/nikola-tesla-takes-on-einstein/ And like Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison also did not understand Albert Einstein's theory LOL : "What do you think of the Einstein theory [of relativity], Mr. Edison? [Edison:] I don’t think of anything of Einstein’s theory, because I can’t understand it." https://www.quora.com/What-was-Einsteins-opinion-on-Nikola-Tesla Yet at the same time Nikola Tesla liked Albert Einstein, He only wasn't agreeing with his view on things:) And one time, when Albert Einstein was asked how it felt to be the "smartest person alive", Einstein replied: "I don't know, you'll have to ask Nikola Tesla." :) Hi GE! And thanks for all your answers. I would like to hear your view on the secret space programs that are/were originated in Earth and what is their current status from (inter)galactic point of view? Hello My Friend Michael and You are Always Welcome! Well what i can see is that secret space programs are meant only for "chosen few" and their status is not anything outstanding. These "chosen few" cannot travel to other Galaxies and cannot travel to other dimensions other than "4D" (1 level above "3D"), they even can't travel to distant stars and they can't settle anywhere without permissions. Reptilians and Greys are not allowing them to have advanced technologies and are providing them only with primitive ones, giving it out for "cool superior ones". They can travel to Moon and Mars bases though, they also can travel to some reptilian worlds, but only with permission, which is given very rarely. They also have "stargates" - portals to reptilian Worlds set up here on Earth in underground installations, but these opens only rarely as well. Not much to say here. These "chosen few" think that they are "godlike", but in actuality, they are highly limited in everything they do, so this "space program" is a very primitive one, to the extent even laughable) ~~~ So that's it, there is more in another installment... Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Hey everyone,
We’ve heard once more from the Guardian, and his most recent update can be read below. It will be separated by subject, for easier reading. This is information that is so necessary as a method to an accurate picture of the deception played on mankind. It is insidious and has been just about invisible to us. It is just everywhere and as we expand and enlighten ourselves, we as a collective experience exponential growth. So let’s not avoid the uncomfortable any longer. It needs to be rooted out and exposed. It is for this reason the Guardian came into our lives 7 years ago, and why he is still with us today. Knowledge is power and we know so much more now about what has happened here. As you are reading this, you are here to help it change. Please share this. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With love and appreciation, Sophia Good Day Sophia and Good Friends! Nice to write to You again My Friends! i am sorry for prolonged periods of time. i am doing much stuff here, have few time. Here i will touch upon mixed stuff and answer on few questions. Everything that we missed and is very important. Health ~ Scalar Pendants i will start from Good Things. Let's start from Health. Here is a research made by professionals who studied "Scalar/Tachyon Energy" (also called "Tesla Energy") effects on a Human Body, pretty impressive! don't You think?) https://www.miraclebalance.net/products/scalar-infused-products/pendants/ If You are interested You can buy their products there, but same pendants on aliexpress/ebay are almost the same. The main principle of this Energy is stabilization and ordering of Bioenergetic Sphere of a Human Body. Cover for Smart Meters Another dangerous "thing" which affects us is called "smart meters". They cause "headaches, fatigues, insomnia etc", and here is a cover from this new monster https://mitocopper.com/products/emf-blocking-smart-meter-cover?afmc=77 scroll down to read the Descriptions my Friends! Very nice thing to say the least! Hidden Chemicals in our everyday products "Triclosan" - another carcinogenic and dangerous chemical. i did not mention it, because officially it was acknowledged that this chemical causes cancer and is dangerous and was banned, YET to my surprise i found that some products have it! And these products are available in stores https://mightynest.com/learn/research-by-concern/dangers-of-triclosan i have copy pasted this interesting piece: "Triclosan is also lipophilic, which means it can bioaccumulate in your fat for long periods of time, and as reported by Scientific American, triclosan is now detectable in human breast milk, blood, and urine samples. Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) found the chemical in 75% of urine samples tested for a study focused on triclosan. And furthermore, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention detected triclosan in 58% of US waterways. According to the FDA, "Animal studies have shown that triclosan alters hormone regulation. Other studies in bacteria have raised the possibility that triclosan contributes to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics. In light of these studies, the FDA is engaged in an ongoing scientific and regulatory review of this ingredient." Regarding the possible health impacts of triclosan, the F.D.A. also acknowledged, "valid concerns about the effect of repetitive daily human exposure to these antiseptic ingredients.” So watch out for this one too My Friends! Mounting garbage on Gaia Here is an article about the problem with "garbage" https://www.rt.com/news/460277-developed-world-looming-waste-crisis/ Plastic today is the biggest concern, it is overwhelmingly too much in the World, and it just keeps going up and increasing. So again My Friends, keep up the 3R's - "Reduse, Reuse, Recycle":) Building a better battery Here is a Very Nice and Loving Person! - "John Goodenough" - He is an Inventor and Professor, and it is His solely idea of "Lithium-Ion batteries" that almost every smartphone, tablet, laptops, electric cars are using today! And Surprise! Even though He is 96 cycles old, He invented a BETTER "Solid State Battery" (Lithium-Ion is a liquid state). He improved design and made His new invention completely harmless - no more possibility of explosions! Also - less dangerous waste! and most importantly for Users - prolonged Battery Life and possibility for it to work for more than 2 cycles/years like Lithium-Ions ones are working today - up to 10-20 cycles/years!, to top that list - very fast recharging speed and one super fantastic addition is that - the more we use this battery, the more charge there will be! For example we could use our smartphone for 3 days when we bought it and after 1 cycle/year of use we can use it for 10 days! Fantastic and Awesome right?! Here is an article: https://www.star-telegram.com/news/business/article138414863.html Yet, there is sad part in His Life, it was stated that His partners with whom He developed Lithium-Ion batteries, took design and schematics for themselves and sold it in Japan, leaving John Goodenough as an Inventor of this technology, yet receiving no profit from it. A treachery it was, yet He is not angry on this, He is happy that His technology went into Public and like already mentioned, He was 94 years/cycles old when He developed new Solid State Battery, thus He does not seek profit or fame, He want to just simply give it to Humanity, he does not like that there is a lot of waste in The World and Li-Ion batteries are not quite effective as "Real Batteries" must be. He is a True Hero! And also there is a problem with these Super Batteries. It could be that "energy brokers" stepped in, because there is not much news about this project. John Goodenough stated "that design is working and operational", yet like You see the date - it was in 2017, so there is a possibility that evil ones preventing these new batteries to come into Public. Of course for them and their consumer system of neverending "buy-sell", Lithium-Ion are more favorable, because design of these is obsolete and wasteful, but it seems they like it. Here what "Forbes" wrote about this invention (mind that "Forbes" belong to cabal/deep state and sometime it is good to know what evil ones' take on situation is) and from here we can see, that they are "not quite" happy about it https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/2017/03/17/jack-goodenoughs-battery-technologies-keep-getting-better/#77974d44e629 Better AA/AAA/9V batteries Same situation goes on with simple batteries, like AA or AAA or 9V and so on. During 1970s there was made an outstanding and effective design of these batteries, they were based on radioactive process, yet there was no harm from these batteries whatsoever. These batteries could last, imagine - 20 cycles/years! They were like eternal and looked like, like any other normal battery Everyone get used to today. Japan started to make these and some remote controllers for TVs were outfitted with these batteries, some users had noticed that they didn't change batteries for their remote controllers for more than 2-5 years/cycles. Today, it is still possible to find these batteries, but their production had been halted almost right after it started, so there are very few of these. They are called "Atomic Batteries": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_battery They are using Tritium as main component, this is how watches glow with "green light" during night https://hackaday.io/project/12715-tritium-nuclear-battery-betaphotovoltaic The problem with these was - there was "no profit" for "energy brokers" (again), so they influenced here and this design was "forgotten". Eventually during 1990s and 2000s this design surfaced time and again, and again was suppressed by those who "owned money". Today it is also surfacing here and there, yet always there is some "invisible hand" that prevents these batteries to see the Light.. And larger battery options Another great new batteries are called "Vanadium Flow Batteries", but these are large and can't be used in smartphones for example https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/2016/12/13/vanadium-flow-batteries-the-energy-storage-breakthrough-weve-needed/#43d6401c5bde Like You see it is also from "Forbes" and there is no sign that "they" dislike it, on the contrary they like it (i guess they like it because only big corporations can use it, and "ordinary" People can't) Answers to some reader’s questions… Here i will answer on few questions: "Hi Friends There is a practitioner near Brussels, Belgium that works with a Lahovskiy-type healing device. His technic is called Bioresonance. Here is a link to his website : https://gezondheidscentrum-bodyboost.be/index.html His page is written in dutch but he understands french and english. I know of people who have consulted him, they got good results" A very awesome that He is using this tech and helping People, nice finding My Friend! `` Vaccines and more. Now i will answer on question from Good Friend Randy: "Very good collection of issues that affect the body positive and negative. One thing I didn't notice was vaccinations, as they have many items that aren't good for the body, such as aluminum. If I missed it I apologize. Love and light to you, may you be blessed with whatever you need in the now." Well i thought Everyone knew already about vaccines and their deadly effects, so i passed that one, sorry) Yes they contain aluminum and other soft metals is small doses, but for newborn Children they may be too big:( Also these vaccines lower Children immunity to other diseases and gives illness as well, but on long term. It may be effective against given disease, but only temporary, vaccine is like a drug, it makes Human Body and it's immune system dependable on it. It is always best to avoid vaccines, BUT when there is no other choice and Life of a Human Being depends on taking vaccine (like without it Human Being may pass away, then we can take it inside, our Body systems will "ok" this nasty ingredient and help itself with aid from it, and what is great in this, is that in such dangerous situation, when Human Being was standing at the crossroads of Life and Death, He/She will not get dependable on it! You can call this an exclusion, i have seen this occurrence in action, but of course i can't say this is universal for Everyone, as our Bodies are very unique and individual and this may not work for Everyone! Ok if we've touched this theme i need to share some unpleasurable knowledge, that we GEs found some time ago. This is a secret knowledge that only few know, yet this influences absolutely All People around the World us included! In many maternity hospitals today doctors adapt a tacit methodic that was used on Babies of "slaves" in roman empire called "turn on the handle". By using this methodic on newborn Children they were silently without Parents' awareness "breaking necks" of Babies (to be precise they were twisting the vertebra called "Atlas"). "Doctors of slaves" of roman empire were specifically trained to perform this methodic, today new doctors are trained with this same methodic without awareness of young doctors. New young doctors think that "this is the right and only way" how Babies must be born. Eventually, today we have almost 80% of All World's Population who have misaligned Vertebra Atlas! Literal "breaking of neck" happens at Births, so there is completely no suspicion of anything wrongful from doctors' side, all attention is on process of Birth and on Baby, doctors themselves do not have any intention to harm Child, they were just learned to do everything in such a way, so we can't blame doctors for this, the ones that made education system for doctors and pharmacists are the ones to blame! So what negative effects causes misaligned Atlas? Here is a great explanation: https://www.atlantotec.com/en/ Shortly put, shifted Atlas causes "domino effect" of negativity on ALL THE BODY! It makes Human weaker in physical strength, more fatigue, less activity, less intelligent, Children have less joy in their eyes, they tire much quicker. The more there is the shift, the more health problems for a Human Being there is! In roman empire, in such a gruesome way, romans were keeping "slaves" weak and incapable of resistance, today "illuminati/cabal/deep state" is keeping almost All of Humanity weak and incapable of resistance, and like You already know, this is just 1 of many many ways they try to keep Humanity in weak state... Like it's name - Atlas implies, IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT VERTEBRA IN ENTIRE SPINE! Fortunately, there is a pretty easy and simple way how to place Atlas in it's original position! (even if it was shifted when Human Being was born) http://www.kindykaur.com/shiatsu-shintai/how-adjust-your-own-atlas-vertebra Unfortunately only few People know of this Truth.. So it would be better if we can spread this knowledge to Many out There! ~~ 5G technology Masonic symbolism And here i found new information on "5G technology". It is being implemented everywhere and is going to make much more EM smog. This technology is absolutely unnecessary, because 4G LTE can be improved and it is much easier to use 4G LTE. The only "benefit" in 5G is to make People even more sicker: https://www.electricsense.com/5g-radiation-dangers/ And look at the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEx_d0SjvS0 i really liked the part "The Truth is - experts can't tell us what 5G actually is, because they don't even know yet." Like what?!! Did i hear that correctly? Now that's a LOL!! i didn't imagine that something that big that is implemented in entire World, and experts don't even know what this is they are putting?? We can ask - is this is a smart move or a completely dumb move?? Here is also a link from previous post https://patriots4truth.org/2018/02/04/how-5g-will-kill-the-birds-bees-and-your-loved-ones/ Now let me explain something interesting. G technologies. They stand for "Generation". 4G LTE stands for "4th Generation Long Term Evolution". And this is masonry that speaks here. In freemasonry there is always 2 main meanings which are Exoteric and Esoteric. Exoteric meaning of this is like it is stands for - as a "4th Generation technology which evolves on long term", but this exoteric meaning is indirect and is meant only for "masses", it is not the true one. The true one is Esoteric, in which Generation is Human's Genus and Lineage. Now instead of technology put People and You will get the true meaning. By this technology they also mean, that technology itself directs the process of evolution of "this Generation". Remember i was telling about different types of Energies and that electricity is active and aggressive Energy? Well, this is what is meant here. These technologies are made to "transform" Humanity and change it into 'something else', thus goes the meaning LTE - "Long Term Evolution". And let's get to Google. Have You noticed that all of services of Google always start with word "Google" and letter G? Letter "G" is freemasonry's most important letter! Like they themselves are saying, letter G - "is a symbol", and it has many different meanings, most important one is how we see it and understand it. Yet main meaning of letter G was always considered as "Gnosis" (also "God" or "Grand Architect"), but there are many more and there are also secret meanings as well https://gnosticwarrior.com/g-2.html Also 'G'eorgia 'G'uidestones (called tombstones of Humanity) starts with same letter. Just to keep You aware that Google is not what it looks like https://pics.onsizzle.com/what-you-see-gmail-logo-what-i-see-masonic-apron-9474520.png http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-jlxKDIf3eog/VGuxYbKKe6I/AAAAAAAAAjI/6-gcQg_wcow/s1600/CR_418694_masones.jpg https://i.imgur.com/4idZt60.jpg ~~ More Illuminati “Hidden in plain sight” symbols of control Have You ever wondered why there is no pyramid building with "all-seeing eye" placed anywhere? Although this is a main symbol of illuminati and cabal? Symbol of their control over Many? https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/great-seal-united-states-us-one-dollar-bill-macro-isolated-white-background-money-closeup-62820493.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/45/Great_Seal_of_the_United_States_%28reverse%29.svg/1024px-Great_Seal_of_the_United_States_%28reverse%29.svg.png We can see this pyramid if we look from above in many places around the World this pyramid exists in street layouts, yet there is no physical building? Let's look at street layouts first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sty9t9A3Fok The most important one is located in Washington D.C., it has 13 steps and it points to US Capitol Building http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m77p1lHxnc1rzvxj3o1_500.jpg on top of it is all-seeing eye and on all-seeing eye sits an "Owl" http://jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Illuminati/occult-washingtondc_owl.jpg You may wonder why Owl is so much honored by 'elite'. You know many "rich and powerful" are coming to Bohemian Grove to 'celebrate' some strange holidays and main statue there is of Owl. And Freemasonry honors Owl pretty much. Well, Owl is connected to true history, which i'm about to reveal, Owl is a Creature that represents 'night', and like You remember, Humanity have been living in the night, thus this is their symbol of control over such "night" and thus over Humanity (yet right now is a Dawn of Day!) More interesting, also Owl is a symbol of "Lilith" (Moon is also her symbol), and Lilith is a real being and she is a mother to many half-humans half-reptilians. But let's get back to pyramid building, we don't see it anywhere, right? Remember, Humanity is living in illusion, that is why we have to look through deception. Actually, there is this pyramid - it's "Washington Monument": https://iwsa1.tilted.net/~jrphotog/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/washington-monument-with-full-moon-washington-dc.jpg https://es.wikiarquitectura.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Washington_Monument_-_night-1024x768.jpg It is the biggest obelisk on Earth, and it stands right in the middle of it all - between White House, Congress and Pentagon, officially it's purpose is not entirely known, they say it is placed in honor to George Washington. But why obelisk? Draw lines from capstone so that You have a pyramid, i've used pictures of it during night, because only during night (remember the "owl"?) You can see the ominous "red snake eye" on top of it. And like You remember - dracos, which are ruling caste of reptilians, they have red glowing eyes (their eyes glow only during night too) https://i1.trekearth.com/photos/92986/washington_monument.jpg https://clintonwhitehouse1.archives.gov/White_House/Family/images/raw/INAU02.GIF You won't see it during day, during day it's "just an obelisk" https://www.latimes.com/resizer/rgeLObJLEiHauiY0WXUBGuXzbH0=/1400x0/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-tronc.s3.amazonaws.com/public/X5WQ3BA7XFHAXDG35KFPSCEA24.jpg This symbol of pyramid is a physical manifestation of their control over Humanity, it is also a symbol of "as above so below" ideology, which means this pyramid have 2 sides - normal and inverted: http://www.thehiddenrecords.com/images/as-above-so-below-nut-pleiades1.jpg Look at the water that surrounds it https://usaguidedtours.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/purple-sunrise-over-washington-monument-and-reflecting-pool-credit-facebook.com_nationalmall-450x300_c.jpg http://www.dominicurbanophotography.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/washington-monument-reflected.jpg More to that. This obelisk serves as a connection between "Heaven (here reptilians) and Earth (Humanity)". To honor masters - archons, "elite" made a lot of things that show their obedience to these masters. i will mention again big evil. Like You remember huge inverted pentagram in street layouts that points to White House - Oval Office (office of all World's ovals), is unfinished because it's intent is to summon 'dark beings' from lower dimensions and prevent them from coming back (in occultism unfinished pentagram prevents "devil" getting back to "hell"), that way they are using 'dark beings' for their own ends and to strangle Humanity more. And secondly - around Washington Monument there is a huge oval and an eye in forms of roads and Monument stands right in the center of this eye: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqykei1EnYQ By showing such huge (secret) obedience, they truly serve their masters, yet many among them do not know about this. Majority of freemasons are unaware that in reality they serve to dark sinister beings, even illuminati themselves are not completely aware of whom they really serve, this is like You look into mirror and see infinity http://www.itcuties.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/ITCuties-Java-recursion-iteration.jpg https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3339/3334621076_3d772b506f_b.jpg this is deception inside deception, which never ends. In this deception Everyone is fooled, even those "right on top of it all". ~~ Money, energy monopoly, further enslavement And also My Friends, i need to mention one really important thing, about "Energy monopoly" being played out by "energy brokers", who are preventing Humanity's progress and Free Energy technologies to come into Public and to Light. Maybe You understood this very simple concept of evil, but i need just to mention it. "Energy problem" is the main problem of this World today, it was not a problem of 19th or 18th century, but it came to be a problem since electricity "was created". Today My Friends, every tax that Everyone pays, every penny is going into "Energy tax", this includes oil/coal extraction, transportation, storage, maintenance of structures that extract/store/distribute oil/coal/electricity, all the salary for all the Workers of "the grid", these are VERY VERY BIG AND HUGE MONEY My Friends, so almost all of taxes that Everyone pay today, like tax for home/flat, for earning a salary, for gasoline, for owning a car, for buying something in the store (like You know, everything we buy or even do is "taxed") are going only and only to this, just to keep all of this system of scam and deception rolling and going and this is made by Humanity's tacit undeclared approval. Very evil scheme, isn't it? Another scheme is to enslave Everyone more is through digital currencies, our Good Friend Djon had found this article: "Hi everyone I found this article from F. William Engdahl, a very good analyst. It speaks about the plan of the Power that Be to crash the economy of world and to replace it with a cashless one. This plan is in the work for decades. They now openly speak about it. It is planned for 2020 https://russia-insider.com/en/are-global-elites-planning-topple-dollar/ri27625 Some grain of sand could perhaps block this pretty gear" If You know christianity, this is their "ultimate plan" - "system of the beast", where they own Everyone and everything. i already explained before how religion is playing out in all of their global domination scheme, and will add some new information later, when we touch upon history subject, of why they are pursuing religious plan. There is a big sinister intent, where they play "both sides" of bible, of "god" and of "devil" and all of this is directed only against White People and is meant to show White People as "garbage" of The Universe - an intent of complete degradation (where word "degradation" means "dying out of species").. Like i said, very evil intent. Yet, have Hope My Friends, all of their plans will fail, because we already know about their 'plans', wink wink!;) ~~ Law of One/Dewey Larson/Physics question answered Question from Good Friend Michael, nice to see You My Friend! "Welcome back, GE! I suppose you are familiar with Ra from The Law of One channelings. In section 20.7 (https://www.lawofone.info/results.php?s=20#7) Ra states the following: "Questioner: Just as a sideline, a side question here: Is the physics of Dewey Larson correct? Ra: I am Ra. The physics of sound vibrational complex Dewey is a correct system as far as it is able to go. There are those things which are not included in this system. However, those coming after this particular entity, using the basic concepts of vibration and the study of vibrational distortions, will begin to understand that which you know of as gravity and those things you consider as “n” dimensions. These things are necessary to be included in a more universal, shall we say, physical theory." Now, would the controversy between quantum mechanics and relativity be obsolete, if one were to state that the speed of light is not constant and, as Dewey Larson stated, there is tachyon time-space coordinate system for superluminal velocities, where one can move back and forth in time? Larsonian physics also states that there is no such force as gravity per se. Rather it is a direct outcome of magnetic duopole spinning and causing a centripetal force. What is your take on the subject?" Yes, of course i know very well The Law of One:) and i know Ra as well. Ra is giving very specific knowledge, i can confirm that most of the things about technologies that Ra is saying is true. i myself know of this time-space coordinate system, all of our Universe have special "numerologic" coordinates. There is 1 particular technology that use very small spheres (the size of molecules) that orient themselves by these coordinates. The speeds which enable these spheres to travel are far surpassing the speed of Light. We can like "teleport" from one position of The Universe to another in almost an instant. Right now sitting here on Earth, we are traveling at very high speeds, If we were to stop coordinates from changing, we would then be instantly transported into empty space with Earth moving away from us at pretty fast speed, but this empty space is coordinates where Earth was just moments ago. And numbers of these coordinates is always increasing, because Universe expands and It is always in motion, Universe never stops, only when It is dying It stops, but while It's alive and well, It just keeps going and moving in every direction:) On Gravity, if we will look into most smallest details of Gravity, then yes, we can say that there is "no thing as Gravity". Yet Gravity as a force exists. Gravity is 1 of 4 Elements of Creation, it is "Element of Earth" in common language. It is the foundation and basis of the Physical Universe. Physicality only exists because of Gravity. And the process of Gravity is like it is written there - outcome of magnetic duopole spinning. We need to look at subatomics to see all of this in actions, in "micro-nano subatomics":) there are completely different Worlds and structures that is hardly imaginable, if You saw movie "Ant-Man", then this what i mean here, the creators of that movie saw it right, we can say - it's "a Universe inside Universe" and when we will look at those super small structures, we will see how all of our physical Universe's processes really working, this could completely reshape all of science and physics. That is why "they" put a (unofficial) ban to look at a distance of more than 1 pikometre. All that is allowed is to look at nanometres through electronic microscopes. Yes and moving in time is no big deal as well when we pass speed of Light, even at speed of Light time changes. What is hard though, is "to control the flow of time", when we move at super speeds, we don't control the flow, we are only increasing or decreasing it. And we can move back in time through super speeds. Put it this way - "the matter" (put pilot) accelerated itself to such outstanding speed, that everything around matter, just can't keep up to it, and matter "appeared back in time", because it went far ahead of "normal time flow". It can be called "paradox", time did not stop, it went "in minus". It is same as making laps in car, when You made 3 laps and other car only 1, You can ride beside other car and what You can see by looking at pilot of other car, is "Your past", the pilot is in a same state in which You were when You were driving just the first lap, i hope this is a good example i made) And like You can see we can change "times". It is also possible to incarnate in different times, just to add here:) Ok, i think we are finally ready for the most cool stuff, are You ready Good Friends? Much Peace, Calm and Prosperity to Everyone! As well as much Love, Light and Friendship! ~~ With love and light, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Until the end of 2019, all new subscribers to the weekly newsletter will be gifted a complimentary digital copy of “The Imposter”. The only thing I ask is that you write a review once you’ve read it. It is such an important book regarding our sovereignty. I am looking to get it seen by more of us! Reviews really help. Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Hi everyone!
It has been a while since we connected here, and the reason for that is the Guardian and I had some trouble with emails getting lost and not being received. We've figured it out, no worries. He is fine and you'll read, has reasons for his absence that make sense. This is a long post. I will separate it into subjects so that you can return and continue reading at your convenience. I want to share a link first, from my friend Lisa Harrison, who is hosting a webinar this weekend. Unfortunately I have guests this weekend and can't attend, but it sounds fascinating and I hope that some of you get to attend. I am including it with this blog, specifically because of the one quote from the Guardian's update: "Universe is a program, and You cannot negotiate with Her." The title of this webinar is "Are we living in a simulation?" Here's the link (click here ). Okay, enjoy an update from our friend, GE... (Remember to use duck duck go for the links.) "Good Day Sophia! I am Very Happy that You had a wonderful weekend Sophia!:) i am sorry it took me a bit long to write answers, i have been a bit busy, but i'm ready and so let's return to Our Good Friends! Light Ships (Click here for reference) On question about Light Ship and it's crew that guards The Solar System, i haven't heard of that precise Ship, yet i know there are a whole lot of different Light Civilizations' Ships and Vessels coming in and out, i know that some "bases" are present on this Planet, most of them underwater and underground and are in different dimension so without an interdimensional ship of Your own, You won't be able to visit them. Overall Many (Light and even some dark that joined the Light) are doing their best to aid this World and Humanity, yet most are restricted by Laws of Galactic Federation of Light. Governmental systems of reptilians and Greys and their "allies" from their side are continuing to rule over western governments and continue the state of enslavement by money, credits and "prison of Mind" state. So Liberation of this Planet is still to come. Sun "Sneeze" i am sorry it took me long to answer on some questions, please understand me Good Friends, i needed to continue my task on helping this World. So now i will answer on those questions even if You already found answer;) From Good Friend Michael: "Thanks, GE! There has been a lot of talk about micro-novas, i.e. "the sneeze from the sun". I suppose those kind of major solar bursts have happened a number of times in Earth/Sol history. When have the most recent micro-novas happened in our solar system?" i'm not sure about this one, but i know for sure that most of super explosions - Star Bursts took place on Sun after Sun was born, because it happens all the time when a new Star is born. Sun is a very very stable Star and unless provoked won't make big enough Star Burst to make it into micro-nova. Micro-novas are big events that has a potential of destroying Planets. It is always best that such events won't take place. i know for sure that Huge Stars are making super explosions sometimes, that by measure could wipe out all of Solar System, but for these Stars, this is just "an ok" event) Timing of the Event - 2043? Good Day Friend Mary A! i have seen Your question and i am very sorry that kept You waiting with answer, i hope You understand! "Welcome back GE! After you said August, 2016, that info kept me going through some tough times. And things haven't improved since then. Now you say 2043 -- if I live that long, I will be 94! I've raised kids mostly on my own and always been a good person and helped other people - doesn't that count for something?? Also, most of the people I know are not evil or bad or even mean (their eyes are good), but they ARE HEAVILY indoctrinated (and sometimes stupid). It feels hopeless for my lifetime, after I had so much hope!" First and foremost there is always Hope, never lose it Good Friend! It was not me that cancelled any event in 2016, there is a big problem in all structure of this Galaxy, so question arose about the future of all this Galaxy and not just this World and other "prison Worlds", so those actions were made by Universe and You can say by Creator-One. This Galaxy have been "an outsider" for far too long, for millions of cycles in fact! Most Beings living in it were considered "weak in their Minds", what had happened here was a big indoctrination taking place on a cosmic scale, not only Humans but many many Beings have been led to believe in ways that stray them from Real and True Light, many led to believe in false Light, which was only looking Light. All of this power play lies mainly on demiurge and reptilians. So cycle 2043 is given only as a marker, on 2043 nothing is said to take place on Earth, this will be a time when an Ancient Civilization will arrive from it's very long journey and will put in place motion, that will end this Galaxy's "state of uneasiness" and will broaden the reaches of Consciousness of those that were led to believe in false Light. i believe You are a very Good Person, yet the system of USA is in service to reptilians, and Universe sees all those that pay taxes to support this system "as a part of this system", even if we are against it and it's ways. evil ones made a very sneaky tactic to make other Beings as a part of their system, so that Light Beings would be restricted in their actions. This is all a strategy of evil and darkness. Universe is a program, and You cannot negotiate with Her. Yet sometimes She is showing Love and Care, but most of the time she is fulfilling everything how it is written to it, by main Rules and Laws of The Universe. Only Creater-One have the ability to "tweak it" and cancel Her actions. i know myself of a lot of very Nice and Good People among Americans, yet not much can be done unless all Americans take action and cease overall obedience to government which foremost is not human. Humanity is now free to Liberate itself from evil, You can do this anytime You wish, evil won't make any big endangering moves, so don't look at 2043, it is up to You - Americans now to liberate Yourselves from slavery, and not just Americans, but People of The Whole World. i see Everyone is tired, Everyone is unhappy of how the things are in this World, Everyone is feeling that "something is not right". So it is time for actions now! The saying is simple - if You don't like this System, why won't You just change it? From my part i am putting forward some movements and motions myself, i want to bring changes to this World as a Human Being, (as a GE i am restricted). So i already started some things, and we GEs and Creater-One made a "state of stall" in this World, so it don't moves anywhere now, it waits for Our - Humanity's actions! (Yet try to make hurry, because system of evil is trying to remove cash money, which in turn might enslave Humanity further, making Humanity even more harder to resist this system of evil). Also Light Beings are waiting for Humanity's actions, so i think it's about time for actions, the actions to liberate Human Civilization and make it Free of everything bad!:) i hope this helps Good Friend Mary! Help for Veterans "What can be to assist Veterans returning from service that are emotionally, mentally, and physically unstable. What can be done to implement true healing vs. symptom management? Thank you." Yes, this is a big question Good Friend Joyce. i've seen some veterans living on streets, government is no longer helping these People and this is very regrettable:( Here a simple methodic can help, We can just tell them that They are Loved! These People saw war and maybe saw how their Friends died right before their eyes, and they could do nothing about it. Also the very sight of death and destruction is putting a mark and lefts scar on Heart and on Soul, all of this is leaving huge trauma on these People, so what these People needs the most is support of loved ones and they simply need Love. Also these People are warriors, they chose to be soldiers and this is their choice, that is why they need a stimulus to protect someone, to give help to someone as a warrior. But the biggest support they need is in Love - They need to be Loved! We All know - Love can heal ANY wounds! The Power of Music "Hello Sophia and Uniter, wow :) Once again I find synchronicity (regarding my own channelings) with Your channelings Sophia, so I just comment again here, sorry. (In Finland people mostly don't appreciate these kind of "demonic messages" so the only thing is to connect channelers elsewhere for support.) In 2016 I had a message about Aretha Franklin and how important singing is. "We take each other by the hand and sing a song, they (soulgroup) provide the words... new songs about happiness, love and joy. Singing opens the gates to heaven so they would like everybody to just start singing because it can be one of the most victorious ways to make progress here in our world. The power of music is connected to our innate power, imagination, making lyrics eagerly. Eternal fire burns in our soul when we sing and many can star their journey this way." So we can also channel songs. I published my first two short songs in Youtube (I channeled them aug.14.2019). Waiting for results, if somebody also starts to have sing-channeling. Exciting. Nice songs in this article, listened them all! I have to think about a possible question more closely..." Good Day Good Friend! I know Finnish People, You are very Nice, Calm and Friendly People! Very nice singing, i admire it!;) Also have Courage in singing and unite Your voice with other Like Minded People to sing together, the song can actually turn the tide of whole Universe! i am surely agree that music and singing expands Consciousness! "The power of music is connected to our innate power, imagination, making lyrics eagerly. Eternal fire burns in our soul when we sing and many can star their journey this way." Completely agree on this part!:) Yes, unfortunately many People that were christian-oriented see Channelings and Extraterrestrial Beings as some kind of "demons", but this is all made up to close their Consciousness to disallow People Ascendance to Higher Consciousness and to One True Creator! Toxic Products & Safe Products i have seen quite a lot of questions from Good Friend Djon, so i will answer here: "Good Day Good Friend This update was a great work. Thank you I knew we were poisoned with a lot of things like vaccines, medecines , drugs and others products added to our food but it's much worse than I thought. Nearly eveything that we use daily is poisoned. Humans must be really valuable, powerful and resistant that they come to this point 😁 It will be hard for me to give up my daily coffees😉 I have 3 questions for now 1 : Are deodorants only dangerous in cans or also in glass bottles ? 2 : So there is no way to get rid of SLS in our body. Marseille soap is better for our skins ? 3 : Are your aware of the abiotic oil theory ? https://deepresource.wordpress.com/2015/04/30/william-engdahl-on-the-abiotic-origin-of-oil/amp/" Yes Good Friend, Humans are indeed Very Powerful and Resistant! Evil ones are finding it hard to shatter design of a Human Being, so perfect this design was made:) 1) Yes, in glass bottles there are dangerous ingredients as well, but i guess You already found out Good Friend! 2) Actually SLS and SLES are coming out of our Bodies in some time, yet much more harder than soft metals for example. They need much more time to come out, We can cleanse our Body from ANY harmful chemicals or ingredients. But some ingredients while stucked in the Body may cause DNA damage, which in turn may lead to cancer. And the older the Body is, the less resistant it is. The most biggest resistance Human Body is having is from age 25 to 60. This can be increased, but for now this is a common statistic. Merseille Soap is a very nice alternative, as it consists from 98 to 99% of natural components, it is made by very old recipe, so a very nice solution as a soap! Yet even Marseille Soap if used daily and like always may not be good as well. It is always to use ALL the things moderately! 3) i will answer on this question at the end of this message, it's an important one More product alternatives "Hi Good Friend GE I want to get rid of Android on my Phone. Do you know of an alternative OS for mobiles? I found LineageOS but i could not install it. https://www.lineageos.org/ I also a deodorant from Nivea with out aluminium https://duckduckgo.com/?q=deodorant without aluminum&t=fpas&iax=images&ia=images&iai=http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/~dgAAOSwYHxWIPgd/s-l300.jpg" 2 "Dove Body Wash Shower Gel with out Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) https://www.ebay.de/itm/Dove-Body-Wash-Shower-Gel-500ml/113723608749?epid=8031290728&hash=item1a7a748ead:m:mQUiJtu9voxxAhOSFABIq_Q You can also find it at ebay.com Here in Europe you can find DOVE bodywash without SLES and FA deodorants without aluminium in stores , you only have to look carefully" Hi Good Friend! Well it's been a long time and i see that Your question was answered, if You want to install new OS on a phone You have to make rooting and it is not a safe operation, there is no guarantee that it will work either, there is a possibility that we can just break the phone or like they say "turn it into brick", so always be careful with installing new OS Friend and Everyone. There is quite a lot of deodorants without Aluminum. Aluminum can be in many forms, look for components and if You see "something Aluminum something" then it's Aluminum there. "The dancing robot dog 😂😂😂😂 youtube.com/watch?v=kHBcVlqpvZ8" LOL They made robot to make some dancing, a nice one! i love robots and artificial intelligence! Thank You Friend! Alternative Fuels "True " energy transition ": China prepares its «society of the hydrogen»!. http://www.online-translator.com/site/auto/fr-en/?http://echelledejacob.blogspot.com/2019/06/vraie-transition-energetique-la-chine.html?m=1 This a very good news my friends" Yes a very good news indeed my Friend! Though hydrogen-only fuel is not safe and it still allows People to make money by selling pure hydrogen. There's been an awesome designs of engines that work only on WATER, where they use hydrogen which is in water, but i guess we have to start somewhere and hydrogen don't have any byproduct except for pure water, which is AWESOME! So these are Very Very Great News! Although the news have been removed, this arises the question, i only hope that "energy brokers" won't interfere here. "A fuel-cell motocycle https://youtu.be/B_Whbb_hlPs" A hydrogen-fueled bike, that's an awesome design! One of many! A good way to start up building water powered cars and bikes!:) Healing Technologies "I came across this healing technologie http://free-energy-devices.com/Chapt20.html A good electrician can build this healing device" Awesome and Superior Technology Good Friend, and to wonder - Some already built such device! The Inventor of this device Lahovskiy was russian, so here is one russian site about this generator, use translator Good Friends https://health4ever.org/teorii-i-jeksperimenty/generator-lahovskogo-lechenie-volnami In short this generator restores the Frequencies of all the Cells to their "normal condition", so affected by cancer cells are returning to normal and all mutated cells that are unrecoverable are dying out and all system of our Body completely restores itself! On top of that it also renews the cells and makes them younger, so patient will look younger than before! This generator also was made by other inventors in other forms, although they have been suppressed. It is awesome that schematics of this device are still available! So we can rebuild it! The Wave or Frequency healing - is the most effective way to heal ourselves from ANY disease! It is so here in this World and in other Worlds. You know the saying "Words can Heal", some still can heal other persons with just saying specially arranged Words, this is The Power of Sound, of Frequencies! i have also seen that google prevents access to russian sites, i am very glad that You've found a solution, it's true that duckduckgo is a waaay better than google, it not only allows You to visit any site there is, it also don't track on You and keeps Your Privacy, i really love them!:) Oil, Einstein, Energy... And answer on question 3: 3) Yes Good Friend, it has proven that Oil (Petroleum) is made naturally and is a necessary component of Earth. It acts as a lubricating oil of our Planet. This Oil was in existence since ancient times even before there were dinosaurs. But some Beings were falling in oil and dying and there were quite a lot of them. That is why it made scientists to think that this oil is completely organic and consists of dead creatures, yet it is only partly organic. This oil is not made to be extracted from Earth in large quantities and used like everywhere. Only evil ones are doing such things. Oil is black and black color is a reminder that using such color "belongs to dark side". It can be used temporarily like a replacer of coal and steam technologies, but not for prolonged periods, like Humanity is doing, because it is not going to bring benefit to anyone, only sorrow in the end. Fortunately Humanity is not using oil for 1000 cycles, only for some 100+, that is why there is still time to get away from it. i've found this site Good Friend http://viewzone.com/abioticoilx.html The oil is being produced naturally from inner Earth processes, and one such process involves the most important and most Awesome process in Existence! The opposite theory of Einstein, how to get Matter out of Pure Energy! - M=E/C2. What means Einstein's Equation is that You have to Accelerate matter to double the Speed of Light (or more than speed of Light), in return of which we will receive HUGE AMOUNTS OF ENERGY, but outside of Human Comprehension and ability to hold it http://www.emc2-explained.info/Emc2/Equation.htm Along with countless great possibilities of releasing huge amounts of pure Energy from Matter (while almost completely destroying this matter in the process) this also brings danger of colossal destruction. That way nuclear weapons were created. Know Good Friends that when we burn materials to get Energy from them, we never completely destroying this matter, we only are turning it's state into something else (and matter continue to exist in this physical reality), while receiving just a smallest fraction of The Energy that is contained within ANY matter. The opposite of Einstein's equation is a deceleration of Energy, that way You can create matter. And if You will create very very carefully designed devices that control matter formation, You can actually create any thing in Existence, even with most complex design in Existence, for example You can create a Human Being from Pure Energy and give ANY Soul to Him/Her that will suite the Body. It is a godlike ability. i guess this is outside of Humanity's comprehension and abilities right now, yes?) But when Oil is formed, it is formed from few processes, one of which involves EXTREME deceleration of Energy and Ether. Although Einstein was not as good as he is being portrayed, as he was part of "elite" cabal and he used idea of Hendrik Lorentz and Henri Poincare, Einstein was working with them and had an occupation of "patent clerk", so theoretically he could take any idea and make this idea his own. The idea of relativity was mainly of Henri Poincare https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relativity_priority_dispute Because of disputes, Einstein never received Nobel Prize for Theory of Relativity, but received it on other theme - "Law of Photoelectic Effect", which was also not his idea as well, but of russian scientist Alexander Stoletov who passed away in 1896 never receiving nobel prize and Einstein received it in 1921 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoelectric_effect The adjustments to this theory that Einstein put, had made "a lock" which forbids the existence of Ether. And You got to understand that all The World of Humanity today is based on this theory - E=MC2 (where You get Energy from Matter by 'simply' destroying it - a process of evil - process of destruction, whereas M=E/C2 is process of Creating something out of 'nothing', so it is an opposite - a process of creation - a process of Good and Light). And when time and again prove of Ether is being surfaced, scientists try not to talk about it, because it shatters all of physics "laws" Everyone get used to and eventually it shatters all of this system of evil where material things are considered "the most important". Another wrong thing that is in theory of relativity is a 'constant' speed of Light. Light does not have a constant speed. Light can move VERY VERY fast, MUCH more than constant of 186 000 mi/s or 300 000 km/s and also there are speeds that exceeds Speed of Light. In theory of relativity it is stated that any matter will get "an infinite mass" once it surpasses the Speed of Light. Partly it is true, yet it is not going to be infinite and it will not remain forever big, once the speed will be reduced the mass will return to normal. Yet time will be affected by speed in that the theory is correct. So essentially the overall theory of relativity is correct, but it needs adjustments and most important one is on Ether. Tesla and more truths... So another important thing i wanted to mention because we touched upon this subject is about Ether. 100+ cycles ago when Rockfellers and Morgans were creating Energy monopoly on oil and electricity, periodic tables that every chemist knows were changed and most lightest element - Ether was excluded from it. Alexandre-Emile De Chancourtois and Dmitri Mendeleev were creators of Periodic Table, but there is older version of Mendeleev table which has Ether in it above all else, and there were some other tables that show it as well. Mendeleev made a table that had "Group 0" which consisted of inert gases and Ether - which was called "Newtonium" in honor to Isaac Newton https://stopga.me/images/uploads/images/316325/form/normal_1360491884.gif But this brought big complications for Mendeleev even though he was russian, "energy brokers" made life harder for Mendeleev and all other scientists that tried to speak about Ether (Aether). So this table was changed and inert gases where transferred into last group from the very first group 0 and Ether was completely excluded from it along with "Coronium" - another very Light element. Inert gases are very light and should have been before any other elements along with Ether, You can call them "an exclusion from main rule", even today scientists are debating about inert gases, they are different. You may wonder - why? what so big deal about this Ether? The possibilities that bring Ether and it's existence is having a potential to completely reshape this World and All Human Society. Because it is possible to use Ether to gain Free Energy, and majority of inventors are using exactly this Ether Energy, called Zero-Point Energy. Ether is present everywhere in The Universe and "energy brokers" understood that they would not be able to control Humanity if Everyone would get Energy from Everywhere. Nikola Tesla was talking about Ether and it's countless possibilities, He understood it's huge potential! https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/176727/was-nikola-tesla-right-about-his-ether-theory And here are the ideas of Nikola Tesla that You might never heard about, his mind was far behind the Society that he was living in, i may guess that he was an ancient Being that came from other more evolved Worlds:) https://www.ancient-code.com/nikola-tesla-ether-antigravity-and-harnessing-the-power-of-the-universe/ Like Nikola Tesla stated, this is what You can do when 'You know' the Ether -Precipitate matter from the ether -Create whatever he wants with the matter and energy derived -Alter the earth’s size -Control earth’s seasons (weather control) -Guide earth’s path through the Universe, like a space ship -Cause the collisions of planets to produce new suns and stars, heat, and light -Originate and develop life in infinite forms Most of these are correct, Your possibilities are countless once You get hold onto Ether, then creating special tools and devices that manipulate and coexist with Ether can enable to do such godlike things and even beyond. i had witnessed myself how living Beings were created out of Energy, i remember it scarcely, but the process was beautiful and Being was complete and alive almost at once after Creation. So Nikola Tesla as well as other scientists were victims of this "energy ownership" game made by evil ones. So today's periodic table is not complete, it is directed on matter and physical reality and not including the most lightest elements like Ether that directly connects to One Universal Energy and complete Freedom of Human Society. And last thing about Ether and how it forms matter, look at these videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz5thjvRT30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTC5a9nGjGw What You see here is ice moving toward the surface, when it collides with surface and cold wind it produces 'more ice', You can see the small icicles and particles there appearing like 'out of nothing'. i wasn't able to find more videos that i saw before where You can clearly see how ice appears out of nowhere making beautiful shapes and forms, maybe if someone can share these videos it would be great! This process You see is a deceleration of Energy, like You see, ice is always coming and coming, and on top of it appear many icicles, like it is not coming from water, but from the very air. This is "a formation of matter from nothing" we can say, it happens because of Ether, Ether connects with cold streams of air, and this creates more water in form of ice. Matter appears from cold, because matter=solid. You can get not much matter from cold streams of air and different mix of Energies which are there, yet it is already a big amount of matter! Also same process happens when volcano's explode, when magma touches the cold ground or cold water, as a result more matter is produced. Same happens with oil, Ether forms a "solid oil" like plastic at the places where oil is - underground. Many scientists found out that on places where oil was supposedly over it reappeared again! Since the Birth of The Solar System matter increased QUITE A LOT! it increased the overall volume of Earth's Oceans, Earth's Tectonic Plates and Sun's volume. Still it is not much, yet the difference can be felt. What this system is trying to teach is that all is 'finite', that everything is limited and that Universe consists of "some" given amount of matter and there can be 'no more' than already is. This is false of course - there is NO LIMIT to Universe whatsoever. Limits - by this very word the meaning is not Freedom, it is enslavement. Finite - also means end of something, that all can end "sometime". Infinite - means no limits, the possibilities of unendiness. So the very words already describe every thing in existence and about this World. i hope this finds You Well Good Friends! Sophia in next message i will add new information on Health, just a bit and finally get on to history:) Much Love and Light to You!" So that's it everyone! As always, add your questions to the comments below so he can see them! Much love and light, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Hi everyone!
I'm pleased to report that GE is back and will be here, once again, for questions and to give us that information on the findings on pre-Atlantis history, as well as more health information. This will begin next week at some point so please include any questions you have for him in the comments below. There are several songs included in his greeting. I'll share most of his message below, so you can listen to the songs... They are so uplifting! I suggest you give them a listen! I was working/cleaning/etc. while listening and it helped to "lighten the load"! Here is his most recent note - Good Day Sophia! I am finally back and ready to continue on! Sorry to keep You and Friends waiting, it took longer than i expected, it also happened because the time on this Planet had accelerated, have You noticed it?? so it comes that 2 months is now 3 months :( and it will only "go up" more and more. But You know, it is a good sign! And it was prophesied by hindu vedic teachers 1000 cycles ago! It signals that Light is reaching this Planet much more than before! You know in darkness and in night, time moves slowly (because of cold, particles moves slowly) and during Day everything moves faster, because Light is "Accelerator of Life"! ;) So Dawn is "taking full thrust" now, we can say) So even if everything look gloomy, expect big changes pretty soon! I hope everything is Fine and Awesome and i haven't missed anything! Even though i haven't completely enjoyed myself during summer, i still got the enjoyment from everything i do!) Because there is (an informal) rule in our Universe - We All have to get the enjoyment from Life, despite of how sad and desperate during some moments Life can become. i had always stick to that rule, and always was finding myself happy in the end result! A simple strategy yes?:) So i haven't checked much of information during my absent, i don't know of much happenings around the World, yet i feel Calm is everywhere, "the World's stagnation" is still in effect, is that correct Sophia? I have found some awesome music from Japan on a way here, even though it is in japanese, it gives an AWESOME Feeling! It just increases the Mood, brings some Happiness to ourselves!) It just brings the very Happy Mood!) It is the Power of high Light Vibrations and of Open Heart! i can say surely that the very Mood of Happiness and Childhood of Creater-One is felt here! Like You know - through Us and Our Creations We bring Beauty and Joy to All of Creation, and this work of Japanese Artists is another example of it! i will share it Sophia and Friends, quite a lot of it! i want You to feel it - The Beauty of OpenHeartedness! Enjoy!: This one talking about coming Spring (relate it to the coming Dawn - the Beginning of Satya Yuga) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hE1XIBJj48 This one also talks about The Coming Spring!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHDbfAW0o4E Know that translation may not be 100% correct, but Japanese People did their best You know!) And this just to get Your Mood Up!:) From "TЁЯRA" Flowers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDI71H5dPPI and Fascination) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJfmiqmRj2s Wonderful Heaven (Rapsodia) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14C7d1LO8bU Here are the lyrics and translation to english - a fun song, right?) https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Lyrics:_奏穹のラプソディア This song is about Sakura - Cherry Blossom, the most venerated Tree in Japan, the picture here is Wondrous of many colors and very very Light! Beautiful combination with music! do You agree?:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-8N7iOYcXw The meaning of these songs is Light and having Fun and Joy! And i LOVE this one! It is about Friendship and Love! Know that in our Universe - Love is not possible without Friendship! Love always comes through Friendship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5Ln6JIR1zk If You liked these songs look at the "recommended sidebar" on right in youtube, there is a lot of awesome and cute pictures with a lot of Light in them, and a lot of awesome cool songs that really increase The Mood! Though not all of them are having good meaning, just a warning;) Great Happy Mood and Huge Positiveness is having high Vibrations and this is what we need - to be embraced by Light and It's Highly Vibrational Energies! This is all what we strive for Light Beings of Light! are we not?!:) Sophia, don't mind me finding information and music from many different People around the Globe, my another name from my previous lives is "Uniter" (i don't like word "combiner", i don't "combine" People, i Unite Them). So my another strong ability is to find the best attributes and sides in many different cultures, People, ideologies and religions and unite them finding common sense and understanding) i've studied almost all cultures and societies of this Planet, i can't say that i know Everyone, but i can say that i know the most interesting, unique and as Everyone says "strongest" People of this World (where People is Nations, i don't like word "nations" as this one bears negativity in it). i hope You are Well and Great Sophia! Much Light and Love! May 13th, 2019
Hi everyone, I hope that you are getting to read the Health update. It is so very informative and complete. I was told that some of the links did not work. I am having the same issue with many of them. I will leave them in the article for now, and ask him for alternatives when he returns. It is as if all of the information has been suddenly made unavailable, which is troubling… The links included below work right now, so check them out! Our friend the Guardian is gone again for at least 2 weeks and maybe 2 months. So please post questions in the comment section below, even if you’ve sent them to me. It is the only way to assure that he will see them. He did send a quick update to the health information, and I’ll include it here as well as in the section on Health. Please enjoy and take good care of yourself and your health! Good Day Sophia! Just a quick add-on on Teeth and their fillings. My Friends GEs also shared this material with me: Glass Ionomer fillings are also very toxic, even more toxic than metal amalgams!: http://sonic.net/kryptox/medicine/pfpc/ionomer.htm And this here is a throughout research made by professional researchers on composite resin fillings, they are indeed toxic how i said they were: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3532765/ So the best fillings are the most costly ones - Ceramic and Gold. You know why, because only 1% can afford them. But although Gold is indeed expensive, we can actually afford Ceramic ones, doctors just don't ask what fillings we would like to, they just put whatever they are specializing in. So, we have to ask what fillings they have at their disposal, it is our Awareness what helps us here! So from this day i won't be available Sophia, Much Love and Light to You! With love and appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! "The Imposter" has now been published in both print and Kindle formats. Check it out here! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Hi everyone,
What follows is a rather long discussion on health. I will include just part of it here and then place the rest of it in the “Health” link under “From the Guardian”. I think it needs to be easily found at any point and for anyone. So, without further explanation, here’s today’s update from our friend. You might want to grab a cup of tea and prepare for a long sit down for this one... it is fascinating and jam packed with information we could use! Enjoy! --- Good Day Sophia and Everyone! So now let's talk about Health! Health is a pressing concern today and chemical harmful agents surround us like everywhere. All of these chemicals can be called "poisons", with slow long-time effect that are damaging our physical Bodies and degrading us. And it works not just on given Generation of People, but also on future Generations as well. Only in last +/-200 cycles chemistry had been in use, before this, only natural agents were used for everyday use and Everyone was eating natural food of course. Today we don't have such Benefit and thus we have to look how to protect ourselves and at least lower harmful effects on our Body. The global poisoning is made by "You know who" and this has a really sinister intent, which is made completely intentionally, and all of Life on this Planet and Planet itself is targeted... But have Faith, We can overcome this! i myself have been through rougher situations than this in my previous lives and i can handle myself pretty well, thus i will share my experience and our new findings with You Friends! So before i start i have to say that Human Body is a well composed and structurized Body that is pretty strong and can adapt to many different situations and illnesses. Of course, this Body is not the best i was in, but still it is better than "normal". So our Human Body can get used to eating poisons, breathing them and living beside poisons, it is NOT a big deal for our Body at all! THOUGH, for our Body to completely get used to such poisoning and chemical food, it is necessary 2-3 Generations of People, which You understand is not possible under current circumstances, and we also cannot completely exclude chemistry from our everyday use due to "deep state". So, we have to adapt to current circumstances and not try to completely exclude poisons from everyday use, but significantly lower them! Having small amount of immunity against chemicals and poisons is a good thing i can tell You. Have You heard of a man that injects Himself with snakes' poisons? From not just 1, but more than 35 species of poisonous snakes!? At first, he was feeling himself not good, he was even hospitalized multiple times, but today he feels Himself very well and He looks more youthful. Poisons from snakes are known to decelerate aging. BUT PLEASE, DON'T TRY THIS! It is just to show You that we do can adapt to poisons and different foreign elements/substances: http://sciencenordic.com/rock-singer-has-been-injecting-himself-snake-venom-25-years In summary it is possible for a Human Body - Our Vessel to live in a very hazardous conditions, chemical, biological (with dangerous microbes and viruses) or radioactive ones. We have a Strong and Powerful Body! It was engineered to be this way by original Creators of Humanity - Ancestors-Gods. This Body can protect itself and its automatic defense system is working tirelessly, endlessly each and every day. But sometimes it can't handle all by itself, so we have to help It! i will put 2 parts here, first is a negative one, that tells about chemical agents which surround us, and second part positive - how to deal with these chemicals and some bonus!) --- For the rest of this article, please click here. Thanks everyone, With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! "The Imposter" has now been published in both print and Kindle formats. Check it out here! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Here are some answers to previous questions...
--- Love and Light to You too Scott!) Djon 1 "I found this article about UFO and body retrieve https://www.collective-evolution.com/2019/03/18/before-roswell-the-1941-cape-girardeau-missouri-ufo-crash-with-extraterrestrial-bodies/ Can you please comment on this quote, Good Friend GE : “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it.” (source)" Glad to see You once again Good Friend!) Unfortunately, it is true Friend. Interstellar travel, portal travel, free energy technologies, frequency-vibrational healing that can cure ANY illness (Reiki-like, only with use of technologies) is known to them. They are keeping these technologies tightly locked away from Humanity. They have knowledge on how to live a Life "correctly", to be able to reincarnate and travel between systems. The only thing they don't have is physical immortality, eternal youth and resurrection. And they want to get it. They are serving reptilians and "invisible father" - Demiurge and their superiors are telling them how to maintain "this farm" and "flock". Reptilians on their part have far superior technologies than those that Greys are having, and Humanity compared to them is just "playing with toys" here. They dipped Humanity into dirt and are enjoying watching it. Most technologies reptilians possess are not shared with half-reptilians here. But still, technologies that they have would be enough to make a Golden Age here on Earth. And with these technologies "overpopulation" would not be a problem at all! 2 "I too am seeing that the world is changing slowly and gradually , too slowly to my taste The USA is losing its political, military and economic power. It is also increasingly isolated and sided. Have you any comment on this article Good Friend GE: https://geopolitics.co/2019/03/23/russia-gives-us-red-line-on-venezuela/ Yes Russia did give red line to USA, Venezuela is ally of Russia. Also Venezuela is World's leader in oil reserves, that is why USA wants this country, "for quick money". Overall Russia is doing Good Things on the outside, although not good things on the inside. This war of words is still the same separation agenda of reptilians, and most of these things are meant to distract Humanity from really pressing concerns - like degradation, poor education, harm from EM (also called "ciran"), corruption, food poisoning... overall slow destruction of Planet Earth and Humanity. 3 "This good article shows how the power balance is slowly toward the East http://theduran.com/belt-and-road-initiative-in-full-swing-in-europe/ "The multi-polar transformation that is occurring across the Eurasian continent confirms the industrial and diplomatic cooperation between China and the European continent in spite of strong opposition from the United States. Xi Jinping’s visit to Europe confirms what many of us have been writing about over the past few months and years, namely, the reality of an ongoing global transformation of a world dominated by the United States to a pluralistic one composed of different powers collectively shaping a multi-polar world." What do you about the chinese Belt and Road Initiative, Good Friend GE ?" i really love how chinese People are handling many things. Unlike western "leaders", They really would like to make this World a better place! They really do care about poor People, and They are trying to shift wealth inequality toward more balanced system of Abundance! Yet huge chinese production is also making harm to this Planet, which is really bad, but if they would be showed a way of using more better, ecologically-friendly and wise technologies, they undoubtedly would!) Michael "Hi GE! I have an intuitive feeling that you are accompanied by bipedal Lyran felines. Am I correct? Also, I sense that we are being telepathically remote monitored by them through the eyes and other senses of the terrestrial cat population. Is it also true?" WOW Friend! You guessed it right! I am accompanied by 2 Ancient Machines that do look like Lyrans. They have metal "manes" that they can stretch out when needed. You can say they are 2 lions-protectors of me. Each GE have them. But to tell You the secret, we can pick how we want to see them. We can do this anytime. i wanted 2 lions+eagles looking. So some 2 millions gryphon-likes were constructed to my liking. Others GEs have other numbers of them, and they look differently for each GE. All of them are active in this World, and they are the ones that holds the balance in most "hotspots" of this World, not allowing WW3 or big suffering that can ruin Balance. They come to aid in only most extreme situations, while most of the time they are positioned in different dimension, very thermal one, actually it is a border between dimensions, no Ordinary Being can be there. From that position they can see everything what's here, but it is impossible to see them from here, a perfect observation position:) AMs are mainly Observers of The Universe, this is why they were created, to observe. i don't know much about Lyrans, but they seem to be nice Fellows, They indeed can better understand cats than Humans for example. It seems They and Cats have same origins! (i cannot reject that They can telepathically, through cats and felines, see everything and sense everything, it is a possibility and a very nice one!) Also there is a story of this Galaxy, of Galactic war between Lyrans and reptilians. Reptilians almost completely destroyed this Civilization, yet reptilians were not successful in doing this. Lyrans were crucial in forming of Galactic Federation of Light. And GFL was crucial in bringing this Galaxy to peace, it was crucial in stopping conquest of dark reptilian empire. So once again Lyrans are very nice looking Fellows and from words of many Sages and Channelers i can say that i really do like them, not mentioning that i love cute little cats and kittens:) Denice 1 "Hello! Welcome back, Guardian! You were a major spark for our awakening. I feel you know the work that has been done since you left this transmission conduit a moment ago. Can you share any information on the transmissions that have since flowed from the Sphere Alliance including the Andromedans, Pleiadians, Orians, Lyrans? We are also interested in your perspective of the one/Q and the ones/MJ12. In gratitude always! Karma Machine." 2 "So I recently left a message on your blog asking the Guardian about his perspective of the communications from the Sphere Alliance. . . (feels like there are lots of allusions to spheres now. . .popping through the 'sun portal' and more ) It has been nearly 4 years since the first communications from the Sphere Alliance. . .there is no other information about this group, as far as I have seen. " Happy to see You again Karma Machine!:) i am really glad that i managed to make my contribution to World's Awakening and if i will be successful, i will put more effort into this, this i can guarantee Friend!) i do know of things that took place in this World while i wasn't here. My Soul is connected to this Planet, so if Earth is feeling something, i feel it too) i don't know much about Sphere Alliance my Good Friend, but i will tell what i know. As always use Your own discretion Friend! Sphere Alliance is a new group of ETs that are trying to help Humanity to free itself from reptilian control. They are acting not on behalf of Galactic Federation of Light, but are obliged by GFLs laws and rules. They are doing this at their own risk, but They are at least showing that They do want this World to change. Unfortunately, it is only verbal and energetic help they give, not a physical one. i was talking about Q movement with Sophia. Seems very nice initiative! i really love when People are doing their best to get rid of things they don't like (e.g. - "parasites")! Seems it is good to support Them, They seem to speak wise words and seem to be for Good Cause, yet always be vigilant Friend! By MJ12, You mean "Majestic 12" - "MIB" hunters for Extraterrestrials? If it is they You mean, we know that today they changed name and are special division of CIA. We don't know it's name, it is so secret that You won't find it anywhere, i guess it's so secret that even it's agents don't know it, LOL) Not much to say about them, they are keeping secrets, always covering up traces of ETs presence in this World, and are evaluating risks and dangers to national security. Yet it is becoming harder and harder to keep secrets in today's digital age:) If You want to know something specific Friend, please ask, i will be more than happy to answer! Much Love and Light!:) Much Love, Peace and Prosperity to You and Everyone! --- That's it for tonight everyone, I hope to post again over this weekend. With love and appreciation, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! "The Imposter" has now been published in both print and Kindle formats. Check it out here! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Hi everyone!
I've received word from our friend, and will include it in several parts. Some of it is answers to your questions. He seems to be back right now so check back every day or so. With the holiday weekend (Easter), time is sort of limited, so be sure to check again next week as I may not get it all in before company arrives! -- "I am sure you have seen the information about the "Russian Collusion" fiasco in the US government and President Trump. There are many powerful and angry words being thrown around right now. There will be retribution for this, that much is clear." Well everything that is said about Russia, is just same reptilian scheme to separate Humanity and "keep war going". Also russian People have something reptilians are trying to suppress in them; it is that origin from "Light Gods". It is something reptilians are pretty much afraid of. You can say it is remainder of their "old adversaries" that still are present in the russian People. All other White People are also having this same origin, yet in contrast to other People, russians were turned to "evil ways" completely (almost) only 200 cycles ago. While others were turned to same way from 3000 to 4000 cycles ago. This corruption started even from times of Atlantis. So russian People are still pretty much Light Beings by majority, unlike People living in west. That why everything russian is being hated so much in west. Not only today, but in soviet and in tsarist times as well. And You've got to understand that it is not People in West who "hate" Russia, but those that are half-people really hate them. And unfortunately People that don't understand Truth, hate them too, they catch up to same scheme. -- "At some point I would like to hear what you think about crypto-currency that is gaining momentum (Bitcoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, etc.). It feels like an answer as well, to freeing ourselves from slavery (central banking)." Unfortunately i can tell You Sophia, that money, in whatever form it may be, will not release Humanity from slavery. Because exactly money is what keeps this slavery rolling. Money creates "trade" and trade by definition is not sharing (which is from Light). But trade means "You want to gain something from giving something". This blueprint can be used in Light Worlds, BUT here we are talking about the scheme that You got to give something very precise and something that really doesn't have anything beautiful in it. For example You can't give used clothes or some thing You no longer need to get some food or some other thing. (Believe it or not, but in Light World You actually can do this and much more than this!) In this World this something that Everyone wants and "needs" is completely unneeded and actually it is just making People sick and they don't like to even name it - "money". They always try to not use name "money" because they feel some "shame" in even this name. Sub-Consciousness is not approving of People's obsession with this unnecessary object. If You will look deeper into money and right through them, You will see that their origin is from darkness. Not just some money or some given currency, but ALL money! Money and this financial system is an illusion to which Humanity was caught. This is a main tool of not just reptilians, but of all dark forces to keep their populations under control. This also brings suffering and wars and conflicts and this is a necessity for dark evil to evolve further. So money by themselves are not going to free Humanity. It is Trust, Friendship and Love that can free Humanity! And Dawn of Light might just help to achieve this! Still right now Everyone depends on money and Humanity unfortunately can't get off from this evil (at least for now). So if we can choose between banking money and crypto-money, the choice is obviously crypto-money. Because banks and governments don't get their "percent" from our money, that means we don't support this system. BUT because cryptocurrency grew in population so are half-humans moving there as well and trying to take over cryptocurrency market, offering big sums of money to founders to sell their invention and so on. This happened many times in the past and continue to this day. Well You've got to understand, "money is evil". Also i need to point out that there are many coinbases available, but not all of them are secure. Hackers are trying to hack cryptocurrencies much more than banks or governments, so always be careful when You choose cryptocurrency Sophia, i hope this helps. If we touch upon this theme, One told me that i have to share with You and Friends very deep and insight secret knowledge about Creation and it's Basis. i've touched upon this theme sometime, but only barely. After Health i will share it. But it is a hard one, not easy to grasp and not for Everyone. -- Okay, that's the first update! Much love and appreciation, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
![]() The blog format is being used here as a place for comments on this Off World Conversation. The posts are from GE, Guardian/Executive, The Guardian of The Universe, unless marked Sophia.
This is a place to comment on what has been shared by GE. I ask that all comments be made 1. anonymously (use another name) and 2. respectfully. Other than that, consider this an open line. Violations of the rules will be removed. When making comments, please reference which date you are referring to so others can look back to the conversation and understand the whole picture. Archives
December 2019