Hi everyone!
It has been a while since we connected here, and the reason for that is the Guardian and I had some trouble with emails getting lost and not being received. We've figured it out, no worries. He is fine and you'll read, has reasons for his absence that make sense. This is a long post. I will separate it into subjects so that you can return and continue reading at your convenience. I want to share a link first, from my friend Lisa Harrison, who is hosting a webinar this weekend. Unfortunately I have guests this weekend and can't attend, but it sounds fascinating and I hope that some of you get to attend. I am including it with this blog, specifically because of the one quote from the Guardian's update: "Universe is a program, and You cannot negotiate with Her." The title of this webinar is "Are we living in a simulation?" Here's the link (click here ). Okay, enjoy an update from our friend, GE... (Remember to use duck duck go for the links.) "Good Day Sophia! I am Very Happy that You had a wonderful weekend Sophia!:) i am sorry it took me a bit long to write answers, i have been a bit busy, but i'm ready and so let's return to Our Good Friends! Light Ships (Click here for reference) On question about Light Ship and it's crew that guards The Solar System, i haven't heard of that precise Ship, yet i know there are a whole lot of different Light Civilizations' Ships and Vessels coming in and out, i know that some "bases" are present on this Planet, most of them underwater and underground and are in different dimension so without an interdimensional ship of Your own, You won't be able to visit them. Overall Many (Light and even some dark that joined the Light) are doing their best to aid this World and Humanity, yet most are restricted by Laws of Galactic Federation of Light. Governmental systems of reptilians and Greys and their "allies" from their side are continuing to rule over western governments and continue the state of enslavement by money, credits and "prison of Mind" state. So Liberation of this Planet is still to come. Sun "Sneeze" i am sorry it took me long to answer on some questions, please understand me Good Friends, i needed to continue my task on helping this World. So now i will answer on those questions even if You already found answer;) From Good Friend Michael: "Thanks, GE! There has been a lot of talk about micro-novas, i.e. "the sneeze from the sun". I suppose those kind of major solar bursts have happened a number of times in Earth/Sol history. When have the most recent micro-novas happened in our solar system?" i'm not sure about this one, but i know for sure that most of super explosions - Star Bursts took place on Sun after Sun was born, because it happens all the time when a new Star is born. Sun is a very very stable Star and unless provoked won't make big enough Star Burst to make it into micro-nova. Micro-novas are big events that has a potential of destroying Planets. It is always best that such events won't take place. i know for sure that Huge Stars are making super explosions sometimes, that by measure could wipe out all of Solar System, but for these Stars, this is just "an ok" event) Timing of the Event - 2043? Good Day Friend Mary A! i have seen Your question and i am very sorry that kept You waiting with answer, i hope You understand! "Welcome back GE! After you said August, 2016, that info kept me going through some tough times. And things haven't improved since then. Now you say 2043 -- if I live that long, I will be 94! I've raised kids mostly on my own and always been a good person and helped other people - doesn't that count for something?? Also, most of the people I know are not evil or bad or even mean (their eyes are good), but they ARE HEAVILY indoctrinated (and sometimes stupid). It feels hopeless for my lifetime, after I had so much hope!" First and foremost there is always Hope, never lose it Good Friend! It was not me that cancelled any event in 2016, there is a big problem in all structure of this Galaxy, so question arose about the future of all this Galaxy and not just this World and other "prison Worlds", so those actions were made by Universe and You can say by Creator-One. This Galaxy have been "an outsider" for far too long, for millions of cycles in fact! Most Beings living in it were considered "weak in their Minds", what had happened here was a big indoctrination taking place on a cosmic scale, not only Humans but many many Beings have been led to believe in ways that stray them from Real and True Light, many led to believe in false Light, which was only looking Light. All of this power play lies mainly on demiurge and reptilians. So cycle 2043 is given only as a marker, on 2043 nothing is said to take place on Earth, this will be a time when an Ancient Civilization will arrive from it's very long journey and will put in place motion, that will end this Galaxy's "state of uneasiness" and will broaden the reaches of Consciousness of those that were led to believe in false Light. i believe You are a very Good Person, yet the system of USA is in service to reptilians, and Universe sees all those that pay taxes to support this system "as a part of this system", even if we are against it and it's ways. evil ones made a very sneaky tactic to make other Beings as a part of their system, so that Light Beings would be restricted in their actions. This is all a strategy of evil and darkness. Universe is a program, and You cannot negotiate with Her. Yet sometimes She is showing Love and Care, but most of the time she is fulfilling everything how it is written to it, by main Rules and Laws of The Universe. Only Creater-One have the ability to "tweak it" and cancel Her actions. i know myself of a lot of very Nice and Good People among Americans, yet not much can be done unless all Americans take action and cease overall obedience to government which foremost is not human. Humanity is now free to Liberate itself from evil, You can do this anytime You wish, evil won't make any big endangering moves, so don't look at 2043, it is up to You - Americans now to liberate Yourselves from slavery, and not just Americans, but People of The Whole World. i see Everyone is tired, Everyone is unhappy of how the things are in this World, Everyone is feeling that "something is not right". So it is time for actions now! The saying is simple - if You don't like this System, why won't You just change it? From my part i am putting forward some movements and motions myself, i want to bring changes to this World as a Human Being, (as a GE i am restricted). So i already started some things, and we GEs and Creater-One made a "state of stall" in this World, so it don't moves anywhere now, it waits for Our - Humanity's actions! (Yet try to make hurry, because system of evil is trying to remove cash money, which in turn might enslave Humanity further, making Humanity even more harder to resist this system of evil). Also Light Beings are waiting for Humanity's actions, so i think it's about time for actions, the actions to liberate Human Civilization and make it Free of everything bad!:) i hope this helps Good Friend Mary! Help for Veterans "What can be to assist Veterans returning from service that are emotionally, mentally, and physically unstable. What can be done to implement true healing vs. symptom management? Thank you." Yes, this is a big question Good Friend Joyce. i've seen some veterans living on streets, government is no longer helping these People and this is very regrettable:( Here a simple methodic can help, We can just tell them that They are Loved! These People saw war and maybe saw how their Friends died right before their eyes, and they could do nothing about it. Also the very sight of death and destruction is putting a mark and lefts scar on Heart and on Soul, all of this is leaving huge trauma on these People, so what these People needs the most is support of loved ones and they simply need Love. Also these People are warriors, they chose to be soldiers and this is their choice, that is why they need a stimulus to protect someone, to give help to someone as a warrior. But the biggest support they need is in Love - They need to be Loved! We All know - Love can heal ANY wounds! The Power of Music "Hello Sophia and Uniter, wow :) Once again I find synchronicity (regarding my own channelings) with Your channelings Sophia, so I just comment again here, sorry. (In Finland people mostly don't appreciate these kind of "demonic messages" so the only thing is to connect channelers elsewhere for support.) In 2016 I had a message about Aretha Franklin and how important singing is. "We take each other by the hand and sing a song, they (soulgroup) provide the words... new songs about happiness, love and joy. Singing opens the gates to heaven so they would like everybody to just start singing because it can be one of the most victorious ways to make progress here in our world. The power of music is connected to our innate power, imagination, making lyrics eagerly. Eternal fire burns in our soul when we sing and many can star their journey this way." So we can also channel songs. I published my first two short songs in Youtube (I channeled them aug.14.2019). Waiting for results, if somebody also starts to have sing-channeling. Exciting. Nice songs in this article, listened them all! I have to think about a possible question more closely..." Good Day Good Friend! I know Finnish People, You are very Nice, Calm and Friendly People! Very nice singing, i admire it!;) Also have Courage in singing and unite Your voice with other Like Minded People to sing together, the song can actually turn the tide of whole Universe! i am surely agree that music and singing expands Consciousness! "The power of music is connected to our innate power, imagination, making lyrics eagerly. Eternal fire burns in our soul when we sing and many can star their journey this way." Completely agree on this part!:) Yes, unfortunately many People that were christian-oriented see Channelings and Extraterrestrial Beings as some kind of "demons", but this is all made up to close their Consciousness to disallow People Ascendance to Higher Consciousness and to One True Creator! Toxic Products & Safe Products i have seen quite a lot of questions from Good Friend Djon, so i will answer here: "Good Day Good Friend This update was a great work. Thank you I knew we were poisoned with a lot of things like vaccines, medecines , drugs and others products added to our food but it's much worse than I thought. Nearly eveything that we use daily is poisoned. Humans must be really valuable, powerful and resistant that they come to this point 😁 It will be hard for me to give up my daily coffees😉 I have 3 questions for now 1 : Are deodorants only dangerous in cans or also in glass bottles ? 2 : So there is no way to get rid of SLS in our body. Marseille soap is better for our skins ? 3 : Are your aware of the abiotic oil theory ? https://deepresource.wordpress.com/2015/04/30/william-engdahl-on-the-abiotic-origin-of-oil/amp/" Yes Good Friend, Humans are indeed Very Powerful and Resistant! Evil ones are finding it hard to shatter design of a Human Being, so perfect this design was made:) 1) Yes, in glass bottles there are dangerous ingredients as well, but i guess You already found out Good Friend! 2) Actually SLS and SLES are coming out of our Bodies in some time, yet much more harder than soft metals for example. They need much more time to come out, We can cleanse our Body from ANY harmful chemicals or ingredients. But some ingredients while stucked in the Body may cause DNA damage, which in turn may lead to cancer. And the older the Body is, the less resistant it is. The most biggest resistance Human Body is having is from age 25 to 60. This can be increased, but for now this is a common statistic. Merseille Soap is a very nice alternative, as it consists from 98 to 99% of natural components, it is made by very old recipe, so a very nice solution as a soap! Yet even Marseille Soap if used daily and like always may not be good as well. It is always to use ALL the things moderately! 3) i will answer on this question at the end of this message, it's an important one More product alternatives "Hi Good Friend GE I want to get rid of Android on my Phone. Do you know of an alternative OS for mobiles? I found LineageOS but i could not install it. https://www.lineageos.org/ I also a deodorant from Nivea with out aluminium https://duckduckgo.com/?q=deodorant without aluminum&t=fpas&iax=images&ia=images&iai=http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/~dgAAOSwYHxWIPgd/s-l300.jpg" 2 "Dove Body Wash Shower Gel with out Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) https://www.ebay.de/itm/Dove-Body-Wash-Shower-Gel-500ml/113723608749?epid=8031290728&hash=item1a7a748ead:m:mQUiJtu9voxxAhOSFABIq_Q You can also find it at ebay.com Here in Europe you can find DOVE bodywash without SLES and FA deodorants without aluminium in stores , you only have to look carefully" Hi Good Friend! Well it's been a long time and i see that Your question was answered, if You want to install new OS on a phone You have to make rooting and it is not a safe operation, there is no guarantee that it will work either, there is a possibility that we can just break the phone or like they say "turn it into brick", so always be careful with installing new OS Friend and Everyone. There is quite a lot of deodorants without Aluminum. Aluminum can be in many forms, look for components and if You see "something Aluminum something" then it's Aluminum there. "The dancing robot dog 😂😂😂😂 youtube.com/watch?v=kHBcVlqpvZ8" LOL They made robot to make some dancing, a nice one! i love robots and artificial intelligence! Thank You Friend! Alternative Fuels "True " energy transition ": China prepares its «society of the hydrogen»!. http://www.online-translator.com/site/auto/fr-en/?http://echelledejacob.blogspot.com/2019/06/vraie-transition-energetique-la-chine.html?m=1 This a very good news my friends" Yes a very good news indeed my Friend! Though hydrogen-only fuel is not safe and it still allows People to make money by selling pure hydrogen. There's been an awesome designs of engines that work only on WATER, where they use hydrogen which is in water, but i guess we have to start somewhere and hydrogen don't have any byproduct except for pure water, which is AWESOME! So these are Very Very Great News! Although the news have been removed, this arises the question, i only hope that "energy brokers" won't interfere here. "A fuel-cell motocycle https://youtu.be/B_Whbb_hlPs" A hydrogen-fueled bike, that's an awesome design! One of many! A good way to start up building water powered cars and bikes!:) Healing Technologies "I came across this healing technologie http://free-energy-devices.com/Chapt20.html A good electrician can build this healing device" Awesome and Superior Technology Good Friend, and to wonder - Some already built such device! The Inventor of this device Lahovskiy was russian, so here is one russian site about this generator, use translator Good Friends https://health4ever.org/teorii-i-jeksperimenty/generator-lahovskogo-lechenie-volnami In short this generator restores the Frequencies of all the Cells to their "normal condition", so affected by cancer cells are returning to normal and all mutated cells that are unrecoverable are dying out and all system of our Body completely restores itself! On top of that it also renews the cells and makes them younger, so patient will look younger than before! This generator also was made by other inventors in other forms, although they have been suppressed. It is awesome that schematics of this device are still available! So we can rebuild it! The Wave or Frequency healing - is the most effective way to heal ourselves from ANY disease! It is so here in this World and in other Worlds. You know the saying "Words can Heal", some still can heal other persons with just saying specially arranged Words, this is The Power of Sound, of Frequencies! i have also seen that google prevents access to russian sites, i am very glad that You've found a solution, it's true that duckduckgo is a waaay better than google, it not only allows You to visit any site there is, it also don't track on You and keeps Your Privacy, i really love them!:) Oil, Einstein, Energy... And answer on question 3: 3) Yes Good Friend, it has proven that Oil (Petroleum) is made naturally and is a necessary component of Earth. It acts as a lubricating oil of our Planet. This Oil was in existence since ancient times even before there were dinosaurs. But some Beings were falling in oil and dying and there were quite a lot of them. That is why it made scientists to think that this oil is completely organic and consists of dead creatures, yet it is only partly organic. This oil is not made to be extracted from Earth in large quantities and used like everywhere. Only evil ones are doing such things. Oil is black and black color is a reminder that using such color "belongs to dark side". It can be used temporarily like a replacer of coal and steam technologies, but not for prolonged periods, like Humanity is doing, because it is not going to bring benefit to anyone, only sorrow in the end. Fortunately Humanity is not using oil for 1000 cycles, only for some 100+, that is why there is still time to get away from it. i've found this site Good Friend http://viewzone.com/abioticoilx.html The oil is being produced naturally from inner Earth processes, and one such process involves the most important and most Awesome process in Existence! The opposite theory of Einstein, how to get Matter out of Pure Energy! - M=E/C2. What means Einstein's Equation is that You have to Accelerate matter to double the Speed of Light (or more than speed of Light), in return of which we will receive HUGE AMOUNTS OF ENERGY, but outside of Human Comprehension and ability to hold it http://www.emc2-explained.info/Emc2/Equation.htm Along with countless great possibilities of releasing huge amounts of pure Energy from Matter (while almost completely destroying this matter in the process) this also brings danger of colossal destruction. That way nuclear weapons were created. Know Good Friends that when we burn materials to get Energy from them, we never completely destroying this matter, we only are turning it's state into something else (and matter continue to exist in this physical reality), while receiving just a smallest fraction of The Energy that is contained within ANY matter. The opposite of Einstein's equation is a deceleration of Energy, that way You can create matter. And if You will create very very carefully designed devices that control matter formation, You can actually create any thing in Existence, even with most complex design in Existence, for example You can create a Human Being from Pure Energy and give ANY Soul to Him/Her that will suite the Body. It is a godlike ability. i guess this is outside of Humanity's comprehension and abilities right now, yes?) But when Oil is formed, it is formed from few processes, one of which involves EXTREME deceleration of Energy and Ether. Although Einstein was not as good as he is being portrayed, as he was part of "elite" cabal and he used idea of Hendrik Lorentz and Henri Poincare, Einstein was working with them and had an occupation of "patent clerk", so theoretically he could take any idea and make this idea his own. The idea of relativity was mainly of Henri Poincare https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relativity_priority_dispute Because of disputes, Einstein never received Nobel Prize for Theory of Relativity, but received it on other theme - "Law of Photoelectic Effect", which was also not his idea as well, but of russian scientist Alexander Stoletov who passed away in 1896 never receiving nobel prize and Einstein received it in 1921 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoelectric_effect The adjustments to this theory that Einstein put, had made "a lock" which forbids the existence of Ether. And You got to understand that all The World of Humanity today is based on this theory - E=MC2 (where You get Energy from Matter by 'simply' destroying it - a process of evil - process of destruction, whereas M=E/C2 is process of Creating something out of 'nothing', so it is an opposite - a process of creation - a process of Good and Light). And when time and again prove of Ether is being surfaced, scientists try not to talk about it, because it shatters all of physics "laws" Everyone get used to and eventually it shatters all of this system of evil where material things are considered "the most important". Another wrong thing that is in theory of relativity is a 'constant' speed of Light. Light does not have a constant speed. Light can move VERY VERY fast, MUCH more than constant of 186 000 mi/s or 300 000 km/s and also there are speeds that exceeds Speed of Light. In theory of relativity it is stated that any matter will get "an infinite mass" once it surpasses the Speed of Light. Partly it is true, yet it is not going to be infinite and it will not remain forever big, once the speed will be reduced the mass will return to normal. Yet time will be affected by speed in that the theory is correct. So essentially the overall theory of relativity is correct, but it needs adjustments and most important one is on Ether. Tesla and more truths... So another important thing i wanted to mention because we touched upon this subject is about Ether. 100+ cycles ago when Rockfellers and Morgans were creating Energy monopoly on oil and electricity, periodic tables that every chemist knows were changed and most lightest element - Ether was excluded from it. Alexandre-Emile De Chancourtois and Dmitri Mendeleev were creators of Periodic Table, but there is older version of Mendeleev table which has Ether in it above all else, and there were some other tables that show it as well. Mendeleev made a table that had "Group 0" which consisted of inert gases and Ether - which was called "Newtonium" in honor to Isaac Newton https://stopga.me/images/uploads/images/316325/form/normal_1360491884.gif But this brought big complications for Mendeleev even though he was russian, "energy brokers" made life harder for Mendeleev and all other scientists that tried to speak about Ether (Aether). So this table was changed and inert gases where transferred into last group from the very first group 0 and Ether was completely excluded from it along with "Coronium" - another very Light element. Inert gases are very light and should have been before any other elements along with Ether, You can call them "an exclusion from main rule", even today scientists are debating about inert gases, they are different. You may wonder - why? what so big deal about this Ether? The possibilities that bring Ether and it's existence is having a potential to completely reshape this World and All Human Society. Because it is possible to use Ether to gain Free Energy, and majority of inventors are using exactly this Ether Energy, called Zero-Point Energy. Ether is present everywhere in The Universe and "energy brokers" understood that they would not be able to control Humanity if Everyone would get Energy from Everywhere. Nikola Tesla was talking about Ether and it's countless possibilities, He understood it's huge potential! https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/176727/was-nikola-tesla-right-about-his-ether-theory And here are the ideas of Nikola Tesla that You might never heard about, his mind was far behind the Society that he was living in, i may guess that he was an ancient Being that came from other more evolved Worlds:) https://www.ancient-code.com/nikola-tesla-ether-antigravity-and-harnessing-the-power-of-the-universe/ Like Nikola Tesla stated, this is what You can do when 'You know' the Ether -Precipitate matter from the ether -Create whatever he wants with the matter and energy derived -Alter the earth’s size -Control earth’s seasons (weather control) -Guide earth’s path through the Universe, like a space ship -Cause the collisions of planets to produce new suns and stars, heat, and light -Originate and develop life in infinite forms Most of these are correct, Your possibilities are countless once You get hold onto Ether, then creating special tools and devices that manipulate and coexist with Ether can enable to do such godlike things and even beyond. i had witnessed myself how living Beings were created out of Energy, i remember it scarcely, but the process was beautiful and Being was complete and alive almost at once after Creation. So Nikola Tesla as well as other scientists were victims of this "energy ownership" game made by evil ones. So today's periodic table is not complete, it is directed on matter and physical reality and not including the most lightest elements like Ether that directly connects to One Universal Energy and complete Freedom of Human Society. And last thing about Ether and how it forms matter, look at these videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz5thjvRT30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTC5a9nGjGw What You see here is ice moving toward the surface, when it collides with surface and cold wind it produces 'more ice', You can see the small icicles and particles there appearing like 'out of nothing'. i wasn't able to find more videos that i saw before where You can clearly see how ice appears out of nowhere making beautiful shapes and forms, maybe if someone can share these videos it would be great! This process You see is a deceleration of Energy, like You see, ice is always coming and coming, and on top of it appear many icicles, like it is not coming from water, but from the very air. This is "a formation of matter from nothing" we can say, it happens because of Ether, Ether connects with cold streams of air, and this creates more water in form of ice. Matter appears from cold, because matter=solid. You can get not much matter from cold streams of air and different mix of Energies which are there, yet it is already a big amount of matter! Also same process happens when volcano's explode, when magma touches the cold ground or cold water, as a result more matter is produced. Same happens with oil, Ether forms a "solid oil" like plastic at the places where oil is - underground. Many scientists found out that on places where oil was supposedly over it reappeared again! Since the Birth of The Solar System matter increased QUITE A LOT! it increased the overall volume of Earth's Oceans, Earth's Tectonic Plates and Sun's volume. Still it is not much, yet the difference can be felt. What this system is trying to teach is that all is 'finite', that everything is limited and that Universe consists of "some" given amount of matter and there can be 'no more' than already is. This is false of course - there is NO LIMIT to Universe whatsoever. Limits - by this very word the meaning is not Freedom, it is enslavement. Finite - also means end of something, that all can end "sometime". Infinite - means no limits, the possibilities of unendiness. So the very words already describe every thing in existence and about this World. i hope this finds You Well Good Friends! Sophia in next message i will add new information on Health, just a bit and finally get on to history:) Much Love and Light to You!" So that's it everyone! As always, add your questions to the comments below so he can see them! Much love and light, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
9/20/2019 05:02:45 pm
Good Day Good Friend GE
9/20/2019 11:54:54 pm
Thank You!
9/22/2019 07:40:43 am
Hi Friends
10/2/2019 05:21:08 am
Welcome back, GE!
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December 2019