Hi again. This is the second part of the Guardian’s update. Before sharing it, an introduction is necessary.
The Guardian has shared his knowledge/information about the first settlement of humanity on earth. There are words used in the information that will probably trigger you. There are subject matters that may do the same. I hesitate to share it here because of these words and subject matters. I have been advised NOT to do so by some people very close to me. They feel it could color/tarnish my reputation and create a label/impression of my work that is incorrect. It has taken a few days to decide whether or not to share this. I have decided to do so for several reasons. These reasons outweigh any untruths that might pop up as a result. At least I feel that they do. First of all, I agreed to be a messenger for the Guardian. This information is part of his message. Secondly, this information is already readily available to you if you speak Russian. It originated in Russia. Third, I believe in my readers. If you have stuck with me and the Guardian and the cast of characters who’ve been speaking to us these last 5 years, then you comprehend truth, and know that I am about love and sovereignty and truth always. Words and labels have been thrown out the window and, in their place, we’ve uncovered many hidden gems. I believe that this information is one of those gems. Fourth, and possibly last, is this. The words used in the Guardian’s telling are his own. English is not his first language and he is attempting to translate Russian text. He uses words that, and here is the part to remember, our history has taught us to regard as evil and wrong and indicative of polarity and extermination. Words like “Aryan” and references to both skin and eye color are deeply embedded in the Guardian’s update. Tread gently and keep an open mind. Realize that your initial reactions stem from what you’ve been told and how these words and subject matters, like skin color, have been used in foul and evil ways to degrade us and separate us. I have spoken to him about these word uses and here is part of his response: “that is one of the reasons why this information is dangerous, because it describes differences in both skin and eye color and also overall "Aryan culture" which was used by Hitler to justify evil deeds. This information might brand People "racist" or "anti-semites", we GEs had a suspicion, and not just a suspicion, but we are 100% sure that all "Hitler and nazi Germany" scheme was made purposefully to discourage People to know anything about ancient Slavyans and Aryans. Because evil ones knew that eventually People will find out about past and will want to know about it, that is why they put a very negative image on all this knowledge.” He spoke at length about skin color, and how it is a distinct part of all beings in the universe, and the first thing we notice about each other. He mentioned how we’ve labeled one of the extra-terrestrial races the “Tall Whites” with no repercussions. He also referenced the Hopi tribe with their stories of the 4 races/tribes of Humanity: “White, Yellow, Black, Red”. White is merely a skin color. There are many. It need not carry the heavy load it has been burdened with on earth, thanks in no small part, to the Nazi regime. Finally, and as always, use your own discernment here. We are in a time of deep disclosure and this bit of potential truth is being shared for that reason. Direct any and all questions to the Guardian regarding this information. He has said that he hopes to be around for a little bit longer now, and hopes to send another batch of updates on our history. I don’t know how long he’ll be here, and either does he. For any references to images or graphs, go to the end of this post. You'll find them all there. Much love, Sophia Here is the Guardian’s update on our history: "Yes Good Friend GE, I am ready I am impatiently waiting to know what you have say about our History." Ah, My Friend, it's about time i am giving this out!:) So here We will finally touch upon the subject of history, let's start My Friends! Creater of The Universe made it so that before You get to know history of the World, Creater-One needed to see whether You are ready or not for this, because it has a profound effect, this knowledge is almost entirely not known in "mainstream" of internet which is in the west. So all of these prolongations, they were meant to be My Friends. So here i will retell the story of settlement of Humanity on this Planet. Know Friends that not everything can be translated from russian to english easily on top of that here are words that are not used in official russian language of today. So take notice that some things might "not fit" into all the picture, yet i try to translate this as best as i can! i was using translators on some words and my russian Friend was helping me A LOT! Big credit to Him as well, Thank Him too My Friends!:) i will try to translate directly and literally word-to-word to give out the best matching meaning of every single word, so to not lose any thing in this text and to not make any confusion. The most important thing is to understand words "Genus/Lineage" and "God and gods". Everything in ancient knowledge of Aryans revolves about and around Genus, Lineage, Family and it's great importance! The main God of their pantheon was called "ROD", it is "Genus" in russian. Many russian words even today have this root in their words, so this is indeed a very important word! And about "God-gods" - ancient Slavyans-Aryans were saying "Bog" and "bozhichi" not in the form of "owner" like judeo-christianity is giving out, but in the form of a Relative, they were seeing gods as their fathers and mothers, like some great great granpas and great great granmas and in fact these "gods" were real and alive and were visiting Earth many times. They brought in much vegetation, trees, animals from other Worlds. So try to not misunderstand me when i will mention words "God and gods", here is a big talk about them. So here goes (my comments are in blue and stylized): .... And it was morning.... And stood into Great Circle Brotherhoods of 4 Tribes of Race of Heavens (also Heavens' Race), that arrived from Constellations of Orion, Lion, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. And Priests-Volhvs (can be translated "priests-magicians", yet this is not literal translation, there is simply no words to correctly describe them in english) lit The Sacred Fire of Inglia - The Firstborn Energy of Creation and glorified The Light Gods of Thrones of Svarga Purest (Milky Way Galaxy). And came out The Great Priest of Rasens - into the centre of the Circle, blessed VELES, in tall pink toga, he was tall, with hair of raven's wing (means black), brown-eyed, he rose his hand to native Star of Rasens - Denebola and said: AZ YESM BOZHICH OF RACE OF HEAVENS ("I AM GOD" in the form of ancestor and keeper of children - of all tribes and of Genus/Lineage). SWEAR TO SERVE THE GENUS/LINEAGE! TO GLORIFY THIS LAND, in THE NAME OF PROSPERITY of our new birthplace (new home), will keep our Great Genus of Rasens, will love this Country DAARIA - Gift of Gods! From ages, to ages. From Circle to Circle! So it was, so it is, so it will be! And came out The Great Priest of Rusans - into the centre of the Circle, threelight LADAAD, in tall toga, with blue azure in his eyes, with light-brown hair. Majestic and beautiful he layed his hand on heart into centre of his chest, and then rose his hand to sky and said on cosmic language of devangari: AZ YESM BOZHICH OF RA-M-HA THE GREATEST, SWEAR TO FULFILL EDIFICATIONS (like "commandments", but these are more like "instructions" on how to live right) OF HIGHEST GODS OF SVARGA PUREST, WHERE MEASURE of all words and acts - ARE CONSCIENCE, HONOR, JUSTICE, LOVE! Following Veda-Inta. Truth our is firm! From now on, from ages to ages. So it was, so it is, so it will be! And came out into Chamber's (People gathering) central Circle HAARYAN - The Great Commodore of Galactic Fleet El-G (dʒi) PERUN, space wanderer tightened in brown uniform, tall, higher than 2 metres, hair white to his shoulders, with emerald color of eyes and raised his hand to sky he solemnly said: AZ YESM BOZHICH PERUN, SWEAR TO PROTECT ALL GENUSES/LINEAGES OF GREAT RACE FROM ALL FOES/ADVERSARIES OF EARTH AND FROM OUTSIDE OF EARTH, WHO WILL WANT TO TAKE AWAY FREEDOM and LIFE OF MY CONGENERS/RELATIVES - WILL BE PUNISHED. TO ALL WORTHY I WILL ASSIST IN WORTHY AID, IN THE NAME OF GREAT TRINITY - OF GODS RAMHA, SVAROG, VISHENY! From now on, from ages, to ages - eternally!. From Circle to Circle. And came out into Chamber's central Circle Daaryan - The Great Commodore of Galactic Fleet El-G RAMHAT, grey-eyed, with long light ashy hair, strict beauty and grandeur, raised his hand in greeting to all and said light speech: AZ YESM BOZHICH RAMHAT OF RACE WHITE! SWEAR TO PROTECT WISDOM OF PREVIOUS EARTH OURS INGARDT OF STAR DENEBOLA, ALL KNOWLEDGE I TRANSFER TO KEEPERS OF RACE. Will this Land Be Blessed, and accepted into Svaroga's Circle of Great Race! From now on she is connected with Highways of Space with stars of Svarga Purest! SO WILL ALL GENUSES/LINEAGES BE HAPPY! HALLOWED BE THE NAME OF RAMHA! (RAMHA and RAMHAT are not the same). From Circle to Circle! So it was, so it is, so it will be! And burned All GENUSES huge bonfire of Inglia and Glorified Threelight Gods, and throw Gifts of New Earth into Fire of Inglia - fruits of vegetables, flowers, fragrant herbs and burned The Great Bread from previous Birthplace in Fire of Inglia and Planet Geya (Gaia) responded on Glorifications and loved (became fond to) children of Race White overnight! And were singing Hymns beautiful girls and women of Race of Heavens and were walking around Fire of Inglia - glorifying Great Threelight Gods, Priests and Commodores of all Genuses/Lineages and Tribes! Instead of "I" (in russian "Я" - "Ya") - people of white race were saying "AZ", that is why they were calling themselves VEDIC ACES ("Asia" is named after them, this was the place where they lived). Because they were knowing (word "Veda" means "to know" or "Knowledge") The Great Wisdom of All Creation. From vaytmars (these are big interstellar spaceships) took a bunch of vimans (smaller interplanetary spaceships) - flying ships, a lot of materials for constructing habitation, crystalic devices for far communication with other planets, antigravitational installments. Vaytmars with small crews returned to their native planets. Only Ancestor Perun with his Vaytmar remained on earth and lived with congeners/relatives for 50 years, and then flew away, so to return again with his son Dazdybog and with his wife Dzhiva, and with his daughter Thara. So this was a story how White People came here, it is said that White People came here roughly 1 million cycles ago. Before that the 5th Planet of this Solar System was habitable, it was Planet Deya, it was much bigger than Earth with more gravity and pressure on it. A beautiful World with abundant Life and landscapes, a lot of place to live in. It is said that Earth was having very good conditions for Life, but it was a dangerous place for Humans to be here, Life was very abundant and pretty hostile. Then after some time conditions here became suitable for Human Life and 1 accident had made People to descend on Earth. 1 Vaytmar had sustained damage and had to land on Earth and People liked this Planet when they explored it a bit and decided to stay, and this made all "white ancestor gods" to decide to make this Planet a New Home for White People. And what i translated to You Friends was the ceremony of opening this New Planet to Human Beings. If we are to compare Humanity of today with Humanity of that distant past then it was a completely different Species, they are Ancestors of White People of today, but White People of today had almost completely and entirely lost everything what Ancestors were believing into and how they were living. They were living in complete and total Harmony with all surroundings, that is why they didn't want to interfere here on this Planet, because Life here was very abundant and they knew that somehow they might hurt it, by cutting trees, building settlements, simply walking, overall 'leaving footprints'. They always wanted to give back something in return to Mother Planet they were living on. Also Original Humans were from 7 to 12 feet tall (2.0-3.5 metres). Lesser gravity and less abundant oxygen made People smaller and also a bit weaker in strength, it is said that they were very strong, they were able to carry trees from one place to another with ease. Now i will show You a website that has A LOT of preserved information in it, it is a HUGE read! I've read some of it, the most important parts, but there is much more to read, i will share with You My Friends everything most interesting! ========================================================================================= So let's start from Time! Here is a calendar that remained, all the most important dates are showed here: http://derzhavarus.ru/letoischislenie.html The earliest date is 604388 years/cycles ago, it is a huge date, right? (it was in 2014, today it is 604393 LOL) More than half a million of cycles! "A time of 3 Suns" This is when 3 Stars were observed from Earth, 2 other Stars, 1 of green color (a dwarf star) and other of silver color (a giant star) - were pretty close and observable for Inhabitants of Earth! 460532 - The Time of Dary (Gifts). The arrival of Daaryans on Vaytmars from Star System "Zimun" - Heavenly Cow, today it is known as Ursa Minor. 273908 - The Time of H'Arra. Another wave of resettlement, the arrival on this Planet of Haaryans from Finist the Clear Falcon (Rorog) constellation, today it is known as Orion. 211700 - The Time of Svaga. New migrants arrived on Earth! 185780 - The Land of Daaria (this was original land - an island and continent where White People settled in, today it is known as "HyperBorea", it was located right on the North Pole, today there is only Arctic Ocean), was separated by 4 rivers and there was 4 provinces - Svaga, Harra, Rae, Tule. Tule was a city of masters (craftsmen), they were producing tools and mechanisms for Everyone. It is said that in this city craftsmen were producing tools that could change surrounding World without making harm to it, like magical crystals and else. 165044 - The Time of Thara. This chronology is connected with visit of Goddess Thara, she brought with her seeds of Sacred Trees, she planted many trees and forests here. That is why Thara is honored here as a patroness of trees that gives strength! Use translator Good Friends, here almost everything is quite understandable! ========================================================================================= Here is a list of all Ancestor-Gods of Slavyans-Aryans that were preserved right into these times, look at the Left, starting from "Вышние Боги" and "Ра-М-Ха" (Higher Gods and Ra-M-Ha) http://derzhavarus.ru/bogi there are 4 categories of them, Higher(Ancient)-Gods, Patron-Gods, Guide-Gods, Protector-Gods, it is said that there were much more of them, each of the Family for example was honoring their own ancestor and ancestors as "gods" as well, each Family had their own Protector-God, which was once a member of their Family! All of them were very much honored and glorified by People, because these were not only patrons of Slavyans-Aryans, but also Parents of Humanity! The Creater of The Universe is called Ra-M-Ha (also Ramha) He was honored by all other gods, it is Creater-One. All other gods had their images and Ra-M-Ha did not, not because He was faceless, but because He was (and is) Omni-Present. Have You noticed? Ra-M-Ha pronunciation is almost the same as Hindu "Brahma"?? Well because this is one and the same God! Slavyans-Aryans brought their knowledge to India to aid ancient People of India. Other 2 most important Gods of Hinduism is Vishnu and Shiva, and guess what, these same names (almost) are also present in Slavyan-Aryan Pantheon. Visheny (Vishnu) - was a primordial god and Father of many other gods and Dzhiva (Shiva) was a Goddess of Life and Rebirth, she was giving Life to new Souls on their incarnations! Only difference between Dzhiva and Shiva is gender, yet both are connected to Life and Rebirth, but it is said that God Shiva has attributes of both male and female and look at him, he indeed looks like there is both man and woman inside him! We cannot say same about Vishnu or Brahma for example. Another thing about god Brahma, have You noticed that God Brahma is having white-pink skin and white beard? Attributes that are not quite fit into main analogy of hinduism gods. Brahma is only 1 of two gods that have such look. You may wonder why is that? Well originally Brahma was the only most honored god of India. There was a religion of India that was before hinduism and that religion actually gave birth to hinduism, it was called "brahmanism". But brahmanism appeared out of "vedism", which is the most ancient religion of India and not only religion, but also wisdom and knowledge of Life and it was brought to India from the north, by Aryans! So most of knowledge that India knows today about vedic teachings like well known Ayurveda, Spirituality, all Yogas, the very language of vedic civilization "sanskrit" it all came from Slavyans-Aryans. In Vedic teachings of Slavyans-Aryans it is said that "sanskrit" word means "samoskrit", which literally means "self-hidden" language. Slavyans-Aryans shared only a part of their knowledge with India, like some 70% of it, and most sacred they kept, because there was fear that it may be used for evil deeds. Here i am giving "Edifications" (instructions on how to live) that were given by gods which remained to these days, most were destroyed, but these were kept in secret given out from generation to generation, evil ones wanted Humanity to not know how to "live right", thus they destroyed most of it. So here goes, You can use translator Good Friends, but if it still will not be understandable, then let me know if You want me to translate some for You!: http://derzhavarus.ru/zapovedi-bogov.html Notice that they were strictly prohibiting from sacrificing animals and eating meat, because "it is going to turn People into savage animals" from their words! And indeed, when People eat meat they become more like predators, and consequently more aggressive, more egoistic, more materialistic and separated (because powerful predators like to hunt alone): Edifications of Svarog 21. Don't bring to altar bloody sacrifices, do not anger gods yours, for it is disgusting for them to take innocent blood from creatures of God (Creator of The Universe). 23. Don't eat food with blood, for you will become like savage beasts, and many diseases will inhabit you. You eat clean food, which grows on your fields, in your forests and in your gardens, you will gain then many strengths, strengths of light, and will not overtake you illnesses-diseases and pains with sufferings. Another ones i like: Edifications of Ramhat 13. Don't think, that many Worlds are uninhabited, on them is life that You never saw, and with Your feelings not felt. 14. Don't use Vaytmans and Vaytmars for evil, so to take over other Worlds, but use them for Good and to know The Worlds, and thus you will gain friendship of residents of those Worlds. 15. Do not show aggressiveness against those, who visits you from other Worlds, for how you will behave yourself, thus so they will think about all inhabitants of your World. 16. Don't ruin Your World and it's nature, for you will ruin yourself and will lose you World. 21. Don't use Fash-destroyers (nuclear weapons) against your World, for you will ruin your alive World and will lose descendants of your Genus. 24. Don't live by laws, that were created by people, in order to deprive you of Freedom, but live by Laws of God One (also "One God" or "God United" - Creater of The Universe). ========================================================================================= Now You have read about 4 Ancestor-Gods giving Oaths to preserve and love this Planet, now very interesting part. 4 Genuses of White People, which exist even today. Those are "Rasens" - People with Brown Eyes "Light Rusens" (also "Holy Rusens") - People with Blue-Eyes "Ha'Aryans" - People with Green-Eyes "Da'Aryans" - People with Grey(Silver)-Eyes 2 Genuses of Rusens and 2 Genuses of Aryans. The different color of eyes comes from the Star under which given Genus of People was born. Here You will find the information on 4 Genuses, all 4 have special genealogical traits! I will not translate entire pages, but will mention the most important traits: Rasens http://radogost.ru/raseny.html Their height was from 250-270 cm. These People have very heightened senses and they feel the surrounding World more sensibly than Others and they better can interact with it, these People can feel and sense every other Individual like inside out, they can become very powerful psychics if They will work on it. Although because of such very thin feelings of surroundings, we can say they have fragile psychic and neural system. these People need to be careful with overreacting, They can get very "berserk" if provoked, They have fiery nature, because they have fiery brown-to-orange eyes and were born under Orange Giant Star. Many priests and "magicians" (volhvans) were Rasens. In Daaria, they were living in the territory of "Rai". Their main characteristics are "rage" and steadfastness. The "genetic mission" of Rasens is to Support and Maintain. Light Rusens http://radogost.ru/svjatorusy.html Their height was under 300 cm. They had broad shoulders and overall powerful physique. They were always creators and makers, these People love art, esthetique, beauty and crafts. They are great architects, builders, poets and artists. Light Rusens instinctively relate the parameters of the form and content, so they can promptly bring any objects to a harmonious state, that is why among Them were many spiritual leaders, healers and oracles. In Daaria They were living in the territory of "Svaga", and by legends Asgard of Daaria was designed and built by the representatives of this Genus. The Genus of Light Rusens was and is an INSPIRATION to All the other Genuses of White People. They were born under Blue Star which was very energetically charged! and their Blue Eyes gives much Energy and inspiration to all other Genuses! Their main characteristics are creativity and aesthetics. The "genetic mission" of Light Rusens is to Create! Ha'Aryans http://radogost.ru/harijcy.html Their height was 290-350 cm and sometime was even more than 400 cm! They were the tallest Representatives of White People! They have a special characteristic - the brighter the green color of their eyes the more gifted Individual was! Ha'Aryans were powerful warriors, but they were more oriented to "Energy Warfare" they were very much excelled in feeling different types of Energies. Ha'Aryans also very much like any type of technologies, They love mechanics, electronics, they understand the language of machines and are talking to devices like to Friends! The are specialists in mechanisms and even if They would encounter a machine they saw the very first time, They would easily find a common language with it and understand it. Due to all these traits They were scientists of Daaria and of White People. It is also said that Ha'Aryans are best navigators, and can navigate ships (or People) out of any danger. It is also said that all 4 Genuses were having their own alphabets and writing systems, yet Ha'Aryan "Karuna" writing system was recognized as "universal". Born under the Green colored Star. Ha'Aryans were living in the territory called "Harra". Their main characteristics are wisdom and insight. The "genetic mission" of Ha'Aryans is to Cognize. (i myself am a mix of Ha'Aryan and Da'Aryan, and more of Ha'Aryan and i can confirm that i have all that LOL!) Da'Aryans http://radogost.ru/darijcy.html Their height was always tall under 290 cm. Their eyes were always grey, called "color of steel" or "color of silver". They were the first Genus to land on Earth, these People are always the ones that are "at the front". They were considered the most physically strongest and the most powerful warriors of all 4 Genuses and were having "the strongest blood", They have exceptional vitality, endurance and survivability. The majority of army of Slavyans-Aryans was composed of Da'Aryans. This Genus is most stable to psychotronic and negative energetic effects, they have like immunity toward it. Although they were powerful physically, Da'Aryans were humane and peaceloving like other 3 Genuses. Both Da'Aryans and Ha'Aryans were protecting Rasens and Light Rusens from dangers, Aryans were more warriors and Rasens and Light Rusens were more creators and maintainers. Da'Aryans were born under powerful Silver colored Star, and they came to be "cold like steel" when it comes to danger, but loving and caring for other peaceful Beings and Loved Ones like any Star is. The territory where They lived was called "Thule". Their main characteristics are strength and courage. The "genetic mission" of Da'Aryans is to Protect. Majority of these 4 genuses originally were having light brown and dark brown hair and also blonde hair. There were only few with black hair. ========================================================================================= Another interesting thing. Slavyans-Aryans had their own astronomy and they named each Planet with It's own name, in honor of one of their gods. Here is a list of them: Like You see it has 27 Planets! Some of these Planets are no more... But most remain! You can see that all Planets of Inner Solar System have also their Moons! And Earth back then had 2 Moons. The Sun was called "Yarilo-Sun". Mercury=The Land of Hors, Venus=The Land of Mercsana, Earth=Midgard (before People settled on Earth, it was called "The Land of Lada", Lada was like Mother Goddess in Slavyan-Aryan Pantheon), two moons of Earth were called Mesyac (in russian it is "Month")=Moon and Lyelya (this moon had many salt waters on it), Mars=The Land of Orey, Jupiter=The Land of Perun, Saturn=The Land of Stribog, Uranus=The Land of Varuna, Neptune=The Land of Niy, Pluto=The Land of Viy (You can see that many names of Planets sound pretty same, like Mars=Orey, Jupiter=Perun, Uranus=Varuna, Neptune=Niy), other half of list "are not found" today. And like You see all the Planets had their own rune symbol! ========================================================================================= Also the calendar of Slavyans-Aryans was different, they brought this calendar to this Planet from their home Star Systems. It was configured to work with Human Body, with Frequencies of The Universe, and with this Star System and this Planet. It was using "sacred numbers", a hexadecimal system of 16, which is sacred (today hexadecimal system is used in programming and it is very effective). Each 16 years cycle was called "Circle of Years", this Circle of Years is coming through 9 elements and creates period of 144 years (the number which is also sacred). 144 - is the "Circle of Life" number. They had 3 seasons instead of 4. Winter, Autumn and Spring and all together were called "Leto" (Summer in russian). Each year had 9 months (9 is also sacred number), each month had 41 days on even months and 40 days on odd months (each 16th year had 41 days in all 9 months, it was called "The Most Sacred Year"), each week had 9 days and each day was 16 hours long (new day was starting from 6:00pm/18:00, when Sun was setting) time was moving slower with this system. In their calendar it was always known with what day starts each new month, for example if new year was starting from monday then all odd months will start from monday as well and all even ones would start from saturday. With today's system it is chaotic and we have to have calendar to know it. They also had their own names for each Day, Month, Year, Circle of Years, Circles of Life and even for each Hour and Minutes! And all of these names were honoring their gods! Here are the names of 9 months and their corresponding rune: http://derzhavarus.ru/slavyanskie-nazvaniya-mesyacev.html Here are the names of each of 144 years in Circle of Life: http://derzhavarus.ru/daarijskij-krugolet-chisloboga.html Like You can see they have a special system of 144, which is not understandable at first, yet it is completely orderly arranged, it is pure mathematics. This is another website, which You will hardly understand, here are names of each years in 16 cycle, of each hours and of each of 9 elements: https://tartaria.name/znacheniya-v-drevneslavyanskom-kalenda/ And most interesting part, they were able to meter time right to the most smallest particle of miliseconds! So here goes: 1 day is 16 hours 1 hour is 144 "parts" 1 "part" is 1296 "shares" 1 "share" is 72 "moments" 1 "moment" is 760 "instants" 1 "instant" is 160 "sigs" 1 "sig" is 14000 "santigs" 1 "santig" is 0,000000003305 of second This is impossible to measure such smallest fraction of time even with the most advanced chronometres that are available today, yet Slavyans-Aryans could! Also know My Friends, that many of the numbers that Slavyans-Aryans were using, were main numbers which were configured into All Creation by Creater-One. These are 9-16-45-144 (these are the most basic numbers, there also goes more powerful numbers like 1296, but these numbers are meant for higher dimensions). Today calendar and time system is based mostly on Slavyan-Aryan system (yet this is not announced), but today's calendar is disharmonized and disbalanced, also it is imperfect, because each 4th cycle/year has "a fix" of 1 day there and still this fix is not fixing time like it needs to. 30-31 days and 28-29 days in february is pretty chaotic and it "kicks out" People from natural cycles of the Universe. Here are the clocks of Slavyans-Aryans that were recreated by those that follow in their path! http://derzhavarus.ru/slavyano-arijskie-chasy.html So today is 7528th year/cycle from "Creation of Peace in Star Shrine" (i will explain the name later if You will be interested in this more My Friends). So i hope You liked many Revelations here, let me know if You want to know more or have something me to explain from everything said! Much Love, Peace and Prosperity to You My Friends! Please ask any questions in the comments below... Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
12/5/2019 05:57:54 am
Hi everyone
12/10/2019 08:56:39 am
New Plastic “Zeoform” Turns Hemp Into Almost Anything
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7 meter Giant skeleton found in Ecuador
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Boriska – The Extraordinary Boy From Russia Who Remembers His Past Life On Mars
1/3/2020 03:16:01 am
Heart GE I'm thinking that AI caused the mud flood that took out civilization in the last couple hundred years they did have worldwide free energy which could give AI the power to do a reset after all r world is run buy AI today everything in r life is computer run and the bots control all the government the corporation banks everything your thoughts thank you
1/13/2020 06:23:23 am
The Universel is a Living Being
1/13/2020 04:28:58 pm
This looks quite informative. Thank you!!
1/26/2020 05:59:02 am
What would happen if everthing was free ?
2/6/2020 11:54:59 am
If You Could Power Your Entire Home With 60 Minutes Of Cycling a Day, Would You Do It?
9/13/2020 11:39:01 pm
Sedj- this is Rhea we talked back in 2014. I have been to Tampa and there I had many friends role-playing you as Guardian and behaving as my Guardians as they treat me as Queen. I wish to touch base with you and work on some things that will help this world towards the stars and out of pain. Please let me know when you are available to talk and how Old Friend? You can contact me at [email protected]
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December 2019