I knew there would People that will disagree with this phrase. I'm sorry for saying it, this conflicts with Your beliefs. I know sometime I'm not giving positive thinking, as I'm telling the truth, which we know as true. It is a common knowledge in the Universe that truth can be very harsh at some times, so lies are used to cover this. We are trying to not use lies in anyway, but sometimes we have to, as it may hurt terribly.
In our belief and knowledge One is an omnipotent all capable Being of all that exists in the Universe. These illuminatis "bad guys" are One with You and with Universe, Everything was created from One and so Everything has backward connection with One, and Everything is unique and independent and have their own thoughts. One have many faces and can be and Good and Evil at the same time, all this is done for One to experience Itself on a much greater levels and capabilities. Now let me mention harsh truth again.. if there would be a choice given to illuminati order between: 1) to love and live in harmony with every living being on this planet and forget about NWO and forget about full control over this planet. or 2) to betray and destroy half of Earth population, and if it is done NWO can be born and full control over this planet will be guaranteed. What do You think they will choose knowing past experiences? If You think first option, then unfortunately it is a sweet lie. They were bound by blood and oath which "must be" fulfilled. Again not everyone in this order thinks the same, and there are those that would gladly choose 1st option, but in this case they are betraying their fathers, mothers and family. So which one is correct then? On top of all things One is experimenting with this, this is a part of the planning and Love for everything is not equal. One loves the most perfect or close to perfect design (if You will ask what this is, it will be hard to understand), whether it is Good or evil, also remember the Universal rule "giving Good returns Good, giving evil returns evil." So if You "hate" One, how would You think One will relate to You? If beings like illuminati order do not honor Creation and are ready to destroy it to achieve what they want, how One can love them if they do not care for Creator anyway? This comes to love of mother and father, if these peoples are ready to sacrifice them on altar so that they can achieve what they want, are these people are Good and can be loved? But this is just in physical reality, when death arrives, souls are coming under full control of One, and there they will be "sorry" for their actions, because their Grand Parent will be right before them (All of Us are just Children, We All are eternally young and there is nothing wrong when You are trying to be a Child, One loves to see Your true nature:) One knows All better than anyone else in the Universe and One understands All and Any on absolute ultimate level, and yes, there after death One loves equally All. But if they commit crimes against Creation during their physical incarnation, they are punished. One is turning Itself away from them, this is what happened here. All of their corruption and this disease for control and wealth comes from childhood, they were educated looking at this world and how parents treated them and learned them to do. If You are disagreeing with all of this, don't read our messages, so to prevent hurting of Your beliefs. Also I wanted to say Thank You to Everyone that gave their appreciation of our messages, we are happy that You found this helpful! We are right now started to work with some companies to spread the suppressed energy technologies around the World, it will not be quick to do it, but have patience. Love You All! On date of Solstice on 21st lightworkers from Cobra's blog will meditate and wish for Moment of Justice (Great Event) to happen, I can recommend Everyone to do the same, when Humanity is United in Goodwill it feels really strong and astounding! And Light Followers are hearing strong Voices! Take care and wish You a great Celebration of Solstice! With Great Peace, Great Wisdom and Great Love to All.
![]() The blog format is being used here as a place for comments on this Off World Conversation. The posts are from GE, Guardian/Executive, The Guardian of The Universe, unless marked Sophia.
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December 2019