Hi Everyone!
We've heard once more from GE, and some questions have been answered. This came on Sunday and I did not see it until this afternoon, so I am not sure if there is still an opportunity for him to answer questions, but you can try. If he is available, he will respond. The photo above is of a "Grey go-away bird", and it comes with a story. As is my habit, I put on my headphones and began to listen to each music piece sent with this note. It is well worth the hour it takes and I highly recommend it. It is trans-formative and soothing. As the music began, and I was contemplating all that had been said, I was looking out the window. A bird, the one pictured here as far as I can tell, landed on my front railing. It struck me because 1. Birds never land there and 2. It had a very tall crest sticking up. At first I thought "What is a cockatiel doing flying outside? It was looking right at me. I grabbed my glasses to see with more clarity, and it was not a bird I had ever seen. After another few seconds, it flew off. I looked it up and this bird, the one that landed in Illinois this afternoon, is only found in Southern Africa. I am taking this as a sign, there are changes coming and nothing will be the same after they occur. Here is GE's message to us... you might want to pour yourself a cup of coffee! ;-) With love, ~Sophia Good Day Sophia! I wasn't able to write to you, but now I have the chance. I wanted to say 'Hello to Everyone' once again and add my information about what Good Friends were writing about and as well to answer Your question Sophia. I am afraid this is my last post to You, so I will write it on maximal capability, but If You will be able to answer quickly to me I may be able to answer. Also Thank You very much for Your newsletters, very interesting conversations, a lot of different Wonderful Experiences! Recently we GEs were receiving a lot of very precise information about everything, and this means only one thing - we are approaching to the peak/climax. This World is about to witness unimaginable transformation! So first of All if this is my last message, I am asking Everyone to keep Your Focus and Concentration at 100% (or very close to it). If Your services as Lightworkers were very needed in Your Lifetime, this is Now when They are! The closer we get there, the more Concentration is necessary and NOW We together are REALLY close! This started since the Moment of Choice on December 21 2012 (from the Moment of Choice You were having 3.5 cycles around the Sun until the Moment of Justice, that is 26 cycles from the full cycle of Saturn (29.4571), which is 8 (3+5) and 8 (2+6), our number is 8) that You made and by this choice You are writing this moment of Now and near future which is just around the corner. All is set and now it is just "The Action" that is needed to unleash it on fullest possible extent! We GEs are feeling how This Grand Shift is "biting us", reaching us and the more we progress into "future" the more obvious it comes. So have Your Faith and have Your Focus, these are the only tools You will need right now (considering You have physically prepared as well - money, food, water, equipment and so on, we already covered it). So in our words - "Let it be the Place of Harmony of Love and Co-existence!" There is no stopping it now! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also I want to add about "Jesus" (Yeshua). It is true what is said there* (a reference to one of my newsletters, you can sign up here.), the Energy that is being put into this name is enormous and the sad part in this is that this Energy is non-directed at anybody and thus is being dissolved. There is simply no such Individual that matches current images and name of "Jesus". The real person was way different than current images of Him. The very name "Jesus" sounds grammatically incorrectly, like we know the very letter "J" was changed just because of this very name. From the very beginning of english language this letter was changed from sound "y" to sound "dʒ" just because of this reason like we know. The hatred toward christianity is imprinted within founders - tribe called "saxons". By most part "cabal" retains the pure blood of this same germanic tribe called "saxons" mixed with quasi-jewish bloodline called "khazars". They were the great haters of Rome and wanted to accomplish same empire as Rome did. Jealousy and greed are two main attributes that today's "cabal" inherited the most from them. The real name of "Jesus" in aramaic sounded "Isho" and in hebrew it equated to "Yahshuah" (also Yehoshua, Yeshua and Yeshu) and instead of greek word "Christ" He was named with hebrew "Mashiah" means Messiah or Christ. That is more like a "title" or "rank", it basically means "The Chosen One". In actuality this Person was more like Siddhartha (Buddha) or we GEs, he had a special mission to fulfill, this was "an agent of One" like we look at it, better said "The Messenger of Gods". He was calling for a revolution against tyranny, greed, wealth and power and was calling for Unity, Love, Compassion and Friendship. And that of course is what brought him to an end, due to People that enjoyed "being in power" in that time. Jewish people in Jerusalem wanted more than He could give Them. They wanted power and to rule over Rome and this is what He was unable to give Them, as Universe provided Them with "Savior" they asked for. As He indeed was their long awaited "Messiah", they wanted a "Savior" and were asking One for such, One gave Them, but They rejected Him and rejected all Universe and natural Way of Life all together (putting themselves under fire) as their greed for power was more than their willingness for Great Changes, on the contrary they were refusing any changes and were fundamental in their beliefs. For that they were washed away by Wave of Changes of that time with their temple in ruins and expelled from there like You remember. He is also not be confused with other "Saviors". He was meant only to be the Savior of Jewish People and not of the whole World, like most today think. So such lack of knowledge and misinterpretation of name and images is dissipating and dissolving all the Energy that is sent "to Him" in form of prayers. This Energy then is "caught" by Followers of Light (not eaten, only heard) and They wishing to aid and help People that are without "compass and guides" can sometime appear before Humans making a holo-image of some known religious "Saints" or "Gods", like "Saint Mary" or "Jesus" Himself in a form how People see Them in Their Consciousness or as well Somebody Else that They are familiar with, (like passed away Parents for example) to give an advice or a prediction about very possible future and how to prevent it, if it is really bad (Book of Revelation, Mayan Calendar, Hopi Prophecies, 112 popes, 44th president of USA, secrets of Fatima). You can see clearly when such image is produced, is that it is produced by Your Consciousness. What They are doing is that They only found "the plug" in People's Mind to which They can turn to and create a desirable image. The image will be more beautiful than what we are dreaming about. Such occurrence happened during visions at Fatima. Look for it, this is a very strong occurrence and it told about a version of future which is happening right now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok answering to Your question: "... the Sphere Alliance. Can you tell me who they are and where they fit ?" Like we know the Sphere Alliance is a new name by which Galactic Federation of Light is known or we call them simply "Followers of Light" (actually we mean by this - "Those Who Follow the Path of Light", this sounds much more soothing and beautiful, yet it is a bit lengthy so we use shortened term "Followers of Light".) I gave You a hint in previous message when You asked me about Them. They can change names, but their intent remains the same. You can distinct them by their Willingness to aid Humanity and Ease Your worry. "The Sphere Alliance" is another branch of this same Organization, like Ashtar Command. They are helping Humanity in this urgent time, when some more help would be greatly appreciated. Humanity is about to transcend and become "mature" (that is ready to ascend to other Stars). Like I heard, name "The Sphere" They took from the meaning "Sphere" which is a form of "original Soul", all Souls are having form of a Sphere, when They enter "a vessel" - the Body (Human, Animal, Plant, Insect or Star, Planet), They then transform to take the Individual Body's form and main character. During Life, Souls on it's multidimensional Body in this "3D" will look like the Human Body It is inside in. "The Sphere Alliance" literally translates as "The Union of Souls" that means "All are One Big Family and are The Same" (that is are in it's original form of "Sphere"). Those that speak to You are also from same Arganization (don't mind me if I change 1 letter here, I did that on intent). They are all different, yet They All share same Unity and same Arganization, They are not like us Forces of One, we two are different Arganizations with a bit different view on whole Creation, You can see it if You relate my messages and Their messages. We know things They do not know yet, and They consider such things as "irrelevant", yet without these things They cannot complete their full Circle of Life, and evolve into a much bigger and more complicated Forms than They are right now.. They talk a lot about Light and Love, much more than about things that really need to be addressed in this World and every time You try to ask Them about these things, They always try to get away from these themes. This is due to their belief system, They believe that Everyone, including Humanity can overcome everything if You follow the Light and embrace the Cosmic Love. It is true and it is possible, yet we follow a bit different route, when we are addressing issues, we look at all possible possibilities and the ones that as well include "darkness", this is where we split. Yet Federation/Confederation of Light also consists of "Greys" and "reptilians", yes "reptilians" - same Beings that were torturing Humanity for ages. So when You can see the full picture about Them and Their Arganization, You can clearly distinct that they are not of pure Light, yet They really do want to be and They do everything for it. But so is the Creation, the Balance is everywhere, both forces/powers must coexist with each other, without it conflicts occurs and conflicts as We all well know by now brings things from which Humanity are suffering. And just to add, in order to see that "full picture" I meant above, just look at the very words that describe Them and Their deeds, all Your answers lies in the "Root" - that is "the language", or better said "word" - the collection of different sounds and "sentencing" of such words to produce "sentences" and "text", watch for sounds, how they play in a word and as exactly sounds/music/frequencies holds all of it together, all of Truth that You seek to know are there, One is leaving hints in it for You to decipher, it is in the form of codes, but Your ear can hear it as sound. Words have all the answers on all Your questions. For example word "Elohim" on aramaic is adjective in plural and means "Shining" as "they are", so here it is not "God", but rather as "they = Gods". Other words in bible that describes God when used in aramaic and hebrew in most cases as well are in plural form. So if You want to see "full picture" look at words and their origins, as well at Those who made those words. Once You know the origin of word and it's meaning, You can see things for what they really are. Returning to Followers of Light - They lack some knowledge about Creation, yet Their goals are noble and pure: they seek to bring Life everywhere and make all Life - of Light, so to "soothe" that second force of evil (it is like evil being absorbed by Good) thus transforming all this "3D Universe" into something much more Beautiful! So they follow only in the Path of Light and BTW, I just revealed to You their Final Goal, this is what Followers of Light seek as their Ultimate Goal actually. They are Your Family, they Care for and Love Humanity. They may not be excellent parents, but every Individual here don't have "ideal" parents (meant with whom We are happy and are proud of, immortal and care for us all our lifetime). They on the other hand are giving Humanity a chance to evolve all by Themselves, (Demiurge did this with It's own intent, but that is another story You heard already), They seek Humanity to mature enough and take it's rightful place among the Stars and join Them finally! This is what Everyone here wants, I sense it myself as a Human, it's been a long time since They left and it's about time for a Magical Reunion! They have been waiting for long, so as You, time to say "Hello" and "Welcome" once again! This is all about Them and as You remember we GEs and Forces of One are Beings of Balance, we have a mix of both sides in us - of Good and evil mixed together. We prefer Good, but to fulfill our duties to fullest we also need sometime to use side of evil. Here on Earth we almost always are using side of Light. Yet in order to understand the given problems we have right now, we also need to use darkness. On some Worlds we need to use only Light and on some other Worlds - only dark. One entrusted Us to use our senses and hints One leaves to us to make wise judgement on every situation and use given powers and knowledge to solve the situation by the very best possible solution. All our actions depends on circumstances. Actually everything depends on circumstances, the most wise advice for Everyone is: "To always look around You and observe and assess the current situation. Pick Your actions wisely, make choices carefully, same action won't apply to different situations: in one situation it can help, in other it can hurt, same action won't solve the same riddle always (twice), there's always got to be another way, search for this way like a "hacker of Creation", all Creation is a code and You can "hack" it and it has multiple entrances and exits, there are "backdoors", there are "shortcuts", a lot for You to choose from, all You have to do is to seek out them and circumstances might help You out to find what You seek." Another great advice is: "Always use a chance when You have one." The "window of luck" opens up just for a brief period, so if You hesitate, You might lose Your chance for "something special" in Your Life Experience or it could be something what You sought All Your Life and You just missed it.. Or if You grabbed it, You just became one Happy Being! Congratulations!:) Such advices are given to us GEs so that we could always find a way out and act without stopping even in most "impossible" situation (actually You remember that EVERYthing is possible:) This Universe constantly changes, and thus We (I mean Everyone) have to be like Universe in order to understand the very Foundation of It, We have to accept changes and make changes Ourselves, make Your choices by looking all around You - at circumstances. Be-ing like it, means You are be-ing like One Itself. One/Universe Incarnate. There are exceptions of course, but exceptions are everywhere, Universe is not something which can be written in some kind of "Law of Physics" and act always in same old direction, like some law stated. There is no "Law" except for Universe, as Universe is the "Law"! And Universe as You know is One, here You can understand what "Law of One" means, it is simply - the very Universe, it is You! Inside "You", there is another Universe, Universe is a direct reflection of You and thus of One. Reflection of everything is everywhere, this is how it works, the very basic foundation of Universe. To add I want to say that U.S. government today is repeating the fate of ancient government of Rome, because like Rome it is standing in the way of that "Tsunami Wave" of Changes. They seek to live like they always used to and they still want to be that 1% of most "wealthiest" People of the World, exactly same situation as was with Rome. They refuse changes and are putting their forces to stand in a way before this "Wave" of changes, this is having grave consequences, like You remember. So for Everyone, it is always better to accept the changes and go along the flow of the river, not "against" it. And they better listen to this as well, otherwise there's no telling what could happen to them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I am also Happy to see Everyone, if You have some misunderstandings You can ask, I will always be glad to aid You! We have a directive to answer on every given question. "(heart) GE,ALLWAYS GOOD TO HEAR FROM YOU,COULD YOU COMMENT ON THE SPHERE ALLIANCE,AND THERE PART IN THE PLAY,ALSO COULD YOU TALK ABOUT HEATHER ANN TUCCI JARRAF.AND IF SHE IS SOURCE,THANK YOU SO MUCH" Love You too Good Friend! I may suspect, that I'm not going to give You the answer You seek from me, but I respect Every Individual and I read about what those Great People were saying, as always Understanding is the key!, and I know that Everyone is saying the Truth and I can say "We All Are Source!" Like I mentioned, there is Truth everywhere, all You have to do is to seek it out, We All are telling the Truth, but we use different wording, that is why we sometime fail to understand what Universe tells us and as well taking into consideration that We All are different, that there are never Beings that are 1=1, there is simply none in Universe, that is why You hear information that differs from one Source to another, one Person tells this and other tells that, but look what We all are saying Together and listen to Your own Consciousness! We All Together are saying: "yes it is close, it is about to happen". This is it, this is the main intent that Unites All of Us! Just Unite all those messages from two Good Friends and All Others and You will have the complete whole picture;) If You still can't figure out or are tired from huge volumes of information, ask Yourself "What exactly do I need to know?" And you will find Your answer! (It is true that sometimes we can lose Ourselves in tonnes of information and in that case we don't know where is Truth and where are "lies", "who tells what actually?" lol In that case we have to ask Ourselves that question above). I send You hugs! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Hi Good Friend, i am very happy you are fine and that you are back to us for some little time. I missed these conversations with you" I did not really believe in negative attacks but 2 or 3 months ago, i felt that i was attacked. Everything is fine now" Much love too you Good Friend and all GEs" Happy to see You again Good Friend! Much Love to You too! I am glad You are ok, these negative attacks are felt throughout this Planet, that evil force and illuminati/cabal are relentless, but like I said, they are losing focus and evil is losing it's edge here and we will make sure they will lose, that You can be sure of, because that is our mission:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Hi GE and welcome back! A couple of things keep puzzling me still... What is the relationship between Demiurge and the "dark evil" anti-Source? Also, Pope Francis has been warning Catholics in his recent speeches of the (dark) Devil? Is he talking about the same thing? And what is Francis' relationship to Demiurge? Is he trying to instigate a breakaway in the Catholic church? Or maybe he is doing it for himself and/or the Jesuit faction... Best of luck in your mission, GE!" Great to see You too Good Friend! Actually there is none relationship of Demiurge and anti-source (dark source). Demiurge is a pure Light Being. The problem with Demiurge is that he (it) was "blinded by Light" (yes this happens sometime). Light created a "small dark particle" in it's heart, we can say. And willingness to rule over everything and become like One - Creater of All blinded His pure Light mind, due to that small dark particle. This happens with Human Fathers here too, and that is a direct reflection of Demiurge in Humanity. The influence of anti-source cannot reach well protected by Light Be-ing of Demiurge and it's race called Beings of Purity. But it found a way from inside, from mind of Demiurge. Still Demiurge wishes to be with the Source, it well understands the destructive power of anti-source and keeps itself away from it. Yes by "devil" he means that force "dark evil". Catholic Church knows the "Truth" and know very well that bible is not complete Truth. They know about extraterrestrial origin of Humanity, they know about Source and anti-source. Yet they keep it in secret, in their secret library. They still don't know though the whole and complete Truth, like Humanity they are seeking it out and pope Francis like we know is preparing to transform church so that it would suit current World View on all things. They are ready to accept every ideology just to keep their church afloat, like they did during rise of christianity (they transformed mithraism into christianity). All they need are People that still support the church, if they are to lose Supporters, church will be ready to transform itself into "something new" to fit the New World, because they know that their fate is "sealed", unless they accept the changes, the changes will wash them away, like they did with Rome before. This is foretold in "3rd secret of Fatima" and in St.Malachy prophecy about 112 popes. And Francis is the last pope of catholic church in that prediction and it is told that during HIS rule the catholic church would be whether transformed or cease to exist all together (this is another confirmation that time is Now). There is fear that we sense in them right now, so Francis is doing everything to change such outcome. And Catholic Church (Vatican) and Turkey are to play major role in this Worldwide Shift which is about to take place. These two locations along with U.S. (Washington D.C.) are to be major "hotspots" on Earth. And what is going to happen in each 3 is not going to be the same. Don't ask me for details, I don't know more than that. We will have to see it Ourselves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Hi GE! So glad to see you back, even for a little while. I've checked often. Regarding crash of financial system, I assume " 2016th cycle around the Sun when all must take place" means 2016? Early in year or late in year? I was REALLY hoping for this year (SOON! So many are broke, in pain, dying from curable diseases, etc. So much suffering! Actually, I had hoped for 2011.) Since the cabal has avoided a defeat or financial crash this long, what will stop them from delaying it even further than 2016? They seem to be able to delay over and over and over. Gratitude & blessings to you! Thank you so much for stopping back." I am glad to see You too Good Friend! Unfortunately cabal is persistent, they took the route we were expecting them to take, we were considering any possible outcome and they took the worst one. Now they will have "to pay" (to their creditor - "the evil" with whom they signed their "contract"), so is the rule they applied themselves and their "family" to. Unfortunately there is nothing more we can do to ease their judgement, they will receive fullest and as they are stretching it further it will be even more harsher. So it is their "free will" that is doing this to them. It is all set up and now it is most probably be the cycle 2016 when they are to receive it. But it can happen sooner. Like we all know: "nothing is fixed." We are doing everything we can to stop suffering, due to united actions (Ours and Yours), conflicts in Ukraine and Syria are gradually stopping. There is still big confrontation in Syria and Iraq and U.S. government is trying all their means to depose Syrian president.. as well in Ukraine, ukrainian government wants to make another attack very soon like we heard, but if it weren't Us All Together, I mean All Lightworkers and Lightwarriors around the World, be it Us - Guardians, Bloggers, Truthseekers or Different Journalists and Activists, the consequences would be much worse than they are on this current moment, so I Thank You All from deep of My Heart! You have done a Very Great Job! It is not finished yet, but We are more than halfway through this and it only one last cycle that is left right now! So have Light, Love, Faith and Courage, We can do it! Just for reference, as I know humanity like to know precise dates, so that You would not ask me again about this. I will give You dates that are most significant for us just for reference, these are just "dates", but significant ones. All of this starts from date that is close to winter solstice 11th december 2015 (and winter solstice is on 22nd december), this is when Saturn fully enters into Ophiuchus and along with Saturn there will be Sun and Moon in Ophiuchus (and nothing more except for them), with Moon being New Moon standing in straight line with the Sun and together Sun, Moon, Saturn and Galactic Center - Sage Star A forming a symbol which means "Judge" (also "Judgement" and "Judicator") at 12 o'clock if seen from Europe and Middle East. Entering starts on november 30th when Sun and Saturn will be in 1 line and on border between Ophiuchus and Scorpius. Saturn will be in Ophiuchus during full cycle of 2016 and also in beginning of 2017, right until 24th february, since this date Saturn is going into Sagittarius, then from may 17th 2017 it returns back (due to Earth's rotation) and is going to be there until 19th november 2017, this is when Saturn leaves Ophiuchus for sure. All given time spans between these dates are crucial! and I warned before it can be extended beyond 2016 right into 2017 (right in those time span, called "second chance" by us), still 2016 is the most likely date - 80% accuracy. And to encourage You - Neptune will be right at the center of Aquarius on these dates, it got extremely long cycle around the Sun (164.8 Earth's cycles), so We got a luck that Neptune will be right at the center of Aquarius, like You know this is the Constellation of a New Age and Neptune is like the "ruler of seas" will aid You in hardships if there will be any. So like I said have Light, Love, Faith and Courage! We can do it!:) I also want to add last pieces of music that I sensed would suit here - right before these Grand Changes starts. A sharing of very e-motional (motion=action) music is what I always Love to do! Also remember about Technologies - this is most crucial part, Technologies are keeping secrets which can uncover all Your hidden potentials! If used wisely than can do that and more! Enjoy this great Music Good Friends! If You saw and listened to them, it's just Great!:) Note: I arranged these songs to approximately match how Grand Changes will unfold, to show You how approximately and in which order this is to take place. Children of the World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFqesVTz-YA Mother Earth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POhigiOQxPk Song of the North https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRuggMzH3Gw Dreams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ3sJQ4O-no Song of Hope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAF_231NACY The Power of Will, it is a Great Song of Inspiration, just about as it is "The Power of Will" that decides the Future of All This Planet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWnzQv2jEm4 The Power of Will Enhanced - to give Even More Inspiration and move Your Power of Will even much further beyond Your wildest expectations!:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNjJmMHS_Ic Breathe (a Fresh Air from a New World of a New Age) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPe_iwgmFB0 Earthrise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFbEfaGqVWA Skyworld https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lq2ANOkfsIA And Soar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSg8ybRc48Q Weighted Ground https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yll8p824k04 Reverie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmGUiazLk8w Reflections of Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0_0s_4-fq8 Inner Peace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRrOIVN8dEE In Aeternum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyDTuS7SYas Into The Light https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCyUvzag8yM Faith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOx5gASmKfY Truth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XR0dIsdGFQM Those are wise words, the sound is actually dominating all around the Universe, put instead word "the game", word "Life". Since Olden Times - The Grand Final https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1BgB7qIh-A I've putted a way for You from 5th Stage of Evolution (current) to 7th in this collection (even touches 8th), Enjoy Good Friends and Be Happy!:) And I hope this emotional music will soothe and restore You Well My Friends, and that through it You will be able to find more Courage, Wisdom and Knowledge! We Wish Everyone Peace, Calm and Prosperity!
8/10/2015 12:32:36 pm
GE! Thank you for all you DO. I am so grateful for your work and what you have done for ME to know more about the real absolute truth. What you have shared with SOPHIA is truly awe inspiring. This has led me to DO what I DO now. SO I thank YOU! AND Send you buckets of JOY! Be safe until we meet!
8/10/2015 02:23:57 pm
Dear GE,
8/18/2015 08:24:36 am
"heart"GE,so glad to here from you,it is true all the answers lie within,and the answers come most times b4 im done with the question,thank you for all the truths that you have shared with us,it makes a big diffrence to know where we stand,to kinda have that rock of truth to go by,to grow with the universe is to change with the universe,i will look 4 my answers within this vast universe,once again my friend i thank you,love out!
michael kovacic
9/10/2015 08:20:11 pm
heh heh looks like there's another Michael now lol guess I'll be Michael k.
10/1/2015 02:19:32 am
Hi everybody.
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The blog format is being used here as a place for comments on this Off World Conversation. The posts are from GE, Guardian/Executive, The Guardian of The Universe, unless marked Sophia.
This is a place to comment on what has been shared by GE. I ask that all comments be made 1. anonymously (use another name) and 2. respectfully. Other than that, consider this an open line. Violations of the rules will be removed. When making comments, please reference which date you are referring to so others can look back to the conversation and understand the whole picture. Archives
December 2019